Spelling suggestions: "subject:"desvenska elever"" "subject:"avsvenska elever""
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Rykte & dåliga betyg : Fallet: JordbromalmsskolanMirza, Saika January 2007 (has links)
<p>Three different factors are thought to be involved in the increased segregation in Stockholm: the living segregation, scientific and political dissonances and the social economical factor. Many segregated areas have many inhabitants with foreign background. Schools in these areas have a higher number of students with lower grades compared to other schools with higher number of students that are ethnical Swedes. Jordbromalmsskolan is a school in Haninge kommun that is one of the seven schools in Stockholms suburbs where students graduate with the lowest grades. The school is suffering from a very bad reputation because of many problems like fights between students and lack of resources like purchase stop. The aim with this report is to find out what students believe is difficult with the schoolwork and thereby find the causes for why there is such a high number of student with low grades in Jordbro compared to other areas in Stockholm. Student’s thoughts and outlooks about Jordbromalmsskolans bad reputation will also be a focus through interviews with eight students, four student from class 8C and fours students from class 9C.</p><p>Results from the examinations showed that many students found it difficult to concentrate during class-time. Many students also found that they had lack in knowledge in the Swedish language which affected difficulties in reading and understanding of schoolbooks. Too many homework and tests is another factor that students think complicate there schoolwork.</p><p>Social studies and Science are the two subjects that majority of the students thought were the most difficult ones because of the difficult language and terms used in the literature. When it came to Jordbromalmsskolans bad reputation all the students disagree. No student that was interviewed wanted to change school and majority of the student’s get on well with their friends and teachers. The students believe that the schools bad reputation mostly depend on that the school has a high number of students with foreign backgrounds which has contributed to that many students finish school with low grades, one factor to this problem is believed to be the lacking knowledge in insecurity of the Swedish language.</p>
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Rykte & dåliga betyg : Fallet: JordbromalmsskolanMirza, Saika January 2007 (has links)
Three different factors are thought to be involved in the increased segregation in Stockholm: the living segregation, scientific and political dissonances and the social economical factor. Many segregated areas have many inhabitants with foreign background. Schools in these areas have a higher number of students with lower grades compared to other schools with higher number of students that are ethnical Swedes. Jordbromalmsskolan is a school in Haninge kommun that is one of the seven schools in Stockholms suburbs where students graduate with the lowest grades. The school is suffering from a very bad reputation because of many problems like fights between students and lack of resources like purchase stop. The aim with this report is to find out what students believe is difficult with the schoolwork and thereby find the causes for why there is such a high number of student with low grades in Jordbro compared to other areas in Stockholm. Student’s thoughts and outlooks about Jordbromalmsskolans bad reputation will also be a focus through interviews with eight students, four student from class 8C and fours students from class 9C. Results from the examinations showed that many students found it difficult to concentrate during class-time. Many students also found that they had lack in knowledge in the Swedish language which affected difficulties in reading and understanding of schoolbooks. Too many homework and tests is another factor that students think complicate there schoolwork. Social studies and Science are the two subjects that majority of the students thought were the most difficult ones because of the difficult language and terms used in the literature. When it came to Jordbromalmsskolans bad reputation all the students disagree. No student that was interviewed wanted to change school and majority of the student’s get on well with their friends and teachers. The students believe that the schools bad reputation mostly depend on that the school has a high number of students with foreign backgrounds which has contributed to that many students finish school with low grades, one factor to this problem is believed to be the lacking knowledge in insecurity of the Swedish language.
