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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdeskapandeprocessen : En studie i hur kundens värdeskapandeprocess ser ut vid användandet av ett specifikt anpassningsverktyg.

Jacobsson, Olivia, Rutfjäll Rittner, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
För att bemöta kunders individuella behov försöker allt fler företag integrera kunderna i produktionsprocessen. Genom att delta i utformandet blir kunderna på så vis medproducenter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kundens värdeskapandeprocess ser ut vid användandet av ett specifikt anpassningsverktyg, ”IKEA Home Planner”. Detta utförs genom att använda Grönroos och Voimas teoretiska ramverk om värdeskapande som analytiskt verktyg. Undersökningen består av en intervjustudie med kunder som använt anpassningsverktyget samt en innehållsanalys av Ikeas hemsida. Resultatet av studien visar att kunden upplever värde vid flera tillfällen i processen. Genom interaktion mellan kunden och företaget sker även ett medskapande av värde. Det medskapande värdet påverkar inte enbart värdeupplevelsen i den specifika situationen utan inverkar även på det ackumulerande värdet för hela värdeskapandeprocessen och på processens värdeskapande sfärers dynamik. Ju tidigare i processen den medskapande värdeupplevelsen uppkommer, desto större inverkan kommer den att ha på kommande värdeupplevelser samt det ackumulerande värdet. Därmed förklaras varför studien slutligen identifierar en värdeskapandeprocess som domineras av den gemensamma sfären.

En så kallad "podd" : En retorisk genreanayls av poddradions kommunikation i förhållande till privata och offentliga sfärer

Göranzon, Marta January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Hovpolitik : Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte som politisk aktör vid det gustavianska hovet

Hellsing, My January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines political life at the Swedish Gustavian Court through Duchess Charlotte (1759–1818). She was the Swedish monarch’s sister-in-law and well-known for her political memoirs. This study reassesses the Duchess as a political agent in her own right by taking into account earlier neglected sources. Drawing inspiration from previous research, I elaborate my empirical findings in an analytical framework called court politics. My claim is that politics involved both men and women at court since it was a key part of social life. I also structure the political agency of the Duchess into six different spheres. Each sphere is equivalent to a combined set of space, social relations, and activities, each of which supplied her with political capital. There are four spheres corresponding to the essential features of the royal identity: firstly, being at the head of a court; secondly, as part of the Swedish royal family; thirdly, in the performance of social duties at court; and fourthly, being the Duke’s consort. The two other spheres derive from the Duchess’s personal life, such as in her relationship with the Fersen family and her close circle of female friends. My examples reveal the Duchess acting as a leading figure in the social life of the Stockholm elite, hereby influencing the composition of political circles. She acted as a patron for court positions and solicited the Duke and the monarch for political purposes. When she was unsatisfied with their political decisions, she refused to host any social occasions, creating disorder within court society. The major focus in previous investigations of elite women’s political power has been on their marital status as a means of influence. By framing the Duchess’s agency in six spheres, I position her between the aristocracy and royal authority, together with both men and women of her social status. Thus, this case study offers a display of the complex dynamics of power at the Gustavian court.

Wälment råd till unga kvinnor : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska kokboksförfattarinnors förord från mitten av 1700-talet till mitten av 1800-talet / Well-meant advice to young women : A qualitative content analysis of the forewords by Swedish female cookbook writers from mid-18th to mid-19th century

Jakobsson, Louise January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to illuminate the ideals and values explicitly expressed by five female cookbook writers in mid-18th to mid-19th century Sweden. A qualitative content analysis of their forewords was implemented to highlight ideals and values connected to the categories: cookery, household maintenance, gender, class and education. An aspiration for order and frugality regarding cookery and household maintenance disclosed how the ideological current of mercantilism permeated the Swedish society. To economise and not overconsume was considered a patriotic deed. Marriage was the only way for women to advance socially and to assure economic stability. Therefore, the need to abide by the conventions of the ideal female was important, as to avoid life in the periphery. The treatment of the lower classes was held to reflect the relationship between man and God. For women, education, and more importantly experience, was to be obtained by own practice at home and never neglected. The Lutheran faith was steadfast and, seemingly, the Enlightenment could not compete, whereas if it could, maybe the forewords would have been phrased differently.

