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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃凱政 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係針對大陸台商的「當地化」現象進行探討。隨著兩岸經貿的開展,台商的當地化經營已成為一個不可避免的趨勢,而本文所欲探討之「當地化」,係從經濟的角度出發,亦即在經濟全球化之後,跨國公司(台商)的海外投資為求利益極大化,勢必將調整原本的經濟策略,以合乎當地市場的需求;而此一調整則可能包含其市場、原物料及進用人才等各個面相,筆者並運用價格要素均等及比較優勢建立本文之假說。 在此一前提下,本文利用深度訪談及半結構式問卷,針對大上海地區(上海、吳江、昆山)的台商企業之當地化經營現象進行研究,共計獲得三十份訪談紀錄及八十五份問卷,對於此一現象進行深入且廣泛的經驗分析。研究結果發現,台商企業不但認同當地化經營對於企業永續生存之重要,已在經營或用人方面進行大幅度的當地化,並強調此一趨勢將繼續進行。本文之研究結果驗證了先前之假說,但此一發現亦有例外之處,即對於攸關「信任」的職務,台商普遍不願輕言進行當地化。 / This thesis studies the progresses of localization in the Taiwanese businesses in Great Shanghai. It aims to make sense this process in a larger context of economic integration across the Strait and market competition around the world. Based on the findings, it is the economic forces, might be understood as factor price equalization or regional comparative advantages, that play the key role in bringing about the localization of these Taiwanese enterprises. Under the pressures to compete on global market and also to reap regional advantages, these Taiwanese enterprises are forces to give up their earlier import-processing-export pattern to produce from Chinese raw materials, for the Chinese market, and under the management of Chinese cadres. The empirical study of the thesis is based on two field trips in greater Shanghai, i.e., the Shanghai city, plus two other county –level cities, Wujiang and Kunshan. During the two-month field research, the author combines in-depth interviewing and semi-structured questionnaire on more than 100 Taiwanese entrepreneurs, with the result of 30 full-length transcripts and 85 questionnaires. The empirical data suggest that most Taiwanese entrepreneurs not just recognize the necessity of localization but also enjoy the profits brought by the advancements of localization. There is but one exception: localization can hardly go beyond the limit of personal trust. Thus, when deep trust is involved—say, managing financial matters—the principle of localization will be compromised.

罪魁禍首或代罪羔羊?外商直接投資與上海房地產價格波動的關係 / The Chief Criminal or Just a Scapegoat? The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Real Estate Prices of Shanghai

史庭寬, SHIH, TING KUAN Unknown Date (has links)
1992年鄧小平「南巡」之後,上海房地產業頓時成為全世界投資者所矚目的焦點。伴隨著上海經濟的急速成長、房地產市場的豐厚利潤、以及對人民幣升值的強烈預期,境外資金不斷湧入上海市進行房地產投資。節節高升的房價最終造成中國政府的注意,限制外資進入房地產市場成為大陸宏觀調控的重點。然而外資是否為房價高漲的主因,至今為止依然是爭論不休。到底外資是大陸房地產價格居高不下的罪魁禍首,還是宏觀調控政策下的代罪羔羊,為了清楚了解FDI對大陸房地產價格到底造成何種影響,本文主要研究目的主要有以下兩點:一為探討FDI金額的變動對上海房地產價格波動是否造成影響,二為研究影響上海房價波動的總體經濟因素為何。 根據實證結果顯示,就長期關係而言,外商直接投資、物價、利率、匯率、收入,皆與房價呈現正向關係,股價則與房價呈現反向關係。就短期關係而言,影響房價的因素有外商直接投資、利率、收入、以及房價本身,以上皆與房價呈現正向關係;整體而言短期物價對房價沒有顯著影響,但就個別月份而言,落後兩期的物價指數與房價指數呈現反向關係;短期匯率波動對房價的影響相互抵銷,加總後的影響效果為零,而短期股價則對房價沒有顯著影響,宏觀調控脈絡下的「限外令」並沒能使房市降溫。總的來說,外商直接投資雖對房價有正向影響,但影響最劇的因素卻是匯率與利率,因此外商直接投資並非上海房價飆漲的罪魁禍首,亦不是宏觀調控政策下的代罪羔羊。大陸政府拿外資開刀,其目的不外乎是為了「殺雞儆猴」,借此達到抑制房價的目的。 / The real estate has become a burgeoning industry in Shanghai since the Mainland deceased leader Deng Xiao-ping made his remarkable inspection tour of the South in 1992. Due to the fast growing market and desirable profit, uncountable foreign capital has flowed into the real estate industry of Shanghai. Housing prices have soared and already drew the attention of the authorities, which causes the restraint on real estate investment. Does foreign capital matter to real estate prices? What economic factors cause the movement of real estate prices? The purposes of this paper are to investigate the relationship between foreign direct investment and real estate prices of Shanghai. The empirical result shows: FDI, CPI, interest rate, exchange rate and income have significant positive effects on real estate prices in the long run. Nevertheless, stock market has significant negative effect. In the short run, however, FDI, interest rate, income and housing price itself have significant positive effects on real estate prices. In addition, overall CPI has no effect on real estate prices while some individual months of CPI have negative effect; exchange rate and stock market also have no effect on real estate prices in general. Furthermore, the policy of restraining foreign capital on real estate investment does not induce declining housing prices. To sum up, exchange rate is the main reason that affects real estate prices of Shanghai. FDI is not the “chief criminal” nor a scapegoat, neither. Penalizing the foreign capital is simply a warning from the Mainland government to seize the “hot money” in the real estate market.

