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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelser av tillvaron i skolan efter träning av arbetsminnet / Experiences of the Existence in School after Training of Working Memory

Sörensson, Evan January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Självbild och kamratrelationer hos elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Vi är i samma liv / Self-image and peer-relationships on students with read- and write disabilities : We are in the same life

Fredengren, Irina January 2009 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan elevers läs- och skriv svårigheter och självförtroende samt om självbildsuppfattningen påverkar läs- och skrivinlärning samt kamratrelationer. Syftet konkretiseras genom följande frågeställningar: Är självbilden en påverkansfaktor i kamratrelationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Är läs- och skrivsvårigheter en påverkansfaktor för självförtroendet i skolprestationer, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Uppfattar elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter sin skolsjälvbild mer negativt än elever utan läs- och skrivsvårigheter? Den teoretiska bakgrunden och tidigare forskning visar både samband och olikheter i resultat av liknande studier. Sambanden i frågeställningarna undersöktes med kvantitativ enkätundersökning av 58 respondenter. Undersökningen av eleverna i de specifika klasserna har inte gett något underlag till att det skulle finnas något samband mellan försämrat själförtroende, för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och kamratrelationer. Däremot har undersökningen visat tydliga samband mellan undersökningsgruppens prestationssjälvbild och deras läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Det har även visat sig att det inte går att se någon generell bild av hur läs- och skrivsvårigheter påverkar individens självbild i kamratrelationer, prestationssjälvbild samt skolsjälvbild. / The studies intention is to examine the correlation between students reading and writing disabilities and self-confidence and if the read-and write learning affect the self-image interpretation and peer relationship. The objective concretizes trough the following formulations of questions: Is the self-image interpretation an influence factor in peer – relationships, for students with read and writes disabilities? Is read-and write disabilities an influence factor for self- concept of ability in school performance, for students with read and write disabilities? Does student with read-and write disabilities experience their school self image more negatively than student without read-and write disabilities? The theoretical background and earlier research points to both correlation and differences in results from similar studies. The correlations in the study’s formulations of questions were surveyed by quantitative questionnaire study on 58 respondents. The surveys show no correlation between low self-esteem and peer-relationships for students with read-and write disabilities. The study has shown that there are remarkable correlations between the survey group performance self-image and their read-and write disabilities. The study has also showed that there is no clear general evidence on how the read-and write disabilities affects the individual self-image in peer-relationship, performance self-image and school self-image.

Motivational beliefs in the TIMSS 2003 context : Theory, measurement and relation to test performance

Eklöf, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was to explore issues related to student achievement motivation in the Swedish TIMSS 2003 (Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study) context. The thesis comprises of five empirical papers and a summary. The expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation was used as the general theoretical framework in all empirical papers, and all papers are concerned with construct validation in one form or another. Aspects of student achievement motivation were measured on a task-specific level (motivation to do well on the TIMSS test) and on a domain-specific level (self-concept in and valuing of mathematics and science) and regressed on test performance. The first paper reports the development and validation of scores from an instrument measuring aspects related to student test-taking motivation. It was shown that a number of items in the instrument could be interpreted as a measure of test-taking motivation, and that the test-taking motivation construct was distinct from other related constructs. The second paper related the Swedish students’ ratings of mathematics test-taking motivation to mathematics performance in TIMSS 2003. The students in the sample on average reported that they were well motivated to do their best on the TIMSS mathematics test and their ratings of test-taking motivation were positively but rather weakly related to achievement. In the third and the fourth papers, the internal structure and relation to performance of the mathematics and science self-concept and task value scales used in TIMSS internationally was investigated for the Swedish TIMSS 2003 sample. For mathematics, it was shown that the internationally derived scales were suitable also for the Swedish sample. It was further shown that ratings of self-concept were rather strongly related to mathematics achievement while ratings of mathematics value were basically unrelated to mathematics achievement. For the science subjects, the internal structure of the scales was less simple, and ratings of self-concept and valuing of science were not very strongly related to science achievement. The study presented in the fifth paper used interviews and an open-ended questionnaire item to further investigate student test-taking motivation and perceptions of the TIMSS test. The results mainly corroborated the results from study II. In the introductory part of the thesis, the empirical studies are summarized, contextualized, and discussed. The discussion relates obtained results to theoretical assumptions, applied implications, and to issues of validity in the TIMSS context.

