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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O processo de intelectualização: fundamentos para uma explicação sociológica do conhecimento / The Process of Intellectualization: foundations for a sociological explanation of knowledge

Hugo Neri Munhoz 12 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma primeira etapa da elaboração de um conjunto conceitual que tem por objetivo fornecer uma explicação sociológica para o fenômeno do conhecimento. O ponto de partida é a reconstrução de uma possível explicação presente na sociologia de Max Weber para o fenômeno em questão. Parto da suposição que os trabalhos de Weber indiretamente explicariam-no, dado que a teoria da ação e da racionalização suscitariam inevitáveis problemas epistemológicos. Não obstante, essas duas teorias endereçariam respostas parciais aos dois problemas básicos sobre o conhecimento, a saber, o que é o conhecimento? e como o conhecimento é desenvolvido? Para respondê-las integralmente, seria necessário encontrar um fenômeno que conjugasse a teoria da ação social com a teoria da racionalização. Minha principal hipótese é que este seria o no processo de intelectualização. Com isso, a parte central deste trabalho refere- se à reconstrução do processo de intelectualização e sua solução prévia para o conhecimento. Ao esgotar todas as possibilidades de explicação, utilizo os trabalhos de Hermann Lotze e Gottlob Frege como auxiliares na compreensão e resolução de noções subjacentes ao problema do conhecimento, como as noções de sentido, significado, verdade, interpretação e intersubjetividade. Ao final, chego a uma conclusão que tenta acoplar uma teoria da linguagem sobre a explicação do conhecimento produzida pela reconstrução dos trabalhos de Weber / This study is a first stage of drafting a conceptual framework that aims to provide a sociological explanation for the phenomenon of knowledge. The starting point is the reconstruction of a possible explanation for knowledge grounded on Max Weber\'s Sociology. As a starting point, we assume that Weber\'s work indirectly explains the phenomenon of knowledge, since the theory of action and rationalization would raise inevitable epistemological problems. Nevertheless, these two theories would only address partial answers to two basic problems about knowledge, namely, what is knowledge? and how knowledge is developed? In order to answer completely such questions it would require a phenomenon that combines the theory of social action with the theory of rationalization. Our main hypothesis is that the process of intellectualization is the phenomenon would best combine both theories. Thus, the central part of this study refers to the reconstruction of the process of intellectualization and its prior solution to the knowledge. When all possibilities were exhausted, we used some works of Hermann Lotze and Gottlob Frege in order to assist the comprehension and solve some knowledge\'s underlying notions, such as meaning, sense, truth, interpretation, and intersubjectivity. In the conclusion, we attempt to attach a theory of language on the explanation of knowledge produced by the reconstruction of Weber\'s writings

A estrutura das controvérsias científicas: a sociologia da ciência de Thomas Kuhn / The structure of scientific controversies: Thomas Kuhns sociology of science