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Swedish L2 Learners’ acquisition of grammatical morphemes : A cross-sectional study on how well Swedish Learners of English as a second language at upper secondary school use morphemes in their writing. / Svenska elevers inlärning av grammatiska morfem. : En tvärsnittsstudie om hur väl svenska elever på gymnasieskolan använder sig av engelska morfem i sitt skrivande.Samuelfolk, Hugues January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this paper has been to examine if Swedish students at upper secondary school were able to use the morphemes The progressive –ing, The irregular past and The irregular third person. In addition, it has also addressed if the students examined in this essay were able to use some morphemes better than others. In addition, it concluded if the results found in this paper were in accordance with what other researchers have concluded. The paper is based on essays written by students at upper secondary school that can be found in The Uppsala Learner English Corpus, as well as essays written for the national test by students studying English 6. In the course of the study, it was vital to explain what the natural order actually is as well as what researchers who believe in it claim and what researchers who do not believe in it claim. Consequently, it becomes important to clarify the differences between a cross-sectional study and a longitudinal study. When analysing the essays the program Antconc was used. It is a free corpus analysis program that allows researchers to study several texts at once. Next, to determine if the students had acquired the morphemes, all obligatory contexts where the morphemes should be used were analysed manually. What can be concluded from this paper is that the three morphemes have not been acquired by the students who were examined in this paper. Students could use some forms of the morphemes; however, even in those cases the correct usage in percentage of the morpheme were often not above 85%. These results were quite like the ones found in studies conducted on students at secondary school; this indicates that students at both secondary and upper secondary school do not actually acquire these morphemes fully. What they do acquire are different forms of a specific morpheme that they probably use quite a lot in their writing. / Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om svenska elever som studerar på gymnasieskolan kunde aktivt använda de engelska morfemen The progressive –ing, The irregular past och The irregular third person. Dessutom har uppsatsen också behandlat om det fanns morfemen som eleverna kunde använda sig bättre av. Den har även jämfört sitt resultat med vad andra forskare har hittat. Uppsatsen är bygd på essäer skrivna av elever på gymnasieskolan som finns att hämta i The Uppsala Learner English Corpus. Dessutom använder den sig av essäer skrivna av elever för det nationella provet i engelska 6. Under studiens gång var det viktigt att förklara vad The natural order är liksom vad forskare säger gällande denna teori. Följaktligen blir det viktigt att klargöra skillnaden mellan en tvärsnittsstudie och en longitudinell studie. Vid analysen av essäerna användes programmet Antconc. Det är ett gratis korpusanalysprogram som tillåter forskare att studera flera texter samtidigt. För att klargöra om eleverna hade förvärvat morfemen var det därefter viktigt att studera alla obligatoriska sammanhang där morfemen måste användas, vilket gjordes manuellt. Det som framgår är att eleverna som granskades i studien inte har förvärvat de tre morfemen. Eleverna kunde använda sig av vissa former av varje morfem, men även i dessa fall var den korrekta användningen i procent oftast inte mer än 85%. Detta resultat var ganska likt de studier som har granskat elever i högstadiet, vilket tyder på att elever i både högstadiet och gymnasiet inte förvärvar dessa morfem fullt ut. I de flesta fall kunde eleverna enbart använda olika former av morfemen.
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Video games – A tool for expanding English vocabulary knowledge? : A study of video games potential impact on English vocabulary knowledge in Swedish upper secondary students / Dataspel – Ett verktyg för lärande av engelskt ordförråd? : En studie om videospels eventuella påverkan på engelska ordförrådskunskaper hos svenska gymnasieeleverJohannesson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
This study researches the possibility of video games being a helpful tool when it comes to English vocabulary knowledge, by comparing the English vocabulary knowledge of those that play video games to those that do not play video games. The study also focuses on comparing the English vocabulary knowledge of those that play video games frequently to those that play video games seldomly and discuss why this might make a difference. 37 students were asked to fill in a questionnaire with questions focusing on if they play video games or not, how often they play and what sort of games they played. The second part of the study was a vocabulary test containing 51 words one might encounter whilst playing video games, in this vocabulary test the students were asked to give an English synonym and a Swedish translation of these words. The results of the study revealed that there were differences between the groups, as those that did play video games scored higher on the vocabulary test compared to those that did not play video games. There was also a difference in terms of performance on the vocabulary test depending on how often the students played video games. / Denna studie undersöker videospels möjlighet till att vara ett hjälpmedel när det gäller kunskaper i engelskt ordförråd genom att jämföra ordförrådskunskaperna hos de som spelar videospel med de som inte spelar videospel. Studien fokuserar också på att jämföra de engelska ordförrådskunskaperna hos dem som ofta spelar videospel med de som sällan spelar videospel och diskuterar varför detta kan göra en skillnad. 37 elever ombads att fylla i ett frågeformulär med frågor med fokus på om de spelar videospel eller inte, hur ofta de spelar och vilken typ av spel de spelade. Den andra delen av studien var ett ordförrådstest innehållande 51 ord som kan stötas på i videospel, i detta ordförrådstest ombads eleverna att ge en engelsk synonym och en svensk översättning av dessa ord. Resultaten av studien visade att det fanns skillnader mellan grupperna, eftersom de som spelade videospel fick högre poäng på ordförrådstestet jämfört med de som inte spelade videospel. Det fanns också skillnader prestationsmässigt i ordförrådstestet beroende på hur ofta eleverna spelade videospel.
