Spelling suggestions: "subject:"taboos"" "subject:"qaboos""
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Les films étaient en couleur mais la réalité était grise… : la censure dans la cinématographie roumaine sous Nicolae Ceaușescu (1965-1989) / The films were in color, but reality was grey… : The Censorship of Romanian Cinema during Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime (1945-1989)Popescu, Alina-Georgiana 23 June 2015 (has links)
Ce projet de thèse est centré sur l’étude de la censure en tant que processus socio-politique, révélateur des logiques individuelles et institutionnelles qui se conjuguent dans la réalisation d’un film. Cette recherche est axée sur la période 1965-1989, « l’époque Nicolae Ceaușescu », remarquable par la quantité de films censurés. Pour ce faire, nous avons consacré la première partie du travail à l’analyse de l’organisation de la cinématographie roumaine, considérée dans le contexte politique, social et économique d’après la 2de Guerre Mondiale et jusqu’à la chute du régime. Une attention particulière est accordée ici à l’évolution des institutions de contrôle de la culture ainsi qu’aux discours qui façonnent les normes de la création cinématographique. Pour comprendre les différentes formes que peut revêtir la censure, nous nous situons ensuite à un niveau intermédiaire d’analyse, celui des institutions. Nous avons ainsi identifié et analysé plusieurs structures, comme les studios de production, l’Association des Cinéastes, la Radio Europe Libre, la Securitate, dont les fonctions censoriales vont du guidage à la répression. Dans la dernière partie de cette analyse, nous nous penchons sur des cinéastes et des films importants de la période. Nous avons fait le choix d’analyser les trajectoires des réalisateurs les plus représentatifs de la période, par le prisme de leurs dossiers de surveillance établis par la police politique. La Securitate les surveille parce qu’ils ont en commun une vision « non-conforme » de la réalité socialiste ; ce faisant, celle-ci révèle ce qui était (in)désirable dans la réalité socialiste. Enfin, pour illustrer comment la censure affecte la matière des films, nous proposons l’analyse de quelques cas notoires de film interdits, mais aussi de films qui permettent d’exemplifier en détail différents tabous, diverses formes d’intervention ou les réactions des réalisateurs à toute sorte de pressions. Le fait de choisir la censure comme un angle d’analyse privilégié est utile pour comprendre les contraintes, les servitudes et les espaces de liberté des cinéastes, les contradictions, les dits, et les non-dits du régime. / This PhD project focuses on the study of censorship as a socio-political process, revealing the individual and institutional logics that conjugate in the process of filmmaking. The research analyzes the period 1965-1989, which is the "Nicolae Ceauşescu era", remarkable for the amount of censored films.In conducting my research, I dedicated the first part of the work to the analysis of the Romanian cinematography organization, considered in the political, social and economic context, from the 2nd World War until the fall of the Communist regime. Particular attention is paid here to the evolution of culture control institutions and to the discourses, especially those of the Communist Party leaders, which shape the standards of the film production. In order to understand various possible forms of censorship, I then approached an intermediate level of analysis, that of institutions. Thus, I identified and analyzed several structures such as production studios, the Filmmakers’ Association, Radio Free Europe and the political police, whose censorial functions varied from guidance to repression.In the last part of this work, I looked into filmmakers’ biographies and important films of the period. I chose to analyze the trajectories of the period’s most representative filmmakers through the lenses of their surveillance files made by the political police. The Securitate monitored them because they shared a "non-compliant" vision of the socialist reality; while doing so, the political police revealed what was acceptable or undesirable in that reality. Finally, in order to illustrate how censorship affects films, I propose the analysis of some notorious cases of banned film, but also of films that exemplify various taboos, detailed forms of intervention or reactions of the filmmakers to any kind of pressure. Choosing censorship as a main angle of analysis is useful for the comprehension of the filmmakers’ constraints, servitudes and liberties, but also the understanding of contradictions, of what is made visible or kept silently hidden by the regime.