Homogeniteten och heterogeniteten i de svenska företagsgrupperna : En analys av de svenska företagsgrupperna som ägartyp / Homogeneity and heterogeneity in the Swedish business groups : An analysis of the Swedish business groups as an ownership type

Arvidsson, Jakob, Cevin, Lundström January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Forskning kring ägares heterogenitet har lett till att ägare kan kategoriseras efter preferenser och strategier i bolagsstyrningen. Homogeniteten inom ägarkategorierna kan dock ifrågasättas både inom den egna nationella kontexten och över institutionella kontexter. Företagsgrupper är en ägarkategori vars homogenitet särskilt kan ifrågasättas på grund av skillnader i ägarstrukturer mellan länder och i Sverige. Trots det stora inflytande som företagsgrupper har i Sverige är det även en förbisedd och understuderad ägarkategori som med problematik kopplas ihop med familjeägande. Syfte: Att förklara företagsgruppers strategier och beteenden för att avgöra om dessa utgör en homogen ägartyp inom den svenska kontexten. Metod: Undersökningen med utgångspunkt i år 2021 har en deduktiv ansats med modeller som utvecklas utifrån tidigare forskning om ägartyper och dess beteende. Modellerna ifrågasätts dock genom liknande forskning med kontrasterande slutsatser. Slutsats: Företagsgrupper bör inte behandlas som synonymt med familj eftersom åtskiljande prefenser för styrelseersättning pekar på skillnader mellan ägartyperna. Företagsgrupper är homogena på gruppnivå när det gäller dess preferenser för ägaroberoende och styrelseersättning. På sfärnivå upptäcks dock en heterogenitet bland sfärerna i form av avvikande preferenser för styrelseersättning. / Background and problem: Research into the heterogeneity of owners has led to owners being categorized according to preferences and strategies in corporate governance. However, the homogeneity within the ownership categories can be questioned both within the own national context and across institutional contexts. Business groups are an ownership category whose homogeneity especially can be questioned due to differences in ownership structures between countries and in Sweden. Despite the major influence that business groups have in Sweden, it is an overlooked and understudied ownership category that is problematically linked to family ownership. Purpose: To explain the strategies and behaviors of business groups to determine whether these constitute a homogenous ownership type within the Swedish context Method: The study, which examines the year 2021, has a deductive approach with models that are developed based on previous research on owner types and their behavior. However, the models are questioned by similar research with contrasting conclusions. Conclusion: Business groups should not be treated as synonymous with family ownership because deviant preferences for board compensation point to differences between the ownership types. Business groups are homogeneous at the group level in terms of their preferences for board independence from owners and board compensation. At sphere level, however, a heterogeneity is detected among the spheres in the form of deviant preferences for board remuneration.

The Interface Between Social Entrepreneurship and Governance : A qualitative case study including eight social entrepreneurs operating within regions of India / Gränssnittet mellan socialt entreprenörskap och interaktiv samhällsstyrning : En kvalitativ fallstudie innefattande åtta sociala entreprenörer aktiva på regional nivå i Indien

Johnsson, Frida January 2012 (has links)
Instead of asking why governments in developing countries are not doing what (Western) governments can (or at least in the past could) be expected to do we may need to ask the questions of how governance empirically is provided and by whom. While the involvement of non-public actors within processes of governance is far from new, the increased interest in social entrepreneurship, both as a practice and scholarly, is. The aim of the present study has been to explore and describe the interface between social entrepreneurship and governance within regions of India. The study has been inspired by a case study research design, including a set of qualitative methods: A generated sampling frame has facilitated the selection of analytical units; The collection of data has been conducted by semi-structured interviews; The data has been analyzed by a comparative approach. Based on a broad analytical governance framework provided by Kooiman et al (2005a) three research questions have guided the analysis: 1. What arguments are provided by the examined social entrepreneurs for their intentional action? 2. May action taken by the social entrepreneurs in this study be understood as an expression of hierarchical governance, self-governance and/or co-governance, and if so, how? 3. How may action taken by the social entrepreneurs in this study be related to first-order governance (day-to-day problem-solving and opportunity creation), second-order governance (institutions) and/or third-order governance (principles)? The result of the study reveals how the action taken by the studied social entrepreneurs interface with several aspects of governance. The arguments presented for intentional action, related to the provision of collective goods to marginalized citizens, may be understood in relation to two themes: perceived government failures (as well as failures by traditional NGOs) and the self-perception of being “value-driven”. The data reveals strands of hierarchical-, self- and co-governance. The studied social entrepreneurs are understood to contribute to first-order governance. Their action is further suggested to be challenging existing institutions in the long-run and perhaps also dominating principles guiding the “governance of governance”.

