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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La dynamique du traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence : étude comparative de deux groupes d'âge : éclairage de la clinique projective / The treatment of excitation dynamic during adolescence : a comparative study of two age groups

Halley, Clara 17 November 2017 (has links)
L'adolescence, marquée par l'éclosion de la puberté et la résurgence des pulsions sexuelles et agressives, engage, un travail interne lié aux transformations psychiques et à l'émergence de la sexualité génitale. La puberté peut alors faire intrusion et trauma, blessant le sujet qui est plus ou moins prêt à supporter la contrainte au changement induit par le processus pubertaire. En référence au modèle théorique psychanalytique, nous nous intéressons dans cette étude à la manière dont les adolescents font face aux afflux d'excitations, tant externes qu'internes, selon un traitement psychique, par un travail de mentalisation et de symbolisation, ou bien comportemental ou somatique, par le langage du corps ou le recours à la sensorialité. En effet, quelles que soient les capacités d'élaboration mentale de l'adolescent, une vulnérabilité transitoire de l'appareil mental est attendue à cet âge de la vie. Notre travail se propose ainsi d'explorer le traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence, mis en évidence par l'étude de la qualité de quatre mouvements psychiques : le narcissisme, le système pare-excitation, le recours au corps par la sensorialité et le langage du corps, ainsi que les processus de pensée à travers l'étude de la mentalisation et de la symbolisation. Notre objet de recherche questionne ainsi la qualité du traitement de l'excitation, à travers la mise en perspective de ces différentes dimensions conceptuelles, susceptible d'exposer une meilleure approche processuelle de l'adolescence. Partant de l'hypothèse principale selon laquelle le traitement de l'excitation est multifactoriel, l'objectif de cette étude est de dégager la manière dont l'articulation des différents concepts étudiés est à même de rendre compte, de manière plus sensible, du traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence. La méthodologie projective a été choisie pour mettre à l'épreuve cette hypothèse à l'aide de grilles référées aux quatre dimensions précitées. Nous avons rencontré 17 adolescents tout-venants âgés de 14 à 18 ans auxquels nous avons proposé le Rorschach et le TAT. Dans une approche comparative, nous avons étudié le traitement de l'excitation auprès de deux groupes d'âge (14-16 ans et 16-18 ans). Les résultats mettent en avant des différences dans le traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence entre les deux groupes d'âge, les plus jeunes ayant préférentiellement recours à l'inhibition, les plus âgés étant davantage en mesure de mentaliser et symboliser l'excitation. Conformément à notre hypothèse générale, l'analyse projective des quatre dimensions de notre travail permet une approche plus fine pour chaque adolescent des spécificités du traitement de l'excitation. / Adolescence, marked by the emergence of puberty and the resurgence of sexual and aggressive drives, engages an internal work linked to psychic transformations and to the emergence of genital sexuality. Puberty can therefore intrude and cause trauma, hurting the subject who is more or less ready to bear the constraint to change induced by the pubertal process. In reference to the theoretical psychoanalytic model, we are interested in the study of the way in which adolescents are confronted with the influx of excitations, both external and internal, through a psychic treatment, by a work of mentalisation and symbolisation, or behavioural, or somatic, by the language of the body or the use of sensoriality. Indeed, whatever the mental capacity of the adolescent, a transient vulnerability of the mental apparatus is expected at this age of life. Our work thus proposes to explore the treatment of excitation in adolescence, evidenced by the study of the quality of several psychic movements: narcissism, protective-shield system, sensoriality and body language, as well as the processes of thought through the study of mentalisation and symbolisation. Our research object thus questions the quality of the treatment of excitation, through the putting into perspective of these four conceptual dimensions, likely to expose a better process approach of adolescence. On the basis of the main hypothesis that the processing of the excitation is multifactorial, the objective of this study is to determine how the articulation of the different concepts studied is able to account more sensibly for the treatment of excitation in adolescence. The projective methodology was chosen to test this hypothesis using grids referred to the above four dimensions. We met 17 teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old who passed the Rorschach and TAT. In a comparative approach, we studied the treatment of excitation with two age groups (14-16 years and 16-18 years). The results highlight differences in the treatment of adolescent arousal between the two age groups, with the younger ones preferring inhibition, the older age groups being more able to mentalise and symbolize the excitation. According to our general hypothesis, the projective analysis of the four dimensions of our work allows a finer approach for each adolescent to the specificities of the treatment of excitation.

