Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delft determination theory ."" "subject:"delfi determination theory .""
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Motivation in the Remote Workplace : Understanding the Threats and Opportunities to Motivation During Enforced Remote WorkDryselius, Alexander, Pettersson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, organizations across the world have been forced to move operations into the homes of its employees. This shift has dramatically changed the individual workplace contexts that employees are subject to, raising questions about which effects this will have on employee motivation. As levels of motivation relates to both productivity and well-being of individuals, it is critical that organizations know how motivation can be facilitated in a remote working (or “teleworking”) context so as to safekeep the productivity and well-being of their employees. Through semi-structured interviews, this study gathers the opinions and experiences of employees from five different companies in knowledge intensive sectors. Analysing this material we constructed seven recurring themes that were related to motivation. Viewing these themes through a theoretical framework based on previous studies of remote working, the Job Demands-Resources Model, and Self-Determination Theory we conclude that teleworking affects motivation in the areas of lacking social interaction, the level of informational transparency in the organization, challenges to work-life balance, a responsibility shift between managers and employees, troubles reaching out for support, digital meetings, and perceptions of learning. We conclude the study by providing managers and employees with lists of practical guidelines that can help them facilitate motivation in the teleworking context. / I kölvattnet av Covid-19-pandemin har organisationer över hela världen tvingats flytta verksamheten till de anställdas hem. Denna förändring har dramatiskt förändrat individernas egna arbetsplatskontexter. Detta väcker frågor om vilka effekter detta kommer att få på anställdas motivation. Eftersom motivation är relaterat till produktivitet såväl som välbefinnande hos individer är det avgörande att organisationer vet hur motivation kan underlättas i ett fjärranslutet (eller"distansarbetande") sammanhang för att skydda sina anställdas produktivitet och välbefinnande. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samlar denna studie in åsikter och erfarenheter från anställda från fem olika företag inom kunskapsintensiva sektorer. Genom att analysera detta material konstruerade vi sju återkommande teman som var relaterade till motivation. När vi tittar på dessa teman genom en teoretisk ram baserad på tidigare studier av distansarbete, Job Demands-Resources-modellen och Self-Determination-teorin drar vi slutsatsen att distansarbete påverkar motivation inom områdena medbristande social interaktion, nivån av transparens inom organisationen, utmaningar i balansen mellan arbete och privatliv, en ansvarsförskjutning mellan chefer och anställda, svårigheter att be om hjälp för att lösa problem, digitala möten och upplevelsen av lärande. Vi avslutar studien med att ge chefer och anställda en lista med praktiska riktlinjer som kan hjälpa dem att facilitera motivation i distansarbete.
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Re(engineering) student success: constructing knowledge on students’ experiences in engineering education programs to encourage holistic student successWilliams, Shaylin 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
If a group of engineering deans were asked whether students at their institutions were successful and why, what information might they immediately or subconsciously use to measure or gauge the engineering students’ success? If only academic performance outcomes like GPA, individual course grades, or graduation rate race to their minds, then their rationale aligns with the majority of researchers. My research seeks to shift the mindset that frames engineering student success mainly within the boundaries of academic performance measures. By measuring students’ perceived autonomy, competence, social integration and relatedness within their programs, and aspirations after graduation, one can more accurately judge whether engineering students are achieving holistic student success. By utilizing surveys and exit interviews for freshmen Summer Bridge Program (SBP) participants, interviewing continuing and past SBP participants, and surveying engineering seniors, this research gathered more in-depth information on students’ experiences. In turn, one can better understand how the structures of engineering summer and undergraduate programs either contribute to or detract from student success and motivation. Results from SBP freshmen indicated that community building, structured studying, real-world experiences, residential life, and mentorship were perceived as valuable components by the students. Also, a perceived difficulty gap, based on students’ prior engineering experience(s), was uncovered. For continuing SBP students, there was an emphasis on Black community, leadership, and discourse when moving from SBP to larger departments. Lastly, within the seniors, we found that students tend to choose engineering careers regardless of their undergraduate experiences. This information can be used in practice for enhancing programmatic planning and design as well as potentially developing novel program components that contribute to students becoming more self-determined, motivated engineers. It is my hope that one day in the near future, engineering education faculty, administrators, and leaders will cultivate and measure success based on a more comprehensive assessment of lived experiences and better recognize how their decisions regarding programmatic structures impact students’ success and motivation.
