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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Začlenění dětí z dětských domovů na základní škole / The integration of children from Orphanages to Elementary school

Havlíčková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The topic of my Diploma thesis is the integration of children from Orphanages to Elementary school. The theoretical part of this work is focused on the description of the Orphanage as an institution and the life in this institution from many aspects. As I think the most important part of the theoretical work are information which refer to the integration of children from the Orphanages to the classes of primary school and work of these kids within a primary school. The practical part is taken in a qualitative way as an analysis of inteviews with individual pupils from the Orphanages who attend the first and the second grade of the primary school which are aimed to the integration of these people to the collective in the primary school and on their subjective opinions. The work is finished with the syntesis of theorecital and practical work and the interpretation of results which have been found in the research. In the end there is also presented an overlap of topics which related to the disscused problematic.

Střídavá péče a její vliv na školní úspěšnost dítěte v primární škole / Shared custody and its influence on a child's success in primary school

Němcová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of shared custody of children at primary school in relation to their school success. The issue is viewed from the perspective of primary school teachers and from the perspective of a school psychologist. The theoretical part deals with a child at primary school and also with child, who has special educational needs. It also deals with family, parental responsibility, discusses divorce, shared custody, school success and failure. The empirical part, through empirical research, aims to answer the question: "How does shared custody affect the school success of a child at primary school?"It examines the manifestations of children in shared custody, it looks for specific causes of problems of these children or specific factors ensuring smooth course of shared custody. It collects recommendations from teachers and school psychologist on how to work with and help these children. It also provides recommendations on who to work with and how - including cooperation with parents. It shows the level of teachers' awareness of this issue and their personal views on the issue. The research is carried out through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with teachers at primary school and through an interview with a school psychologist. The results of the empirical...

Särbegåvning i en mångkulturell skola : En litteraturgranskning om särskilt begåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund

Byström, Tinny January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska skolan präglas av många missuppfattningar om särskild begåvning. Elever som är särbegåvade förväntas exempelvis ofta prestera högt och lyckas i skolan utan några särskilda stödinsatser. Men tidigare forskning har visat att de tvärtom ofta upplever svårigheter i skolan. Elever med migrationserfarenheter riskerar å andra sidan att möta alltför låga förväntningar i skolan vilket leder till att de inte utmanas och stimuleras tillräckligt för att nå skolframgång. Mot bakgrund av detta har studiens huvudsakliga syfte varit att skapa en systematisk översikt av befintlig forskning avseende särskild begåvning hos elever med migrationserfarenheter. Frågeställningarna har haft som utgångspunkt att undersöka hur särbegåvning kan upptäckas hos dessa elever, samt att närmare undersöka de hinder som finns för särbegåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund att nå skolframgång. Med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys som metod har resultat från tio artiklar sammanställts genom tematisk syntes. Sökningar har gjorts inom två databaser, SwePub och APA PsycInfo, utifrån valda exklusions- och inklusionskriterier. I resultaten identifierades flera faktorer som kan utgöra hinder för skolframgång, dels faktorer i barnets uppväxtmiljö såsom låg socioekonomisk status och låg utbildningsnivå hos föräldrarna, och dels psykosociala faktorer. Exempelvis låga förväntningar från omgivningen, bristande självreglering och låg social kompetens för att nämna några. Resultaten visade också att identifiering av särbegåvning är ett komplext arbete och att det saknas etablerade metoder för detta. Skolans organisation och styrning har dock visat sig vara av betydelse för att särbegåvade elever med migrationserfarenheter ska kunna upptäckas, men stora brister i det svenska utbildningssystemet har uppmärksammats samt omfattande behov av kompetensutveckling på alla nivåer. / The Swedish school system holds many misconceptions about gifted students. For example, they are often expected to perform well and succeed in school without any support measures or additional adjustments. But previous research has shown that, on the contrary, they often experience difficulties at school. Students with migration experiences, on the other hand, run the risk of meeting too low expectations in school, which means that they are not challenged and stimulated enough to achieve school success. Based on this, the main purpose of this literature study has been to create a systematic overview of existing research regarding gifted students with migration experiences. The starting point has been to investigate how giftedness can be discovered and identified in these students, as well as to examine more closely the difficulties that exist for gifted students with migration background to achieve school success. Using qualitative content analysis as a method, results from ten articles have been compiled through thematic synthesis. Searches have been made within two databases, SwePub and APA PsycInfo, based on selected exclusion and inclusion criteria. In the results, several factors were identified as obstacles to achieving school success, partly factors in the child's growing up environment such as low socio-economic status and low level of education of the parents, and partly psychosocial factors. Low expectations from the environment, lack of self-regulation and low social skills to name a few. The results also showed that identifying giftedness is a very complex endeavor and that there is a lack of established working methods for this. The school's organization and management have, however, proven to be important in order for gifted students with migration experiences to be discovered, but major shortcomings in the Swedish education system have been noticed as well as extensive needs for competence development at all levels.


