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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internationalising Chinese maritime higher education : developing content and English language integrated teaching and learning

Pyne, Robyn Morgan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines how new maritime nations, which are engaged in the export of seafaring labour, need to respond to the demands of the international maritime industry. In particular, traditional maritime nations are calling for greater internationalisation of maritime education and training. The global labour market for seafarers, which is dominated by employers from traditional maritime nations, demands internationally minded graduates. China’s response to these demands for quality labour exports from new maritime nations is the subject of exploration in this thesis. Within the specific context of Maritime English teaching and learning, a significant opportunity for innovation and change is identified. The research took the form of an international collaborative education project in pursuit of the following question: What teaching and learning development opportunities are there for improving the communicative competence of Chinese Navigation officers? The author of this thesis, formally a seafarer, is a teaching practitioner in higher education in the UK. For the purposes of this thesis, the author became a visi ting researcher, and later a teaching practitioner, at the case maritime higher education institution in China. Becoming a member of the teaching staff at the host institution was a necessary step in order to establish and carry out teaching practitioner -led research as a member of a professional learning community. The aim of this professional learning community has been to collaborate on a Maritime English teaching development project. This development work has since continued beyond this PhD study into a commercially funded project, which demonstrates the necessity and timeliness of the research. This thesis sets out to report on the collaborative process of an international education development project as it was experienced. Research was carried out over a 15.5 month period spent in-situ at the case institution. The institution was selected as it is the most influential maritime university in China in terms of national maritime higher education policy reform, due it being under the direct authority of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China rather than the Ministry of Education, as is the case with other universities. The author had to work very hard to overcome a number of cultural issues to become accepted as a teaching practitioner in the research setting. Once accepted as a participant researcher, research-based professionalism founded on previous teacher training and experience allowed for a living theory approach to improving both own teaching practice and that of new-found colleagues. The outcomes of this PhD study are multiple: The ethnographic account of the development process in the form of this PhD thesis. The establishment of a professional learning community between teaching practitioners and continued research and development work. The local teaching and learning innovation in the form of a new content and language integrated syllabus for Maritime English teaching, suitable for Chinese learners at maritime higher education institutions. The continued collaboration between an industry stakeholder and the local teaching practitioners in the further development of a new Maritime English syllabus and accompanying teaching resources to ensure that it meets the needs of employers. As understanding grew of how Chinese maritime higher education institutions are preparing their students for employment in the global labour market for seafarers, the research objectives emerged while in-situ. The aim of the research centred on working with local teaching practitioners and industry stakeholders to improve the quality of maritime education graduates’ transferable skills, in terms of their intercultural communicative competence. The key feature of the study was to collaboratively identify teaching and learning development opportunities for improving the preparedness of Chinese maritime higher education graduates to work in a safety critical environment, where they will need to communicate effectively in English. The internationalisation of the Maritime English syllabus, and the wider Navigation curriculum, through content and language integrated learning and teaching is the main recommendation of this thesis. The evidence presented in this thesis has led to the conclusion that this curriculum intervention is necessary for improving the transferable skills of Chinese Maritime Higher Education graduates. The content and language integrated learning approach to teaching was found to offer Chinese maritime higher education institutions with a solution to boost intercultural communicative competence in meeting the demands of the international maritime industry for professionally skilled, and competent-in-English seafarers for labour export.

Att arbeta inkluderande : inkluderande möjligheter som skapar delaktighet för två elever i grundskolan som läser enligt grundsärskolans kursplan / Working inclusively : inclusive opportunities that create participation for two pupils in main stream school who study according to the cumpulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities

Carlsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka arbetet som klasslärare, speciallärare och elevassistenter gör för att skapa delaktighet och inkludering för två elever som går på två olika grundskolor och läser enligt grundsärskolans kursplan båda med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och språkstörning och den ena eleven har även autism.   Med stöd av observationer och intervjuer har lärmiljöns möjlighet för att främja elevernas delaktighet och möjlighet till inkludering utforskats samt vilka framgångsfaktorer klasslärare, elevassistenter och speciallärare beskriver som gynnsamma för inkludering av elever som studerar enligt grundsärskolans kursplan. Ur ett sociokulturellt, kategoriskt och relationellt perspektiv har resultatet tolkats.   Studiens slutsatser antyder att uppfattningen och tolkningen av begreppet inkludering var betydelsefull för hur respondenterna arbetade med eleven utfördes. Även klasslärarens och elevassistenternas samsyn kring den inkluderade eleven visade sig i denna studie påverka elevens delaktighet med andra elever. Alla respondenter var positiva till att eleven skulle gå i klassen däremot såg klasslärarna sin roll och sitt ansvar för undervisningen på olika sätt, elevassistenterna fick ta olika mycket ansvar på de två olika skolorna. Speciallärare med inriktning utvecklingsstörning kan ses som en stor vinning att ha anställd i grundskolan för att öka möjligheterna för elever som läser enligt grundsärskolans kursplan att vara inkluderade på ett optimalt sätt i grundskolan samt för att öka förståelse och kunskap hos lärare som har inkluderade elever i klassen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the work that class teachers, specialist teachers and student assistants do to create participation and inclusion for two students who attend two different main stream schools and read according to the special school curriculum both with developmental disorder and language disorder and one student also diagnosis within autism spectrum disorder.   With methods of observations and interviews, the learning environment has been explored in order to promote the students' participation and opportunity for inclusion, and what Factors for successful inclusion  class teachers, student assistants and specialist teachers describe as favorable for the inclusion of students studying according to the syllabus of the main stream school. From a sociocultural, categorical and relational perspective, the result has been interpreted. The study's conclusions suggest that the view and interpretation of the concept of inclusion was important for how the work with the student was performed. The class teachers´ and student assistants' consensus on the included pupil also proved in this study to influence the pupil's participation with other students. All respondents were positive to that the pupil should attend the class, but the class teachers saw their role and responsibility for the teaching in different ways, the student assistants had to take different responsibilities at the two different schools. Specialist teachers focusing on developmental disabilities can be seen as a great benefit as employees in the compulsory school in order to increase the opportunities for students who study according to the special school's syllabus, to be included in an optimal way in compulsory school and to increase understanding and knowledge of class teachers who have integrated students in thier class.

O processo de construção de uma matriz curricular sob a ótica da Teoria da Atividade

