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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur skapas en levande dialog om texten? : ‒ en studie om hur två lärare organiserar läsundervisning / How is a living dialogue about the text created? : – A study of how two teachers organize the teaching of reading

Schertell, Anna, Nilsson, Moa January 2017 (has links)
Abstract  The aim of the study is to gain an understanding of how two teachers in the lower level of compulsory school, through the way they organize the teaching of reading with a focus on reading aloud, give pupils a possibility to converse about texts in order to develop an understanding of the texts. The study builds on two observations that focus on the possibilities that teachers give the pupils for conversation and the activities that deepen their understanding of the text they have read. Supplementary material consists of interviews with the two teachers. The collected material has been analysed with two analytical tools, sequential reading elements and textual mobility. The theoretical premises for the study are the sociocultural perspective (Säljö, 2012), reception theory (Rosenblatt, 2002; Langer, 2005) and Christie’s (1998) view of the teaching process in terms of macro-genres. The teachers’ comments from the study show that both teachers have the intention to ask reflective questions which give the pupils a chance for conversation at both associative and interactive level, but the observations showed that most of the teachers’ questions gave the pupils a possibility to move within the text through text-based mobility.

Den empatiske Kung Markatta : En adaptionsstudie om karaktären Sun Wukong i Färden till Västern

Tollin, Märta January 2019 (has links)
This adaptation study explores the different traits of the character Sun Wukong from the classic Chinese story Journey to the West. This is a comparative study and two different versions of the story are used, the original novel Xi you ji from year 1592 (The renmin wenxue chubanshe edition, published 1990) and a movie adaptation of the novel, The Monkey King first screened year 2014. The study is conducted by using a set of categories to analyze how the character is described and depicted differently in the two versions. The Monkey King is a well-known and celebrated character all over Asia, he is considered one of the most culturally important characters in China. Countless studies have been made about this famous character, most of them written in Chinese, but also some in English. Relevant studies have been selected to support the claims in the analysis and discussion of this study. Theory concerning adaption studies and narratology studies is provided to give a theoretical background of the research areas for this study. By giving quotations from both the book and the movie and after comparing these quotations, differences could be found in all given categories and this points to a continuous development of the character through adaptations.

Die Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) und die Schwedendemokraten (SD) : Ein Vergleich der Entstehungsgeschichte, Programmatik und politischen Praxis rechtspopulistischer Parteien / The Swiss People's Party (SVP) and the Sweden Democrats (SD). : A comparison of the genesis, program and political practice of right-wing populist parties.

Busch, Dennis January 2019 (has links)
Right-wing populistic parties are gaining power in many parliaments around Europe. Two parties, the Swedish democrats (SD) and the Swiss people´s party (SVP) are being classified as such. The history of those two are not at all similar, although the parties after many years of intern development and evolution are meeting each other on the political scale. This awakes a lot of questions and therefore the purpose of this paper is to examine why they went in different directions but towards each other, in the way of studying their political program and to what extent they distance themselves from the right of the political spectra. In the conclusion, it will be confirmed that they indeed are right-wing populistic parties and that the biggest traction towards any side on the political scale, is the demand of a certain policy that the electors are asking for.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt på yrkesinriktat program på gymnasiet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av fyra yrkeslärares uppfattningar om språkutvecklande arbetssätt.

Massaro Rörbrink, Angela January 2019 (has links)
Globaliseringen har vuxit sig starkare och behovet av lärare som arbetar med språkutvecklande arbetssätt är stort under alla skolåren. Språkutvecklande arbetssätt, eller språkinriktad undervisning som det också kallas, har fått relativt stor genomslagskraft inom den svenska grundskolan men är ännu ej utbredd inom gymnasiet och gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram. Det var därför intressant att undersöka vad lärare på ett yrkesinriktat gymnasieprogram ansåg att ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt är och hur de använder det i sin undervisning. Skolverket (2013) skriver att lärare bör ge undervisning i hur det ämnesspecifika språket gestaltar sig inom ämnet och det förutsätter därmed att varje lärare arbetar aktivt för att synliggöra det så att eleverna inte går miste om specialiserad förståelse i ämnet. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och grundar sig på fyra lärarintervjuer. De intervjuade lärarna arbetar på ett yrkesinriktat program på en gymnasieskola i mellersta Sverige. Studiens empiri samlades in under de enskilda intervjuerna. I resultatet framkommer vad dessa lärare anser att språkutvecklande arbetssätt är och hur de konkret använder det i sin undervisning. Lärarna lyfter framför allt vikten av att arbeta med ord och begrepp men också vikten av interaktion.

