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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

INvestigate and Analyse a City - INACITY / INvestigate and Analyse a City - INACITY

Artur André Almeida de Macedo Oliveira 23 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma plataforma para coleta e análise de imagens urbanas, que integra Interfaces de Programação de Aplicativos \"Application Programming Interfaces\" (APIs) de sistemas de busca de imagens, Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIGs), mapas digitais e técnicas de visão computacional. Esta plataforma, INACITY, permite que usuários selecionem regiões de interesse e capturem elementos de relevância para a arquitetura urbana, como, por exemplo árvores e buracos em ruas. A implementação da plataforma foi feita de maneira a permitir que novos módulos possam ser facilmente incluídos ou substituídos possibilitando a introdução de outras APIs de mapas, SIGs e filtros de Visão Computacional. Foram realizados experimentos com as imagens obtidas através do \"Google Street View\" onde árvores são capturadas em áreas de bairros inteiros em questão de minutos, um ganho significativo quando comparado com o procedimento manual para levantamento deste tipo de dado. Além disso, também são apresentados resultados comparativos entre os métodos de visão computacional propostos para a detecção de árvores em imagens com outros métodos heurísticos, em um conjunto onde as árvores estão marcadas manualmente e assim as taxas de precisão e de redescoberta de cada algoritmo podem ser avaliadas e comparadas. / This project presents a platform that integrates Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), image retrieval systems, Geographical Information Systems (GISes), digital maps and Computer Vision techniques to collect and analyse urban images. The platform, INACITY (an acronym for INvestigate and Analyse a City), empowers users allowing them to select a region over a map and see urban features inside that region that have relevance to the urban architecture context, for instance trees. The implementation is extensible and it is designed to make it easy to add or replace new modules, for instance, to add a new API to present a map, different GISes and other Computer Vision filters.

Réseaux de capteurs sans-fil pour la cartographie à l'intérieur et la localisation précise servant la navigation à basse vitesse dans les villes intelligentes / Wireless sensor networks for indoor mapping and accurate localization for low speed navigation in smart cities

