Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delft determination theory ."" "subject:"delfi determination theory .""
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Dispositionell mindfulness som moderator i relationen mellan självbestämmande motivation och motionsmängd / Dispositional mindfulness as a moderator in the relationship between self-determined motivation and exercise frequencyHöglind, Ola January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether dispositional mindfulness moderates the relationship between self-determined motivation and exercise amount. The current study consisted of a Swedish population with a total of 134 participants (73.9% women) between 18-58 years of age (M = 39.61; SD = 11.6) who practiced a varied amount of physical activity. There were no specific requirements for participation as a general population was sought. The study was of a cross-sectional design and the data was gathered through a digital survey and was published on several different Facebook groups, a variety of Facebook groups was sought and thereby the groups consisted of everything from training specific to culture specific. The dependent variable was measured by the Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ), the independent variable was measured by the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-4) and the moderating variable was measured by the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). All forms consisted of the Swedish translated version. The result of the moderation analysis was non-significant, which indicates that mindfulness does not moderate the relationship between self-determination and exercise frequency and was analysed through the SPSS add-on Process v.4.1. This specific relationship within the research field is undeveloped and it is therefore recommended that the results of the current study are used cautiously, until more studies contribute to a justified conclusion. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om dispositionell mindfulness modererar relationen mellan självbestämmande motivation och motionsmängd. Föreliggande studie bestod av en svensk population på totalt 134 deltagare (73,9% kvinnor) mellan 18-58 år (M = 39.61; SD = 11.6) som utövade en varierad grad av fysisk aktivitet. Det krävdes inga specifika krav för att delta eftersom en generell population eftersträvades. Studien var av tvärsnittsdesign och datainsamlingen skedde genom en digital enkät och publicerades på flera olika facebook-grupper, där variation eftersträvades och berörda grupper bestod av allt från träning- till kulturspecifika. Beroendevariabeln mättes genom Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ), den oberoende variabeln mättes genom Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-4) och den modererande variabeln mättes genom Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Samtliga formulär bestod av den svensköversatta versionen. Modereringsanalysen utfördes genom SPSS tillägget Process v.4.1 och resultatet framkom som icke-signifikant, vilket innebär att mindfulness inte modererar relationen mellan självbestämmande motivation och motionsmängd. Denna specifika relation är inom forskningsområdet outforskat och det rekommenderas därför att resultatet beaktas med varsamhet, tills mer belägg kontribuerar till en befogad slutsats.
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How we play : A qualitative approach to casual games, players and engagement / Hur vi spelar : Ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt till vardagsspel, spelare och engagemangBrag, Gina, Davidiadis, Ioanna January 2023 (has links)
This study examines engagement regarding casual mobile games. It does so by studying elements of user experience and user interface and how these elements either facilitate or discourage engagement. Self-Determination Theory, flow state and absorption act as the theoretical framework in conjunction with the Game Engagement Questionnaire developed by Brockmyer et al. (2009). The theoretical framework is the base upon which the data collection model was developed as well as how the collected data was analyzed. The results suggest that elements with a negative impact on UI and UX negatively affect player engagement. The data implies that usability, autonomy, skill-level balance are all related to the players ability to enter a flow state, in which the player engagement is high. The results also suggest that fiction is an important factor to the player, as the participants displayed dissatisfaction with the games that contained (to them) unappealing fiction.