SANDRA REGINA DE SOUZA MARCELINO 17 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa de doutoramento traz como objeto central as percepções dos adolescentes sobre (in)sucesso escolar e racismo. Com isso, buscamos compreender como a tônica do racismo opera ao se tratar de sucesso e fracasso a partir do olhar de adolescentes nas séries finais do ensino fundamental II. Para a pesquisa foi feito um estudo de caso a partir duas escolas públicas localizadas no município do Rio de Janeiro e na Baixada Fluminense com adolescentes de oitavo e nono anos, na faixa etária de 13 a 15 anos. A pesquisa tem como característica ser um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa e analisada a partir dos dados obtidos nas observações da rotina escolar, nos questionários e em oficinas pedagógicas realizadas com os adolescentes. Buscamos compreender como os estudantes percebiam o racismo nas suas experiências escolares e cotidianas, a compreensão do sucesso e do fracasso escolar e a influência das redes de suporte e seus incentivos como agência fundamental na experiência do sucesso escolar. Observou-se que a violência racial é consolidada através do silêncio e o uso do tom da voz como instrumento de poder, de superioridade e opressão para quem ocupa um lugar hegemônico. Os estudantes negros fazem do silêncio uma estratégia de sobrevivência, ao mesmo tempo em que criam situações seguras para falar sobre o racismo. A tônica da violência do racismo se expressa através dos xingamentos no momento de conflitos ou apelidos que são naturalizados como brincadeira e afeto. O mito da democracia racial é escamoteado na ideologia da igualdade e da perspectiva religiosa. A família, na representação da figura materna, principalmente, continua sendo a principal rede de apoio na construção do empoderamento do sucesso escolar, no entanto, a novidade é o uso da internet como forma de apoio nos momentos de dificuldades e de ausência familiar entre os estudantes de baixa renda. Concluímos que o não olhar crítico dos adolescentes sobre o racismo e o debate de sucesso e fracasso escolar estão coerentes com a lógica que se estabelece em uma sociedade pautada na hierarquização racial e sob os efeitos da colonialidade. A existência de uma miopia racial, ou seja, a dificuldade de enxergar as tramas do racismo ou a visão embaçada sobre ele gera vantagens e desvantagens que são a prova de sua funcionalidade. / [en] This doctoral research brings as main object the perceptions of teenagers about school failure and racism. With this, we aim at understand how the tonic of racism operates when dealing with success and failure from the perspective of teenagers in the final series of middle school. For the research, a case study was conducted from two public schools located in Rio de Janeiro and the Baixada Fluminense municipalities with teeneagers from eighth and ninth years of the middle school, with 13 to 15 years. The research has as characteristic to be a case study with qualitative approach and analyzed from the data obtained in the observations of the school routine, in the questionnarie and in pedagogical workshops with teenagers. We aimed at understand how students perceived racism in their school and everyday experiences, their understanding of school success and failure, and the influence of support networks and their incentives as a key in the school success experience. It was observed that racial violence is consolidated through silence and the use of the tone of voice as an instrument of power, superiority and oppression for those who occupy a hegemonic place. Black students make silence as a survival strategy, while creating secure situations to talk about racism. The tonic of violence of racism is expressed through the curses in the moment of conflicts or nicknames that are naturalized as a joke and affection. The racial democracy myth is swept under in the ideology of equality and religious perspective. The family, in the representation of the maternal figure, mainly, continues being the main support network in the construction of the empowerment of the school success, nevertheless, the novelty is the use of the Internet like way of support in the moments of difficulties and of familiar absence between the low-income students. We conclude that the non-critical view of teenagers on racism and the debate about school success and failure is consistent with the logic established in a society based on racial hierarchy and under the effects of coloniality. The existence of a racial myopia, that is, the difficulty of seeing the plots of racism or the embarrassed view on it generates advantages and disadvantages that is the proof of its functionality.

Determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments

Mampuru, Marisane Edward 30 June 2003 (has links)
Learners in disadvantaged environments are less likely to do well at school. Yet some of the most successful schools operate in such environments. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative influence of various determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments. To this end literature study was done in two phases. The first resulted in a taxonomy of success factors, which was then used to guide the second in-depth phase. Thereafter an empirical study was done, involving qualitative field work at four successful schools in disadvantaged environments. Empirically it was discovered that there is no single most important success factor because all success factors are interrelated and interdependent. The over-arching success factor discovered in this study which was involvement of all stakeholders. / Education / M.Ed.

Učitel a jeho možnosti při tvorbě sebepojetí žáka / Teachers and their possibilities of building pupils' self-realization

Kulková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis entitled "Teachers and their possibilities of building pupils' self- realization" is both, theoretical and empirical. Its objective is to map the problems of pupils' self-realization in school environment. It pays close attention to the self-realization of pupils and the possibilities of its shaping by people participating on the educational process. The thesis attempts to define the likely causes of pupils' failure to succeed and do well at school. It also provides possible solutions which might help shape pupils' personality and build their self-realization. The solutions might be of great use to teachers in their classes. The objective of the empirical part in the first place is to analyze the connection between pupils' self- realization, teachers' assessment of pupils' self-realization and pupils' attainment. Key words: selfhood, personality, self-realization, teacher, pupil, school success and failure, self-esteem, self-assessment, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, pupils' (school) self- realization level, attainment

Educação de Jovens e Adultos: fatores e estratégias dos que permanecem e conseguem sucesso escolar / Education of Young and Adults: factors and strategies that can stay and school sucess

