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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentbostäder i Halmstad : Marknadens visioner jämfört med studenternas önskemål

Skaar, Axel, Skarpemo, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Studentboende hos Gavlegårdarna – studenternas egna upplevelser

Olsson, William, Jönsson, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
<p>Gavlegårdarna is in the state of an invisible dissatisfaction situation from the students on the University of Gävle.</p><p>This paper shows how the students feel about their housing situation in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments. It is a basis of change that hopefully will open up Gavlegårdarnas eyes and minds for changes.</p><p>In this paper we come up with solutions for Gavlegårdarna to create a more satisfying student-housing situation, for the students on Högskolan i Gävle who are situated in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments.</p>

Studentboende hos Gavlegårdarna – studenternas egna upplevelser

Olsson, William, Jönsson, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
Gavlegårdarna is in the state of an invisible dissatisfaction situation from the students on the University of Gävle. This paper shows how the students feel about their housing situation in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments. It is a basis of change that hopefully will open up Gavlegårdarnas eyes and minds for changes. In this paper we come up with solutions for Gavlegårdarna to create a more satisfying student-housing situation, for the students on Högskolan i Gävle who are situated in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments.


Månsdotter, Matilda January 2014 (has links)
Automobilpalatset i Jönköping, ritat av byggnadsingenjör Birger Lindström, uppfördes under åren 1929-1930 och var ett av de första parkeringshusen i Sverige. Förutom parkering fanns det utställningshallar och bilförsäljning, service och bensinstation-långt före bilismen var en del av folks vardag. Efter rivningshot byggnadsminnesmärktes huset år 2001.   Idag finns andra affärsverksamheter i gatuplan, resterande våningar står relativt tomma och mycket nedgånga. Automobilpalatset ägs av kommunen och det finns för närvarande ingen plan för förändring.   Jag vill i mitt förslag addera människan till Automobilpalatset. Stadsbilden och synen på bilen har förändrats sedan 1930. Det är inte rimligt i dagens samhälle att frånta en stadskärna den potential som Automobilpalatset besitter genom att förvanska byggnaden och låta den stå mestadels tom. Det känns inte heller längre modernt att parkera bilar i ett så kallat palats. Den unika arkitektur och kontext som man hittar i byggnaden borde istället till större del  öppnas upp för allmänheten. Att få ta del av dessa fantastiska rum skulle vara en upplevelse för besökaren och möjliggöra en mer levande attraktiv stadsbild.   Gatubilden under kvällen skulle förändras av att de stora fönstren äntligen fick lysa upp av de boende vilket skulle trygga platsen såväl som synliggöra huset på ett nytt sätt. Byggnadens komplexa uppbyggnad med split-level-plan skapar speciella situationer. Flexibilitet och robusthet liksom tydliga industrifunkisvärden i struktur, rymd och materialitet präglar huset. Utmaningen ligger bland annat i den djupa huskroppens stora mörka ytor och i det att väga mellan nytt och gammalt. / “Automobilpalatset” in Jönköping , designed by engineer Birger Lindstrom and built 1929-1930, was one of the first car parks in Sweden . In addition to parkingspace , there were showrooms and car sales , service and a petrol station - long before the car was a part of people's everyday lives. After threats of demolition the building was named a heritage, to be protected, in 2001.   Today, there is other business related spaces at street level , while the remaining floors are relatively empty and in very bad shape . Automobilpalatset is owned by the municipality and there is currently no plan for changes.   In my proposal I wan’t to add people to this place. Cityscape and the opinion of cars has changed since 1930. It is not reasonable in today's society to deprive a city center the potential that this buildning possesses by distorting the building and leaving it empty . It's no longer fashionable to park cars in a so-called palace. The unique architecture and context that one finds in the building ought instead to be opened up and public. To take part of this amazing place would be an experience for the visitor and allow for a more vibrant attractive cityscape. The large windows, finally lit up by residents, would change how the building is looked up-on. The building complex structures with a split-level-plan creates special situations. Flexibility and robustness as well as the industrustrial modernist values ​​in structure , space and materiality characterizes the house. The challenge in restoring it lies in the deep volume and large dark surfaces, and in balancing between new and old.

Flexibla modullägenheter

Johansson, Tina, Håkansson, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>The following report is based on the fact that we today aren´t building enough small apartments with the right of tenancy around the country. Numbers show that many young people and students will be in need of an apartment in the upcoming years. Because we already have a lack of small apartments in many of the student cities we have to find a solution today. Could module apartments be the solution?</p><p>The report is a part of a project, which with the help of industrial building and its prerequisites, smaller apartments in module form has been planned. The apartments, are as far as possible, standardized but concludes a flexibility in the shaping which creates possibilities for different solutions. The apartments can be combined in different ways for use at different sites. In the project the quarter Järnbäraren has been used as a plot example, where the apartments have been used as student housing.</p><p>The report describes the theoretical reasons to why you should use industrial building and what it takes for it to be a successful concept. It also contains analysis of earlier projects which can be compared with this one. The report also includes historical aspects on the development of industrial buildings during the 20th century and how the housing market has changed over the past years.</p><p>The report shows the thoughts and speculations that lies behind the decisions which have been made during the project. It also works as a description of the prerequisites in the project. Most prerequisites came from the company Moelven, who there have been a cooperation with since the start of the project.</p><p>The result has shown that it is possible to develop module apartments with high quality despite standardization and cost conscious thoughts. Since it is the technical parts in the apartment that is the biggest cost for the module, you’re able to increase dwelling space improve the quality in the apartment without the rent being raised and be absurd for example students.</p>