Discovering the Project Manager Identity : Construct Versus Acquisition

MOUYIASIS, PETER January 2022 (has links)
Aim and Background: This study aims to explore and answer how the Project Manager Identity is constructed and/or acquired from a social science, behavioristic perspective. On this account eleven project manager professionals and scholars have been selected to participate, due to their rich experience in the field and their highly exciting profiles as to share insights and knowledge. Theory: The theoretical frame of this study adopts personality dimensions as explained by Kajonius and Dåderman (2020), that is, Extraversion, Negative Emotionality (neuroticism), Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. These are used due to their high degree of reliability and validity compared to other models. Method: The method used to conduct this study is an hour-long interview with each and every one of the interviewees to collect the data. Internet technology applications are used enabling, for the most part, an easier way to handle the planning interview process. The method used to analyze the data is a qualitative, inductive thematic analysis based on interviews and connected to the theoretical frame to reach results. Result and Conclusion: As a result, a Project Manager Identity Archetype emerges from the eleven interviewee narratives that reveals the identity of these Project Managers who strive for peak performance, are endlessly curious and possess a strong psychological shield. These three named themes above describe the Project Manager Identity Archetype of these eleven interviewees who are resilient against high pressure exerted by their work environment or project demands, focused to achieving their goal described as high performers while at the same time navigating into the project unknown by being endlessly curious. Their Project Manager identity is formed in a continuous infinity spiral process both by construct and acquisition, through an exchange between Individual identity and Project Manager Identity Archetype; two perspectives which coincide in a construct (micro) and acquisition (macro) symbiosis to merge information from both sides to form the interviewees’ Individual Project Manager Identity. / Syfte och Bakgrund: Denna studie syftar till att utforska och svara på hur projektledaridentiteten är konstruerad och/eller förvärvad, sett ur ett samhällsvetenskapligt, beteendemässigt perspektiv. Ur denna synpunkt deltar elva projektledare och forskare i studien för att dela insikter och kunskap, vilka valdes till följd av sin rika erfarenhet inom området och sina spännande profiler. Teori: Den teoretiska ramen för denna studie antar personlighetsdimensioner såsom dessa beskrivs av Kajonius och Dåderman (2020), det vill säga, Extraversion, Negativ Emotionalitet (neuroticism), Agreeableness, Samvetsgrannhet och Öppenhet för upplevelse. Dessa används med anledning av sin höga grad av tillförlitlighet och validitet jämfört mot andra modeller. Metod: Den metod som används för att genomföra denna studie är en timslång intervju med var och en av intervjuobjekten för att samla in data. Internet teknologi applikationer används för att, för det mesta, möjliggöra ett enklare sätt att hantera intervjuprocessens planering. Metoden som används för att analysera data är kvalitativ, induktiv tematisk analys baserad på intervjuer kopplat till den teoretiska ramen för att nå resultat. Resultat och Slutsats: Det resultat som uppstår är en Projektledaridentitetsarketyp från dessa elva intervjuobjekts berättelser något som avslöjar en projektledaridentitet för de intervjuade personer som strävar efter topprestation, är oändligt nyfikna och besitter en stark psykologisk sköld. Dessa tre nämnda teman ovan beskriver de intervjuade projektledarnas identitetsarketyp något som beskriver de som motståndskraftiga personer mot högt tryck något som kan utövas av deras arbetsmiljö eller projektkrav, de är fokuserad på att uppnå sina mål och högpresterande samtidigt som de projekt navigerar på okänd mark genom att vara oändligt nyfikna. Deras projektledaridentitet formas i en kontinuerlig oändlighets spiralprocess både genom konstruktion och förvärv, genom ett utbyte mellan Individuell identitet och Projektledaridentitetsarketyp, två perspektiv som sammanfaller i en konstruktion (mikro) och förvärv (makro) symbios för att sammanfoga information från båda sidor för att bilda den individuella projektledaridentiteten.

