Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bingle photon"" "subject:"bingle tehoton""
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Growth, characterization and implementation of semiconductor sources of highly entangled photonsKeil, Robert 19 November 2020 (has links)
Sources of single and polarization-entangled photons are an essential component in a variety of potential quantum information applications. Suitable emitters need to generate photons deterministically and at fast repetition rates, with highest degrees of single-photon purity, entanglement and indistinguishability. Semiconductor quantum dots are among the leading candidates for this task, offering entangled-photon pair emission on-demand, challenging current state-of-the-art sources based on the probabilistic spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). Unfortunately, their susceptibility to perturbations from the solid-state environment significantly affects the photon coherence and entanglement degree. Furthermore, most quantum dot types suffer from poor wavelength control and emitter yield, due to a random growth process.
This thesis investigates the emerging family of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots obtained by in-situ Al droplet etching and nanohole infilling. Particular focus is laid on the interplay of growth parameters, quantum dot morphology and optical properties. An unprecedented emission wavelength control with distributions as narrow as ± 1 nm is achieved, using four independent growth parameters: The GaAs infilling amount, the deposition sequence, the migration time and the Al concentration in the barrier material. This enables the generation of large emitter ensembles tailored to match the optical transitions of rubidium, a leading quantum memory candidate. The photon coherence is enhanced by an optimized As flux during the growth process using the GaAs surface reconstruction. With these improvements, we demonstrate for the first time two-photon interference from separate, frequency-stabilized quantum dots using a rubidium-based Faraday filter as frequency reference.
Two-photon resonant excitation of the biexciton state is employed for the coherent and deterministic generation of photon pairs with negligible multi-photon emission probability. The GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots exhibit a very small average fine structure of (4.8 ±2.4) µeV and short average radiative lifetimes of 200 ps, enabling entanglement fidelities up to F = 0.94, which are among the highest reported for any entangled-photon source to date. Furthermore, almost all fabricated emitters on a single wafer exhibit fidelities beyond the classical limit - without any post-growth tuning. By embedding the quantum dots into a broadband-optical antenna we enhance the photon collection efficiency significantly without impairing the high degrees of entanglement. Thus, for the first time, quantum dots are able to compete with SPDC sources, paving the way towards the realization of a semiconductor-based quantum repeater - among many other key enabling quantum photonic elements.:Contents
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Researchmotivation ...................1
1.1.1 Structure of this thesis ................. 3
1.2 Applications based on entangled photons ............. 4
1.2.1 Quantum bits ...................4
1.2.2 Quantum key distribution ................ 5
1.2.3 Qubit teleportation .................. 7
1.2.4 Teleportation of entanglement ..............9
1.2.5 The photonic quantumrepeater .............. 10
1.3 Generation of entangled photons ...............12
1.3.1 The ideal entangled-photon source ............. 12
1.3.2 Non-deterministic photon sources ............. 13
1.3.3 Deterministic photon sources ..............14
2 Fundamentals 17
2.1 Semiconductor quantumdots ................17
2.1.1 Introduction to semiconductor quantum dots .......... 17
2.1.2 Formation of confined excitonic states ............ 19
2.1.3 Energy hierarchy of excitonic states ............. 21
2.2 Entangled photons from semiconductor quantumdots ......... 22
2.2.1 The concept of entanglement ............... 22
2.2.2 Polarization-entangled photon pairs fromthe biexciton radiative decay .. 23
2.2.3 Origin and impact of the exciton fine structure splitting ....... 25
2.2.4 Impact of spin-scattering, dephasing and background photons on the degree
of entanglement ..................29
2.3 Quantum dot entangled-photon sources - State of the art ........32
2.4 Exciton radiative lifetime .................. 34
2.4.1 The concept of radiative lifetime .............. 34
2.4.2 Measurement of the radiative lifetime ............35
2.5 Single-photon purity ...................37
2.5.1 Photon number distributions ............... 37
2.5.2 Second-order correlation function .............38
2.5.3 Measurement of the second-order correlation function ....... 40
2.6 Measurement of entanglement ................42
2.6.1 Quantum state tomography ...............43
2.7 Photon coherence and spectral linewidth .............46
2.7.1 The concept of coherence ................ 46
2.7.2 First-order coherence ................. 46
2.7.3 Relation between coherence and spectral linewidth ........ 49
2.7.4 homogeneous vs. inhomogeneous broadening in single quantumdots ..50
2.8 Photon indistinguishability .................51
2.8.1 Hong-Ou-Mandel interference ..............51
2.8.2 Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between photons fromseparate sources .. 52
2.8.3 The Bell state measurement with linear optics .......... 53
3 Experimentalmethods 55
3.1 The GaAs and AlAs material system ............... 55
3.2 Molecular beam epitaxy ..................56
3.2.1 The Concept of molecular beam epitaxy ...........56
3.2.2 Layout and components of the III-V Omicron MBE ........58
3.2.3 Growth parameters .................. 59
3.2.4 Reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) ........ 60
