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都市環境保護政策--台南市政府消除髒亂個案之分析杜福珍, DU, FU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
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台南市地方財政之研究王耀斌, WANG, YAO-BIN Unknown Date (has links)
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以創意城市觀點探討台南市中西區近十年城市變化 / The urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the middle-east district of Tainan City - a creative city perspective林青青, Lin, Ching Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究整理、歸納「創意城市」理論發展的背景與主流理論後,考量文化、社會環境及經濟型態對城市發展的影響,選擇Desmond Hui以香港為研究背景所提出的「創意5C模型」做為本研究理論架構的基礎,以創意城市的理論觀點探討台南市中西區近十年城市的變化。因此本研究期盼藉由研究成果回答三點研究問題:(1) 近十年台南市中西區城市變化中,創意5C的四項資本有何改變?對此區所造成的變化又是什麼? (2)創意5C模型四項資本在台南市中西區城市變化的歷程中如何互動? (3) 在台南市中西區改變的歷程中,隨著時期演進四項資本有什麼消長?
本研究所得到的初步結論:(1) 不以經濟發展為目的的城市改變策略,才能真正找到屬於城市發展的方向,而形成復甦經濟發展的外溢效果。 (2) 人力資本是城市發展歷程中最主要的關鍵因素,台南市中西區的成功來自建構足以吸引人才的環境,同時藉由資本間的互動形成正向循環。 (3) 在由下而上的城市改變案例中,政府最適切的角色是「放手讓孩子去闖的父母」。 / The tide of researching creative cities blooms after heavily changes of the environment as society and economic structure evolves. Due to these changes, even the city with usually slowest urban renewal pace, Tainan, has altered in its industry structure, spatial planning and atmosphere. Therefore, this thesis generalizes the changing of the Middle-East District of Tainan City for past decade and tries to discover how it happened and how the factors interacted.
The thesis discusses the evolving of the Middle-East District of Tainan City for the past decade based on the “5Cs of Creativity Index”, which comes from Desmond Hui’s study taking Hong Kong as the researching target. This thesis aims at answering three research questions: (1) In the process of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, what are the changes of 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index”? And what kind of impact do these changes have on this district? (2) In the process of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, what are the interactions among 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index”? (3) In different phases of the urban evolution during 1999-2010 in the Middle-East District of Tainan City, how does the priority of 4 capitals of “5Cs of Creativity Index” changes?
The conclusions of this thesis are as following: (1) Strategies of city development should build on their own history, resource, and territory asset, instead of focusing on the rise of economic immediately. (2) Human capital is the key element to the urban evolution in the Middle-East District of Tainan City. The Middle-East District of Tainan City attracts creative class and arouses positive cycle due to interactions of 4 capitals. (3) This case study demonstrates that in bottom-up urban evolution, the most proper character of government is to build up an environment with sufficient support and without unnecessary constraints.
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事業廢棄物掩埋場設置衝突之研究—以台南縣東山鄉為例 / The case study of industrial waste landfills establish the conflict in Dongshan Township,Tainan County范雲清, Fan, Yun Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結論指出,除環保署應積極整合事業廢棄物「源頭減廢、回收再利用」與「鼓勵掩埋場設置」兩政策之執行計畫及成效,俾能藉由減少廢棄物之產出,以降低掩埋場設置需求外;地方政府進行事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策制訂前,應賦權民眾參與的機制,嚴肅看待開發過程所衍生不正義的問題,提高決策的正當性及公信力;同時透過開發審議制度及法令結構的變革,亦即賦予當地住民獲得充分資訊的權利、公開聽證的權利、民主參與的權利、協調開發單位與受影響的住民簽訂「環境保護協定」,以及要求事業機構負起調整生產結構的責任,作為實踐環境正義理念的方法,藉以改善環境決策品質及決策制訂的思維,俾作為地方政府部門從事掩埋場設施開發決策,消彌環境不正義衝突爭議之參考,以提供另種紓解民眾衝突爭端的途徑。 / In this study based on the theory of environmental justice ,by industrial waste landfills lead to the development of decision-making behind the cause of the conflict of environmental injustice issues and the way to resolve the conflict. First of all, the cause for domestic waste disposal policy development context, the government resolved at this stage to build industrial waste final disposal of thinking, an actively to promote the source reduction, recycling and reuse.Secondly, an attempt to encourage establishment industrial waste landfills to solve the problem of final disposal of parallel two-track policy, a lack of integration in the operation of logic, could appear of reducing waste, reducing landfills established of the policy effectiveness?then, in local government be given consideration or approved development and control of environmental, how to play with the consideration of the decision-making role. By " In Dongshan Township,Tainan County industrial waste landfills" the established of case study, probe into landfills established the causes of conflict, and local residents, environmental groups protested demand, and local government development of decision-making process in the present environmental injustice relevance, and further deduced in the right environment for the inhabitants of the deprived, while engaged in this social movements against by the derivative "concept of environmental justice".