Telefonen som förändrade spelplanen – igen : Hanteringen av bevisning från den krypterade kommunikationstjänsten Anom / The Phone That Changed the Playing Field – Again : The Handling of Evidence from the Encrypted Communication Service Anom

Karlsson, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
I uppsatsen har Anom och Operation Trojan Shield analyserats utifrån frågeställning­arna hur domstolarna har hanterat bevisningen som tillkommit genom insatsen, vilka bevisförbud som finns att tillgå i svensk rätt, om de bör tillämpas under förevarande omständigheter samt slutligen om några förändringar av bevisreglerna är påkallade med hänsyn till vad som framkommit i uppsatsen i övrigt. Operation Trojan Shield var en insats som skulle hjälpa de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna att lagföra företrädare för den grova organiserade brottsligheten. Anom var emellertid inte den första krypterade kommunikationstjänsten som domstolarna fick på sitt bord. Föregångaren EncroChat hade redan hanterats av underrätterna. Det föreligger dock väsentliga skillnader i de olika kommunikationstjänsterna uppkomstsätt, vilket borde fått genomslag i domstolarnas hantering. Insatsen Operation Trojan Shield har karaktär av brottsprovokation, eftersom Anom-enheterna började användas i samband med att andra krypterade kommunikationstjänster försvann från marknaden. Amerikanska brottsbekämpande myndigheter har upprättat och marknadsfört tjänsten på ett sätt som väckt en brottslig vilja, åtminstone hos högnivådistributörerna inom nätverksbrottsligheten. Genom att svenska domstolar sedan har tillämpat samma bevisrättsliga regler på Anom-material som EncroChat-material har resultatet varit otillfredsställande i relation till rätten till rättvis rättegång.

Contamination en mercure et en méthyl mercure des organismes aquatiques de 38 lacs du bouclier canadien dont le bassin versant a été perturbé par la coupe à blanc ou le feu de forêt

Garcia, Édenise January 2001 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

End-Shield Bridges for High-Speed Railway : Full scale dynamic testing and numerical simulations

Elgazzar, Hesham January 2017 (has links)
The increasing need for High-Speed Railway (HSR) to reduce the travelling time requires increasing research within this field. Bridges are main components of any railway network, including HSR networks, and the optimization of their design for this purpose would contribute to a faster and more cost effective development of the HSR network. The initial investment, the running and maintenance costs of the bridges can be decreased through better understanding of the their dynamic behaviour. This thesis studies the dynamic behaviour of end-shield railway bridges under HSR operation. 2D beam analysis is used to study the effect of the distribution of the train’s axle load. Relatively accurate 3D FE-models are developed to study the effect of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) and the dynamic response of the bridges. Modelling alternatives are studied to develop an accurate model. A full scale test of a simply supported Bridge with end-shields using load-controlled forced excitation was performed and the results were used to verify the theoretical models. A manual model updating process of the material properties of the 3D FE-model is performed using FRFs from the field measurements. A Simple 2D model is also developed, where a spring/dashpot system is implemented to simplify SSI, and updated to reproduce the field measured responses. The conclusions of the project emphasize the importance of SSI effects in the dynamic analysis of end-shield bridges for predicting their dynamic behaviour. The conclusions also show that the modelling of the surrounding soil and the assumption of the soil material parameters have significant effect on the dynamic response. Even the boundary conditions, bedrock level and the ballast on the railway track affects the response. The results also show that the bridge’s concrete section behaves as uncracked section under the studied dynamic loading. / <p>QC 20170403</p>

Konstruktion av klippverktyg för blindslingeledare : Effektivisering av monteringsprocessen för lindningar itransformatorer med blindslingeledare / Design of a cutting tool for shield wires

Bendelin, Oliwer, Gunnberg-Querat, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
Hitachi Energy Power transformers in Ludvika wants to investigate the possibilities of developing a cutting tool to streamline one of the many processes for fabrication of windings in transformers. This thesis work at Uppsala University, which has been going on for ten weeks, has thus investigated the possibilities for a cutting tool by studying the basic necessary theories and user requirements that have consequently resulted in the generation of a proposed solution. User requirements were formulated through collection of data in the form of interviews, a questionnaire,and a literature study. Based on the collected user requirements, concepts have been generated for cutting mechanisms, followed by a concept screening for the reason of presenting a concept selection. The remaining problem statements were answered through thematic analysis of all collected information and balancing of developed user requirements. The design of a proposed solution has been done in 3D CAD with a focus on a solution-independent design This study showed that an electric battery-powered and hand-held tool with a focus on user-friendliness is advantageous for the intended application. Theoretically, the tool will improve user safety and time-consuming manual work will be minimized while reducing the risk of accidents. A theoretically functional proposed solution with a basis for all design choices has been presented to act as a basis for continued work. This study has been the first of its kind for this specific area and has thus left much room for further development, but at the same time provided a collection of information that contributes to the possible realization of a cutting tool.

