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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systems

Vieira de Freitas, Pedro Augusto 16 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En esta tesis se obtuvieron fracciones celulósicas y extractos activos de paja de arroz mediante diferentes técnicas de extracción y purificación, utilizando agua como disolvente. Estas fracciones se incorporaron en películas de almidón y PLA, y en bicapas de almidón-PLA, para obtener materiales de envasado activos para extender la vida útil de diferentes alimentos. Los extractos obtenidos por combinación de ultrasonidos y calentamiento a reflujo (USHT) y con agua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) y 180 °C (SWE-180)) presentaron un alto contenido fenólico (37, 51 y 83 mg GAE.g-1 de extracto seco, respectivamente) y actividad antioxidante (6,3, 2,0 y 1,2 mg de extracto seco.mg-1 DPPH, respectivamente). Los extractos SWE fueron activos contra L. innocua y E. coli. Se aislaron fibras de celulosa (FC) del residuo insoluble de las diferentes extracciones. A pesar de las ligeras diferencias en el grado de purificación, los nuevos métodos dieron lugar a FCs con rendimientos más elevados que el método alcalino (35-39 % frente al 29 %), con cristalinidad (60-69 %), comportamiento térmico y relación de aspecto (20-60) similares. Se incorporaron fibras USHT al 1, 3 y 5 % (p/p) en películas termoprocesadas de almidón de maíz, y de almidón de maíz modificado térmicamente. La incorporación al 3 % dio lugar a películas con mejores propiedades funcionales. Los extractos activos (al 4, 6 y 8 % en peso) en la matriz de almidón, con o sin CF (3 %), dieron lugar a películas más extensibles y menos resistentes, con mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno. Las bolsas monodosis de aceite de girasol con estas películas activas y reforzadas redujeron eficazmente la oxidación. Las películas activas de PLA termoprocesado, con diferentes proporciones (2, 4 y 6 % p/p) del extracto USHT, presentaron color y propiedades mecánicas ligeramente peores, pero con mayor barrera al oxígeno. La cinética de liberación de los antioxidantes incorporados en simulantes alimentarios de diferente polaridad (A: productos acuosos; y D1: sistemas de aceite en agua), mostró que las películas con un 6% de extracto, tuvieron una capacidad antioxidante similar en simulantes con distinta polaridad. Se obtuvieron bicapas biodegradables laminando PLA, con y sin extracto USHT (6 %), y almidón termoplástico, con o sin FC USHT (3 %). Las bicapas mostraron mejor capacidad de barrera global que las monocapas. Sin embargo, la migración de compuestos entre capas dio lugar a películas menos rígidas y resistentes de lo esperado de la contribución del film de PLA. Las bicapas activas y reforzadas alargaron la vida útil de carne de cerdo refrigerada. Las películas de PLA con un 6 % (p/p) de los diferentes extractos (USHT, SWE-160 y SWE-180) presentaron menor resistencia mecánica y capacidad de barrera al vapor de agua, pero una mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno y a la luz UV. Además, estas películas, especialmente con el extracto SWE-180, alargaron la vida útil de la carne de cerdo refrigerada. Las FCs obtenidas con los diferentes métodos de purificación también se utilizaron para producir aerogeles de celulosa. Las diferencias composicionales afectaron a la microestructura de los aerogeles. La capacidad de absorción y de retención de agua de los aerogeles estuvo dentro de los rangos descritos para este tipo de materiales. Por tanto, fue posible obtener fracciones valorizadas de la paja de arroz, extractos activos y fibras celulósicas, útiles en el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables activos a base de almidón y PLA. Son necesarios más estudios para validar la seguridad alimentaria de los materiales, así como para el desarrollo de otras aplicaciones en el campo de la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es van obtenir fraccions cel·lulòsiques i extractes actius de palla d' arròs mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents tècniques d'extracció i purificació, utilitzant aigua com a dissolvent. Aquestes fraccions es van incorporar a pel·lícules de midó i PLA, i bicapes de midó-PLA, per obtenir materials d'envasament actius útils per allargar la vida útil de diferents aliments. Els extractes combinant ultrasons i escalfament a reflux (USHT) i amb aigua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) i 180 °C (SWE-180)) van mostrar un alt contingut fenòlic (37, 51 i 83 mg GAE.g-1 d'extracte sec, respectivament) i activitat antioxidant (6,3, 2,0 i 1,2 mg d'extracte sec.mg-1 DPPH, respectivament). Els extractes SWE van mostrar activitat antibacteriana contra L. innocua i E. coli. Es van aïllar fibres de cel·lulosa (FC) de les fraccions insolubles de l'extracció. Malgrat les lleugeres diferències en el grau de purificació, els nous mètodes van donar lloc a FCs amb rendiments més elevats que el mètode alcalí (35-39 % enfront del 29 %), amb cristal·linitat (60-69 %), comportament tèrmic i relació d'aspecte (20-60) similars. Es van incorporar fibres USHT a l'1, 3 i 5 % (p/p) en pel·lícules de midó de dacsa, i de midó de dacsa modificat per tractament tèrmic. La incorporació al 3 % va donar lloc a pel·lícules amb les millors propietats funcionals. Els extractes actius (al 4, 6 i 8 % en pes) a la matriu de midó, amb o sense CF (3 %), proporcionaren pel·lícules més extensibles i menys resistents, però amb més capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. Les bosses monodosi de l'oli de gira-sol amb aquestes pel·lícules actives i reforçades van reduir eficaçment l'oxidació. Les pel·lícules actives de PLA amb diferents proporcions (2, 4 i 6 % p/p) de l'extracte USHT, presentaren color i propietats mecániques lleugerament pitjors, però amb major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. La cinètica d'alliberament dels antioxidants incorporats, en