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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma \'tão pesada cruz\': o governo da Angola portuguesa nos séculos XVI e XVII na perspectiva de Fernão de Sousa (1624-1630) / Its such a heavy cross: the Portuguese Angolas government in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries from the perspective of Fernão de Sousa

Ito, Alec Ichiro 26 August 2016 (has links)
Exercitando um escopo de análise histórico e eclético, a presente dissertação versará sobre o funcionamento de um sistema administrativo misto, arquitetado no formato de nodos interconectados, ou apenas rede, em prol da manutenção de um espaço jurisdicional ultramarino. Nessa empreitada, seremos guiados por duas traves-mestras: a primeira é o interesse nos fenômenos advindos dos contatos intersociais, a segunda é a análise perscrutada da documentação inserida nas Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVII, organizadas por Beatrix Heintze. Problematizando algumas das situações coetâneas pelas quais passavam a expansão portuguesa na África Centro-Ocidental, bem como nos debruçando sobre algumas das indagações levantadas por uma historiografia recente, defenderemos que havia uma série de movimentos ambivalentes e ambíguos no que tangia ao governo do domínio ultramarino da Angola portuguesa. Sucintamente, chamaremos atenção para a importância dos procedimentos e resoluções políticoadministrativas adotados naquele domínio, analisando as maneiras de arregimentação e condução de uma máquina de guerra portuguesa, destacando a importância da participação política de atores e sujeitos centro-africanos nos rumos políticos das chamadas conquistas e abordando as relações institucionais e econômicas entre Luanda e os entrepostos portugueses instalados no interior. Por excelência, as hierarquias internas e os contatos sociais e políticos luso-africanos foram gestados em um ambiente conflituoso, entrecortado por tensões sociais, atritos institucionais e embates políticos. Em ultima instância, concluiremos que ocorriam justaposições e aglutinações entre as formas de dominação e intermediação que faziam parte do funcionamento político e institucional da Angola portuguesa, contanto que duas precondições fossem atendidas: o engrandecimento da exploração economia através do tráfico transatlântico e a penetração institucional e política do continente. / Considering an eclectic and historical scope of analysis, this dissertation will argue about the execution of a mixed administrative system, based on institutional nodes interconnected in a form of network system, operated on the behalf of an overseas jurisdictional space. Our efforts will be engaged with two mainstreams: the first is our interest in the phenomena related with some inter-social contacts, the second is the analytical research of the Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVIIs documentation, organized by Beatrix Heintze. Casting some questions related to the different situations concerned with the Portuguese Expansion in the West Central Africa, as well as reflecting some inquiries posed by the recent historiography, here we stand for a settle of ambivalent and ambiguous series of movements emerged from the Portuguese Angolas overseas domain, calling up for the importance of some political and institutional forms of proceedings. They were all managed in order to resolve some issues related with the Portuguese Angola, paying attention to the recruitment and mobilizations of the Portuguese war machine, elucidating how the local political actors interacted with the conquistas and how was carried out the institutional and economical relations between Luanda and the interior entrepôts. All the internal hierarchies and luso-african contacts was settled down in a conflictive environment, crossed through social tensions, institutional frictions and political shocks. Finally, we conclude that some forms of domination and intermediation in the Portuguese Angola were sustained by a correlation between juxtapositions and agglutinations, but only if two demands were attended: the enlargement of the economical exploitation through the transatlantic slave trade and the institutional and political penetration of the African continent.

Uma \'tão pesada cruz\': o governo da Angola portuguesa nos séculos XVI e XVII na perspectiva de Fernão de Sousa (1624-1630) / Its such a heavy cross: the Portuguese Angolas government in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries from the perspective of Fernão de Sousa

