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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recalibração de um modelo para simulação do tráfego em rodovias de pista simples / Recalibration of a traffic simulation model for two-lane highways

Cintia Yumiko Egami 19 December 2000 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi recalibrar um modelo de simulação de rodovias de pista simples a fim de seja possível usá-lo no estudo de estradas do Estado de São Paulo. O modelo escolhido para recalibração é o TRARR (TRAffic on Rural Roads) versão 4.0, desenvolvido na Austrália pelo ARRB Transport Research Ltd. A recalibração do modelo consistiu em alterar parâmetros referentes ao desempenho (relação potência/massa) e características (massa, comprimento) dos veículos pesados e um parâmetro relativo ao comportamento dos veículos quando viajando em pelotões, de tal modo que os resultados da simulação ficassem compatíveis com os observados em campo. As medidas de desempenho escolhidas para a recalibração foram: a porcentagem de veículos trafegando em pelotões, a velocidade média dos veículos e a taxa de ultrapassagens. Os dados para a recalibração do modelo foram coletados num trecho de 2,8 km de extensão, na rodovia SP 255, entre as cidades paulistas de Araraquara e Ribeirão Preto. No processo de recalibração, as medidas de desempenho observadas no campo foram comparadas com as produzidas pelas versões recalibrada e original do simulador. Ao final da recalibração, pôde-se concluir que as duas versões do modelo são capazes de simular adequadamente o trecho estudado, sendo que o modelo recalibrado produz resultados ligeiramente melhores que os da versão original. O modelo recalibrado foi validado simulando-se um trecho de 10 km de extensão da SP 255 e comparando-se os valores medidos no trecho para as medidas de desempenho escolhidas com os valores produzidos pela versão recalibrada do simulador. Os resultados dessa comparação indicam que o modelo pode ser considerado capaz de simular adequadamente a operação de rodovias de pista simples no Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados do estudo também sugerem que a precisão pode ser melhorada com um ajuste fino de alguns dos parâmetros não modificados durante a recalibração. / The objective of this research is to recalibrate a two-lane highway simulation model to allow its employment within the context of the São Paulo state highways, Brazil. The model chosen for this recalibration is TRARR (TRAffic on Rural Roads) version 4.0, originally developed a in Australia by ARRB Transport Research Ltd. The procedure used for the model recalibration consisted in modifying input parameters related to heavy vehicle dimensions and performance characteristics (power/mass ratio, weight and length) as well as to the behavior of vehicles in platoons, in such a way that the model outputs are compatible with real traffic behavior. Three measures of performance were chosen for recalibration of the model: percent of jouney time spent following, average speed and overtaking rate. Data for model recalibration were collected at a 2.8 km rural section of SP 225, a highway which connects the cities of Ribeirão Preto and Araraquara in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). The recalibration procedure was based on comparisons of the measures of performance observed on the real highway with those produced by the simulator\'s recalibrated and original versions. At the end of the recalibration process, both the recalibrated and the original models were considered capable of reproducing the traffic behavior on a two-lane highway similar to the ones in the state of São Paulo. Furthermore, it was concluded that the recalibrated model is capable of producing results slightly better than the original one. The recalibrated model was submitted to a validation procedure in which a 10 km section of SP 255 was simulated and the measures of perfomance obtained with the model were compared to field observations. The results of the validation procedure indicate that recalibrated version of TRARR is capable of simulating traffic operations on rural two-lane highways in the state of São Paulo. The results of the research also suggest that the model results may be improved with fine-tuning of some of the parameters that were not modified during the recalibration procedure.