上海移民文化下的多元認同:以台商「抱團群聚」為例 / The multi-cultural identity of immigrants in Shanghai:behavior of Taiwan businessmen's lives

陳威仰 Unknown Date (has links)
民進黨的執政並未改減緩台商西進大陸的現象,如今政黨再次輪替,兩岸關係更是日益密切,但台灣與大陸畢竟因為長期的政治對立造成社會隔閡,彼此之間在許多層面都存在著差異。當越來越多台灣人前進大陸的同時,台灣人在當地社會融入不及經濟融入的現象也屢見不鮮,其中又以台商「抱團群聚」為具體行為。面對這樣一群存有差異,甚至曾經敵對的一群人,既像自己人又像是外人,在當地獲取經濟利益時,卻刻意與當地社會保持距離的情形,一般大陸人會有怎樣的感受? 「社會認同理論」主張,族群的產生,會因為自尊的需求,不斷進行族群間的比較,當低群體成員無法像高群體進行身分移動時,會轉向自身的群體尋求提高自尊,於是族群間的偏見、對立,乃至衝突是不可避免的。「群際接觸假說」認為,族群間的偏見是因為對彼此的不熟悉,或因為資訊不足、或因為負面的訊息,透過正向條件下的接觸是可以消除彼此雙方的偏見,族群間的對立和衝突是可以避免的。 認同研究認為,人的認同會因為時間和地點的不同而改變,所以「上海」反而成為此次研究的關鍵因素,在上海的外來大陸人認為台灣人就以在上海來說,相對上海人而言反而比較像是「我群」的成員,所以對台灣人在上海抱團群聚的行為並不感到反感,甚至本身也是這種行為的成員之一。對上海人而言,台灣人抱團群聚的現象根本就是見怪不怪,由於上海特殊的移民文化,使得上海人的認同反而多元共存,甚至認為台灣人在某些層面比起其他大陸人更接近上海人的「我群」成員,特殊的移民多元文化創造上海不斷的進步、繁榮,而後者又不斷吸引新的移民進入。 不同群際接觸假說,上海獨特的移民歷史,改變了前者對「接觸」的定義,在多元文化的社會中,人們對其他族群和文化的包容力會變大,不一定要經過實質的接觸,或是正面的訊息傳遞。不以「同化」為目的,而是一種包容「差異」的能力,而上海本身便是把多元文化形成可能的一個場域,這或許就是上海獨特其它中國城市的原因,也是她迷人的所在。 / Under the increasingly frequent exchanges between Taiwan and China, Taiwanese people tend to congregate and inhabit certain regions of Shanghai. In face of immigrants who look both familiar and alien, how will most Mainlanders react, especially when social inclusion lags behind economic inclusion of these people? The contact theory proposes that positive contacts or reception of positive messages between ethnic groups can help iron out mutual biases. However, this study discovers the unique history of Shanghai about immigrants in foreign concessions and thus further extends this theory. A multi-cultural environment may affect one ethnic group’s tolerance of another group even without positive contacts or reception of positive messages between them. This is not any kind of assimilation but a phenomenon of people’s tolerance of minor differences. In addition to positive contacts and reception of positive messages, mutual tolerance among different ethnic groups may also be affected by the culture of the “field” they reside in.

