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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Myter om gymnasieeleven : En diskursteoretisk studie av dominerande subjektspositioner i politiska texter 1990-2009 / The Social Myths of Student Subjects : A study of dominating subject positions in political documents in Swedish educational discourse 1990-2009

Terning, Maria January 2016 (has links)
For whom the educational system should be available, what it should contain and what it should lead to, are all questions but with different answers. In this dissertation, these answers are understood as products of relations including a power dimension. As these relations constantly changes, the discursive struggle of defining the educational system is constant. Said struggle also contains different constructions of the student subject; what she/he ought to be and should become. It is the struggle of defining the student subject that is the focus of this dissertation. As a starting point for the analysis, a political discourse theory is used, developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (2001). The main aims of the dissertation are to analyze 1) How the student subject is defined and positioned in the analyzed policy texts 2) What kind of relations that are constituted among student subjects and in between student subject, working life and social life 3) How does the conditions of the discursive struggle make impact of the space for political subjectivity. The empirical material is Swedish Political documents written between the time periods 1990-2009. The analysis of the discursive political struggle shows three dominant subject positions structured in partly different discourses: The successful and free student, produced in the discourse of liberation (1990-1998), the individualized and solidary student, produced within the discourse of nostalgia (1997-2005) and the dutiful and adaptable student, which dominates the political struggle in 2006-2009, produced in the discourse of harmony. Although the subject positions are constituted within three different discourses, structured by partly different logics, they share an idea; the idea of an ongoing globalization. These articulations are not questioned and cannot be ignored in the discursive struggle. They are understood as disarticulations of an English/American neo-liberal discourse. To win a hegemonic position, the discourse of liberation, nostalgia and harmony, has to adopt signs from this neo-liberal discourse. They are also forced to rearticulate the intent of specific signs so they fit into each discourse’ inner logics. The disarticulations of the neo-liberal discourse which goes across the discursive borders are in this dissertation understood as a social fantasy.

Den sociala konstruktionen av ålder och kompetens i förskolan : En diskurspsykologisk analys av pedagogers porträtteringar av 1-3 åringars kompetens / The social construction of age and competence in preschool : A discursive psychological analysis of how teachers portray 1-3 years old’s competence.

Lindström Pettersson, Alice, Herstorp Rönn, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera sociala konstruktioner av 1-3 åringars ålder och kompetens, genom att analysera hur pedagoger porträtterar de yngsta barnen. Detta görs genom diskurspsykologisk analys av pedagogers uttalanden i samtal om omsorg och undervisning, utifrån studiens tre frågeställningar; Hur talar förskollärare och barnskötare om 1-3 åringars kompetens? Vad framställs som sanningar om 1-3 åringars kompetens? Vilja subjektspositioner tillskrivs 1-3 åringar? Diskurspsykologi har agerat som både epistemologisk och metodologisk utgångspunkt i denna studie. I resultatet framträdde totalt fem tolkningsrepertoarer. Tre av dessa framträdde genom samtal om barns kompetens i omsorg; fysisk omsorg, praktisk omsorg och intellektuell omsorg. De andra två trädde fram i samtal om barns kompetens i undervisning; pedagogers självmedvetenhet och erfarenhet som förutsättning. Vi kunde sedan sammanställa fyra av dessa till en, vad vi kallar, bristdiskurs. Vi diskuterar sedan kring hur dessa tolkningsrepertoarer försätter barnen i olika subjektspositioner och vad barnen därigenom ges för handlingsutrymme.

Нови модели у настави српског језика и књижевности / Novi modeli u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti / New models in teaching Serbian language and literature

