Spelling suggestions: "subject:"separatism"" "subject:"separatismo""
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Ukrajinská otázka v pracích ruské emigrace / The Ukrainian Question in Works of Russian EmigrationMareš, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the reflection of the Ukrainian question in selected works of members of the first wave of Russian emigration. Attention is paid to four major political streams of Russian emigration - conservative, liberal, left-wing and Eurasian. As part of the content analysis of selected works, the historical topics and figures, the existence of the theme of the anti-Russian plot, the plan for the future arrangement of the Russian-Ukrainian relations, or the way in which the ideas were formulated were examined. A thorough analysis of all these currents revealed that, with the exception of the most leftist Socialist-Revolutionary political stream, no one had counted on the full separation of Ukraine from Russia. Though other thought currents could not imagine the separation of Ukraine, some proposed a solution that would bring more equality in the relationship between the Ukrainians and the Russians than in the pre-revolutionary period, be it the territorial or cultural autonomy of the Ukrainians.
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Zánik a dezintegrace nacionalistických teroristických skupin / Demise and Disintegration of Nationalist Terrorist GroupsŠtekl, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the process of demise and disintegration of nationalist terrorist groups. The case studies of terrorism in Northern Ireland and Basque region in Spain demonstrate and analyze the development of local terrorist organizations from the beginning to the cessation of violent actions. An emphasis is put especially on the end of armed campaign and transformation of nationalist activities within a legal framework. In the case of Northern Ireland, the focus is put on the activities of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) from the beginning of the Troubles to the Belfast Agreement in 1998. The research in this thesis includes the influence of affiliated political parties - Sinn Féin in this case - on the process of negotiations and the continuation of Northern Irish nationalism after the end of armed campaign. The Basque case is devoted to the development of Basque nationalism since the beginning of the 20th century, the creation and development of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) and its terrorist campaign within both the Francoist regime and Spanish democracy. An emphasis is put on the development of the organization until its official dissolution in 2018, activities of the political parties of the Nationalist Left affiliated to ETA and the attitude of Spanish authorities to...
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Kvinnor – investera mera! : En kvantitativ studie om hur aktier och privatekonomi utspelar sig på FacebookBerglund, Evelina, Brandt, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Problemformulering och Syfte: Ämnet som huvudsakligen har undersökts i studien är kommunikation i online communities, digitala grupper på internet. Problemet som vi stött på och avgränsade oss till under detta ämne var sexism inom digital kommunikation. Utifrån ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv var studiens syfte att observera på hur tonaliteten kring samtalet om aktier och privatekonomi utspelat sig i en kvinnlig respektive en könsblandad facebookgrupp. Utifrån resultaten och med utgångspunkt i feministisk teori, praxisgemenskaper och social marginalisering har vi dragit slutsatser om huruvida tonaliteten i grupperna kan ha påverkat kvinnors intresse för aktier och privatekonomi. Huvudresultat: Ur ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv har vi genomfört kvantitativa innehållsanalyser vilket gav ett resultat som visar att den könsblandade facebookgruppen hade en mindre uppmuntrande tonalitet jämfört med den kvinnliga. Det visar sig också att den könsblandade gruppen är mansdominerade och har skapat en effekt av separatism där kvinnor väljer att avlägsna sig till andra forum där de får mer utrymme att vara en del av samtalet. Metod: För att kunna besvara syfte och frågeställningar har en kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomförts genom datainsamling från totalt 252 facebookinlägg med tillhörandekommentarer. Detta gjordes med hjälp av ett kodschema som behandlade 93 variabler.
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Vojna proti terorizmu a vojna teroru: Analýza post-transformačného separatizmu Kremeľ, radikálny Salafizmus a post-sovietsky Dagestan na ceste od mieru k násiliu / The War on Terror and the War of Terror: Revealing the post-transformation separatism Kremlin, Radical Salafism and Post-Soviet Dagestan on a Road from the Peace to the ViolenceBaranec, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
After 1999 the situation in then relatively stable Dagestan started to deteriorate swiftly. However, unlike in the cases of previous separatist movements which sprung up in some parts of the Russian Federation after the demise of the USSS, Dagestani separatists did not officially gather under the flags of nation but under the flags of Islam. Soon, Dagestan entered a period of instability and violence which turned into a vicious circle of bloodshed. In a short period of time, Dagestan radically turned from stability to large scale violence, which makes it necessary for us to understand the factors responsible for the current situation. The following thesis analyses the development of Dagestan after the collapse of the USSR, from the stable period of the 90s till these days, which are characterized by omnipresent violence. Employing the theoretical knowledge collected by other scholars and analyzing similar separatist movements in other parts of the post-socialist world, taking into account the specifics the North Caucasus region, this study attempts to identify the factors (grassroots) which caused the rise of Dagestani insurgence. In comparison with the Chechen separatism of the early 90s, it uncovers the roots and the real face of the "new wave" of insurgency which flooded Dagestan and started to...