Paulo Pirozelli Almeida Silva 22 February 2018 (has links)
Como cientistas escolhem teorias? O objetivo de nossa tese é entender a resposta de Thomas Kuhn a este problema clássico da filosofia da ciência. Ao retirar o problema da escolha de teorias do campo metodológico e transportá-lo para o campo sociológico, Kuhn expõe os fundamentos de uma abordagem sociológica do desenvolvimento científico. Como tantos outros filósofos, Kuhn defende que teorias científicas são escolhidas a partir de valores epistêmicos critérios como precisão, consistência, abrangência, simplicidade e fecundidade. Segundo ele, porém, estes valores estão sujeitos a interpretações distintas: cientistas podem concordar quanto ao que se deve esperar de uma teoria, mas, em função de históricos pessoais e profissionais particulares, podem discordar em relação a qual delas melhor manifesta essas características. Mas se os cientistas aplicam os valores de maneiras distintas, em que sentido estes valores ditariam as suas escolhas? E, principalmente, como seria possível, dada a variabilidade dos valores, o consenso em uma comunidade de cientistas? A resposta de Kuhn, inaugurando sua abordagem sociológica, é a de que o acordo entre os membros da comunidade seria gerado por uma série de mecanismos sociais. Em primeiro lugar, a pedagogia e o treinamento dos cientistas, que tornaria as avaliações dos cientistas mais parecidas. Depois, a teoria de onda: a produção de novas evidências e argumentos responsáveis por convencer os adeptos de teorias rivais. Por último, a reestruturação da comunidade: a exclusão de membros resistentes e a divisão da comunidade em disciplinas distintas. A fim de esclarecer a natureza desta sociologia, discutiremos dois conjuntos de temas relacionados: os tipos de explicações de crença: racional e causal; e os níveis explicativos desta sociologia: indivíduos, comunidades e grupos. A última parte de nossa tese consiste em uma tentativa de sistematizar um modelo de explicação sociológica da dinâmica das controvérsias científicas, assim como apontar alguns caminhos para uma pesquisa empírica direcionada a estes tópicos. / How do scientists choose theories? The aim of our thesis is to understand Thomas Kuhn\'s answer to this classic problem in Philosophy of Science. By removing the theory-choice problem from the methodological field and transporting it to the sociological field, Kuhn sets out the foundations of a sociological approach to scientific development. Like so many other philosophers, Kuhn argues that scientific theories are chosen based on epistemic values criteria such as accuracy, consistency, scope, simplicity, and fruitfulness. However, these values are, according to him, subject to different interpretations: scientists may agree on what to expect from a theory, but depending on particular personal and professional histories, they may disagree as to which theory best expresses these characteristics. But if scientists apply values in different ways, in which sense would these values dictate scientists choices? And, especially, how could a consensus in a community of scientists be achieved, given the variability of values? Kuhn\'s answer, inaugurating his sociological approach, is that agreement among community members would be generated by a series of social mechanisms. First, the pedagogy and training of scientists, which make scientists appraisals more similar. Secondly, the wave-theory: the production of new evidence and arguments that convince the followers of rival theories. Finally, the restructuring of the community: the exclusion of resistant members and the division of the community into distinct disciplines. In order to clarify the nature of this sociology, we will discuss two sets of related themes: the types of explanations of belief: rational and causal; and the explanatory levels of this sociology: individuals, communities and groups. The last part of our thesis consists of an attempt to systematize a model of sociological explanation for the dynamics of scientific controversies, as well as to point out the ways to an empirical research directed to these topics.

