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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Língua e sociedade: a ordem na escola republicana paulista / Language and Society: the order in São Paulo Republican school

Priscilla Barbosa Ribeiro 21 October 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de objeto de natureza interdisciplinar, a partir do qual abordamos questões linguísticas e sócio-históricas ligadas ao português paulista culto na São Paulo de início do século XX. Realizamos a descrição e análise da ordem de constituintes sentenciais em duas instituições escolares da Capital, complementarmente à análise das instituições e seus sujeitos, bem como de seu lugar na história/memória da cidade, buscando compreendê-los na dinâmica da vida paulistana da virada do século. O recorte linguístico considera as posições do sujeito e do clítico. O corpus é constituído de atas escritas por professores, diretores e secretários da Escola Normal (majoritariamente feminina) e do Ginásio da Capital (exclusivamente masculino), instituições importantes por seu papel na dinâmica de reorganização social e política em uma sociedade altamente heterogênea, em que as tensões repercutiam em formas diversas de distinção em todos os âmbitos da cultura local, inclusive o linguístico. Com o propósito de compreender amplamente nosso objeto, trabalhamos com os dados linguísticos e materiais que pudessem trazer ao presente um pouco da realidade da época e que recuperasse seus pontos de vista. Para isso, analisamos revistas de ensino, livros de matrícula, gramáticas, discursos e outras fontes. A perspectiva adotada, condizente com a natureza do objeto, é interdisciplinar, e teve por objetivo possibilitar uma análise do uso linguístico inserido nas relações sociais, assumindo pressupostos da sociolinguística, sociologia, antropologia e história, visando à compreensão integrada do fenômeno. / This work deals with an interdisciplinary object, in which we refer language issues and socio-historical linked to Portuguese Paulista in Sao Paulo early twentieth century. We perform the description and analysis of sentential constituent order in two schools of the capital, in addition to the analysis of institutions and their subjects, as well as its place in the history of the city, seeking to understand them in the dynamics of São Paulo of the early century. The linguistic focus considers the positions of subject and clitic. The corpus is composed of texts written by teachers, principals and secretaries of the Normal School (mostly female) and the Capital Gymnasium (exclusively male), important institutions for their role in the dynamics of social reorganization and politics in a highly heterogeneous society in which tensions had repercussions in various forms of discrimination in all aspects of local culture, including the language. In order to understand our object, we work with linguistic data and materials that could bring to present some of the reality of the time and to recover their views. For this, we analyze educational magazines, books, grammars, speeches and other sources. The perspective adopted is interdisciplinary, and aimed to enable an analysis of the inserted language use in social relations, taking on assumptions of sociolinguistics, sociology, anthropology and history, aiming at the integrated understanding of the phenomenon.

A ordem de constituintes sentenciais no português paulista / Word order in Brazilian Paulista Portuguese

Priscilla Barbosa Ribeiro 18 January 2011 (has links)
A ordem de constituintes sentenciais é um tema que já foi abordado em muitos estudos e ainda gera interesse entre os linguistas. Os trabalhos diacrônicos sobre o assunto apontam que, ao longo da história do Português Brasileiro (PB), a ordem SV (sujeito-verbo) tem sido privilegiada em contraposição à sequência VS (verbo-sujeito), mais usual em estágios anteriores da língua (cf. Berlinck: 1989, Duarte: 1992, Torres Morais: 1993, e outros). Fixando o olhar no final do século XIX, analisamos a posição do sujeito em relação ao verbo em textos da Escola Normal da Capital (ENC), comparando-os com textos de escritores brasileiros e portugueses, com vistas a identificar um modelo linguístico referencial para a instituição. O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído a partir de cartas e atas produzidas por professores e diretores da ENC, homens públicos de prestígio na época, o que caracteriza esse material como sendo a expressão de um padrão linguístico culto. Visando a analisar o fenômeno linguístico inserido em seu contexto de produção, fizemos o levantamento e caracterização de aspectos da cidade e da instituição escolar (como o corpo de diretores, docentes e discentes, e o currículo escolar, em particular da língua portuguesa), buscando, deste modo, realizar uma análise complementarmente histórica, social, cultural e linguística. / Word order has been the theme of many researches, but it still intrigues linguists. Diachronic studies have shown that in the history of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) the order SV (subject-verb) has been used in preference to the sequence VS (verb-subject), which was more common in earlier stages of the language (cf. Berlinck: 1989, Duarte: 1992, Torres Morais: 1993, among others). Focusing on the phenomenon of word order at the end of the 19th century, we analyze the subject position in relation to the verb in texts from the Escola Normal da Capital (São Paulo Normal School - ENC) and compare the data with texts produced by Brazilian and Portuguese writers, with the intention of identifying a linguistic referential model for the educational institution. The research corpus is composed of letters and minutes written by the teachers and principals of the ENC, prestigious public men at that time; hence this material can be taken as the expression of a standard linguistic variety. Aiming at analyzing the linguistic phenomenon within its production context, we did a survey and a characterization of aspects of the city and the institution (such as the board of principals and teachers and the student body, as well as the school curriculum, especially the Portuguese syllabus), with the purpose of conducting an analysis that is historical, social, cultural and linguistic altogether.