多樣而分殊化全球城市之分析:以上海轉型為例 / Analyzing a diverse and specialized global city : the case of the transformation of Shanghai

羅高特, Robert, Koszta Unknown Date (has links)
檢視中國的城市化進程與全球城市化研究將為被忽略的地區帶來新的視野 / The examination of urbanization processes in China with the combination of global and world city research are expected to provide new insights to this neglected area. Global city idea had often emerged in contemporary city development plans, mainly indicating rapid modernization efforts via building a so-called global city. The wide-scale embeddedness of this idea suggests that it became the synonym of international competitiveness and prosperity. The best example of that is China with its massive network of cities. Until recently public datas were less accessible regarding the major Chinese cities, sith the reasons behind their growth and properity are still widely unexplored. The goal of this thesis would be to collect data and examine the most relevant segments of a specific Chinese city, namely Shanghai in the context of global city formation and competition. In order to justify or deny the overall achievements of industrial and spatial restructuring, the thesis will rely on the latest datas, including the related theoretical aspects and two short case studies. There are multiple layers of conducting city-related research from which, there are statistically less traceable ones. Thus, the intention of the thesis is to highlight two, internationally relevant and comparable areas, such as the financial industry and the newly upgraded free trade zone. According to the author’s intentions the strengths and the weaknesses of Shanghai as a global city will be empirically tested, while at the same time there will be a strong emphasis on the introduction of world- and global cities’ theoretical background as well. Within that the Chinese global city idea will be distinguished from its Western counterpart and the contraints of current political system will be pointed out in terms of operation or management. The main subject of inquiry would be to learn more about the extent of global city transformation in the city, compared to the general assumptions on an actual global city. Since this thesis has its own limitations both in size and data processing capability, thus it mainly analyzed and used second-hand sources to derive its conclusions. The main purpose of this work would be to contest the aspects of Shanghai’s global citiness.

現代生活的文化想象: 上海白領雜誌ELLE的消費研究. / 上海白領雜誌ELLE的消費研究 / Xian dai sheng huo de wen hua xiang xiang: Shanghai bai ling za zhi ELLE de xiao fei yan jiu. / Shanghai bai ling za zhi ELLE de xiao fei yan jiu

January 2003 (has links)
謝佼杏. / "2003年12月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻 (leaves 96-100). / 附中英文摘要. / "2003 nian 12 yue". / Xie Jiaoxing. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 96-100). / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter ´ؤ. --- 導論 --- p.5頁 / Chapter 二. --- 消費社會的身份建構 --- p.11頁 / Chapter 三. --- 中國的現代生活方式與白領人士 --- p.33頁 / Chapter 四. --- 硏究背景與硏究問題 --- p.38頁 / Chapter 五. --- 分析部分 --- p.45頁 / Chapter 六. --- 結論 --- p.88頁 / 附錄1被訪者的基本資料 --- p.92頁 / 附錄2 ELLE的讀者基本情況 --- p.95頁 / 參考書目 --- p.96頁

Managing for value: a case study on the corporate strategy of HSBC beyond 1997.

January 2000 (has links)
by Choy Chung Shing. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-48). / ABSTRACT --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ii / HSBC - A BRIEF HISTORY --- p.1 / HSBC IN ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS --- p.4 / Asian On Fire --- p.5 / Impact of Asian Financial Crisis on HSBC --- p.8 / Re-engineering --- p.9 / First Action ´ؤ Re-branding --- p.9 / Second Action -Primary listing on NYSE --- p.10 / Third Action -Acquisition --- p.11 / STILL More Arrows in the Quiver ?? --- p.13 / MANAGING FOR VALUE --- p.14 / Corporate Strategy --- p.16 / Brandname Management Strategy --- p.17 / Expansion Strategy --- p.19 / CHALLENGES ON HOMETOWNS --- p.21 / Hongkong --- p.22 / Expansion Opportunities --- p.25 / Japan --- p.25 / Britain and Europe --- p.28 / Britain --- p.28 / Continental Europe --- p.29 / Beyond the hometowns --- p.32 / North America --- p.33 / Execution of Expansion Strategy --- p.34 / SURVIVING THE ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS --- p.37 / Aggressive Players --- p.37 / Retreating Players --- p.39 / MORE FRONTIER --- p.40 / The Internet --- p.40 / LESS THAN SURPRISE --- p.44 / Final word --- p.45 / BIBLOGRAPHY --- p.47

凝視現代性: 三四十年代上海電影文化與好萊塢因素 = Gazing modernity : Shanghai movie culture and Hollywood factors in 1930-40's. / 三四十年代上海電影文化與好萊塢因素 / Gazing modernity: Shanghai movie culture and Hollywood factors in 1930-40's / Shanghai movie culture and Hollywood factors in 1930-40's / Ning shi xian dai xing: san si shi nian dai Shanghai dian ying wen hua yu Haolaiwu yin su = Gazing modernity : Shanghai movie culture and Hollywood factors in 1930-40's. / San si shi nian dai Shanghai dian ying wen hua yu Haolaiwu yin su