simulants alimentaris de diferent polaritat (A: productes aquosos; i D1: sistemes d'oli en aigua), va mostrar que les pel·lícules amb un 6% d'extracte, tenien una capacitat antioxidant similar en simulants amb diferent polaritat. Es van obtenir bicapes biodegradables laminant PLA, amb i sense extracte USHT (6 %), i midó termoplàstic, amb o sense FC USHT (3 %). Les bicapes van mostrar millor capacitat de barrera global que les monocapes. No obstant això, la migració de compostos entre capes va donar lloc a pel·lícules menys rígides i resistents respecte a l'esperat de la contribució de la pel·lícula de PLA. Les bicapes actives i reforçades van allargar la vida útil de carn de porc refrigerada. Les pel·lícules de PLA amb un 6 % (p/p) dels diferents extractes (USHT, SWE-160 i SWE-180) van presentar menor resistència mecànica i capacitat de barrera al vapor d'aigua, però una major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen i a la llum UV. A més, aquestes pel·lícules, especialment amb l'extracte SWE-180, van allargar la vida útil de la carn de porc refrigerada. Les FCs obtingudes amb els diferents mètodes de purificació també es van utilitzar per produir aerogels de cel·lulosa. Les diferències composicionals van afectar la microestructura dels aerogels. La capacitat d' absorció i de retenció d'aigua dels aerogels va estar dins dels rangs descrits per a aquest tipus de materials. Per tant, va ser possible obtenir fraccions valoritzades de la palla d' arròs, extractes actius i fibres cel·lulòsiques, útils en el desenvolupament de materials biodegradables actius a base de midó i PLA. Són necessaris més estudis per validar la seguretat alimentària dels materials, així com per al desenvolupament d' altres aplicacions en el camp de la indústria alimentària o farmacèutica. / [EN] This Doctoral thesis focused on obtaining cellulosic fractions and bioactive extracts from rice straw (RS) by applying different extraction and purification techniques, using water as a green solvent. These fractions were incorporated into starch and poly (lactic acid) (PLA)-based films, as well as into starch-PLA bilayers, to obtain active packaging materials useful for extending the shelf life of different food matrices. The extracts obtained by applying a combined ultrasound-reflux heating method (USHT) and subcritical water extraction (SWE) (at 160 °C (SWE-160) and 180 °C (SWE-180)) exhibited high phenolic content (37, 51, 83 mg GAE.g-1 dry extract, respectively) and antioxidant activity (6.3, 2.0, and 1.2 mg dry extract.mg-1 DPPH, respectively). The SWE extracts showed antibacterial activity against L. innocua and E. coli. Cellulose fibres (CF) were isolated from the extraction insoluble fractions and compared with those obtained from the traditional alkaline method. Despite slight differences in the degree of purification, the new methods gave rise to CFs with higher yields than the alkaline method (35-39% vs. 29%), with similar crystallinity (60-69%), thermal behaviour, and aspect ratios. USHT fibres were incorporated into corn starch (1, 3, and 5% wt.), and corn starch-modified by heat treatment, obtained by thermoprocessing. The incorporation of CF at 3% gave rise to films with the best functional properties. When active extracts were incorporated at different ratios (4, 6, and 8% wt.) into the starch matrix, with or without CF (3%), the films were more stretchable and less resistant, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. Likewise, mono-dose bags of these active and reinforced films effectively reduced the oxidation of packed sunflower oil. Active, plasticised PLA films were produced, incorporating USHT extract (2, 4, and 6% wt.) by thermoprocessing, which exhibited colour and slightly worsened tensile behaviour, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. The release kinetics of the incorporated antioxidant compounds in food simulants of different polarity (A: aqueous products; and D1: oil-in-water systems) showed that films containing 6% of extract delivered similar antioxidant capacity regardless of the food simulant polarity. Biodegradable bilayers were obtained by laminating plasticised PLA, with and without USHT extract (6%), and thermoplastic starch, with or without USHT CFs (3%). The bilayers exhibited improved overall barrier capacity with respect to the monolayers. However, the interlayer compound migration led to less stiff and resistant films with respect to that expected from the PLA film contribution. The active and reinforced bilayers were able to extend the shelf life of the packed pork meat during cold storage. PLA films with 6% wt. of the different extracts (USHT, SWE-160, and SWE-180) were produced, which exhibited lower mechanical resistance and water vapour barrier capacity, but improved oxygen barrier capacity and intense UV light-blocking effect. Furthermore, the active PLA films, especially with SWE-180 extract, extended the shelf life of cold storage pork meat. The CFs obtained with the different purification methods were also used to produce cellulose aerogels. The differences in the chemical composition of the CFs affected the aerogels' microstructure. The water absorption and retention capacity of the aerogels were within the previously reported ranges for this type of material. Thus, it was possible to obtain valorised fractions of rice straw, active extracts and cellulosic fibres, useful in developing active biodegradable materials based on starch and PLA. Further studies are needed to validate the food safety of the materials, as well as for developing other applications in the food or pharmaceutical industry. / The authors thank the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) for the financial support through projects PID2019-105207RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Generalitat Valenciana [grant number GrisoliaP/2019/115]. / Vieira De Freitas, PA. (2022). Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191380 / Compendio