Äldre och rädslans paradox : Konstruktionen av hotets och rädslans samhälle / Old Age and the Paradox of Fear : Constructing a Society of Threat

Åhlfeldt, Emanuel January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to examine the fear of crime in old peoples lives. Notwithstanding that the age category is exposed to crime to a low degree, old people are experiencing a great fear of crime relative younger people. This is the paradox of fear, also recognized in gender studies. The question is how this paradox can be understood. To answer this, twelve elderly men and women have been interviewed and the reports about crime in the local newspaper, Norrköpings Tidningar, has been analyzed, through discourse analysis.</p><p>The discursive construction of fear is here discussed in terms of discourses of a fearful society, and stereotypes of old age. The hegemonic discourse of old age is collaborating with a discourse, in this paper called the discourse of a threatening society. Old peoples fear is produced, through the interplay of these discourses, because they are objectified and seen as victims alongside with a construction of an ever-present threat.</p>

Elever i kommunala skolplaner : En diskursanalys av hur elever konstitueras som subjekt

Tryggvason, Asgeir January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to analyze how students are constituted as subjects in local curricula. The theoretical perspective is grounded in Michel Foucault’s notion of governmentality and power/knowledge and his critique of a sovereign subject. From this theoretical perspective I use Foucault’s concept of formation of objects and Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s idea of subject positioning as tools for a discourse analysis. The analyzed documents are local curricula from fourteen Swedish municipalities. The documents are divided in to two equally sized groups based on the political governing in the municipality.</p><p>The analysis presents five themes by which statements that constitute students as subjects can be categorized. These five themes are; lifelong learning, desire, essential traits, students responsibility and life and health. The differences between local curricula from political right wing and political left wing governed municipalities are rather small, but there can be seen differences in the technologies of liberal governing. The subject that is constituted in local curricula is primarily a self-governing subject who governs it self in relation to a expertise knowledge.</p>

Ledarskapande i akademin : Om prefekters diskursiva identitetsutveckling / Leadership making in the academy : On the discursive identity development of departmental heads

