Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatial design."" "subject:"cpatial design.""
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Var är jag? Och vart ska jag? : En studie om att förstå en plats och hitta rätt.Meijer Lönnroth, Sara January 2020 (has links)
This is a thesis in Information design with focus on Spatial Design. This study examines how information can be shaped and placed in a multipurpose building to make it easier for the visitor to understand the place and find their way. The examined place is Kulturhuset in Hallstahammar, where the target audience is visitor who has no experience or very little experience of the place. The purpose of the thesis is to explore how information design in a spatial context can be designed to facilitate the understanding and simplify the orientability of a multi-story building, in a house with multipurpose. Through literature studies, place analysis, survey with expert users and an analysis of similar projects, a design proposal has been produced that has been presented through rendered images. The results of the study show that a map of the building provides a clear overview of the premises and the activities Kulturhuset offers. Together with color coding and pictograms, visitors can easily see where their destination is and how to get there. / Detta är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning på rumslig gestaltning. Denna studien undersöker hur information kan utformas och placeras i en komplex yta för att underlätta för människor att förstå en plats och hitta rätt. Platsen som undersöks är Kulturhuset i Hallstahammar där målgruppen är nya besökare som inte har någon eller endast lite vetskap om platsen. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforska hur informationsdesign i en rumslig kontext kan utformas för att underlätta förståelsen samt förenkla orienterbarheten i en flervåningsbyggnad, som inrymmer flera olika verksamheter. Genom litteraturstudier, platsanalys, frågeformulär med expertanvändare samt en omvärldsanalys har ett gestaltningsförslag kunnat tagits fram som presenterats genom renderade bilder. Resultatet av studien påvisar att en karta över byggnaden ger en tydlig överblick över lokalerna samt verksamheterna som huserar i byggnaden. Tillsammans med färgkodning och piktogram kan besökare enkelt se vart deras slutmål för att sedan kunna ta sig dit.
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Enkelt och lätt att hitta rätt : En studie om hur människor samspelar med omgivningen vid navigeringWackenström, Britt-Mary January 2019 (has links)
Då Stockholm Stad växer, ökar också behovet av att effektivisera och rusta upp offentliga platser för att bibehålla en hållbar och attraktiv stad (Stockholm Stad 2018). Ombyggnationer förändrar inte bara stadsbilden fysiskt, utan påverkar även den mentala bilden av en plats. I takt med att mark grävs upp, byggmaterial som staplas och temporärt uppsatta stängsel avskärmar byggarbetsplatserna, skapas inte bara fysiska barriärer. Ombyggnationerna leder till avgränsningar i den offentliga miljön vilket leder till brister i orienterbarheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur den rumsliga miljön påverkar orienterbarheten för besökare av Järnvägsparken, som genom sin direkta anslutning till Stockholm Centralstation utgör en central och betydelsefull mötesplats för människor. Genom ombyggnationer begränsas rörelseflödet och aktiviteten på platsen. Med stöd i teorier bakom wayshowing och kognitiva aspekter på design och stadsplanering, har data från designmetoderna resulterat i ett gestaltningsförslag som genom form, färg och funktion i en temporär konstruktion kan verka som ett utökat orienteringsverktyg som svarar till Stockholm stads vision om en hållbar och attraktiv stad – även när platser genomgår förändringar. Förslaget har bearbetats genom ett Human Centered Designperspektiv (HCD), vilket inkluderar användarna i utvecklingen av gestaltningen. / As Stockholm City grows, the need to streamline and equip public places to maintain a sustainable and attractive city also increases (Stockholm City 2018). Redevelopment not only physically changes the cityscape, but also affects the mental image of a place. Construction sites create not only physical barriers, but also visual barriers that affects the movement and orientation in the city. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the spatial environment affects the orientation of visitors at Järnvägsparken, which, through its direct connection to Stockholm Central Station, constitutes a central and important meeting place for people. Due to construction work, the flow of traffic and activity is limited on the site. With the support of theories behind wayshowing and cognitive aspects of design and urban planning, data from the design methods has resulted in a design proposal that, through form, color and function in a temporary construction, can act as an extended orientation tool that corresponds to Stockholm's vision of a sustainable and attractive city - even when places are subject to change. The proposal has been processed through a Human Centered Design Perspective (HCD), which includes the users in the development of the design.