Advanced methods and models in uncertainty for the order promising process in supply chain characterized by the lack of homogeneity in product

Grillo Espinoza, Hanzel 22 September 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / The Lack of Homogeneity in the Product (LHP) appears in productive processes with raw materials, which directly stem from nature and/or production processes with operations that confer heterogeneity to the characteristics of the outputs obtained, even when the inputs used are homogeneous. LHP appears in different sectors such as ceramic tile, horticulture, marble, snacks, among others. LHP becomes a managerial problem when customers require to be served with homogeneous product. Supply chains responsible to provide homogeneous product face the need to include classification activities in their productive processes to obtain sub-lots of homogeneous product. Due to the inherent LHP uncertainty, these homogeneous sub-lots will not be known until the product have been produced and classified. An improper management of the LHP can have a very negative impact on the customers' satisfaction due to inconsistencies in the answer to their requirements and also on the Supply Chain's efficiency. The Order Promising Process (OPP) appears as a key element for properly managing the LHP in order to ensure the matching of uncertain homogeneous supply with customer order proposals. The OPP refers to the set of business activities that are triggered to provide a response to the orders from customers. These activities are related to the acceptance/rejection decision, and to set delivery dates. For supply chains affected by the LHP, the OPP must consider the homogeneity as another requirement in the answer to the orders. Besides, due to the LHP inherent uncertainty, discrepancies between the real and planned homogeneous quantities might provoke that previously committed orders cannot be served. The Shortage Planning (SP) process intends to find alternatives in order to minimise the negative impact on customers and the supply chain. Considering LHP in the OPP brings a set of new challenging features to be addressed. The conventional approach of assuming homogeneity in the product for the master production schedule (MPS) and the quantities Available-To-Promise (ATP) derived from it is no longer adequate. Instead, both the MPS and ATP should be handled in terms of homogeneous sub-lots. Since the exact quantity of homogeneous product from the planned lots in the MPS is not exactly known until the classification activities have been performed, the ATP also inherits this uncertainty, bringing a new level of complexity. Non-homogeneous product cannot be accumulated in order to fulfil future incoming orders. Even more, if the product handled is perishable, the homogeneity management becomes considerably more complex. This is because the state of the product is dynamic with time and related variables to it, like quality, price, etc., could change with time. This situation could bring unexpected wasting costs apart from the shortages already mentioned. The perishability factor is itself another source of uncertainty associated to the LHP. This dissertation proposes a conceptual framework and different mathematical programming models and tools, in both deterministic and uncertainty environments, in order to support the OPP and SP under LHP's effect. The aim is to provide a reliable commitment with customer orders looking for a high service level not just in the due date and quantity but also in the homogeneity requirements. The modelling of the characteristics inherent to LHP under deterministic context constitutes itself one of the main contribution of this dissertation. Another novelty consists in the inclusion of uncertainty in the definition of homogeneous sub-lots, their quantities and their dynamic state and value. The uncertainty modelling approach proposed is mainly based on the application of fuzzy set theory and possibility theory. The proposed mathematical models and tools have been validated in real cases of SC, specifically in the ceramic tile sector for non perishables, and in the fruit sector for perishables. The results show a ... / La Falta de Homogeneidad en el Producto (LHP, por sus siglas del inglés ``Lack of Homogeneity in the Product'') aparece en procesos productivos con materias primas que derivan directamente de la naturaleza y/o procesos de producción con operaciones que confieren heterogeneidad a las características de los productos obtenidos, incluso cuando los insumos utilizados son homogéneos. La LHP aparece en diferentes sectores como la cerámica, horticultura, mármol, snacks, entre otros. Se convierte en un problema gerencial cuando los clientes requieren homogeneidad en el producto y las cadenas de suministro enfrentan la necesidad de incluir actividades de clasificación en sus procesos productivos para obtener sub-lotes de producto homogéneo. Debido a la incertidumbre inherente a la LHP, los sub-lotes homogéneos y su cantidad no serán conocidos hasta que el producto haya sido producido y clasificado. Una gestión inadecuada de la LHP puede tener un impacto muy negativo en la satisfacción de los clientes debido a inconsistencias en la respuesta a sus requerimientos y también en la eficacia de la Cadena de Suministro. El Proceso de Comprometer de Pedido (OPP, por sus siglas del inglés ``Order Promising Process'') aparece como un elemento clave para gestionar adecuadamente la LHP, con el fin de asegurar la coincidencia entre el suministro incierto de producto homogéneo y las propuestas de pedido del cliente. El OPP se refiere al conjunto de actividades empresariales realizadas para proporcionar una respuesta a las órdenes de los clientes. Estas actividades están relacionadas con las decisiones de aceptación/rechazo, y establecimiento de fechas de entrega para las órdenes del cliente. En las cadenas de suministro afectadas por la LHP, el OPP debe considerar la homogeneidad como otro requisito adicional en la respuesta a los pedidos. Además, debido a la incertidumbre intrínseca de la LHP, las discrepancias entre las cantidades homogéneas reales y planificadas podrían provocar que las