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Revisorers upplevelser av tidsstyrningens påverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen / Auditors’ experiences of the impact of time management on job satisfactionAbo-Hareb, Elias, Ahmad, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Revisorer anses som revisionsbolagens viktigaste resurs och många revisorer har valt att lämna revisionsbranschen. En av de grundläggande faktorerna till revisorernas beslut att lämna revisionsbyråerna är minskad arbetstillfredsställelse. Inom revisionsbranschen är tidsstyrningen den dominerande styrformen som främst påverkar revisorsassistenter och seniora revisorer. Tidsstyrningen har däremot under de senaste åren blivit allt stramare, vilket i sin tur leder till högre krav på att utföra arbetet under betydligt striktare tidsramar. Med en stramare tidsstyrning tillkommer ökad tidspress och stress som kan inverka på revisorernas arbetstillfredsställelse och därmed deras beslut att lämna branschen. För en vidare förståelse för hur tidsstyrningen kan tänkas inverka på revisorernas arbetstillfredsställelse beaktades självbestämmandeteorin, som betonar betydelsen av de grundläggande psykologiska behoven kompetens, samhörighet och autonomi. Genom beaktandet av självbestämmandeteorin kunde en mer nyanserad förståelse erhållas för hur tidsstyrningen påverkade revisorernas arbetstillfredsställelse. Tidigare studier har främst fokuserat på hur dysfunktionella beteenden utvecklas på grund av en stramare tidsstyrning. Dock, finns det begränsade studier kring hur tidsstyrning inverkar på revisorernas arbetstillfredsställelse, vilket har medfört att en kunskapslucka identifierats. Därav är syftet med denna studie att öka förståelsen för hur revisorsassistenter och seniora revisorer inom revisionsbranschen upplever att tidsstyrningen påverkar deras arbetstillfredsställelse. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. 15 intervjuer genomfördes med revisorsassistenter och seniora revisorer som alla arbetade på någon av de fyra stora revisionsbyråerna. Resultatet av studien visar att tidsstyrningen upplevs bland revisorerna som något positivt i relation till hur de trivs på arbetsplatsen. Revisorerna upplevde att tidsstyrningen gav upphov till tydliga mål, planering, struktur och kompetensutveckling vilket ökade deras arbetstillfredsställelse. De revisorer som däremot inte upplevde arbetstillfredsställelse hänvisade till underbemanningen som en faktor som medförde ökad arbetsbelastning och i sin tur lägre arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien kan därmed sägas öka förståelsen för hur revisorsassistenter och seniora revisorer upplever tidsstyrningens påverkan på deras arbetstillfredsställelse. / Auditors are considered the most important resource of audit firms, yet many auditors have chosen to leave the auditing industry. One of the fundamental factors for auditors’ decision to leave audit firms is decreased job satisfaction. In the audit industry, time management, is the dominant form of control that primarily affects audit associates and senior auditors. However, time management has become increasingly tighter in recent years, leading to higher demands for completing the audit within significantly tighter time frames. Tighter time management leads to increased time pressure and stress, which can affect auditors’ job satisfaction, and their decision to leave the audit industry. To further understand how time management may influence auditors’ job satisfaction, self-determination theory was considered, emphasizing the importance of basic psychological needs such as competence, relatedness and autonomy. By considering self-determination theory, a more nuanced understanding was obtained of how time management affected auditors’ job satisfaction. Previous studies have mainly focused on how dysfunctional behaviours develop due to tighter time management. However, there are limited studies on how time management impacts auditors’ job satisfaction, resulting in an identified knowledge gap. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how audit associates and senior auditors in the audit industry perceive that time management affects their job satisfaction. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative method was applied. 15 interviews were conducted with audit associates and senior auditors working at one of the Big Four audit firms. The results of the study show that auditors perceive the time management as something positive for their job satisfaction. The auditors experienced that time management provided clear goals, planning, structure, and opportunities for professional development, which increased job satisfaction. However, those auditors who did not experience job satisfaction referred to understaffing as a factor that resulted in increased workload and, consequently, lower job satisfaction. Therefore, the study can be said to contribute to a better understanding of how audit associates and senior auditors perceive the impact of time management on their job satisfaction.