3.2.5 Growth rate determination using RHEED oscillations .......61
3.3 Optical setups .....................63
4 Results 67
4.1 Growth of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots by in-situ Al droplet etching .....68
4.1.1 Motivation for the study of GaAs / AlGaAs quantum dots ......68
4.1.2 GaAs / AlGaAs quantum dot growth process ..........69
4.1.3 Interplay between growth parameters, quantumdot morphology
and optical properties ................. 71
4.1.4 Nanohole morphology and quantumdot formation ........ 73
4.1.5 Optical characterization ................75
4.1.6 Deterministic wavelength control .............77
4.1.7 Photon coherence and radiative lifetime ...........84
4.1.8 Decoherence processes in semiconductor quantum dots ......86
4.1.9 Chamber conditioning and growth process optimization ......87
4.1.10 Arsenic flux calibration using the GaAs surface reconstruction ..... 88
4.1.11 Enhanced photon coherence after growth process adjustments ....92
4.2 Two-photon interference from frequency-stabilized
GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots .................94
4.2.1 Frequency tuning of semiconductor quantumdots ........95
4.2.2 Experimental setup .................. 95
4.2.3 Optical characterization of the separate GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots ... 98
4.2.4 Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter and frequency feedback ... 99
4.2.5 Two-photon interference between remote, frequency-stabilized quantum dots 100
4.3 Solid-state ensemble of highly entangled photon sources at rubidiumatomic transitions
4.3.1 Fine-structure splitting ................103
4.3.2 Resonant excitation of the biexciton state ...........105
4.3.3 Single photon purity and radiative lifetime ........... 107
4.3.4 Radiative lifetime of GaAs/AlGaAs quantumdots - comparison to other quantumdot
types ...................108
4.3.5 Degree of entanglement ................109
4.3.6 Highly-efficient extraction of the obtained entangled photons ..... 116
5 Conclusions 119
5.1 Summary ....................... 119
5.2 Discussion and outlook ..................122
Bibliography 127
Publications and scientific presentations 150
Acknowledgments 154
Selbstständigkeitserklärung 157
Curriculum vitae 157
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Growth Techniques and Optical and Electrical Characterization of Quantum Confined Zero-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Device StructuresWickramasinghe, Thushan E. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Single-Photon Generation through Unconventional Blockade in a Three-Mode Optomechanical Cavity with Kerr NonlinearitySethi, Avtej Singh 31 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Detectores de fótons únicos baseados em fotodiodo avalanche (SPADs)
são elementos essenciais em aplicações que requerem alta sensibilidade, como
comunicações quânticas. É proposto um método para caracterização em
tempo real da eficiência de detecção e das probabilidades de contagem de
escuro e de pós-pulsos em SPADs através da análise da estatística de tempos
entre detecções consecutivas utilizando instrumentação simples com o
detector sob condições de operação. O método é então aplicado no monitoramento
dos detectores utilizados em um sistema de distribuição quântica
de chaves, motivado pela falha de segurança que imperfeições apresentadas
pela tecnologia atual de detecção podem acarretar. Em especial, os ataques
after-gate e time-shif são implementados e analisados. Uma simulação
através do método de Monte-Carlo de um detector de fótons únicos composto
por uma associação de diversos SPADs ativados serialmente e precedidos
por uma chave óptica ativa é apresentada, visando otimizar a performance
de detecção com tecnologia atual no tangente à frequência de
gatilho. É reportada ainda a interferência estável entre fótons provenientes
de fontes laser atenuadas totalmente independentes, cuja visibilidade é
monitorada ao longo do tempo para um enlace implementado sobre duas
bobinas de 8,5 km com controle ativo de polarização, passo importante para
a tecnologia de repetidores quânticos e para o protocolo para distribuição
quântica de chaves independente do aparato de medição. Um medidor de
estados de Bell é implementado, utilizando-se óptica linear, com a resposta
do sistema verificada para diferentes combinações dos estados preparados
em duas estações remotas conectadas à estação central de medição através
do canal estabilizado. / [en] DetecSingle-photon detectors based on avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) are key elements in ultra-sensitive applications, such as quantum communication. This thesis presents a method for real-time characterization of the overall detection efficiency, afterpulse and dark count probabilities, based on the analysis of the statistics of times between consecutive detections with simple instrumentation under operational condition. The method is employed for monitoring the SPADs on a quantum key distribution system, to prevent security failures due to side-channel attacks caused by current technology loopholes. The after-gate and time-shift attacks are implemented and analyzed. A Monte-Carlo simulation of a serially-activated association of SPADs, preceeded by an active optical switch, is performed for enhancement of the gating frequency performance with detectors based on current technology. The stable interference between photons from two independent faint laser sources is also reported, with visibility stability monitored over time after an optical link composed by two polarization-controlled 8.5-km fiber spools, a key features for quantum repeater and the measurement device independent quantum key distribution protocols. A Bell states analyzer is implemented with linear optics, and its response is verified for different combination of polarization states received from the remote stations through the stabilized channels.