Betydelseutvecklingen hos några svenska ord för känslor, från fornsvensk tid till idag

Mård, Birger January 2019 (has links)
Människors ständiga språkliga aktivitet leder i många fall till att de ord vi använder sakta men säkert får nya betydelser – en process vi kallar semantisk förändring. Genom att applicera vetenskapliga teorier om semantisk förändring tillsammans med konsultering i historiska ordböcker är det möjligt att få större insikt i ords historia och de förändringar som kan ha påverkat dem. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att genomföra just en sådan undersökning. Materialet har bestått av substantiv- och adjektivformer av svenska ord för 8 olika känslor, vilka vidare har delats in i positiva och negativa känslor. Analysen utgår från Gustav Sterns teori om semantisk förändring och hämtar belägg från olika ordböcker, med ett källmaterial som sträcker sig från början av den fornsvenska perioden fram till idag. Resultaten visar att i stort sett alla orden har genomgått betydelseförändringar och att de flesta ord har genomgått flera förändringar. Inga märkbara skillnader verkar finnas mellan de positiva och de negativa känslorna eller substantiven och adjektiven, varken med avseende på frekvens eller typer av förändring. Det framgår också tydligt av resultaten att det är mycket svårt att med säkerhet fastställa exakt vilka betydelseförändringar som har ägt rum för orden utan detaljerad inläsning av källtexter.

Klimatfrågor i kinesisk media : En jämförande analys av rapporteringen om klimatförändringar i Folkets Dagblad den 30-05-2017 till 19-06-2017

Haji, Saadia January 2019 (has links)
According to World Resources Institute, China burns as much coal as the whole world combined. This thesis aims to gain an insight into what the Chinese government thinks about climate change by examining 37 articles published by the state owned newspaper People’s Daily 30-05-2017 – 19-06-2017. This will be done in connection to the Paris agreement (CoP21), USA’s withdrawal from the agreement and by applying Good’s (2008), Semetko and Valkenburg’s (2000) news frames. In terms of Goods (2008) news frames, this research compares its results to another research done 25-11-2015 – 15-12-2015, to determine whether the reports have changed overtime. In addition, this study also examines how developing countries are portrayed in the newspaper with regard to climate change and with the help of Semetko and Valkenburg’s news frames. Both studies have shown that People's Daily mostly report about climate change in an economic and political context with a slight change in the economic frame that has seen an increase during the time period of this study. The newspaper also prefers to report about the solutions to counter climate change rather than causes. The articles praise China for its involvement in helping developing countries, and the developed countries are reported to be responsible for helping them (developing countries) fight climate change.

Digitala läromedel, en resurs för lärande? : En litteraturstudie om för- och nackdelar med digitala läromedel i svenskämnet på gymnasiet ur ett elev-, lärar- och klassrumsperspektiv

Frank, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är ta reda på vad forskning har kommit fram till om för- och nackdelar med digitala läromedel inom ämnet svenska på gymnasiet framställt ur ett elevperspektiv, lärarperspektiv och klassrumsperspektiv. För att uppnå syftet användes en systematisk litteraturstudie där sökning och sammanställning av litteratur utfördes utifrån förbestämda kriterier. Slutsatserna som drogs utifrån studien är att kompetens och erfarenhet av digitala läromedel spelar roll för hur läromedlen ska komma att användas och tas emot av såväl lärare som elever och klassrum samt huruvida läromedlen ska ses som för- eller nackdelar i undervisningen. Tydliga nackdelar är att det tar tid att sätta sig in i digitala läromedel, att de ofta är kostsamma och att användandet ofta möjliggör för eleverna att sysselsätta sig med parallella aktiviteter såsom spel och sociala medier vilket kan komma att hämma elevernas studier. Tydliga fördelar är att undervisningen framställt ur ett elevperspektiv upplevdes som mer intressant vilket gjorde att eleverna tog fram sina läromedel oftare än vid traditionella böcker vilket resulterade i längre lässessioner, att både läs- och skrivmöjligheten fanns på samma ställe och att den digitala enhetens funktioner kan förenkla samarbeten

"We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone" : How to Work with Film and Drama with a Thematic Focus to Improve Students' Oral Proficiency

