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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De ska föregå med gott exempel! : En undersökning om elevers syn på lärares förhållningssätt till ordningsfrågor - disciplin, regler och konsekvenshantering / They should set the bar for good behavior! : A research about how pupils think the teachers interact to questions of classroom discipline such as, general disciplin, rules and follow up of discipline acts

Wåhlin, Linnéa January 2010 (has links)
There are very few studies that have taken the matter of teacher’s leadership in disciplinary actions into research. That is why the purpose of this essay has been to investigate the relationship of how students think their teachers appear in questions of discipline. The study has been narrowed down to gather and analyze the experiences that students have about teachers, and how teachers uphold and set themselves to ground rules in the classroom. The study has shown how the students interpret teacher’s act of following up consequences of classroom rules. It has also shown that the pupils get a feeling and believe that teachers think they’re above the rules that actually have been created by them selves. Nor are the teachers consequent enough in following up the rules that has been placed to follow in the classroom. Conclusively the teacher’s rules are not for the teachers while it is they who should set an example.   The report is based on researching material, consisting of a questionnaire with complementary interviews. The participants are 70 students who currently stay in the grades four and five at a countryside school in the outskirts of southern Stockholm. The research material is very detailed with a high validity and reliability.

Badges and similar student populations in different careers aspects: First sociodemographic and psychosocial references / Aspectos distintivos y semejantes en poblaciones estudiantiles universitarias de diferentes carreras. Primeras referencias sociodemográficas / Aspectos distintivos e semelhantes em populações de estudantes universitários de diferentes carreiras. Primeiras referências sócio-demográficas e psicossociais

Gómez, Sandra María, Azar, Elisa, Medina, Silvia Gladys 10 April 2018 (has links)
The investigated problem relates to the need to know the characteristics of the young people attending the first course of university life. It seeks to explain some sociodemographic reference to them in order to identify experiences and changes that occur during the first two years studied. These references enable to show how they build their own university life provisions, new context will demand changes in the way to perceive, see, think and act different from their own secondary level. The research methodology is qualitative and quantitative, selecting as instruments of data collection survey, individual interviews and group interviews. We worked with populations sophomores of different careers belonging to a University of Cordoba. / El problema indagado se relaciona con la necesidad de conocer las características de los jóvenes que cursan el primer trayecto de la vida universitaria. Se pretende dar cuenta de algunas referencias sociodemográficas de los mismos a los fines de identificar experiencias y cambios que se van produciendo durante los dos primeros años de cursado. Dichas referencias permitirán mostrar cómo se van construyendo las disposiciones propias de la vida universitaria, nuevo contexto que demandará cambios en los modos de percibir, apreciar, pensar y actuar distintos de los propiosdel nivel secundario. La  metodología  de  investigación  es  cualitativa  y cuantitativa,  seleccionando como instrumentos de recolección de datos la encuesta, la entrevista individual y entrevista grupal. Se trabajó con poblaciones de estudiantes de segundo año dedistintas carreras pertenecientes a una institución universitaria cordobesa. / O  problema  investigado  relaciona-se  com  a  necessidade  de  conhecer as características dos jovens que frequentam o primeiro curso da vida universitária. Ele procura explicar alguma referência sócio-demográfico para eles, a fim de identificar experiências e mudanças que ocorrem durante os primeiros dois anos estudados. Estas referências habilitar para mostrar como eles constroem suas próprias disposições vida universitária, novo contexto vai exigir mudanças na maneira de perceber, ver, pensar e agir de forma diferente de seu próprio nível secundário.A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa e quantitativa, selecionando como instrumentos de pesquisa de coleta de dados, entrevistas individuais e entrevistas em grupo. Nós trabalhamos com populações sophomores de raças diferentes pertencentes a uma universidade de Córdoba.

Elevers erfarenheter av stöd under grundskolans senare år : En tillbakablick på stöd i läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Students´experiences of support during compulsory school year 7-9 : A retrospective view of support in reading and writing difficulties

Johansson, Ulla January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe some students' own experiences and involvement of remedial instruction during year seven to nine in compulsory school in Sweden. My hope is that the study may contribute in possible ways of supporting students in reading and writing difficulties. The study is qualitative with a life-world approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with four upper secondary school students. The study is retrospective and describes the students´ experiences and perceptions of remedial instruction. The result shows that all four students have their unique perspectives on reading and writing difficulties or dyslexia as a phenomenon. As individuals, they have positive experiences of support and individual teachers´ commitment. These students interviewed have in common an experience of struggling and fight to get their rights respected, and that this has consuming power and energy that otherwise could have been used in the learning process. / Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva några elevers egna upplevelser och deltagande av stödinsatser under svenska grundskolans årskurser sju till nio. Min förhoppning är att studien kan bidra med möjliga vägar att stödja elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Undersökningen är kvalitativ med en livsvärldsansats. Data har samlats in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra gymnasieelever. Studien är retroperspektiv och eleverna har sett tillbaka på sin grundskoletid och beskriver sina erfarenheter och upplevelser av det stöd de fick då. Resultatet visar att alla fyra eleverna har sitt unika perspektiv på läs- och skrivsvårigheter eller dyslexi som fenomen. Som individer har de positiva erfarenheter av stödinsatser och enskilda pedagogers engagemang. Gemensamt har eleverna en upplevelse av att ha fått kämpa för att få sina rättigheter tillgodosedda och att detta tagit kraft och energi som annars kunnat komma deras lärprocess till gagn.

