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電視台「品牌內部行銷」之研究 / The research of internal brand marketing for TV station張煒珍, Teoh, Hooi Tian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,從文獻中發展出八大構面作為評定品牌內部行銷的衡量指標,採用修正式德菲法作為研究方法,結合廣播電視領域、傳播管理與企業管理領域、品牌行銷和公關廣告領域專家學者之豐富意見與專業知識,萃取出適合電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,供產學界和後續相關研究作為參考。研究發現,衡量品牌績效作為獎賞依據是電視公司在施行品牌內部行銷時最重要的要件。指標方面,即「訂定出明確、清晰易懂的品牌願景」、「各部門同事間相互共同合作以完成工作」、「鼓勵員工發揮品牌創意和主動性」、「讓員工清楚知道品牌績效衡量項目」、「提供個人獎勵(如財務獎勵、正式場合公開表揚、職務升遷)」和「確保員工真正認可企業品牌的精神與承諾」這六項是品牌內部行銷最重要的項目。 / As a TV station, one of the elements to raising the ratings is to shaping the brand personality and style and allows the audience to distinguish the differences. This is because only the unique brand style and image can form the influence. In short, brand can simplify the decision-making process while audience selecting a TV channel. Once the TV station becomes the first choice in their mind, this can let them spend less time and energy searching the channel for deciding which channel they want to watch. Basically, branding depends on the employees no matter what are their positions, front stage or back stage. The brand message and brand value through every segment and time transmitted to the audience. Therefore, the success of TV station internal branding influenced by the implementation of brand internal marketing. This is a prerequisite for employees to hold the brand message properly and completely.
This research aimed to explore the requirements of brand internal marketing. After developed eights dimensions for evaluation indexes from the literature review, this research applied with the Modified Delphi Method, collected the opinion from the experts and scholars from the field of radio and television, media management, business management, branding, public relationship and advertising, extract the indicators based on the result analysis and finally provided the findings to the industry and academia as a reference.
The results showed that the most important dimensions of brand internal marketing for TV station is measure the brand performance as a reward basis. For the main indicators, “Set a clear and understandable brand vision”, “Colleagues from various departments work together to complete the task”, “Encourage employees to be creative and initiative in branding”, “Let employees know the measurement indicator of brand performance”, “Provide personal incentives (such as financial incentives, public recognition in formal occasions, job promotion)” and “Ensure employees recognize the brand spirit and brand commitment”, six indicators above are the most important indicators in brand internal marketing for TV station.
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Mejoramiento de calidad de servicio de señal abierta en una empresa televisiva de la Región de IcaMuñoz Limay, Katherine, Barrios Rentería, David Alonso January 2015 (has links)
La calidad de servicio de televisión de señal abierta en el Perú ha sido un inconveniente en las últimas décadas debido a la mala calidad que se brinda a los usuarios, la llegada de las implementaciones de estaciones terrestres digitales de la Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) podrá brindar a los ciudadanos de provincias y lugares lejanos una mejor calidad de imagen en sus televisores, en el cual están involucradas las emisoras televisivas. Una de las características de la señal de la televisión digital es la forma eficiente que tiene para transmitir en cualquier lugar, con alta calidad tanto en video como en audio, ofreciendo al usuario producto mucho mejor, con una de sus cualidades la interacción y acceso a información.
En este trabajo se desea realizar una investigación adecuada para el mejoramiento de servicio de televisión de señal abierta de una empresa televisiva en la región de Ica, utilizando una estación terrena digital a través del estándar ISDB-Tb. Se utilizara el método de implementación de una estación terrena digital, con la finalidad de identificar los factores que influyen al ser implementadas con relación a las estaciones televisivas pequeñas.
Se establecerá las diferencias que existen en la calidad de servicio para la transmisión análoga y digital en una señal abierta, ya sean sus ventajas o desventajas; y a la vez especificar el cambio que ocasionará al transmitir una señal abierta de estación televisiva pequeña a través de una señal digital.
The quality of service television networks in Peru has been a drawback in recent decades due to the poor quality that users are provided, the arrival of the deployments of digital terrestrial stations of the Digital Terrestrial Television may giving citizens and far places better image quality on their TVs, which are involved in television stations.
One feature of the digital tv signal is the efficient way it has to transmit anywhere, with high quality in both video and audio, providing users with better product, with one of his qualities interaction and access information. In this work we want to do adequate research to improve service broadcast television from a television company in the region of Ica, using a digital earth station through the ISDB-Tb standard. The method of implementing a digital earth station, in order to identify the factors that influence to be implemented in relation to small television stations were used.