This study concluded that, the EPD should actively integrated industrial waste, "the source of waste reduction, recycling and reuse" and " encourage to establish of landfills " two policy implementation plan and effectiveness, achieved to reduce waste output and the need for establish of landfills . Local government for industrial waste landfills development decision-making, should be to empower public participation, look at the development process is derived from the issue of injustice, enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the decision-making.At the same time, through the development checkup system and changes in the structure of act, which gives local residents the right to receive adequate information, the right to public hearings, the right to democratic participation, coordinated developer and residents affected by the signing of environmental protection agreements and require producer assume the responsibility of the production structure adjustment, as a practical way the concept of environmental justice, to improve the quality of decision-making, it could serve as a local government departments engaged in the development of decision-making landfills facilities, eliminating the environmental injustice a reference for controversial conflict , to provide another kind of dispute the way the conflict.
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都市政治與土地政策之政經結構分析-以台南科學工業園區特定區開發案為例 / The political-economic structural analysis of urban politics and land policies- Case study of the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District鍾麗娜, Chung, Li Na Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,隨著政治民主化,地方與中央的權力關係面臨了轉變與調節,中央雖仍居關鍵地位,惟地方與中央已建構起「地方挑戰中央,中央仰賴地方」的巧妙關係。在南科特定區開發案中,誘發成長下土地利益為都市成長機器背後成長的基礎,地方、中央政府與資本利益團體之間已鏈結為利益共生的妥協性結盟,過程中雖然在地農民從被迫呈現「親開發」的無奈,到反成長聯盟為國家機器意識形態操弄下制度性的排除與嚇阻,惟卻點燃了對抗成長聯盟的火苗。而個案「三贏」的真相,不僅是地方與中央權力的較勁,更是政客與官僚自利心作祟下,挾持公共利益,游走法律邊緣,操弄文字為資本利益團體「圈地」、「養地」的野蠻遊戲。此不僅呼應成長機器論者所論述「Local Politics = Land Politics」的鐵律,更驗證都市政權理論者所強調「power to」的權力關係,另地方的主要本質雖為成長機器,惟關鍵卻是「成長」的結果,所創造的利益並非為全民所共享。在土地政策為選票保證的關鍵舞台,政客選舉至上的習性,視民意為糞土,其經濟發展掛帥的結果,官僚不僅在名利束縛下盲目的迎合上意,邊陲部門更是自我矮化淪為附庸。以土地作為空間規劃的平台,位居關鍵地位,土地應承擔更多的使命,則土地政策結構性問題的解決應回歸制度面,以跳脫「金權城市」的枷鎖。而民意的覺醒,對抗成長的共識已凝聚成一股巨大的力量,反成長聯盟的聖戰終將迫使政經合流國家機器這異形巨獸無所遁形,且這股力量亦將促使大地的守護者—人民成為國家機器權力巨獸的領航者,帶領國家駛向康莊大道,共創社會福祉。 / In certain areas, a country is the concentrated center of all powers. Over the past few years, urban politics concern for the following core issues; what is the political structure of the state machinery and the other political actors? What are the incentives for alliances? And what is the functioning mechanism for using powers and what are their results etc.? These are euphemistically vital to urban development. In addition, urban development is inseparable from land policy formulation and its implementation. Land management, land allocation and land profit speculations are all made through a political operation. But the essence of politics is to pursue interests. Therefore, it is worthy of concerning and discussing the political relationship between urban politics and land policies.In this case study, the theoretical basis of urban politics is a main element for discussion, supported by a theoretical analysis framework of the power’s three dimensions, also taking Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District as an example to elaborate the political and economic structure of urban politics and land policies, to explore the power structure of state apparatus and other emergent political actors, to explore the structural problem of Taiwan’s land polices and other further reflections.