Upplevelser av intensivundervisning : En intervjustudie med elever som deltagit i intensivundervisning i läsning. / Experiences of intensive teaching : An interview study with students who participated in intensive instruction in reading

Hellund Eriksson, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter upplever det att delta i en intensivundervisningsinsats i läsning. En sådan insats innebär att eleverna varje dag under 4-6 veckor jobbar 20 minuter med strukturerad undervisning som har syftet att utveckla deras läsförmåga. Den forskning som jag har funnit om intensivundervisning i läsning visar samstämmigt på att liknande insatser ger goda resultat. Däremot tar inte denna forskning upp hur eleverna upplever själva intensivundervisningen. Därför har jag valt att undersöka några elevers upplevelser av detta och fokuserat på upplevelsen av arbetssättet, upplevelsen av den egna läsutvecklingen samt hur det är att gå ifrån klassrummet för att delta i intensivundervisningen.   Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex elever i årskurs 4 som har deltagit i en intensivundervisningsinsats i läsning. Varje elev har intervjuats enskilt och deras berättelser har sedan analyserats utifrån en livsvärldsfenomenologisk ansats ur ett elevperspektiv.   Resultatet visar att dessa elever är positiva till att arbeta med intensivundervisning i läsning och upplever själva att de har utvecklat sin läsförmåga genom den. De beskriver sin egen utveckling i relation till det material de har arbetat med samt vad det har inneburit för dem både i skolan och hemma. Eleverna tar upp både positiva och negativa upplevelser av att gå ifrån klassrummet för att delta i intensivundervisningen. / The purpose of this study is to examine how students with reading and writing disabilities experienced participation in intensive instruction in reading. Such an achievement means that students every day for 4-6 weeks is working about 20 minutes with structured teaching with the aim of developing their reading skills. The research about intensive instruction in reading coherently show that similar achievements are producing good results. In contrast, this research does not include how students experience intensive instruction. Therefore, I have chosen to examine some students' experiences of this and focused on the experience of working, the experience of their own reading development and how it is to leave the classroom to participate in intensive instruction.   The study is based on qualitative interviews with six students in grade 4 who have participated in intensive instruction in reading. Each student was interviewed individually and their stories were then analysed based on a life-world phenomenological approach from a student perspective.   The result shows that these students are positive towards working with intensive instruction in reading and experience themselves having developed their reading skills through it. They describe their own development in relation to the material they have worked with and what it has meant to them both in school and at home. The students mention both positive and negative experiences of leaving the classroom to participate in intensive instruction.

Studenters erfarenheter och upplevelser av informationskompetens i utbildningen

Aldén, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Studenter vid högskolor och universitet ska utveckla informationskompetens. Syftet med den här studien är utifrån såväl campus- som distansstudenters upplevelser undersöka vilka kunskaper som anses viktiga för att kunna söka, finna och kritiskt använda sig av information. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av fenomenografisk variationsteori, sociokulturell teori och filosofisk hermeneutik. Det empiriska materialet inleds med fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med studenter. Därefter har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fyra kursers kursplaner och studiehandledningar i ämnena kriminologi och pedagogik, relaterat till informationskompetens genomförts. Studiens resultat visar att studenterna har varierande erfarenheter av informationskompetens, samt att de utvalda kursplanerna och studiehandledningarnas innehåll relaterat till informationskompetens utgår från olika perspektiv. I den kunskap som studenterna utvecklar i samband med författandet av inlämningsuppgifter och uppsatser fokuserar de på att bli godkända på respektive kurs. I studiens resultat problematiseras därmed hur den kunskap studenterna har förvärvat kan användas i deras framtida yrkesliv. Studien är en del av ett utbildningsprojekt som sker i samverkan mellan Universitetsbiblioteket och Lärande- och resurscentrum vid Mittuniversitetet gällande studenters informationskompetens. / Students at colleges and universities are to develop information literacy. The purpose of this study is to examine, based on experiences from both campus- as well as distance students, what kind of knowledge is important in order to search for, find and critically use information. The theoretical framework of the study constitutes of sociocultural theory, phenomenographic variation theory and philosophical hermeneutics. The empirical material starts with five semi-structured interviews with students. Following that, a qualitative analysis of content of four selected courses’ syllabus and study guidelines in relation to information literacy was carried out. The result of the study show that students have various degrees of experience of information literacy and also the contents of the chosen syllabus and study guides in relation to information literacy emanates from different perspectives. The knowledge which students develop in connection with the writing of essays and reports is the focus for students to pass their respective course. Therefore, the result of the study problemizes how the knowledge that the students have acquired can be used in their future professional life. This study is a part of an educational project in co-operation with the University Library and the Learning and Resource Centre at the Mid Sweden University regarding the students’ information literacy. / <p>Godkännandedatum: 2016-05-17</p>

