Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cience 2studies"" "subject:"cience 3studies""
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Nature as a Political Enactment Within the Global Biodiversity Debate and a Plea for a Process-Inspired Transition GovernanceVullers, Pieter January 2020 (has links)
A revolution is brewing within global biodiversity governance as attempts to govern and to deal with biodiversity loss have not led to any substantial results. The underlying drivers of biodiversity loss keep adding to the total ecological predicament which in turn sets in motion an epistemological paradigm shift (episteme) with a call for transformative change. This shift of episteme confronts Western modern ways of thinking and challenges to leave bifurcated views of Nature behind. This leads to a shift in the great conservation debate towards a new Anthropocene conservation debate, where new discursive positions arise stressing to move beyond nature-culture dichotomies and beyond capitalism. These positions challenge the reformist and prosaic mainstream conservation regime of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) with its tendency for rational problem-solving and incremental adjustments. Contemporary process philosophers are now also creating their own discursive niche position within academia as “Earth bound”. This study draws from this position to shed a different light on the new Anthropocene conservation debate. It outlines how a “dogmatic image of thought” and how “the fallacy of the bifurcation of Nature” have created the conditions for the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss maintaining the mainstream conservation regime. “Living in harmony with nature” and “bending the curve of biodiversity loss” prove to be useful synergetic epistemic notions to break out of the dogmatic image and to leave bifurcation behind. Process-relational thinking can help understand how transition governance can support new policies that aim to create cross-scale alignments for local action within international negotiations. Therefore, this study proposes a renewed process-inspired transition governance, which could help to find capacities that have yet remained unexercised. Based on speculative methods creating social-ecological imaginaries, these capacities can be discovered but this requires the global conservation community to see beyond the dogmatic image and bifurcation in the journey to living in harmony with nature in 2050, for which the epistemic notions of “living in harmony with nature” and “bending the curve of biodiversity loss” could turn out to be useful synergetic starting points.
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Technophobia: Exploring Fearful VirtualityMetcalf, Kathryne Young 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Bildungsforschung / eine bibliometrische Analyse des ForschungsfeldesDees, Werner 12 January 2015 (has links)
Das Forschungsfeld der Bildungsforschung befindet sich seit der ersten PISA-Studie in einer starken Expansionsphase. Bisherige Analysen dieses Feldes beschränken sich allerdings auf allgemeine Übersichten zu verschiedenen Aspekten, etwa zum Personal, zur Finanzierung, zu Forschungsprojekten oder zu Publikationen. Das Ziel der Dissertation ist es dagegen, speziell die kognitiven Strukturen der Bildungsforschung in Deutschland, und hier insbesondere die in diesem Feld behandelten Forschungsthemen sowie seine Wissensbasis, mittels der bibliometrischen Methoden der Kowort- und der Referenzanalyse zu untersuchen. Die Datengrundlage bildeten zum einen die Schlagwörter zu 23389 Publikationen des Zeitraums 2000 bis 2009, die durch eine schlagwortbasierte Suche in der FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank ermittelt wurden. Zum anderen die in den Beiträgen der dritten Auflage des Handbuchs Bildungsforschung zitierten 3921 Referenzen. Die Ergebnisse der Referenzanalysen zeigen eine nach wie vor sehr große Bedeutung der Publikationstypen Monographie und Sammelband und einen relativ starken nationalen Fokus im Zitationsverhalten, aber auch große Unterschiede in den Zitationsmustern zwischen den einzelnen Beiträgen. Zudem zeigt sich, dass die Schulleistungsstudien und die Bildungsberichte die einflussreichsten Publikationen der aktuellen Bildungsforschung darstellen und die Pädagogik, die Soziologie, die Psychologie sowie die Wirtschaftswissenschaften die wichtigsten Bezugsdisziplinen. In der Analyse der thematischen Schwerpunkte bestätigt sich die zentrale Rolle des Themenbereichs Schülerleistung und ist ein Bedeutungszuwachs der Forschung zum Thema Lernen zu erkennen. Aus den Analysen lässt sich folgern, dass Handbücher eine informative, aber noch wenig genutzte, Datenquelle der Wissenschaftsforschung darstellen. Ferner sind mit der Methode der Kowortanalyse auch differenziertere Untersuchungen von Forschungsfeldern, die nicht gut in Zitationsdatenbanken abgedeckt sind, möglich. / Since the first PISA study the field of educational research is going through a phase of strong expansion. Previous analyses of