Klepić Snežana 27 September 2018 (has links)
<p>У раду је истражен утицај нових модела рада на постигнућа ученика у настави српског језика и књижевности. Теоријски оквири рада усмерени су на разматрање наставних модела: од појмовног одређења, преко врста и подела, до моделовања процеса учења. Истражене су могућности примене осам одабраних нових наставних модела &ndash; егземпларног, индивидуализованог, интерактивног, проблемског, програмираног, пројектног, сарадничког и хеуристичког.<br />Како би се испитали ефекти примене нових наставних модела подржаних информационо-комуникационим технологијама (ИКТ) на постигнућа ученика, у односу на традиционални модел, спроведено је експериментално истраживање у четири сомборске средње школе &ndash; Средњој техничкој школи, Средњој економској школи, Средњој медицинској школи &bdquo;Др Ружица Рип&ldquo;, Гимназији &bdquo;Вељко Петровић&ldquo; и једној кулској школи &ndash; Економско-трговинској школи, у другом полугодишту школске 2014/15. године и током школске 2015/16. године на узорку од 1724 ученика из сва четири разреда.<br />Резултати истраживања показују да су ученици у експерименталним групама, у којима су примењени нови наставни модели, имали виша постигнућа у односу на ученике контролних група, односно да су нови наставни модели ефикаснији од традиционалног.<br />Субјекатски положај ученика уз примену индивидуализације и диференцијације у новим наставним моделима, допринели су, уз виша постигнућа ученика и бројне продукте рада, и већој самосталности и ангажованости ученика, интерактивној комуникацији и лакшем препознавању даровитих и креативних ученика.</p> / <p>U radu je istražen uticaj novih modela rada na postignuća učenika u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti. Teorijski okviri rada usmereni su na razmatranje nastavnih modela: od pojmovnog određenja, preko vrsta i podela, do modelovanja procesa učenja. Istražene su mogućnosti primene osam odabranih novih nastavnih modela &ndash; egzemplarnog, individualizovanog, interaktivnog, problemskog, programiranog, projektnog, saradničkog i heurističkog.<br />Kako bi se ispitali efekti primene novih nastavnih modela podržanih informaciono-komunikacionim tehnologijama (IKT) na postignuća učenika, u odnosu na tradicionalni model, sprovedeno je eksperimentalno istraživanje u četiri somborske srednje škole &ndash; Srednjoj tehničkoj školi, Srednjoj ekonomskoj školi, Srednjoj medicinskoj školi &bdquo;Dr Ružica Rip&ldquo;, Gimnaziji &bdquo;Veljko Petrović&ldquo; i jednoj kulskoj školi &ndash; Ekonomsko-trgovinskoj školi, u drugom polugodištu školske 2014/15. godine i tokom školske 2015/16. godine na uzorku od 1724 učenika iz sva četiri razreda.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su učenici u eksperimentalnim grupama, u kojima su primenjeni novi nastavni modeli, imali viša postignuća u odnosu na učenike kontrolnih grupa, odnosno da su novi nastavni modeli efikasniji od tradicionalnog.<br />Subjekatski položaj učenika uz primenu individualizacije i diferencijacije u novim nastavnim modelima, doprineli su, uz viša postignuća učenika i brojne produkte rada, i većoj samostalnosti i angažovanosti učenika, interaktivnoj komunikaciji i lakšem prepoznavanju darovitih i kreativnih učenika.</p> / <p>In this paper, the effect of new models of work on students` achievement in Serbian language and literature teaching has been investigated. Theoretical frameworks are directed at observing the teaching models &ndash; from conceptual defining, over classes and classification to modelling the process of learning. The application possibilities of eight chosen new teaching models have been analysed &ndash; exemplary, individualised, interactive, problem- solving, programmed, projected, co-teaching and heuristic.<br />In order to investigate the effects of application of new teaching models supported by information-communication technologies (ICT) on students` achievements when compared to the traditional model, experimental research was carried out in four secondary schools in Sombor &ndash; Secondary Technical school, Secondary school of Economics, Secondary Medical school Dr Ruzica Rip, Grammar school Veljko Petrovic and one school in Kula &ndash; Secondary school of Economics and Trade during the second term of school year 2014/ 15 and throughout 2015/ 16 on 1724 students in all four years.<br />The results of the survey showed that students in experimental groups, in which new teaching models had been applied, had higher achievements when compared to students in control groups, meaning that new teaching models were more efficient than traditional methods.<br />Subject position of students, in addition to individualisation and differentiation in new teaching models contributed to greater achievements and numerous products of work, greater self- reliance and students` commitment, interactive communication and easier recognition of gifted and creative students.</p>

Gangsterrap som barnkultur : En poststrukturalistisk diskursanalys av de subjektpositioner som unga människor antar inom svensk gangsterrap / Gangster rap as children’s culture

Oliveira Martins von Zweigbergk, Jarcléa January 2021 (has links)
The main intention with this study has been to analyze which social identities and versions of the world young people construct within Swedish gangster rap and how to see this from a child cultural perspective. In addition, my goal was to analyze what functions the rappers and their songs assume in relation to their young audience. The analysis shows that the positions young rappers occupy in the songs are strongly linked to their need to gain status within their group. In addition, it becomes a peer culture where they create and share their identities and versions of the world. It is also through music that they question the authority of adults. It can also be seen that their poor childhood means that crime becomes, apart from rap, the only way they perceive to rise economically and socially. But the price for these achievements is high.

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