Classificação de módulos de peso sobre álgebras de Weyl / Classification of weight modules over Weyl algebras

André Silva de Oliveira 28 April 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, introduzimos as álgebras de Weyl clássicas A = A_n e as generalizadas A = D(sigma, a). Apresentamos algumas propriedades importantes dessas álgebras, dentre outras, que a n-ésima álgebra de Weyl A_n é um domínio simples Noetheriano à esquerda. Introduzimos os módulos de peso sobre A e estudamos os A-módulos de peso projetivos. Iniciamos a classificação dos A-módulos de peso simples (isto é, irredutíveis) através de uma categoria linear C_O e do seu esqueleto S_O cf. A classificação total dos A_infty-módulos de peso simples é dada utilizando a ação de certas localizações no anel de polinômios cf. Classificamos os blocos do tipo mansa na categoria dos A-módulos de peso localmente finitos e determinamos os A-módulos indecomponíveis nos blocos do tipo mansa. Seguindo, descrevemos os A-módulos de peso injetivos e projetivos indecomponíveis e deduzimos uma descrição dos blocos na categoria dos A-módulos de peso por quivers e relações. / In this dissertation, we introduce the classical Weyl algebras A = A_n and the generalized A = D(sigma, a). There are some important properties of these algebras, among others, that the n-th Weyl algebra A_n is a left Noetherian simple domain. We introduced the weight modules over A and study the projective weight A-modules. Started the classification of simple weight A-modules (this is, irreducible) by linear category C_O and its skeleton S_O in accordance with. The complete classification of simple weight A-modules is given using the action of certain localizations in the polynomial ring in accordance with. We classify the tame blocks in the category of locally-finite weight A-modules and determine the indecomposable A-modules in the tame blocks. Following, we describe indecomposable projective and injective weight A-modules and deduce the description of the blocks in the category of weight A-modules by quivers and relations.

As 2-álgebras de Lie simples de posto toral 3 / Simple Lie 2-algebras of toral rank 3

Carlos Rafael Payares Guevara 05 December 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos as 2-álgebras de Lie simples, de dimensão finita e de posto toral 3, sobre um corpo algebricamente fechado de característica 2. Nós conjecturamos que a única 2-álgebra de Lie simples de este tipo é W(1, 3). Assim, nosso principal objetivo é verificar a veracidade desta conjectura para estas álgebras de pequenas dimensões. Como resultados, provamos que esta conjectura é certa para todas estes álgebras de dimensão menor ou igual a 16, e também em alguns casos especiais quando a dimensão é 17. / In this work we study the simple Lie 2-algebras of finite dimension, and toral rank 3 over an algebraically closed field characteristic 2. We surmise that the only simple Lie 2-algebra of this type is W(1, 3). So, our main objective is to study the truthful of this conjecture for these algebras of small dimensions. As a result, we prove that this conjecture is true for all these algebras less than or equal to 16 dimension, and also in some special cases when the dimension is 17.

Teoria de homotopia simples e torção de Whitehead / Simple-homotopy theory and Whitehead torsion

Luciana Vale Silva 26 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a teoria de homotopia simples, desenvolvida por J. H. C. Whitehead, com o objetivo de obter um método para classificar espaços com o mesmo tipo de homotopia. Com esta motivação, Whitehead introduz o conceito de equivalência de homotopia simples entre complexos simpliciais, que posteriormente é generalizado para complexos CW, espaços criados pelo próprio Whitehead. Um resultado imediato desta teoria é que quando dois espaços têm o mesmo tipo de homotopia simples, eles têm o mesmo tipo de homotopia. A recíproca desta afirmação é então conjecturada. Mostraremos que trata-se de uma conjectura falsa, contudo a investigação de sua confirmação produz um material que toma rumo próprio. Nosso enfoque são os aspectos algébricos envolvidos nesta investigação / This work presents the simple-homotopy theory, developed by J. H. C. Whitehead, with the goal to get an method to classify spaces with the same homotopy type. So, with this motivation, Whitehead introduced the concept of simple-homotopy equivalence between simplicial complexes, that later was generalized for CW complexes, spaces created by himself. An immediate result of this theory is that, if two spaces have the same simple-homotopy type, they have the same homotopy type. Then, the reciprocal statement is conjectured. We will show that the conjecture is not true, but the research about its truthfulness produces a material that takes its own way. Our approach are the algebraic aspects involved in this research