the field are largely confined to general overviews of various aspects like scientific staff, funding, research projects or publications. The aim of the thesis, in contrast, is to study the cognitive structures of educational research in Germany, in particular the research topics and the knowledge base of the field, using the bibliometric methods of co-word analysis and reference analysis. Two data sources were used: the keywords of 23389 publications from the period 2000 to 2009. These publications were identified by a keyword-based search in the German Education Index. And the 3921 references cited in the articles of the third edition of the Handbuch Bildungsforschung. The results of the reference analysis show a high relevance of the document types monograph and edited book and a relatively strong national focus but also considerable differences in the citation patterns of the individual articles. Furthermore, student assessment studies and education reports are the most influential publications of current educational research and pedagogy, socioloy, psychology and economics the main reference disciplines. The analysis of the thematic priorities reaffirms the central role of the topic student achievement and shows a growing importance of the issue of learning. It can be concluded that handbooks are an informative but still largely unexplored data source in science studies. Moreover, the method of co-word analysis facilitates more detailed investigations of research fields that are not well covered in citation indexes.
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Unruly energies : provocations of renewable energy development in a northern German villageCarlson, Jennifer D. 23 October 2014 (has links)
This dissertation asks how inhabitants of a sustainable village are living out Germany’s transition from nuclear to renewable energy. The sustainable village remains a locus of optimistic attachments for renewable energy advocates, who argue that a decentralized power grid will enable people to more directly participate in power production and politics as “energy citizens.” Yet while rural areas have become sites of speculation, innovation and growth, few rural-dwellers are enfranchised in (or profiting from) the technoscientific projects in their midst. I draw upon 13 months of fieldwork in a northern German village transformed by wind turbines, photovoltaics and biofuels to consider why, asking what kinds of public life flourish in the absence of democratic engagement with renewable technologies. This ethnography engages the village as multiply constituted across domains of everyday life, including transit, farming, waste management, domestic life, and social gatherings. I found that environmental policy, everyday practices, and the area’s material histories combined to produce ontologies—senses of what exists—that circumscribe citizen participation in the energy sector, affording more formal opportunities to men than to women, and privileging farmers’ interests in plans that impacted the larger community. These findings illuminate how many villagers become ambivalent toward the project of the energy transition and disenfranchised from its implementation. Yet many who were excluded from formal participation also engaged with renewable technologies as they sensed out their worlds, using tropes of sustainable energy and technoscientific materials to place themselves in this emerging energy polity. Their everyday worldmaking brimmed with what I call unruly energies, structures of feeling that registered more as affects than as discourse. In the village, these took form as sensory disturbances, disquiet among neighbors, technoscientific optimism and skepticism toward environmental policy. These affective modes of attention, investment and participation were vital aspects of public life that shaped the transition’s unfolding. They exceeded liberal models of renewable energy citizenship, which presume that socioeconomic interest and environmental commitment are universal among citizens. In this way, unruly energies compel more nuanced attention to the multiple, contingent, site-specific ways in which citizenship takes form in the making of eco-capitalist energy infrastructure. / text
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Analyse spatio-temporelle d'un mouvement scientifique : l'exemple de la géographie théorique et quantitative européenne francophone / Spatio-temporal analysis of a scientific movement : the case of theoretical and quantitative geographyCuyala, Sylvain 20 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l’analyse spatio-temporelle d’un mouvement scientifique au moyen d’une théorie sociologique (Frickel, Gross, 2005), complétée par une approche d’analyse spatiale, combinaison qui fait l’originalité de ce travail. La géographie théorique et quantitative européenne francophone, dont l’évolution temporelle et la configuration spatiale restaient très mal connues, en est l’objet. Elle permet de mettre en perspective les rares auto-analyses qui y sont consacrées. Deux grands types de