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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study On China&#039 / s Only Female Emperor Wu Ze Tian

Tezel, Aybike Seyma 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at clarifying the very basic characteristics of Wu Ze Tian&rsquo / s reign and her utilization of religious and symbolic propaganda for legitimizing her authority. Wu Ze Tian is the only female emperor of China&rsquo / s long dynastic history who founded her own dynasty, Zhou dynasty after overthrowing the Tang dynasty in 690. The political ideal presented by Confucianism, which is the traditional state doctrine of the imperial China, refuses female participation to political arena and identifies the emperor as the Son of Heaven. In order to overcome the Confucian obstacle, Wu Ze Tian referred to the symbols and rituals of the antiquity, highly appraised by the Confucians, which enabled her participation to the political sphere. Moreover, for legitimizing herself as a female ruler, she utilized the Buddhist scholarship and concepts as tools of political propaganda. It was also a matter of fact that due to the northwestern nomadic influence on the society, female rulership was not conceived to be impossible in the Tang dynasty, as it was in the previous dynasties. Benefitting from this sociopolitical atmosphere, Wu Ze Tian occupied the throne first as the empress and later as the empress dowager for almost 35 years and at last ruled over the whole Chinese soil as the female emperor of the Zhou dynasty for 15 years. Wu Ze Tian proved herself as a capable ruler under whose dominion the whole country reached its broadest borders and the economy flourished considerably. Not only owing to the power of her political propaganda but also mostly because of her talent in rulership and her social and political reforms, Wu Ze Tian is one the most important Chinese rulers who left a remarkable influence on the governmental tradition of China.

Northeast Asia during the Tang dynasty : relations of the Tang court with Koguryŏ, Bohai, and Youzhou-Yingzhou

D'Haeseleer, Tineke January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Texts and Ritual: Buddhist Scriptural Tradition of the Stūpa Cult and the Transformation of Stūpa Burial in the Chinese Buddhist Canon

Sun, Wen 11 April 2023 (has links)
Chinese translations of Buddhist sūtras and Chinese Buddhist literature demonstrate how stūpas became acknowledged in medieval China and how clerics and laypeople perceived and worshiped them. Early Buddhist sūtras mentioned stūpas, which symbolize the presence of the Buddha and the truth of the dharma. Buddhist canonical texts attach great significance to the stūpa cult, providing instructions regarding who was entitled to have them, what they should look like in connection with the occupants’ Buddhist identities, and how people should worship them. However, the canonical limitations on stūpa burial for ordinary monks and prohibitions of non-Buddhist stūpas changed progressively in medieval China. Stūpas appeared to be erected for ordinary monks and the laity in the Tang dynasty. This paper aims to outline the Buddhist scriptural tradition of the stūpa cult and its changes in the Chinese Buddhist Canon, which serves as the doctrinal basis for understanding the significance of funerary stūpas and the primordial archetype for the formation of a widely accepted Buddhist funeral ritual in Tang China.


朴柱邦, BU, ZHU-BANG Unknown Date (has links)
本章文約一十八萬字,計六章,章下分節,如下:第壹章緒論分三節:一、「唯美詩 」一詞之名義詮釋。二、唐詩之演變及其派另。三、研究之動機與方法。第武章晚唐 唯美詩之時代背景分三節:一、晚唐政治局勢與社會風氣。二、晚唐文化、藝術環境 。三、晚唐文學之實際趨勢。第參章晚唐唯美詩發展之淵源分四節:一、六朝宮禮唯 美詩風之餘波。二、對盛唐各詩風之取舍匯集。三、師中唐韓孟形式主義而益工。四 、李員對晚唐唯美詩之啟示。第肆章晚唐唯美詩人及其作品風格分析分四節:一、杜 牧及其作品風格。二、李商隱及其作品風格。三、溫庭筠及其作品風格。四、韓偓及 其他詩人。第伍章晚唐唯美詩之幾個特色分三節:一、晚唐唯美詩之形象特色。二、 晚唐唯美詩之意境特色。三、晚唐唯美詩之典型-無題特。第陸章結論分二節:一、 晚唐唯美詩對後世之影響。二、文學發展上唯美詩之得失。附錄:參考書目。