Nguyen, Dinh-Van 05 December 2018 (has links)
Avec la demande croissante d'espace urbain, de plus en plus de parkings à plusieurs étages sont nécessaires. Bien que ces parkings contribuent à une utilisation plus efficace de l'espace urbain, ils introduisent également un nouveau problème. Les rapports suggèrent environ 70 millions d'heures de recherche d'emplacements de stationnement chaque année, soit une perte équivalente de 700 millions d'euros pour la seule France. En outre, les utilisations des parkings vont au-delà de leurs objectifs initiaux. Des fonctionnalités exigeantes telles que le chargeur électrique, la réservation en ligne de places de stationnement, le guidage dynamique ou le paiement mobile, etc. transforment un parking en un environnement intelligent et compétitif. Une solution à ce problème consiste à développer un système de navigation autonome pour les véhicules intelligents en situation de parking. La thèse identifiera une de ces sous-tâches, à savoir la localisation dans des environnements non autorisés par GPS. Cette thèse présentera une nouvelle méthode pour résoudre le problème indiqué tout en maintenant le système en respectant quatre critères: disponibilité, évolutivité, universalité et précision. Il y a deux étapes principales: (1) une solution permettant de reproduire le comportement du GPS pour un environnement refusé par GPS, et (2) un cadre permettant la fusion de systèmes de type GPS avec d'autres méthodes de localisation pour obtenir une précision de localisation élevée. Tout d'abord, un système de localisation Wi-Fi Fingerprinting est utilisé. Une approche utilisant un réseau de neurones d'ensemble sur une base de données d'empreintes hybrides Wi-Fi est proposée dans cette thèse. Des expériences menées sur une durée d'un an montrent que ce système est capable de localiser des véhicules présentant une erreur moyenne de 2,25 m dans le repère global (WGS84). Deuxièmement, une solution de localisation complète doit être une fusion de plusieurs techniques. Cela permet aux niveaux de localisation global et local de fonctionner ensemble. Parallèlement, la redondance dans le système améliore la précision et la fiabilité. Dans cette thèse, un cadre de fusion flexible pour plusieurs capteurs de localisation est proposé. Ce cadre de fusion traitera non seulement de l'environnement refusé par le GPS, mais pourrait également être utilisé dans l'environnement assisté par GPS et assurer une transition en douceur entre les deux zones. Pour accomplir cette tâche exigeante, un filtre à particules modèle de mélange gaussien est développé. Alors que le modèle de mouvement de ce filtre à particules intègre des données provenant de l'IMU (unité de mesure inertielle) ou du laser-SLAM, le modèle de correction est un modèle de mélange gaussien de plusieurs observations obtenues à partir du système de localisation d'empreintes digitales Wi-Fi. Avec deux véhicules intelligents (une Cybercar et une Citroen C1), 64 expériences ont été réalisées pour valider le cadre. Une erreur de localisation moyenne de 0,5 m est obtenue dans un cadre de coordonnées global. Comparez avec d'autres solutions avec une erreur de localisation moyenne de 0,2 m dans les cadres de coordonnées locales; Cette solution proposée présente également des avantages en termes d'évolutivité, de disponibilité et d'universalité. / With the increasing demand for urban space, more and more multistory carparks are needed. Although these carparks help to utilize urban space more efficient, they also introduce a new problem. Reports suggest approximately 70 million hours of parking slot searching each year, equivalently 700 million euros loss for France alone. In addition, carparks uses are exceeding their original purposes. Demanding features such as electric charger, online booking of parking spaces, dynamic guidance or mobile payment etc. turn a carpark into a competitive smart environment. One solution to this problem is to develop an autonomous navigation system for intelligent vehicles in the carpark situation. The thesis will identify one of these sub-tasks namely localization in GPS-denied environments. This thesis will present a novel method to solve the indicated problem while keeping the system follows four criteria: availability, scalability, universality and accuracy. There are two main steps: (1) a solution to replicate the GPS behaviour for the GPS-denied environment, and (2) a framework that allows the fusion of GPS-like systems with other localization methods to achieve a high localization accuracy. First, a Wi-Fi Fingerprinting localization system is employed. An approach using an ensemble neural network on a hybrid Wi-Fi fingerprinting database is proposed in this thesis. Experiments in a year-long duration show that this system is capable of localizing vehicles with 2.25m of mean error in the global coordinate frame (WGS84). Second, a complete localization solution must be a fusion of multiple techniques. This allows global as well as local levels of localization to function together. At the same time, having redundancy in the system boosts accuracy and reliability. In this thesis, a flexible fusion framework for multiple localization sensors is proposed. This fusion framework will not only deal with the GPS-denied environment but could be potentially used in the GPS-aided environment and provide a smooth transition between the two areas. To accomplish this demanding task, a Gaussian Mixture Model Particle Filter is developed. While the motion model of this particle filter incorporates data from the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) or laser-SLAM, the correction model is a Gaussian mixture model of multiple observations obtained from the Wi-Fi fingerprinting localization system. With two intelligent vehicles (a Cybercar and a Citroen C1 car), 64 experiments were carried out to validate the framework. A mean localization error of 0.5m is achieved in a global coordinate frame. Compare to other solutions with 0.2m of mean localization error in local coordinate frames; this proposed solution has advantages in terms of scalability, availability and universality as well.

Simulační model svozu odpadu pro Network Simulator 3 / Simulation model of waste collection for Network Simulator 3

Kolaja, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is create an application for route optimalization for waste collection which is one of the technologies of smart cities. At first was described issue of smart cities focused to waste collection. The thesis describes the real deployment of smart waste collection using sensor network and was also designed its own model of smart waste collection. It is also described graph theory and related genetic algorithms which is suitable for waste collection optimalization. On that basics an application was made in C/C++ language which using a genetic algorithm to compute best possible path in graph which represents a map where waste is collected. By input data to application is vector image of evaluated graph in SVG data format.

Digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i den smarta regionen / Digitalisation and Ecological Sustainability in the Smart Region