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The promotion of Swedish L2 students’ oral proficiency / Främjandet av svenska elevers muntliga färdighetSamuelfolk, Hugues January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine how Swedish teachers of English encourage the development of students’ oral proficiency in the English language. By interviewing six Swedish teachers of English at upper secondary school, the study addresses which methods are mostly used by the teachers in order to encourage the improvement of students’ oral proficiency. The results of the study indicate that all the teachers tried in different manners to encourage students’ self-confidence, which would help them develop their oral proficiency. Furthermore, it was possible to conclude that the teachers shared the notion that insecurity is detrimental to the development of students’ oral proficiency. Another method that was used by the teachers was allowing students to work in either pair or groups. Even though most teachers used this method, they did point out different things that were important to think about in terms of group work. For the teachers, it was important that the students had fun during oral exercises, and thus, most teachers used different games when conducting oral activities in order to inspire a more relaxed or comfortable environment. The last concept that the teachers talked about was the usage of the target language in the classroom. Here the teachers’ ideas were not in alignment with each other. Some thought that it was good to force the students to use the target language throughout the lessons when communicating, whereas others only believed that students had to communicate orally in the target language during speaking activities. If students were insecure, it did not, according to these teachers, help the students to force them to speak English throughout the lessons. Most of the concepts that were introduced by the teachers were similar to those found in previous studies on Swedish teachers of English. Furthermore, the results of this paper could also be tied to previous research concerning oral development for L2 learners. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att studera hur svenska engelskalärare främjar utvecklingen av elevers muntliga färdigheter i engelska. Genom att intervjua sex svenska engelskalärare på gymnasieskolan undersöker studien vilka metoder som används mest av lärarna för att utveckla elevernas muntliga färdigheter. Resultaten av studien visar att de flesta lärare som intervjuades på olika sätt uppmuntrar elevernas självförtroende, vilket i sin tur hjälper dem att utveckla deras muntliga färdighet. Tanken om att osäkerhet är skadligt för elevers utveckling av muntlig färdighet delades av alla lärare som intervjuades. En annan metod som användes av lärarna var att tillåta elever att arbeta i par eller grupper. Även om de flesta lärare använde den här metoden pekade de på olika saker som var viktiga att tänka på när det gällde grupp- och pararbeten. Nästa metod som lärarna använde berörde inspirerandet av en mer avslappnad eller bekväm miljö som möjliggör utvecklingen av elevers muntliga färdigheter. För lärarna var det viktigt att eleverna hade kul under muntliga övningar, och sålunda använde de flesta lärare olika spel när de utförde muntliga aktiviteter. Det sista konceptet som lärarna talade om var användningen av målspråket i klassrummet. Här var lärarens idéer inte i linje med varandra. Vissa trodde att det var bra att tvinga eleverna att använda målspråket under hela lektionen medan andra inte trodde det hjälpte elevernas utveckling av sitt muntliga språk. Om en student var osäker, hjälpte det inte, enligt dessa lärare, att tvinga studenten att tala engelska under lektionerna. De påpekade dock att eleverna var tvungna att under talaktiviteter och muntliga presentationer interagera på målspråket. De flesta av de koncept som lärarna introducerade liknade dem som hittades i tidigare studier om svenska engelskalärare. Dessutom kan resultaten av denna uppsats kopplas till tidigare forskning kring oral development for L2 learners.