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A Public Boudoir : – Exploring Radical Feminism, Architectural History, and Publicness in the Design of a Space for WomenDybing, Christine January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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disorder, defiance & disobedience : negotiating the city through the confrontations of graffiti—tools for reimagining our rights within the built environmentEllen, Sahlberg January 2022 (has links)
Architects imagine and reimagine utopia. It is a role with the task to produce cities that are liveable, beautiful, functional, flexible and inclusive. Spaces made for and together with people, and places that meet their needs and dreams. Architects and urban planners don’t plan for the city to be disused, vandalised or constantly decorated and redecorated by an anonymous group, however, it is. Graffiti writing creates a sense of belonging and freedom, a liberating idea that architects, urban planners, and politicians are not alone in forming our spaces and places. Cities grow, change, are being used, disused, defined and redefined through graffiti. Disobedient and defying activities are constantly happening to our buildings, without the architect’s knowledge or power. The disorder and chaos of graffiti is a contrast to the planned world architects imagine. Architecture depends and affect the social, economic, and political climate of the city—and graffiti are dependent on the external structures as well. An anarchist perspective enables liberating and theoretical tools for reimagining the future. Cities are in a constant process of transformation, in the way authority direct the city—also in how the user protest, disrupt, invade, and navigate space. The future of the city, or a utopia, should be seen as a process and not a final product. Architecture and urban planning are part of forming the socioeconomic landscape. In order to have an equal city, architecture must acknowledge the social reproduction of space. Furthermore, we can learn how to be situated, in our understanding, viewing, and designing of space. Defying and disorderly elements in the city impacts the built environment and the socioeconomic landscape. Graffiti bring something from working class roots into the city and mediate confrontations between different socio-spatial groups. It allows a discussion on how places can, and should, feel liberating, fun, and flexible—rather than static, forbidden, or inaccessible. Through discussions on graffiti, it’s role and imprint, together on anarchist spatial design and notions on anarchist utopia—this thesis is about confrontations in order to negotiate the city. Graffiti writing is a disobedient activity that is constantly confronting the rules, the norms, and roles within the city. Through illegal graffiti, I discuss space- and place-making without authority; graffiti as a tool to negotiate the right to the city. The built and planned environment has an important role in shaping socioeconomic landscapes, it can divide people, segregate them, and hand socioeconomic positions—and of course the opposite, bring people together, create affinity and community. Graffiti writing creates confrontation without authority, without being directed and designed by decisionmakers.
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Nodes 2.0 : Enabling informal meeting situations in a contemporary office environmentKällström, Malin January 2023 (has links)
The contemporary office environment is facing new type of challanges both when it comes to be an attractive place for employees and an efficiant, as well as an econommic sustainable space from an employer's perspective. The rapid change of of hybrid ways of working is creating more remote contact with with the physical office. Research points out that there could be social consequences connected to this. This thesis sees the contemporary office as a potential space for enabling contacts between people, normaly not meeting, being in their personal sphere. The thesis introduces findings connected to research in the field of spatial and urban design as well as architecture, developing a spatial guideline, in how to enable those situations in an office environment. With help of literature as well as expertise in the field, and an observation of an activity-based office environment different themes is deceted and presented. The outcome of used methods is captured with analyses connected to the connected themes. Concrete examples in how to enable social contact situations and support informal meetings is visualized in a spatial guideline.