Upplevelser av tillvaron i skolan efter träning av arbetsminnet / Experiences of the Existence in School after Training of Working Memory

Sörensson, Evan January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Elevers självkänsla : En intervjustudie om hur lärare förhåller sig till och arbetar med självkänsla hos elever

Lindell, Sofie January 2008 (has links)
Begreppet självkänsla innebär kännedom om det egna jaget. Enligt forskare har en god självkänsla en betydande effekt på vår livskvalité. Trots stora olikheter används begrepp inom självbildsforskningen ofta synonymt med varandra i vardagstal. Om detta skulle ske i vetenskapliga sammanhang är det allvarligt, då det kan leda till felaktiga slutsatser. Detta arbete fokuserar på vad läraren kan göra för att stärka den enskilda elevens självkänsla i klassrummet. De lärare som deltagit i undersökningen är rörande överens när det kommer till barns självkänsla. Samtliga respondenter har tankar om begreppets betydelse och vikt, även om svaren skiljer sig något. Litteraturöversikten och intervjuerna visar att det finns mycket läraren kan göra för att stärka eleverna i klassrummet. En negativ parameter är tyvärr tidsbrist, vilken medför att lärarna inte alltid räcker till för de elever som är i behov av att stärka självkänslan. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur medvetna dagens lärare är när det gäller självkänsla, vilken vikt de lägger vid begreppet samt om de aktivt arbetar med att stärka den enskilde elevens självkänsla. Det finns en påvisad problematik när det gäller att identifiera elever med låg självkänsla. Det har därför även varit av intresse att ta reda på om verksamma lärare själva anser sig ha lätt för att identifiera låg självkänsla bland eleverna. Undersökningen är genomförd enligt kvalitativ metod och innefattar sex stycken intervjuer med lärare som alla är verksamma inom grundskolan. Lärarna i undersökningen anser sig ha relativt lätt att identifiera låg självkänsla hos barn. Studier och min undersökning visar att lärare identifierar självkänslan hos barn genom att se till vissa typiska karaktärsdrag. Forskning visar dock att det finns stora svårigheter att upptäcka de elever som har lägst självkänsla i en klass. Detta är mycket oroande då de barn som behöver uppmärksammas och stärkas mest istället riskerar att glömmas bort. Det kan genom detta arbete konstateras att lärarens förhållningssätt i allra högsta grad påverkar eleverna och undervisningen. Hur läraren ser på sina elever har en avgörande betydelse för hur eleven utvecklas i skolan. För att en lärares förhållningssätt ska ha en positiv inverkan och gynna barnen krävs det att denne ofta reflekterar över sig själv och sin lärarroll. Som ytterligare slutsats kan nämnas att lärare och dess omgivning tror att lärare kan identifiera låg självkänsla hos barn. Det finns dock forskning som visar att i själva verket har lärare fel två gånger av tre när det kommer till att identifiera barnen med lägst självkänsla. Här skiljer sig litteraturen och intervjuerna en del. Lärarna i undersökningen finner det relativt lätt att identifiera dessa elever, medan en del av litteraturen jag tagit del av säger att de med lägst självkänsla ofta förbises. Man kan med andra ord säga att lärare saknar kunskap om hur elever med lägst självkänsla upptäcks.

The contribution of temperament to children's happiness

Klassen, Andrea Nicole 11 1900 (has links)
The relation between temperament and happiness in children aged 8-12 was examined. Participants included 311 students in Grades 4-6 and their parents, recruited from public and private schools in the Central Okanagan. Parents rated their children’s temperament using the Emotionality, Activity, and Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) and rated their children’s happiness using a single-item measure. Children rated their own temperament using the EAS Temperament Survey and the Piers- Harris Self Concept Scale for Children, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2) (Piers & Herzberg, 2002). Children also rated their own happiness using a single-item measure, the Oxford Happiness Scale, Short Form (Hills & Arygle, 2002), and the Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999). Confirmatory factor analyses established that parent and child ratings on the EAS Temperament Survey conformed to the four-factor structure proposed by Buss and Plomin (1984). Multiple regression analyses revealed that temperament accounted for between 9-29% of the variance in children’s happiness depending on the rater (i.e., parents vs. children) and the measure of happiness. Individual temperament variables that predicted a unique amount of the variance of children’s happiness over and above the combined effect of all temperament variables varied with the rater of children’s temperament (i.e., parents vs. children) and with the measure of happiness. Children who were more social, less shy, less emotional, and more free from anxiety rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. Children who scored higher on the activity temperament rated themselves, and were rated by others, as happier. The results of the current study parallel results of research investigating the relation between happiness and personality in adults. It establishes a strong relation between temperament and happiness, and iii supports the use of self-reports with children. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