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[pt] O bunching de fótons é um dos mais celebrados efeitos de interferência de dois fóotons, associado à tendéncia de fótons indistinguíveis de tomarem o mesmo caminho quando há uma superposição dos pacotes de onda em um combinador de feixes óptico simétrico. Nós exploramos o fenômeno de
interferência de dois fótons e mostramos que: a característica espectral de uma fonte de luz pode ser determinar através da técnica de Espectroscopia de Transformada de Fourier de Poucos Fótons de alta resolução que se mostra como uma técnica útil para a caracterização espectral de fontes
ópticas débeis abaixo do limite coberto por técnicas clássicas de batimento heteródino; uma fonte de fótons com estatística sub-Poisson, a Fonte de Fótons Anunciadas com Óptica Linear, pode ser construída baseada apenas em óptica linear e estados coerentes atenuados uma vez que os anúncios
sejam sintonizados nos picos de coincidência de um interferograma de Hong-Ou-Mandei quando o interferômetro é alimentado com estados em frequências diferentes; uma modificação do interferômetro de Hong-Ou-Mandel produz um aumento no número de coincidências, ao invés de sua
diminuição, quando os pacotes de onda estão perfeitamente superpostos no interferômetro e o anúncio de fótons sintonizados nesse pico gera um feixe com distribuição sub-Poisson. A descrição matemática de cada experimento é detalhada e uma revisão extensa das ferramentas teóricas e práticas
necessárias para o entendimento dos resultados é apresentada. / [en] Photon bunching is one of the most celebrated effects of two-photon interference, related to the tendency of indistinguishable photons to take the same path when there is a wave-packet overlapping in a symmetric beam splitter. Photon antibunching, the counterpart of photon bunching is, on turn, a desired effect in many applications such as single-photon generation. We explore the two-photon interference phenomena and show that: the spectral characteristics of a light source can be determined with a high resolution Few-Photon Fourier Transform Spectroscopy which proves to be a useful asset for spectral characterization of faint optical sources below the range covered by classical heterodyne beating techniques; a sub-Poisson photon source, the Linear-Optic Heralded Photon Source, can be constructed based only on linear optics and weak coherent states by time-tuning a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer fed with frequency-displaced coherent states and yields a second-order correlation function at zero time below one; a modified version a the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer produces a peak of coincidences instead of dip when the wave-packets are perfectly overlapped and the announcement of photons time-tuned to this coincidence peak yield an antibunched photon stream. The mathematical description of each experiment is detailed and an extensive review of the most important theoretical and practical tools for understanding of the results is presented.