órdenes comprometidas anteriormente no puedan ser completadas debido a la escasez de producto. El proceso de planificación de la escasez (SP, por sus siglas del inglés "Shortage Planning") se encarga de encontrar alternativas para minimizar este impacto negativo en los clientes y la cadena de suministro. Considerar la LHP dentro del OPP implica un conjunto nuevo de características desafiantes que deben ser abordadas. El enfoque convencional de asumir la homogeneidad en el producto para el programa maestro de producción (MPS, por sus siglas del inglés "Master Production Schedule") y las cantidades disponibles a comprometer (ATP, por sus siglas del inglés "Available-To-Promise") derivadas de él, no es adecuado. En cambio, tanto el MPS como el ATP deben manejarse en términos de sub-lotes homogéneos. Dado que la cantidad exacta de producto homogéneo de los lotes previstos en el MPS no se sabe exactamente hasta que se han realizado las actividades de clasificación, el ATP también hereda esta incertidumbre, trayendo un nuevo nivel de complejidad. El producto no homogéneo no se puede acumular para satisfacer futuras órdenes entrantes. Más aún, si el producto manipulado es perecedero, el manejo de la homogeneidad se vuelve mucho más complejo. Esto se debe a que el estado del producto es dinámico en el tiempo, y variables relacionadas como calidad, precio, etc., podrían también cambiar con el tiempo. Esta situación puede provocar costos inesperados de desperdicio aparte de la escasez ya mencionada. El factor de perecedero es en sí mismo otra fuente de incertidumbre asociada a la LHP. Esta disertación propone un marco conceptual y diferentes modelos y herramientas de programación matemática, tanto en entornos deterministas como de incertidumbre, para apoyar al OPP y SP considerando el efecto de LHP. El objetivo es proporcionar un compromiso fiable con los pedidos de los clientes en busca de un alto nivel de servicio no s / La Falta d'Homogeneïtat en el Producte (LHP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés ''Lack of Homogeneity in the Product'') apareix en processos productius amb matèries primes que deriven directament de la natura i/o processos de producció amb operacions que conferixen heterogeneïtat a les característiques dels productes obtinguts, fins i tot quan les entrades utilitzades són homogènies . La LHP apareix en diferents sectors com la ceràmica, horticultura, marbre, snacks, entre altres. Es convertix en un problema gerencial quan els clients requereixen homogeneïtat en el producte i les cadenes de subministrament enfronten la necessitat d'incloure activitats de classificació en els seus processos productius per a obtindre sublots de producte homogeni. A causa de la incertesa inherent a la LHP, els sublots homogenis i la seua quantitat no seran coneguts fins que el producte haja sigut produït i classificat. Una gestió inadequada de la LHP pot tindre un impacte molt negatiu en la satisfacció dels clients degut a inconsistències en la resposta als seus requeriments i també en l'eficàcia de la Cadena de Subministrament. El Procés de Comprometre Comandes (OPP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés ''Order Promising Process'') apareix com un element clau per a gestionar adequadament la LHP, a fi d'assegurar la coincidència entre el subministrament incert de producte homogeni i les propostes de comanda del client. L'OPP es refereix al conjunt d'activitats empresarials realitzades per a proporcionar una resposta a les ordres dels clients. Aquestes activitats estan relacionades amb les decisions d'acceptació/rebuig, i establiment de dates de lliurament per a les ordres del client. En les cadenes de subministrament afectades per la LHP, l'OPP ha de considerar l'homogeneïtat com un altre requisit addicional en la resposta a les comandes. A més, a causa de la incertesa intrínseca de la LHP, les discrepàncies entre les quantitats homogènies reals i planificades podrien provocar que les ordres compromeses anteriorment no puguen ser completades a causa de l'escassetat de producte. El procés de planificació de l'escassetat (SP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Shortage Planning") s'encarrega de trobar alternatives per a minimitzar aquest impacte negatiu en els clients i en la cadena de subministrament. Considerar la LHP dins de l'OPP implica un conjunt nou de característiques desafiants que han de ser abordades. L'enfocament convencional d'assumir l'homogeneïtat en el producte per al programa mestre de producció (MPS, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Master Production Schedule") i les quantitats disponibles a comprometre (ATP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Available-To-Promise") derivades d'ell, no és adequat. En canvi, tant el MPS com l'ATP han de manejar-se en termes de sublots homogenis. Atés que la quantitat exacta de producte homogeni dels lots previstos en el MPS no se sap exactament fins que s'han realitzat les activitats de classificació, l'ATP també hereta aquesta incertesa, portant un nou nivell de complexitat. El producte no homogeni no es pot acumular per a satisfer futures ordees entrants. Més encara, si el producte manipulat és perible, el maneig de l'homogeneïtat es torna molt més complex. Açò es deu al fet que l'estat del producte és dinàmic en el temps, i variables relacionades com qualitat, preu, etc., podrien també canviar amb el temps. Aquesta situació pot provocar costos inesperats de rebuig a banda de l'escassetat ja esmentada. El factor de perible és en si mateix un altra font d'incertesa associada a la LHP. Aquesta dissertació proposa un marc conceptual i diferents models i eines de programació matemàtica, tant en entorns deterministes com d'incertesa, per a recolzar a l'OPP i SP considerant l'efecte de LHP. L'objectiu és proporcionar un compromís fiable amb les comandes dels clients a la recerca d'un alt nivell de servei no sols en la data i la quantitat esperades, s / Grillo Espinoza, H. (2017). Advanced methods and models in uncertainty for the order promising process in supply chain characterized by the lack of homogeneity in product [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/91110 / Compendio