Ignorance, injustice structurelle et responsabilité

Thibaud-Latour, Ellena 04 1900 (has links)
S’inscrivant en épistémologie sociale, ce projet souhaite comprendre l’ignorance comme un phénomène actif dans la production de connaissance et non comme sa simple absence. Se détachant des théories traditionnelles d’épistémologie comprenant l’ignorance comme un état passif, comme antinomie de la connaissance, ce mémoire à l’ambition de comprendre l’ignorance comme un phénomène multifactoriel soit comme une pratique se situant à l’intersection entre le social, le structurel et l’épistémique. Précisément, l’objectif de ce mémoire est de démontrer que, présentes sous plusieurs formes, les pratiques d’ignorances ont des ramifications concrètes sur plusieurs aspects de nos vies telles que nos interactions sociales, notre univers intellectuel et notre partage de connaissances. Se basant sur un cadre critique, sollicitant des écrits issus des études féministes, décoloniales et intersectionnelles, la visée majeure de ce projet est de démontrer la possibilité de considérer l’ignorance comme un élément clef de la production et du maintien d’injustices sociales. Par exemple, le rôle de l’ignorance quant à certaines formes de racisme et de sexisme tels l’incapacité à être considéré comme un individu pouvant produire des connaissances légitimes ou le refus, non fondé, de comprendre certains individus issus des groupes marginalisés comme égaux sur le plan social et épistémique. Accorder un rôle déterminant à l’ignorance permettra d’amener une meilleure compréhension de la persistance de certaines formes d’injustices sociales en rendant compte de leur nature abstraite et parfois difficile à saisir. Nous analyserons l’ignorance en termes sociaux et en relation aux vices épistémiques ce qui rendra compte de la systématicité de certaines actions sexistes ou racistes et permettra de comprendre plus clairement les mécanismes soutenant le maintien de ces inégalités. Avec ceci, nous tenterons de rendre compte du type de vice épistémique que constitue l’ignorance, c’est-à-dire le type de traits de caractère, d’attitudes, ou de manières de penser qui nuit à l’accessibilité de la connaissance. Cette approche permet de souligner le fait que l’ignorance n’est pas la même chose que l’erreur et qu’elle peut être durable et activement maintenue. / Framed within social epistemology, this project aims to understand ignorance as an active phenomenon in the production of knowledge rather than simply its absence. Departing from traditional theories of epistemology that view ignorance as a passive state and as the antinomy of knowledge, this paper aspires to comprehend ignorance as a multifactorial phenomenon, situated at the intersection of the social, structural, and epistemic. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate that, present in various forms, practices of ignorance have concrete ramifications on various aspects of our lives, such as our social interactions, intellectual universe, and sharing of knowledge. Drawing on a critical framework, and utilizing writings from feminist, decolonial, and intersectional studies, the main goal of this project is to demonstrate the possibility of considering ignorance as a key element in the production and maintenance of social injustices. For example, the role of ignorance in certain forms of racism and sexism, such as the inability to be considered as an individual capable of producing legitimate knowledge or the unfounded refusal to understand certain individuals from marginalized groups as equals on the social and epistemic level. Assigning a determining role to ignorance will lead to a better understanding of the persistence of certain forms of social injustices by accounting for their abstract and sometimes difficult-to-grasp nature. We will analyze ignorance in social terms and in relation to epistemic vices, which will account for the systematicity of certain sexist or racist actions and enable a clearer understanding of the mechanisms that support the maintenance of these inequalities. In doing so, we will attempt to account for the type of epistemic vice that ignorance constitutes, that is, the type of character traits, attitudes, or ways of thinking that hinder the accessibility of knowledge. This approach highlights the fact that ignorance is not the same as error and that it can be durable and actively maintained.

Ontwikkeling van alternatiewe konstruksies in 'n terapeutiese gesprek : 'n gevallestudie

Voges, Aletta Maria 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study a description of the development of meaningful alternative constructions has been provided. The development of meaningful alternative descriptions of a painful situation within which people find themselves could create the possibility of movement taking place. · The development of alternative descriptions was discussed by means of the following components of a therapeutic conversation: The therapist uses the different punctuations of the family in their description of the problem and takes complementary descriptions into consideration. (Punctuation/complementation.) In the description of alternative realities the therapist uses a language that creates hope for change. (Reframing.) The therapist listens to the family with respect and endeavours to hear the family's themes, to understand and to use them. (Language.) The therapist, by asking questions of which the answers facilitate further questions, accepts the responsibility to facilitate discussions that encourage participation in the therapeutic process. (Participation/questions leading to further questions.) The discussion was based on a constructivist approach. A case history was described to illustrate how meaningful alternative descriptions were developed in a therapeutic conversation. / In hierdie studie is 'n beskrywing van die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle alternatiewe konstruksies gegee. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings vir 'n pynlike situasie waarin mense hulle bevind kan die moontlikheid skep dat beweging plaasvind. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings word bespreek aan die hand van die volgende vier komponente van 'n terapeutiese gesprek: Die terapeut gebruik die verskillende punktuasies van die gesin in hulle beskrywing van die probleem en neem komplementerende beskrywings in ag. (Punktuasielkomplementering.) In die beskrywing van alternatiewe realiteite gebruik die terapeut 'n taal wat die hoop op verandering skep. (Herformulering.) Die terapeut luister met respek na die gesin, en poog om die gesin se temas aan te hoor, te verstaan en te gebruik. (Taal.) Die terapeut neem, deur vrae te vra waarvan die antwoorde tot verdere vrae aanleiding gee, die verantwoordelikheid op hom om gesprekvoering te fasiliteer wat deelname aan die terapeutiese proses aanmoedig. (Deelname/vrae wat aanleiding gee tot verdere vrae.) Die bespreking is gebaseer op 'n konstruktivistiese benadering. 'n Gevallestudie word beskryf om te illustreer hoe betekenisvolle alternatiewe beskrywings in 'n terapeutiese gesprek ontwikkel is. / M.A. (Social Work)