Passos, Valmir Almeida 19 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valmir Almeida Passos.pdf: 720099 bytes, checksum: ce9dfd53d76c6910ad74448414f59634 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-19 / The present research consists of investigating, describing and to analyze as the processes of permanence and pertaining to school success had been constructed, of a group of pupils of the Education of Young and Adults of the city of Francisco Morato - a city dormitory in the region metropolitan of São Paulo, that possesss one of the lowest I.D.H. (Index of Human Development) of the State - opposing the perspective that relates the E.J.A. to the evasion and the failure pertaining to school, that is frequent in such modality of education. The theoretical beddings are placed in the area of the Sociology of the Education and, to deal with the referring questions to the success and the pertaining to school longevity the popular classrooms, we will be guided by the theoretical explanations of Bourdieu (1998), Lahire (1997), Charlot (2000), among others. As Thiollent (1982), the research will be quantitative, in the profile of the citizens and qualitative in the interviews. We will work you say with them of the citizens respecting, therefore, the singularity of each one. We look for to remove of the citizens to the answers and not presenting immediately alternative of choice, for the collection of data, we will use questionnaires with questions closed and opened and half-structuralized interview and that they will make possible to better investigate the characteristics of these citizens: it s social and economic conditions and previous pertaining to school trajectory. The citizens of this research had developed strategies intra and extra-pertaining to school that had favored the permanence process, such as: a new relation with the school, the personal and familiar mobilization, and the possibility to acquire a cultural capital that makes possible social ascension and in the world of the work / A presente pesquisa consiste em descrever e analisar como foram construídos os processos de permanência e de sucesso escolar, de um grupo de alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos do município de Francisco Morato uma cidade dormitório na região metropolitana de São Paulo, que possui um dos mais baixos I.D.H. (Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano) do Estado , contrariando a perspectiva que relaciona a E.J.A. à evasão e ao fracasso escolar, frequentes em tal modalidade de ensino. Os fundamentos teóricos situam-se na área da Sociologia da Educação e, para tratar as questões referentes ao sucesso e à longevidade escolar das classes populares, norteamo-nos pelas teorias de Bourdieu (1998), Lahire (1997), Charlot (2000), entre outros. Conforme Thiollent (1982), a pesquisa será quantitativa, no perfil dos sujeitos e qualitativa nas entrevistas. Trabalhamos com as falas dos sujeitos, respeitando a singularidade de cada um. Utilizamos questionários com perguntas fechadas e abertas e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa desenvolveram estratégias intra e extra-escolares que favoreceram o processo de permanência, tais como uma nova relação com a escola, a mobilização pessoal e familiar e a possibilidade de adquirir um capital cultural que possibilitou ascensão social e no mundo do trabalho

Histórias de vida: saberes e práticas de alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas. / Life histories: successful beginning literacy teachers\' knowledges and practives.

