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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det jäktade samhället : Ett empiriskt test av accelerationsteorins påståenden om ökande levnadstakt

Anund, Erik, Schylander, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Hartmut Rosas teori om social acceleration får mycket uppmärksamhet för tillfället. Accelerationsteorin, som den också kallas, driver tesen att modernitet bäst definieras som samhällen där allting av nödvändighet befinner sig i ständig acceleration. Vissa forskare har dock påpekat att det saknas empiriska belägg som underbygger teorins påståenden. Detta har gett upphov till en debatt kring teorins vetenskapliga status. Debatten har bland annat föranlett ett antal studier som testar teorins påståenden om den historiska utvecklingen av mänsklig levnadstakt. Teorin säger att vi både gör och upplever mer för varje år som går, och säger att detta indikeras av att människor 1. multitaskar mer, 2. tar till ett högre tempo i utförandet av sina dagliga aktiviteter samt 3. drar ned på mängden pauser och dödtid. Denna studie utgör ett empiriskt test av dessa tre påståenden med avsikten att bidra till den sagda debatten om teorins empiriska belägg. Huvudmaterialet består av tidsdagböcker från USA perioden 1965–1998, för att fördjupa analysen används även tidsdagboksdata från 2003–2019. Linjära regressioner och oberoende t-test används utifrån riktade hypoteser för att på så sätt finna historiska trender inom de tre undersökningsvariablerna. Resultaten stödjer teorins påstående att multitasking och aktivitetstempo ökar, men pekar även på en tydlig ökning i pausmängd, snarare än teorins påstådda minskning. Denna studies två centrala slutsatser är att accelerationsteorins begrepp levnadstakt – trots sin popularitet – ännu saknar tydliga belägg i de befintliga forskningsresultaten, samt att data inte stödjer teorins uppfattning om pauser och dödtid i vårt frenetiskt accelererande samhälle.

Växla till yrkesofficer mitt i karriären : En modell för nyrekrytering av erfarna officerare

Olevik Dunder, Peter January 2022 (has links)
Försvarsmakten i Sverige har under 2020-talet behov av fler yrkesofficerare OF-3 än vad prognosen är att nuvarande personalförsörjningssystem producerar. Ledtiderna i systemet är ett årtionde eller mer till OF-3, så beslut tagna tidigare under 2000-talet sätter nuläget. Utan systemförändring har även de som år 2030 befordras till OF-3 redan idag påbörjat sin officersutbildning. Ökar 2030-talets efterfrågan på officerare OF-3 bortom dagens prognoser behöver dessa inom kort rekryteras till Försvarsmakten. För att kunna möta ökad efterfrågan, både nu på 2020-talet och i framtiden, är det nödvändigt att komplettera befintligt system. Syftet med studien är att i en svensk kontext, genom intervjuer, undersöka uppfattningar om möjligheter och begränsningar med rekrytering till högre befattningsnivåer än OF-1. Med avstamp i dessa uppfattningar, genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och slutsatser dragna på resultatet från innehållsanalysen, så identifieras komponenter för en svensk modell. Studien lämnar ett krigsvetenskapligt bidrag inom skapande av militär förmåga. Bidraget illustreras med komponenter till en modell för svensk nyrekrytering av erfarna officerare.

Betala eller inte betala min bostadshyra eller mitt bolån? : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan det ekonomiska och sociala kapitalets påverkan på den svenska populationens betalningsförmåga av bostadshyra eller bolån

Thorell, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Most of the studies today only focus on the aftermath of someone losing their home, but who are the people that are living with the daily risk of losing their home? The aim with my research paper was to examine the people having issues with paying their rent or mortgage on time with help of Pierre Bourdieu's social and economical capital theory. In the beginning of my writing progress I already had some knowledge about the problem, because of my internship. The data used was taken from Eurobarometer and the data was already coded and put into the Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) to create cross tabs and look closer at Pearson's chi-square and Sperman to see if there existed any correlations between the different variables. After analyzing the charts a pattern started to emerge of it all being a question of prioritization. Nobody wants to lose their home and usually it is the last thing to not get prioritized. The connection with economic capital could we see in that respondents did rather not pay for other utility bills, food and daily consumer gods then being in risk of losing their home. In relation to the social capital we could see that people that had a higher rate of not being able to pay their rent or mortgage live with a higher rate of poor people in their area.