文寬洙, WEN, KUAN-ZHU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文全一冊,有十萬餘字,分為六章。 第一章緒論。第一節研究動機與目的。第二節研究範圍及取材。第三節研究方法。昃 這篇論文的概要。 第二章田園詩的淵源。第一節陶淵明以前的田園詩。第二節陶淵明的田園詩。第三節 唐朝的田園詩。第四節北宋的田園詩。是范成大以前田女園詩的概況。 第三章范成大之生平。第一節傳略。第二節思想。第三節交遊。此為范成大田園詩的 外緣研究。 第四章范成大田園詩之內容分析。第一節吟詠農民疾苦的作品。第二節吟詠農事的作 品。第三節吟詠田園生活的作品。第四節吟詠田園景色的作品。第五節吟詠閒適逸趣 的作品。 第五章范成大田園詩的表現技巧分析。第一節用字技巧。第二節造句技巧。第三節聲 韻特色。以上兩章為范成大田園詩的內在研究。 第六章結論。第一節前人對范成大田園詩的評價。第二節范成大田園詩的特色。


沈壹農, SHEN, YI-NING Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係以「原本玉篇」殘卷為對象,擇該書所引述「說文」與今傳「二徐本說文」 二者之間,正其是非,題曰:「原本玉篇引述唐以前舊本說文考異」。文都二十萬言 ,本論析為七章,係以「原本玉篇」所存七卷作為區分,其前為緒論,其後乃結語。 所用「原本玉篇」之材料,乃日本「東方文化叢書第六」之複製本,不足者以羅振玉 及楊守敬刊本補足之,並輯入少數他書所存錄者;總存字二0九二字,所引述「說文 」者,凡一二六一條,引者八二一條,述者四四0條,其引「說文」之八二一條中, 與今「二徐本說文」相較而合者,唯二六0條耳,其異者達五六一條。考校之結果, 今「二徐本說文」是而「原本玉篇」非者,固亦有之,然今本誤者則佔絕大部份,可 見「原本玉篇」之可貴也。今「二徐本說文」之誤,就說解言:有形誤者、音誤者、 誤倒者、誤置者、誤羨者、竄入者、漏奪者;甚收字:有失數者、誤增者、誤合者、 誤分者、誤置部首者,亦有形體 謬者。而尤要者,則可知今「二徐本說文」亦有據 「原本玉篇」而改竄之痕跡也。


吳繼芬, WU, GI-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
全文約十萬字,共分六章十四節。 第一章:前言。說明研究動機、目的、方法、範圍與困難。 第二章:朔方軍之建置、組織、成員。分析朔方節度使建置之沿革及其轄區、職權之 演變,並探討朔方節度使府之僚生佐組織與朔方軍將士成員之出身。 第三章:朔方軍與回紇聯軍平定安史之亂。先言安史之亂前朔方軍與回紇之種種關係 ,次言朔方軍與口紇聯軍政策之背景分析,再述聯軍平定安史之經過及致勝因素。 第四章:朔方軍與朝廷之關係。以朔方將領、朔方軍之經濟文化、朔方軍與神策軍等 方角度,分析其與朝廷之關係。 第五章:朔方軍所扮演之角色分析。以政治、外交、軍事、經濟等之層面分析之。 第六章:結論。扼要敘述本文重點,並提出筆者之觀點。