Becker, Deisi Viviani January 2018 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo compreender o processo de construção da nova matriz curricular integrada de um curso de Administração, identificando qual o espaço que a educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável (EDS) ocupa, com base na Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural. Para a consecução do objetivo, foi necessário entender o contexto geral de ação, mapeando a atuação das demais IES da cidade, sendo possível perceber que existem algumas diferenças perceptíveis quando da análise mais apurada ou mesmo em um comparativo, porém, percebe-se que para o público em geral, as nuanças que seriam os diferenciais dos cursos, são pouco evidenciadas. O entendimento da instituição e curso também foi necessário, pautando seus principais acontecimentos ao longo dos anos de existência. O curso existe desde 1999 e esta foi a segunda alteração da matriz original, que congregou a integração de atividades entre três cursos, a saber, Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Ciências Econômicas, a partir da proposição de criação de uma Escola de Negócios. A ótica de análise dos dados se deu a partir da visão e percepção dos professores do curso de Administração. A partir do entendimento do contexto, da unidade de análise e das movimentações em prol da mudança da matriz curricular, optou-se pela utilização da Teoria da Atividade Histórico Cultural, que possibilitou a compreensão das tensões e contradições presentes nas atividades dos atores, sendo utilizada como lente teórico metodológica. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa classificada como qualitativa, descritiva, por meio de um estudo de caso, refletindo as características peculiares da organização, do curso e do NDE entrevistado. A coleta de dados repercutiu na disposição de algumas projeções estratégias ao curso: (i) capacitação integral dos professores no Moodle, com a finalidade de disponibilizar um portfólio maior de alternativas em sala de aula; (ii) a criação de uma sala temática para que seja possível o trabalho de diversas disciplinas no mesmo âmbito e (iii) a construção de um banco de dados com a disponibilidade de empresas para visitas técnicas, reforçando a proposição de união teoria/ prática. Em relação à análise do sistema de atividade, foi possível perceber que a expansão do objeto da atividade, de acordo com a proposição inicial, no fomento à criação da Escola de Negócios, não aconteceu. As tensões e contradições existentes durante os estudos e reuniões para a mudança da matriz curricular demonstraram que o processo concentrou-se em analisar disciplinas comuns aos três cursos, algo não descaracterizado como importante dentro do processo, porém, sem a possibilidade de expansão do objeto em relação à proposição inicial lançada. Porém, os docentes do curso de Administração conseguem lançar uma ferramenta metodológica de poder construtivo interessante e que autoriza aos demais professores do curso a possibilidade de experienciar atividades conjuntas, que buscam a interdisciplinaridade, chamado Seminário Integrador. Em relação ao espaço que a educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável (EDS) ocupa nas disciplinas, ainda existem limitadores até mesmo de formação dos próprios professores, apesar de ser um imperativo para os entrevistados, a necessidade de inserção e discussão da temática em qualquer área de atuação, não somente pautada na existência de uma disciplina a tratar destes assuntos no curso. A sugestão de trabalho em torno da próxima mudança curricular é que ela seja acompanhada e guiada de maneira mais próxima pela Pró-Reitoria de Graduação ou mesmo por um professor eleito para tal, com a finalidade de entender melhor o processo e mediar discussões, fluxo de informações, devolutivas entre gestão estratégica e os NDE’s de cada curso. / The following dissertation aimed to comprise the process of construction of the new integrated syllabus in a Business Administration major, identifying the space that education for sustainable development (ESD) holds, based on the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to understand the general context of action, mapping the development of other Higher Education Institutions of the city, being possible to embrace the fact that there are some noticeable differences when going through a more or even in a comparison, however, it is clear that for the general public, the nuances that would be the differential of the majors are little highlighted. The improved understanding of the institution and major was also necessary, basing its main events over the years of existence. The major has been active since 1999 and this was the second amendment of the original syllabus, which brought together the integration of activities among three majors, namely, Business Administration, Accounting, and Economics; from proposing the establishment of an Integrated Business School. The data analysis was from the view and perception of Business Administration faculty members. Considering the understanding of the context, the unit of analysis and the effort to change the syllabus, the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory has been chosen, providing a view on the tensions and contradictions in the activities of the actors, being used as a theoretical and methodological baseline. The research developed has been classified as qualitative, descriptive, through a case study, reflecting the unique characteristics of the organization, major and faculty members interviewed. The data collection reflected the willingness of some projections strategies to the major: (i) comprehensive training of professors at Moodle, in order to provide a larger portfolio of alternatives in the classroom; (ii) the creation of a themed room so that many courses can take place simultaneously, and (iii) the construction of a database with the availability of companies for technical visits, strengthening the proposition of putting together theory and practice. Regarding the analysis of the activity system, it was perceived that the expansion of the object of the activity, according to the initial proposal, fostering the creation of the Integrated School of Business, has not happened. The tensions and contradictions during the studies and meetings to change the syllabus demonstrated that the process focused on analyzing subjects common to the three majors, something not mischaracterized as important within the process, but without the possibility of expansion of the object in relation to the initial proposal posed. Notwithstanding, the faculty of Business Administration get to release a methodological tool of interesting constructive power, providing the other teachers of the major the possibility of experiencing joint activities, aiming to interdisciplinary activities called Integrative Seminar. Regarding the space that education for sustainable development (ESD) holds in the courses, there are still limiting factors even in relation to teachers’ education, despite being an imperative to respondents, the need for integration and discussion of the subject in any area, not only guided by the existence of a course to deal with such issues in the major. The suggestion of work regarding the next syllabus change is that it is followed and guided more closely by the Dean’s Office or even by a professor elected to do so, in order to better understand the process and mediate discussions, flow of information, feedback between strategic management and faculty for each major.