Physical processes and biogeochemistry of particle fluxes over the Beaufort slope and in Canada Basin

O'Brien, Mary C. 28 August 2009 (has links)
Sedimentation rates and compositions of sinking particles were investigated at three sites on the Beaufort slope and one in Canada Basin during the period 1990-1994 using moored sequential sediment traps. A method was developed to identify the terrigenous and biogenic components of the fluxes. The physical context including ice cover, ocean currents, river inputs, winds, air temperature, incident light, and nutrient availability provide essential information to the interpretation of the particle fluxes and to the understanding of shelf-basin sediment transport in this area. Eddies, internal waves, upwelling and downwelling, and the state of the ice cover all played important and overlapping roles in the pattern of observed fluxes. A peak in the flux of highly terrigenous material under complete ice cover in mid-winter to the northwest of Mackenzie Trough was associated with predominantly downwelling conditions and the passage of a series of eddies and internal waves. A prolonged spring diatom bloom occurred in the mid-slope area and was clearly associated with an early opening of the ice on the east side of the shelf. Higher fluxes at the Canada Basin site were associated with a large eddy clearly identifiable from the current-T-S record and also from the composition of the suspended material carried with it. At the base of the slope (2700 m), the composition was highly terrigenous and remarkably consistent. Higher up the slope (700 m), biogenic peaks in the summer diluted the terrigenous material briefly, but it appears that there is a constant background of highly terrigenous material. There was a high degree of variability between sites and over the slope there was not enough data to asses the inter-annual variability. In Canada Basin, the inter-annual variability was closely linked to the extent of open water in the summer period. At all sites, lateral transport is clearly indicated by the increase in flux with depth. The data robustly demonstrate the need for detailed knowledge of physical processes for informed interpretation of particle fluxes and sediment transport in this area.

Le cadre institutionnel de la convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer en quête de son avenir / The Institutional Framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in Search of its Future

