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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilización de los mapas conceptuales como herramienta evaluadora del aprendizaje significativo del alumno universitario en ciencias con independencia de su conocimiento de la metodología

Rey Abella, Fernando 23 March 2009 (has links)
L'avaluació del coneixement dels alumnes universitaris en condicions de massificació té dos requisits: mesurar realment el que l'alumne sap, i fer-ho amb una eina que permeti una correcció ràpida. Els instruments que són capaços de recollir l'aprenentatge significatiu (entrevista personal, examen oral, carpetes de treballs,.) requereixen molta dedicació. Els que tenen una correcció ràpida utilitzant medis informàtics (proves objectives), no mesuren exactament el que l'alumne ha après de forma significativa. En aquest entorn, els mapes conceptuals, en ser una representació de l'estructura cognitiva de l'alumne, han demostrat la seva validesa i fiabilitat per a mesurar el que l'alumne sap. Tot i així, la seva aplicació en l'entorn universitari massificat no assoleix els dos requisits esmentats, amb la dificultat afegida de la necessitat de que l'alumne conegui la metodologia de creació de mapes. Aquest treball proposa una metodologia de creació de mapes, adaptada a profans, que permeti la creació d'un mapa lliure independentment del coneixement de la tècnica que tingui l'alumne. Aquests mapes es valoren de forma Holística (considerant la informació presentada sense parar atenció als detalls). Amb 16 alumnes de Biomecànica de segon curs de Fisioteràpia, es realitzen tres intervencions separades por 21 i 135 dies, en les que es pregunta sobre dos temes de coneixements específics de la assignatura i dos de coneixements generales (on es considera resident aquest coneixement). La persistència de las notes Holístiques entre las intervencions indica la validesa i fiabilitat de la metodologia i la seva puntuació. Alternativament, a partir de les dades de la Nota Holística, es calcula una Nota Pronosticada com una combinació lineal de dos paràmetres del mapa (enllaços vàlids i valoració de la jerarquia). D'aquesta expressió s'infereix per lògica una fórmula simplificada similar: la Nota Simplificada, que s'independitza de les dades de l'estudi i li confereix objectivitat. Ambdues notes (Pronosticada i Simplificada) presenten una persistència entre intervencions que dóna validesa i fiabilitat a les mateixes per a mesurar l'aprenentatge significatiu. L'elevada concordança, en condicions altament restrictives, i la correlació altament significativa d'aquestes notes amb la Holística permet la seva substitució. Resulta un instrument d'avaluació del aprenentatge significatiu de l'alumne, independentment del seu nivell de coneixement del mapes, que permet una valoració ràpida i objectiva aplicable a un entorn massificat. / La evaluación del conocimiento de los alumnos universitarios en condiciones de masificación tiene dos requisitos: medir realmente lo que el alumno sabe, y hacerlo con una herramienta que permita una corrección rápida. Los instrumentos que son capaces de recoger el aprendizaje significativo (entrevista personal, examen oral, carpetas de trabajos,.) requieren mucha dedicación. Los que tienen una corrección rápida utilizando medios informáticos (pruebas objetivas), no miden exactamente lo que el alumno ha aprendido de forma significativa. En este entorno, los mapas conceptuales, al ser una representación de la estructura cognitiva del alumno, han demostrado su validez y fiabilidad para medir lo que el alumno sabe. No obstante, su aplicación en el entorno universitario masificado no cumple los dos requisitos mencionados, con la dificultad añadida de la necesidad de que el alumno conozca la metodología de creación de mapas. Este trabajo propone una metodología de creación de mapas, adaptada a profanos, que permite la creación de un mapa libre independientemente del conocimiento de la técnica que tenga el alumno. Estos mapas se valoran de forma Holística (valorando la información presentada sin atender a los detalles). Con 16 alumnos de Biomecánica de segundo curso de Fisioterapia, se realizan tres intervenciones separadas por 21 y 135 días, en las que se pregunta sobre dos temas de conocimientos específicos de la asignatura y dos de conocimientos generales (cuyo conocimiento se considera residente). La persistencia de las notas Holísticas entre las intervenciones indica la validez y fiabilidad de la metodología y su puntuación. Alternativamente, a partir de los datos de la Nota Holística, se computa una Nota Pronosticada como una combinación lineal de dos parámetros del mapa (enlaces válidos y valoración de la jerarquía). De esta expresión se infiere por lógica una fórmula simplificada similar: la Nota Simplificada que se independiza de los datos del estudio y le confiere objetividad. Tanto la Nota Pronosticada como la Simplificada presentan una persistencia entre intervenciones que da validez y fiabilidad a las mismas para medir el aprendizaje significativo. La alta concordancia, en condiciones altamente restrictivas, y la correlación altamente significativa de estas notas con la Holística permite su sustitución. Resulta un instrumento de evaluación del aprendizaje significativo del alumno, independiente de su nivel de conocimiento de los mapas, que permite una valoración rápida y objetiva aplicable a un entorno masificado. / The assessment of the knowledge of university students in overcrowding conditions has two requirements: really evaluate what students know, and do so with a tool that allows fast correction. The instruments that are able of assess meaningful learning (personal interview, oral examination, job folders, ...) require a lot of dedication. Those with a computer based rapid correction (multiple choice tests), do not evaluate exactly what the student has learned in a meaningful way. In this environment, concept maps, to be a representation of the student's cognitive structure, have demonstrated its validity and reliability to assess what students know. However, its application in the crowded university environment does not meet the above two requirements, with the added difficulty of the need for the student to know the methodology involved in creating maps. This paper proposes a methodology for creating maps, aimed at those without prior knowledge, which allows the creation of a free map regardless of the knowledge of the technique that the student has. These maps are valued by Holistic marks (evaluating the whole information presented without regard to details). Sixteen students in Biomechanics in the second year of Physiotherapy attended this study. Three academic proceedings, at intervals of 21 and then 135 days, asked volunteers about two topics of special knowledge of the subject and two of general knowledge (the former considered as resident). The persistence of Holistic marks between interventions indicates the validity and reliability of the methodology and its punctuation. Alternatively, from the data of the Holistic Mark, a predicted one is computed as a linear combination of two parameters of the map (valid links and assessment of the hierarchy). From this expression, a simplified formula is inferred by logical process. This Simplified Mark becomes independent of survey data and gives it objectivity. Both the Predicted and the Simplified Marks show persistence between proceedings that give validity and reliability to the assessment of meaningful learning. The high agreement, in highly restrictive conditions, and the highly significant correlation of these marks with Holistic ones allows its replacement. It becomes a tool to assess meaningful learning of students, regardless of their level of knowledge of concept maps, which allows a speedy and objective assessment applicable to a crowded environment.