馮藝超, FENG, YI-CHAO Unknown Date (has links)
本論文壹冊,除前言外,計共六章十六節,約九萬言。旨在探究唐朝與吐蕃和親之原 因、經過,以及和親對雙方所造成之影響。前言部份,在闡明筆者之研究動機、研究 範圍及方法,並作內容簡介及預估研究效果。正文第一章「緒論」,就和親雙方對峙 勢之形成,及基於事實上之需要兩方面加以論析。第三、四章「文成、金城公主之和 親」,就和親契機陳述吐蕃請婚之經過,文成、金城兩公主入 前後之情形探討當時 之實際情況。第五章「唐蕃和親之效果與檢討」。就政治、文化、經濟、宗教以及其 他方面對唐蕃雙方之影響作評估。第六章「結論」,就全文作綜合性之總結,並對唐 朝與吐蕃和親之得失提出個人之看法。


王壽南, Wang, Shou-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分十章,各章之內容如下: 第一章「緒言」。說明藩鎮之意義與範圍,本論文所稱藩鎮指自唐睿宗景雲元年起至唐亡止之節度使、觀察使、都防禦史、經略使。 第二章「唐代藩鎮對中央態度之分類統計」。本論文將藩鎮對中央態度分為跋扈、叛逆、恭順三類,並作成統計表,敘述唐代中央政府對藩鎮控制力的演變。 第三章「藩鎮職權之廣泛及對所屬州縣之控制力」。 第四章「藩鎮武力之強大與其對中央之態度」。 第五章「唐末藩鎮之本質與其跋扈之態度」。 第六章「中央與藩鎮間之經濟關係」。 第七章「河北三鎮之獨立性在文化上的原因。」 第八章「中央之策略措施與藩鎮對中央態度的關係」。 第九章「唐代士人與藩鎮」。 第十章「結論」。首先分析中國古代專制政體下政治權力之爭取與唐代藩鎮對中央各種不同態度之形成,再提出幾點綜合性的認識。 本論文有一重要的附錄:「唐代藩鎮總表」,包含八十六鎮,藩鎮一三三三人,幾將全部唐代藩鎮網羅在內,本表內容項目包括:姓名、是否有相職(含曾任宰相、現任宰相、後官至宰相、使相等)、受鎮年月、去鎮年月、在鎮時間任前官職、任後官職或情形、受鎮原因、去鎮原因、對中央之態度、文武職、碑傳等。本表內容詳盡,為本論文提供了許多統計上的基本資料。 本論文之末附有「大唐方鎮圖」,使本論文中之地理敘述得以與地圖對照。

The Rhetoric of Transgression: Reconstructing Female Authority through Wu Zetian's Legacy

Rothstein-Safra, Rachael 01 January 2017 (has links)
This study examines representations of Wu Zetian in the biographical tradition of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries, as well as within the subsequent vernacular literature of the Ming and Qing periods. I analyze the traditional use and construction of female stereotypes (and female-oriented flaws and vices) in the rhetoric of official histories and fictional narratives and their application to representations of Wu Zetian. I argue that authors, anxious of discord engendered and caused by women occupying positions of political authority, sought to delegitimize Wu Zetian’s reign and subsequently cultivated a “rhetoric of female transgression.” I further argue that the image of Wu Zetian has become a cultural signifier of the dangers of female rule. Thus, my research broadly has two foci: (1) it traces the history of delegitimizing female rulership by examining the creation and codification of topoi, and (2) by focusing on images of Wu Zetian, this study examines how these topoi influence contemporary cultural and cross-cultural values, memory, and political rhetoric. This study is divided into three chapters. Chapter one lays out the history of Wu Zetian in the Tang dynasty and an assessment of women in Tang society, which will inform the analysis of literary portrayals of Wu Zetian in chapters two and three. The second chapter examines the earliest representations of Wu Zetian. Thematically, the second chapter explores the biographical interpretation of female authority and the discursive tradition of negotiating historic fact with formulaic and reoccurring tropes. The third chapter looks at representations of Wu Zetian in the literature of the Ming and Qing periods, in which narratives are encoded with the topoi previously established in earlier historical accounts. Ultimately, although this study examines the persistence of rhetorical topoi regarding Wu Zetian, it also addresses the contested and fluid nature of her representations in non-traditional media.

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