Samband mellan hällbilder och runor?  : Samlokaliseringar och gemensamma symboliseringar av levnadsvärlden

Stille, Leif January 2015 (has links)
Författaren till denna uppsats har ett brett allmänt intresse av alla tänkbara relationer mellan hällbilder och runor ur ett vitt spektrum av aspekter såsom kronologiska, kulturella, epokmässiga, geografiska, semiotiska, språkfunktionella och skrifthistoriska. Särskilt intressant vore att kartlägga och analysera, hur hällbilder och runor kan symboliskt uttrycka religiösa, rituella, kosmologiska och livsåskådningsmässiga föreställningar och ideal. Andra viktiga faktorer, som måste beaktas, är kulturkontinuitet och hur forntidens människor såg på sina ännu äldre föregångares kultur, föreställningar och livsföring. Uppsatsen måste dock begränsa sig att främst behandla två specialområden dels lokaler med överlappande förekomster av hällristningar och runor, dels en jämförelse mellan runnamnens semantiska sfärer och symboliseringar av väsentliga delar i livsvärlden hos de mest frekventa skandinaviska hällbildsfigurstyperna. De frågor uppsatsen vill besvara är primärt: 1/ Vilka samlokaliseringar av hällbilder och runor finns det? 2/ Verkar runinskrifterna på dessa samlokaliseringar kommentera eller anspela på hällbilderna och i så fall hur? 3/ Vilka semantiska sfärer representerar runnamnen och vilka komponenter i de dåtida människornas levnadsvärld refererar de till? 4/ Finns det hällbildsfigurer, som rimligen kan sägas symbolisera samma levnadsvärldskomponenter som runorna? För att besvara dessa frågor presenteras: A/ fem samlokaliseringar av hällbilder och runor; B/ tolkningar av samspelet mellan de fem lokalernas hällbilder och runor; C/ en genomgång av de äldre runnamnens betydelser; D/ förslag på hällbildsfigurer, som symboliskt skulle motsvara runnamnen.  En angenäm effekt av denna uppsats vore, om den kunde leda till en rekategorisering av hällbildernas motiv och symboler utifrån runsystemets förutsatta levnadsvärld och kosmologi.. / The author of this thesis has a broad general interest in all imaginable relations between rock art and runes out of a wide spectrum of aspects such as cronological, cultural, epochic, geografic, semiotic, linguistic and the history of writing. It would be specially interesting to describe (map down) and analyse how rock art and runes in a symbolic way can express beliefs and ideals out of a religious, ritual and cosmological  conception of life. Other important considerations are continuity of culture and how ancient people looked at the culture, beliefs, ideas and living of their ancesters. This thesis has to be limited to deal with two areas, firstly lokacations with overlapping occurrence of rock art and runes and secondly a comparison of the semantic sphere of the names of the runes and symbolizations of important parts of life that can be seen in the most frequently occurring Scandinavian types of rock art figures. The thesis primarily wants to answer the following questions: 1) Which common localisations of rock art and runes are there? 2) Do the runes in these colocalization seem to comment or allude to the rock art? If so, in what way? 3) Which semantic spheres do the names of the runes represent and to which components in the life world of the ancient people do they refere? 4) Are there rock art figures who probably can be said to symbolize the same components of life world as the runes? To answer these questions I will present: A) five common lokalisations of rock art and runes. B) interpretations of the interaction of the rock art and runes in these five lokalisations. C) a catalogue of the meanings of the names of the older runes. D) proposals concerning rock art figures which in a symbolic way could correspond the rune names. A pleasant effect of this thesis would be, if it could leed to a recategorization of the motives and symbols of rock art from the provided life world and cosmology of the runes.

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