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Effetti pragmatici dell’omofonia. Un’indagine di campo sugli “auguri silenziosi” (无声的祝福)nel Cinese Moderno Standard, varietà di Langfang / EFFETTI PRAGMATICI DELL'OMOFONIA. UN'INDAGINE DI CAMPO SUGLI"AUGURI SILENZIOSI" NEL CINESE MODERNO STANDARD / Pragmatic effects of homophony. A field research on “silent wishes” (无声的祝福) in Modern Standard Chinese, Langfang varietyFAZZARI, NAZARENA 15 April 2019 (has links)
Il lavoro persegue l’obiettivo di raccogliere e analizzare le formule augurali che in Cina vengono veicolate tramite l’omofonia, un fenomeno che all’interno del Cinese Mandarino Standard ha un’incidenza di gran lunga superiore ad altre lingue. I dati sono stati raccolti nel corso di un’indagine di campo a Langfang (Hebei), tra settembre e dicembre 2017, tramite 30 interviste semi-strutturate su un campione tipologico a scelta ragionata, che ha portato alla creazione di un corpus scritto di 217.000 caratteri cinesi, e tramite osservazione.
La ricerca ha evidenziato come nella cultura cinese permanga una radicata percezione del valore magico della parola, in grado con la sua sola formulazione di influenzare il corso degli eventi. L’omofonia si fa quindi portavoce di espressioni beneauguranti, con un duplice obiettivo pragmatico: da un lato, fornire rassicurazione psicologica al singolo, dall’altro creare appartenenza sociale, per cui il rispetto dell’omofonia si configura come una forma di adesione al sistema di valori in cui la società si riconosce.
Il fenomeno si presenta estremamente dinamico: si evidenziano spinte innovative da parte dei giovani e invenzioni personali, un crescente orientamento verso messaggi augurali positivi, con una re-interpretazione dei tabu, e infine con la tendenza a una formulazione proverbiale. / This study aims at collecting the wishes hidden in Chinese homophonies. The data have been collected during a field search carried out in Langfang (Hebei), between September and December 2017, both through 30 semi-structured interviews to a judgmental sample, resulting in a written corpus of 217,000 Chinese characters, and through field observation.
The study points out that a belief in the magical power of words still persists nowadays in Chinese culture. In such a cultural context, homophony conveys good wishes, with a twofold pragmatic aim: on one hand, it provides the individuals with psychological reassurance; on the other hand, it creates social we-ness and the respect of homophony is seen as adhering to the social value system the society identifies itself with.
The homophonic phenomenon appears to be extremely dynamic: innovations are provided by the young, personal creativity is allowed, taboos are re-interpreted so that they take on a positive meaning and wishes tend to be formulated as proverbs.
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Os \"bobos\" na tradição da cultura da cidade de Goiás: enigmas e silêncios sobre um tipo característico de figura do povo / Bobos in the cultural tradition of Cidade de Goiás riddles and silences about this typical popular characterMarilucia Melo Meireles 30 April 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga uma categoria de pessoas portadoras, principalmente, de deficiências mentais, associadas também a deficiências físicas, popularmente denominadas de bobos, que, embora em processo de desaparecimento, ainda moram na comunidade da Cidade de Goiás, Estado de Goiás. Estes bobos emergem de uma extensa rede complementar de papéis, participando do cotidiano da cidade há mais de cem anos. Vivem no interior das famílias, nas praças públicas, ou na única instituição que os abriga, o Asilo São Vicente de Paulo. Em sua grande maioria procederam de regiões vizinhas ou da zona rural, ainda que muitos provenham de famílias do lugar. Foram absorvidos de maneira indiscriminada e naturalizada na convivência cotidiana. Com eles foi estabelecido um tipo de relação social sustentado por costumes muito arraigados. Foram adotados e criados pelas famílias, que se valeram de suas deficiências mentais para submetêlos. Em troca de casa e comida prestaram toda sorte de serviços domésticos. Eram treinados para a execução de trabalhos árduos e mecânicos que a topografia da cidade e as falhas estruturais dos serviços urbanos impuseram aos habitantes. A explicação e justificativa para sua existência e o tratamento que recebem se apoiam na formulação generalizada de que os bobos são fruto de relações consanguíneas, quando não incestuosas, que, neste trabalho, é denominada de consanguinidadecausa. Esta pesquisa converge elementos da psicologia social, psicanálise, antropologia, neurologia e genética para a análise desta explicação e justificativa. As vertentes destas disciplinas permitem a crítica das relações sociais no cotidiano, revelando suas origens, desvelando referenciais ideológicos, favorecendo a desmontagem de estereótipos e justificativas escamoteadoras das condutas de dominação e submissão que a comunidade pratica, de forma naturalizada, na relação com seus bobos. Este trabalho se alicerça, de um lado, em fontes documentais e bibliográficas e, de outro, em entrevistas realizadas no interior da comunidade, envolvendo os próprios