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<p dir="ltr">This thesis is about the exciting discovery of a new kind of single photon emitter that<br>is suspected to occur at the interface of silicon nitride SixNy and silicon dioxide SiO2 after<br>being rapidly annealed. Since SixNy is one of the most developed platforms for integrated<br>photonics the discovery of a native emitter in this platform opened up the possibility for<br>seamless integration of these single photon emitters with photonic circuitry for the first<br>time. This seamless integration was demonstrated as is shown in Chapter 3 by creating the<br>emitters and then patterning the SixNy layer into a waveguide. This work demonstrated for<br>the first time the coupling of such single photon emitters with on-chip integrated photonics.<br>However, the integration approach demonstrated was based on the stochastic integration of<br>emitters which limits the efficiency of the devices and the possible types of devices that can<br>be designed. This is why the next stage of research focused on the development of a site-<br>controlled process for creating these single photon emitters. Remarkably, it was found that<br>if the SixNy and SiO2 are nanostructured into nanopillars and then annealed then a single<br>photon emitter forms over 65% of the time within the nanopillar! Due to the lithography<br>defined nature of this process for creating the single photon emitters the first multi-mask<br>integration process was also developed and demonstrated. This fabrication process was used<br>to demonstrate the integration of several thousand single photon emitters with complex<br>integrated photonic structures such as topology optimized couplers. These developments<br>has generated a great deal of excitement due to the inherent scalability of the approach and<br>it’s obvious applications for the development of very large scale integrated (VLSI) on-chip<br>quantum photonic systems.</p>
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Investigation, manipulation, and coupling of single nanoscopic and quantum emittersSchietinger, Stefan 16 November 2012 (has links)
Die hier vorgelegte Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit Untersuchungen an nanoskopischen Emittern und den Möglichkeiten, deren Fluoreszenzverhalten durch kontrollierte Ankopplung an photonische und plasmonische Strukturen zu beeinflussen. Zum einen werden mit Ytterbium- und Erbium-Ionen kodotierte NaYF4 -Nanokristalle untersucht, die hervorragende Eigenschaften bei der Umwandlung von niederenergetischen Photonen in solche höherer Energie besitzen. Das so entstehende Fluoreszenzlicht einer Ansammlung von Nanokristallen wird auf seine Abhängigkeit von der Anregungsintensität untersucht. Mit der Hilfe eines Rasterkraftmikroskops (AFM) wird eine Abhängigkeit der spektralen Zusammensetzung des Fluoreszenzlichts einzelner Nanokristalle von deren Größe im Bereich von wenigen bis 50 nm aufgezeigt. Durch gezielte Manipulation mit dem AFM werden ebenfalls einzelne Nanokristalle an Goldnanokügelchen gekoppelt und die Mechanismen der beobachteten plasmonischen Verstärkung der Emission durch zeitaufgelöste Messungen analysiert. Einzelne Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentren in Nanodiamanten werden in einem zweiten Themenkomplex als Einzelphotonenquellen eigesetzt. Diese werden durch den Einsatz einer Nahfeld-Sonde auf Mikrokugel-Resonatoren aufgebracht, wodurch die Emission aufgrund der Ankopplung an die Flüstergalerie-Moden der Kugeln die typischen, scharfen Überhöhungen im Spektrum aufweist. Diese Methode lässt sich nicht nur verwenden, um zwei oder mehr Emitter an die selben Resonanzen einer Kugel zu koppeln. Es ist auch möglich, die Kugeln in einem Vorbereitungsschritt zu charakterisieren, und so kann insbesondere eine spektrale Übereinstimmung zwischen einer der Resonanzen und dem Emitter erreicht werden. Desweiterne wird demonstriert, wie durch die Kopplung an eine plasmonische Antenne aus Goldnanokugeln mittels AFM auch die Effizienz der Einzelphotonenquelle gesteigert werden kann. / The topic of the dissertation presented here is the investigation of nanoscopic emitters and the possibilities to influence their fluorescence behavior by controlled coupling to photonic and plasmonic structures. NaYF4 nanocrystals codoped with ytterbium and erbium are investigated since they provide excellent properties in upconverting of low-energetic photons to photons with higher energy. The fluorescence light that is generated in this process of a small cluster of nanocrystals is investigated on its dependence on the excitation intensity. With the help of an atomic force microscope (AFM) a dependence of the spectral composition of the fluorescence light from single nanocrystals on their size ranging between a few to 50 nm is demonstrated. By selective manipulation with the AFM, individual nanocrystals are coupled to gold nanospheres and the mechanisms of the observed plasmonic amplification of the emission is analyzed with time-resolved measurements. Single nitrogen–vacancy centers in nanodiamonds are employed as single-photon sources in a second subject area. A near-field probe is employed to attach these single quantum systems to microspherical resonators, by which their emission features the typical peaks in the spectrum due to the coupling to the whispering gallery modes of the spheres. This method can not only be applied to couple two or more single-photon emitters to the very same modes of a microsphere, but the resonators themselves can be pre-characterized to match one of the modes with the emitter. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated how the efficiency of a single-photon source can be enhanced by coupling the nitrogen-vacancy center to a plasmonic antenna made of gold nanospheres.