Sandelin, David, Hammarström, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Stockholms läns regionala planeringsorgan vill utveckla sitt arbete med digitalisering inom regional planering med inriktning på ekologisk hållbarhet. Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till detta arbete genom att jämföra och identifiera sätt som digitaliseringen behandlas i regional planering i syfte att nå ekologisk hållbarhet. Begreppet ”digitalisering” syftar på den process där teknik och digital information blir en del av samhället. Konceptet ”smart city” identifierades som intressant och tolkades om för en ”smart region”, och vad det skulle kunna innebära. Ingångar i frågorna skaffades i en workshop med Stockholmsregionens Tillväxtoch Regionplaneförvaltning, samt i en intervju med sakkunnig. Det genomfördes en studie av fem storstadsregioners regionplanedokument, och av litteratur om regional planering, digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet. Sju strategier för digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i regional planering identifierades utifrån de regionala planeringsdokumenten. En digital plattform identifierades som ett möjligt sätt att arbeta med tjänster som är kopplade till strategierna. I litteraturen hittades analysverktyg vilka användes för att identifiera hur strategierna med digitalisering kan innebära ökad ekologisk hållbarhet. Efter det diskuterades hur den digitala plattformen kan samverka med regional planering, samt hur den digitala plattformen och samarbetsplattformen kan tolkas ur en planeringsteoretisk vinkel. / The Stockholm County regional planning agency wants to develop its work on digitalisation in Regional Planning with a focus on ecological sustainability. The purpose of this report is to contribute to this work by comparing and identifying ways that digitalisation is treated in regional planning in order to achieve ecological sustainability. The concept of "digitalisation" refers to the process where technology and digital information becomes a part of the community. The concept of "smart city" was identified as interesting and was interpreted for a "smart region", and what this could entail. Starting points to the issues were gathered in a workshop with the Stockholm region's Growth and Regional Planning Administration, as well as in an interview with an expert. A study was conducted of the five metropolitan regions’ regional planning documents, and of literature on regional planning, digitalisation and ecological sustainability. Seven strategies for digitalisation and ecological sustainability in regional planning were identified on the basis of the regional planning documents. A digital platform was identified as a possible way to work with services that are linked to the strategies. In the literature analysis tools were found which were used to identify how the strategies of digitalisation can lead to increased environmental sustainability. After that it was discussed how the digital platform can interact with regional planning, as well as how the digital platform and the collaboration platform can be understood from a planning theoretical angle.

Automated Cognitive Health Assessment in Smart Homes Using Machine Learning

Javed, Abdul R., Fahad, Labiba G., Farhan, Asma A., Abbas, Sidra, Srivastava, Gautam, Parizi, Reza M., Khan, Mohammad S. 01 February 2021 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides smart solutions for future urban communities to address key benefits with the least human intercession. A smart home offers the necessary capabilities to promote efficiency and sustainability to a resident with their healthcare-related, social, and emotional needs. In particular, it provides an opportunity to assess the functional health ability of the elderly or individuals with cognitive impairment in performing daily life activities. This work proposes an approach named Cognitive Assessment of Smart Home Resident (CA-SHR) to measure the ability of smart home residents in executing simple to complex activities of daily living using pre-defined scores assigned by a neuropsychologist. CA-SHR also measures the quality of tasks performed by the participants using supervised classification. Furthermore, CA-SHR provides a temporal feature analysis to estimate if the temporal features help to detect impaired individuals effectively. The goal of this study is to detect cognitively impaired individuals in their early stages. CA-SHR assess the health condition of individuals through significant features and improving the representation of dementia patients. For the classification of individuals into healthy, Mild Cognitive Impaired (MCI), and dementia categories, we use ensemble AdaBoost. This results in improving the reliability of the CA-SHR through the correct assignment of labels to the smart home resident compared with existing techniques.

Villes Intelligentes Inclusives : théorie et outils pour améliorer l'expérience des personnes en situation d’handicap dans l’espace urbain / Inclusive Smart Cities : theory and tools to improve the experience of people with disabilities in urban spaces

Soares de oliveira neto, João 06 December 2018 (has links)
Les villes ont eu recours à destechnologies dans plusieurs domaines pouraméliorer la prestation de services publics,répondre aux demandes des citoyens etmesurer la consommation de ressourcesnaturelles. Connues sous le nom de VillesIntelligentes, ces initiatives visent àaméliorer la qualité́ de vie des citoyens etont déjà̀ eu un impact positif sur la manièredont les citoyens interagissent avec lesespaces urbains, les services et les uns avecles autres. D'autre part, les espaces urbainspeuvent être considérés comme une menacepour l'indépendance et l'autonomie despersonnes en situation d'handicap. Nousavons utilisé une approche multiinstrumentspour collecter des donnéesauprès de différentes parties prenantes –personnes en situation de handicap,professionnels travaillant avec despersonnes en situation de handicap, expertsliés à l'accessibilité́ et décideurs politiques,– afin de comprendre les obstaclesrencontrés par les personnes en situation dehandicap. Nous avons d’abord élaboré unedéfinition du terme Ville IntelligenteInclusive, ainsi que nous avons proposé desoutils pour soutenir les praticiens etchercheurs engagés dans le développementde technologies d'assistance numériques :une méthodologie d'implémentation etfonctionnement, un modèle conceptuel etune architecture de système sont proposésdans cette thèse. / Cities have used technologies in anumber of areas to improve the delivery ofpublic services, meet the demands ofcitizens, and measure the consumption ofnatural resources. Known as Smart Cities,these initiatives aim to improve the qualityof life of citizens and have already had apositive impact on how citizens interactwith urban spaces, services and with eachother. On the other hand, urban spaces canbe considered as a threat to theindependence and autonomy of people withdisabilities. We used a multi-instrumentapproach to collect data from differentstakeholders - people with disabilities,professionals working with people withdisabilities, accessibility experts and policymakers - to understand the barriers faced bypeople with disabilities. We first developeda definition of the Smart Inclusive City, aswell as proposed tools to supportpractitioners and researchers engaged in thedevelopment of digital assistivetechnologies: an implementation andoperation methodology, a conceptual model,a business model, and a system architectureare proposed in this thesis.