matériaux sont mobilisés : archivistique (Répertoire des géographes, revues ou listes de communications à des colloques spécialisés) et mémoriel (sur la base de 58 entretiens semi-directifs). L’analyse de ces corpus combine des méthodes quantitatives (de la théorie des graphes à l’analyse de la spécialisation des unités géographiques) et qualitatives (analyse thématique et sémantique des corpus et des entretiens des acteurs). Cette investigation a permis de proposer une périodisation du mouvement, articulée autour de trois grands moments : 1. l’émergence, de 1971-72 à 1984, impliquant un faible nombre d’acteurs et de lieux, moment où des chercheurs isolés entrent en interaction, 2. l’âge d’or, de 1985 à la fin des années 1990, marqué par l’existence d’un collectif structuré, reposant sur de nombreuses interactions entre les lieux européens francophones, qui se reproduit et essaime, 3. la généralisation du cœur de connaissances qui s’accompagne d’un déclin de l’identification au mouvement, des années 2000 à nos jours, selon de nombreuses reconfigurations, voyant la disparition de certains pôles historiques. / The aim of this thesis is to implement a spatio-temporal analysis of a scientific movement based on a sociological theory (Frickel, Gross, 2005), combined with spatial analysis. This combination constitutes the major contribution of the present work. For this analysis, the author has chosen as a subject the European French-speaking theoretical and quantitative geography, whose temporal evolution and spatial configuration remained largely unknown until now. The thesis uses two main kinds of materials: archival (Répertoire des géographes, journals, lists of communications of TQG colloquium) and memorial with 58 semi-structured interviews collected from a sample of actors of the movement. The analysis of the corpus combines quantitative methods (from graph theory to the analysis of geographical units’ specialization), and qualitative ones (thematic and semantic analysis of the corpus and interviews of actors). This investigation has allowed us to propose a periodization of the movement since its beginnings in the 1960’s organized around three main periods: 1. the emergence, from 1971-72 to 1984, involving a small number of actors and locations, and while individual researchers interact in order to give themselves a self training, 2. the Golden Age, from 1985 to the end of the 1990’s, marked by the formation of organized groups based on many interactions between French-speaking places in Europe, self reproducing and spreading. 3. The generalization of the knowledge core which is accompanied by a decline in identification with the movement, from the 2000’s to the present, according to many reconfigurations including the disappearance of certain historical centres.
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Energi som fysikbegrepp och samhällsfråga : En jämförande innehållsanalys av gymnasieläroböcker / Energy as a concept in physics and socio-scientific issue : A comparative content analysis of textbooks for upper secondary school in SwedenNorrman, Peter January 2019 (has links)
Enligt 2011 års läroplan för gymnasieskolan ingår det i fysikämnet att eleverna ska kunna delta i samhällsdebatten och diskutera etiska frågor från ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Hållbar utveckling kan bidra till förståelse för fysikens betydelse i samhället, där energibegreppet, energiresurser och energianvändning för ett hållbart samhälle ingår i kursen Fysik 1. Hur detta manifesteras kan analyseras i termer av scientific literacy, emfaser, SSI/SNI, etc. Studien jämför fyra läroböcker i fysik med en kvantitativ, men tolkande, textanalys baserad på en metod med tolkningsschema som utarbetats av Engström för att undersöka hur hållbara energisystem behandlas i undervisning och läroböcker för Fysik A enligt 1994 års läroplan för de frivilliga skolformerna. En jämförelse görs även mellan läroböcker för Fysik 1 och Naturkunskap 1b avseende energiområdet för att undersöka skillnader i tyngdpunkt mellan olika visioner av scientific literacy för de båda ämnena. Vidare görs en kvalitativ textanalys mellan olika utgåvor av samma läroboksserie om i vad mån olikheterna förklaras av skillnader mellan 2011 och 1994 års läroplaner. Slutligen ingår en kvalitativ textanalys av hur begrepp relaterade till termodynamikens andra huvudsats behandlas i läroböckerna och i vad mån detta överensstämmer med övriga skillnader. Innehållsanalysen indikerar att skillnaden mellan fysikläroböckerna vad gäller visioner av scientific literacy är förhållandevis liten, men större vad gäller inslagen av teknikrelaterat innehåll. Däremot är skillnaden tydlig mellan ämnena, där läroböckerna i fysik kännetecknas av dominans för vision I, där naturvetenskapen i sig och dess metoder dominerar, medan läroböckerna i naturkunskap har ett klart större inslag av vision II, som har större inslag av att sätta naturvetenskaperna i en samhällelig och politisk kontext. Skillnaderna i hur fysikläroböckerna behandlar termodynamikens 2:a huvudsats är i överensstämmelse