The differences in the quality of service for analog to digital signal transmission in an open, whether the advantages or disadvantages will be established; and simultaneously specify the change will cause a small open when transmitting television station signal through a digital signal.
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客家電視台核心觀眾之研究 / Study on Hakka TV's core audiences蔡志堅 Unknown Date (has links)
4. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日時段整體收視表現較週間高,平均假日收視率是週間兩倍。收視波段在週間呈現多段的收視高峰,而在假日則是明顯以早、中、晚三波段的收視高峰呈現。
5. 週間假日觀眾收視差異:假日早上高峰時段,皆較週間往後推移一個小時,週間晚間收視高峰可以持續到晚上11點,而假日收視高峰在9點以後急速下降。
8.在核心節目觀眾的教育程度,新聞類節目「非常短評」以大專以上人口收視為多,綜藝類「鬧熱打擂台」、戲劇節目「油桐花之戀」的觀眾以小學以下和國初中為主要收視群。 / In compliance with the ideal as to safeguard the broadcasting rights for the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, a Hakka TV station, the first of its kind in the world, was founded on July 1, 2003. Since its inception one and a half year ago, however, people know little about the majority of its audience and whether its programs have met the requirements of Hakka community. This study has, through analysis of rating and reception quality, come up with a profile of Hakka TV station’s core audience as well as its audience flow. Upon comparison with that of the target audience, the data has provided Hakka TV station a vaulable reference tool for improvement in its future program productions. This study has managed to :
1.Work out a profile of the core audience of Hakka TV station.
2.Define how the profile of core audience of Hakka TV station changes with viewing time (segments of the day, seasons of the year, etc.) Discussions on the difference between them and audience flow have also been held.
3.Analyze the profile of core audience of the most popular programs in each season. Explore their difference as well as audience flow.
Analysis was done through discussion on varied theories, documents and academic works , supplemented by data and information gathered from Hakka TV station itself. The secondary analysis was based on rating surveys by some broadcaster groups and on reception quality surveys conducted by market survey companies in their hometowns.
These survey shows that the core audience of Hakka TV station during the 1-1/2 year period following its establishment had a profile as follows: male over 50 years of age (54%); with primary educational level or lower (49%); retired or unemployed (36%); living in the counties of Taoyuan, Xinzhu and Miaoli (46%); ethnic group speaking Hakka dialect frequently (44%). The definition of audience ’ speaking Hakka dialect frequently’ can be interpreted as that Hakka dialect has been their mother tongue. In a sense, dialect the audience use is considered the most important contributory factor to the core audience of Hakka TV station.
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電視新聞媒體組織文化、組織承諾、工作滿意度與工作績效之關係研究-電視記者的觀點 / The study of the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency in television media organizations -- the point of views from television journalists李佩蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
研究中發現組織文化對於工作滿意、工作績效、組織承諾均有顯著影響,特別是壹電視記者在組織承諾、工作滿意度、工作績效均優於其他電視台,顯示在特定組織文化上,的確能使得新聞工作者在工作表現上有所提升。另外,組織承諾對於工作滿意、工作績效也有顯著影響,顯示提升組織承諾,當記者認同公司的價值觀和目標後,能使記者恪盡職守,甚至願意在工作之外付出努力。最後,工作滿意對於工作績效也會產生顯著影響,記者的工作滿足來源,來自於認同新聞工作所帶來之社會意義,或是與個人道德觀或價值觀的吻合,當有越高之工作滿意,當然對於工作績效的提升也能有所助益。 / Taiwan has extremely high density of television stations which is rare to see in the world. The journalists face a great competition in the market and the fast development of new technology. They have to suffer more stress than ever. In recent years, television stations are forced to think how to make news contents more different and diverse from competitors. This research focus on the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency in television media and eager to provide practical recommendations for journalists and the managers of television station.
This research aims at the television journalists in north Taiwan and uses questionnaire and depth interview to understand their opinions. Questionnaire analysis shows the relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work efficiency of journalists and depth interview help to give explanations and proofs.
According to the result, organizational culture can affect job satisfaction, work efficiency and organizational commitment.Organizational commitment has positive effect on job satisfaction and work efficiency. When journalists identify with organization’s value and prospect, they are willing to put more efforts on their jobs. Moreover, job satisfaction can also affect work efficiency. Journalists are satisfied with their jobs when news reporting brings meaning to whole society or journalists and news reporting share the same value and moral. Also higher job satisfaction can help to improve work efficiency.
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公民新聞的在地實踐-公視PeoPo新聞平台公眾參與及多元報導研究 / The Citizen journalism in Taiwan-The research of public participation and diversity reports in PeoPo , PTS王晴玲, Wang, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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