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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construction site living

Lindberg, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
The architect’s main tool of representation, parallel projection drawing, can be described as the architect's way of "tracing the shadow of an imagined future". This shadow however, is bigger than the lines we put on paper. If we turn around and face the “behind” of the built, we find ourselves in front of a group of construction workers. “Parallel” and “shadow” are here no longer terms of architectural representation, but rather describes a shadow society existing in parallel to Swedish welfare. With the barracks conceived as infrastructure rather than homes, their inhabitants are being made invisible. Under the pretext "temporary", a lower standard of living is here excused. But workers tend to move from one temporary solution to the other, with the barrack and its shortcomings as a permanent backdrop to their lives.   This book is an effort to begin tracing the shadow of the architect's work, highlight the architecture indirectly produced, and begin a discussion on how to improve construction workers' living situation from an architectural  perspective.

NORTHVOLT, EN PLUS- ELLER MINUSLADDNING FÖR SKELLEFTEÅ? : En studie om hur Northvolts etablering och Skellefteå kommuns strategier för arbetskraftsattraktion främjar sociala och ekonomiska hållbarhet

Alexandersson, Linda, Oskarsson, Sofie January 2024 (has links)
Norra Sverige står idag inför en betydande omställning med den nya gröna industrialiseringen. En industrialisering som ska motivera för den ekologiska hållbarheten i EU. Det ökade fokuset på ekologisk hållbarhet har dock föranlett att de sociala och ekonomiska dimensionerna hamnat i bakgrunden, trots att dessa dimensioner utgör grundläggande förutsättningar för en hållbar utveckling. Northvolt, en nyckelaktör i den gröna industrialiseringen, har etablerat sin första batterifabrik i Skellefteå, vilket medför betydande förändringar för Skellefteå kommun. Inte minst ställs det stora krav på att kommunen ska kunna attrahera tillräckligt med arbetskraft till den nya industrialiseringen. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att undersöka hur North Volts etablering påverkat Skellefteå kommuns arbetsmarknad och befolkningstillväxt, hur Skellefteå kommun arbetar för att attrahera arbetskraft och hur detta kan komma att påverka den sociala och ekonomiska hållbarheten. Uppsatsen omfattas av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder, där resultatet för uppsatsen bygger på två enkätundersökningar, två intervjuer, sju olika dokument och statistisk data. Resultatet analyseras sedan utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna multiplikatoreffekter, push-och pull faktorer, social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Slutligen diskuteras resultatet och analysen i relation till den tidigare forskningen inom området, vilket också ligger till grund för att besvara uppsatsens tre frågeställningar. Uppsatsen indikerar att etableringen av North Volt påverkat arbetsmarknaden i Skellefteå genom en ökning av arbetstillfällen inom tillverkningsindustrin, samt en generell ökning av antalet förvärvsarbetare. För Skellefteå har North Volt inneburit en möjlighet att främja en effektiv tillväxt och övervinna tidigare stagnation. Strategierna för arbetskrafts attraktion i kommunen framstår dock som mindre effektiva, då fokus på tillgängliga arbeten inte helt matchar vad potentiell arbetskraft anser vara attraktivt med att flytta till Skellefteå. Den sociala och ekonomiska hållbarheten i Skellefteå påverkas framför allt genom stigande bostadspriser, svårigheter att attrahera arbetskraft till kommunen och en viss risk gällande att tillverkningsindustrin växer snabbare än någon annan sektor. Någonting som kan innebära att Skellefteå blir mer sårbart vid en eventuell minskning av efterfrågan på North Volts batterier.