Monteiro, Maria Iolanda 24 March 2006 (has links)
O trabalho visou o entendimento do sucesso escolar, na área de alfabetização, pelas experiências docentes, investigando os saberes e as práticas relacionados à vida pessoal, escolar e profissional de quatro alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, que exerceram a profissão nas décadas de 50 a 80, no Estado de São Paulo. Estudou-se o peso da reforma de 1971 e os determinantes advindos das diferentes políticas, anteriores e posteriores, e o provável período em que se iniciou a conformação profissional das educadoras pesquisadas. Pelo estudo de histórias de vida, a investigação caracterizou as diferentes experiências das alfabetizadoras, identificando os saberes e as práticas, que deram sustentação ao trabalho bem sucedido com a alfabetização, e os condicionantes que acompanharam a formação docente. A articulação dos saberes da infância pré-escolar, da vida escolar, da trajetória no curso de formação e da vida profissional com o estudo das características das práticas alfabetizadoras justificou o sucesso escolar. Pela análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que as várias facetas da história de vida das educadoras, com saberes e concepções de ensino, sustentaram o êxito na alfabetização. Apesar das situações bem heterogêneas, o sucesso escolar decorreu da autonomia no trabalho docente para a organização de práticas de ensino, que garantissem a aprendizagem bem sucedida da leitura e escrita, sempre considerando que toda criança apresentava capacidade para aprender, independentemente das condições socioeconômicas, culturais e de aprendizagem. O estudo da história de vida das alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, envolvendo saberes e práticas importantes e diferentes para configurações de práticas de alfabetização, que garantiram o êxito de todos os alunos, não visou apenas a sistematização de situações pedagógicas que servissem somente como referenciais para organizar o processo de alfabetização de docentes da atualidade, mas também a problematização de aspectos inerentes às ações educativas, no ensino da leitura e escrita, e o resgate de alguns valores que, na época dessas professoras, eram considerados essenciais e que, atualmente, recebem críticas e depreciações. A análise das práticas educativas sinalizou uma diversificação de estratégias de ensino entre as professoras pesquisadas. Apesar dessa diferença, as docentes apresentaram objetivos semelhantes, visando a aprendizagem de todos e rejeitando qualquer forma de discriminação. Verificou-se ainda a criação de rotinas e rituais, durante o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos e das atividades, mas com práticas e aspectos diferenciados. Essa característica confirma a formação de uma ética de trabalho pedagógico. A presente pesquisa oferece, assim, informações para o estudo da alfabetização, enriquecendo a análise dos elementos do trabalho docente, para o êxito escolar, e dos novos dados que possibilitam investigações da temática, também em outras abordagens. / This paper focused on the understanding of academic success in the alphabetizing area by investigating the knowledge and practices related to the personal, academic and professional life of four successful alphabetizers who exercised their profession in the state of Sao Paulo throughout 1950 to 1980. The impact of the 1971 reform was duly studied and so were the direct consequences of the different previous and posterior policies and also the probable period during which started the professional making of the researched teachers. By studying the life histories, the investigation underlined the different experiences of the alphabetizers, identifying the various knowledge and practices which gave support to the successful alphabetizing work, and the decisive factors which accompanied the process of a teacher\'s formation. The articulation of the pre-school childhood knowledge, academic life, personal performance, both scholar and professional, together with the study of the alphabetizing practices characteristics justified the academic success. The results analysis concluded that the various aspects of the teachers\' life history, together with their personal knowledge and teaching concepts, sustained the alphabetizing success obtained. In spite of quite heterogeneous scenarios, the academic success resulted from the autonomy in the work to organize teaching practices which would ensure a successful learning of writing and reading, always considering that every child presented capacity to learn independently of social/economic, cultural and learning conditions. The study of the life histories of the successful alphabetizer teachers, involving important and different knowledge and pratices to build up alphabetizing practices which guaranteed the success of every student, didn\'t focus just the systematizing of pedagogic aspects which would serve solely as references to organize the alphabetizing process of today\'s teachers, but also the intrincacies of those aspects inherent to educative actions, in teaching writing and reading techniques, and the rescue of a few values which were considered essential, back at the time when the researched teachers were active, and nowadays are criticized and depreciated. The analysis of educational practices pointed out a diversification of teaching strategies amongst the researched teachers. In spite of the differences, they presented similar purposes - everyone should learn and any form of discrimination was rejected. It was also verified the creation of routines and rituals while developing the contents and related activities, but with distinguished practices and aspects. This characteristic confirms the making of ethics applied to pedagogical work. So, the present research offers information for the study of alphabetizing while making richer the analysis of the elements pertaining to teaching work to achieve academic success, and of the new data which make possible the investigation of the matter also with other approaches.

Determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments

Mampuru, Marisane Edward 30 June 2003 (has links)
Learners in disadvantaged environments are less likely to do well at school. Yet some of the most successful schools operate in such environments. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative influence of various determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments. To this end literature study was done in two phases. The first resulted in a taxonomy of success factors, which was then used to guide the second in-depth phase. Thereafter an empirical study was done, involving qualitative field work at four successful schools in disadvantaged environments. Empirically it was discovered that there is no single most important success factor because all success factors are interrelated and interdependent. The over-arching success factor discovered in this study which was involvement of all stakeholders. / Education / M.Ed.

Věková struktura, růstový věk a školní úspěšnost chlapců v prvních a čtvrtých ročnících základních škol. / Age structure, growth age and school success in boys attending the first and the fourth year of basic schools.

SÝKOROVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The work brings up age structure, growth age and school success in boys in the first and fourth year of primary school. The surveying took place at fourteen basic schools in České Budějovice and its proximity in 2006.The sample was made up of 225 pupils in the fourth year and 235 pupils in the first year. The survey focused on detecting differences in school success between pupils whose school attendance had been postponed and those who had entered primary school at due age. In addition, the work looks into problem of age growth and its potential impact on school success. Based on questionnaires, the views of pupils´parents and teachers at primary school were recorded. The sample was made of 326 parents and 40 teachers.

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