Algumas conjecturas sobre ideais principais maximais de álgebras de Weyl / Some conjectures about principal maximal ideals of the Weyl álgebra

Luciene Nogueira Bertoncello 07 July 2006 (has links)
Seja d:= \'\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'+ \'beta\\partial\'/\'partial IND.y\'uma derivação simples de K[x,y], onde K é um corpo de característica zero. Doering, Lequain e Ripoll ([1]) provaram que exite um \'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\' K[x,y] tal que o operador S = \'\\partial\'/\'\\partial x\'+\'beta\\partial\'/\'\\partial y\'+\'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\'\'A IND.2\'\':= K[x,y]\' < \'\\partial\'/partial IND.x\', \'\\partial\'/\'partial\'/\'partial IND y\'\'>\'gera um ideal à esquerda maximal principal de \'A IND.2\'. Desta maneira mostraram, para n=2, que a seguinte conjectura é verdadeira: Seja d:=\'\\partial\'/ \'\\partial IND.x\"IND.1\"+\"alfa\'IND.2\'\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial\'IND.x\'\'IND.2\"+...+ alfa IND.n\"\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'\'IND.n\" uma derivaçào simples de K[\'x IND.1\'...\'x IND n\']. Então, A IND.n\'(d+\'gama\') é um ideal à esquerda maximal principal de Á IND.n\', para algum \'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\'K[\'x IND.1\',...\'x IND.n\']. Nós mostramos que esta conjectura é verdadeira em alguns casos particulares / Let d: =\'\\partial/\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'+ \'beta\\partial IND.y\' be a simple derivation of K[x,y], where K is a field of characteristic zero. Doering, Lequain e Ripol ([1]) proved that there exists a polynomial um \'gama\'\'IT BELONGS\' K[x,y] such that the operador S =\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial x\'+\'beta\\partial\'/\'\\partial y\'\'gama\'\'IT BELONGS\'\' á ind.2\':= K[x,y]\' < \'\\partial\'/\'partial IND.x\',\'partial\'/\'partial\'/\'partial IND y\'> \'generates a principal maximal left ideal of A IND.2\'. In this way, they showed that, for n=2, the following conjectures is tru: Let d:=\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\"+\"alfaÍND.2\"\\partial\'/ \"\\partial\' IND.x\'IND.2\"+ álfa IND.n\"\\partial IND.xÍND.n\"be a simple derivation of K[\'x IND.1\',...,\'x IND n\']. Then, \'A IND.n\'(d+\'gama\') is a principal maximal left ideal of \'A IND.n\',for some \'gama\"IT BELONGS\'K[x IND.1\',...,\'x IND.n\']. We show that this conjecture is true in some cases

Écoulements et écrasements de fluides : effet du mouillage et de la rhéologie / Flowing and squeezing fluids : effect of wetting and rheology