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Preposition and article usage in learner English : An investigation of negative transfer / Användande av prepositioner och artiklar i inlärning av engelska : En undersökning av negativ språköverföring från modersmåletAlmerfors, Håkan January 2018 (has links)
The ways in which someone’s first language (L1) influences his or her second language (L2) to create errors, that is negative transfer, is a topic that has received much attention in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Previous research has suggested that negative transfer is responsible for many errors. The primary aim of this study is to investigate article and preposition errors in the production of Swedish learners of English and to discuss these errors in relation to negative transfer. The secondary aim is to compare transfer errors by L1 Swedish and L1 Portuguese learners of English. The first and main part of the study is a corpus investigation of the written production of 80 students in upper secondary school (high school). The second part is a multiple-choice test constructed to provoke transfer errors. It was distributed to students in upper secondary school in Sweden and in Brazil. The results from the corpus analysis are largely in line with those of previous research, for example with regards to how definite article errors are more common than indefinite article errors, and how contexts with definite articles and generic noun phrases seem prone to create transfer errors. The corpus study also shows that substitution was the most common preposition error and that many transfer preposition errors supposedly were caused by direct translations. Through the multiple-choice test, the degree to which the first language had an impact on individual errors could be revealed. All in all, the study reveals several aspects of negative transfer that perhaps a single-language investigation could not, because it is in the comparison of English-learners with different L1s that the most interesting results occur. / De sätt som någons första språk påverkar hans eller hennes andra språk så att fel uppstår, det vill säga negativ språköverföring (negative transfer), är ett ämne som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet inom forskning kring språkinlärning. Tidigare studier har visat på hur negativ språköverföring orsakar många fel. Det primära syftet i denna uppsats är att undersöka artikel- och prepositionsfel i skrift hos svenska elever som lär sig engelska och att diskutera dessa fel i relation till negativ språköverföring. Det sekundära målet är att jämföra hur negativ språköverföring yttrar sig hos svenska och portugisiska elever som lär sig engelska. Den första delen av denna uppsats, som även är huvuddelen, är en korpusundersökning av 80 uppsatser skrivna av högstadieelever. Den andra delen är ett flervalstest som konstruerats för att provocera fram språköverföringsfel. Deltagarna var högstadie- och gymnasieelever från Sverige och Brasilien. Resultaten från korpusundersökningen stämmer i stor utsträckning överens med vad tidigare forskning visat, till exempel att det är vanligare att fel uppstår med bestämda artiklar än med obestämda artiklar och hur bestämda artiklar och tillsammans med generiska nominalfraser tenderar att generera negativ språköverföring. Korpusstudien visar också på hur felaktigt utbyte (substitution) var det vanligaste prepositionsfelet och att många språköverföringsfel förmodligen orsakats av direkta översättningar från svenska. I analysen av resultateten från flervalstestet kunde graden av inflytande från första språket på enskilda fel påvisas. Sammantaget avslöjar undersökningen i denna uppsats på flera aspekter av negativ språköverföring som troligen ej uppenbarats om enkom elever med ett förstaspråk inkluderats, detta eftersom det är i jämförelsen mellan engelska-elever med olika förstaspråk som de mest intressanta resultaten framkommer.
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Vad innebär hälsa för dig? : En kvalitativ undersökning om salutogena och patogena perspektiv på hälsa bland elever i årskurs 9 / What does health mean to you? : A qualitative study of salutogenic and pathogenic perspective on health among students in year 9Peyron, Dennis, Skjöld, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka elevers uppfattningar kring begreppet hälsa, ur ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv. De frågor som ställdes var: har eleverna en salutogen eller patogen bild av hälsa, var får eleverna sin uppfattning kring hälsa ifrån samt förmedlar lärare i idrott och hälsa en salutogen eller patogen bild av hälsa enligt eleverna? Metod 10 elever (7 flickor och 3 pojkar) i årskurs 9 från tre skolor i västra och södra delen av Stockholm deltog alla i en halvstrukturerad intervju. Intervjuerna genomfördes på respektive elevs skola i ett avskilt rum. Deras svar kategoriserades och analyserades med utgångspunkt i Antonovskys teorier, och Quennerstedts utvecklingar av dessa, kring salutogent och patogent. Resultat 5 av 10 elever ansågs ha en patogen bild av hälsa, 3 av 10 en salutogen bild medan 2 av 10 ansågs ha en tvetydig/oklar bild av hälsa där både ett salutogent och patogent perspektiv fanns representerat. 9 av 10 elever angav att Undervisning i idrott och hälsa var en källa som de hämtade information kring hälsa från. 8 elever angav Vänner, 6 elever angav Familj. Flest elever uppgav att deras huvudsakliga källa till information kring hälsa var Undervisning i idrott och hälsa. 