Det dolda bostadsutbudet : En undersökning av alternativa bostäder i Skellefteå kommun

Hallström, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Large parts of northern Sweden have seen a fast increase in many new job opportunities. Skellefteå municipality is the most prominent example of this. The company Northvolt established a factory there in 2017 which has led to a fast increase in population. This has largely been seen as positive, however it has also caused many problems for the municipality. The most pressing problem is housing. It has been hard to build new housing at a fast enough pace to match the increasing population, this has led to a housing shortage in Skellefteå.  The aim of this essay is to examine the possibilities of converting and using second homes as permanent housing in Skellefteå Municipality. Deserted houses will also be included to a lesser extent. This will be done by analyzing previous research and reports and by taking second homes from broker websites and analyzing the price and other factors in ArcGIS Pro as well as the potential costs of renovation. The results show that five types of second homes could be converted into permanent housing at a somewhat reasonable price. While many second homes are cheaper than apartments, they are still quite expensive if the costs of renovations are included. It is unclear if using second homes as permanent housing could have a large impact on the housing shortage in Skellefteå, and more research is needed to say anything for certain. Deserted houses could be converted to permanent housing, but it is unclear if there is an interest in doing so, since it could be very expensive and tedious to renovate these houses.

Inte en vanlig eljätte men lite mer inlindat i bomull : En receptionsanalys av Skellefteå Krafts externa kommunikation av CSR och hållbar utveckling samt hur studenter avkodar budskapet. / Not an ordinary power giant but a little more wrapped in cotton : A reception analysis on Skellefteå Krafts external communication on CSR and sustainable development and in what ways students decode the message.

Forssell, Linnéa, Sjöström, Elin January 2017 (has links)
A reception analysis on Skellefteå Krafts external communication on CSR and sustainable development and in what ways students decode the message. As an effect of today's climate changes and global issues, one of the most important subjects for companies to communicate to consumers and stakeholders is corporate social responsibility (CSR). The purpose of this paper is to investigate in what ways the concept of responsibility in relation to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development infuse meaning in the external communication by the company Skellefteå Kraft. The paper also examines the way three respondent groups of students relate to this message. The theoretical frame stretches from different views on CSR- communication to green brand strategy and sustainable development. The critic on CSR-communication includes the concept of greenwashing. The study also relies on theories within semiotic analysis, reception analysis and Stuart Halls encoding decoding model. Using the method visual semiotic analysis made it possible to reveal what Stuart Hall calls the preferred reading of the company's external communication. To be able to analyze the way students relate to the message qualitative interviews was used. Tools within reception analyze was applied on the material from the interviews. Both the visual semiotic analysis and the analyze of the interviews showed that the external communication did not include the economic side of CSR as much as the social- and environmental aspect. This was to be expected since the campaigns are focused on customers and other stakeholders. The main result was that the respondents in large made a hegemonic read of both the advertising films and the campaign site. They lay focus primarily on the caption and less on the image itself. The respondents could mainly distinguish the communication of social responsibility. This may be because both campaigns focus primarily on the human being and different life styles. When it comes to environmental responsibility the analysis show that Skellefteå Kraft uses ecological arguments in their external communication about energy and electrician, but they do not demonstrate the extraction which does in fact have some negative effects on nature. If Skellefteå Kraft had been more willing to demonstrate the extraction process they probably would have been described as honest and their ecological arguments would have been more comprehensible. This would also be proof that the company has little to hide when it comes to environmental responsibility. The advertising film as well as the campaign site communicates joyfulness and naturally produced electricity.

Spatial Visions and the Future of Norrland : A case study of the spatial vision following Northvolt’s establishment in Skellefteå / Geografisk vision och framtidens Norrland : En fallstudie av visionsarbete kring Northvolts etablering i Skellefteå