med den kvantitativa textanalysen. I vad mån debatten om olika visioner för scientific literacy i Sverige hanteras genom att ha parallella ämnen med överlappande innehåll diskuteras. Likaså huruvida det finns en tendens att läroplanens skrivningar konserverar valet av vilka SNI-frågor som tas upp i undervisningen. Detta riskerar i så fall att strida mot principen att dessa skall vara aktuella och av intresse för eleverna. / According to the Swedish curriculum for the senior secondary school from 2011, it is part of the physics subject that students should be able to participate in debates about social issues and to discuss ethical issues from a scientific perspective. Sustainable development can contribute to an understanding of the importance of physics in the society, with the energy concept, energy resources and energy usage for a sustainable society included in the course Physics 1. How this is manifested can be analyzed in terms of scientific literacy, emphases, socio-scientific issues, etc. The study compares four textbooks for Physics 1 using a quantitative, but interpreting, text analysis based on a method and coding scheme developed by Engström for investigating how sustainable energy systems is dealt with in education and textbooks for Physics A according to the Swedish curriculum for the upper secondary school from 1994. A comparison is also made between textbooks for Physics 1 and Science studies 1b concerning the energy area in order to compare differences in emphasis between different visions of scientific literacy for the two subjects. Furthermore a qualitative text analysis is made between different editions of the same textbook series about to what extent the divergence can be explained by the difference in curricula. Finally a qualitative text analysis is included about how concepts related to the second law of thermodynamics is dealt with in the textbooks and to what extent this corresponds with other differences. The content analysis indicates that the difference between the textbooks in physics concerning visions of scientific literacy is comparatively small, but larger when it comes to contents related to technical applications. On the other hand, the difference is obvious between the subjects, with the textbooks in physics being dominated by vision I, which is dominated by science as such and its methods, while the textbooks in science studies have a decidedly larger element of vision II, thus including more attempts to set science in its social and political context. The difference in how the textbooks in Physics describe the second law of thermodynamics is in accordance with the quantitative text analysis. To what extent the debate between different views of scientific literacy in Sweden is handled by having separate subjects with partly overlapping contents is discussed. Likewise whether there is a tendency that the formulation in the curriculum conserves the choice of which socio-scientific issue is brought up in the teaching. This would, however, be in conflict with the principle that these should be current and of interest to the students.
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Du transfert de connaissances à une résistance épistémique en santé mondialeFillol, Amandine 02 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Alors que l’on connaît depuis plusieurs décennies les conséquences dramatiques des injustices sociales sur la santé, il existe un profond problème d’application des connaissances pour informer les pratiques et/ou les politiques. Au-delà d’un manque de prise en compte des connaissances pour l’action, il semblerait que la difficulté à lutter contre les inégalités soit plutôt liée à l’enracinement des systèmes de production et d’utilisation des connaissances dans des structures injustes.
Approche théorique et cadre conceptuel : Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la quatrième vague de recherche sur le transfert de connaissances qui consiste à mieux comprendre les caractéristiques sociales des connaissances. En d’autres mots, il s’agit d’intégrer une approche d’épistémologie sociale dans la recherche sur le transfert de connaissances. Nous nous intéressons spécifiquement au concept d’oppression épistémique qui consiste en la répétition dans la durée de trois degrés d’exclusions épistémiques. L’exclusion de troisième degré représente un mode de vie épistémique qui est dirigé par des groupes sociaux dominants, qui ne permet pas de prendre en compte d’autres systèmes de pensée et de connaissances que les leurs. L’exclusion de second degré est le fait, pour des individus déjà opprimés socialement, de devoir utiliser des ressources qui ne sont pas les leurs, pour pouvoir participer à la construction de nouvelles ressources communes dans ce système. L’exclusion de premier degré concerne l’impossibilité, pour des individus, d’être considéré comme des « connaisseur·ses » du fait de préjugés à leur encontre. Cette thèse vise à analyser comment les pratiques quotidiennes et le contexte de la santé mondiale favorisent une oppression épistémique.