bobos, as famílias que os abrigam, a instituição que os recolhe e figuras representativas da cidade. Caracterizandose como um Estudo de Caso, esta tese foi dividida em três partes temáticas, que se articulam, conferindolhe unidade analítica. A primeira intitulase Bobos de Goiás: reminiscências subjacentes; a segunda, Investigando os bobos da Cidade de Goiás, e a outra, O trabalho de campo na Cidade de Goiás / This research investigates a category of people with, mainly, mental disabilities, also associated to physical deficiencies, who are popularly known as bobos. Although they are becoming rarer, they can still be found in the community of Cidade de Goiás, in the State of Goiás. These bobos come from an extensive complementary network of roles, taking part in the everyday life of the town for over one hundred years. They live with host families, in the public squares, or in the only institution that gives them shelter, the São Vicente de Paulo Asylum. Most of them come from neighboring or from rural areas, but many come from families who live in town. They have been absorbed indiscriminately and incorporated into the community everyday life. A specific kind of social relationship supported by ingrained customs has been established with them. They were adopted and raised by families, who used their disabilities to assure their submission and the performance of all kinds of menial tasks, in exchange for room and board. They were trained to do the hard mechanical jobs that the topography of the town and the structural flaws in urban services imposed on its inhabitants. The explanation and justification for their existence and the kind of treatment they receive are based on a generalized concept that the bobos are the result of consanguineous relationships, when not incestuous, and in this work they are called consanguineouscause. This research combines elements of social psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, neurology and genetics to analyze the explanation and justification. The approach of these disciplines allows for a critique of everyday social relationships, revealing their origins, uncovering ideological references, favoring the deconstruction of stereotypes and the covering up of justifications for the conduct of domination and submission that is practiced in a naturalized way by the community in its relationship with its bobos. This work is based, on the one hand, on documents and bibliographical sources, and on the other, on interviews in the community with the bobos themselves, the families that took them in, the institution that shelters them, and with prominent members of the town. It may be characterized as a case study, and is divided in three thematic parts that articulate and confer an analytical unity. The first is entitled bobos from Goiás: underlying reminiscences; the second, investigating the bobos in Cidade de Goiás, and another, The field work at Cidade de Goiás.
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Analysis of the dietary taboos affecting dietary diversity of women of reproductive age in the South and Grand’Anse departments of HaitiArasimowicz, Sabrina 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte. La sous-nutrition est un problème de santé publique, surtout pour les femmes et les enfants dans les pays en voie de développement. Des tabous alimentaire pour cette population existent dans plusieurs régions du monde. Ce mémoire décrit la recherche sur les tabous alimentaires et les facteurs qui peuvent influencer la diversité alimentaire des femmes en âge de procréer. Cette recherche fait partie d’un projet d’intervention qui vise à réduire la mortalité maternelle et infantile dans le Sud et la Grand’Anse d’Haïti, un pays où environ la moitié des femmes en âge de procréer sont anémiques et un tier des enfants d’âge préscolaire ont une carence en vitamine A (WHO 2009, ICF 2018). Objectifs. L’objectif de ce projet est d’identifier et comprendre les tabous alimentaires qui existent chez les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans la région. Un deuxième objectif est d’identifier les déterminants de la diversité alimentaire des femmes en âge de procréer et de déterminer si les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes ont une alimentation moins diversifiée que les femmes qui ne le sont pas. Méthode. Le devis mixte combine la recherche qualitative et quantitative. Les données qualitatives ont été recueillies avec des groupes de discussion. Pour la collecte de données quantitatives, des entretiens ont été menées auprès de mères d’enfants de moins de cinq ans, suivi par un relevé alimentaire de 24 heures. La diversité alimentaire des participantes a été évaluée avec la DAM-F de la FAO. Les déterminants de la diversité alimentaire ont été identifiés avec des analyses de régression logistique. Résultats. Les participantes des groupes de discussion ont identifié plus de 100 tabous alimentaires. La diversité alimentaire a été influencée par la région, ainsi que les caractéristiques du ménage et de la mère. Les femmes allaitantes atteignent moins souvent une diversité alimentaire minimale et consomment moins souvent les aliments des « autres légumes » et « autres fruits », mais ces résultats sont significatifs seulement dans le modèle non ajusté. Conclusion. Les tabous alimentaires pour les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes existent dans le Grand’Anse et le Sud d’Haïti. Il y a une grande variété de croyances entre les communautés et même dans la même commune. Ces restrictions alimentaires peuvent diminuer la consommation de micronutriments comme la vitamine A et le fer dans une population déjà à risque de malnutrition. Des messages clés à inclure dans les activités éducatives du projet vont être formulés à partir des résultats de la recherche. / Context. Undernutrition, including micronutrient deficiencies, is a global public health issue, particularly for women and children in developing countries. Dietary taboos in this population have been found to exist in many regions of the world, including in Haiti. This thesis describes research looking at dietary taboos and other factors impacting dietary diversity of Women of Reproductive Age (WRA). It is part of an intervention project aiming to decrease maternal and child mortality in the South and Grand’Anse of Haiti, a country where approximately half of WRA are anemic and one third of preschool-age children are deficient in vitamin A (WHO 2009, ICF 2018). Objectives. The objective of this research is to identify and understand food taboos for pregnant and breastfeeding women in the area, to determine what factors influence dietary diversity of WRA and if pregnant or breastfeeding women consume a diet that is less diverse than that of a woman who is not. Methodology. The research design included both qualitative and quantitative components. Qualitative data regarding food taboos was collected through focus groups. Quantitative data was collected through surveys and 24-hour recalls done with WRA who have a child under the age of five. Dietary diversity of survey participants was assessed using the FAO’s MDD-W and it’s determinants were analyzed through adjusted logistic regression calculations. Results. The focus groups revealed over 100 dietary taboos. Determinants of dietary diversity were related to the region, as well as characteristics of the household and mother. Breastfeeding women were less likely to attain the MDD-W and to consume “other fruits” and “other vegetables” though these findings were only significant in the non-adjusted model. Conclusion. Dietary taboos exist in the Grand’Anse and South areas of Haiti for pregnant and breastfeeding women. These taboos vary largely between communes and even within the same community. The restriction of these foods could negatively impact the dietary intake of many micronutrients, including vitamin A and iron. Key messages to include at educative activities through the intervention project will be formed based on results of this work.
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Language flux : the decline in the use of taboos regarding pregnancy the birth among vhaVenḓa from a critical language awareness perspectiveMuhwasane, Mutshinyani Mercy 01 1900 (has links)
Text has abstracts in English and Tshivenḓa / The purpose of this study was to investigate how language used in the past was lost
with regard to pregnant women, as well as the rituals meant to be followed when a
woman is pregnant until child-birth. This study compared the language use of
modern times and of the past with regard to taboos during pregnancy and birth. The
components that the researcher investigated embrace how a pregnant woman
should handle herself, taboos that must be followed by pregnant women and the
infants, fortification and procedures which follow when the ceremony of the baby is
done and language development from pregnancy and child birth. In this study, the
researcher applied the Critical Language Awareness (CLA), Ethnography of
Communication and Ethnopragmatics models to best explain the Vhavenḓa cultural
practices and discourse in relation to child-aligned language with regards to
pregnancy, child-birth and anything associated with a newborn child.
Regarding research design, the researcher chose qualitative-ethnography research
design because it is more exploratory as it deals with human beings and the
environment in which they live. A qualitative research method was utilised in this
study. The population was Vhavenḓa elderly women who are knowledgeable about
taboos pertaining to pregnancy and childbirth. In this study, purposive and snowball
sampling techniques were appropriate since the researcher used her judgement to and snowball sampling were used to sample information from people who have
knowledge of the Tshivenḓa language and culture to establish if there is a difference
between the language used today and that used in the past. On the subject of data
collection tools, the researcher collected qualitative primary data with the aid of
interviews and interviews from the social groups including youth, elders, nurses and
doctors from various natural research settings in the Vhembe District. Ultimately,
the researcher identified various themes and concepts which emanated from the
data collection process in line with analytical comparison methods, namely, method
of agreement and method of difference.