A Cross-cultural Comparison Of The Impact Of Human And Physical Resource Allocations On Students&#039 / Mathematical Literacy Skills In The Programme For International Student Assessment (pisa) 2003

Is Guzel, Cigdem 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study is to gain a more complete understanding of the impact of human and physical resource allocations and their interaction on students&rsquo / mathematical literacy skills across Turkey, member and candidate countries of European Union through the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) techniques were used separately for three different cultural settings using the database of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003. The results indicated that students in Turkey, member and candidate countries of European Union who performed higher on the mathematical literacy assessment tended to have the following characteristics: (1) enrolled at higher grade levels, (2) more educational resources at home, (3) higher levels of mathematics self-efficacy, (4) lower levels of mathematics anxiety, (5) more positive self-concept in mathematics, (6) less preferences for memorization strategies, and (7) more positive disciplinary climate in mathematics lessons. As the performance of schools were considered, the higher average mathematics self-efficacy of students, the higher the mean school mathematical literacy performance. The influence on mathematical literacy assessment varied from school to school with respect to grade level and disciplinary climate in mathematics lessons in Turkey and European Union countries, with respect to grade level, mathematics self-efficacy, and disciplinary climate in mathematics in European Union candidate countries. Moreover, school size and mathematics student-teacher ratio at school influenced the disciplinary climate in mathematics lessons in Turkey / academic selectivity of the school influenced the grade level and mathematics self-efficacy in the candidate countries of European Union.