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Timing Jitter and Electron-Phonon Interaction in Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs)Sidorova, Mariia 29 January 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der experimentellen Studie zweier miteinander verbundener Phänomene: Dem intrinsischen Timing-Jitter in einem supraleitendenden Nanodraht-Einzelphotonen-Detektor (SNSPD) und der Relaxation der Elektronenenergie in supraleitenden Filmen. Supraleitende Nanodrähte auf einem dielektrischen Substrat als mikroskopische Grundbausteine jeglicher SNSPDs stellen sowohl für theoretische als auch für experimentelle Studien komplexe Objekte dar. Die Komplexität ergibt sich aus der Tatsache, dass SNSPDs in der Praxis stark ungeordnete und ultradünne supraleitende Filme verwenden, die eine akustische Fehlanpassung zu dem zugrundeliegenden Substrat aufweisen und einen Nichtgleichgewichts-Zustand implizieren. Die Arbeit untersucht die Komplexität des am weitesten in der SNSPD Technologie verbreiteten Materials, Niobnitrid (NbN), indem verschiedene experimentelle Methoden angewandt werden. Als eine mögliche Anwendung der SNSPD-Technologie wird ein Prototyp eines dispersiven Raman-Spektrometers mit Einzelphotonen-Sensitivität demonstriert. / This Ph.D. thesis is based on the experimental study of two mutually interconnected phenomena: intrinsic timing jitter in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) and relaxation of the electron energy in superconducting films. Microscopically, a building element of any SNSPD device, a superconducting nanowire on top of a dielectric substrate, represents a complex object for both experimental and theoretical studies. The complexity arises because, in practice, the SNSPD utilizes strongly disordered and ultrathin superconducting films, which acoustically mismatch with the underlying substrate, and implies a non-equilibrium state. This thesis addresses the complexity of the most conventional superconducting material used in SNSPD technology, niobium nitride (NbN), by applying several distinct experimental techniques. As an emerging application of the SNSPD technology, we demonstrate a prototype of the dispersive Raman spectrometer with single-photon sensitivity.
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Photonic applications and hybrid integration of single nitrogen vacancy centres in nanodiamondSchell, Andreas Wolfgang 30 January 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Stickstoff-Fehlstellenzentrum (NV Zentrum) in Diamant als ein solcher Einzelphotonenemitter untersucht. Durch Benutzung eines hybriden Ansatzes werden hier NV Zentren in Diamantnanopartikeln in photonische Strukturen integriert. Zuerst wird eine aufnehmen-und-ablegen-Nanomanipulationstechnik mittels eines Rasterkraftmikroskops verwendet um einzelne NV Zentren an eine photonische Kristallkavität und eine optische Faser zu koppeln. Durch Kopplung an die photonische Kristallkavität wird die Emission der Nullphononenlinie des NV Zentrums um den Faktor 12.1 erhöht und durch Kopplung an die optische Faser entsteht eine direkt gekoppelte Einzelphotonenquelle hoher effektiver numerischer Apertur. Durch Kopplung an plamonische Wellenleiter können einzelne Oberflächenplasmon-Polaritonen nachgewiesen werden. Zweitens wird ein anderer Ansatz, die Entwicklung eines hybriden Materials, verfolgt. Hier sind die Nanodiamanten, anstatt sie auf die Strukturen von Interesse zu legen, von Anfang in dem Material enthalten, aus dem die Strukturen hergestellt werden. Mittels direktem Zweiphotonen-Laserschreiben ist es dann möglich, Kombinationen aus chipintegrierten Wellenleitern, Resonatoren und Einzelphotonenemittern zu zeigen. Um mehr über die Dynamik von NV Zentren in Nanodiamant zu erfahren und Wege zu ihrer Verbesserung zu finden, wird die Dynamik der Nullphononenlinie des NV Zentrums mittels eines Photonenkorrelationsinterferometers untersucht. Zusätzlich zu Techniken zur Herstellung photonischer und plasmonischer Strukturen werden auch Methoden zu ihrer Charakterisierung benötigt. Hier für kann es ausgenutzt werden, dass das NV Zentrum weiter nicht nur ein Einzelphotonenemitters ist, sondern es ebenso als Sensor verwendet werden kann. Das NV Zentrum wird hier verwendet, um die lokale optische Zustandsdichte in einem Rastersondenverfahren zu messen, was die Technik der dreidimensionalen Quantenemitter Fluoreszenzlebensdauermikroskopie einführt. / In this thesis, one of such single photon emitters, the nitrogen vacancy centre (NV centre) in diamond, will be examined. By using different hybrid approaches, NV centres in diamond nanoparticles are integrated into photonic structures. Firstly, using a pick-and-place nanomanipulation technique with an atomic force microscope, a single NV centre is coupled to a photonic