Alec Ichiro Ito 26 August 2016 (has links)
Exercitando um escopo de análise histórico e eclético, a presente dissertação versará sobre o funcionamento de um sistema administrativo misto, arquitetado no formato de nodos interconectados, ou apenas rede, em prol da manutenção de um espaço jurisdicional ultramarino. Nessa empreitada, seremos guiados por duas traves-mestras: a primeira é o interesse nos fenômenos advindos dos contatos intersociais, a segunda é a análise perscrutada da documentação inserida nas Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVII, organizadas por Beatrix Heintze. Problematizando algumas das situações coetâneas pelas quais passavam a expansão portuguesa na África Centro-Ocidental, bem como nos debruçando sobre algumas das indagações levantadas por uma historiografia recente, defenderemos que havia uma série de movimentos ambivalentes e ambíguos no que tangia ao governo do domínio ultramarino da Angola portuguesa. Sucintamente, chamaremos atenção para a importância dos procedimentos e resoluções políticoadministrativas adotados naquele domínio, analisando as maneiras de arregimentação e condução de uma máquina de guerra portuguesa, destacando a importância da participação política de atores e sujeitos centro-africanos nos rumos políticos das chamadas conquistas e abordando as relações institucionais e econômicas entre Luanda e os entrepostos portugueses instalados no interior. Por excelência, as hierarquias internas e os contatos sociais e políticos luso-africanos foram gestados em um ambiente conflituoso, entrecortado por tensões sociais, atritos institucionais e embates políticos. Em ultima instância, concluiremos que ocorriam justaposições e aglutinações entre as formas de dominação e intermediação que faziam parte do funcionamento político e institucional da Angola portuguesa, contanto que duas precondições fossem atendidas: o engrandecimento da exploração economia através do tráfico transatlântico e a penetração institucional e política do continente. / Considering an eclectic and historical scope of analysis, this dissertation will argue about the execution of a mixed administrative system, based on institutional nodes interconnected in a form of network system, operated on the behalf of an overseas jurisdictional space. Our efforts will be engaged with two mainstreams: the first is our interest in the phenomena related with some inter-social contacts, the second is the analytical research of the Fontes para a história de Angola do século XVIIs documentation, organized by Beatrix Heintze. Casting some questions related to the different situations concerned with the Portuguese Expansion in the West Central Africa, as well as reflecting some inquiries posed by the recent historiography, here we stand for a settle of ambivalent and ambiguous series of movements emerged from the Portuguese Angolas overseas domain, calling up for the importance of some political and institutional forms of proceedings. They were all managed in order to resolve some issues related with the Portuguese Angola, paying attention to the recruitment and mobilizations of the Portuguese war machine, elucidating how the local political actors interacted with the conquistas and how was carried out the institutional and economical relations between Luanda and the interior entrepôts. All the internal hierarchies and luso-african contacts was settled down in a conflictive environment, crossed through social tensions, institutional frictions and political shocks. Finally, we conclude that some forms of domination and intermediation in the Portuguese Angola were sustained by a correlation between juxtapositions and agglutinations, but only if two demands were attended: the enlargement of the economical exploitation through the transatlantic slave trade and the institutional and political penetration of the African continent.

Bourian ou la danse des maîtres : circulations et enjeux identitaires des Agudàs, les Brésiliens du Bénin / Bourian, or the dance of the masters : circulation and identity issues among the Agudas, the Brazilians of Benin

De Athayde, Joao Augusto 21 November 2018 (has links)
Descendants à la fois de négriers et d'anciens esclaves du Brésil « retournés » tout au long du XIXe siècle aux actuels Bénin, Togo et Nigeria, les Agudàs, connus aussi comme « les Brésiliens du Bénin », basent leur identité sur des évocations à leurs origines brésiliennes. Un des principaux marqueurs identitaires des Agudàs est la fête de la bourian (« petite ânesse » en portugais), qui réunit chrétiens et musulmans autour d'une sortie de masques très codifiée, où l'on chante – sans comprendre les textes – des airs de samba en portugais, langue qui n'est plus parlée dans cette région d'Afrique. Les divers groupes de bourian, souvent en concurrence les uns avec les autres, évoquent de façon ludique les ancêtres brésiliens, dans un contexte dynamique où chaque population locale réalise des sorties de masques liés aux vodouns. Centrée sur le Bénin méridional, cette thèse cherche à saisir le sens, les enjeux identitaires et les circulations autour de la bourian, tout en gardant une perspective historique et un regard comparatif avec le Brésil. / The Agudas, also known as "the Brazilians of Benin", are the descendants of both slave traders and former slaves who "returned" from Brazil to today's Benin, Togo and Nigeria during the 19th century. To this day, they base their identity on evocations of their Brazilian origins. One of the main identity markers of the Agudas is the festival of the Bourian (a Portuguese word meaning "little she-donkey"), which brings Christians and Muslims together around a codified masquerade, where samba tunes are sung – with no understanding of their lyrics – in Portuguese, a language that is no longer spoken in this region of Africa. The various Bourian groups, often in competition with each other, evoke in a playful way their Brazilian ancestors, in a dynamic context where each local population carries out masquerades related to the vodoun. Focusing on Southern Benin, this thesis aims to understand the meaning of the Bourian, as well as the identity issues and circulations in which the Bourian is involved, while keeping an historical and comparative perspective with Brazil.