In the Competition for Children’s Success : A sociological analysis of eleven urban middle-class families’ educational perceptions and strategies in China

Yuxuan, Zhai January 2023 (has links)
Although China's educational resources have increased, and access to education has improved, inequality in education has persisted. This suggests that there will always be individuals who fail to get success through education. In contemporary society, diplomas have become closely associated with social status and salaries, making entering prestigious universities in education a prerequisite for future achievement. The quest for and competition for high diplomas, which is most noticeable in high school and university entrance exams, spills over into earlier stages, namely junior high school and primary school. Against the backdrop of unequal distribution of educational resources, access to resources and opportunities by family background has become a significant concern. This study aims to discover how urban middle-class families in an ordinary city, Guilin, devise strategies to build, secure, or extend advantages for their children in future competition. Based on Bourdieu's conceptual and theoretical system, this thesis analyses parents' views on education and their children's future, the strategies they adopt that they believe could set their children up for success, and how they persist in their actions in the face of new policies, with respect to the family's assets, parents' background, status, and experience. Through 11 semi- structured interviews with 19 parents, the study finds that, despite the diversity of parents' experiences and social positions, they show a high degree of similarity in valuing education and emphasising individual efforts, which may occasionally appear in different classes of individuals. They employ various strategies corresponding to family assets to nurture children in multiple ways, particularly through various forms of capital that enable them to access more quality educational resources and opportunities, although they may also be inclined to ignore children's voices and interests. While some policies create obstacles to parents' actions, they sought alternatives and remedies with their assets and abilities to continue to pursue quality educational resources for their children.

The impact of multicultural festivals on women's empowerment in Uppsala : A case of immigrant women

Amengor, Ehmeli Dzifa January 2023 (has links)
Empowerment is a process or a mechanism of individuals, organizations and communitiesacquiring control over their lives (Rappaport (1987), and there is a sustained effort by nationsand the international communities across the globe in search of pragmatic agendas and policyframework in achieving women’s empowerment. The purpose of this study was to understandthe experiences of immigrant women who participate in multicultural festivals, and how suchexperiences impact their empowerment. Guided by the ladder of empowerment theory byElizabeth Rocha in 1997, a phenomenological qualitative study was conducted with fifteenimmigrant women residents in Uppsala, and with heterogeneous description, the women weremainly from west African, South American and the European sub-regions.Drawing on the interviews, exposure to different cultures, making friends and interactingwith people from different cultural origins, opportunity to have fun, happiness and socialnetworking were the sailing experiences revealed by the study. While the women are able toachieve the first three levels – atomistic, embedded and mediated empowerments – ofindividual empowerments as espoused by Rocha (1997), the study further showsSocio-political and Political empowerment were not felt by the women, though theirgroupings into groups and organizations could influence decisions, legislations andprogrammes underlying the celebration of multicultural festivals in the Uppsala municipality.

Antropologi och medier : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om forskningskommunikation

Salihi, Blerim January 2023 (has links)
Med syftet att kritiskt diskutera hur kunskap från samhällsvetenskapen i allmänhet och antropologi i synnerhet skulle kunna göras mer tillgänglig för fler än akademiker undersöker denna studie i vilken utsträckning antropologiprofessorer syns i svensk printmedia. Med medialisering och meningsfullhet som teoretiskt ramverk analyseras professorernas förmåga att kommunicera sin forskning och universitetens anpassning till medielogiken. Studien fokuserar på medialiseringens påverkan på vetenskapens kommunikationsprocess och på samhällelig nivå. Empiriskt baseras studien på redaktionell svensk printmedia mellan åren 2002-2022. Den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen inkluderar 418 observationer av 27 antropologiprofessorer hos 109 tidningsutgivare. Mer än hälften av professorernas framträdanden i printmedia har varit relevanta beaktat antropologisk forskning, med en genomsnittlig frekvens på 0,89 gånger per månad. Detta kan öka antropologins signifikans genom att nå en bredare publik utanför akademiska kretsar. Studien noterar även tveksam relevans i professorernas framträdanden, ofta expertutlåtanden vid nyhetsinslag. Framgångsrik forskningskommunikation bygger på att engagera sig i sitt område utanför akademin och täcka kunskapsluckor i nyhetsrapporteringen. Studien visar ingen påtaglig skillnad i medieexponering för professorerna, varken före eller efter genombrottet av sociala medier i Sverige. Den låga graden av medialisering reser större frågor om universitetens samhälleliga roll och relevans. Genom att revidera universitetens uppdrag och inkludera meningsfullhet kan forskningens värde och betydelse kommuniceras mer effektivt och spela en aktiv roll i mötet med de utmaningar framtiden bär med sig.