Irengård, Axel, Lindström, Alva January 2023 (has links)
In March of 2017, Northvolt announced at a press conference in Skellefteå that they had received the green light on their factory Northvolt Ett, a lithium-ion battery factory running on 100 per cent renewable energy. The industrial establishment has meant a great increase in population and a consequent increase in demand for housing and services. Skellefteå kommun (municipality), located along the Baltic Sea coast, has had a long history of population- and demographic decline. Northvolt is the first among many similar industrial strides in Northern Sweden (Norrland) promoted by the provincial government, the state, and the European Union. The establishment of Northvolt is part of a larger vision for the entirety of Norrland, a move towards reindustrialisation and urbanisation - all in the name of sustainable development. This thesis aims to examine the role of spatial visions in policy within the multilevel governance system in the matter of urbanisation and green industrialisation. A study into the prevailing discourse into the development in Norrland and Skellefteå in light of historical and realistic conditions through a thorough theoretical- and empirical investigation into what the establishment of a large employer entails for the local community. Through a qualitative content analysis of seven policy documents from all levels of governance; transnational, state, region, and municipality, accompanied by a set of four interviews with local municipal politicians this thesis will test the two hypotheses formulated to be accepted or rejected: I. Policy documents on supra-municipal level are not in line with local, realistic-, and historical conditions for Norrland, II. The current discourse does not highlight the contingent risks the large-scale industrial investment means for the local community The performed study shows that the green reindustrialisation in Norrland, as promoted by the Swedish government and the European Union, is one of the most ambitious visions for the future in modern day. The conclusion is that there is a disconnect between visions on municipal and supra-municipal level, in addition there is no sense of risk in the development at hand. / I mars 2017 meddelade Northvolt vid en presskonferens i Skellefteå att de fått grönt ljus på sin fabrik Northvolt Ett, en toppmodern litiumjonbatteri-fabrik som drivs på 100 procent förnybar energi. Industrietableringen har inneburit en stor befolkningsökning och en därav ökad efterfrågan på bostäder och tjänster. Skellefteå kommun har en lång historia av befolknings- och demografisk nedgång. Etableringen av Northvolt är den första av många liknande industriella framsteg i Norrland som främjas av regionen, staten och EU. Northvolt är en del av en större vision för hela Norrland, ett steg mot återindustrialisering och urbanisering – allt i hållbar utvecklings tecken. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur geografiska visioner ger sig tillkänna i policy inom flernivåstyrningssystemet i fråga om urbanisering och grön industrialisering. Genom en studie av den rådande diskursen kring utvecklingen i Norrland och Skellefteå i ljuset av historiska och realistiska förhållanden genom en grundlig teoretisk- och empirisk undersökning av vad etableringen av en stor arbetsgivare innebär för lokalsamhället. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av sju policydokument från alla styrelsenivåer; transnationella, staten, regionen och kommunen tillsammans med fyra intervjuer med politiker på kommunal nivå kommer denna uppsats att testa de två hypoteser som formulerats att antingen accepteras eller förkastas: I. Policydokument på överkommunal nivå är inte i linje med lokala, realistiska och historiska förutsättningar för Norrland, II. Den aktuella diskursen belyser inte de betingade riskerna de storskaliga industriella investeringarna innebär för lokalsamhället. Den genomförda studien visar att den gröna återindustrialiseringen av landsbygden i norra Sverige, som främjas av den svenska regeringen och EU, är en av de mest ambitiösa framtidsvisionerna i modern tid. Slutsatsen är att det råder en viss skillnad mellan visionen på kommunal- och överkommunal nivå, dessutom finns det ingen risk medvetenhet i den aktuella utvecklingen.

Coordination from an Awareness perspective : Mechanisms and techniques for Awareness based Coordination support.

Arvidsson, Viktor January 2009 (has links)
<p>When a task becomes shared the need for coordination arises. One fundamental factor for coordination is awareness. This study aimed to answer the question of how awareness-based coordination support systems could increase the efficiency in the processing of tasks generated by the Customer Support Unit in Skellefteå municipality, ultimately creating a better work situation for the officers responsible for the handling of tasks and increasing the service level for the customers of their services. This question was answered by conducting interviews, observing system usage and through analysis of pre-existing interviews from earlier studies of the municipality’s CSU project. This study shows that there are aspects in the task management that are in need of coordination support and presents a task classification system based on the logistic nature of the task. Furthermore this paper identifies the main problems related to the current task management and from an awareness perspective discusses and outlines various mechanisms and techniques to address these problems. Alongside these problems the general lack of coordination support in the current Document and Workflow System (FlexiteBPMS) is approached. Furthermore all outlined proposals share the common aspiration of lessening the burden for the officers without simply shifting the workload onto other units in the workflow chain.</p>

Coordination from an Awareness perspective : Mechanisms and techniques for Awareness based Coordination support.

