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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stuck in Limbo : A qualitative analysis regarding the effects of living in deprived neighborhoods on the citizenship of the second-generation immigrants in Bäckby.

Gergis, Faris Henry January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews that were conducted with six highly educated young second-generation immigrants from the deprived neighborhood of Bäckby in Västerås. By aiming to understand how the participants portray their substantive citizenship and its impact upon political participation as an essential pillar of Swedish democracy, the author focused upon how the participants described their perceived discrimination, sense of belonging, transnationalism, and political participation. The answers were transcribed using the intelligent verbatim method and coded deductively based on a wide range of relevant literature. Among many findings, the study showed that the participants were aware of the bright barrier framing their place of comfort as well as they were highly attached to Bäckby. However, the majority of the participants considered the homeland to be a country outside of Sweden. Peregrinus citizenship was the outcome of the author's interpretations of the participants' substantive citizenship, which also was a possible explanation of the low interest in politics that the participants illustrated through their answers. Among the study's conclusions was stated that the second-generation immigrants are not only a risk group because of social risk factors present within the deprived neighborhood, but also because of the similar factors present outside of it. / Det här examensarbete är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med sex högutbildade unga andra generationens invandrare från den eftersatta stadsdelen Bäckby i Västerås. Genom att försöka förstå hur deltagarna framställer sitt substantivmedborgarskap och dess inverkan på det politiska deltagandet som en viktig pelare i den svenska demokratin fokuserade författaren på hur deltagarna beskrev sin upplevda diskriminering, känsla av tillhörighet, transnationalism och politiskt deltagande. Svaren transkriberades med hjälp av den intelligenta Verbatim metoden och kodade deduktivt baserat på ett brett spektrum av relevant litteratur. Bland många fynd visade studien att deltagarna var medvetna om den ljusa barriären som inramade sin komfortplats och de var mycket fästa vid Bäckby. Majoriteten av deltagarna ansåg dock att hemlandet var ett land utanför Sverige. Peregrinus medborgarskap var resultatet av författarens tolkningar av deltagarnas substantivmedborgarskap, vilket också var en möjlig förklaring till det låga intresse för politik som deltagarna illustrerade genom sina svar. Bland studiens slutsatser uppgavs att andra generationens invandrare är inte bara en riskgrupp på grund av sociala riskfaktorer som finns inom det utsatta området, utan också på grund av liknande faktorer som finns utanför det.

Svenska maroniter: Tro, tradition och etnisk identitet / Swedish Maronites: Faith, Traditions and Ethnic Identity

Toubia, Carmen January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to investigate ethnic identity in relation to faith and traditions among second-generation Maronite Christians living in Sweden. Qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted with seven second-generation Lebanese Maronites living in Sweden. In the interviews, the participants explained their experiences and perceptions of their ethnic identity, faith, and traditions. The findings reveal that the majority of the participants in this study do not practice religion and attend church. However, this tendency does not mean that the Lebanese Maronite’s have abandoned their religion as a whole, merely that they have more freedom to create an individual approach to religious faith and traditions. Furthermore, the study shows that the participants have adapted their faith and traditions and individualized it. Finally, the findings show that the majority of the participants consider themselves a part of both the Swedish ethnicity and the Lebanese Christian ethnicity, however, not based upon Maronite faith and traditions, but on the Catholic faith and its traditions.

Främling i mitt egna land : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare / Stranger in my own country : A qualitative study of the identity creation of second-generation immigrants