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Exploring Resilience Building in Soulsborne GamesYe, Chushu January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates how players experience psychological benefits, specifically in promoting resilience and positive behavior change, in Soulsborne games. It is important to note that this study does not suggest video games as a substitute for professional therapy or mental health treatment. This inquiry holds significance for game researchers and designers, and broadens the conversation on the psychological impacts of video games, particularly in unconventionally challenging games. The methodologies used include a close reading of common design elements and a content analysis of public online discussions, underpinned by the principles of the self-efficacy theory and Self-Determination Theory. The close reading highlights four design elements of these games and how they leveraged essential factors for developing self-competence and motivation. These elements overlap significantly with strategies used in professional resilience training programs. The content analysis reveals a strong connection between the difficulty and design philosophy of Soulsborne games and player experiences of coping with personal difficulties or challenges. The findings support the hypothesis that active engagement with Soulsborne games may boost player resilience and catalyze positive behavior alterations, with potential implications for real-life personal development. However, the potential for researcher bias in the detailed examination and content analysis techniques should be acknowledged.
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Jag har en dröm men jag orkar inte om det inte är roligt : En studie om studiemotivation bland elever i sjuan / I have a dream but if it isn´t fun I won´t do it. : A study about study motivation among students in the seventh gradeJohannsson, Ann-Katrin, Cardell, Kenneth January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förstå sjundeklassares upplevelser av sin skolgång. Mer specifikt vill vi veta mer om deras motivation att engagera sig i sina studier samt få en förståelse för de variationerna av studiemotivation som finns bland elever i årskurs 7. Vi har intervjuat elever som går i årskurs 7 på tre olika skolor i Mellansverige om hur de ser på sin skolgång och vad som motiverar dem samt vad som gör att de inte känner sig studiemotiverade. Utifrån tidigare forskning har vi använt oss av fem teman som grund för våra gruppintervjuer. Med hjälp av faktorer som Boström och Bostedt (2022) kommit fram till som viktiga för elevers studiemotivation och Ryans & Decis (2000) motivationsteorin self-determination theory har vi analyserat vår empiri. Studiens resultat bygger på en beskrivning av elevernas upplevelse av att börja högstadiet och det gemensamma är att alla elever tycker det är roligt, oavsett vilken motivationsnivå de befinner sig på. Den faktor som framträder som viktigast i studiens resultat är relationsskapande mellan elev och lärare. För de elever som är amotiverade och som drivs av yttre motivation, med regleringen yttre kontroll, har inte någon bra relation till sina lärare och de elever som var mer studiemotiverade upplever sina lärare som snälla och tycker att lärarna bryr sig om dem. Med stöd av denna studie får studie- och yrkesvägledare en förståelse för hur studiemotivation kan påverkas av olika faktorer och genom att kartlägga elevernas motivationsnivå kan studie- och yrkesvägledare anpassa sin vägledning utifrån elevens behov. / The purpose of this study is to describe and understand seventh graders' experiences of their schooling. More specifically, we want to know more about their motivation to get involved in their studies and gain an understanding of the variations in study motivation that exist among students in year 7. We have interviewed students who are in year 7 at three different schools in Central Sweden about how they look at their schooling and what motivates them and what makes them not feel motivated to study. Based on previous research, we have used five themes as a basis for our group interviews. With the help of factors that Boström and Bostedt (2022) found to be important for students' study motivation and Ryans & Deci's (2000) motivational theory self-determination theory, we have analysed our empirical evidence. The results of the study are based on a description of the students' experience of starting upper secondary school and the commonality is that all students find it fun, regardless of their level of motivation. The factor that emerges as most important in the study's results is relationship building between student and teacher. For the students who are amotivated and driven by external motivation, with the regulation external control, do not have a good relationship with their teachers and the students who are more motivated to study perceive their teachers as kind and think that the teachers care about them. With the support of this study, study and career guidancegain an understanding of how study motivation can be affected by various factors and by mapping the students' motivation level, study and career guidance can adapt their guidance based on the student's needs.
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Vad motiverar unga vuxna till fysisk aktivitet? / What motivates young adults to be physically active?Flink, Anton, Poromaa, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Hälsan kan främjas av fysisk aktivitet men trots detta är unga vuxna alltmer inaktiva idag. Motivation är en bakomliggande faktor som påverkar en individs fysiska aktivitetsbeteende. Motivation kan delas upp i inre och yttre faktorer. Syftet är att utforska vilka faktorer som påverkar samt identifiera vilka faktorer som främjar unga vuxna 18-29 års motivation till fysisk aktivitet. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie om befintlig forskning inom ämnet. Resultatet visar att det är flera faktorer som påverkar motivationen, det som påverkar fysisk aktivitet positivt är inre motivation, socialt stöd och feedback. En yttre faktor som främjar fysisk aktivitet på kort sikt är belöningar.