青少年親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略之相關性研究 / A study on parent-child relationship, self-concept and coping strategies of adolescents

蔡芸佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解青少年的親子關係、自我概念對其壓力因應策略的影響。以臺北市與新北市的國中二年級學生為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣與自填問卷方式進行資料蒐集,共回收427份有效問卷。透過卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析進行統計檢定,並由迴歸分析與路徑分析建立親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略的路徑圖。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 在背景變項的部分,男女性青少年在自我概念上有差異;父母的教育程度、職業、家庭社經地位對自我概念皆有影響;而青少年居住地區不同,其親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略亦有所差異。 二、 在青少年的親子關係中,相較於彼此的支持信任,與父母理性的溝通以及情感上的交流分享較缺乏。 三、 青少年的心理自我概念與生理自我概念普遍偏低。 四、 面臨壓力時,青少年多採正向的因應策略;在正向策略中,最常採取暫時擱置問題策略,最少採取尋求師長的建議策略。 五、 青少年的親子關係越好、自我概念越佳,壓力因應策略越正向,透過迴歸分析預測壓力因應策略發現,親子關係與自我概念可解釋達42.1%的變異量。 據此,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 學校應規劃壓力因應策略的方案課程,使青少年學習更多元的因應策略;並重視青少年期的心理風險與社會適應問題,提升青少年的自我概念。 二、 社會工作實務的部分,可安排親子溝通相關議題的親職教育課程,同時設計親子團體,增加親子互動與學習的機會。 三、 父母應尊重青少年為一獨立的個體,不過度干涉青少年的隱私,避免以權威的態度來管教子女,而是在相互信任的關係中,以開放平等的態度,適時地關懷青少年的生活狀況。 四、 傳播媒體可增加親職教育、親子關係等相關資訊的普及性,但也應對所傳播之訊息嚴格把關,將各類資訊分級以符合各年齡層的閱聽人。 / This study aimed at understanding the effect that parent-child relationship and self-concept has on the coping strategies of adolescents. The subjects of this study were selected from the second grade junior high school students in Taipei City and New Taipei City. In-class survey method with structured questionnaire was employed to collect data for the study. A total of 427 valid samples were collected. Based on statistical data analyses, the study findings are as follows: 1. There are differences between male and female’s self-concept. The education, occupation of parents and social economic status have influences on adolescents’ self-concept. Adolescents of different city present significant differences in parent-child relationship, self-concept and coping strategies. 2. Compared to support and trust, adolescents are lack of communication and emotional interaction with their parents. 3. The mental self-concept and social self-concept of adolescents are generally low. 4. When under pressure, adolescents adopt more positive coping strategies. In the positive strategies, the most frequently used coping strategy is temporary- put-off strategies. The least frequently used one is support- seeking strategies. 5. Parent-child relationship and self-concept are significantly associated with coping strategies. Finally, the research provides suggestions based on the result. First, school should pay attention to psychological risks and social adjustment problems of adolescents. Second, social work agencies can provide parenting education program and group work to increase parent-child interaction. Thirdly, parents should respect that the adolescent is an independent individual and should not excessively interfere his/her privacy. Finally, the media community should ensure the correctness of dissemination of information about parenting education and parent-child relationship.

國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就影響 之研究─以新北市國小高年級學生為例 / A study on the effect of socio-economic status and self-concept on academic achievement of elementary school students: evidence from the fifth and sixth grade students of elementary schools in New Taipei City