Bildung, Erziehung und Religion in Europa : politische, rechtshermeneutische und pädagogische Untersuchungen zum europäischen Bildungsauftrag in evangelischer Perspektive /

Lindner, Heike. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Bonn, Universiẗat, Habil.-Schr., 2008.

Master Teachers’ Critical Practice and Student Learning Strategies: A Case Study in an Urban School District

Paulmann, Greg G. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


LIVIA MARIA AIRES DE CASTRO 10 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a produção escrita de alunos de ensino médio de uma escola pública da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro, buscando observar as dificuldades em lidar com a modalidade escrita da língua, considerando que, muitas vezes, isso pode trazer consequências para a vida do indivíduo, dentro e fora do ambiente escolar. Na escola, a dificuldade com a escrita pode acarretar falta de interesse ou motivação, ao passo que, uma vez fora da escola, o indivíduo que tenha dificuldades em se envolver em práticas sociais de leitura e escrita pode ter menos chances de mobilidade social, além de ficar à margem da sociedade de um modo geral (Rojo, 2010, Soares, 1998). Observando a funcionalidade da linguagem e questões sociais e contextuais relativas ao seu uso (Halliday, 1994; Martin, 2001), esta pesquisa propõe as seguintes questões: 1) Que avaliações os alunos concluintes do ensino médio fazem acerca da escola, incluindo os sujeitos que ali agem, reagem e interagem? 2) De que maneira essa escola desempenha o seu papel como agência de letramento escolar? 3) Que relações podem ser levantadas entre escola e inclusão e exclusão social? O conjunto de dados gerados para este estudo consiste em redações escritas em sala de aula (N=30) por alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, de uma escola na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro e respostas a um questionário online (N=11), enviado aos alunos após sua saída da escola, via rede social. Dados estatísticos acerca do desempenho de alunos brasileiros em avaliações de percurso, tais como PISA, SAEB e, sobretudo, matrizes de avaliação do ENEM, foram utilizados para examinar e classificar os dados. O sistema da avaliatividade e pressupostos sistêmico-funcionais possibilitaram a análise das avaliações que os alunos fazem da escola como comunidade, incluindo eles mesmos, e a investigação do grau de letramento escolar que apresentam em sua produção escrita. As respostas ao questionário forneceram informações acerca das atividades educacionais e/ou profissionais dos alunos depois de concluído o ensino médio, possibilitando a discussão de eventuais relações entre letramento escolar e a inclusão social. Os resultados da análise indicam que os alunos fazem uma avaliação da escola que oscila, muitas vezes, entre o positivo e o negativo, sobretudo quando se trata de Afeto, e que a instituição é personificada e valorizada pelo seu papel social sobre o educacional. Os demais membros da comunidade escolar, como professores e colegas, também são avaliados afetivamente. Quando as marcas linguísticas nos mostram Julgamento ou Apreciação, no entanto, a avaliação aponta para um posicionamento mais negativo do aluno em relação à escola. Os textos escritos dos alunos mostram ainda que estes apresentam um grau bastante incipiente de letramento escolar, mesmo após onze anos, em média, dedicados à conclusão da educação básica. Esses resultados levam à discussão sobre as interferências que as deficiências de letramento podem ter na vida dos indivíduos, que, como os alunos observados, podem enfrentar dificuldades para ingressar em instituições públicas de ensino superior e para obter colocações mais satisfatórias no mercado de trabalho. / [en] The present study aims at investigating the written production of students at a public state school in Rio de Janeiro, in order to observe the difficulties in dealing with the written language modality, considering that these difficulties can frequently bring consequences to their lives, inside and outside the school context. At school, these difficulties can cause lack of interest or motivation, whereas out of school someone who has difficulty at engaging in social practices of reading and writing (Rojo, 2010; Soares, 1998) can have fewer chances of social mobility and be led into living on the edge of society. Considering the functionality of language as well as social and contextual issues related to its use (Halliday, 1994; Martin, 2001), this research proposes the following questions: 1) What evaluation do the graduating secondary school students make upon the school, including the individuals who act, react and interact there? 2) How does this school play its role as agency of school literacy? 3) What connections can be raised between school and social inclusion and exclusion? The set of data analyzed in this study consists of essays written by secondary students in their classroom (N = 30),and answers to an online questionnaire (N=11) sent to students after they have left school, via a social media. Statistical data about the performance of Brazilian students in national and international examinations, such as PISA, SAEB and especially ENEM, were used to examine and classify data. The Appraisal system and systemic-functional perspectives supported both the analysis of the evaluation that students make of the school as a community, including themselves, and the investigation of the degree of literacy that they present in their written production. Answers to the questionnaire provided information about the educational and/or professional activities of the students after their conclusion of secondary school, adding material for the discussion of possible relations between school literacy and social inclusion. Results of the analysis indicate that students make an evaluation of the school that often varies between positive and negative, especially when related to Affection, and that the institution is personalized and valued by its social role over the educational one. Other members of the school community, such as teachers and peers, are also affectively evaluated. However, when linguistic evidences show Judgement or Appreciation, the evaluation points to a more negative positioning of students in relation to school, especially as an agency of literacy. Students texts also show that they present a very incipient degree of literacy, even after having spent nearly eleven years at school. These results lead into a discussion about the interference that literacy deficiencies can have on people s lives, such as the students who participate in this research, who can face difficulties to enter public universities and to have better jobs or careers.