Circulações de conhecimentos e práticas na formação inicial de professores de ciências: complicações, subsídios e possibilidades / Circulations of knowledge and practice in initial training of science teachers: complications, grants and possibilities

Souza, Rodrigo Diego de 16 April 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Ensino e epistemologia de ciências: subsídios da epistemologia para a formação inicial de professores de ciências / A Formação Inicial de Professores de Ciências, situada sócio e historicamente em um contexto com fragmentação de saberes, contrapõe-se a efetividade da prática docente para um Ensino de Ciências que possibilite a formação do cidadão crítico. Nesse sentido, a Epistemologia de Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961), apresenta fundamentos para a Formação Inicial de Professores de Ciências, para uma reflexão epistêmica e contextualizada que possibilite ao docente uma atuação como mediador que sensibilize os sujeitos para o exercício crítico da cidadania. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as possibilidades que a epistemologia de Ludwik Fleck pode trazer para o enfrentamento das lacunas presentes na Formação Inicial de Professores de Ciências. Quanto ao percurso metodológico, optou-se por um estudo exploratório, com abordagem quali e quantitativa e a pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu na Fundamentação Teórica que viabilizou a investigação empírica, e o desenvolvimento do produto que emergiu de lacunas da Epistemologia na Formação Inicial de Professores de Ciências. O produto elaborado é uma proposta de curso, disponibilizado em plataforma online, para a Formação Inicial de Professores a partir da Epistemologia. Este curso foi aplicado, na 2ª etapa da pesquisa, para acadêmicos do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas em uma Universidade Pública do Estado do Paraná. Nesse momento, realizou-se a coleta de dados e a avaliação do produto pelos participantes. Na terceira e última etapa, deu-se a análise e discussão dos dados tendo por marco teórico a epistemologia de Fleck. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam para os seguintes aspectos: a circulação de conhecimentos e práticas entre os Coletivos de Pensamento nos quais os professores em formação inicial trafegam; as lacunas presentes nos Coletivos de Pensamento da Didática das Ciências e da Educação/Ensino de Ciências; e as implicações dos professores formadores como disseminadores de Estilos de Pensamento. Por fim, o produto desenvolvido nesta pesquisa oferece possibilidades para a inserção de discussões epistemológicas na perspectiva Fleckiana para a Formação Inicial e continuada de professores, tendo em vista a (re) configuração da Educação em Ciências. / The Initial Training Science Teachers socio and historically situated in a context with fragmentation of knowledge, often contrasts the effectiveness of teaching practice for a science education that enables the formation of the critical citizen. In this sense, the epistemology of Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961), has grounds for Initial Training science teachers so that, through the epistemic and contextual reflection, the training teacher receives subsidies that allow the defrag and contextualize knowledge so that in its role as mediator, sensitize the subjects for the critical citizenship practice. Thus, the aim of this study was analyze the possibilities that Fleck's epistemology brings to face the gaps present in the initial training of science teachers. Regarding the methodological approach, we chose an exploratory study with a qualitative and quantitative approach and the study developed in three stages. The first stage consisted of Theoretical Foundation that enabled the empirical research, and product development, which emerged gaps in the Epistemology in Initial Training Science Teachers. The final product is a course proposal for Initial Teacher Training Science Teaching Instrumentation from the Epistemology. This course was applied, in the 2nd stage of the research, for the academic Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences in a Public University of Paraná State. At this time, also happened data collection and evaluation of the product by the participants. And, in the third and final stage, there was the analysis and discussion of the data with theoretical framework for the epistemology of Fleck. The survey results indicate the following aspects: the flow of knowledge and practices among Thought Collective in which teachers in initial training go through; the gaps in Collective Thinking of Teaching Science and Education / Science Education; and the implications of teacher educators as disseminators of Thought Collective. Finally, the product developed in this research offers possibilities for the inclusion of epistemological discussions in Fleckiana outlook for Initial and continuing teachers formation, in view of the ongoing process of (re) configuration of Science Education.