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Jämlikt deltagande - Om ensamkommande och nyanlända tjejers väg in i föreningsliv genom separatismRundström, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
This study examines unaccompanied and newly arrived refugee girls’ possibilities to join collective activities. A lot of organizations in Sweden struggle to include unaccompanied and newly arrived refugee girls in activities such as sports and culture. Some of the causes to this problem derive from excluding mechanisms within the organizations, but also from the girls’ families or relatives who have certain rules regarding participation in activities. To increase the number of female participants, a number of organizations working with the target group are now developing projects using separatism as a method for inclusion. Separatism increases participation amongst girls, but it can be used as an alibi to compensate for inequalities within organizations. In order to receive good results from separatist work, the ideas from which separatism has evolved, such as feminism and equality, must be implemented throughout the entire work of the organizations using separatism as a method.
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Gäris and ickebinäris: Exploring a Swedish Gender-Separatist Group on FacebookHedberg, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the experience of participating in a ‘hidden’ gender separatist forum for women and nonbinary persons on Facebook. It does so through a case study of a group called Växtgäris, which constitutes one link in a chain of gender separatist forums established on Swedish Facebook in recent years, whose names all end with -gäris. The aim of the research was to investigate what motivates people to participate in such groups, how members understand the separatist framework with regards to their experience of the forum, and how such online practices might relate to notions of ‘safe space’ and ‘mundane citizenship’. The study combines two (digital) ethnographic methods for collecting data: participant observations of the group’s discussion thread and in-depth interviews with eight members. In analysing the empirical material, the Roestone Collective’s re-conceptualisation of ‘safe space’ was combined with Bakardijeva’s theorisation of ‘mundane citizenship’ (and the related notion of ‘subactivism’) to address different segments of the data.Results show that participants in Växtgäris hold a variety of motivations for participating in the group, such as exchanging knowledge, connecting with other people interested in plants and to escape oppressive behaviour. Interviewees further described a variety of attitudes towards the group’s separatist element, ranging from very positive to more questioning standpoints. The study concludes that Växtgäris might provide a ‘safe space’ for sharing information, expressing feminist views, and ‘geeky’ expressions of love for plants. Finally, inconspicuous individual actions, such as referring to wider societal and political discourses and planting certain linguistic codes, might be viewed as expressions of ‘mundane citizenship’ and ‘subactivism’. The thesis adds to research investigating contemporary feminist expression, community formation and identity construction in online environments and further reveals how marginalised identities in Sweden might deal with oppression in today’s increasingly digital society.
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”In this program they feel more open… they find themselves” En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga migranters erfarenheter av separatistiska arbetsmarknadsintegrerande insatserHuss, Kajsa January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine female migrants’ experiences of separatist activation policies for a more inclusive labor market, and to contribute to a more nuanced and heterogeneous view on "immigrant women" in Sweden. I interviewed five women who have participated in these types of programs. The empiric material was analyzed from a social constructionist perspective and using postcolonial feminist theory. The result of this thesis is that the separatist room worked as a form of consciousness-raising. It also shows how the interviewees both identify themselves with, and disidentify themselves from a stereotypical image of “immigrant women”.
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KATALANSK SEPARATISM -Med fokus på politiska organisationers förhållningsätt och argumentHatira, Hichem, Johansson, Kevin January 2020 (has links)
Separatism movements are widespread across the world; however, the European continentcontains several regions who wish to become independent sovereign states. The autonomousregion of Catalonia is one of Europe's many separatist regions, where a separatism movementis present. This study analyses the active separatism of Catalonia, with an emphasis onregional Catalan as well as national Spanish political organization’s attitude towards aCatalan independent state, and also which argument they have regarding an independentCatalonia. The purpose is to describe the regional Catalan as well as the national Spanishpolitical organization’s position within the debate regarding a Catalan separation from Spain.The utilized method for this study is a describing analysis of ideas, in order to analyze andunderstand the empirical material.This essay implements, based on the essay's theoretical framework, two analytical tools inorder to analyze the empirical material of the political organization’s which are two idealtypes of the phenomena nationalism and separatism.The study concludes that the regional Catalan political organizations, CiU and ERC, havemore tendencies of separatism in their pro-independence rhetoric’s, and they have movedaway from their former nationalistic political platforms because of failed dialogs with theSpanish national government. Regarding the national Spanish political organizations, on theother hand, the study concludes that both PSOE and PP have strong tendencies of nationalismin their rhetoric against Catalan independence, much in due to their alignment to the Spanishconstitution and their political goal of a more united Spain.