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Styrmodeller och motivation : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur en kommuns utarbetade styrmodell samspelar med motivationen hos kommunens anställda. / Control systems and motivation : A qualitative research study thatdescribes how a municipality and their developed control system interactwith the motivation among the municipality employeesJönsson, Jesper, Johnsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Styrmodeller och motivation - En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur en kommuns utarbetade styrmodell samspelar med motivationen hos kommunens anställda. Ämne: Självständigt uppsatsarbete inom företagsekonomi, 30 hp. Författare: Daniel Johnsson & Jesper Jönsson Nyckelord: Styrmodell, styrpaket, motivation, kommun, chefskap, självbestämmandeteorin. Inledning: Undersökningar visar att svenska kommuner har haft ett motivationsproblem. Detta är fallet då många kommuner har stött på utmaningar med anställda som säger upp sig och söker sig till nya arbetsplatser. Med detta i beaktning är det viktigt att styrmodellen prioriteras inom kommunen för att utveckla organisationen samtidigt som personalens utveckling, motivation och välmående får stå i fokus. Forskningsfråga: Hur samspelar styrmodellen inom svenska kommuner med personalens motivation? Syfte: Då varje kommun behöver hantera olika utmaningar behöver styrmodellen variera mellan kommunerna. För att kunna ge en teoretiskt generaliserad bild kring styrmodellens samspel med motivation hos anställda i Sverige så är det viktigt att förstå hur en kommun fungerar. Därför är syftet med denna studie att beskriva hur styrmodellen inom en specifik kommun i Sverige samspelar med anställdas motivation. Detta görs för att utveckla kunskapen och bidra med nya forskningsinsikter inom ämnet. Därtill är syftet att förklara samspelet och förklara hur olika typer av styrning inom styrmodellen kan ha olika samspel med motivationen. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen studerade styrningen som ett gemensamt paket av Malmi och Brown samt självbestämmandeteorin av Ryan och Deci. Referensramen studerade dessa synsätt utifrån olika typer av styrning som kan användas inom en organisation samt inom olika begrepp som anses tillhöra motivation. Metod: I denna studie användes en abduktiv forskningsansats för att besvara forskningsfrågan. Utöver det användes en kvalitativ metod där vi utförde en fallstudie inom en kommun. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samlade vi in studiens empiriska data. Denna data analyserades sedan i form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det empiriska resultatet hade sin utgångspunkt i ett antal teman som ansågs vara relevanta för att besvara forskningsfrågan. Resultatet presenterade hur studiens respondenter upplevde angiven teori i praktiken, då intervjufrågorna uppkom från den teoretiska referensramen. Analys: Analysen kombinerade teori och empiriskt resultat för att undersöka samspel begreppen emellan. Detta gjordes genom att ställa tidigare angiven teori och empiriska svar emot varandra. Analysen visade att styrning och motivation samspelar. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visar att styrningen inom en kommun samspelar med anställdas motivation. Styrning genom planering, cybernetik, kultur och administration samspelar med autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet. Detta är olika vitala aspekter inom en mer övergripande motivation. Även styrning genom belöning samspelar med motivationen hos anställda, men det samspelar enbart med begreppet kompetens. / Title: Control systems and motivation - A qualitative research study that describes how a municipality and their developed control system interact with the motivation among the municipality employees. Subject: Master thesis in business economics, 30 hp. Authors: Daniel Johnsson & Jesper Jönsson Keywords: Control systems, control systems as a package, motivation, municipality, management, self-determination theory. Introduction: Research shows that Swedish municipalities have a motivation problem. This is the case since a lot of municipalities have faced challenges with employees who resigns and look for other places to conduct their work. Because of that it is vital that the control system is prioritized to develop the organization at the same time as the employee’s development, motivation, and well-being remains in focus. Research question: How do the developed control system in Swedish municipalities interact with the motivation among the employees? Research aim: Since every municipality need to handle different challenges, the control system needs to vary between the municipalities. To be able to present a generalized picture about how the control system interact with employee motivation in Sweden it is essential to understand how one municipality operates. The aim of this thesis is therefore to describe how the developed control system in a specific municipality in Sweden interact with the motivation among the municipality employees. This is done to develop the knowledge and contribute useful insights regarding the subject. In addition, the aim is to explain the interaction and explain how different types of control systems can have different outcomes on the motivation among employees. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework has researched control systems as a package by Malmi and Brown as well as the self-determination theory by Ryan and Deci. The framework examines these approaches from different types of control systems that can be used within an organization, as well as different ideas which is considered to belong within motivation. Method: In this thesis an abductive research approach was used to answer the research question. Beyond that the authors used a qualitative method where a case study was accomplished in a municipality. Through semi-structured interviews we then collected the empirical data for the thesis. This data was later analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: The empirical result had its starting point in several themes which was considered relevant to the research question. The result presented how the respondents experienced earlier mentioned theory more practically, since the interview questions arose from the theoretical framework. Analysis: The analysis combined the theoretical framework and the empirical result to see the interplay between the concepts. This was conducted by putting theory and empirical answers against each other. The analysis later showed that control systems and motivation interplays. Conclusion: The conclusion of this thesis shows that the control system in a municipality interact with the motivation among the employees. Control systems through planning, cybernetic, culture and administration interact with autonomy, competence and relatedness. These are three vital aspects in a larger motivation picture. Even a control system based on rewards interacts with motivation among employees, but only through competence.