Proč klientky Centra JANA vstupují do prostituce? / The Centre JANA Domazlice and it´s client´s ethical motivational aspects of becoming a prostitute

NĚMEČKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Women, who earn a living as prostitutes, have their own needs, hold certain values and want to fulfil their objectives. The purpose of my work is to make these values and objectives specific and compare the results with fact given in specialized literature. The first part of my work makes basic for the quantitative research. There are chapters about phenomena which can influence the step in prostitution. Secondly, there is a description of motivation phenomenon. Additionally there is a chapter about specific motivation aspects leading to prostitution behaviour. The practical part shows the summary of theoretical data and creating assumptions. All the information are reflected in questions which are involved in these half-structured interviews. All interviews were hold with clients of JANA Centre in the Czech Republic and with clients of Kassandra Centre in Germany. There is the congruence between data gained from my quantitative research and data published in specialized literature. Women working for sex business are not a group which would be easily generalized. Each person experiences various circumstances and all these conditions diversity of their behaviour. Respondents advocate similar values and want to reach suchlike objectives. These is first of all a normal family, a normal job and own children. This term "normal" means for these women a full family and any other job except prostitution.

Ladinos e boçais = o regime de línguas do contrabando de africanos, (1831-c.1850) / Ladinos e boçais : the language regime of illegal slave trade, (1831-c.1850)

Almeida, Marcos Abreu Leitão de, 1983- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jefferson Cano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T23:14:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_MarcosAbreuLeitaode_M.pdf: 2645734 bytes, checksum: dc8013b1aaa27f7a37fdb2b75b03de16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A presente dissertação de mestrado atenta para a dimensão sociolinguística da experiência dos africanos escravizados levados ao Império do Brasil pelo contrabando de africanos, que Joaquim Nabuco denominou de "Trilogia infernal", encenada nos "sertões da África", no "mar" e nas "fazendas" do sudeste brasileiro. Meu objetivo foi investigar como o repertório linguístico dos africanos contribuiu para construir as "estrofes e prosódias" do Atlântico Sul e abordar a questão da comunicação em cada um dos palcos da "trilogia infernal" para, em seguida, buscar entender como a formação de novas linguagens, e os subsequentes intercâmbios culturais que elas permitiram, foram mobilizadas por muitos africanos escravizados na luta quotidiana contra a massiva escravização ilegal no Império do Brasil entre 1831 e c.1850. Dada a importância das rotas atlânticas que ligavam o centro-sul brasileiro com a região do Congo e de Angola, na África, a pesquisa concentrou suas atenções nos centro-africanos e suas habilidades linguísticas, isto é, como eles aprendiam e manejavam o português, negociavam comunidades de fala a partir de suas línguas maternas e intercambiavam suas bagagens culturais. Com isso, foi possível perceber como a questão da língua se articulava com as relações de poder e econômicas do contrabando de escravos e da escravidão ilegal em meio ao processo de construção do Estado Imperial / Abstract: This dissertation aims the sociolinguistic dimension of the enslaved Africans' experience brought to Brazilian Empire by the illegal slave trade, that Joaquim Nabuco called the "Trilogy of hell," staged in "Africa", "the ocean" and "plantations" in southeastern Brazil. My goal was to investigate how Africans' linguistic repertoire helped to build the South Atlantic "strophes and prosodies" and address the issue of communication in each stage of the illegal slave trade to seek understand how the formation of new languages and the subsequent cultural exchanges were mobilized by enslaved Africans in daily struggle against massive illegal enslavement in the Brazilian Empire between 1831 and c.1850. Given the importance of the Atlantic routes that connected southeastern Brazil to Congo region and Angola, this research has focused its attention on Central Africans and their language skills, that is, how they learned and handled Portuguese language, negotiated speech communities from their mother tongues and exchange its cultural baggage. Thus, it becomes possible understand how the "language question" was linked with economic and power relations during Brazilian contraband and illegal enslavement amidst the process of State building in Brazilian Empire / Mestrado / Historia Social / Mestre em História

Comercio de escravos do Sul para o Sudeste, 1850-1888 : economias microregionais, redes de negociantes e experiência cativa / Slave trade from South to South-east, 1850-1888 : local economies, traders networks and slave experience