Ferrand, Jérémy 15 September 2017 (has links)
La vidange d'un réservoir à travers un orifice a été décrite par Torricelli il y a presque 400 ans. Son modèle ne prévoit aucun effet du mouillage du fluide qui s’écoule sur la plaque percée. Cette thèse montre expérimentalement que pour un orifice de taille comparable à la longueur capillaire, pour des fluides newtoniens peu visqueux, l’effet du mouillage sur le débit est important. Un modèle calculant la variation d'énergie cinétique dans le ménisque à la sortie du trou rend compte des observations expérimentales. Une instabilité, inconnue, du jet en sortie du trou apparaît également ; l'oscillation de la ligne triple du ménisque en est la cause. Les relations de dispersion de la fréquence d’excitation et des fréquences secondaires apparaissant le long du jet ont été établies.Cette étude a été complétée par des écoulements de fluides visqueux et viscoélastiques. Pour les fluides visqueux, le modèle d’écoulement du fluide parfait est corrigé à partir de nos expériences. Pour les fluides viscoélastiques, les expériences montrent qu'il y a compétition entre les dissipations visqueuses et les effets élastiques tout le long de l'écoulement. La prédiction de ces deux effets n'est pas aisée. Nous montrons des situations où les effets élastiques prédominent, permettant à une solution de polymère de couler plus vite que de l'eau.Pour finir, un second système expérimental a été construit permettant l'écrasement de fluides complexes entre deux plaques de verre parallèles. La visualisation, la mesure de la position et de la force normale, permettent de mieux comprendre le comportement de systèmes tels que les mousses, les émulsions, les gels sous une contrainte normale. / The draining of a tank through an orifice was described by Torricelli almost 400 years ago. His model does not provide for any wetting effect of the flowing fluid on the drilled plate. This thesis shows experimentally that the effect of wetting on the flow rate is important for Newtonian fluids with low viscosity in the case of an orifice the size of which is comparable to the capillary length. A model calculating the kinetic energy variation within the meniscus at the outlet of the hole allows us to account for experimental observations. Unknown jet instability also appears at the outlet of the hole; this is the oscillation of the meniscus triple line that is causing it. The relations of dispersion of the excitation frequency as well as that of the secondary frequencies appearing along the jet have been established.This investigation was supplemented by flows of both viscous and viscoelastic fluids. For viscous fluids, the perfect fluid model is corrected based on our experiments. For viscoelastic fluids, experiments show that there is competition between viscous dissipations and elastic effects throughout the flow. The prediction of both effects is challenging. We show situations where elastic effects dominate, allowing a polymer solution to flow faster than water.Finally, a second experimental set-up was build for compressing complex fluids between two parallel glass plates. Visualization, both position and normal force measurements, allow a better understanding of the behavior under normal stress of systems such as foams, emulsions, gels.

Algumas conjecturas sobre ideais principais maximais de álgebras de Weyl / Some conjectures about principal maximal ideals of the Weyl álgebra

Bertoncello, Luciene Nogueira 07 July 2006 (has links)
Seja d:= \'\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'+ \'beta\\partial\'/\'partial IND.y\'uma derivação simples de K[x,y], onde K é um corpo de característica zero. Doering, Lequain e Ripoll ([1]) provaram que exite um \'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\' K[x,y] tal que o operador S = \'\\partial\'/\'\\partial x\'+\'beta\\partial\'/\'\\partial y\'+\'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\'\'A IND.2\'\':= K[x,y]\' < \'\\partial\'/partial IND.x\', \'\\partial\'/\'partial\'/\'partial IND y\'\'>\'gera um ideal à esquerda maximal principal de \'A IND.2\'. Desta maneira mostraram, para n=2, que a seguinte conjectura é verdadeira: Seja d:=\'\\partial\'/ \'\\partial IND.x\"IND.1\"+\"alfa\'IND.2\'\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial\'IND.x\'\'IND.2\"+...+ alfa IND.n\"\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'\'IND.n\" uma derivaçào simples de K[\'x IND.1\'...\'x IND n\']. Então, A IND.n\'(d+\'gama\') é um ideal à esquerda maximal principal de Á IND.n\', para algum \'gama\'\'PERTENCE A\'K[\'x IND.1\',...\'x IND.n\']. Nós mostramos que esta conjectura é verdadeira em alguns casos particulares / Let d: =\'\\partial/\'/\'\\partial IND.x\'+ \'beta\\partial IND.y\' be a simple derivation of K[x,y], where K is a field of characteristic zero. Doering, Lequain e Ripol ([1]) proved that there exists a polynomial um \'gama\'\'IT BELONGS\' K[x,y] such that the operador S =\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial x\'+\'beta\\partial\'/\'\\partial y\'\'gama\'\'IT BELONGS\'\' á ind.2\':= K[x,y]\' < \'\\partial\'/\'partial IND.x\',\'partial\'/\'partial\'/\'partial IND y\'> \'generates a principal maximal left ideal of A IND.2\'. In this way, they showed that, for n=2, the following conjectures is tru: Let d:=\'\\partial\'/\'\\partial IND.x\"+\"alfaÍND.2\"\\partial\'/ \"\\partial\' IND.x\'IND.2\"+ álfa IND.n\"\\partial IND.xÍND.n\"be a simple derivation of K[\'x IND.1\',...,\'x IND n\']. Then, \'A IND.n\'(d+\'gama\') is a principal maximal left ideal of \'A IND.n\',for some \'gama\"IT BELONGS\'K[x IND.1\',...,\'x IND.n\']. We show that this conjecture is true in some cases