Innovation revolution of smart mobility changeover to autonomous vehicles (AVs) : An Exploration to the role of autonomous public transportation in the form of smart mobility in Nordic municipalities: A comparative study between Denmark and Norway.

Bayoumi, Khaled January 2022 (has links)
The continuous dramatic increase in the urban population creates many problems related to speedy mobility or conventional accessiblity options.However, the rapid evolution of autonomous technology in the field of automotive and information technology(IT) has made it possible to implement autonomous vehicles (AVs) for public transport smart transportation, as a concept, is a contemporary buzzword that should lead to sustainable mobility.In recent years, different smart transport initiative serviced globally, which has been supported increasingly by the private and public sectors. Briefly highlight the history and development of autonomous vehicles, and the SAE the 4 phases of AV. This thesis explores the main research question of how these two munciplaities aim to integrate AVs(autonomous vehicles)into their public transport systems? The two case strategies has examined where driverless transportation has practiced in l∅renskogs,Norway and Alaborg, Denmark demonstrated that autnonmy bus passengers are well aligned with the muncipalities to reduce the amount of car usage. Easy access for vulnerable groups(young children, physically or mentally disabled individuals and elderly persons). So, the autonomy public transport (PT) can make hard reachable places more accessible, leading to social inclusion. The thesis is primarily qualitative methodology was essential to apply and relies on the work of previous researcher, technical reports, workshops and the empirical data was collected from involvement of stakeholders in the public and private sectors besides the municipalities need to take a leadership position in defining autonomy transportation based on the real city′s demand and integrate into sustainable smart transportation planning stragtegies.

A critical review of the intersection between design, ethics and technology : the social importance of designers and how ethics can truly be promoted through design

Voykova, Jana January 2020 (has links)
In his speech during the 2016 Speculative Design Symposium, held at the University of California, San Diego, Benjamin Bratton1 rightly argued that the job of 21st century design is to undo (much of) the design of the 20th.A number of recent controversial designs and practices in the business and public sphere have suddenly made ethical design (design ethics2) a hot topic in the design community.This master thesis is a highly critical and fairly philosophical examination of the design profession in the context of the current socio-technical landscape. It analyses the convergence between the fields of design, ethics and disruptive technology. Autonomous transportation is taken as an example to illustrate what circumstances (should) drive designers’ social engagement. Hopefully, it also accommodates for a productive reflection on the place of ethics in a broader social context. By utilising speculative and critical design approaches, the thesis aims to stimulate, provoke and ideally maintain a public discourse on the direction of development of technology and modern societies, and inspire designers to be more critical to the vocational portrayal of their profession. / <p><strong>The degree project is carried out at the Department of Science and Technology (ITN) at Faculty of Science and Engineering, Linköping University</strong></p>