Tredje gången gillt? : En analys av EU-US Data Privacy Framework / Third time’s the charm? : An analysis of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

Bjerselius, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Through the GDPR, the member states of the EU and the EEA countries ensure equivalent protection for personal data which is why personal data within this area can be transferred freely. Transfers of personal data to a country outside the EU/EEA area, such as the U.S., are only permitted under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under cer­tain conditions, including if the EU Commission has decided that the country in ques­tion en­sures an adequate level of protection. The EU Commission has previously adopted two such decisions for the U.S., based on Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield. Those decisions were, how­ever, struck down by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Schrems I and II since the CJEU did not consider that the U.S. could ensure an adequate level of protection for per­sonal data that was transferred from the EU to the U.S. In July 2023, the EU Commission announced that it had once again adopted an adequacy decision for the U.S. meaning that personal data can now flow freely from the EU to companies and organ­izations in the U.S. certified under the EU-US Data Protection Framework (EU-US DPF). The adequacy decision followed a presidential order signed by U.S. President Biden in October 2022, which introduced new security measures intended to remedy the problems iden­tified by the CJEU in Schrems I and II. On the one hand, the US intelli­gence agencies’ access to personal data is limited to what is proportionate. On the other hand, a data protection court is established.  The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the changes that the presidential order has given rise to has changed the legal situation after Schrems II in such a way that the U.S. can now be considered to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data that is being transferred from the EU to the U.S. By analyzing the EU-US DPF against the background of the jurisprudence of the CJEU and the European Court of Justice, I find that this is not the case. The U.S. intelligence agencies’ use of and access to EU citizens’ personal data is still not lim­ited to what is proportionate and EU citizens whose personal data is processed still do not have access to an effective remedy to challenge surveillance measures. Thus, the new adequacy decision for the U.S. is likely to be struck down by the CJEU in the coming years. The conse­quences of such an invalidation are examined to some extent in this essay, particularly in rela­tion to other transfer mechanisms in Chapter V of the GDPR, namely standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules.

Theoretische Fragestellungen zur Bewertung von Unternehmen

Lahmann, Alexander D. F. 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Fragestellungen der Finanzwissenschaft im Bereich des Asset Pricing und im Detail der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wird sowohl auf Problemstellungen der akademischen und praxisnahen Forschung eingegangen. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung welche Implikationen die Annahme einer arithmetischen Brownschen Bewegung auf bestimmte Aspekte der Unternehmensbewertung hat. Es folgen drei Artikel die sich auf unterschiedliche Weise mit der Zinsschrankenregelung auseinandersetzen. Die darauf folgenden zwei Artikel behandeln hauptsächlich die Modellierung von Insolvenz im Rahmen der Unternehmensbewertung bei Annahme verschiedener Finanzierungspolitiken. Der achte Artikel geht näher auf die Thematik der empirischen Bestätigung bestimmter Kapitalstrukturtheorien ein. Die Dissertation schließt mit einem Artikel zu wichtigen Parametern für die Unternehmensbewertung.