透過分析PISA2003數學素養調查數據探討影響澳門學生問題解決表現之數學學業特徵 / To explore mathematical academic characteristics affecting problem-solving performance of Macao students through analysis of PISA 2003 mathematical literacy study data

林麗芳 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

Contextualizing Outcomes of Public Schooling: Disparate Post-secondary Aspirations among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Secondary Students

Hudson, Natasha 14 December 2009 (has links)
To understand how Aboriginal youths’ access to post-secondary schooling opportunities is created and constrained, structures of inclusion and exclusion are examined. In particular, the legitimization of unequal treatment and disparate outcomes is problematized; making the case that public schooling systems limit the opportunities of youth. In this study, youths’ post-secondary aspirations are contextualized on the basis of racial identity, gender, programs of enrolment, graduate destinations, parent’s level of schooling, parental income, and community size; binary analyses evaluate the relationships among these variables. The variables were accessed from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Findings of this research counter other studies that demonstrate Aboriginal youth with lower post-secondary opportunities relative to their peers. This study substantiates that barriers to aspiration achievement and post-secondary opportunities are not from a lack of ambition or academic preparedness among Aboriginal youth attending Canadian public schools.

Contextualizing Outcomes of Public Schooling: Disparate Post-secondary Aspirations among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Secondary Students

Hudson, Natasha 14 December 2009 (has links)
To understand how Aboriginal youths’ access to post-secondary schooling opportunities is created and constrained, structures of inclusion and exclusion are examined. In particular, the legitimization of unequal treatment and disparate outcomes is problematized; making the case that public schooling systems limit the opportunities of youth. In this study, youths’ post-secondary aspirations are contextualized on the basis of racial identity, gender, programs of enrolment, graduate destinations, parent’s level of schooling, parental income, and community size; binary analyses evaluate the relationships among these variables. The variables were accessed from the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Findings of this research counter other studies that demonstrate Aboriginal youth with lower post-secondary opportunities relative to their peers. This study substantiates that barriers to aspiration achievement and post-secondary opportunities are not from a lack of ambition or academic preparedness among Aboriginal youth attending Canadian public schools.

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