Ontwikkeling van alternatiewe konstruksies in 'n terapeutiese gesprek : 'n gevallestudie

Voges, Aletta Maria 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study a description of the development of meaningful alternative constructions has been provided. The development of meaningful alternative descriptions of a painful situation within which people find themselves could create the possibility of movement taking place. · The development of alternative descriptions was discussed by means of the following components of a therapeutic conversation: The therapist uses the different punctuations of the family in their description of the problem and takes complementary descriptions into consideration. (Punctuation/complementation.) In the description of alternative realities the therapist uses a language that creates hope for change. (Reframing.) The therapist listens to the family with respect and endeavours to hear the family's themes, to understand and to use them. (Language.) The therapist, by asking questions of which the answers facilitate further questions, accepts the responsibility to facilitate discussions that encourage participation in the therapeutic process. (Participation/questions leading to further questions.) The discussion was based on a constructivist approach. A case history was described to illustrate how meaningful alternative descriptions were developed in a therapeutic conversation. / In hierdie studie is 'n beskrywing van die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle alternatiewe konstruksies gegee. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings vir 'n pynlike situasie waarin mense hulle bevind kan die moontlikheid skep dat beweging plaasvind. Die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe beskrywings word bespreek aan die hand van die volgende vier komponente van 'n terapeutiese gesprek: Die terapeut gebruik die verskillende punktuasies van die gesin in hulle beskrywing van die probleem en neem komplementerende beskrywings in ag. (Punktuasielkomplementering.) In die beskrywing van alternatiewe realiteite gebruik die terapeut 'n taal wat die hoop op verandering skep. (Herformulering.) Die terapeut luister met respek na die gesin, en poog om die gesin se temas aan te hoor, te verstaan en te gebruik. (Taal.) Die terapeut neem, deur vrae te vra waarvan die antwoorde tot verdere vrae aanleiding gee, die verantwoordelikheid op hom om gesprekvoering te fasiliteer wat deelname aan die terapeutiese proses aanmoedig. (Deelname/vrae wat aanleiding gee tot verdere vrae.) Die bespreking is gebaseer op 'n konstruktivistiese benadering. 'n Gevallestudie word beskryf om te illustreer hoe betekenisvolle alternatiewe beskrywings in 'n terapeutiese gesprek ontwikkel is. / M.A. (Social Work)

O professor universitÃrio, sem formaÃÃo pedagÃgica, e a origem e construÃÃo de sua prÃxis docente: que competÃncias? Que racionalidade? Que caminhos? / The college teachers without pedagogic formation, the origin and the construction of our daily professional: That rationality? That ways?