Arkitektonisk kvalitet i små lägenheter med avseende på planlösningen : / Arcitectural qualities in the layout of compact apartments

Strålberg, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Det finns en trend i samhället att bygga mindre och mindre bostäder. Nya lagkrav för små lägenheter vad gäller minskad tillgänglighet har gjort det möjligt att bygga ännu mindre (SS 91 42 22, 1994). En aspekt som sällan nämns i dessa sammanhang är de arkitektoniska värdena. Detta arbete syftar till att utreda hur arkitektoniska kvaliteter förhåller sig i små nybyggda lägenheter i Sverige. Undersökningen görs genom en fallstudie av tio projekterade/nybyggda lägenheter där arkitektoniska värden analyseras.  Begreppen arkitektur och kvalitet är två laddade och vida begrepp med många åsikter kring sig. I denna undersökning definieras och avsmalnas begreppen. Genom en fallstudie undersöks tio lägenheter med slutsatsen att arkitektonisk kvalitet kan uppnås i små lägenheter. Undersökningen visar att vissa uppställda kvalitetsparametrar är svåra att uppfylla. Den visar även att många kvalitetsaspekter är särskilt svåra att uppfylla i enrumslägenheter. Studien visar att det är möjligt att bedöma arkitektonisk kvalitet utifrån denna metod hos planlösningar. Det finns dock aspekter som inte går att bedöma och det är svårt att värdera kvalitetsaspekter gentemot varandra. / There is a trend in society to build smaller and smaller homes. New requirements for small apartments in terms of reduced availability makes it possible to build even smaller (SS 91 42 22, 1994). One aspect that is rarely mentioned in this context are the architectural values. This work aims to investigate how the architectural qualities relate in small newly built apartments in Sweden. The survey is conducted through a case study of ten planned / newly built apartments where architectural values ​​are analyzed. The concepts of architecture and quality are two charged and broad concepts with many different opinions related to them. This thesis aim to defined and narrow the concepts. Through a case study of ten small apartments lead to the conclusion that architecture qualities can be achieved in small apartments. The study shows that certain set of qualities are more difficult to achieve. The study also shows that many aspects of quality are particularly difficult to meet in one room apartments. The study shows that it is possible to evaluate the architectural quality on the basis of this method, the floor plans. However, there are aspects that cannot be measured. It is also difficult to compare different aspects of quality against each other.

Nytt visuellt system för kollektivkök : Hur kan struktur och gemenskap underlätta med städning ochmatlagningsredskap i ett kollektivboende för studenter?

Nyman-Amat, Courtney January 2019 (has links)
Detta är en studie på ett gemensamt kök för kollektivt och studentboende.Projektet är ett samarbete med företaget Omniplan. Omniplan är byggprojektörersom kommer att bygga ett nytt studentboende med gemensamma kök. Köket är enmötesplats för umgänge och sociala aktiviteter. Observationer och intervjuer medstudenter har upptäckt att studentbostädernas gemensamma kök är ostimulerande.Köket är en mötesplats för umgänge och sociala aktiviteter. Ett problem somidentifierades av studien är att det inte finns struktur för städning. Studien harundersökts hur man kan utforma och förtydliga struktur i rummet med fokus påstädning och matlagningsredskap.Tidigare forskning och litteraturstudier har utförts på ett allmänt område om färg,organisering, städning och hygien, struktur för matlagningsredskap och om lagaroch regler på hur man ska utforma kök. Metoder som har använts ärobservationer, notationer och rumsliga analyser på kollektiv och gemensammastudentkök. Intervjuer har utförts med kollektivansvarig, studenter och eninredningsarkitekt. Ett elektroniskt forum har utförts på nuvarandekollektivföreningar. Detta för att få en inblick på hur andra kollektivbostäder ärutformande med struktur. En jämförelse har även gjorts med teori och empiriskastudier för att se tydliga skillnader på vad som är viktigast att ta upp i rapporten.Underlag från metoder och teorier, jämförelser med kollektiv ochstudentbostädernas kök har gett stöd på hur man ska tänka vid en rumsligutformning på arbetet.Gestaltningsförslaget presenteras som två delar. Det första är en gestaltning av ettförvaringsskåp som har fokus på teorin färg och organisering. Det andra ärgestaltning på en köksö som har fokus på social interaktion, städning och hygiensamt lagar och regler på hur man utformar ett att kök. Dessa två områden har lagtsfokus på då det är dem som undersökningen identifierades som den största bristeni den gemensamma studentköken. / This is a study of shared kitchens for collective communal homes and studenthousing. The project is a cooperation with a company called Omniplan. Omniplanis a project coordination construction company and they are building a newstudent accommodation with a shared kitchen. The kitchen in a home is usually ashared space for cooking and socializing. In students housing this appears not tobe functioning. Observations and interviews with students have confirmed thatstudent housings common kitchens are not engaging enough. Another problemthat has been identified is that there is a lack of structure for supporting tidyingand cleaning. This study has researched how to design and improve the structurein the kitchen areas with focus on supporting tidying and cleaning and on storingof kitchen utensils.Previous science and literature studies have been studied on the subjects of color,organization, cleaning and hygiene, structure for storage of utensils and laws andrules for how to design a kitchen. Methods that have been used are observations,notations, and place-analysis on collective and student homes with commonkitchens. Interviews have been done with the manager of the collective homes,with students and with an interior architect. A website enquiry has been done oncurrent collective homes. This to see how other collective housings are designedand structured. A comparison has been done with theory and methods to identifythe differences that would be most important to take up in the thesis. The methodsand theories and comparison with common collective and student kitchens havegiven support to a design proposal for two kitchen areas using spatial designsolutions.The design proposal is presented as two designs. The first design is alocker/cabinet that uses theories of color and organization. The second design is akitchen island that has focus on supporting social interaction, cleaning andhygiene, and also refers to laws and rules for how to design and structure kitchenareas. These two areas have been focused on because they were identified as thebiggest problem areas in common student kitchens.