Fransson, André, Berndt, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
This essay is based on a previous study we conducted during our last internship in the teacher trainee program. We have conducted a a literature study on alternative and possible usage of movies in classroom environments in upper secondary school. The goal has been to investigate how you can use film to acquire English as a second language, in Grade seven at a school located in the southern part of Sweden. Focus has been on improving students' oral skills, and working with ethical questions, which can be promoted by watching films in school. To do this we have chosen to include drama and role-playing as a part of processing the movies. The films this essay focuses on are Zootopia (2016) and Remember the Titans (2000). In our result and conclusion, we state that including drama together with films in the classroom is a motivating factor for the students and an excellent way to make all the students talk and practice their English oral skills. With the selected themes, racism and xenophobia which are treated in both movies, students are given the chance to discuss and reflect about equality and human rights.

Gender in English Language and EFL-   Textbooks

Mustedanagic, Anita January 2010 (has links)
Abstract A textbook is a key component in the arsenal of a teacher of English. For this reason, it is of importance that textbooksused in Swedish schools are compliant with the fundamental values of equality, provided in the LPO 94. I will attempt to discover the extent to which English textbooks present males and females in non-stereotyped ways and as equal. I want to provide an overview to show how they deal with gender issues. In addition, I aim at establish whether there are any connection between learning and gender, and whether it hinders the pupil’s language learning. My analysis will draw on previous research  and theories presented by prominent figures in the field, such as, Butler (1990), Mills (1995), Renner (1997), Ravitch (2004) and Jones, Kitetu & Jane Sunderland (1997)among others. Thereafter, these theories, and my own research will be compared, to and contrasted with the guidelines from the Swedish National Agency of Education. This dissertation comprises a qualitative critical discourse analysis of two randomly selected textbooks that have been, or are being used, in Swedish secondary schools. For my study, I have chosen Team 8 (1984) and Wings 8 (2000). In my analyses, a number of different aspects will be taken into consideration, such as the   gender distribution of narrators, main characters and sub characters, as well as the   description of gender/gender roles, and the representation of gender in illustrations. Further, I will study what kind of language is used: the extent to which it is gendered or de-gendered language.  These aspects will be collected quantitatively. The findings from the analysis show that the language in Wings 8 gives a broad and non-stereotypic view of gender roles, which is in accordance with the fundamental values of LPO 94. However, the illustrations tend to portray males and females in what can be considered as quite stereotypical. Team 8, on the other hand, contains gendered language and male dominance; women were placed in the background or left out completely.  Therefore, Team 8 would not be deemed to be compliant with the requirements set by the Swedish National Agency of Education today.   Key words: Education, teaching material, Wings, Team 8, gender, critical discourse analysis.

Algoritmi i jezik za podršku automatskom raspoređivanju elemenata dijagrama / Algorithms and a language for the support of automatically laying out diagram elements

Vaderna Renata 25 October 2018 (has links)
<p>U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za automatsko<br />raspoređivanje elemenata dijagrama. Kroz analizu postojećih rešenja uočen je<br />prostor za poboljšanja, posebno po pitanju raznovrsnosti dostupnih algoritama<br />i pomoći korisniku pri izboru najpogodnijeg od njih. U okviru istraživanja<br />proučavan, implementiran i u pojedinim slučajevima unapređen je širok<br />spektar algoritama za crtanje i analizu grafova. Definisan je postupak<br />automatskog izbora odgovarajućeg algoritma za raspoređivanje elemenata<br />grafova na osnovu njihovih osobina. Dodatno, osmišljen je jezik specifičan za<br />domen koji korisnicima grafičkih editora pruža pomoć u izboru algoritma za<br />raspoređivanje, a programerima brže pisanje koda za poziv željenog algoritma.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a research aimed towards the problem of automatically<br />laying out elements of a diagram. The analysis of existing solutions showed that there<br />is some room for improvement, especially regarding variety of available algorithms.<br />Also, none of the solutions offer possibility of automatically choosing an appropriate<br />graph layout algorithm. Within the research, a large number of different algorithms for<br />graph drawing and analysis were studied, implemented, and, in some cases,<br />enhanced. A method for automatically choosing the best available layout algorithm<br />based on properties of a graph was defined. Additionally, a domain-specific language<br />for specifying a graph&rsquo;s layout was designed.</p>

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