A Bourdieusian Perspective on Aruban Student Mobility : How Aruban students choose to become mobile through the Erasmus + program

Angela, Samantha Ciara January 2023 (has links)
Student mobility in the Caribbean, especially the Dutch Caribbean, is under researched. Therefore, this thesis seeks to fill this gap by studying the student mobility of Aruban students atthe University of Aruba. In this present study, Bourdieu’s sociological concepts of habitus, fieldand capital will aid in examining how the economic, social and cultural capital of Aruban students influences their student mobility through the Erasmus + program offered by the University of Aruba. To study this, a multi-method approach was used, namely the text analysis of the University website and policy documents, and an online survey. A multi-method approach will aid in delivering a complete picture of the expectations of the University of Aruba has fortheir students, as well as the lived experiences of the Aruban students. This study suggests that all forms of capital play an influential role in the Aruban student’s mobility. Economic capital plays a crucial role in their choice to move abroad and their motive to do so. Their social assets positively influence their mobility as well as their experiences abroad. Lastly, students’ cultural resources play an influential role in their choice, their expectations, and experiences, however it can also be a crucial barrier to their mobility. While the university promotes equal opportunities, these results indicate otherwise and might suggest that the university revise their selection process to offer students from all opportunities genuineequal opportunities.

Constructing the Ideal Parent in Post-Genocide Rwanda : Social Engineering and Informality in Kigali Settlements after Genocide

Palacios, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Previous studies of post-genocide Rwanda illutrates how nation-building and the government’s urgency to break with the past results in aims to rearrange society in order to prevent further violence and hostility. Developmental aims are also embedded in the broader project of post-genocide nation-building, adapted to promote a new and improved way of life after the genocide. This thesis examines the local experiences of parents in post-genocide Rwanda, with the specific geographical focus on the capital city of Kigali. Based on an ethnographic data collection from spring 2022, this thesis deals with the local experience of top-down rearrangements among parents in “informal” settlements in Kigali. Governmental perceptions of informality highlight the issue of risk in the urban context of post-genocide Kigali. Characterized by lack of order and formality the neighborhoods are deemed as excluded from the new societal modes and norms in the post-genocide aims of social engineering. This thesis uses the theory social engineering by James Scott (1998) to highlight the top-down measures intended to rearrange the lives of parents in “informal” settlements in Kigali. Additionally, the theoretical perspective of parenting culture is applied in order to explore the targeted regulations of parenting, as a result of government’s special interest in children as “future members of the nation” in a post-genocide context. This thesis shows that parenting culture is especially targeted by top-down regulations as a risk preventing strategy to shape the future of the nation. Working with a bottom-up perspective on top- down measures of social engineering the thesis includes the theoretical perspective of governmentality described by Mitchell Dean (2010) and Tania Murray Li (2007). Through mechanisms of self-regulation and accountability the thesis shows how regulations of parents in “informal” settlements are contested by their lack of ability and willingness to integrate top-down social engineering as meaningful rearrangements in everyday life.

Gästforskare - en osynlig profession : Utmanningar och möjligheter vid Linköpings universitet / Guest researcher - an invisible profession : Challenges and possibilities at Linkoping University

Uhlin, Anna Maria, Johansson, Irene January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att synliggöra och analysera professionen gästforskare. Attkunna bidra med ökad förståelse och kunskap. Vi har utgått från två frågeställningar:Vad innebär professionen gästforskare? och Hur upplever gästforskare sitt arbete ochsin arbetsmiljö? Studien har utgått från ett interpretativistiskt perspektiv med enhermeneutisk inriktning.Studien utfördes vid två institutioner vid Linköpings universitet med en årliggenomströmning av cirka 80 till 100 gästforskare. För att nå en djupare kunskap harstudien antagit en kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod.Resultatet visar att gästforskare upplever sin profession som både utvecklande ochinspirerande kunskapsmässigt. Det visar även på det engagemang de känner inför sinprofession, sitt arbete, som gästforskare.Nyckelord: gästforskare, Guest Researcher, profession

Second generation Afro-Swedes – Various factors behind Structural Racism in the Swedish labor market

Akhigbemen, Moses, Mutshipule, Kirsi January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to reach further understanding of how social workers at the Swedish Public Employment Service perceive structural racism in the Swedish labor market for second-generation afro-swedes. The study is conducted in Sweden. The first part of the research focused on the main reasons second-generation Afro-Swedes risk social exclusion from the Swedish labor market, while the second part focused on discriminatory employment and the third part covered strategies to tackle structural racism and to improve social inclusion of second-generation Afro-Swedes. The Theoretical framework of social exclusion was used to analyse the study findings. Through semi-structured interviews, four social workers expressed their views of various factors of structural racism second-generation afro-swedes experience in the Swedish labor market. The result shows that second-generation Afro-Swedes experiencing structural racism in the Swedish labor market are likely to experience social exclusion in the Swedish community. It was shown that factors such as cultural incompetency, discriminatory employment and education play significant roles in structural racism and social exclusion.

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