Scheffer, Rafael da Cunha, 1981- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Robert Wayne Andrew Slenes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campionas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T06:00:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Scheffer_RafaeldaCunha_D.pdf: 2261654 bytes, checksum: b4286db176e750878ec4ba3ed70f9e30 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Analisando a questão do trabalho escravo em Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul, diversos historiadores apontaram a importância do tráfico interno para o fim da escravidão nessas províncias. O presente trabalho visa exatamente dar profundidade a esse tema, analisando o mercado de escravos em diversas cidades sulistas, na segunda metade do século XIX. Investigando o comércio local e interprovincial, procuro calcular seu volume e formas de operação, seu impacto na população cativa dessas províncias e suas conexões com uma cidade importadora dessa mão de obra no Sudeste, Campinas. Busco ainda os comerciantes envolvidos neste negócio, a maneira com que atuavam neste mercado, investigando algumas experiências como negociantes de escravos, de construção de laços e redes comerciais. Para este trabalho, desenvolvi séries com diversas fontes. Registros cartoriais de compra e venda de cativos e procurações que autorizavam a negociação desses trabalhadores foram analisados para todas as cidades selecionadas para estudo. Além disso, anúncios de compra e venda de escravos, impostos sobre a sua comercialização e diversas outras fontes oficiais foram utilizadas para elucidar as questões levantadas. Por fim, explorei fontes judiciais como processos cíveis e criminais para buscar informações complementares sobre os envolvidos nesse comércio e suas práticas. Com essa pesquisa, percebi como o mercado de escravos dessas cidades esteve ligado ao nacional. A compra de escravos nas províncias do Sul do Brasil para a revenda no Sudeste ocorreu de forma constante no período estudado, tendo seu ápice na década de 1870. Enviados em pequenos grupos através de linhas regulares de vapor ou de caminhos por terra, jovens trabalhadores do Sul chegaram em grande número para suprir a demanda de braços de Campinas e região. Diversos comerciantes se envolveram nessas transferências, na maioria das vezes desenvolvido ao mesmo tempo que outras atividades comerciais. O volume desse comércio de escravos de Santa Catarina e do Rio Grande do Sul para o Sudeste foi importante para a localidade importadora estudada, teve reflexos na sociedade escravista do Sul do Brasil, mas seu impacto sobre essas população não parece ter sido decisivo o suficiente para responder sozinho pelo declínio da mão de obra escrava X na região, sendo necessário o estudo da mortalidade e especialmente da alforria para a compreensão do fim da escravidão na região / Abstract: Analyzing the issue of slave labor in Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, many historians have pointed out the importance of internal slave trade for the end of slavery in those provinces. This thesis aims to give depth to this topic, analyzing the slave market in several southern cities in the second half of the nineteenth century. Investigating local and interprovincial trade, I try to calculate its volume and forms of operation, its impact on the captive population of these provinces and their connections to a city that import labor in Southeast, Campinas. I search traders involved in this business, the way they acted in this market, investigating some slave traders experiences and the building of business networks. For this work, I developed series with different sources. Notarial records of purchase and sale of captives and documents that authorize the negotiation of these workers were analyzed for all cities selected for study. In addition, announcements of slave sales, taxes and other official sources were used to elucidate the issues raised. Finally, judicial sources were explored to seek additional information on those involved in this trade and its practices. With this research, I realized how the slave market of these cities was linked to the national slave market. The purchase of slaves in the southern provinces of Brazil for resale in the Southeast occurred steadily during the study period, reaching its height in the 1870s. Sent in small groups through regular lines of steam or paths by land, young southern workers arrived in large numbers to meet the demand for arms at Campinas region. Several merchants were involved in these transfers, mostly developed while other commercial activities. The volume of the slave trade of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul to Southeast locality was important for importing region, it was reflected in the slave society of southern Brazil, but its impact on these people do not seem to have been decisive enough to answer alone for the decline of slave labor in the region, necessitating the study of mortality and especially the freedom papers for understanding the end of slavery in the region / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História

Life after social death : A study of creolisation among enslaved communities in the former Danish West Indies / Livet efter social död : En studie om kreolisering bland förslavadesamhällen i det forna danska Västindien