Arvidsson, Viktor January 2009 (has links)
When a task becomes shared the need for coordination arises. One fundamental factor for coordination is awareness. This study aimed to answer the question of how awareness-based coordination support systems could increase the efficiency in the processing of tasks generated by the Customer Support Unit in Skellefteå municipality, ultimately creating a better work situation for the officers responsible for the handling of tasks and increasing the service level for the customers of their services. This question was answered by conducting interviews, observing system usage and through analysis of pre-existing interviews from earlier studies of the municipality’s CSU project. This study shows that there are aspects in the task management that are in need of coordination support and presents a task classification system based on the logistic nature of the task. Furthermore this paper identifies the main problems related to the current task management and from an awareness perspective discusses and outlines various mechanisms and techniques to address these problems. Alongside these problems the general lack of coordination support in the current Document and Workflow System (FlexiteBPMS) is approached. Furthermore all outlined proposals share the common aspiration of lessening the burden for the officers without simply shifting the workload onto other units in the workflow chain.

Acid Sulphate Soil and Framboidal Pyrite in Northern Sweden

Rizq, Hind January 2020 (has links)
A soil profile was taken close to Skellefteå in Västerbotten, northern Sweden. The profile has an upper oxidised zone, 30 cm thick, underlain by a transitions zone, in this paper called accumulation zone, and a reduced zone at 160 cm depth. pH was measured in the field and samples from all zones were analysed for major and trace elements by ICP-SFMS. A batch test was performed on samples from the three zones. Optical microscopy and SEM were used to study mineralogy, focusing on the occurrence of framboidal pyrite. The results were compared with those of profiles in the Luleåarea further north, studied earlier. The results clearly show that the sampled soil profile in the Skellefteå area is of similar types as the soils in the Luleå area. A distinct upper oxidation zone has been developed in all profiles with a strong depletion of S, due to oxidation of iron sulphides when these sediments have been exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This oxidation appears to be stronger in the Luleå profiles than in theSkellefteå profile, possibly because they have oxidised a longer time. All the Luleå profiles and theSkellefteå profiles are acid sulphate soils. There is a depletion of sulphide-associated trace elements such as Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in the oxidation zone due to the oxidation of iron sulphides with subsequent low pH and leaching. This depletion is more pronounced in the Luleå profiles than in the Skellefteå profile. There is a tendency for secondary accumulation in the accumulation zone, in the Skellefteå profile close to the groundwater table in particular. The batch test in the Skellefteå profile allowed for the observation that the highest concentrations occurred at the groundwater level. Framboidal pyrite occurs in the Skellefteå profile as well as in the Luleå profiles. In the Skellefteåprofile there is a positive correlation between organic matter, shells and framboidal pyrite, illustrating that organic matter was important for the formation of framboidal pyrite. Although most of the pyrite has been oxidized and dissolved in the oxidized zone, there was still some framboidal pyrite left, possibly protected by shells and organic matter.

Kamratanda mitt bland arsenik, svavel och giftgaser : En studie av metallindustriarbetarförbundets arbete för dess medlemmar på Rönnskärsverket mellan 1930–1950 / Comradeship amongst arsenic, sulphur and toxic gases : A study about the Swedish metal industry labourer´s union work for its members on the Rönnskär smelter between 1930 – 1950