ALEXANDR ZHEMCHUZHNIKOV 26 July 2016 (has links)
[pt] Solo é um material de construção sustentável que tem sido utilizado por milhares de anos. As normas técnicas e recomendações existentes referente à construção de terra são baseadas em número limitado de estudos e dependem de materiais, condições climáticas e tradições locais. A compreensão dos parâmetros que influenciam o comportamento do solo compactado quando o mesmo utilizado em paredes e colunaas é essencial para a interpretação dos dados experimentais. Diversos estudos recentes analizaram taipa de pilão do ponto de vista da mecanica de solos nçao saturados, observando o decrescimo da resistência com a diminuição da sucção, causada por exemplo pelo aumento da humidade do ar. Porém, não hã uma pesquisa semelhante pertinente aos blocos de solo compactado. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a influência do teor de argila, dencidade e sucção na resistência dos blocos de solo compactado. Foram utiliazdas quatro dosagens de solo artificial que consistiu de areia, pó de quartzo e argila caulitinitca. Para cada dosagem, amostras estaticamente compactadas na umidade ótima e no ramo seco foram ensaiadas variando-se a sucção. Ao contrário dos resultados encontrados comunmente na literatura, a resistência das amostras diminuiu com o aumento da sucção, enquanto a influência das condições climáticas como umidade e temperatura foram mínimas. As conclusões feitas no presente trabalho podem ser utilizadas nos projetos de construção sustentável com emprego de blocos de solo compactado. / [en] Soil is a sustainable construction material that has been used traditionally for thousands of years. In general, earth construction specifications are based on common knowledge. Existing recommendations tend to be supported by a limited number of studies and depend on local materials, climatic conditions and historical background. The lack of understanding of compacted soil behavior, in particularly its strength, may have prevented a wider application of earthen construction materials in housing. Understanding of the soil properties and parameters that influence its performance when used in walls and columns is essential for interpretation of experimental data. Recently a number of studies have analyzed rammed earth considering unsaturated soil mechanics, which suggest loss of strength following decrease in suction values, for example provoked by the increase in relative humidity. However, there is a lack of such research pertaining to compressed earth blocks (CEBs). The objective of this study was to verify the influence of clay content, density and suction on the strength of CEBs. Four soil mixes consisting of sand, quartz powder and kaolinitic clay were used. For each soil mix statically compacted samples with densities corresponding to optimum and dry of optimum moisture contents were tested for a range of suctions. Unlike reported in the literature, the results showed loss of strength following increase in suction values, while only small variations were registered for suctions corresponding to a wide range of RH and temperature conditions. The findings can be of use for specifications relating to construction of sustainable housing using CEBs.