蕭雅如, Hsiao, Ya-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就之影響。研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市國小學生為樣本母群體,採分層隨機叢集抽樣,抽出20所國小共計740位受試者,回收有效問卷659份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以了解國小學生家庭社經地位、自我概念與學業成就之現況、差異情形及國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就的預測力。 研究結論如下: 一、國小學生自我概念現況屬中上程度,以「心理自我概念」最高。 二、國小學生學業成就現況屬中上程度,以「國語科學業成就」最高。 三、就讀年級在整體自我概念上有顯著差異,五年級高於六年級。 四、性別在英語科學業成就上有顯著差異,女性學生高於男性學生;就讀年級在國 語科及社會科學業成就上有顯著差異,六年級學生高於五年級學生。 五、家庭社經地位在國小學生自我概念上有顯著差異,高社經地位或中社經地位高於低社經地位。 六、家庭社經地位在國小學生學業成就上有顯著差異,高社經地位及中社經地位高於低社經地位。 七、家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就具顯著正相關及預測效果。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、教育人員以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of socio-economic status and self-concept on academic achievement of elementary school students. A survey research was conducted using a sample of the fifth and sixth grade students of elementary schools in New Taipei City. 740 students from 20 schools were selected by stratified random sampling and cluster sampling. 659 valid sample data were collected, analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise regression analyses.The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.Elementary school studen’s self-concept is above average, “psychological self-concept” ranks the highest position. 2.Elementary school student’s academic achievement is above average, “Chinese academic achievement” ranks the highest position. 3.Grade show significant differences in self-concept, students who are in the fifth grade show higher performance than those in the sixth grade. 4.Gender show significant differences in English academic achievement, female students show higher performance than male students. Grade show significant differences in Chinese academic achievement and Society academic achievement, students who are in the sixth grade show higher performance than those in the fifth grade. 5.Socio-economic status show significant differences in self-concept, students who have high socio-economic status or intermediate socio-economic status show higher performance than those of low socio-economic status. 6.Socio-economic status show significant differences in academic achievement, students who have high socio-economic status and intermediate socio-economic status show higher performance than those of low socio-economic status. 7.Socio-economic status and self-concept are positively related to academic achievement. In addition, socio-economic status and self-concept have positive direct effect on academic achievement. Based on the findings and the conclusions, further suggestions for educational administration authorities, pedagogical individuals and future related study are proposed.


吳孟娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究。主要目的有七:(一)了解並分析目前外籍配偶子女就讀國中自我概念與生活適應情形。(二)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之自我概念差異情形。(三)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之生活適應差異情形。(四)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之學業成就差異情形。(五)瞭解國中外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相互關係。(六)分析國中外籍配偶子女背景變項、自我概念與生活適應對學業成就的預測情形。(七)分析並歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,作為政府機關規劃相關政策和學術研究的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,係以就讀桃園縣公立國中外籍配偶子女為研究對象,採立意抽樣共取樣 536人,有效問卷508份,回收率95.67%。測量工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「學業成就」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」等四部分。依據所得資料,主要運用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多變項變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。 本研究的主要結果分述如下: 一、整體而言國中外籍配偶子女自我概念程度是在中等以上,最高的是學校 自我,最低的是生理自我。背景變項(性別、年級、父親教育程度、經 濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區)在自我概念上有顯著差異。 二、整體而言生活適應程度是在中等以下,人際適應最佳,學校適應較差。 背景變項(性別、經濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區〉在生活適應上 有顯著差異。 三、國中外籍配偶子女學業成就最高的是國文,最低的是數學。背景變項 (性別、年級、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、居住狀況、經濟狀況、 父母管教方式)在學業成就上有顯著差異。 四、國中外籍配偶子女對自我概念瞭解程度,自我概念越高生活適應越好。 在生活適應層面中個人適應、學校適應、家庭適應及人際適應具有顯著 差異。 五、國中外籍配偶子女在自我概念層面中的家庭自我、學校自我及道德自 我,與國文、英文及數學學業成就具有顯著差異,顯示自我概念層面其 中家庭自我、學校自我、道德自我得分越高,表示學業成就越好。 六、國中外籍配偶子女整體生活適應及各層面的個人適應、家庭適應、學校 適應、人際適應越好,國文、英文及數學學業成就越高。在生活適應層 面中個人適應、家庭適應、學校適應及人際適應,與國文、英文及數學 學業成就具有顯著差異。 七、國中外籍配偶子女當人際適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。當人際 適應越好時,國文領域的表現會越好。對家庭自我瞭解程度越高、人際 適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。 八、在預測國中外籍配偶子女國文領域學業成就層面,以學校適應最具預測 力,可解釋或預測8.7%。在預測英文領域學業成就層面,管教方式最具 預測力,可解釋或預測9%。在預測數學領域學業成就層面,以管教方式 最具預測力,可解釋或預測4.8%。 最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供家長、教育工作者及未來研究參考之用。 / The purpose of this research aims to investigate the correlations among self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement of foreign spouses’ children. There are seven main objectives: (1) to find out and analyze self-concept and life adjustment of foreign spouses’ children in junior high school nowadays; (2) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their self-concept with different background variables; (3) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their life adjustment with different background variables; (4) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their academic achievement with different background variables; (5) to realize the correlations among their self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement; (6) to employ self-concept and life adjustment as variables to predict their academic achievement; (7) to draw a conclusion of the research and propose concrete suggestions as references for the related policies of governmental organizations and academic studies. This research used the questionnaire survey method and chose foreign spouses’ children who study in Taoyuan junior high school as objectives. The research selected 536 students as purposive samples in which 508 questionnaires were returned, yielding a 95.67% response rate. The measurement applied in this study includes “Personal Information Survey”, “Academic Achievement”, “Self-Concept Scale” and “Life Adjustment Scale”. According to the collected data, the hypothesis of the research is verified by the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research are illustrated as follow: 1.On the whole, the degree of self-concept that foreign spouses’ children have is above the average. They have the highest degree of school-self, the lowest degree of physical-self. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, economic status, parenting style, and school region) act significant differences on their self-concept. 2.In general, the life adjustment of the foreign spouses’ children lies under the average level. Their interpersonal adjustment works the best within this variable whereas the school adjustment performs the worst. The background variables (including sex, economic status, parenting style and school region) act significant differences on their life adjustment. 3.The academic achievement of junior high school students born of foreign spouses shows the best performance in the subject, Chinese. On the contrary, they present the worst in mathematics. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, their mother’s education level, economic status, and parenting style of parenting style) act significant differences on academic achievement. 4.As for the degree of the self-concept the foreign spouse’ children in junior high school have, the higher degree of their self-concept leads to the better performance of their life adjustment. At the level of life, personal, school, family and interpersonal adjustment show significant differences. 5.The self-concept within which consists of family, school and moral self shows significant differences from the academic achievement of Chinese, English and mathematics. The higher scores of family, school and moral self they have at the level of self-concept will cause better academic achievement. 6.The better their life adjustment and its components (the personal, family, school and interpersonal adjustment) act, the higher academic achievements they possess in Chinese, English and mathematics. There are significant differences between the level of life adjustment (personal, family, school, interpersonal adjustment) and academic achievements of Chinese, English, and mathematics. 7.The better interpersonal adjustment the foreign spouses’ children have, the better they show their academic achievement in mathematics and Chinese. It has also been revealed that they present better interpersonal adjustment and better achievement in mathematics if they understand their family self better. 8.While predicting Chinese academic achievement of foreign spouse’ children, the research shows the best predictable variable is school adjustment which can explain and forecast the degree of accuracy at the rate of 8.7%. Besides, at the level of predicting English academic achievement, the best predictable variable is parenting which can describe and foretell the degree of accuracy at the rate of 9%. As to the prediction for mathematics academic achievement, the best predictable variable is also parenting which can predict accurately at the rate of 4.8%. Finally, according to the results of the research, I propose specific suggestions for the parents, educators and future researchers are proposed subject as a reference resource.