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Nej, det påverkar inte migHachichou, Len, Markkanen, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan självupplevd kunskap av gamification och tredjepersonseffekten (TPE) (En effekt som innefattar att jaget “första person” tror att propaganda eller kommunikation påverkar andra “tredje person” mer än sig själv) samt hur denna påverkar motivationsnivån som gamification försöker höja. Studien omfattade sex deltagare. Tre spelstudenter som har kunskap av gamification och tre konststudenter som inte har kunskap av gamification. Detta är för att se hur den självupplevda kunskapen påverkar TPE och därmed motivationen till att använda applikationen Duolingo som valdes som ett instrument i denna studie för att svara på forskningsfrågan. Där den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan lyder, hur påverkar den självupplevda kunskapen av gamification motivationsnivån? Som har ytterligare två underfrågor för att besvara den huvudsakliga, hur påverkar den självupplevda kunskapen av gamification tredjepersoneffekten? samt hur påverkar tredjepersoneffekten motivationsnivån? Studien innefattade både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ del i datainsamlingen där både semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkäter användes. Tematisk analys och ett induktivt sätt användes som dataanalysmetod i denna studie. Denna studie har funnit att den självupplevda kunskapen inte påverkar motivationen. Däremot kunde det inte finnas en TPE i spelstudenternas syn gentemot konststudenterna, där det var evident att spelstudenterna ansåg att alla påverkas av gamification och spelelement. Vidare hittades ingen relation mellan TPE och motivationsnivån även fast studenterna insåg en social distans mellan grupperna. Däremot ansågs inte gamification som något negativt, vilket medför att TPE inte uppkom mellan de två grupperna. Å andra sidan uppkom det en TPE gentemot barn och unga eftersom respondenterna ansåg dessa grupper som mer erfarna av spel, vilket resulterar i att de påverkas mer av de negativa effekterna med applikationens utformning såsom spelberoende, ekonomisk press och otillräcklig information för språkinlärning, samt spelelementen som används i applikationen. Vidare existerade även TPE gentemot personer som är tävlingsinriktade och skulle ha ett stort fokus i tävlingsaspekten av applikationen. / This study aimed to explore the interplay between self-perceived knowledge, gamification, and the thirdperson effect (TPE) (An effect which includes the "first person" believes that propaganda or communication affects other "third person" more than itself) in relation to motivation levels facilitated by gamification elements. Data was collected from six participants, divided into two groups: computer science students specializing in game design at Stockholm University (with knowledge of gamification) and art students at Luleå University (without knowledge of gamification), serving as a comparison group. This division allowed for an analysis of how self-perceived knowledge impacts the third-person effect and subsequent motivation to use the Duolingo phone app. This study aims to explore the relationship between self-perceived knowledge of gamification, motivation levels, and the third-person effect. The main research question guiding this investigation is: "How does self-perceived knowledge of gamification influence user motivation?" Two supporting sub-questions are posed to shed light on this main question: "How does self-perceived knowledge of gamification impact the third-person effect?" and "How does the third-person effect influence user motivation?" By investigating these interrelated factors, this study seeks to provide insights into the complex dynamics between self-perceived knowledge, gamification, motivation, and the third-person effect. The study incorporates a comprehensive qualitative section, employing semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to collect and analyse data. Additionally, a smaller quantitative section employs a survey to assess participants' self-perceived knowledge. The findings indicate no significant evidence of a third-person effect between the computer science and art students. The computer science students believed that gamification affects everyone, regardless of student group. Moreover, the study reveals no correlation between the third-person effect and motivation, despite evident social distance between the groups. Notably, gamification was not perceived as a negative phenomenon or strategy, leading to a diminished occurrence of the third-person effect. However, there was a recognised TPE towards children and young adults due to the respondents considering these groups as more experienced with video games, which results in them being more affected by the negative effects of the applications design. These effects were notably game addiction, financial pressure, and insufficient information for language learning, as well as the game elements used in the application. Furthermore, TPE also existed towards people who are competitive and would have a big focus in the competition aspect of the application.