Konstantinidis, Ioannis 10 February 2016 (has links)
Fruit de négociations longues et ardues, la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer signée en 1982 est sans doute l’un des traités multilatéraux les plus réussis sur le plan international. Pierre angulaire de la Convention, l’attribution du statut de « patrimoine commun de l’humanité » aux fonds marins et leur sous-sol situés au-delà des limites de la juridiction nationale ainsi qu’à leurs ressources a constitué une innovation majeure dans le domaine du droit international. Le succès de la Convention tient notamment au fait qu’elle a établi un cadre institutionnel sans précédent chargé de la mise en œuvre de la Convention et incarné par trois institutions : l’Autorité internationale des fonds marins, la Commission des limites du plateau continental et le Tribunal international du droit de la mer. Dotées de statuts juridiques divers et de compétences différentes, ces institutions fonctionnent depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention en 1994. Vingt-et-un ans après sa fondation, il convient d’examiner ce cadre institutionnel dans son ensemble et d’évaluer sa mise en œuvre pour mieux comprendre le rôle complémentaire des institutions. Cette étude porte un regard critique sur la genèse, la nature, le fonctionnement et la pratique des institutions, et s’attache à les considérer dans leur interaction et leur interdépendance. Identifier les insuffisances institutionnelles et interinstitutionnelles, ainsi que les défis auxquels les institutions sont confrontées est un préalable indispensable à la recherche de solutions efficaces et viables pour surmonter les difficultés rencontrées, à la mise en œuvre harmonieuse de la Convention et à la concrétisation du concept fondamental de patrimoine commun de l’humanité. Dans cette perspective, l’importance du Tribunal dans son rôle de garant de l’intégrité de la Convention et le pouvoir créateur du juge international face aux lacunes conventionnelles méritent une attention toute particulière. / The result of protracted and arduous negotiations, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seasigned in 1982 is undoubtedly one of the most successful multilateral treaties at the international level. The principle of the common heritage of mankind, represented by the seabed, ocean floor and subsoil and their resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, is the cornerstone of the Convention and constituted a major innovation in international law. The success of the Convention lies, in particular, in the establishment of an unprecedented institutional framework, which is incarnated by three institutions: the International Seabed Authority, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. These institutions of diverse legal status are vested with different functions and have been in operation since the entry into force of the Convention in 1994. Twentyone years following its establishment, it is necessary to review this institutional framework as a whole and to assess its implementation in order to better understand the complementary role of the institutions. This study critically examines the genesis, the nature, the functioning and the practice of the institutions throughtheir interaction and their interdependence. Identifying institutional and inter-institutional weaknesses, and the challenges that the institutions face is an indispensable prerequisite for ensuring effective and viablesolutions, the harmonious implementation of the Convention and for giving substance to the principle ofthe common heritage of mankind. In this context, the role of the Tribunal as the guarantor of the integrityof the Convention and the creative power of the international judge merit special attention.

The role of inventory control in service quality in a South African academic library

Retief, Esther 30 June 2005 (has links)
Service quality has always been a tacit assumption within the delivery of academic library services, but since the 1990s demands for accountability from different stakeholders, including the clients, made service quality a highly debated and researched focus in academic libraries all over the world. The scope of the study covers a wide-ranging analysis of discourses underpinning service quality and its accompanying performance indicators in academic libraries. Using the academic library of the University of South Africa as an illustrative case study, this study examines the possible impact of inventory control on the service quality of the academic library in three areas, namely access to information resources, retrieval of information resources and positive implications for sound financial management. The study's findings all point to a positive enhancement of service quality in regard to the three areas mentioned. / Information Science / M. Inf.

The effect of processing techniques on the microbiological and nutritional qualities of the leafy vegetables Vigna unguiculata and Moringa oleifera grown in South Africa

Otun, Oluwatobi Sarah 02 1900 (has links)
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and moringa (Moringa oleifera) are nutritious and medicinal vegetables, but could also harbor harmful microbial contaminants. The main aim of the project was to determine the effect of each processing techniques on the microbiology, proximate nutrients and shelf life of these vegetables to produce nutritious, tasty, safe and long lasting vegetable products. The processing techniques used were: washing, blanching, and drying. Leaf samples were collected at each stage of processing and were analysed for total viable count, coliform count, yeast and mould count and nutritional content. Microbial plate analysis showed the presence, particularly on cowpea leaves, of yeasts and bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Staphylococci, Streptococci, and enterobacter including enteropathogens such as Salmonella spp., Shigella dysenteriae and E coli. The presence of E.coli on the leaves was also confirmed using polymerase chain reaction-amplified ribosomal DNA analysis. The most effective processing technique which reduced microbial load to below SABS standards while retaining nutritional quality was the washing of the leaves twice with tap water followed by steam tunnel blanching at 94oC for 12 minutes. Oven drying the leaves at 60oC gave satisfactory and extended shelf life results. Proximate analysis comparison of the two leaf types showed that on average moringa leaves contained more ash (2.37 vs 1.1 g), protein (6,9 vs 3,6 g), fat (0,41 vs 0.2 g) and energy (305,1 vs 70KJ) but less dietary fibre (0,9 vs 7,5 g) than cowpea leaves. No significant differences were noted in these values following washing and steam blanching. These results indicate that washing of these leaves is effective as to reducing microbial load and maintaining proximate values in the short term (up to 4 days) but that oven drying is effective for longer-term storage. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)

The Sunset Supply Base long term COTS supportability, implementing affordable methods and processes