Telga Persivo Pontes de Andrade 11 May 2006 (has links)
Abordamos o tema saberes docentes, que està no epicentro das pesquisas internacionais. AtravÃs da narrativa das histÃrias de vida, de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, dentre outros instrumentos de mediaÃÃo, buscamos entender o sentido do discurso de 20 professores, de universidades pÃblicas e particulares de Fortaleza-CearÃ-Brasil, destituÃdos de formaÃÃo pedagÃgica, sobre suas prÃticas de ensino, modos de ser e fazer; suas concepÃÃes sobre como, onde e com quem aprenderam a lecionar. Intentamos ainda construir um quadro teÃrico sobre o saber docente e uma ilustraÃÃo das mÃltiplas facetas e origem desse. Estabelecendo um paralelo entre o enunciado dos sujeitos e a teoria sÃcio-epistemolÃgica de Maurice Tardif. Procuramos compreender o sentido dos discursos de nossos colaboradores de forma ativa e criativa, segundo a perspectiva dialÃgica e polifÃnica de Bakhtin. Depreendemos que o imaginÃrio desses docentes à constituÃdo por uma mirÃade de crenÃas, concepÃÃes, valores e sentimentos, conquanto mutÃvel, dialÃtico e dinÃmico. Em seus ideÃrios os saberes desses professores tÃm fontes e caracterÃsticas diversas, que o estudo identificou de modo fragmentado nas falas individuais dos sujeitos da pesquisa como nÃcleo duro da docÃncia universitÃria, embora nÃo reconhecido, assumido e integrado a uma prÃtica docente original e peculiar de cada um deles. Identificamos trÃs caracterÃsticas dessa prÃtica de ensino: que a mesma à uma prÃtica autodidata-intuitiva, que se assenta na existÃncia de um dom ou talento especial para o ensino, concebendo-o como arte e numa identidade disciplinar, que considera o conhecimento da matÃria lecionada como primordial. Algumas dessas fontes sÃo a famÃlia, a escola, a profissÃo, as interaÃÃes sociais. Julgam haver aprendido a lecionar na prÃtica; crÃem tambÃm que seus saberes sÃo construÃdos e reconstruÃdos, permeados pelas vozes de familiares, professores e colegas com os quais contataram em suas trajetÃrias de vida, atravÃs de uma relaÃÃo dialÃgica. Reputam ainda que os saberes da prÃtica profissional sÃo essenciais ao exercÃcio da atividade docente, conquanto concordem que um saber isoladamente à insuficiente para forjar um bom professor, pois esse se faz na conjugaÃÃo de diversos saberes, adquiridos na e pela prÃxis do ofÃcio docente, por conseguinte, atravÃs de seus saberes da experiÃncia, sempre mediado pelo diÃlogo com os sujeitos diversos com os quais interagem em suas trajetÃrias de vida e atravÃs de um agir comunicativo espontÃneo, sem o qual a educaÃÃo, o trabalho coletivo, a cooperaÃÃo nÃo sÃo possÃveis. Um caminho para esses, professores universitÃrios destituÃdos de formaÃÃo pedagÃgica, seria abraÃarem a dimensÃo hermenÃutica da pedagogia; seria desenvolverem uma racionalidade pedagÃgica, uma competÃncia comunicativa e emancipadora atravÃs de uma reflexÃo crÃtica de suas prÃxis. CÃnscios ou nÃo, os professores do ensino superior sÃo detentores de uma prÃtica, um discurso e uma teoria pedagÃgica original e prÃpria, constituÃda a partir de situaÃÃes reais de ensino em sala de aula, e que acreditamos deve ser considerada na pesquisa educacional. / We approach about the docent knowledge that is the center of the international researches. Through the narrative of the life stories, of semi-structured interviews, among other instruments of mediation, we tried to understand the sense of the speeches of 20 teachers or public and private universities of Fortaleza- Cearà -Brazil, dismissed of pedagogic formation, regarding the origin of their knowledge, ways of being and doing; their conception about how, when and with who they leaned how to teach. We still intend to construct to a theoretical picture on docent knowledge and an illustration of the multiple facets and origin of this. It was our intention also to establish a parallel between the imaginary of the citizens and the socialepistemological theory of Maurice Tardif. We tried to comprehend the sense of the speeches of our collaborators in an active and creative way, following the dialogical and polyphonically perspective of Bakhtin. We understand that the imaginary of these teachers is constituted by a myriad of beliefs, conceptions, values and feelings, instead mutable, dialectical and dynamic. In their set of ideas about knowledge of these teachers have diverse sources and a lot characteristics, witch was identified by the research in individual speeches of the professors of the university. We identified three characteristics of this knowledge: witch the firs is self-learning pratice, witch was based on a gift; or consider as art the knowledge pratice; or in a disciplinal identity witch was consider the knowledge of the subject as primordial. In the imaginary, the collaborators, they judge to have learnt to teach practicing; they also believe that their knowledge are built and rebuilt, , to cross by the voices of relatives, teachers and colleagues with whom they share their life experience through a dialogical relation. They consider also that the knowledge of the subject, as well as their ability of the professional practicing are essential for the exercise of the teaching activity, instead they agree that a knowledge isolated is not enough to forge a good teacher, because this one is made by the conjugation of diverse knowledge, acquired in and by the daily professional work of the teaching job, therefore, through their knowledge of experience, always mediated by the dialog with the diverse people with who they interact in their life and through a spontaneous communicative way, without which the education, the collective job, the cooperation are not possible. Knowing that or not, the teachers of graduation schools perpetuate medieval practices, by experimentation, without the certainty of their efficiency. The way for us, college teachers destitute of pedagogic formation, is to hold the hermeneutic dimension of pedagogy; itâs to develop a pedagogic rationality, a communicative and emancipator competence through a critic reflection of our daily professional work. Knowing that or not this professors had a pratice, an speech and a original pedagogy theory, witch was builded on real teach situation and we believe that should be consider on the educational research.