From the research, it was discovered that the Tshivenḓa culture is being
undermined and the Western culture is being preferred in modern times. These
changes came about when Western and Christian ways of doing things were
followed and African customs were abandoned. Furthermore, this research
uncovered that the Tshivenḓa language is being lost while looking at the period from
pregnancy until the birth of a child into the world. Most importantly, this research
brought forth the knowledge of language used in pregnancy that has been lost;
including medicines that are no longer used for purposes of curing during pregnancy, child-birth and the raising of a newborn. / Ngudo ino yo ḓitika kha u sengulusa uri luambo zwe lwa vha lu tshi shumiswa zwone
kale lwo ngalangala zwo livhiswa kha muimana u swika a tshi vhofholowa. Musi i
tshi ya phanḓa, ṱhoḓisiso iyi i sedza luambo lwa zwiilaila uri ndi luambo lune lu kha
ḓivha lune lwa dzhielwa nṱha na musi ho sedzwa ho sedzwa vhuimana na mbebo.
Zwine muṱoḓisisi a khou ṱoḓulusa zwone zwi katela zwi tevhelaho: muimana u
ḓifarisa hani, zwiilaila zwine zwa tea u tevhedzwa nga muimana na lutshetshe,
muthuso na nḓila ine ya tevhelwa musi hu tshi khou itwa vhuṱambo na u sedza
luambo lwa muimana lune lwa shumiswa u swikela kha lutshetshe. Kha ṱhoḓisiso iyi
muṱoḓisisi o shumisa mutheo wa thyiori dzi tevhelaho: Critical Language
Awareness, Ethnography of Communication na Ethnopragmatics u ṱalusa
kushumisele kwa mvelele ya Vhavenḓa na luambo malugana na luambo lwa
zwilaila, lutshetshe na zwiṅwe zwine zwa elana na u vhofholowa.
U ya nga ha tshivhumbeo tsha ṱhoḓisiso na nḓila ya u ṱhoḓisisa muṱoḓisisi o nanga
u shumisa ngona ya khwaḽithithethivi nga uri o vha a tshi khou sedzesa kha vhathu
na hune vha vha vhe hone. Zwiṱoḓuluswa zwa ṱhoḓisiso iyi ndi vhathu vhahulwane
vha Vhavenḓa vhane vha vha na ndivho ya vhuilaila malugana vhuimana na, u
vhofholowa. Kha ngudo iyi purposive na snowball sampling techniques hune yo tea
u bva muṱoḓisisi o shumisa ndila yawe ya u nanguludza sambula a dovha hafhu a
shumisa u vhudzisa muvhudziswa ngae u wana munwe. Kha ndivho ya
zwishumiswa zwa u kuvhanganya mafhungo, muṱoḓisisi o kuvhanganya mafhungo
o shumisa khwalithithethivi kha tshi khou thusiwa nga ithaviiyu na ithaviuyu u bva
kha zwigwada zwo fhambanaho sa vhaswa, vhaluwa, manese na madokotela u bva
fhethu ho fhambanaho vhuponi ha ḽiisela ḽa Vhembe. Muṱoḓisisi o topola ndivho na
mihumbulo ine ya bva kha mafhungo e a kuvhanganywa ho shumiswa maitele a
Analytical Comparison Method ine ya shumisa: Method of agreement na Method of
U bva kha ṱhoḓisiso ho wanala uri mvelele ya Tshivenḓa i khou dzhielwa fhasi, ha
dzhielwa ntha mvelele ya vhukovhela . Tshanduko iyi ndi ine yo ḓiswa nga nḓila ine
Vhukovhela na vhutendi ha Tshikrisite zwa tshimbidzwa ngayo musi vha tshi
tevhedzela maitele a Tshirema. U inga kha izwo, ṱhoḓisiso iyi yo bula uri luambo lwa
Tshivenḓa lwo ngalangala musi ro sedza kha muimana u swikela a tshi vhofholowa.Tsha vhuṱhogwa, ṱhoḓisiso iyi yo ḓisa nḓivho ya luambo lune lwa shumiswa kha
vhuimana uri lwo ngalangala zwo katela na miuluso ine ya shumiswa kha vhuimani,
ṅwana a tshi bebiwa na u alusa lutshetshe. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)
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Catholicisme et viols de guerre en République démocratique du Congo : vers une théologie afroféministe des relations vitalesKibungu, Dieudonné Bwanamuloko 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse problématise la position paradoxale du catholicisme congolais face aux viols de guerre en contexte socio-culturel de la RD Congo déchirée par les conflits armés depuis plus de deux décennies. La RD Congo est le plus grand pays catholique du continent africain. L’Église catholique congolaise est l’une des plus peuplées de l’Afrique postcoloniale. Grâce à son pouvoir d’influence, son poids démographique, sa force économique et son organisation qui couvrent toute l’étendue du territoire national, le catholicisme congolais exerce un impact significatif sur le plan politique, social, moral et spirituel. Il peut jouer un rôle déterminant et une fonction cruciale face aux viols de guerre. Il le fait à des moments critiques et à des tournants politiques majeurs pour sortir le pays de la