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Optimizing the Functional Utility of Afrocentric Intellectual Production: The Significance of Systemic Race Consciousness & Necessity of a Separatist Epistemological StandpointBrooks, Zachary D January 2018 (has links)
This research aims to reinforce the functional aspect of the Afrocentric paradigm by coupling the development of Afrocentric consciousness with a systemic race consciousness so that the intellectual production coming out of the discipline of Africology can more practically address the needs of Afrikan people under the contemporary system of white supremacy. By examining strengths and limitations of some existing theories and concepts within Black Studies, the goal of this examination becomes to more effectively address the problems of the epistemic convergence Eurocentrism structurally imposes on Afrikan people seeking liberation. Through an examination of how the cultural logic of racism/white supremacy has determined the shape and character of institutions within the United States, this work will argue that the most constructive political disposition for an Afrocentrist to take is one of separatist nationalism. The argument being made is that this ideological component is a necessary catalyst to produce Afrocentric scholarship that has optimal functional utility toward the goal of achieving sustainable liberation for Afrikan people from the Maafa. / African American Studies
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The need of separatist spaces : a queer feminist exploration of saunas and lesbian spaces / Och där med basta : ett queerfeministiskt utforskande av behovet av separatistiska rumSchmidt, Kim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores separatist spaces, with focus on lesbian spaces, with the aim of enabling discussion about the need and configuration of that type of spaces. The focus is on exclusion as a method for achieving an equal society in the long term. Grounded in the queer phenomenology that concludes that gender has to do with access to space, and by the repetition of actions, gender segregation takes place in a way that seems effortless. It also deals with that queer, and other minorities, bodies need to orient themselves in a certain way to avoid assault. To orient themselves in a certain way, the space will need to be re-inhabited. The conclusion from that is that there is a need of separatist spaces for minority groups in order at times to get a break from the need to stay aware of the surroundings. This need is strengthened by cataloguing existing separatist spaces based on gender, sexuality and race. In Sweden today separatism is used as a practice to fight structural discrimination. However, separatist spaces face a resistance from the majority society. Following these conclusions the design project is carried out partly in 1:1 actions of separatist spaces, such as hosting sauna clubs where a group of people are invited to sauna together and talk. Part of the project is carried out in smaller scale. Feminist methodology has been used with a focus on architecture as a process rather than an object and using norm-creative design as a tool. / Uppsatsen och projektet utforskar separatistiska rum, med fokus för platser för lesbiska. Målet är att möjliggöra för en diskussion om behovet och utformningen av separatistiska rum. Fokuset är på exkludering som metod för att långsiktigt kunna uppnå ett jämlikt samhälle. Den teoretiska grunden är i queer fenomenologi som konstaterat att kön har att göra med tillgång till platser, och att genom en repetition av handlingar skapas en könssegregation som upplevs som den sker utan ansträngning. Den tar även upp hur queera, och andra minoriteter, orienterar sina kroppar på vissa sätt för att undvika påhopp och övergrepp. För att orientera sina kroppar på ett visst sätt behovet rummet om-bebos. Slutsatsen från det är att minoriteter behöver separatistiska rum för att kunna pausa från att ständigt ha fokus på omgivningarna. Detta stärkts genom en katalogisering av några separatistiska sammanhang baserat utifrån kön, sexualitet och ras. I Sverige idag används separatism som ett verktyg för att motverka strukturell diskriminering. Trots det så möter separatism motstånd från majoritetssamhället. Utifrån dessa slutsater har design projektet gjorts delvis i skala 1:1 av att organisera separatistiska arrangemang, så som att arrangera bastuklubbar där personer bjuds in till en bastu för samtal. En annan del har gjort i en mindre skala. Under designprocessen har en feministisk metod med fokus på arkitektur som en process snarare än som ett objekt samt att använda normkreativ design.
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