Sådant som var svårt, blev plötsligt lätt : Upplevelser av grundskolan och grundsärskolan ur ett elevperspektiv / Things that were difficult, suddenly became easy : Experiences of compulsory school and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities from pupils´perspective

Lifvergren, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate some pupils' experiences of learning situations, support for learning and peer relations in compulsory school compared to compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study aimed to highlight the advantages and disadvantages, support for learning and peer relations the pupils experienced in the two school forms. The study is based on six qualitative semi-structured interviews with inspiration from life history interviews. There were three informants in the study, who have experience of teaching in both the compulsory school and the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. They were interviewed twice.   The result was analyzed based on the socio-cultural theory and its concepts of artifacts, mediation, appropriation, zone of proximal development and scaffolding. The result shows that in compulsory school the pupils were given individual special education, and in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities the pupils were only taught together with the classmates. The pupils experienced both teaching situations positively, but the teaching together with the classmates in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities was seen as a more socially and academically supportive environment, where the students developed new knowledge.  In compulsory school, the students were offered customized teaching material and concrete material, which only pertially perceived to support the learning. The teachers' explanations were perceived as the best support when something was difficult. In the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, the teachers had time and ability to explain. In the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, the students experienced that they had more and more genuine friends than in the compulsory school.

A case study of PETE teacher candidates' learning to teach physical education: an application of occupational socialization theory

Khalifah, Eman 18 November 2021 (has links)
The mechanism of how physical education teacher education (PETE) students learn to teach physical education (PE) has been considered as a missing link in a comprehensive curriculum of PETE research. Previous studies found that the PETE students’ acculturation phase has a big impact on the students’ beliefs towards teaching PE as it is referred to as Occupational Socialization Theory (OST). The purpose of this study was to explore how PETE students learn to teach PE based on their experiences being taught PE and coached in a sport and their reflections on their emerging practices whilst taking a course EPHE 452 – Strategies for teaching games, a culminating course in their physical and health education teachable area. The study used two qualitative research methods, autoethnography and participant observation ethnography, within a case study design methodology. Data collection included the case studies’ interviews of three PETE students and the EPHE 452 course observation throughout COVID-19 pandemic in Spring semester in 2021. The findings showed that PETE students carried beliefs from their acculturation phase to their professional phase, while the teacher education program has a positive impact on the PETE students’ beliefs towards teaching PE. Four organizing course themes with sub-themes emerged; insights on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the course becoming a mediating theme. Several effective methods were used to develop PETE students’ abilities to teach PE, such as the online resources, group discussions, the practicum experience and the reading of articles. The COVID-19 pandemic created opportunities and challenges among PETE students who took EPHE 452 course in Spring Semester in 2021 that have led to a rethinking and redevelopment of the EPHE 452 course. / Graduate

Three Swedish students’ experiences of EMI at three Swedish universities : Semi-structured interviews exploring preparedness, content acquisition and conceptualisations of English

Keay, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This paper aims to explore Swedish students’ experiences of English-medium instruction (EMI) in Swedish higher education. Previous research shows that students’ experiences of EMI in higher education are closely related to attitudes towards the proficiencies of lecturers and peers, which in turn are based on students’ conceptualisations of English. Through the use of semi-structured interviews, three interrelated themes are explored: (1) how prepared students felt they were to use English in higher education (2) students’ experiences of acquiring content through English and (3) students’ underlying conceptualisations of English. Three Swedish students at different institutions and programs were interviewed. Findings show that the students had varied views of what it was to be prepared for EMI as well as how prepared they felt they were according to their own definitions. Students also had differing experiences of acquiring content through English. All three students conceptualised English as a standard, native variety. Their conceptualisations of English as a standard had implications on student-student and teacher-student interactions, which was evidenced especially in regard to international non-native speakers of English. Findings are discussed in relation to relevant previous research on EMI and the Swedish context. Finally, suggestions are made for Upper Secondary school in-class practices, for the benefit of better preparing Swedish students for higher education in Sweden by implementing an English as a lingua franca (ELF-) perspective on English spoken interaction.