Méthodologie : Nous étudions trois phénomènes correspondant aux trois degrés d’exclusion épistémique, en suivant une échelle d’analyse à trois niveaux (macroscopique, mésoscopique, microscopique) qui rappellent les trois branches de l’épistémologie sociale (système, groupe, individus). Pour cela, nous étudions en premier lieu la construction d’une ressource épistémique commune en santé mondiale à un niveau macroscopique : la couverture santé universelle (CSU) grâce à une revue critique des écrits. En deuxième lieu, nous étudions l’appropriation de cette ressource épistémique à un niveau mésoscopique, et la manière dont un groupe de scientifiques prend ou non en compte des voix dissidentes, en promouvant une définition différente de la CSU. Pour cela, nous réalisons une étude de cas d’un programme de recherches interventionnelles sur la CSU. En troisième lieu, nous étudions le rôle de la source des connaissances sur leur perception grâce à une expérimentation en santé mondiale.
Résultats : À travers l’avènement de la CSU, nous observons la présence d’un pouvoir productif qui, tout en donnant l’impression d’une approche ancrée dans les droits humains et inclusive, favorise une conception marchande de la santé, menée par un « centre » de la santé mondiale. Nous avons également observé que l’appropriation de la CSU dans un programme de recherches interventionnelles n’a pas permis de créer une définition dissidente de la CSU. Plusieurs alliances épistémiques, c’est-à-dire des affiliations entre membres partageant la même orientation des études pour analyser la CSU sont apparues : une alliance santé publique, une alliance économique, une alliance anthropologique et une alliance critique. Cette dernière, qui proposait une réflexion globale sur la déconstruction et la gouvernance de la CSU, a été manquée, du fait d’inégalités concomitantes. Enfin, nous avons pu voir à un niveau microscopique que le « messager » peut être plus important que le « message » et participer à invisibiliser ou diminuer certaines voix dans la gouvernance globale en santé.
Discussion et valeur ajoutée de la thèse : Les trois degrés d’exclusion épistémiques peuvent s’entrevoir de façon complémentaire. Du fait de la proximité des mondes scientifique et politique, et de la volonté de produire des connaissances pour l’action en santé mondiale, l’avènement de la CSU peut influencer la manière dont les scientifiques s’approprient ce concept. Cela peut limiter les possibilités de diversité épistémique et favoriser l’exclusion de certaines voix. À l’inverse, le sentiment d’exclusion peut conduire à se limiter dans sa contribution intellectuelle. Partant du postulat dont chacun·e de nous peut participer à changer les structures qui créent les injustices, en résistant à l’oppression épistémique, nous proposons un continuum d’actions pour lutter contre les inégalités dans la gouvernance globale en santé. / Background: The dramatic consequences of social injustice on health have been known for several
decades, but social injustice also has an impact on knowledge translation. Rather than relating to a
lack of knowledge uptake for action, the difficulty in addressing inequalities connects to knowledge
production and use systems rooted in unjust structures.
Theoretical approach and conceptual framework: This thesis aims to better understand the
social characteristics of knowledge, and explores the integration of a social epistemology approach
into knowledge translation research. We specifically focus on epistemic oppression, which consists
of the repetition over time of three types of mutually reinforced epistemic exclusion. One type
applies to an epistemic way of life led by dominant social groups, who prevent new systems of
thought and knowledge, different from their own, to surface. A second type relates to socially
oppressed individuals who must use resources they do not own to contribute to the construction of
new common resources within the dominant system. The last type of epistemic exclusion consists
of the impossibility of individuals being recognized as "knowers" because of prejudices that make
them appear illegitimate. This thesis aims to analyze how everyday practices and the global health
context foster epistemic oppression.