Murphy, Michael W., Barkenhagen, Michael E. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis represents a cross Systems Command (NAVSEA/NAVAIR) developed product. The product - the Sunset Supply Base (SSB) system - provides a complete system for addressing the risks and supportability issues involved with Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products in Navy combat and support systems. The SSB system was implemented on three Navy combat weapon systems at various phases of the product development life cycle. The main body provides to the Program Management Offices (PMO) and other decision makers, a high level summary of performance expectations. Appendix A - The Sunset Supply Base Architecture - identifies at a high level of abstraction a collaborative architecture providing a roadmap for design and development of the SSB system. Appendix B - The Systems Engineering Development and Implementation (SEDI) plan - is a prescriptive or "How to" manual describing activities that have been used to successfully implement the SSB system. Appendix C - Business Case Analysis (BCA) - presents the data collected as a result of SEDI plan implementation then addresses the business/programmatic attributes showing the viability and value proposition possible through the SSB system. Appendix D - The Marketing Plan for the SSB system - defines methods and practices necessary to establish the SSB system as the alternative of choice. / Chemical Engineer, United States Navy / Systems Engineer, United States Navy

Analyse de la diversité et de la structuration spatio-temporelle des assemblages démersaux dans la zone économique exclusive mauritanienne / Analysis of the diversity and spatio-temporal structuring of demersal assemblages in Mauritania's exclusive economic zone

Kide, Saïkou Oumar 11 April 2018 (has links)
La zone économique exclusive Mauritanienne est le siège d’upwelling et constitue une zone de transition où cohabitent des espèces d’affinités tempérée et tropicale. Pour comprendre le comportement spatio-temporel des assemblages démersaux du point de vue de leur composition, structuration, distribution de probabilité et diversité face aux préoccupations écologiques. Les facteurs abiotiques contribuent à la structuration des assemblages démersaux persistants au cours du temps. Les effets de la pêche étaient relativement faibles. Les trajectoires temporelles entre les assemblages et les conditions environnementales ont été mises en évidence pour certaines années et des zones. Dans les types d’habitats, un groupe minoritaire d’espèces très agrégatives obéissant au modèle de distribution en log-séries de Fisher et un autre majoritaire peu ou pas du tout agrégatives obéissant au modèle de distribution binomiale négative tronquée ont été identifiés. La diversité spécifique peut être divisé en deux groupes distincts et complémentaires : la richesse spécifique et l'autre associé à l’équitabilité. Un seul composant de la diversité ne peut donc pas représenter la diversité des poissons démersaux de la zone étudiée. Les GLM des indices complémentaires ont montré essentiellement un effet temporel et l’interaction Année-Strates bathymétriques. Aucun effet de l’effort de pêche n’a été observé sur la richesse spécifique, ni de la concentration en chlorophylle sur l’équitabilité. Ce travail pourrait fournir aux gestionnaires et aux scientifiques des connaissances complémentaires sur la dynamique spatio-temporelle des assemblages démersaux exploités dans des écosystèmes d’upwelling. / The Mauritanian exclusive economic zone is the seat of an upwelling phenomenon and constitutes a transition zone where species of temperate and tropical affinities coexist. To understand the spatio-temporal behavior of demersal assemblages from the point of view of their composition, structure, distribution of probability and diversity faced to ecological concerns. Abiotic factors contribute in the structuring of persistent groundfish assemblages over time. The fishing effects were relatively low, although significant in some years and in some specific geographic areas. Temporal trajectories between groundfish assemblages and environmental conditions have been highlighted for some years and in some specific areas. In each type habitats, two species groups were identified: a minority group of species very aggregative well fitted by Fisher’s log-series distribution and another majority of species little or not aggregative well fitted by the truncated negative binomial distribution. Diversity indices analyzed reveal that this set can be split into two distinct and complementary groups: a group associated with the species richness and another group associated with evenness. One component of diversity may not represent the diversity of the groundfish in the study area. GLMs of complementary indices showed essentially a temporal effect and Bathymetric strata-Year interaction. No effect of fishing effort was observed on the species richness and neither was the concentration of chlorophyll a on the evenness. This work could provide managers and scientists to further knowledge on the spatio-temporal dynamics of groundfish species assemblages exploited in upwelling ecosystems.

Sublethal effects of chemical pollution in benthic fish species from marine Spanish waters / Efectos subletales de la contaminación química en especies de peces bentónicas de aguas españolas

Martínez Gómez, Concepción 27 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Interactive Effects of Nutrition, Environment, and Processing on Fresh Pork Quality, Intestinal Biomarkers of Heat Stress in Swine, and Career Success Factors for Agricultural Students