crystal cavity and an optical fibre. Coupling to the photonic crystal cavity results in an enhancement of the NV centre''s zero phonon line by a factor of 12.1 and coupling to the fibre yields a directly coupled single photon source with an effective numerical aperture of 0.82. By coupling to plasmonic waveguides, the signature of single surface plasmon polaritons is found. Secondly, instead of placing the nanodiamonds on the structures of interest, a hybrid material where the emitters are incorporated is used. With two-photon direct laser writing, on-chip integration and combination of waveguides, resonators, and single photon emitters is demonstrated. In order to learn more on the dynamics of NV centre in nanodiamonds and find ways for improvements, the dynamics of the ultra-fast spectral diffusion of the NV centre''s zero phonon line are investigated using a photon correlation interferometer. In addition to techniques for the fabrication of photonic and plasmonic structures, also methods for their characterisation are needed.For this, it can be exploited that the NV centre also is not only a single photon emitter, but can also be employed as a sensor. Here, the NV centre is used to measure the local density of optical states in a scanning probe experiment, establishing the technique of three-dimensional quantum emitter fluorescence lifetime imaging.
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Substrats neuro-fonctionnels de la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétitive dans la dépression pharmaco-résistante / Neuro-functional correlates of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant depressionRichieri, Raphaëlle 22 September 2014 (has links)
La pharmaco-résistance est une complication évolutive fréquente de l'épisode dépressif majeur. La rTMS est une technique de stimulation cérébrale innovante dont l'efficacité antidépressive est maintenant établie.Le premier objectif de notre travail de thèse a été de caractériser les substrats fonctionnels de la dépression pharmaco-résistante à l'aide de la technique TEMP, afin d'identifier des patterns d'anomalies cérébrales qui leur sont propres. Dans un second temps, et sur la base des travaux existant sur les mécanismes d'action de la rTMS, nous avons étudié la valeur prédictive de marqueurs fonctionnels en neuro-imagerie TEMP et par EEG. Enfin, nous avons relié l'effet cérébral de la rTMS révélé par la neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle à son efficacité antidépressive, et de façon plus globale à la qualité de vie, comme recommandé actuellement.Nos résultats montrent l'existence d'un pattern de perfusion cérébrale commun aux patients pharmaco-résistants quel que soit le type de dépression, impliquant les régions fronto-temporales et le cervelet. L'étude TEMP de la perfusion cérébrale et de l'activité cérébrale en l'EEG dans sa bande alpha semble pouvoir prédire de façon satisfaisante, avant traitement, l'amélioration clinique individuelle des patients dépressifs pharmaco-résistants traités par rTMS. L'efficacité antidépressive de la rTMS apparait équivalente quel que soit le côté stimulé, entrainant des modifications de perfusion cérébrale comparables. Enfin, nos résultats ont permis d'identifier des régions cérébrales dysfonctionnelles distinctes et confirment l'interet d'une approche complémentaire de la dépression, par l'évaluation de la qualité de vie. / Treatment-resistance is a common outcome of a major depressive episode. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has been put forward as a new technique to treat this debilitating illness. The first objective of our thesis was to characterize the functional substrates of treatment-resistant depression (TRD) using SPECT technique, in order to identify specific patterns of brain abnormalities. In a second part, based on existing work on the antidepressant mechanisms of rTMS, we investigated the predictive value of two neurofunctional biomarkers: SPECT and EEG. Finally, we studied brain SPECT perfusion changes underlying therapeutic efficiency and improvement of quality of life, as currently recommended. Our results showed the existence of a common pattern of brain perfusion in treatment-resistant patients involving the fronto-temporal regions and the cerebellum, regardless the type of depression. At baseline, SPECT brain perfusion and alpha EEG band power could predict individual clinical improvement in TRD-patients treated with rTMS. Regardless the stimulated side, the antidepressant efficacy of rTMS consisted in similar changes in cerebral perfusion. Finally, our results have identified distinct dysfunctional brain regions and confirm the interest of a complementary approach to depression, by assessing quality of life.
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