品牌人格與自我一致性及消費幻想對於消費者品牌偏好度影響之研究 / The Effects of Congruity between Self and Brand Personality and Consumer Fantasy on Brand Preferences

張惠涵, Chang, Hui-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討真實自我、理想自我與品牌人格的一致性以及消費幻想,對於消費者品牌偏好度之影響,並將真實自我、理想自我與品牌人格的一致性分為五大構面,探討各構面對於消費者品牌偏好度之相對影響。採用Aaker (1997) 所發展出來的品牌人格量表來衡量真實自我、理想自我以及品牌人格,消費幻想的衡量則是採用黃依婷 (2006) 所發展之幻想程度的量表。 本研究選擇進行問卷調查的品牌包含象徵型及功能型兩類型,且具高知名度、不同來源國、消費者使用目的及產品價格等特質,經由與專家討論,選出台灣的宏碁 (Acer)、法國的路易威登 (LV)以及美國的星巴客 (Starbucks),並將問卷以品牌分為三類,採隨機發放,共收集428份有效問卷,其中Acer品牌問卷有134份、Starbucks品牌問卷有143份、LV品牌問卷有151份,透過一般線性模式分析,驗證品牌人格與自我一致性以及消費幻想,對於消費者品牌偏好度之影響。 研究結果顯示,真實自我及理想自我與品牌人格的一致性、消費幻想及品牌對於消費者品牌偏好度均無影響,但是真實自我及理想自我與品牌人格的一致性與消費者品牌偏好度間的關係,會受到消費幻想及品牌的影響。對於象徵性品牌而言,消費幻想高的人並不在意品牌與自己之真實自我或是理想自我有無一致,只要品牌的象徵性意涵豐富,能夠滿足其幻想,消費者就會對品牌有較高的偏好,消費幻想低的人比較務實,所以對於象徵性品牌的偏好度較低;就功能性品牌而言,消費幻想高的人除了產品基本的功能性訴求之外,還希望品牌能夠用來表達真實自我或是理想自我,但是消費幻想低的人比較實際,較注重產品的功能面,所以比較不在意品牌是否能展現自己。若將真實自我一致性分為五個構面來看,真實領先自我一致性對於消費者品牌偏好度有影響,且此關係亦會受到消費幻想的影響,真實誠懇自我一致性與消費者品牌偏好間的關係,會受到消費幻想及品牌的影響。 對於廠商而言,若其品牌屬於象徵性品牌,應該將品牌之象徵性意涵更為突顯吸引更多消費幻想高的人,不需在意品牌人格是否與消費者之自我一致,若其品牌屬於功能性品牌,廠商對於消費幻想低的人應該著重加強品牌功能的宣傳,對於消費幻想高的人要使得品牌具有人格特質以表達消費者的自我。對於消費者而言,若能先瞭解自己消費幻想的程度,將有助於選擇適合自己的品牌。消費幻想高的人,在選購象徵性品牌時,可選擇象徵性意涵豐富的品牌,在選購功能性品牌時,建議選擇符合自己所追求人格特質的品牌;若為消費幻想低的人,不建議購買象徵性品牌,在購買功能性品牌時,要特別注意其功能的表現。 本研究將品牌人格與自我一致性分五大構面,探討其對於消費者品牌偏好的影響,確實瞭解真正影響消費者對於品牌偏好度之品牌人格與自我一致性的特質,能夠給予廠商明確的建議。在本研究之前,對於消費幻想的研究僅止於理論的發展及量表的建構,本研究將消費幻想進行品牌偏好度的實務驗證。 / The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of real-self congruity, ideal-self congruity, and consumer fantasy on consumers’ brand preferences. Furthermore, the research divided real-self congruity and ideal-self congruity into five dimensions to discuss the effects of each dimensions on consumers’ brand preferences. The American brand personality scale proposed by Jennifer Aaker in 1997 was used to measure brand personality and self congruity, while consumer fantasy was measured using the fantasy scale by Huang, Yi-Ting (2006). Brands in the research included both symbolic brands and functional brands, that are well-known, come from different countries of origin, used for different usage purposes, and carry different prices. After discussions with a professional, Acer, Louis Vuitton (LV), and Starbucks were selected. Questionnaires for each brand were developed and were distributed randomly. 428 valid questionnaires were collected, among which 134 were Acer brand questionnaires, 143 were LV questionnaires, and 151 were for Starbucks. Data was analyzed by general linear model. The results of the research are in the following. 1. There were no effects of real-self congruity or ideal-self congruity, consumer fantasy, and brands on brand preferences. 2. The relationships between real-self congruity and brand preferences or ideal-self congruity and brand preferences are affected by consumer fantasy and brands. 3. For symbolic brands, consumers with high fantasy don’t care whether the personalities of the brands are consistent with their real-self or ideal-self concepts. As long as the symbols of the brands can satisfy their fantasy, they will have high brand preferences. 4. For functional brands, consumers with high fantasy still hope that the brands can express their real-self or ideal-self concepts. In contrast, people with low fantasy are realistic so they focus a lot on the function that the brands can provide them and don’t care whether the brands can express themselves. 5. The relationship between real-leading-self congruity and brand preferences is affected by consumer fantasy. 6. The relationship between real-sincere-self congruity and brand preferences is affected by consumer fantasy and brands. Businesses whose brands are symbolic ones should emphasize the symbols of their brands to attract more consumers with high fantasy levels but don’t need to be as concerned with whether the personalities of the brands are consistent with consumers’ real-self or ideal-self concepts. On the other hand, businesses whose brands are functional brands should emphasize the great functionality of their brands to attract consumers with low fantasy and make the brands have personalities to express consumers’ real-self or ideal-self. Moreover, consumers should understand the degree of their fantasy to help them purchase suitable brands. When purchasing symbolic brands, consumers with high fantasy can select brands with rich symbols, while when purchasing functional brands, they should buy brands with personalities that fit their real-self or ideal-self. Consumers with low fantasy should buy less symbolic brands and should pay attention to the functions of the brands when purchasing functional brands. This research contributes by dividing the real-self congruity and ideal-self congruity into five dimensions and discussing the effects of each of them on brand preferences. This can lead to a better understanding of how the real personalities of brands and consumers’ self concepts affect brand preferences which will be useful to help companies form branding strategies. In addition, prior to this research, the studies about consumer fantasy were limited to the development of theories and the construction of the scale to measure consumers’ fantasy. This research connects consumer fantasy and brand preference to study the relationship between them.

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