Haake, Ulrika January 2004 (has links)
This is a dissertation on education that focuses on leadership making at the departmental level of higher education. The aim of this dissertation is to generate knowledge about the making of leadership, seen as identity development in the discourse on academic leadership. This by studying the logic and tensions of discourse, what leadership identities the discourse expresses at different times and by describing an understanding of different processes of leadership identity development. The frame of reference in this study is based on a relationistic and non-dualistic theoretical framework, which suggests that discourse theory can help us understand the reality as discursive and the view on leadership in higher education as socially constructed through talk and other actions within a specific discourse. Two empirical studies were performed by making interviews and then a multivariate correspondence analysis of the nodes (symbolic areas of talk) that the informants attached significance were carried out. Study I focuses on the discourse on academic leadership expressed by 15 departmental heads at five occasions, from the time where the heads were novices to a time four years later when they were more experienced. These interviews were used for the construction of three empirically based study objects; the novice discourse, the problem discourse and the experience discourse. Study II was conducted in four case departments. Its aim was to shed light on the discourse on academic leadership from the point of view of staff members, rather than from that of departmental heads themselves. Totally, in these four departments, 33 interviews with different categories of staff members were performed. The empirically based study object was here the staff members’ discourse. Each discourse construction may be said to be built up by the discourse episteme, subepisteme and subject positions and a relational analysis of the discourse structure have been used to describe the discourse’s logic and tensions and its identity expressions. By contrasting the discourse constructions over time also identity development was illuminated. For study I, one of the aspects of the logic of discourse on academic leadership is that in the course of time it goes from being a heterogeneous discourse with only a few common episteme nodes towards being a more homogeneous, unified and coherent discourse with a larger common core. The shared leadership identity base is thereby made more extensive. Six central symbolic areas of talk recur in similar ways at the three points of time for the analysis of study I: the handling of the economy, staff management (HRM), laws, ordinances and rules for the headship, the heavy workload and time shortage, delegation of tasks and responsibilities and support through leadership training and education. Examples of three relatively common identity development processes in the discourse on academic leadership are: 1) a vague development process where a non-head of department leadership identity is strong over time, 2) a process of development from an uncertain and fuzzy to a positive and obvious manager identity, and 3) a process of development from an uncertain and fuzzy to a gender-related and problem-orientated leadership identity. Thus the main result of the studies is the visualisation of the gender segregation process that the discourse makes possible and the different ways in which academic leadership is expressed in the male-dominated versus the female-dominated positions. The discourse logic for staff members in study II also shows a partly gender-separated discourse. On the other hand, there are not much content similarities, through nodes, in the gender-separated relational structure in the sense that the female staff/heads and the male staff/heads in both studies express similar symbolic areas of talk.

Elever i kommunala skolplaner : En diskursanalys av hur elever konstitueras som subjekt

Tryggvason, Asgeir January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to analyze how students are constituted as subjects in local curricula. The theoretical perspective is grounded in Michel Foucault’s notion of governmentality and power/knowledge and his critique of a sovereign subject. From this theoretical perspective I use Foucault’s concept of formation of objects and Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s idea of subject positioning as tools for a discourse analysis. The analyzed documents are local curricula from fourteen Swedish municipalities. The documents are divided in to two equally sized groups based on the political governing in the municipality. The analysis presents five themes by which statements that constitute students as subjects can be categorized. These five themes are; lifelong learning, desire, essential traits, students responsibility and life and health. The differences between local curricula from political right wing and political left wing governed municipalities are rather small, but there can be seen differences in the technologies of liberal governing. The subject that is constituted in local curricula is primarily a self-governing subject who governs it self in relation to a expertise knowledge.

Dimmornas bro : En berättelse om konstruktionen och iscensättandet av kliniska adjunkter

Engström, Annica January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of a relatively new teacher function in nurse education, a teacher function that can be called clinical teacher, link lecturer, link teacher or lecturer involved in practice. The study departs from a constructivist perspective and the aim is to study the introduction, performance and regulation of this teacher function. The material consists of internationally and nationally published research 1978-2009, reports from the authorities, job ads for clinical teachers, job descriptions and contracts, archive material, evaluation studies, professional journals, texts on the Internet and 15 interviews with clinical teachers in Sweden. Using discourse analysis this material is studied in terms of interpretive repertoires, subject positions and ideological dilemmas. The primary focus of this dissertation concerns what problems the new teacher function is supposed to solve, how the problem should be solved, the effects of the chosen solutions and what´s staged, challenged and reproduced. Secondly, this dissertation highlights what categories of teachers are required and in demand for the new teacher function, how the teachers themselves manage their function and how the teacher function is maintained and challenged. The analysis identifies and highlights current interpretive repertoire, teachers possible subject positions and ideological dilemmas and how they are governed and challenged in the teaching function.

Konstruktionen av Amerika : Om objektsbildning och hur objektet Amerika skapas i två historieböcker för gymnasiet / The construction of America : About formation of objects and how the object America is created in two history textbooks for high school