Kazem, Hedil, Maida, Cucovic January 2021 (has links)
Socialt arbete inkluderar ofta individer som på något sätt lever utanför det normativa samhället. Fall som berör perosner med utländsk bakgrund kan ofta missförstås eftersom den Eurocentriska ideologin inte alltid är rådande för alla. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vuxna födda på 90-talet med två utrikes födda föräldrar skildrar sin identitet smat vilken inverkan miljön har haft på deras identitetskapande. Med denna studie vill vi även få en ökad kunskap om fårgor som rör identitet i förhållande till etnicitet och hur andra generationens invandrare påverkas av benämningen invandrare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer födda i Sverige med olika kulturell bakgrund. För att få ett bredare perspektiv har vi ställt frågor om hur deras etniska bakgrund har påverkat deras skapande av identitet i det svenska samhället. Vår analys bgger på det empiriska materialet som även vidare kopplas till den tredje identiteten och andra relevanta teoretiska begrepp som; attributionsteorin, människans behov av tillhörighet och kulturell identitet och dess tillhörighet. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att omgivningen spelar en viktig roll i repondenternas identitetsbildning. Respondenternas etnicitet var avgörande i vilken utsträckning de känner tillhörighet till det svenska samhället. Den etniska bakgrunden bidrog således till en känsla av utanförskap då samhället inte tillät dem att identifiera sig som de ville. Sammanfattningsvis visade den insamlade empirin på att intervjupersonerna växt upp med två kulutrella världar som varit betydande för processen av identitetsskapandet. Deras dubbla kulturella band har varit en kärn faktor i hur dem skildrar sin identitet. Respondenterna ansåg deras dubbla kulturella band som en svårighet i deras unga dagar då ett sökande efter tillhörighet aldrig upphörde. Men beskrev den som en tillgång i dagens läge då de funnit sig själva och sin plats i samhället. / Social work often includes individuals who in some way live outside the normative society. Cases involving people with a foreign background can often get misunderstood because the Eurocentric ideology is not always prevalent for everyone. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adults born in the 90s with two foreign-born parents portray their identity and what impact the environment has had on their identity creation. With this study, we also want to gain a increased knowlegde of issues concerning identity in relation to ethnicity and how second-generation immigrants are affected by being referred to as immigrants. We have conducted qualitative semistructured interviews with six people born in Sweden with different cultural backgrounds. To get a broader perspective, we have asked questions about how their ethnic background has affected their identity creation in swedish society. Our analysis is based on the empirical material which is also further linked to the third identity and other relevant theoretical concepts such as; the attribution theory, man's need for belonging and cultural identity and its belonging. The results of our study have shown that the enviroment plays a significant role in the respondents' identity formation. The respondents' ethnicity was decisive in the extent to which they felt a sense of belonging to swedish society. The ethnic background thus contributed to a feeling of exclusion as society did not allow them to identify themselves as they wished. In summary, the collected empirical evindence showed that the interviewees grew up with who cultural worlds that were significant for the process of identity creation. Their dual cultural ties have been a core factor in how they portray their identity. The respondents considered their dual cultural ties to be a difficulty in their young days when a search for belonging never ceased. But described it as an asset in today's situation when they have found themselves and their place in society.

Att leva mellan två kulturer i det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie om andra generationens invandrarkvinnor

Shala, Armanda, Turkaj, Ljaura January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

“I slutändan ser de på mig som en blatte, men jag känner mig mitt emellan” : En kvalitativ studie kring hantering och anpassning av identitetsskapande processer hos andragenerationensinvandrare med irakisk bakgrund inom en svensk kontext / "In the end, they see me as a wog, but I feel somewhere in between" : A qualitative study on the management and adaptation of identity construction processes among second-generation immigrants with an Iraqi background in a Swedish context

Yasami, Amin, Alfadli, Dari January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of how second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds navigate through and adapt to their identity formation processes in relation to Swedish society.  Previous research has examined other ethnic groups of second-generation immigrants and has provided insights that contribute to our study, but there is limited research on second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds, even though Iraqis are one of the largest groups that have immigrated to Sweden since the 1980s. To achieve the study's purpose and answer the research question, we have chosen to conduct a qualitative study based on 10 qualitative semi-structured interviews with second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 30. The results of the study have been analyzed using the following theories: postcolonial perspective, symbolic interactionism and the following theoretically grounded conceptual definitions: identity, in-betweenness, gender patterns and gender regime. The findings of the study reveal that second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds find themselves in a state of in-betweenness, where they do not fully identify as neither Iraqis nor Swedes. Furthermore, our study shows that cultural, social, and symbolic interactions influence second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds and their identity formation process, as a symbolic act reinforces an individual's identity. Adaptation to Swedish society is limited for second-generation immigrants with Iraqi backgrounds due to the differing perceptions and expectations of these two cultures regarding what is accepted and deviant, influenced by Iraqi culture and religion.

Overeducation among the Second Generation in Western Europe : A cross-country comparison focusing on labour market characteristics

Tramosljanin, Ana January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates overeducation as an aspect of integration among the second generation in Western Europe. As the second generation grows and establishes themselves in the labour market, research about their labour market outcomes becomes increasingly important. Using nine rounds (2002-2018) of the European Social Survey (ESS), this thesis investigates the impact of being a second generation on the probability of being overeducated in Western Europe. An overeducation-measure is developed using the realised matches-approach and weighted linear probability models are performed on pooled and country-stratified samples. The thesis takes into account labour market supply-and demand-side characteristics to discuss possible mechanisms behind the results. The results show that across Western Europe, the second generation faces a higher probability of being overeducated compared to their native counterparts. The UK stands out, where the second generation is subject to an 8,53-percentage point higher probability of being overeducated than the natives. Parental origin and level of education are important supply-side factors, where the second generation with parents from non-EU countries and those with non-tertiary educated parents have higher probabilities of being overeducated. On the demand-side, employment and unemployment protection regulations are associated with overeducation, where stricter employment protection and higher net replacement rates in unemployment is associated with lower probabilities of overeducation among the second generation. This thesis highlights the importance of assessing the labour market supply- and demand-side characteristics in research about labour market outcomes for the second generation, and contributes to the research field with the comparative perspective.