crise. Dans une perspective théologique et interdisciplinaire, la thèse analyse le paradoxe du catholicisme congolais et son impact face aux viols de guerre. Pour ce faire, 56 récits de survivantes, 20 messages officiels des évêques, 3 textes bibliques sont analysés à partir d’approches anthropophanique, libératrice et de Bosadi centrées sur les survivantes. Les images de la pyramide, du rhizome et de la toile d’araignée entrent en jeu dans les analyses du catholicisme ainsi que la notion d’Ubuntu. Les typologies esquissées de catégories de viols de guerre et de relations vitales en reprennent des éléments essentiels. Le tout débouche sur une perspective de théologie afroféministe des relations vitales. Sur le plan mondial, le plus grand nombre de victimes des viols de guerre se retrouvent en RD Congo. La question des viols de femmes comme arme de guerre constitue, en ce XXIe siècle, un enjeu mondial majeur qui préoccupe tous les mouvements de justice sociale. Elle devient une des préoccupations urgentes pour la planète et, spécialement pour la RD Congo, qualifiée de « capitale mondiale du viol », où quatre femmes sur cinq sont violées dans la partie Est par des hommes en uniforme. Les viols de guerre y persistent et deviennent de plus en plus omniprésents. Les statistiques font état de chiffres plus élevés que jamais et répertoriés nulle part ailleurs dans un contexte de conflits armés. Depuis 1996, début des guerres dites de libération, le nombre de femmes et de filles torturées avant d’être violées et, parfois tuées après viols, est estimé à un million en 2005 et à quelques deux millions en 2010 dans les deux provinces du Nord et du Sud Kivu. Ces chiffres avancés ne représenteraient que 25 % des cas de viols de guerre déclarés, car 75 % des viols demeurent sous silence. Les études font état actuellement de plus de 130 groupes armés actifs dans l’Est du pays, alors qu’en 2015 on en répertoriait 70. En 2017, 120 groupes armés s’affrontaient, tuaient, pillaient et violaient. Le Conseil de sécurité de Nations unies (2020, n° 27) signale qu’en 2019, le nombre des personnes violées a augmenté de 34 % par rapport à l’année 2018. Les viols de guerre en RD Congo représentent, au niveau des motivations, un panel complexe impliquant les viols à des fins d’occupation de terre, de domination, de contrôle territorial et des ressources naturelles, mais aussi sont liés à des questions de genre et d’idéologies politiques. Le contexte socioculturel de la RD Congo, pays sexuellement conservateur, ajoute des souffrances supplémentaires aux femmes violées. Dans certains cas, les activistes des droits humains, qui défendent la cause des femmes en dénonçant les viols et les violeurs, font l’objet de menaces. Mais, évidemment, cela comporte aussi un risque pour la vie des survivantes et aussi des autres personnes obligées de vivre dans un contexte d’insécurité permanente. Quelle stratégie mobiliser pour renverser cette tendance qui n’est pourtant pas une fatalité? Quelles stratégies préconise le catholicisme congolais dans la lutte contre les viols de guerre ? En quoi peut-il constituer un tremplin ou un frein? / This thesis problematizes the paradoxical position of Congolese Catholicism in the face of war rapes in the socio-cultural context of the DR Congo torn by armed conflicts for more than two decades. DR Congo is the largest Catholic country on the African continent. The Congolese Catholic Church is one of the most populous in postcolonial Africa. Thanks to its power and influence, its demographics, its economic strength, and its organization which covers the entire national territory, Congolese Catholicism has a significant impact on the political, social, moral, and spiritual fields of the country. It can play a determining role and a crucial function in the face of war rapes. It can do so at critical times and at major political turning points to get the country out of its current crisis. Using a theological and interdisciplinary perspective, the thesis analyzes the paradox of Congolese Catholicism and its impact on war rapes. In order to do this, 56 survivors accounts, 20 official messages from the bishops, 3 biblical texts are analyzed using anthropophanic, liberation, and Bosadi approaches centered on survivors. Images of