According to the case study, accompanying Taiwan’s political democratization, local and central governments were facing a shift and adjustment in their power relationship. In this case study’s period, the central government still led a key position. However, local and central governments had constructed a clever relationship as “local government challenging the central government”, and “central government relying on local government.”In the case of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park Special District, the induced growth of interests behind the land profits are laying the background growing foundation of the urban development. Between capital interest groups and local (including central) governments, both have links to a compromise alliance for their symbiotic interests. During the developmental process, local farmers were forced to show their helpless “pro-development” attitude. Under the institutional exclusion and deterrence, farmers were forced to join anti-growth coalition by the ideological manipulation of the state apparatus, but it also fired the flames against the growing alliances.
The in-depth truth under the case “three win,” is not only describing the competition between local and central authorities, but also describing their self-serving hearts of politicians and bureaucrats to held hostage in terms of public interests, to walk a legal edge, and to manipulate the text for capital interest groups’ excuses of “land enclosure” and “land raised,” in a brutal game of earning profits.The case study is echoed growth machine commentators’ discussing the iron law of “Local Politics” equals “Land Politics.” It also verifies the urban regime theorists’ emphasizing “power to,” the relationship of power. The other main area is discussing the push for local growth, “although the nature of the growth machine.” However, the key is “growth results,” of which were not shared by all the people.It holds a key position to use spatial planning as a platform, among which the land policies should shoulder more of the mission. The land policies should return back to the systemic way and be institutionalized to escape the yoke of “money power rooted in the city.” The awakening of the public opinion against growth has been a consensus and condensed into a strong force. The anti-growth coalition jihad will eventually force the state apparatus, with political and economic convergence like a twisted-shaped monster, from the escape of detection. And this force will eventually be promoted as a guardian of the earth – therefore, the people will become the leader of the state machinery (power monster) to guide the country towards a broader road and create more social well-being.
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浮動分區開發模式之研究鄭竹雅 Unknown Date (has links)
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A corpus-based investigation of collocational errors in EFL Taiwanese high school students' compositionsChen, Yi-Chin 01 January 2004 (has links)
Many language instructors focus on vocabulary word by word, neglecting common phrases. The result is that English as a Second Language students do not learn to speak idiomatic English (i.e. they make collocation errors). This study of the English compositions of National Tainan Second Senior High School students in Taiwan examined collocation errors, categorizing them according to Benson, Benson and Ilson's Collocation Classification System. An examination was then made of the error types as correlated with general English proficiency.
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Apports de l'interférométrie radar différentielle à la tectonique active de TaiwanPathier, Erwan 09 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'île de Taiwan est le résultat de la collision, toujours active, des plaques Philippines et Eurasie. Ce travail a pour objet de mieux comprendre les processus tectoniques qui accompagnent la croissance actuelle de l'orogène, en utilisant l'interférométrie radar différentielle satellitaire en complément des autres méthodes d'investigation existantes. Cette technique fournit des cartes de déformation instantanée du sol (de quelques années à quelques jours) étendues, précises et denses. Après avoir détaillé les principes et les limites de cette mesure, ainsi que son potentiel à Taiwan, la technique est appliquée, avec des données issues des satellites ERS, à deux phénomènes tectoniques caractéristiques du développement de cette chaîne de collision. (1) Le séisme de Chi-Chi (1999, Mw = 7.6) sur la frontière Ouest de l'orogène, correspond à la réactivation de la faille chevauchante majeure de Chelungpu. L'interférométrie radar et le GPS permettent de quantifier avec une précision centimétrique les déformations cosismiques métriques affectant le bloc chevauché et d'y détecter les réactivations, induites par le choc principal, des failles de Changhua et de Tuntzuchiao. La comparaison avec les déplacements prédits par les modèles publiés de distribution de glissement sur la faille montre les limites de ces modèles. (2) Au SW de l'île, l'interférométrie radar permet la quantification de la croissance rapide (1,5 cm/an de 1993 à 2000) d'un anticlinal d'axe N-S, traduisant la propagation du front de déformation sur la marge continentale chinoise à l'Ouest. Ce phénomène tectonique est modélisé par une structure en "pop-up" limitée au nord par une rampe latérale, orientée E-W.
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