Infra-estrutura de informação: classificação e padronização como fatores de convergência em gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia

Alvares Junior, Laffayete de Souza January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-09-02T19:29:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao CI_Lafayete Alvares Jr-2007.pdf: 1520714 bytes, checksum: ddcf968b3762c8b73e21d32b55341fe8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-09-02T19:30:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao CI_Lafayete Alvares Jr-2007.pdf: 1520714 bytes, checksum: ddcf968b3762c8b73e21d32b55341fe8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-02T19:30:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao CI_Lafayete Alvares Jr-2007.pdf: 1520714 bytes, checksum: ddcf968b3762c8b73e21d32b55341fe8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Universidade Federal Fluminense / Apresenta um estudo exploratório de algumas das dimensões do conceito de infra-estrutura de informação no cenário de gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia brasileira, buscando reconstituí-la como um artefato político de convergência dos atores de redes sóciotécnicas para categorias de sistemas de informação os quais a integram e cujo funcionamento social atravessa na construção de um mundo social, ou uma comunidade de prática, uma realidade que difere do mundo real. Demonstra seus limites e reconstrói o papel da organização do conhecimento na gestão e avaliação de Ciência e Tecnologia. Oferece uma metodologia exploratória com a qual extrai um discurso para a área de Ciência da Informação, representado pela comunidade de seus cientistas pela via da análise da produção científica de um dos eventos da área (ENANCIB) e pela via da Governança, através da análise da Tabela de Áreas do Conhecimento – TAC do CNPq. Confronta ambos os discursos extraídos na busca por uma identidade entre projetos de organização concluindo que há muitos questionamentos da organização mostrando que as intenções na representação, como dizem Le Moigne e Caraça, devem ser consideradas na elaboração dos sistemas de informação, influenciando o funcionamento das infra-estruturas de informação. Apresenta as classificações e padrões como dispositivos reguladores das relações e funcionamentos sociais nos ambientes em que intervêm e que organizam, conformando naturalização, transparência e convergência como possibilidades de formatação de tais ambientes. Discute o papel de modelador de tais dispositivos demonstrando por um lado sua limitação na avaliação do funcionamento completo das infra-estruturas, e por outro lado o seu potencial em nela intervir através da inscrição que realiza influenciando os sistemas que cria. / This dissertation presents an exploratory study of some dimensions of the concept of infrastructure in the Brazilian Science and Technology management scenario. It seeks to rebuild this concept as a political artifact of convergence of sociotechnical network actors to categories of information systems. These systems integrate the information infrastructure and go across their own social functionality in the process of constructing a social world, a community of practice, a reality which is different from the real world. This dissertation demonstrates the limits of the infrastructure and rebuilds the role of knowledge organization in the Science and Technology management and offers an exploratory methodology which extracts a discourse for the Science Information area, which is represented by the scientists community through the analysis of the scientific production analysis at one of the most important scientific events of Information Science (ENANCIB) and by the Governance through the analysis of the Tabela de Áreas do Conhecimento (TAC) from CNPq. The dissertation confronts both discourses extracted in the search of an identity between organization projects concluding that there is a lot of questioning about organization showing that intention in the representation, as said by Le Moigne and Caraça, should be considered in the elaboration of information systems, influencing the functionality of the information infrastructure. The dissertation presents classification and standards as regulatory dispositives of the social relations and functionality in the environment where the intervene and organize conforming and modeling naturalization, transparency and convergence as possibilities of formatting these environments. The dissertation discusses the role of dispositive modelators showing on the one hand their limitation in the evaluation of the whole functionality of the infrastructures and on the other hand all their potential of intervenience through the inscribing which they actually perform and their influence in the systems they grow.