Wireless Sensor Hardware Development for Advanced Smart City Applications

Kam, Kevin January 2024 (has links)
The emergence of smart cities as a field of study focuses on integrating hardware and data-driven solutions to enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life in urban areas. A smart city looks to integrate various Internet of Things (IoT) technologies such as sensor hardware, wireless communication networks, and data analysis methods into urban infrastructure and services optimization. Smart city initiatives typically aim to address challenges related to environmental monitoring, energy generation, waste management, and healthcare, among others. At its core, the field of smart cities fuses various elements of wireless IoT sensor technologies in ways that aim to create more livable and resilient urban environments for residents. The work outlined in this thesis looks to investigate and overcome some of the challenges involved with wide-scale implementation of IoT devices in an urban environment. The thesis begins by defining a "smart city" and discussing the current status of IoT devices development and their applications for smart cities. Included in this analysis is an outline of common wireless communication protocols, sensor integration methodologies, and motivations for biomedical and environmental applications of wireless sensor networks. Next, this thesis presents advancements in the integration of implantable biomedical devices with wireless sensor tags. These devices were realized with Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and long range radio wide area network (LoRaWAN) wireless communication protocols in form factors appropriate for rodent models. To enable these implantable devices, a novel design methodology for biocompatible antennas was developed and implemented in a LoRaWAN data link. In addition, the behavioral effects of various commercial printed circuit board technologies were studied in rodents in an effort to study the least invasive methods to design implantable devices. Next this thesis discusses IoT applications in urban soils health monitoring. In this work, low cost soil sensors were developed with BLE and LoRaWAN varieties. These sensors are capable of measuring light, humidity, temperature, and nutrient concentration (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) to determine changes in soil health. Additionally, these sensors were integrated with a dendrometer to record weather patterns remotely over the course of a few months. Finally, this thesis concludes with a study on the network characteristics of a LoRaWAN communication link on the physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers. In this study, the entirety of New York City's Upper West Side was used as an urban test bed to fully measure the performance of long-range LoRaWAN communication links in a dense urban environment. This characterization compared devices from different application spaces and measured their power consumption, signal to noise ratio (SNR), received signal strength indicator (RSSI), and approximate distance from a receiver to analyze device performance over a majority of northern Manhattan.

Inclusive smart cities: theory and tools to improve the experience of people with disabilities in urban spaces. / Cidades inteligentes inclusivas: teoria e ferramentas para melhorar a experiência de pessoas com deficiência no espaço urbano.