January 2000 (has links)
姜玢. / "2000年8月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (leaves 104-108) / 附中英文摘要. / "2000 nian 8 yue" / Jiang Fen. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 104-108) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter ´ؤ --- 引言 --- p.10 / Chapter 1.1 --- 上海特殊環境的.形成 --- p.11 / Chapter 1.2 --- 文化中心的形成與電影事業的發展 --- p.13 / Chapter 1.3 --- 好萊塢的優勢 --- p.16 / Chapter 1.4 --- 上海好萊塢電影硏究的重要性 --- p.17 / Chapter 二 --- 電影院分佈與歷史意義 --- p.21 / Chapter 2.1 --- 上海電影院歷史 --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2 --- 電影院與影片級別 --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3 --- 電影院地點與階級傾向 --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4 --- 娛樂場所現代性更替的意義 --- p.30 / Chapter 三 --- 電影雜誌 --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1 --- 《電影週刊》與.《好萊塢》 --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2 --- 批評的角度 --- p.38 / Chapter 3.3 --- 中美電影關係 --- p.40 / Chapter 3.4 --- 對市場的認識 --- p.44 / Chapter 3.5 --- 《好萊塢》現象 --- p.48 / Chapter 四 --- 影片種類分析 --- p.51 / Chapter 4.1 --- 娛樂傾向與片種調查 --- p.51 / Chapter 4.2 --- 文化想象與雙向凝視關係 --- p.59 / Chapter 4.3 --- 國產片的好萊塢因素 --- p.60 / Chapter 4.4 --- 好萊塢意識與中國價値的接合點 --- p.64 / Chapter 4.5 --- 片名繙譯與價値投射 --- p.68 / Chapter 五 --- 城市情境與摩登心態 --- p.70 / Chapter 5.1 --- 現代性社會結構 --- p.70 / Chapter 5.2 --- 新型消費心態與文化需求 --- p.74 / Chapter 5.3 --- 城市情境與現代現象 --- p.76 / Chapter 六 --- 總結 --- p.83 / 附錄 --- p.86 / 參考書目 --- p.101 / 圓表目錄 / Chapter 1. --- 美國八大電影公司在上海發行處地址 --- p.25 / Chapter 2. --- 放映外國影片的電影院 --- p.26 / Chapter 3. --- 放映國產影片的電影院 --- p.28 / Chapter 4. --- 《電影週刊》關於好萊塢新聞的比例 --- p.36 / Chapter 5. --- 最喜歡娛樂項目評選 --- p.52 / Chapter 6. --- 最喜歡影片類型評選 --- p.52 / Chapter 7. --- 《電影週刊》之“新片批評´ح統計表 --- p.53

数学敎学过程中的学生投入及其对学习结果的影响: Student's engagement in the process of mathematics learning and its effects on learning outcome. / Student's engagement in the process of mathematics learning and its effects on learning outcome / 数学敎学过程中的学生投入及其对学习结果的影响(Online) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Shu xue jiao xue guo cheng zhong de xue sheng tou ru ji qi dui xue xi jie guo de ying xiang: Student's engagement in the process of mathematics learning and its effects on learning outcome. / Shu xue jiao xue guo cheng zhong de xue sheng tou ru ji qi dui xue xi jie guo de ying xiang (Online)

January 2000 (has links)
呈交日期: "1999年12月" / 論文(博士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (p. 128-138) / 中英文摘要. / Cheng jiao ri qi: "1999 nian 12 yue" / Available also through the Internet via Dissertations & theses @ Chinese University of Hong Kong. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Lun wen (Bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (p. 128-138) / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao.

通俗知識與現代性: 丁福保與近代上海醫學知識的大眾傳播. / Popular knowledge and modernity: Ding Fubao and the transmission of medical knowledge in modern Shanghai / 丁福保與近代上海醫學知識的大眾傳播 / Tong su zhi shi yu xian dai xing: Ding Fubao yu jin dai Shanghai yi xue zhi shi de da zhong chuan bo. / Ding Fubao yu jin dai Shanghai yi xue zhi shi de da zhong chuan bo