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Why do Women's Hockey Players Choose to Dropout from Ice Hockey? A Thematic Analysis / Why do Women's Hockey Players Choose to Dropout from Ice Hockey? A Thematic AnalysisWerner, Albin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to thematically map and describe what motives and factors previous ice hockey women experienced as contributing to their dropout from ice hockey. The study involved 15 interviewees; women aged 17–42 (M = 23.3 SD = 6,8) where all participants previously played ice hockey but have now chosen to quit. In the study, interviews were conducted with all participants and the participants had been active in ice hockey between 3 and 24 years (Average = 13.3). The result was analyzed via a thematic analysis. The results show that the participants experience several different intrapersonal, interpersonal, and structural constraints as contributing reasons for terminated sports participation (i.e., negative emotions, low competence, coach's behavior, teammates' behaviors, and financial constraints). To reduce the number of dropouts from sports, federations, clubs, and districts are recommended, among other things, to work to increase coaches' knowledge of psychological and psychosocial aspects to create better and more pleasant environments in women's hockey. This together with strengthening the participants' three basic needs (competence, autonomy & relatedness). Future research in the field is recommended to focus on a broader societal perspective and how it is related to dropouts from sports. / Syftet med studien var att tematiskt kartlägga och beskriva vilka motiv och faktorer tidigare ishockeykvinnor upplevde bidragande till deras avhopp från ishockey. Studien involverade 15 intervjuade; kvinnor i åldrarna 17–42 år (M = 23,3 SD = 6,8) där samtliga deltagare tidigare spelat ishockey men nu har valt att sluta. I studien genomfördes intervjuer med samtliga deltagare och deltagarna hade varit aktiva i ishockey mellan 3 och 24 år (genomsnitt = 13,3). Resultatet analyserades via en tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att deltagarna upplever flera olika intrapersonella, interpersonella och strukturella begränsningar som bidragande orsaker till avslutat idrottsdeltagande (ex. negativa känslor, låg kompetens, tränares beteende,lagkamraters beteende och ekonomiska begränsningar). För att minska antalet bortfall från idrott rekommenderas förbund, klubbar och distrikt bland annat att arbeta för att öka tränarnas kunskap om psykologiska och psykosociala aspekter för att skapa bättre och trevligare miljöer inom damhockey. Detta tillsammans med att stärka deltagarna tre grundläggande behov (kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet). Framtida forskning inom området rekommenderas att fokusera på ett bredare samhällsperspektiv och hur det är relaterat till bortfall från idrott.
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Psychosocial Motivators for Obstacle Course Racing: A Qualitative Case StudyRodriguez, Aracely 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This study explored the psychological and sociological motivations of adult female and male obstacle course racers. A qualitative case study approach was used to explore the views, experiences, and motivations of obstacle course racing (OCR) participants. Descriptive statistics and cross tabulation was used to interpret responses to the 297 online questionnaires. A content analysis approach was used to analyze the qualitative data gathered from three focus groups with a total of 20 obstacle course racers. Three theories formed the basis of the study: Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Achievement Goal Theory (AGT), and Social Leaning Theory (SLT). Overall, findings supported previous research regarding motivations to participate in adventure racing and extreme sports. Individuals were guided more by intrinsic motives than extrinsic motives. Important motivations for obstacle course racers included the camaraderie among participants, connecting and socializing with other like-minded people, having fun, and having a physical challenge that allowed them to progress and keep on track with their health goals. Obstacle course racing was perceived as positively impacting participants’ health, mental wellness and their confidence in their physical abilities as well as in other areas of their lives. Findings from this study may inform future interventions to increase participation in OCR or to increase overall physical activity among adults by building on camaraderie, social connection, enjoyment, and self-efficacy.
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Physical Activity Rates and Motivational Profiles of Adolescents While Keeping a Daily Leisure-Time Physical Activity RecordFullmer, Matthew Osden 01 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between keeping a daily leisure-time physical activity record and adolescent (a) feelings of competence toward leisure-time physical activity, (b) motivational profiles toward leisure-time physical activity, and (c) leisure-time physical activity behaviors. Participants were 124 junior high and high school physical education (PE) students. Students completed the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire–2, the Godin Leisure–Time Exercise Questionnaire, the Perceived Competence Scale, and were assigned to keep an online leisure-time physical activity record for three weeks as part of their regular PE class. A 2 (gender) x 4 (trials) repeated measures ANCOVA was used to examine the relationships between recording compliance and the variables of perceived competence, motivation, and physical activity. Results showed a significant interaction between recording compliance and leisure-time physical activity. As students kept the leisure-time physical activity record, boys' leisure-time physical activity levels significantly increased and girls' leisure-time physical activity levels significantly decreased. Also, a significant interaction between recording compliance and introjected regulation was found. The more students recorded the less motivated they were by guilt and obligation to exercise in their leisure time. Lastly a significant interaction was found between recording compliance and intrinsic regulation, showing that the more students recorded the more intrinsically motivated they were to exercise in their leisure time. Implications and suggestions are set forth for PE professionals.
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