Forking in simple theories and CM-triviality

Palacín Cruz, Daniel 17 July 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi té tres objectius. En primer lloc, estudiem generalitzacions de la jerarquia no ample relatives a una família de tipus parcials. Aquestes jerarquies en permeten classificar la complexitat del “forking” respecte a una família de tipus parcials. Si considerem la família de tipus algebraics, aquestes generalitzacions corresponen a la jerarquia ordinària, on el primer i el segon nivell corresponen a one-basedness i a CM-trivialitat, respectivament. Fixada la família de tipus regulars “no one-based”, el primer nivell d'una d'aquestes possibles jerarquies no ample ens diu que el tipus de la base canònica sobre una realització és analitzable en la família. Demostrem que tota teoria simple amb suficients tipus regulars pertany al primer nivell de la jerarquia dèbil relativa a la família de tipus regulars no one-based. Aquest resultat generalitza una versió dèbil de la “Canonical Base Property” estudiada per Chatzidakis i Pillay. En segon lloc, discutim problemes d'eliminació de hiperimaginaris assumint que la teoria és CM-trivial, en tal cas la independència del “forking” té un bon comportament. Més concretament, demostrem que tota teoria simple CM-trivial elimina els hiperimaginaris si elimina els hiperimaginaris finitaris. En particular, tota teoria petita simple CM-trivial elimina els hiperimaginaris. Cal remarcar que totes les teories omega-categòriques simples que es coneixen són CM-trivials; en particular, aquelles teories obtingudes mitjançant una construcció de Hrushovski. Finalment, tractem problemes de classificació en les teories simples. Estudiem la classe de les teories simples baixes; classe que inclou les teories estables i les teories supersimples de D-rang finit. Demostrem que les teories simples amb pes finit acotat també pertanyen a aquesta classe. A més, provem que tota teoria omega-categòrica simple CM-trivial és baixa. Aquest darrer fet resol parcialment una pregunta formulada per Casanovas i Wagner. / The development of first-order stable theories required two crucial abstract notions: forking independence, and the related notion of canonical base. Forking independence generalizes the linear independence in vector spaces and the algebraic independence in algebraically closed fields. On the other hand, the concept of canonical base generalizes the field of definition of an algebraic variety. The general theory of independence adapted to simple theories, a class of first-order theories which includes all stable theories and other interesting examples such as algebraically closed fields with an automorphism and the random graph. Nevertheless, in order to obtain canonical bases for simple theories, the model-theoretic development of hyperimaginaries --equivalence classes of arbitrary tuple modulo a type-definable (without parameters) equivalence relation-- was required. In the present thesis we deal with topics around the geometry of forking in simple theories. Our first goal is to study generalizations of the non ample hierarchy which will code the complexity of forking with respect to a family of partial types. We introduce two hierarchies: the non (weak) ample hierarchy with respect to a fixed family of partial types. If we work with respect to the family of bounded types, these generalizations correspond to the ordinary non ample hierarchy. Recall that in the ordinary non ample hierarchy the first and the second level correspond to one-basedness and CM-triviality, respectively. The first level of the non weak ample hierarchy with respect to some fixed family of partial types states that the type of the canonical base over a realization is analysable in the family. Considering the family of regular non one-based types, the first level of the non weak ample hierarchy corresponds to the weak version of the Canonical Base Property studied by Chatzidakis and Pillay. We generalize Chatzidakis' result showing that in any simple theory with enough regular types, the canonical base of a type over a realization is analysable in the family of regular non one-based types. We hope that this result can be useful for the applications; for instance, the Canonical Base Property plays an essential role in the proof of Mordell-Lang for function fields in characteristic zero and Manin-Mumford due to Hrushovski. Our second aim is to use combinatorial properties of forking independence to solve elimination of hyperimaginaries problems. For this we assume the theory to be simple and CM-trivial. This implies that the forking independence is well-behaved. Our goal is to prove that any simple CM-trivial theory which eliminates finitary hyperimaginaries --hyperimaginaries which are definable over a finite tuple-- eliminates all hyperimaginaries. Using a result due to Kim, small simple CM-trivial theories eliminate hyperimaginaries. It is worth mentioning that all currently known omega-categorical simple theories are CM-trivial, even those obtained by an ab initio Hrushovski construction. To conclude, we study a classification problem inside simple theories. We study the class of simple low theories, which includes all stable theories and supersimple theories of finite D-rank. In addition, we prove that it also includes the class of simple theories of bounded finite weight. Moreover, we partially solve a question posed by Casanovas and Wagner: Are all omega-categorical simple theories low? We solve affirmatively this question under the assumption of CM-triviality. In fact, our proof exemplifies that the geometry of forking independence in a possible counterexample cannot come from finite sets.