Julie A. Feldpausch (5929667) 16 October 2019 (has links)
Heat stress (HS) induced changes in energy metabolism, proteolysis, lipogenesis, and oxidative balance have meat quality ramifications for livestock. However, several knowledge gaps exist in understanding heat stressed finishing pig physiology and pork quality characteristics and how dietary zinc may ameliorate undesirable outcomes. Research was completed to determine zinc supplementation effects on carcass composition, meat quality, and oxidative stability of fresh and processed pork from pigs subjected to a chronic, cyclic heat stress using a 2×2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments with main effects of environment (HS vs. thermoneutral; TN), added zinc level (50 vs. 130 mg kg<sup>-1</sup> available zinc), and zinc source (inorganic vs. organic). Commercial crossbred mixed-sex pigs (initially 72.0 kg) were group-housed under either TN (18.9-16.7°C) or cycling HS conditions with chronic diurnal heat (30-29°C/26-27°C for 12h:12h) on days 24-71 with acute heat waves (32-33°C/29-30°C for 12h:12h) on days 21-24, 42-45, and 63-65. One representative pig (<i>n</i>=80) per pen was slaughtered on day 64. The HS pigs were lighter bodyweight (<i>P</i>=0.039), yielded lighter carcasses (<i>P</i>=0.011), less last rib backfat (<i>P</i>=0.032), tended to have smaller loin eye area (<i>P</i>=0.062) but similar percent lean in belly center slices (<i>P</i>>0.10). Compared to TN, HS carcasses had higher 24-h pH (<i>P</i>=0.001) and decreased drip loss (<i>P</i>=0.034). Shifts in individual fatty acid profile of sausage product derived from HS carcasses were observed but were of insufficient magnitude to affect iodine value. Initially, sausage from HS carcasses tended (day 0, <i>P</i>=0.071) to have less thiobarbituric acid reactive substances than TN but over a 10-day simulated retail display, no treatment induced lipid oxidation differences (<i>P</i>>0.05) were observed in either sausage or displayed loin chops. Consistent treatment differences in CIE L*a*b* of products throughout the 10-day display were not observed. The relationships between physiological changes in pigs receiving supplemental zinc and their body and ambient temperatures were also investigated. A representative gilt (<i>n</i>=96) was selected for thermal monitoring from each pen of the 2×2×2 treatments plus 4 additional treatments representing 2 intermediate levels of Zn in both environments. Core body temperatures (T<sub>core</sub>) during the day 42-45 acute heat wave were continuously recorded via indwelling vaginal thermometers and infrared thermal imaging was used to measure skin temperatures at 12-hour intervals. From a 64-gilt subset of the 2×2×2 treatments, jejunum and ileum samples were collected on day 64 for analysis of villus height, crypt depth, and jejunal gene expression of heat shock proteins (27, 70, 90), occludin, and mucin (MUC2). The HS model induced thermoregulatory changes and increases in T<sub>core</sub> (<i>P</i><0.05). Day 42-45 ambient temperature was negatively correlated with expression of HSP-27 (r=-0.42, <i>P</i>=0.047), HSP-90 (r=-0.49, <i>P</i>=0.014), and occludin (r=-0.69, <i>P</i><0.001) in HS pigs. For the organic Zn supplemented pigs, ambient temperature was positively correlated with expression of HSP-27 (r=0.42, <i>P</i>=0.034) and MUC2 (r=0.45, <i>P</i>=0.017) and negatively correlated with villus height in jejunum (r=-0.42, <i>P</i>=0.027) and ileum (r=-0.38, <i>P</i>=0.048). Thermal Circulation Index (measure of heat dissipation) of HS pigs was negatively correlated with their ileum villus height (r=-0.51, <i>P</i>=0.015) and positively correlated with HSP-70 expression (r=0.46, <i>P</i>=0.041). The T<sub>core</sub> lacked correlation with most variables. This research demonstrates cyclic HS affects carcass composition and quality but does not appear to reduce display shelf-life of pork as indicated by lack of differences in lipid oxidation and color stability. In this HS model, zinc level or source imparted negligible benefits and thermal correlations with gut integrity characteristics existed for organic zinc supplemented and HS pigs. The degree of heat dissipation by heat stressed pigs appeared to be associated with classic HS damage and intestinal responses which may be useful indicators of HS in the grow-finish pig. Another agricultural challenge is maintaining higher education programming which establishes a successful career trajectory for agricultural students amid generational shifts in attitudes and background experiences. Undergraduates studying Animal Science and/or Agricultural Economics were surveyed to understand their perception of how collegiate curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular experiences (coursework, club participation, relevant work experience, international experience, advising/mentoring, college life, and professional networking) contribute to their anticipated career success. A best-worst scaling experiment was used to force respondents (<i>n</i>=487) to make unbiased tradeoffs between the collegiate experience attributes. Responses were then related back to additional demographical and experience/perception characteristics of respondents. Students indicated relevant work experience was overwhelmingly the most critical of the 7 factors (57% preference share), followed by professional networking (19%), and coursework (14%). Students solely in a pre-veterinary Animal Science curriculum represented a distinct category of students regarding their beliefs and experiences. Further research is needed to investigate possible disconnects between student perceptions and reality in higher education and agricultural careers.

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