Elevers upplevelser av stödinsatser : Hur några elever som inte varit behöriga att söka in på ett nationellt gymnasieprogram upplever stödinsatser och delaktighet i grundskolan / Students' experiences of support measures : How some students who have not been eligible to apply for a Swedish national high school program experience support measures and participation in compulsory school

Gren, Maria, Mathis, Marlene January 2021 (has links)
Målsättningen med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om elevers upplevelser av stödinsatser och delaktighet i grundskolan. Det är sällan som elevernas upplevelser lyfts fram i forskning och syftet med denna studie är därför att belysa hur några elever som inte varit behöriga att söka in på ett nationellt gymnasieprogram, ser på de stödinsatser de fått, eller önskat att de fått, i grundskolan samt deras upplevelse av delaktighet under samma period. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor, där fem respondenter bidrar med sina upplevelser. De teoretiska perspektiv som studien utgår ifrån är relationellt- respektive kategoriskt perspektiv, samt salutogent- respektive patogent perspektiv. Resultatet visar på att elevernas upplevelser var övervägande negativa under låg- och mellanstadiet och mer positiva under högstadiet. Detta förklaras framför allt med att de inte kände sig delaktiga, och upplever att stödinsatserna inte var adekvata i förhållande till stödbehovet. Insikterna som framkommit i studien handlar om vikten av att lyssna in varje enskild elevs upplevelse och beakta dessa när det kommer till att utforma och utvärdera stödinsatser. Elevers upplevelser kan ha en stor påverkan på det specialpedagogiska området och bidrar i arbetet med att utveckla lärmiljön i grundskolan för att främja delaktighet. / The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding about students' experiences of support measures and participation in compulsory school. It is rare that students' experiences are highlighted in research and the purpose of this study is therefore to shed light on how some students who have not been eligible to apply for a Swedish national high school program, look at the support measures they received, or wished they had received, in primary school and their experience of participation during the same period. The study is based on a qualitative interview study with semi-structured questions, where five respondents contribute with their experiences. The theoretical perspectives on which the study is based are relational and categorical perspectives, as well as salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives. The results show that the students' experiences were predominantly negative during elementary school and more positive during middle school. This is mainly explained by the fact that they did not feel participation, nor that the support efforts were adequate in relation to their need for support. The insights that emerged in the study are about the importance of listening to each individual student's experience and taking these into account when it comes to designing and evaluating support measures. Students' experiences can have a major impact on the special education area and contribute to the work of developing the learning environment in compulsory school to promote participation.

Engelska och dyslexi – en (o)möjlig kombination? : En retrospektiv studie om erfarenheter av andraspråkslärande i grundskolan hos elever med dyslexi. / English and dyslexia – An (im)possible combination? : A retrospective study about experiences of second language learning in primary and secondary school in students with dyslexia.

Persson, Kristin January 2020 (has links)
Many people with dyslexia find second language learning difficult (Gallardo, et al., 2015; Csizér, et al., 2010; DiFino &amp; Lombardino, 2004; Simon, 2000). A language with a deep orthography has little correspondence between the spelling of a word and its pronunciation, and is said to cause a higher degree of faulty decoding by people with dyslexia (Lindgren &amp; Laine, 2011; Rontou, 2012). English is one of the languages with the deepest orthography (Seymour, Aro &amp; Erskine, 2003). In contrast, one study has found that some exceptional dyslectics read with greater ease and correctness in English compared to their mother tongue Swedish (Miller Guron &amp; Lundberg, 2000). The aim of this study is to contribute to knowledge about how young adults with dyslexia have experienced learning English in primary and secondary school. It is a retrospective study with two participants, whose life histories are in focus. The research questions for this study are: -          What themes arise in the participants’ life histories, concerning the connection between dyslexia and second language learning in English? -          What perspectives of special education have pervaded the English teaching that the participants took part in? -          In which ways were the participants included in the English teaching that they took part in, seen from three aspects of inclusion: spatial-, social- and didactic inclusion? Firstly, the results show that despite having very different experiences of dyslexia and learning English in primary and secondary school, certain common themes arise when cross-analysing the participants’ life histories: -          Support at home and in school affects the motivation for learning English -          English is more difficult to learn compared to other school subjects -          Lower self-esteem/self-worth -          The need for repetition and time for learning English Secondly, the results show that it was mainly the compensatory- and critical perspectives that pervaded the teaching of English that the participants took part in. Only to a minor extent was the dilemma perspective noticeable. Finally, the results show that one of the participants mainly experienced two aspects of inclusion, spatial- and social inclusion, throughout primary and secondary school. Although, one specific teacher managed to include the participant according to all three aspects of inclusion. The other participant, on the other hand, did not experience being included according to any of the aspects. The participants of this study have shown that learning English is definitely a possibility for a person with dyslexia. However, it has not been a walk in the park for either of them but has required a lot of hard work and feelings of distress along the way.

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