Methodology: We study three processes, each related to a type of epistemic exclusion and
following a three-level scale of analysis (macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic), which also
covers the three branches of social epistemology (system, group and individual). First, we focus
on the construction of an epistemic resource in global health at a macroscopic level, namely,
universal health coverage (UHC), through a critical review of the literature. Secondly, we study
the appropriation of this epistemic resource at a mesoscopic level, and how a group allows or does
not allow dissenting voices, thus promoting a different definition of UHC. To this end, we conduct
a case study of an interventional research program on UHC. Finally, we elaborate on the role of
knowledge sources on the perception of knowledge through an experiment in global health.
Results: The case of UHC demonstrates the existence of a productive power that, while giving the
impression of an inclusive human approach, favours a market-based conception of health led by a
global health "centre". We also observed that the appropriation of UHC in an interventional
research program did not create a dissident; unorthodox definition of UHC. Several epistemic alliances (i.e. affiliations between members sharing the same orientation of studies to analyse
UHC), emerged: a public health alliance, an economic alliance, an anthropological alliance, and a
critical alliance. The latter, which suggested a global reflection on the deconstruction and
governance of the UHC, did not occur because of concomitant inequalities. Finally, at a
microscopic level, we showed that the "messenger" can be more important than the "message"
when disseminating knowledge.
Discussion and research value: The three types of epistemic exclusion can be read
complementarily. Due to the proximity of the scientific and political worlds, and the desire to
produce knowledge for action in global health, the social construction of UHC may influence how
scientists appropriate this concept. It may limit the possibilities of epistemic diversity, and thus
promoting the exclusion of some voices and points of view. A feeling of exclusion can, in turn,
lead to self-limitation. Based on the premise that everyone can contribute to changing the structures
that create injustice by resisting epistemic oppression, we propose a continuum of actions to
address inequalities in global health governance.
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Elefanten i rummet: AI i samhällskunskapsundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares perspektiv på ChatGPT och artificiell intelligens i samhällskunskapsundervisningen / The elephant in the room: AI in social studies education : A qualitative study on teacher's perspectives on ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in social science educationBilandzija, Maria January 2023 (has links)
ChatGPT och artificiell intelligens har hastigt tagit plats i utbildningsmiljöer. Verktyget har till skillnad från andra sökmotorer, möjlighet att generera svar som liknar en människas språkbruk och kan föra en interaktiv dialog. Denna undersökning syftar till att förstå hur ChatGPT påverkat undervisningsmetoder inom ämnet samhällskunskap på gymnasiet och hur lärare anpassat sig till denna teknologiska förändring. Frågeställningen för undersökningen är ”På vilket sätt anser samhällskunskapslärare att införandet av ChatGPT och artificiell intelligens påverkar deras metoder och arbetsuppgifter? ”. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex samhällskunskapslärare som arbetar på gymnasiet har intervjuats. För att förstå det komplexa sambandet mellan teknik, pedagogik och ämneskunskap har TPACK används som teori.Studien visar att ChatGPT ställt krav på förändrade undervisningsmetoder och strategier bland annat genom att lärare behövt förändra sina examinationsformer och examinationsfrågor för att minska risken för plagiat och fusk. Lärarna visar på en god teknisk pedagogisk kunskap, eftersom de förstått hur ChatGPT kan effektivisera deras tid genom att utforma uppgifter, frågor eller planera lektioner. Inom ämnet samhällskunskap utgör ChatGPT en risk för spridning av falska nyheter och den källkritiska förmågan blir allt viktigare att utveckla. Lärare har fått ett förändrat ansvar genom att finna strategier för att upptäcka plagiat. Den sista slutsatsen för undersökningen är att ChatGPT kan ha kommit att utmana synen på hur elever lär sig. Resultatet påvisar att lärare bör få bättre kunskap om hur teknik, pedagogik och ämneskunskap samspelar för att kunna utnyttja ChatGPT ’s fulla potential att effektivisera undervisningen. / ChatGPT and artificial intelligence have rapidly found their place in educational environments. Unlike other search engines, this tool has the capability to generate responses resembling human language and engage in interactive dialogue. This study aims to understand how ChatGPT has influenced teaching methods within the subject of social studies in high schools and how teachers have adapted to this technological change. The research question guiding this investigation is, "In what ways do social studies teachers perceive the introduction of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence affecting their methods and tasks?"The study employs a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social studies teachers working in high schools were interviewed. To comprehend the intricate relationship between technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework is used as a theoretical foundation. The findings reveal that ChatGPT has necessitated changes in teaching methods and strategies. For instance, teachers have had to modify their assessment methods and questions to reduce the risk of plagiarism and cheating. Teachers demonstrate sound technological pedagogical knowledge, as they understand how ChatGPT can streamline their work by creating assignments, questions that could be used for educational purpose, or lesson plans. Within the field of social studies, ChatGPT presents a risk of spreading fake news, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and source evaluation. Teachers have assumed a new responsibility in developing strategies to detect plagiarism. The conclusion of this study is that ChatGPT may have challenged the perception of how students learn. The results suggest that teachers should gain better knowledge of how technology, pedagogy, and subject knowledge interact to harness ChatGPT's full potential for enhancing education.