La subjectivation en contexte de mobilisation sociale : l’individu engagé au sein des organisations politiques chez T.W Adorno et Alain Touraine

Fazazi, Hind 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L'autorité épistémique de l'expertise scientifique face aux désaccords entre experts

Saso-Baudaux, Gabriel 11 1900 (has links)
Alors que la société, notamment le grand public et les décideurs politiques, compte sur les experts pour lui fournir des connaissances scientifiques fiables, ceux-ci sont régulièrement en désaccord les uns avec les autres. Pourquoi, alors, faudrait-il leur faire confiance et se fier à leur jugement ? Pour y répondre, j’explore différentes causes des désaccords entre experts à travers le concept du pluralisme scientifique – le pluralisme explicatif et méthodologique, ainsi que la variété de normes épistémiques et non-épistémiques qui influencent la production de la connaissance scientifique – et les dynamiques sociales et politiques dans lesquelles le savoir expert est créé. J’argumente que les désaccords sont, dans le cadre de la recherche scientifique dite « académique », épistémiquement bénéfiques sur le long terme. Avec l’exemple du processus de l’élaboration des politiques publiques, j’explique ensuite comment l’utilisation du savoir scientifique à des fins pratiques crée des problèmes susceptibles d’exacerber les désaccords entre experts, mais que souvent, cela est dû en grande partie à des facteurs hors de leur contrôle. Enfin, j’argumente que cette utilisation particulière du savoir scientifique contribue à la méfiance du public envers les experts lorsqu’ils sont en désaccord, et je présente des conditions sous lesquelles il est justifié de leur faire confiance. / While society, notably the general public and policy makers, count on experts to provide it with reliable scientific knowledge, the latter regularly disagree with each other. Why, then, should we trust them and rely on their judgements? To answer, I explore different causes of disagreements between experts through the concept of scientific pluralism – explanatory and methodological pluralism, and the variety of epistemic and non-epistemic norms that influence the production of scientific knowledge – and the social and political dynamics in which expert knowledge is made. I argue that disagreements are, in the context of so-called “academic” scientific research, epistemically beneficial in the long term. With the example of the policy-making process, I then explain how the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes creates problems that can exacerbate disagreements between experts, but that often, this is due in large part to factors beyond their control. Finally, I argue that this particular use of scientific knowledge contributes to public mistrust of experts when they disagree, and I present some conditions under which it is justified to trust them.

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