Rosén-Wiksten, Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines and discusses how creolisation theory has influenced the material culture of enslaved people from former Danish West Indies plantations. The essay contends that creolisation is the theory required to advance slavery studies because it demonstrates how enslaved people created their own identity, belonging, and kept African cultures and customs alive despite being socially dead. This was accomplished through an examination of the amount of material discovered at archaeological investigations on former Danish plantations within slave contexts. Through the presentation and analysis of "Afro-Cruzan" ceramics, beads, shells, and pipe fragments, the thesis discusses and argues how the abundance of various objects from enslaved communities is evidence of long-term preservation of cultures, cultural identity, and expression. Furthermore, the usefulness of creolisation theory is emphasised because it is argued to have been developed with a post-processual perspective, avoiding the normative theorisation that has based slavery studies on a perspective in which the enslaved were only marginalised. Finally, the discussion emphasises the importance of remaining critical of how theories and theoretical frameworks have been applied in archaeological studies on slavery, as well as the need to broaden perspectives and include other Scandinavian countries, such as Sweden. / Den här uppsatsen analyserar och diskuterar hur materiell kultur från förslavade människor från plantage tidigare tillhörande danska Västindien är bevis för kreolisering. Uppsatsen argumenterar för hur kreolisering är den teori som krävs för att fortskrida inom studier gällande slaveri då det belyser hur förslavade individer lyckades skapade en egen identitet, samhörighet samt bibehöll sina kulturer och seder levande trots att de ansågs vara socialt döda. Detta görs genom att analysera kvantiteten av påträffat material under arkeologiska undersökningar inom slavkontexter på före detta plantage på de danska kolonierna. Uppsatsen presenterar och analyserar material i form av så kallat ”Afro-Cruzan” keramik, pärlor, snäckskal och pipfragment som används för att diskutera och argumentera för hur den höga kvantiteten av diverse föremål från slavsamhällen är bevis på ett långsiktigt bevarande av kulturer och kulturella identitet och uttryck samt de förslavades bibehållna agens. Vidare belyses även hur kreoliseringsteorin är mer applicerbar med hänsyn till att teorin tycks att ha skapats ur ett post-processuellt perspektiv då det undviker den normativa mentaliteten och teoretisering att slaveristudier grundas i ett perspektiv där de förslavade var endast varor inom ett socio-ekonomiskt samhälle.Diskussionen leder slutligen till hur det är väsentligt att bibehålla ett kritiskt öga om hur teorier och teoretiska ramverk har använts inom arkeologiska studier om slaveri samt hur det är nödvändigt att vidga perspektiven och inkludera andra skandinaviska länder, så som Sverige.

Mancipia Dei: Slavery, Servitude, and the Church in Bavaria, 975-1225

Sutherland, Samuel S. 12 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Company Towns and Tropical Baptisms: From Lorient to Louisiana on a French Atlantic Circuit

Greenwald, Erin Michelle 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

La traite des esclaves noirs en Lybie dans les temps modernes / the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern era

Abu alkhir, Saleh 24 May 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse, sur la traite des esclaves noirs en Libye, dans les temps modernes, en particulier aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, a nécessité une recherche à partir de questions telles que : quelles sont les origines et les catégories des esclaves noirs qui arrivèrent en Libye ? Les divers prix pratiqués ? Les stations commerçantes les plus importantes du Sahara ? Les routes caravanières empruntées pour le transport des esclaves vers l’Afrique du Nord et plus particulièrement la Libye ? La thèse porte sur les principaux marchés libyens, les méthodes d’achat et de vente, les prix des esclaves, les impôts, les douanes. La Libye a servi, en premier lieu, de plaque tournante pour l’exportation des esclaves vers d’autres destinations et notre étude s’est attachée à ses ports d’où partaient les esclaves en direction de l’Egypte, de l’Empire ottoman, du Levant et des pays du Maghreb. La thèse met aussi l’accent sur la vie sociale des esclaves, leurs rituels religieux, leurs traditions et coutumes, leur habitat, leurs relations avec leurs maîtres, leur intégration dans la communauté libyenne et musulmane jusqu’à en faire partie, le point de vue de la société libyenne sur ce phénomène de l’esclavage. La dernière partie de la thèse aborde la diminution du phénomène de l’esclavage en Libye, puis l’interdiction et l’abolition du commerce à partir de la pression internationale exercée sur l’Empire ottoman. Une évaluation est faite sur la qualité des mesures gouvernementales à cet égard, à travers un récit historique des évènements jusqu’à la fin du commerce à partir de l’occupation italienne, en 1911. / This thesis is about the black slaves’ trade in Libya in the modern era especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It illustrates a range of research issues such as, the sources of black slaves which came to Libya, its types and prices, the important commercial stations in the desert, the routes of the caravans which carried the slaves to North Africa and to Libya in particular. The research study comes across the most important markets on the Libyan soil, the methods of purchasing and buying, the slaves’ prices, the taxes and the customs. Hence, Libya was the area of re-exporting the slaves in the first place, the theses will mention the important exporting harbours and the important destinations such as Egypt, the Ottoman State (Turkey), and the Levant and the Maghreb countries. The thesis extends its scope to cover the social life of the slaves, their religious rituals, their customs and traditions, their houses, their relationships with their masters, the perception of the Libyan society to the slave phenomenon until they become an important component of the Libyan society and the Islamic societies in general. The last part of the thesis deals with the history of abolition of the slave trade and the disappearance of the slave phenomenon totally in Libya. This will be done by following the sequence of events starting with the international pressure on the Ottoman Empire for the abolition of slavery, the assessment of the seriousness of the governmental measures (procedures) and recalling the historical events until the end of the slave trade by the Italian occupation to Libya in 1911.

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