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Trygga rum för ombyten : En studie om hur omklädningsrum kan gestaltas för att öka upplevelsen av trygghet bland skolungdomarGustavsson, Jenni January 2022 (has links)
Det här är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning rumslig gestaltning. Studien har berört högstadieelevers upplevda otrygghet utifrån omklädningsrummets fysiska utformning. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur rumsliga formelement kan bidra till ökad upplevelse av trygghet hos målgruppen samt underlätta användningen av omklädningsrummets funktioner genom rumslig information. Arbetet har utgått från en befintlig lokal. För att öka förståelsen för människans rumsupplevelser har teorier inom miljöpsykologi, perceptionsforskning och färg- och formlära använts. Genom att kombinera metoderna platsanalys, workshop, fokusgrupp och intervju har undersökningen kunnat ge en samlad bild av vad som upplevs otryggt utifrån studiens kontext. Med stöd från den insamlade empirin och litteratur har ett designförslag tagits fram för att möta användarnas behov av trygghet. Ökad upplevelse av trygghet kan åstadkommas genom att organisera rumsliga formelement så att exponerade ytor minskar och mer avskildhet uppnås. Ett konceptuellt formspråk kan öka trivseln och bidra till tydlighet som underlättar för rummets aktiviteter. Utifrån omklädningsrummets fysiska förutsättningar har hänsyn tagits till ökad tillgänglighet. / This is a bachelor's thesis in information design with a focus on spatial design. The study concerns high school students' perceived exposure in relation to the physical design of the school gym's changing room. The purpose of the study has been to examine how spatial design elements can contribute to an increased sense of security for the target group and simplify the use of the changing room's functions through spatial information. The design has been based on an existing changing room. To increase the understanding of people’s experience of physical space, theories in environmental psychology, research in perception as well as shape and color theory have been applied. By combining the methods of spatial analysis, workshop, focus group and interview, the survey has been able to provide an overall picture of what is perceived as contributing factors to the feeling of insecurity based on the context of the study. Using the collected empirical data and literature, a design proposal has been developed to meet the users' need of perceived safety. An increased sense of integrity can be achieved by organizing spatial elements so that it creates fewer exposed areas and consequently more privacy can be achieved. Conceptual design elements can increase well-being and provide clarity to the room's intended activities. Based on the changing room's physical preconditions, an ambition to increase overall accessibility has been taken into account.
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Tillgänglighet i Detaljplanering : En analys av hänsynstagande till tillgängligheten i Umeås detaljplaneringGustafsson, Joel January 2024 (has links)
When building new residential areas, accessibility is important to consider, environments must be created that all people can use regardless of who they are. Whether a person has a disability or not, environments must be designed for both physical and social accessibility. This means that people must have the physical opportunity to visit an area on foot, by bicycle, bus and car or other means of communication. Individuals must also feel welcome to visit the place, so-called social accessibility, by designing the environment in an inviting and adapted way. This applies to the construction of new residential areas, densification of existing and other types of urban spaces. This essay has aimed to investigate how and to what extent accessibility from a social sustainability context is treated in today's detailed planning in the municipality of Umea. The essay laid its foundation in a time-geographical perspective, with a focus on the built environment and densification’s impact on accessibility. Five detailed plans were selected from the municipality's website, these are spread over the city and have gained legal force between the years 2012 and 2020. By using content analysis together with coding, the plan-descriptions for each detailed plan were compiled in order to highlight the plans consideration of accessibility. The result that the essay arrived at shows that accessibility from a social sustainability context varies to a large extent in the planning descriptions depending on its scope. In general, it is possible to see a great focus on accessibility through the spatial design of the planning areas as well as the adaptation and development of pedestrian and cycle paths, public transport, and roads.