The Effects of the Holocaust for Six Polish Catholic Survivors and their Descendants

Montague, Kristen M. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding the Relationship between Critical Literacy, Cultural Literacy, and Religious Literacy for Second-Generation Immigrants

Khader, Malak M 08 1900 (has links)
This study explores information seeking behavior of second-generation Muslim immigrants utilizing factors such as critical, cultural, and religious literacy skills. The study examined the second-generation immigrants' ability to balance their parents' and grandparents' native culture and traditions with the culture and traditions of their country. The interview questions were designed using the cognitive authority theory and the figured worlds theory that provides an explanation for the mentality of those who are in environments influenced by culture or religion. An interesting main finding of the study is that participants sought more religious-based rather than culturally-based information. Participants seek information from their parents, communities, and religious leaders, but are particular with who they consider credible and reliable; if the person providing the information follows a similar lifestyle to the participants, they are more likely to hold cognitive authority. Four different themes emerged from the study. The first is "religious focus" where many participants stated that religion is rather static whereas culture can evolve and change with time, location, and events. The second theme emerged is the reliance on family members for religious literacy given the close upbringing of Muslim extended family system. The third theme indicated that although information seeking behavior relied on Google and mobile devices to locate information, in verifying religious content they depended on parents and religious cognitive authorities. The fourth theme emerged is the loss of richness going forward and the concerns about the possible decline in religious information literacy for future generations.

Exploring Hybridity in the 21st Century: The Working Lives of South Asian Ethnic Minorities from a British Born Generation in Bradford.

Rifet, Saima January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the working lives of British Born South Asian Ethnic Minorities (BB SAEMs), critiquing the homogenous identities ascribed to them in previous research. Its methodology is life-story interviews analysed using Nvivo. This identified four hybrid categories emerging from two cultures. I fitted myself neatly into just one. However the reflexive analysis required in good qualitative research led me to realise that I fitted into not one, but all four categories, and into others not yet recognised. At this point, my thesis had to take a new turn. An auto-ethnographic, moment-by-moment study led to an ‘unhybrid categorisation of hybridities’ acknowledging ‘fuzziness and mélange, cut ‘n’ mix, and criss and crossover’ where identity is a complex-mix, always in flux. I conclude not only with this new theory of identity formation in the working lives of BB SAEMs, but also by arguing that by imposing the requirement to categorise, research methods lead to over-simplification and misunderstanding. / University of Bradford

Evaluation of IMO second-generation intact stability criteria and examination of different fishing vessel designs to dead ship condition and excessive acceleration failure mode / Utvärdering av IMOs andra generationens intaktstabilitetskriterier genom en undersökning av olika fiskefartygsskrovs känslighet

Liatsis, Pavlos January 2023 (has links)
The main objective of this project is to investigate the applicability of the IMO second-generation intact stability criteria in enhancing the process of designing fishing vessels, which often face stability challenges due to their narrow hulls and harsh operating environments. The study involves analyzing the impact of these criteria, specifically focusing on dead ship conditions and Level 1 and Level 2 excessive acceleration criteria, on the design of three fishing vessels. Through thorough theoretical examination and practical assessment, the research seeks to provide naval architects with valuable insights into designing safer and more stable fishing vessels. The investigation also explores the potential benefits of incorporating bilge keels to mitigate lateral acceleration effects, aiming to enhance crew safety. Finally, a discussion of the computation results is held, followed by a conclusion. / Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att undersöka tillämpbarheten av IMO:s andra generationens kriterier för intaktstabilitet för att förbättra processen med att designa fiskefartyg. Denna typ av fartyg har ofta flera stabilitetsutmaningar på grund av deras smala skrov och krävande driftsmiljöer. Studien innefattar att analysera effekterna av dessa kriterier, med särskild fokus på "dead ship" villkor samt nivå 1- och nivå 2-kriterierna för kraftiga acceleration, på designen av tre fiskefartyg. Genom teoretisk granskning och praktisk bedömning ämnar forskningen ge fartygskonstruktörer insikter för att designa säkrare och mer stabila fiskefartyg. Undersökningen utforskar också de potentiella fördelarna med att inkludera slingerkölar för att mildra effekterna av lateral acceleration och därmed öka besättningens säkerhet. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion kring beräkningsresultaten, följt av en slutsats.

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