January 2013 (has links)
醫學知識的傳播在近代中國經歷了一個大衆化,普及化,商業化的過程。而以豐富的醫學著述而聞名的上海醫學書局的創辦人,集醫生、著述家、出版商、佛教居士等身份為一體的近代學者丁福保(1874-1952),則是這一過程中的關鍵人物。本文的研究主要建立在丁福保從1900年到1949年翻譯、自撰、編寫出版的各類醫學書籍及發表的醫學知識文章的基礎之上,從其產生的社會背景出發,試圖解釋出身傳統文人家庭的丁氏是如何應時代之變,一步步走向行醫及出版之路的。 / 從1909到1915年前後,丁福保和他創辦的醫學書局幾乎主導了晚清民初的醫書市場,介紹引進了日本明治維新以來出版的包括解剖生理、病理衛生等各科近百部西醫書籍,還有部分中藥及中醫著作。丁氏獲得成功的原因既在於他在商業、經濟及人際、社團網絡方面的影響力,也在於他出版的醫書適應了近代以來包括中醫、學生及普通市民在内的讀者需求。然而1915年之後,隨著西醫專業團體的興起,丁福保在西醫譯書市場中的壟斷地位迅速被取代。故對丁氏而言,1909至1915年是個非常有利的時段。本文對這個特殊時代的背景做出分析。在此之后,作爲一名佛學養生家,丁氏在醫書市場上貢獻最多的是關於個人保健衛生的通俗醫學知識。因此,丁福保的醫學知識與他對自身的認識,及其人生哲學的關係也在本文的討論範圍之内,以顯示一個傳統文人在中西醫學以及儒、道、釋文化的影響下,對以現代醫藥為代表的「現代性」的思考和身體力行。 / This thesis is a study of Ding Fubao (1874-1952)--a famous Chinese physician-publisher, lay Buddhist and classical scholar--and the role he played in the history of modern Chinese medicine. Ding’s medical ideas and practices as the founder of the Shanghai Medical Bookstore exactly mirrored the popularization and commercialization of medical knowledge in modern China. Focusing on the popularization of medical knowledge, this thesis explains how Ding--an educated man born in a traditional Chinese culture--could make use of political power, marketing and social networks to achieve success with a career of producing and disseminating modern medical knowledge. This process also reflected the relationship between Ding’s medical knowledge and his conceptions of the body with his philosophy of life; while further illuminating the conflicts and compromises in the Chinese medical circles of the time. This work is primarily based on medical books and journals produced by Ding Fubao during the Late Qing and Republican eras, from the collections of libraries in Beijing and Shanghai. / Ding Fubao and the Medical Bookshop he established in Shanghai dominated the medical book market in China from 1909 to around 1915. During this time, dozens of Japanese medical books from the time of Meiji restoration, covering areas ranging from Western medicine to Chinese medicine, were published and distributed from his bookshop. Ding’s success lay in his use of marketing and his social network. However, with the rise of Western medical professional societies, Ding lost his monopoly in the Western medical book market in China after 1915. This thesis analyzes this special background of the 1909 to 1915 area, a critical period for Ding. After 1915, as a lay Buddhist, Ding provided popular medical knowledge to the public through different kinds of modern periodicals. This dissertation also discusses the relationship between Ding Fubao's medical knowledge and his personal philosophies. Using this lens, this thesis reveals a traditional scholar of Chinese and Western medicine who was influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, as a representative of modern medical theory and practice. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 劉玄. / "2013年5月". / "2013 nian 5 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 173-183). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Liu Xuan. / 中英文摘要 --- p.ii / 致謝 --- p.iv / 目次 --- p.vi / Chapter 圖一: --- 丁福保醫書廣告 --- p.vii / Chapter 圖二: --- 丁福保出版醫書與原著日本醫書封面對比 --- p.viii / Chapter 第一章、 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言:從晚清時期《申報》刊登的一則廣告說起 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 歷史背景與問題討論 --- p.8 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究要旨與章節架構 --- p.24 / Chapter 第二章、 --- 從科舉生員到吸收新學的出版家:丁福保與「丁氏醫學叢書」 --- p.28 / Chapter 第一節 --- 從科舉生員到京師大學堂新學講師 --- p.29 / Chapter 第二節 --- 1909年南洋大臣醫科特考與赴日考察醫學 --- p.37 / Chapter 第三節 --- 商業、教育與實用的綜合-「丁氏醫學叢書」發行的考慮 --- p.43 / Chapter 第三章、 --- 海上知名度的建立:丁福保的社會交友網絡 --- p.57 / Chapter 第一節 --- 中西醫之間--丁福保與他的醫界同儕 --- p.58 / Chapter 第二節 --- 醫學與商業--丁福保與他的「授業門生」 --- p.75 / Chapter 第三節 --- 海上名耆聲望的擴大:丁福保與滬上各界社會名流的往來 --- p.83 / Chapter 第四章、 --- 「衛生普及」與「科學中醫」:丁福保在民國時期的醫學活動 --- p.95 / Chapter 第一節 --- 出版品的變化 --- p.96 / Chapter 第二節 --- 中西混雜的健壽法--丁福保與大眾報刊中的健康衛生知識 --- p.102 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「科學中醫」與《國藥新聲》 --- p.120 / Chapter 第五章、 --- 丁福保對「時代病」的時代認識與他的醫學世界 --- p.131 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「改良舊醫學」與「宣傳新衛生」:丁福保眼中的肺癆病 --- p.132 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「西醫」還是「國醫」:「中西醫名家」丁福保的醫學造詣探討 --- p.151 / Chapter 第六章、 --- 結語 --- p.162 / 參考書目 --- p.173