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A Comparative Study of Trends of Happiness Between the Nordic Region and Japan through Quantitative ApproachJimbo, Mao January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the consecutive years of degree of happiness between the Nordic region and Japan. The second aim is to seek for the detrimental factor contributing to happiness before and during the pandemic, based on the measurement by the World Happiness Report. Yearly based datasets of 'life ladder score', 'log GDP per capita', 'social support', 'healthy life expectancy', 'freedom to make life choices', 'generosity', and 'perception of corruption' from 2008 to 2021 were used for the aim and goal. The results of this study showed there were no significant changes in the trend of happiness from 2008 to 2021 between the Nordic region and Japan. Also, there were not any significant differences in terms of subjective well-being before and during the pandemic. Besides, as a result of multiple regression analysis, the study revealed that 'freedom to make life choices' was the detrimental factor that contributed to the subjective well-being before the pandemic. On the other hand, during the pandemic, 'social support' was the detrimental factor between the Nordic region and Japan. This study implied the connectedness between the subjective well-being and self-determination theory in terms of relatedness, and autonomy. For further investigation, it was concluded that creating a more inclusive measurement of happiness which adjusts diverse psychological definitions of happiness, investigating the relationship between the subcategories of population and happiness, and reviewing more comprehensive detrimental factors that explain well-being between the Nordic region and Japan should be needed.
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Effekterna av distansarbete : En kvantitativ studie om distansarbetets påverkan på arbetsmotivationen / The effects of teleworkingFarhan, Ronya, Sjöberg, Sara, Lorentzon, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Efter att corona pandemin sveptes över världen ändrade detta det traditionella arbetssättet, människor runtom i världen fick anpassa sina arbetssätt efter pandemin och distansarbete blev standard. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur distansarbete påverkar arbetsmotivationen och dess samband. De aspekter i arbetsmotivationen som har undersökts är autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet och hur de har påverkats av distansarbete och motivationsteorierna som behandlas i undersökningen är Maslows behovsteori och självbestämmandeteorin. Insamling av data har skett med en kvantitativ metod genom en egenutformad enkät. Resultat visar att det inte finns något samband vad gäller distansarbete och arbetsmotivation överlag, men lägger man till variabler som ålder och antal år på arbetsplatsen kan man se svaga samband. Resultatet visar inte heller något signifikant samband mellan autonomi och distansarbete, däremot visar resultatet ett negativt samband mellan distansarbete och aspekterna kompetens och samhörighet. / When the corona pandemic swept across the world, it changed the traditional way of working, people around the world had to adapt their ways of working when the pandemic ended and teleworking became the standard. The purpose of this study is to examine the way teleworking has affected work motivation among employees and its relations. The aspects of work motivation that have been examined in this study are competence, autonomy and relatedness, and how these aspects have been affected by telework and the motivation theories that are going to be discussed in this study are Maslow's Hierarchy of Need and the Self-Determination Theory. Data collection has been done with a quantitative method through a self-designed survey. Results show that there is no relation between telework and work motivation in general. When adding variables such as age and the number of years the employees have been at the current workplace, we would see weak relations. The result also does not show any significant relation between autonomy and telework, however, the result shows a negative connection between telework and the aspects of competence and relatedness.
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Motivation and autonomy in a digital organisational communication of a swedish franchise systemNsaibia, Ramzi, Edelswärd Sneitz, Maja January 2023 (has links)
This study has investigated how franchisors can implement and adapt digital organisational communication with collaborative tools and communication theories to empower their franchisees, improve their motivation and foster greater autonomy within the franchise system. The study was made possible by performing a qualitative analytical case study within a franchise company together with both franchisors and franchisees consisting of a total of 5 units and 8 participants, with the help of semi-structured interviews and the Free Listing-method. The result shows that there is a lot of room for improvement for both franchisees and franchisors in terms of how a digital organisational communication should be implemented and adapted with the help of collaboration tools and communication theories, but that much also lies with the individuals themselves in greater inclusion, but also to enhance their motivation and foster a greater autonomy within an organisation. The study was conducted to convey the various ways that digital organisation communication can be implemented within a franchise system, organisations or businesses.