Vale, Marcus Simão do 15 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-06-20T17:13:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcus Simão do vale.pdf: 1017985 bytes, checksum: 5acffcb75298044971cb53b7bc384d9d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-20T17:13:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcus Simão do vale.pdf: 1017985 bytes, checksum: 5acffcb75298044971cb53b7bc384d9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-15 / This is a documentary research whose approach is qualitative and quantitative, with the objective of investigating the subjects of the Genetics discipline of the Biological Sciences undergraduate courses in the State of Goiás, through a mapping that involved the Pedagogical Projects of Courses of the respective courses, with the purpose of reflecting on the contributions that the discipline brings to the training of future teachers of basic education biology. For this, it was analyzed how the syllabus of the subjects of genetics in said courses are structured. Authors of the area of Genetics, Genetics teaching, and education were used as a theoretical contribution to substantiate and support the analysis of the data collected. In the state of Goiás 44 courses of Biological Sciences are offered, licensing degree. The corpus of this research consisted of 16 PPC's of this universe of courses, of which 8 are from private HEIs and 8 from public HEIs, about 81% of the courses are in classroom course mode, 19% is distance. The great part of CBL courses originates in the state of Goiás, 81%, 13% originated in the state of São Paulo and 6% in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In the syllabus were found 26 disciplines related to the content of Genetics, distributed in 12 subtopics in Biological Sciences Degree in the State of Goiás, 23% of the courses offer only the discipline of Genetics based on the curriculum, in the other courses we perceive the fragmentation in levels of knowledge and the content of Genetics, this one is fragmented in a more specific area, each discipline presents a frequency that ranges from 4% to 11%. The duration of the course in Genetics in the courses is on average 57 hours (± 16), ranging from 32 to 100 hours, most of them have a frequency ranging from 60 to 80 hours along the course, the discipline is usually offered between the third and seventh period of the course. Of the 75 books cited in the syllabus over 50 have less than a decade of publication the remaining 25 are prior to 2008. The five most used works: GRIFFITHS et al, 2008 and 2013 (20%), SNUSTAD and SIMMONS, 2008 and 2013 (13%), HARTI, 2010 (8%), PIRCE, 2011 (6.5%), NUSSBAUM et al. al, 1993 and 2002 (4%). The number of books in the supplementary bibliography (107) is superior to that of basic references (75), but what is noticeable is that some authors that appear prominently are common to both bibliographies. The 5 most used works in the complement are: SNUSTAD, 2008 and 2010 (7,5%), KLUG et al 2010 (5,5%), GRIFFITHS et al, 2002, 2006 and 2008 (4,5%), BROWN 2009 and 2012 (3.5%), PIRCE, 2004, 2011 and 2012 (3.5%).Understanding that the course of Biological Sciences undergraduate Biology teachers to work in basic education and that the content of genetics is part of the curriculum, it is believed that this research serves as an alert so that the Structuring Faculty can review the menus and bibliographies used in this discipline. It should be emphasized that the Pedagogical Projects of Courses are going through compulsory reformulation according to the resolution National Council of Education - Full Council nº 2, of July 1, 2015 - It defines the National Curricular Guidelines for the initial formation in upper-level courses. A unique moment for the restructuring of the course with a view to improving the education of the elementary school teacher. / Essa é uma pesquisa documental cuja abordagem é quali-quantitativa, com o objetivo de investigar as ementas da disciplina de Genética dos cursos de Ciências Biológicas licenciatura no Estado de Goiás, por meio de um mapeamento que envolveu os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos dos respectivos cursos, com a finalidade de refletir sobre as contribuições que a mencionada disciplina trás para a formação dos futuros professores de biologia do ensino básico. Para tal analisou-se como estão estruturadas as ementas das disciplinas de genética nos referidos cursos. Se utilizou como aporte teórico autores da área de Genética, do ensino de Genética e de educação para fundamentar e dar suporte na análise dos dados levantados. Os resultados evidenciam uma ementa focada nos conteúdos específicos de Genética, sem evidenciar preocupação com o ensino de Genética, isso também pode ser verificado nas principais obras citadas nas referencias básicas e complementares. No estado de Goiás são ofertados 44 cursos de Ciências Biológicas, habilitação licenciatura. O corpus desta pesquisa foi constituído por 16 PPC’s deste universo de cursos, dentre estes 8 são de IES privadas e 8 de IES públicas, cerca de 81% dos cursos são na modalidade presencial, 19% são a distância. A grande parcela dos cursos CBL tem origem no próprio estado de Goiás 81%, 13% tem como origem o estado de São Paulo e 6% o estado do Rio de Janeiro. Nas ementas foram encontradas 26 disciplinas relacionadas ao conteúdo de Genética, distribuídas em 12 subtemas nos cursos de Ciências Biológicas Licenciatura no Estado de Goiás, 23% dos cursos oferecem somente a disciplina de Genética com base no currículo, nos outros cursos percebemos a fragmentação em níveis de conhecimento e do conteúdo de Genética, este vai se fragmentando em uma área mais específica, cada disciplina apresenta uma frequência que varia de 4% a 11%. A carga horária da disciplina de Genética nos cursos é em média 57 horas (± 16), variando de 32 a 100 horas, na maior parte tem uma frequência que oscila entre 60 e 80 horas ao longo do curso, a disciplina é oferecida geralmente entre o terceiro e sétimo período do curso. Dos 75 livros citados nas ementas mais de 50 tem menos de uma década de publicação os 25 restantes são anteriores a 2008. As cinco obras mais utilizadas: GRIFFITHS et al, 2008 e 2013 (20%), SNUSTAD e SIMMONS, 2008 e 2013 (13%), HARTI, 2010 (8%), PIRCE, 2011 (6,5%), NUSSBAUM et al, 1993 e 2002 (4%). A quantidade de livros da bibliografia complementar (107) é superior a de referências básicas (75), porém o que se nota é que alguns autores que aparecem em destaque são comuns às duas bibliografias. As 5 obras mais utilizadas na complementar são: SNUSTAD, 2008 e 2010 (7,5%), KLUG et al 2010 (5,5%), GRIFFITHS et al, 2002, 2006 e 2008 (4,5%), BROWN 2009 e 2012 (3,5%), PIRCE, 2004, 2011 e 2012 (3,5%). Entendendo que o curso de Ciências Biológicas licenciatura, forma professores de Biologia para atuarem no ensino básico e que o conteúdo de genética faz parte do currículo, acredita-se que a esta pesquisa serve de alerta para que os Núcleos Docentes Estruturantes possam rever as ementas e bibliografias utilizadas nessa disciplina. Ressaltase que os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos estão passando obrigatoriamente por reformulação de acordo com a resolução Conselho Nacional de Educação- Conselho Pleno nº 2, de 1º de julho de 2015- Define as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a formação inicial em nível superior. Momento ímpar para reestruturação do curso com perspectiva de melhorar a formação do professor do ensino básico.