Theoretische Fragestellungen zur Bewertung von Unternehmen

Lahmann, Alexander D. F. 16 November 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Fragestellungen der Finanzwissenschaft im Bereich des Asset Pricing und im Detail der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wird sowohl auf Problemstellungen der akademischen und praxisnahen Forschung eingegangen. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung welche Implikationen die Annahme einer arithmetischen Brownschen Bewegung auf bestimmte Aspekte der Unternehmensbewertung hat. Es folgen drei Artikel die sich auf unterschiedliche Weise mit der Zinsschrankenregelung auseinandersetzen. Die darauf folgenden zwei Artikel behandeln hauptsächlich die Modellierung von Insolvenz im Rahmen der Unternehmensbewertung bei Annahme verschiedener Finanzierungspolitiken. Der achte Artikel geht näher auf die Thematik der empirischen Bestätigung bestimmter Kapitalstrukturtheorien ein. Die Dissertation schließt mit einem Artikel zu wichtigen Parametern für die Unternehmensbewertung.:1. Thematische Einordnung und Forschungsbeitrag … 1 2. The Arithmetic Brownian Motion in Corporate Valuation … 12 3. Die Bewertung der Zinsschranke … 52 4. Zinsschranke, Unternehmensbewertung und APV-Ansatz- eine Anmerkung zum Beitrag von Förster/Stöckl/Brenken (ZfB 2009, S. 985 ff.) … 97 5. Der Einfluss der Zinsschranke auf den Unternehmenswert … 122 6. Tax Shield, Insolvenz und Zinsschranke … 147 7. Tax Shield, Insolvenzwahrscheinlichkeit und Zinsschranke - eine empirische Analyse … 207 8. Zur Überprüfung von Kapitalstrukturtheorien in einer von Krisen geplagten Zeit … 249 9. Die Kapitalmarktdaten von www.finexpert.info und der Fachverlag Gruppe … 291

Contenu total en éléments traces de sols forestiers du Québec méridional

Masse, Jacynthe 06 1900 (has links)
Les sols forestiers constituent un réservoir considérable d’éléments nutritifs disponibles pour soutenir la productivité forestière. Ces sols contiennent aussi une quantité, encore inconnue à ce jour, d’éléments traces biodisponibles provenant de sources anthropiques ou naturelles. Or, plusieurs de ces éléments recèlent un potentiel toxique pour les organismes vivants. Ainsi, la quantification de la concentration et du contenu total en éléments traces des sols forestiers s’avère nécessaire afin d’évaluer les impacts des perturbations sur la qualité des sols. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche sont: 1) de mesurer le contenu total en éléments traces en phase solide (Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Y, Zn) des divers horizons de sols d’écosystèmes forestiers du Québec méridional; 2) d’établir des liens significatifs entre la fraction soluble dans l’eau des éléments traces et les propriétés des horizons de sols et; 3) d’évaluer le rôle de la proximité d’un centre urbain sur les contenus en éléments traces. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, quatre profils de sols situés dans la région de St-Hippolyte et deux situés dans la région de Montréal furent échantillonnés jusqu'à l'atteinte du matériel parental. Les résultats de ce projet de recherche ont révélé que le contenu total en éléments traces présents dans les profils de sols se retrouve en grande partie dans les fragments grossiers du sol. Il a été démontré que la teneur en carbone organique, les complexes organométalliques et les oxydes de fer et d’aluminium dictent la distribution en profil de la majorité des éléments traces étudiés. Finalement, il fut prouvé que la région de Montréal présente des niveaux de contamination en éléments traces (Ag, As, Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl et Zn) supérieurs à ceux rencontrés dans les Laurentides. / Forest soils represent an important stock of nutrients available to sustain forest productivity. They also contain an amount, still unknown, of trace elements inherited from natural or anthropogical sources. Many of these trace elements can be toxic to living organisms. Thereby, quantification of the concentration and the total content of trace elements in forest soils is necessary to asses the impact of these elements on soil quality. The specific objectives of this research project are: 1) to measure the total content of trace elements in solid phase (Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Y, Zn) of various soil horizons in two forest ecosystems of southern Quebec, 2) to establish significant correlations between the bioavailable fraction (water-soluble) of trace elements and soil horizons properties and 3) to compare the trace element stock of two Canadian Shield’s forest soil with those of similar soils situated in the Montreal area. To achieve these goals four soil profiles situated in the pristine region of St-Hippolyte and two in the urban area of Montréal, were excavated down to the parent material. The results of this research have established that the trace element’s total stock is mainly concentrated in coarse fragments of the soil. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed significant links between organic carbon, organometallic complexes as well as Fe-Al oxides and the distribution of trace element in soil profiles. Finally, it was proved that Montreal’s soil contained more trace element (Ag, As, Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl et Zn) than Canadian Shield’s soils.

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