Oliveira Neto, João Soares de 06 December 2018 (has links)
Cities have employed technologies in several domains to improve the delivery of public services, attend citizens\' demands, and measure the consumption of natural resources. Known as Smart Cities, these initiatives aim to increase the overall citizens\' quality of life, and they have already had a positive impact on the way citizens interact with urban spaces, services, and with each other. On the other hand, urban spaces can be considered as a threat to the independence and autonomy of people with disabilities. In fact, according to the Social Approach, disability is not in the individual, but in society and the environment, which does not provide adequate conditions for the individual to fully participate and be a citizen of social, professional, educational, recreational activities, and so on. Society and the environment need to be corrected and their deficiencies compensated to include a significant portion of the population that is excluded from a range of activities when their abilities are not addressed in urban communication processes. Although this group of citizens has gained access to education, work and leisure, it is necessary to confront the city and all its challenges in order to enjoy these rights. In order to extend the benefits of Smart Cities to people with disabilities, we first proposed the idea of an Inclusive Smart City, which employs Smart Cities technology to provide a better urban experience for people with disabilities while overcoming accessibility barriers in urban spaces. To achieve this goal, we began using a multi-instrument approach to collect data from different stakeholders - people with disabilities, professionals that work with people with disabilities, accessibility-related experts, and policymakers -, aiming at understanding the obstacles that people with disabilities face when they are moving around the city, the strategies they use to solve unexpected problems, and how they interact with other people and with urban facilities. Based on an empirical observation, literature review and results collected using this multiinstrument approach, we first defined Inclusive Smart Cities. Then, we proposed some tools to support practitioners and researchers involved in the development of digital urban assistive technologies with the Inclusive Smart City\'s vision in mind: a list of requirements, a political structure, an implementation/operation methodology, a business model, a conceptual model, and a system architecture. According to the conceptual model we introduced, people with disabilities are able to interact with inclusive smart objects that are available in urban spaces to obtain information about the environment around them, enabling them to navigate and explore cities in an innovative way. In Inclusive Smart Cities, inclusive smart objects provide people with disabilities with user-adapted information and services, focusing on the individuals\' abilities rather than their disabilities. Moreover, the system architecture is based on equipping users and the environment with smart technologies, aiming at supporting a symbiotic relationship between citizens and inclusive smart objects, a web-based user interface to enable public agents and local authorities to register and maintain the information required by the Inclusive Smart City platform, and the Cloud infrastructure, responsible for storing system data and processing user requests. Finally, we further demonstrated a Proof of Concept to assess the experience that people with disabilities would have when using an Inclusive Smart City solution. To accomplish that, we mapped a block of Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo, Brazil, as a sequence of QR codes. In a simulated circuit, when users read each code, they received location-based information and services related to the object linked to the code. The participants evaluated the UrbanAssist application positively and recognized the relevance of the functionalities and resources provided by the application, which gave them an inventive interface to explore the urban environment in a new, safer and effective way. In conclusion, this new technology has the potential not only to improve the independence and autonomy of people with disabilities in urban spaces, but also to enable them to play a proactive role in society as a whole. / As cidades têm empregado a tecnologia em diversos segmentos a fim de melhorar a qualidade de serviços prestados, para atender as demandas dos cidadãos, e para medir o consumo de recursos naturais. Conhecidas como Cidades Inteligentes, estas iniciativas buscam aumentar a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos, e já têm causado impactos positivos na maneira como os indivíduos interagem com o espaço urbano, com serviços, e com outros indivíduos. Por outro lado, o espaço urbano ainda é considerado como uma ameaça à autonomia e à independência de pessoas com deficiência. De fato, segundo o Modelo Social, a deficiência não está no indivíduo, mas na sociedade e no ambiente, que não fornecem condições apropriadas para que o cidadão participe inteiramente de atividades sociais, profissionais, educacionais, recreativas etc. A sociedade e o ambiente precisam ser corrigidos e suas deficiências compensadas para que ocorra a inclusão de uma parcela considerável da população que é excluída de uma série de atividades quando suas habilidades não são consideradas nos processos de comunicação urbanos. Embora esses cidadãos tenham ganhado acesso a educação, trabalho e lazer, o acesso pleno a esses direitos exige ter que lidar com o espaço urbano e todos os seus desafios. Com o objetivo de estender os benefícios das Cidades Inteligentes às pessoas com deficiência, inicialmente propomos o conceito de Cidades Inteligentes Inclusivas, que utiliza tecnologias das Cidades Inteligentes a fim de fornecer às pessoas com deficiência uma melhor experiência urbana ao mitigar as barreiras de acessibilidade nas cidades. A fim de alcançar este objetivo, utilizamos um método multi-instrumentos para coletar dados de diferentes interessados nesta temática - pessoas com deficiência, profissionais que trabalham na área, especialistas em acessibilidade, e criadores de políticas públicas - para melhor entender os obstáculos que as pessoas com deficiência enfrentam quando estão se locomovendo nos centros urbanos, as estratégias que eles usam para resolver problemas inesperados, e como eles interagem com outras pessoas e com os objetos e instalações urbanas. Baseado em observação empírica, em revisão da literatura, e nos resultados coletados pelo método multi-instrumentos, elaboramos a definição de Cidades Inteligentes Inclusivas e propomos algumas ferramentas para apoiarem autoridades governamentais, profissionais e pesquisadores envolvidos com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias assistivas urbanas digitais: uma lista de requisitos, estrutura política, metodologia de implantação e funcionamento, modelo de negócios, e uma arquitetura de sistema. De acordo com o modelo conceitual que apresentamos, as pessoas com deficiência são capazes de interagir com objetos inteligentes inclusivos no espaço urbano a fim de obter informações a respeito do ambiente ao redor, o que possibilita navegar e explorar nas cidades de uma maneira inovadora. Nas Cidades Inteligentes Inclusivas, os objetos inteligentes inclusivos fornecem às pessoas com deficiência informações e serviços adaptados às habilidades de cada usuário. A arquitetura do sistema é baseada em equipar os usuários e o ambiente com tecnologias inteligentes; uma interface web que permite a agentes públicos e autoridades municipais a cadastrar e manter as informações necessárias ao funcionamento da Cidade Inteligente Inclusiva; e pela infraestrutura da Cloud, que é responsável por armazenar os dados do sistema e por processar as requisições dos usuários. Finalmente, demonstramos com uma Prova de Conceito a avaliação da experiência de usuário que indivíduos com deficiência têm ao usar soluções concebidas com a visão de uma Cidade Inteligente Inclusiva. Para tanto, mapeamos como QR codes os objetos e prédios de um quarteirão da Avenida Paulista, em São Paulo. Num circuito simulado, ao ler cada código os usuários recebem com informações baseadas na localização do objeto lido e os serviços associados ao objeto. Os participantes avaliaram positivamente a aplicação Urban Assist e reconheceram a relevância das funcionalidades e recursos disponibilizados pela aplicação, que lhes proporcionaram uma interface inovadora para explorar o ambiente urbano de uma maneira mais segura e eficaz. Concluindo, essa nova tecnologia tem o potencial não somente de melhorar a independência e autonomia de pessoas com deficiência no espaço urbanos, mas, também de prover estes usuários com a possibilidade de desempenharem o papel de cidadãos proativos.

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