"Språket är ett medel, inte ett mål..." : Några lärares syn på språkutveckling i grundskolans senare år och på gymnasiet i den språksatsande kommunen Huddinge

Kuru, Lauri January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to examine how four of the teachers employed in Huddinge municipality look at the language developing aspects of their teaching, and how their views relate to the curriculum and the national and local syllabi of the subject Swedish within upper level of compulsory school and upper secondary school. The municipality's ambitions and aims with language development as a prioritized area functions as a background throughout the essay.</p><p>The main issues concern the teacher's views on language development, their opinions about the course syllabi, the teachers' roles in relation to language development, and their attitude towards the Huddinge municipality's ambition to prioritize language development. Information has been gathered through semi-structured interviews with working teachers, and through analysis of the syllabus documents using a modified level-analysis model. The empirical material is related to several theoretical perspectives, such as socio-cultural perspectives on learning, and curriculum theory.</p><p>The main results state that teachers very much emphasize the social and communicative functions of language, and also that reading is stressed as important for good language development. The curricula and syllabi are regarded as supportive tools; however they are not used very frequently in the everyday work. The municipality's ambitions regarding language development are known to the teachers, but they would like to see coordination on a municipal level when it comes to the various language development related projects within the municipality. The teachers also request more occasions for exchanging experiences and dialogue with others.</p>

Kursplanen i samhällskunskap A i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av fem samhällskunskapslärares implementering av kursplanen i sin undervisning

Bodnar, Damir January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates how teachers in political science course A, all from municipal upper secondary schools work with planning their lessons. Due to nationwide regulations and goals set by the The Swedish National Agency for Education, the teachers have to plan their lessons basing on these regulations. However it is not defined how to concretely implement these regulations when planning for the lessons, which may lead to the fact that the teachers’ own interpretations of the regulations cannot be fully avoided in the process of planning for the lessons. The investigation consists of five interviews made with teachers in political science, all from municipal upper secondary schools. The teachers who have taken part in this report come from two different municipal upper secondary schools. The result in this report partly shows that although the basic reference topics set by The Swedish National Agency for Education is the same for each teacher in political science, the planning of the lessons structure can be very different. For example, when the five teachers plan how to make the pupils understand the concept of "democracy", they all planned their lessons having the regulations and goals in mind, but they all have a unique approach in how to prepare for their lessons and explain the concept of "democracy" for their pupils.</p>