Procedimentos e processos uma delicada relação na aprendizagem de discriminações por bebês / Procedures and processes a delicate relation in discrimination learning by toddlers

Sousa, Naiara Minto de 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5494.pdf: 509039 bytes, checksum: 2c67d6e315ef4b907f1eaf7b6a7c9dd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This dissertation was based on four empirical research reports submitted for publication in specialized journals. The empirical researches laid the foundations for a theoretical analysis on Stimulus Control and discrimination learning by children about two-yearsold. Each of the four empirical reports have adjusted procedures for teaching discrimination, which have produced: 1) simple discrimination learning by children from 10- to 20-months-old; 2) simple discrimination and discrimination reversal learning by toddlers aged 15- to 23-months; 3) rapid listener behavior learning by a toddler aged 17- to 22-months; 4) identity conditional discrimination learning by seven toddlers aged 14- to 27-months and generalization from object-object relation with an abstract stimulus pair to the photo-object and video-object relations by a toddler aged 27- to 29-months. Based on the experimental data, the processes probably involved in the rapid discrimination learning by toddlers in their everyday interactions were brought out. Concerning vocabulary acquisition, responding by exclusion and ostensive learning were emphasized. Regarding concept formation, the processes of generalization between similar stimuli and equivalence class formation between dissimilar stimuli were addressed. The challenges in defining appropriated experimental procedures for investigating discrimination acquisition by toddlers in translational research were discussed. Additionally, we were concerned on the homology between the learning processes involved in the phenomena observed in everyday interactions of toddlers with their verbal community and the learning processes involved in the experimental procedures. / O trabalho de tese consta de uma análise da literatura sobre Controle de Estímulos e aprendizagem de discriminações por crianças em torno de dois anos de idade e dos procedimentos e resultados de quatro relatos de pesquisa experimental que foram discutidos à luz da literatura. Os relatos foram redigidos na forma de artigos e foram submetidos para publicação em periódicos especializados. Os quatro experimentos ajustaram procedimentos de ensino de discriminações que produziram: 1) aprendizagem de discriminações simples por bebês entre 10 e 20 meses de idade; 2) aprendizagem de discriminações simples e reversões das discriminações simples por bebês entre 15 e 23 meses de idade; 3) aprendizagem rápida de comportamento de ouvinte por um bebê entre 17 e 22 meses de idade; 4) aprendizagem de discriminações condicionais por identidade por sete bebês entre 14 e 27 meses; a demonstração de generalização da relação objeto-objeto com um par de estímulos abstratos para a relação foto-objeto e vídeo-objeto por um bebê entre 27 e 29 meses de idade. Face aos dados, destacaram-se os processos possivelmente envolvidos no ambiente natural dos bebês e que propiciam a aprendizagem rápida de discriminações: em relação à aquisição de vocabulário, enfatizaram-se o responder por exclusão e a aprendizagem ostensiva; na formação de conceitos, ressaltaram-se os processos de generalização entre estímulos similares e processos de formação de classes de estímulos equivalentes, que incluem estímulos dissimilares. Foram discutidos os desafios encontrados para a definição de procedimentos experimentais apropriados para a investigação da aquisição de discriminações por bebês na pesquisa translacional, discutindo-se a homologia dos processos de aprendizagem possivelmente envolvidos nos fenômenos observados no cotidiano de interações dos bebês e aqueles propostos no ambiente experimental.

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