父母期望與孝道觀念對上海大學生職業生涯發展的影響. / Effects of parental expectation and filial piety on career development of university students in Shanghai / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Fu mu qi wang yu xiao dao guan nian dui Shanghai da xue sheng zhi ye sheng ya fa zhan de ying xiang.

January 2013 (has links)
近年來,全球經濟動盪的衝擊與中國社會的急速變遷,為大學生職業生涯發展帶來了種種挑戰。其中,“生涯決策困難與“低水平職業承諾為兩大凸顯的就業問題,使得“生涯應變力素質的培養成為迫切課題;但相關本土化研究卻極為匱乏。本研究基於生涯發展理論(Super, 1957, 1969, 1980, 1984, 1990),旨在探索“父母期望與“孝道觀念,作為華人核心的家庭文化價值,如何影響大學生在應變力、決策困難及職業承諾方面的發展。來自上海18所高校的877名大學生(平均年齡21歲,男生占38.9%,女生占61.1%)填寫了《符合父母期望量表, LPEI》《與生涯有關的孝道觀念量表, C-FPS》《生涯應變力量表, CAAI》《情緒-人格生涯決策困難量表, EPCD》與《職業選擇承諾量表, CCCS》。研究結果顯示,父母期望與孝道觀念通過生涯應變能力影響決策困難及承諾形成的結構模型得到了很好的實證支持。另外,父母期望與孝道對職業生涯均有雙向作用,一方面會促進生涯應變力的發展,而另一方面也可能增加生涯決策過程中的困難體驗、導致低水平的職業承諾與趨於封閉的職業選擇。同時,孝道觀念在父母期望與職業發展之間表現出顯著的中介效應。最後,對本研究在華人生涯發展方面的理論及實踐意義進行了闡述,并對未來研究方向作出了展望(499字)。 / In recent years, the vagaries of global economy and rapid social transformation bring great challenges to university students. Graduates’ difficulty in employment has becoming one of the hottest issues in China. The difficulty of career decision-making and low level of career commitment emerging as two urgent employment problems, call for attention on the development of career adaptability. However, little research has identified key culture-related factors influencing such problems. Based on career developmental theory (Super, 1957, 1969, 1980, 1984, 1990), this study aimed to investigate how parental expectation and filial piety, the core familial values of Asian culture, have impact on university students’ career adaptability, career decision-making difficulties and career choice commitment. Participants included 877 undergraduates from 18 universities and colleges in Shanghai (age{U+2090}{U+0076}{U+0065}{U+0072}{U+0061}{U+0067}{U+0065} = 21, N{U+006d}{U+0061}{U+006c}{U+0065} = 341, N{U+0066}{U+0065}{U+006d}{U+0061}{U+0069}{U+0065} = 536). They completed Living-up to Parental Expectation Inventory, Career-related Filial Piety Scale, Career Adapt-Ability Inventory, Emotional and Personality-related Career decision-making Difficulties, and Commitment to Career Choice Scale. The data empirically supported hypothesized model that perceived parental expectation and filial piety influence career decision-making difficulty and career commitment through career adaptability very well. The results also revealed double-effect of perceived parental expectation and filial piety, as well as the significant mediating effect of the latter on career development. The theoretical and practical implication of Chinese career guidance was discussed. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李希希. / "2013年05月". / "2013 nian 5 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-199). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Li Xixi. / Chapter 第一章 --- 研究概述 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- 當前中國大學生職業生涯發展的本土境遇與挑戰 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- 求學-工作轉折期的特殊發展任務 --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- 華人家庭情境因素對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2 --- 研究目的與研究問題 --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3 --- 研究的重要性 --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- 理論方面 --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- 實踐方面 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1 --- 關于大學生職業生涯發展的文獻回顧 --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 關于生涯應變力的文獻回顧 --- p.10 / Chapter --- 生涯應變力的概念內涵及其理論背景 --- p.10 / Chapter --- 關于生涯應變力的實證研究 --- p.23 / Chapter --- 關于生涯應變力文獻回顧的小結 --- p.27 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 關于生涯决策困難的文獻綜述 --- p.28 / Chapter --- 生涯决策困難的概念化 --- p.29 / Chapter --- 關于生涯决策困難的相關實證研究 --- p.32 / Chapter --- 關于生涯决策困難文獻回顧的小結 --- p.32 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 關於職業承諾的文獻綜述 --- p.33 / Chapter --- 職業承諾的概念界定與二維度模型 --- p.34 / Chapter --- 關于職業承諾的實證研究 --- p.37 / Chapter --- 關于職業承諾文獻綜述的小結 --- p.40 / Chapter 2.2 --- 關于家庭情境因素影響大學生職業生涯發展的文獻綜述 --- p.42 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- 依戀關係對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.42 / Chapter --- 依戀關係對生涯選擇的影響 --- p.43 / Chapter --- 依戀關係對生涯探索的影響 --- p.44 / Chapter --- 依戀關係對生涯追求與生涯决策的影響 --- p.45 / Chapter --- 關于依戀關係的小結 --- p.47 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- 父母支持對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.48 / Chapter --- 父母支持對職業效能感的影響 --- p.48 / Chapter --- 父母支持對生涯抱負的影響 --- p.49 / Chapter --- 父母支持對生涯探索與决策困難的影響 --- p.49 / Chapter --- 關于父母支持的小結 --- p.50 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- 父母期望對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.52 / Chapter --- 父母期望對教育抱負與生涯抱負的影響 --- p.52 / Chapter --- 父母期望對生涯選擇與生涯决策的影響 --- p.55 / Chapter --- 父母期望對生涯成就的影響 --- p.59 / Chapter --- 關于父母期望的小結 --- p.61 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- 孝道觀念對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.62 / Chapter --- 孝道觀念的概念化發展 --- p.62 / Chapter --- 關于孝道觀念的實證研究 --- p.65 / Chapter --- 關于孝道觀念文獻回顧的小結 --- p.68 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- 集體主義衝突對職業生涯發展的影響 --- p.69 / Chapter --- 集體主義衝突的概念化與中西文化價值的存 --- p.69 / Chapter --- 家庭情境中的集體主義衝突:孝道對父母期望的矛盾回應 --- p.70 / Chapter --- 關于集體主義衝突的小結 --- p.72 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究問題與研究假設 --- p.74 / Chapter 第四章 --- 測量工具的信效度檢驗 --- p.79 / Chapter 4.1 --- 信效度檢驗樣本 --- p.79 / Chapter 4.2 --- 研究程序與數據分析 --- p.80 / Chapter 4.3 --- 信效度檢驗方法及標準界定 --- p.80 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- 信度分析 --- p.80 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- 因素效度分析及等同性檢驗 --- p.81 / Chapter 4.4 --- 測量工具的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.82 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- 對生涯應變力量表的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.82 / Chapter --- 量表簡介 --- p.82 / Chapter --- 信度檢驗 --- p.83 / Chapter --- 效度檢驗 --- p.83 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- 對生涯决策困難量表的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.85 / Chapter --- 量表簡介 --- p.85 / Chapter --- 信度檢驗 --- p.89 / Chapter --- 效度檢驗 --- p.91 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- 對職業選擇承諾量表的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.97 / Chapter --- 量表簡介 --- p.97 / Chapter --- 信度檢驗 --- p.98 / Chapter --- 效度檢驗 --- p.100 / Chapter 4.4.4 --- 對符合父母期望量表的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.102 / Chapter --- 量表簡介 --- p.102 / Chapter --- 信度檢驗 --- p.102 / Chapter --- 效度檢驗 --- p.105 / Chapter 4.4.5 --- 對孝道觀念量表的信效度檢驗及修訂 --- p.109 / Chapter --- 量表簡介 --- p.109 / Chapter --- 信度檢驗 --- p.109 / Chapter --- 效度檢驗 --- p.109 / Chapter 4.5 --- 對測量工具信效度檢驗的小結 --- p.114 / Chapter 第五章 --- 研究結果 --- p.115 / Chapter 5.1 --- 研究樣本 --- p.115 / Chapter 5.2 --- 交互樣本信效度檢驗結果 --- p.115 / Chapter 5.3 --- 數據分析方法 --- p.116 / Chapter 5.4 --- 對職業生涯變量與家庭情境變量的描述性分析 --- p.118 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- 對生涯應變力的描述性分析 --- p.118 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- 對生涯决策困難的描述性分析 --- p.118 / Chapter 5.4.3 --- 對職業承諾傾向與封閉傾向的描述性分析 --- p.119 / Chapter 5.4.4 --- 對感知到的父母期望的描述性分析 --- p.119 / Chapter 5.4.5 --- 對孝道觀念的描述性分析 --- p.123 / Chapter 5.5 --- 對職業生涯變量與家庭情境變量的相關分析 --- p.123 / Chapter 5.5.1 --- 職業生涯變量之間的相關分析 --- p.123 / Chapter 5.5.2 --- 父母期望與職業生涯變量的相關分析 --- p.124 / Chapter 5.5.3 --- 孝道觀念與職業生涯變量的相關分析 --- p.126 / Chapter 5.6 --- 對父母期望、孝道觀念與職業生涯變量的結構模型檢驗 --- p.127 / Chapter 5.6.1 --- 父母期望、孝道觀念與應變力、决策困難與承諾傾向的結構模型 --- p.127 / Chapter 5.6.2 --- 父母期望、孝道觀念與應變力、决策困難與封閉傾向的結構模型 --- p.128 / Chapter 5.7 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與職業生涯變量之間的中介/調節效應檢驗 --- p.129 / Chapter 5.7.1 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與生涯應變力之間的中介/調節效應檢驗 --- p.133 / Chapter 5.7.2 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與生涯决策困難之間的中介/調節效應檢驗 --- p.133 / Chapter 5.7.3 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與職業選擇承諾之間的中介/調節效應檢驗 --- p.135 / Chapter 5.8 --- 父母期望與孝道觀念對職業生涯變量的預測作用 --- p.139 / Chapter 5.8.1 --- 父母期望對職業生涯變量的預測作用 --- p.139 / Chapter 5.8.2 --- 孝道觀念對職業生涯變量的預測作用 --- p.143 / Chapter 5.9 --- 生涯應變力對决策困難與職業選擇承諾的預測作用 --- p.144 / Chapter 5.9.1 --- 生涯應變力對决策困難的預測作用 --- p.144 / Chapter 5.9.2 --- 生涯應變力對職業選擇承諾的預測作用 --- p.147 / Chapter 5.10 --- 關于研究結果的小結 --- p.150 / Chapter 第六章 --- 研究討論 --- p.151 / Chapter 6.1 --- 性別及年級的影響 --- p.151 / Chapter 6.2 --- 生涯應變力對生涯决策困難與低職業承諾的積極保護效應 --- p.154 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- 生涯應變力對生涯决策困難的緩解作用 --- p.154 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- 生涯應變力對低職業承諾的保護作用 --- p.156 / Chapter 6.3 --- 父母期望與孝道觀念是職業生涯發展的“雙刃劍 --- p.158 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- 父母期望對職業生涯發展的雙向影響 --- p.158 / Chapter --- 父母期望對職業生涯發展的積極影響 --- p.158 / Chapter --- 父母期望對職業生涯發展的消極影響 --- p.159 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- 孝道觀念對職業生涯發展的促進或阻礙作用 --- p.160 / Chapter --- 孝道觀念對職業生涯發展的促進作用 --- p.160 / Chapter --- 孝道觀念對職業生涯發展的阻礙作用 --- p.162 / Chapter 6.4 --- 孝道觀念具有關鍵性的中介效應 --- p.163 / Chapter 6.4.1 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與生涯應變力之間的中介效應 --- p.164 / Chapter 6.4.2 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與生涯决策困難之間的中介效應 --- p.164 / Chapter 6.4.3 --- 孝道觀念在父母期望與職業選擇承諾之間的中介效應 --- p.165 / Chapter 6.5 --- 探討父母期望、孝道觀念與職業生涯變量的整合模型 --- p.166 / Chapter 6.5.1 --- 父母期望、孝道與應變力、决策困難、職業承諾的整合模型 --- p.166 / Chapter 6.5.2 --- 父母期望、孝道與應變力、决策困難、職業封閉的整合模型 --- p.167 / Chapter 第七章 --- 研究總結與未來展望 --- p.168 / Chapter 7.1 --- 研究總結 --- p.168 / Chapter 7.2 --- 研究意義 --- p.168 / Chapter 7.3 --- 未來研究展望 --- p.171 / Chapter 7.4 --- 研究局限 --- p.173 / 參考文獻 --- p.174 / 附錄 --- p.199

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