Att undervisa med didaktisk teori : en diskursanalys av grundskolans kursplaner för historia och religionskunskap

Vasiljev, Sanja January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this exam is about possibility to position a didactical theory of Curriculum for compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr11). I use Michael Foucault’s discourse analysis to study the syllabuses for social sciences subjects History and Religion. The main theme is to seek what kind of world does these two social study subjects construct for students in high school. The point of using Foucault’s discourse is to seek specific knowledge and words which is used for power positioning. The didactical theory has worked as a base from which to discuss how to evaluate this. In the discussion the author suggests a theoretical view for further development of a didactical theory. The main angle of the approach is to develop didactical theory and to create bigger space for pupils in knowledge. The didactical theory is a useful tool for teachers view on pupil’s intake of knowledge and how the pupils work in classrooms.

En studie av hur mellankrigstiden presenteras i grundskoleläroböcker i historia

Josefsson, Hobel January 2013 (has links)
Although textbooks are scientifically proven that they are important and central to the school curriculum one should think critically about the content in textbooks - is it really compatible with the curriculum of following the textbook tradition? As a teacher there are different ways to reflect on which textbook to choose. It is important to compare several textbooks with each other and be aware that a textbook should follow the curriculum. A teacher examines many sections/topics in the textbooks, but in this paper only one section will be reviewed among four different textbooks. The section to be compared, in the paper, is the interwar period. The reason for this choice is that the topic is required according to the current curriculum Lgr11. The essay will show an investigation about a few selected textbook authors. The main question is if the authors write as the textbook tradition or according to the curriculum. Four different textbooks will be compared in this paper where two of these books have the same publisher, the same author but two different curriculums (Lpo94 and Lgr11). The essay is based on a qualitative research in which a text analysis is done – to analyze if the textbooks follows the required topics of the curriculum or following the textbook tradition. Even an quantitative study has been done as an analysis of textbooks whereas the amount of pages and headlines are in focus. This was made to compare how much the authors have written about the interwar period and if similar headlines was used. A comparison of different curriculums has also been done, between the Lpo94 and Lgr11. This was made to see if there was a change in content or how authors wrote about the same historical event. This may provide an explanation for why the textbook authors have written different in both textbooks written by the same author and printed by the same publisher but in line with two different curricula. Author: Hobel Josefsson. Mentor: Örjan Simonson The spring 2013 Keywors: history, interwar period, textbooks, textbook author, textbook tradition, curricula – syllabus, comparative Nyckelord: historia, mellankrigstiden, läroböcker, läroboksförfattare, lärobokstradition, läroplaner – kursplan, jämförelser

Long Term Projectsでつなぐ授業実践の理念と実際 : 中高一貫カリキュラムを意識した導入期のシラバス・デザイン(英語科)(教科研究)

木下, 雅仁 08 November 2002 (has links)

Teacher reaction to and understanding of a task-based, embedded syllabus

Sparks, Candice Leah January 2006 (has links)
This thesis investigates where the Years 4-10 Queensland French Syllabus is receiving support, by investigating groups of teachers with shared characteristics. In doing so, it aims to shed some light on why teachers have not embraced this new syllabus. Specific issues pertaining to the syllabus are investigated, such as the use of task-based instruction as the chosen methodology and of embedded content, as well as contextual issues, such as employment sector and levels taught. Teachers' reactions to change have also been investigated in relation to the introduction of this syllabus. In addition to this, the process involved in acceptance of an innovation has been explored which led to an examination of teacher understanding of the current syllabus. This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one outlines the syllabus and context, as well as hypotheses for this study and rationale. Chapter two is a literature review which brings together previous research and links it to the current study. The chosen methodology is covered by chapter three, with chapter four being a detailed explanation of results received from the data collection. The final chapter, chapter five, discusses these results and the implications of these findings.

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