Karlsson, Måns January 2020 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Under 1900-talets första hälft kom Skellefteåbyggden i Västerbotten att genomgå en dramatisk förändring när ett omfattande fynd av malmförande berg påträffades ca 3 mil utanför Skellefteå stad. Snart etablerades gruvbolaget Boliden AB för att påbörja brytning av malmen. Gruvan kom övertid att visa sig vara en av Europas rikaste guldgruvor och ett smältverk etablerades på ön Rönnskär utanför Skelleftehamn för att smälta ned och förädla malmen. Snart efter det att gruvdriften påbörjats upptäcktes det dock att malmen även innehöll en hög grad av arsenik och svavel. Detta innebar att när malmen bearbetades så uppstod arsenik, svavel och giftgaser vilket ledde till att arbetsmiljön på smältverket blev synnerligen farlig för arbetarna som, över tid, kom att drabbas av ett antal olika negativa hälsoeffekter och ett förkortat liv.    Målet för denna uppsats har varit att belysa maktrelationerna mellan arbetare, fackförbund och företag i samband med arbetsmiljöfrågor vid Rönnskärsverket mellan 1930 och 1950. För att göra detta har följande två frågor ställts: Hur arbetade Metallindustriarbetareförbundet för att dokumentera den hälsovådliga arbetsmiljön vid smältverket och på vilka sätt och i vilken utsträckning åtnjöt arbetarna på Rönnskärsverket stöd från Metallindustriarbetareförbundet? Materialet som har använts för att besvara dessa frågor har varit material producerat av förbundet under denna period. Materialet har lästs igenom och analyserats i jakt på strategier som förbundet använt sig av.   Resultatet från analysen har visat att förbundet, i huvudsak, använde två strategier för att dokumentera hur skadlig arbetsmiljön var, nämligen omfattande undersökningar av smältverkets arbetsstyrka samt mindre omfattande studier av individuella arbetares hälsa genom läkarundersökningar. Analysens resultat angående uppsatsen andra frågeställning har visat att förbundet arbetade för att säkerställa att arbetarna som led av negativa hälsoeffekter fick ekonomisk kompensation samt att förbundet försökte influera lagstiftning så att den skulle gynna dessa arbetare. / ABSTRACT During the first half of the 20th century the municipality of Skellefteå in West Bothnia was dramatically transformed as massive ore deposit was discovered ca 30 km northwest of the city. Soon mining began by the mining company Boliden AB. The ore deposit would, overtime, prove to be one of Europe’s richest gold mines and a smelter was built on the island of Rönnskär outside Skelleftehamn to process the ore. However, soon after mining had begun it was discovered that the ore contained a high amount of arsenic and sulphur as well. This meant that processing the ore would result in much arsenic, sulphur and toxic gases. This created a hazardous working environment for the smelters labourers and would, overtime, prove to cause a number of health problems and even a premature death.  The aim of this essay is to understand the power dynamics between the workers, the union and the company in relation to questions regarding the work environment between 1930 – 1950. In order to understand this two questions have been asked; how did the Swedish metal industry labourer´s union document and gathered evidence about the negative health effects that the environment on Rönnskär had on its members and how did the union work to help members whose health had been damaged by the hazardous working environment? The source material used to answer these questions has been material produced by the union during this period. The material was read and analysed in search of strategies that the union used. The result from the analysis proved that the union used two main strategies to document the hazardous working environment, namely comprehensive studies about the health of the smelters workforce as well as less extensive studies performed through medical examinations of individual labourers. The result from the analysis, with regards to the second aim of this essay, proved that the union worked to make sure that the members that suffered from negative health effects would receive financial compensation as well as trying to influence legislature in a way that would benefit these labourers.

En kommun bland andra? : En fallstudie av Skellefteå kommuns självpresentation / A municipality among others? : A case study of Skellefteå kommuns selfpresentation

Brommare Magnefors, August January 2023 (has links)
Title: A municipality among others? A case study of Skellefteå kommuns selfpresentation This essay is a case study aimed to explore how a Swedish municipality portrait itself in its external communication. Increased competition due to bigger autonomy have made it more important for Swedish municipalities to appear attractive in relation to businesses, investors and potential immigrants. However, municipalities are big and complex organizations with many different stakeholders, which makes it difficult for them to appear as unique brands. The specific municipality targeted by this case study is Skellefteå kommun. Skellefteå kommun is considered particularly interesting in relation to the purpose of this study because they have high ambitions to grow, and as result of this invest heavy in, among other things, industry and housing. This presumably means that the municipality has a need to communicate this to the outside world, and that they actually have something concrete to position themselves against.  The theoretical framework of the essay consists of legitimacy, isomorphism, promotional culture, reputation management and brand communication. Further, to achieve the purpose of the essay a discourse-theoretical approach was applied to selected texts from the website of Skellefteå kommun, with the aim to make visible the values and meanings that Skellefteå kommun constructs about itself. In the analysis, growth was identified as a particularly important discourse, which largely affects the meanings the municipality constructs about itself. The result of the essay also indicates, like previous research, that it is difficult for municipalities to appear as unique. Skellefteå kommun build its brand around a number of universally applicable core values, and in addition to this growth and industrial investments appears as two particularly important competitive advantages. Nevertheless, the municipality’s communication, even in relation to the aforementioned competitive advantages, tends to result in vague formulations and abstract visions about the future.

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