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Motivation hos studenter kopplat till träning och i relation till WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet / Motivation in students linked to exercise and in relation to the WHO´s recommendations for physical activity.Ferdinandsson, Hanna, Hanserup, Fredrika January 2023 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet och stillasittande är ett problem i dagens samhälle. Det här resulterar i en risk för fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Genom att träna regelbundet hämmar det risker såsom förtidig död, kardiovaskulära sjukdomar, depression, ångest likväl fysisk och psykisk hälsa. För att en individ skall utföra fysisk aktivitet regelbundet behöver det utföras inom optimala förutsättningar som bidrar till att motivationen för fysisk aktivitet bibehålls. Syftet med studien var att undersöka motivation till träning i relation till WHO:s rekommendationer till fysisk aktivitet. Urvalet var studenter i åldrarna 18–50 år i södra Sverige. Vi använde BREQ-2 för att undersöka om det fanns en relation med WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet. Det här var en kvantitativ studie som utgår från BREQ-2 som är baserad på självbestämmande teorins fem regleringar. Egna frågor baserade på WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet för vuxna applicerades på enkätundersökningen. Resultatet tyder på att studenter drivs främst av identifierad och integrerad reglering. Det finns skillnad mellan könen inom motivation varav största skillnaden finns inom introjicerad reglering. Av de deltagande studenterna var det endast fåtal som uppnådde WHO:s rekommendationer vilket motsvarar 54,5%. Det fanns en signifikans mellan självbestämmande i relation till att uppnå WHO:s riktlinjer. / Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are an problem in society. This results in an increased risk for physical and psychological health. Exercising on a regular basis decreases the risks such as premature death, cardiovascular diseases, depression, anxiety, and physical and psychological health. For an individual to perform physical activity regularly, it needs to be performed within optimal conditions to maintain the motivation for physical activity. The aim of the study was to examine motivation for physical activity in relation to World health organization´s (WHO’s) recommendations for physical activity. The target group is student between 18 and 50 years in southern Sweden. We used BREQ-2 to investigate whether there is a relationship with the WHO's recommendations for physical activity. This was a quantitative study based on BREQ-2 which is based on self- determination theories and five regulations. Own questions based on the WHO´s recommendations for physical activity for adults were applied to the survey. The results indicate that students are primarily driven by identified and intrinsic regulation. There is a difference between the sex in motivation, of which the biggest difference is in introjected regulation. Of the participating students, only a few achieved the WHO's recommendations, which corresponds to 54.5%. There was a significance between self-determination in relation to achieving the WHO guidelines.
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Studenters motivation till att lära sig om integritet ochsäkerhet i smarta hem : En kvantitativ studie som kartlägger studenters motivationmed stöd av SjälvbestämmandeteorinGranbom, Sol, Haaga, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Smart homes make everyday life easier for many people, andliving in a smart home is not uncommon today. Previousresearch shows that not only does it come with desirablefeatures, but also with privacy and security risks due to theoften sensitive data that is collected. Research suggests thatone potential solution to the problem involving risks is toraise awareness among users through education. But forusers to learn about privacy and security, motivation isneeded. The aim of this study was to identify students'motivation to learn about privacy and security in smarthomes to see if there are gaps in the satisfaction of thepsychological needs that may inhibit motivation and hencethe ability to absorb knowledge. The study was based on theSelf-Determination Theory and a quantitative approach wasapplied with a cross-sectional design. The data collectionmethod consisted of a web-based survey that was completedby 89 respondents. The survey questions were designedaccording to a well-tested and validated questionnaire andthe questions were modified to fit the context of smarthomes. The results showed that there were deficits in thepsychological needs that may inhibit motivation and hencethe ability to acquire knowledge related to privacy andsecurity. There were the greatest deficits in the students'psychological need Relatedness. In Autonomy there werepartial deficits as they were only moderately satisfied. Therewere no deficiencies in Competence. Furthermore, studentsexperienced low frustration in Autonomy and Competenceand moderate frustration in Relatedness. The results alsoshowed that students felt moderately motivated to learn in acontext related to smart homes. The results of the bivariateanalyses indicated that there were significant positiverelationships between motivation and