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Constructed BanquetPielage, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Constructed Banquet explores the meal; its preparation, consumption and remains. Through a (re)construction and arrangement of the spatial context I reflect upon fixed ideas and ingrained behaviors. The aim is to illuminate and shed light on entrenched be- haviors and notions surrounding dining. To transcend the ordinary and let the mundane become extraordinary. During the process I have been making patterns of the everyday ac- tivity of eating - through simplifications, interpretations and exaggerations. The approach of playfulness and curiosity has guided me as I navigate this exploration. In parallel, I delve into the history of how we gather around a meal. Revisiting traditions, rituals and manners associated with communal dining. Through (re)interpretations and interventions I craft tools that speak a body language. I want to create and stage exagger- ations and deviate from the expected, to let artifacts and new contexts provoke reflection. By examining the tools and practices of dining, Constructed Banquet took departure in a series of interactive workshops where participants used various unconventional eating tools. These tools, influenced the participants’ character and behavior during the meal, re- vealing the impact of cutlery on social behavior. Additionally, the workshops emphasized the aesthetic value of the traces left behind after a meal, challenging the common urge to erase evidence of use and pointing out the importance of a balance between functionality and the emotional resonance of everyday objects.
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Communication space : Spatial design in manufacturing industryAndersson Schaeffer, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
The main concern of this licentiate thesis is to discuss how built space is used for communication in the manufacturing industry, from a visual communication perspective. The thesis presents and develops the notion of 'communication space' and presents a model to describe the relation between different factors in the communication space. In a multiple case study, six different cases from the manufacturing industry are described and analyzed to highlight how built space is used for communication in a lean production context. Research results on how built spaces such as improvement places, meeting places and a development workshop affect improvement processes and communication are presented. What the studied improvement areas, meeting places and workshop can be said to communicate about the improvement processes is analyzed. The research results show that the built spaces in manufacturing industry are used for communication on two levels, both as places for interaction between employees and as a part of a communication process. The study also shows a relation between architecture from a specific time and the relation to the improvement work in the industrial context. How the results can be used to facilitate communication in the built spaces used for improvement processes in manufacturing industry is suggested in the thesis. / DeViP and Kaikaku
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Var finns lekplatsen? : Ett examensarbete om orienterbarhet i en parkmiljöSandberg, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har skrivits inom ämnet informationsdesign, som en del av kandidatprogrammet Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning. Platsen som har studerats är Folkets park i Malmö, som i skrivande stund står inför en större ombyggnation. Detta examensarbete har både tagit utgångspunkt i parkens nuvarande, samt föreslagna utformning, vilket gjort att jag under processen behövt växla mellan dessa två olika perspektiv. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram ett koncept som kan förbättra målgruppens möjligheter att orientera sig i parken efter den föreslagna ombyggnationen. Genom teorier, platsanalyser och intervjuer har människors beteendemönster vid informationssökning i rumsliga sammanhang undersökts, med särskild fokus på hur detta kan fungera i Folkets park. Dessa studier ligger till grund för det designförslag som presenteras i examensarbetet. Designförslaget är ett koncept som avser att ge en tydlig bild av vad parken innehåller, tydliggöra riktningar vid förflyttning mellan olika platser, samt indikera funktion. Konceptet bygger på principer för wayshowing och består mer specifikt av vägledande formelement, som utformats och placerats där de kan förtydliga vägen till parkens lekplatser för målgruppen. / This thesis has been conducted within the field of information design, as a part of the bachelor program Information Design with specialization in Spatial Design. The location that has been studied is the park “Folkets Park” in Malmö, Sweden, which at the moment currently is facing a major rebuilding. This thesis is hence based on both the parks current and proposed design, which has made it necessary to shift between these two different perspectives. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a design concept that can improve the target audiences’ ability to orientate within the park following the proposed rebuilding. Through the use of theories, site analysis and interviews, has human behavior in search for information within spatial contexts been studied, with a particular emphasis on it’s implications for “Folkets Park”. These studies form the basis for the proposed design presented in the thesis. The proposed design intends to provide a well-defined idea and overview of what the park contains, to clarify directions when moving between different locations within the park, as well as to indicate it’s various functions. The design concept is founded on the principles of wayshowing and consists more specifically of directing form elements, which has been designed and located where they can clarify the way to the park’s playgrounds for the target audience.
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