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Eristisches Handeln in wissenschaftlichen Weblogs: Medienlinguistische Grundlagen und AnalysenMeiler, Matthias 05 April 2022 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht im Rahmen einer kulturanalytischen Medienlinguistik mit vier Einzelfallstudien exemplarisch das wissenschaftliche Bloggen deutschsprechender Soziolog_innen. Dafür sind zwei Leitfragen zentral: (1) Welche Konturen der Praktik innerwissenschaftlichen Bloggens lassen sich aktuell nachzeichnen? (2) Wie konkretisiert sich eristisches Handeln als wesentliches Strukturkennzeichen der Praxis interner Wissenschaftskommunikation im Rahmen dieser Praktik? Den Ausgangspunkt bilden theoretische, begriffliche und methodologische Klärungen. Mit einem konsequent medienlinguistischen Ansatz wird deshalb zunächst
ein erkenntnistheoretischer Standpunkt herausgearbeitet. Für die empirische Analyse wird dann der Forschungsstand zu historischen und rezenten Entwicklungen in der Wissenschaftskommunikation sowie zu ihrer Konzeptualisierung gesichtet und diskutiert: Dabei kommt es zu einer grundlegenden Problematisierung und prozessbezogenen Rekonzeptualisierung
des medienlinguistischen Kommunikationsformenbegriffs ebenso wie des Eristikbegriffs der Wissenschaftssprachenforschung. Die Ergebnisse der vier Einzelfallstudien erhellen das Bloggen der deutschsprachigen Soziologie in seinen infrastrukturellen, sozialisatorischen, ethnotheoretischen und nicht zuletzt sprachlich-kommunikativen Dimensionen umfangreich. Sie zeichnen das Bild einer im Interim befindlichen Praktik. Diese entwickelt sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen den Normen interner Wissenschaftskommunikation und der medialen Spezifik von Weblogs. Dies führt unweigerlich zu Konflikten. Die unterschiedlichen Strategien ihrer Bewältigung führen im Effekt zu je unterschiedlichen Verortungen
des Bloggens im kommunikativen Haushalt der Wissenschaft. / This study examines a relatively recent phenomenon, the practice of scholarly blogging, with regards to its eristic dimension which is conceived as an overarching characteristic of all scholarly communication. In order to do so, the practice of scholarly blogging itself has to be explored first: What are the essential characteristics of scholarly blogging? What linguistic means are used to serve the eristic purposes in said practice? To answer these key questions, the scholarly blogging of German-speaking sociologists is examined in four case studies. Theoretical, conceptual, and methodological considerations situate this study in culture-analytical media linguistics: An according epistemological perspective is developed. In preparation of the empirical analyses, the stand of research regarding historical and recent developments as well as the common conceptualizations of scholarly communication are then examined and discussed. The notion of communication form, central to German media linguistics, is consequently scrutinized and re-conceptualized as process rather than structure, as well as the notion of eristics, central to German linguistics of scholarly communications. The findings of the four case studies shed light upon blogging of German-speaking sociologists in the
following dimensions: regarding media infrastructure, processes of socialization, conflicting ethnotheories, and, most importantly, linguistic means for eristic purposes. The case studies show a practice currently evolving, in tension between the norms of scholarly communication and the specific mediality of the communication form weblog. Which inevitably prompts conflicts: The different strategies of coping with these conflicts effectively place blogs on different positions in the communicative household of academia.
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