Tamayo Hokkanen, Roberto January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay has been to show how the object America is constructed in two of the most used history books in Swedish high school. The theoretical framework used in this paper is based on the post-structural discourse analysis as presented by Michel Foucault. More specifically can be said that Foucault´s theories about formation of objects have been used as a tool to show how the image of America is constructed in the books. Later this paper also discuses which subject positioning the studied books take, also this inspired by Foucault´s theories. The study is presented with long quotes from the studied material to reach a transparency that enables the reader to see which dictums the conclusions are based on. This also makes it easy for the reader to judge whether or not the conclusions are reasonable. Two central themes has been located and focused on: 1) The arrival of the Europeans and their conquest of America and 2) the emancipation from Europe. With its focus on America this essay has been able to reveal that America gets its meaning through the Europeans which due to the theoretical framework means that America doesn´t exist without being contrasted with the European civilization. The essay has also shown that the linguistic category “America” embodies different significance in different parts of the books. At first America is generally described as a continent without history that gets invaded by Europeans and the linguistic category refers to current Latin America. This changes however and later the linguistic category “America” refers to the current United States and gets associated with terms such as freedom.

Andlighetens ordning : En diskursiv läsning av tidskriften Pilgrim / The Order of Spirituality : A discursive reading of the magazine Pilgrim

Svalfors, Ulrika January 2008 (has links)
This thesis takes as its point of departure the question "is there a connection between ordinary Swedish Christianity and the extreme forms of various examples?". As a way of concidering possible connections, a "normal" spiritual context in the Swedish setting is studied: the Christian magazine "Pilgrim. A magazine for spiritual guidance". The book presents an investigation of the magazine and its notion of spirituality over a period of twelve years (1994-2006). Questions that guide the investigation are: Which are the fundamental notions of spirituality in the magazine? How can someone be spiritual due to the magazine? Which are the bodily norms which are assumed when it comes to gender, sexuality, ethnicity and class? Which connections between the normal and the extreme in contemporary Swedish spirituality can an investigation of Pilgrim as an example of "ordinary" spirituality reveal? The work is carried out as a discursive reading of Pilgrim with the help of Michel Foucault and his notion of "discourse". Furthermore some of the insights from the feminist discussion on so called "intersectionality" are used to widen the methodological scope. More specifically, the magazine is approached as a single textual surface. After qualification of the rules of the discourse, they are applied to identify the discursive formation of Pilgrim. By analyzing the strategies which constitute spiritual guidance, the forms of spirituality (subject positions) that the magazine constructs are revealed. The way that social categories - gender, sexuality, ethinicity, class - are characterized in the magazine reinforce heteronormativity, orientalism and a class-structure. Through the magazine social categories function together with other vital categories in a way that the outcome is one and only construction of the ordinary subject: i.e. the western rich man as a spiritual subject. In conclusion this study suggest that ideas about spiritual growth that flourish in an ordinary Christian cultural and intellectual environment (exemplified by the magazine Pilgrim), like ideas of resistance against the postmodern world and society's superficiality, might have a structure that can be found also in more extreme Christian contexts, and, more importantly, as a part of the problematic of these extreme examples. The extreme resides in the ordinary, and the ordinary resides in the extreme. There seems to be an order of notions, of subjects and of bodies: the Order of Spirituality.

Die karnavaleske as sosiale kommentaar : 'n ondersoek na geselekteerde werke van Steven Cohen / A. Snyman.

Snyman, Amé January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents an investigation into two so-called live art works – Ugly girl at the rugby (1998) and Chandelier (2001-2002) – by the contemporary South African artist Steven Cohen (1962-). These works are explored with reference to the manner in which Cohen (as self-declared queer Jewish freak) uses performance art as a form of activism in order to expose practices of marginalisation and suppression (oppression) of non-normative or so-called deviant subject positions in terms of gender, race and ethnicity. The analysis of artworks is guided by the discourse of the carnavalesque and performative conceptualisations of gender with particular emphasis on Cohen’s use of drag as contemporary form of masquerade in order to propose an alternative subject position. The argument is as follows: that Cohen, by setting up an extreme alternative to normative identity constructs, manages to destabilise existing hierarchies that are structured according to binaries as these exist in spaces (such as a rugby stadium and a squatter camp) in the South African context. This destabilising of binary hierarchies gives rise to the argument that the symbolically encoded nature of spaces known for associations of suppression, exclusion and marginalisation are wrought open so that alternative meanings can come into being by activating these spaces as multifaceted and chronotopic constructs. The conclusion is that Cohen contributes profoundly towards the destabilisation of identities and in this way also helps to propose invigorating and fresh views of gender, race and ethnicity in a contemporary South African situation. / Thesis (MA (History of Art))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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