4 av 10 elever ansågs visa på att deras lärare hade ett patogent synsätt på hälsa och 6 av 10 elever svarade på ett sätt som ledde till bedömningen att deras lärares synsätt på hälsa hade inslag av både salutogent och patogent. Slutsats Både salutogena och patogena inslag förekom i såväl elevernas syn på hälsa som i den bild de förmedlade att deras lärare hade. Dock förföll de patogena perspektiven dominera i bägge fall. Eleverna hämtade i huvudsak sin information kring hälsa från undervisningen i idrott och hälsa, familjen och vänner. Det är därför av relevans för lärare att fundera kring vilken syn på hälsa de förmedlar då det kan ha inverkan på elevers uppfattning kring begreppet hälsa. / Aim The thesis aimed to investigate students perceptions of the concept of health from asalutogenic and pathogenic perspective. The questions asked were: does students have asalutogenic or pathogenic view on health, where do students get their opinion about the healthand does teachers in physical education convey a salutogenic or pathogenic view of health according to the students? Method 10 students (7 girls and 3 boys) in grade 9 from three schools in the western and southern partof Stockholm all participated in a semi-structured interview. The interviews were conducted at each student's school in a secluded room. Their response was categorized and analyzed on the basis of Antonovskys theories, and Quennerstedts developments thereof, around salutogenetic and pathogenic. Results 5 out of 10 students were considered to have a pathogenic view of health, 3 of 10 a salutogenic view while 2 out of 10 were considered to have an ambiguous/unclear view of health in which both salutogenic and pathogenic perspectives were represented. 9 out of 10 students indicated that Teaching in physical education and health was a source that they retrieved information about health from. 8 students answered Friends, 6 students answered Family. Most students stated that their main source of information about health comes from Teaching in physical education and health. 4 out of 10 students were considered to show that their teachers had a pathogenic approach to health and 6 of the 10 students responded in away that led to the assessment that their teachers' approach to health had elements of both salutogenic and pathogenic. Conclusion Both salutogenic and pathogenic element were present in both the students' views on health and in the approach they conveyed that their teachers had on health. However, the pathogenic perspectives dominate in both cases. Students mainly got their information about health from teaching in physical education and health, family and friends. It is of relevance for teachers to reflect on what view on health they convey as it can have an impact on students' perception of the concept of health.
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L2 English spelling error analysis : An investigation of English spelling errors made by Swedish senior high school students / Felstavningsanalys i engelska som andraspråk : En undersökning av stavfel i engelska gjorda av svenska gymnasieeleverKusuran, Amir January 2017 (has links)
Proper spelling is important for efficient communication between people with different first languages in the 21st century. While Swedish functions as an intranational language within Sweden, it sees little to no use outside of Scandinavia. English fills the role as a second language that all Swedish students must learn, yet more focus appears to be given to grammar rather than spelling. Spelling is important and knowing the kinds of spelling errors Swedish learners of English tend to make can help educators improve the spelling proficiency of their students. The aim of this study is to investigate the spelling errors made by senior high school students in Sweden by analyzing a collection of essays written by students and gathered in the Uppsala Learner English Corpus (ULEC). The results of this study show that spelling proficiency nearly doubled for students in their third year in senior high school compared to their first year, yet the distribution of spelling errors remained the same. Additionally, some particular sounds that appear to be especially problematic for Swedish spellers were identified, such as /ə/, /l/, /s/ and /k/. / Korrekt stavning är viktig för effektiv kommunikation mellan människor med olika modersmål i tjugohundratalet. Medans svenska fungerar som ett språk mellan människor inom Sverige, ser det lite till ingen nytta utanför Skandinavien. Engelska fyller rollen som andraspråk som alla svenska elever måste lära sig, ändå sätts mer fokus på grammatik över stavning. Stavning är viktig och att veta vilka typer av stavfel som svenska elever brukar göra på engelska kan hjälpa lärare förbättra elevernas stavningskunskaper. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka svenska gymnasielevers felstavningar i Engelska genom att analysera en samlig essäer skrivna av studenter och samlade i Uppsala Learner English Corpus (ULEC). Resultaten från den här studien visar att stavningskunskaperna hos eleverna hade nästan fördubblats när de gick det tredje år på gymnasiet jämfört med när de gick det första, men att fördelningen av stavfel förblev densamma. Dessutom har vissa ljud identifierats som verkar vara särskilt problematiska för svenska elever att stava, såsom /ə/, /l/, /s/ and /k/.
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