satisfaction in allpsychological needs. However, the multivariate regressionanalyses did not show a significant positive relationshipbetween motivation and Relatedness. The results indicatedthat there were only significant negative correlationsbetween satisfaction and frustration in the psychologicalneed Competence. The results also showed that studentsprefer to learn about privacy and security through their ownstudies. Further research should focus, among other things,on a longitudinal study, as well as investigating themotivation to learn about privacy and security for peoplewho are not primary users of the smart home, and to furtherdevelop the modified survey questions, in order to improveits validity in the context of the smart home. / Smarta hem underlättar vardagen för många, och att leva iett smart hem är idag inget ovanligt. Tidigare forskning visaratt det inte endast medföljer önskvärda funktioner, utanäven integritets - och säkerhetsrisker på grund av den oftakänsliga data som samlas in. Forskning menar att enpotentiell lösning på problemet som berör riskerna är att ökamedvetenheten hos användarna genom utbildning. Men föratt användarna ska kunna lära sig om integritet ochsäkerhet behövs motivation. Syftet med studien var attkartlägga studenters motivation till att lära sig om integritetoch säkerhet i smarta hem för att se om det finns brister itillfredsställelsen av de psykologiska behoven som kanhämma motivationen och därav förmågan att ta till sigkunskap. Studien utgick från Självbestämmandeteorin ochett kvantitativt angreppssätt tillämpades med entvärsnittsdesign. Datainsamlingsmetoden bestod av enwebbaserad surveyundersökning som besvarades av 89respondenter. Enkätfrågorna utformades efter ett välbeprövat och validerat frågeformulär och frågornamodifierades för att passa in i kontexten smarta hem.Resultatet visade att det fanns brister inom de psykologiskabehoven som kan hämma motivationen och därav förmåganatt ta till sig kunskap som berör integritet och säkerhet, Detvar störst brister inom studenternas psykologiska behovTillhörighet. I Autonomi fanns det delvis brister då deendast var måttlig tillfredsställda. Det fanns inga bristerinom Kompetens. Vidare upplevde studenterna lågfrustration inom Autonomi och Kompetens samt måttligfrustration inom Tillhörighet. Resultatet visade även attstudenterna upplevde sig måttligt motiverade till att lära sigi en kontext som berör smarta hem. Resultaten av debivariata analyserna indikerade på att det finns signifikantapositiva samband mellan motivation och samtligapsykologiska behov. I de multivariata regressionsanalysernavisades dock inte ett signifikant positivt samband mellanmotivation och Tillhörighet. Resultatet indikerade på att detendast fanns signifikanta negativa samband mellantillfredsställelse och frustration inom det psykologiskabehovet Kompetens. Resultatet visade även att studenterföredrar att lära sig om integritet och säkerhet genom egnastudier. Vidare forskning bör bland annat fokusera på enlongitudinell studie, samt undersöka motivationen till attlära sig om integritet och säkerhet för personer som inte ärprimäranvändare i det smarta hemmet, och attvidareutveckla de modifierade enkätfrågorna, för attförbättra dess validitet i kontexten smarta hem.
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The Effects of Gamified Learning Environment on the Intrinsic Motivation, Psychological Need Satisfaction, and Performance of Online StudentsBalci, Sebiha 08 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Elevers deltagande i ämnet Idrott och hälsa : En enkätstudie av autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet / Pupils' participation in physical education : A survey of autonomy, competence and belongingPedersen, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
The background for this study is anchored in the growing problem that is pupils’ lack in motivation in physical education, and how it affects the active participation in class. The aim for the survey was to investigate the motivations (Deci & Ryan, 1971) effectiveness in active participation in terms of experienced autonomy, experienced competence and belonging. The questions at issue were as following: How can pupils´ autonomy be described and what correlation can be seen to students’ active participation? How can pupils’ experienced competence be described and what correlation can be seen to students’ active participation? How pupils´ responded to questions related to experienced belonging in physical education and how it correlated to active participation? The study was based on a quantitative method in which a survey targeted to pupils between the ages fifteen to nineteen was sent out. 33 high- and elementary schools were contacted whereas two chose to participate. From these two schools, 71 pupils answered the survey. The results displayed that the student experienced a low autonomy, competence and belonging. The results indicated that there was no correlation between the above three categories and motivation towards active participation. By looking at the report from an objective point of view there is some parts that in revising would get altered. An excerpt of these can be rephrasing of survey question, in relation to some that ended up being systematic defects.
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