Avfallshantering på HFABs studentområden

Jörnling, Lina, Rosén, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>”Halmstads Fastighets AB” is a local real estate company investing in sustainable development. One problem though is that the domestic waste, particularly the source separation, at the three resident blocks for students’ isn´t working very well. This creates inconveniences for people and environment as well as decreasing the impression on the estates.</p><p>This project has had the ambition to improve the domestic waste and increase the amount of source separation at HFAB´s student hostels. This study is based upon earlier researches, observations, quantitative studies, inquiries made among the students living in those three areas taking part in the project and qualitative studies as well by interviewing some of those who took part in the quantitative studies. Finally a camera surveillance of the environmental disposal station at Gamletull has been installed as an attempt to improve the conditions in the area.</p><p>From a general point of view we have found out that most of the inhabitants at these three areas know how to handle their waste but few of them take their responsibility. Source separation serves as a good example, most respondents think it´s of importance to source separate and have got the knowledge how to separate the different groups of waste at the environmental disposal station. But the respondents are just good at sorting out material as glass, wrapping paper and newspapers while less than half of them sort out bulbs, energy saving bulbs, fluorescent tubes, metal packing and hard plastic packings.</p><p>This project aims at taking measures which will create a positive solution concerning waste disposal for the estate company. The information and communication between HFAB and the residents must be improved: </p><p>• Clear and distinct rules and directions.</p><p>• Each entrance and staircase is to have a host.</p><p>• New tenants get a personal reception and introduce them to the area.</p><p>• Information about how HFAB uses the rent revenues.</p><p>• The information should be given in English as well.</p><p>Among measures to be mentioned are camera surveillance to prevent permanently damage, maintenance work and to create an internet portal for student areas. </p><p>We are satisfied with the result this project has come to hand and look forward to contributing to some progress of this problematic issue.</p>

Flexibla modullägenheter

Johansson, Tina, Håkansson, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
The following report is based on the fact that we today aren´t building enough small apartments with the right of tenancy around the country. Numbers show that many young people and students will be in need of an apartment in the upcoming years. Because we already have a lack of small apartments in many of the student cities we have to find a solution today. Could module apartments be the solution? The report is a part of a project, which with the help of industrial building and its prerequisites, smaller apartments in module form has been planned. The apartments, are as far as possible, standardized but concludes a flexibility in the shaping which creates possibilities for different solutions. The apartments can be combined in different ways for use at different sites. In the project the quarter Järnbäraren has been used as a plot example, where the apartments have been used as student housing. The report describes the theoretical reasons to why you should use industrial building and what it takes for it to be a successful concept. It also contains analysis of earlier projects which can be compared with this one. The report also includes historical aspects on the development of industrial buildings during the 20th century and how the housing market has changed over the past years. The report shows the thoughts and speculations that lies behind the decisions which have been made during the project. It also works as a description of the prerequisites in the project. Most prerequisites came from the company Moelven, who there have been a cooperation with since the start of the project. The result has shown that it is possible to develop module apartments with high quality despite standardization and cost conscious thoughts. Since it is the technical parts in the apartment that is the biggest cost for the module, you’re able to increase dwelling space improve the quality in the apartment without the rent being raised and be absurd for example students.

Ett studentbostadshus för att skapa integration mellan studenter i ett trivsamt boende med större gemenskap / A Student housing to create integration between students in a pleasant stay with a larger spirit of togetherness

Nabioff, Lina, Salgueiro, Sigrid January 2009 (has links)
The aim has been to create a new student housing where there should be more togetherness between people who live in the residents. The house will have more common areas for the integration of students for a pleasant stay in Växjö.   We have concentrated on finding and solving the interior design of the joint surfaces. The proposal consists of CAD- drawings. The student area is intended to be placed on the Brände udde, which is part of Campusvision 2005.

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