the pyramid, rhizome and spider's web come into play in analyses of Catholicism, as well as the notion of Ubuntu. The typology of war rapes, as well as the concept of vital relationships are also part of these investigations. This leads to create an Afro-feminist theology of vital relationships. Globally, the largest number of victims of war rapes are in DR Congo. The issue of the rape of women as a weapon of war constitutes, in the 21st century, a major global issue which preoccupies all social justice movements. It is becoming one of the most urgent concerns for the planet and, especially for DR Congo, which has been described as "the world capital of rape" where four out of five women are raped in the eastern part of the country, by men in uniform. The rapes persist and become more and more omnipresent. Statistics show the highest numbers ever recorded anywhere else in the context of armed conflict. Since 1996, the start of the so-called wars of liberation, the number of women and girls tortured before being raped and sometimes killed after the rape, has been estimated at one million in 2005 and some two millions in 2010 in the north and South Kivu provinces. These figures represent only 25% of cases of rapes declared because 75% of rapes remain unreported. Studies count more than 130 armed groups active in the eastern part of the country, while in 2015 there were 70 of them. In 2017, 120 armed groups were identified as clashing, killing, looting and raping. The United Nations Security Council (2020, no 27) reports that in 2019, the number of people raped increased by 34% compared to 2018. The motivations for war rapes in DR Congo are complex and include rapes for the purposes of land occupation, domination, control over territories and natural resources. Rapes are also linked to gender issues and political ideologies. The socio-cultural context of the DR Congo, a sexually conservative country, causes additional suffering to rape survivors. In some cases, human rights activists who advocate for women by exposing rapes and rapists are threatened. This poses a risk to the lives of survivors, as well as to others, forced to live in a context of permanent insecurity. What strategy should be mobilized to reverse this trend, which should not be considered inevitable? What strategies does Congolese Catholicism advocate for in the fight against war rape? How does it constitute a springboard or a brake?
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Transnational Adoption and “Orphans” from China’s Perspective: A Culturally Taboo TopicConaway, Kierstin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the construction of white male identity in selected novels by J.M. CoetzeeDent, Jacqueline Elizabeth May 30 November 2007 (has links)
Coetzee's own experience of living in apartheid South Africa provides the backdrop for novels infused with sardonic irony and rich metaphoric systems. In modes of metafiction that emphasize the destructive and violent nature of language, he optimizes his unique oeuvre to interrogate global, national and domestic power relations. This dissertation relies on psychoanalytical theories that examine microstructures of power within the individual, and in his domestic domain. Each of Coetzee's chief protagonists carries a secret related to a dysfunctional mother/son relationship. This hampers their psychosocial dynamics, their masculinity and sexuality. As they respectively strive toward an elusive new life they confront patriarchal power structures that speak on behalf of individuals, '[whose] descent into powerlessness [is] voluntary' (Coetzee 2007: 4-5). Coetzee's constructed white males perform their several identity roles in milieux that span divergent phases of colonial history. His critique points to white patriarchal hegemonic ideological discourses that bespeak the self/other dichotomy in a postcolonial world where the language of dominance supports an oppressive status quo. / English Studies / M.A. (English)
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Cole Porter : the social significance of selected love lyrics of the 1930sHolloway, Marilyn June 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines selected love lyrics composed during the 1930s by Cole Porter, whose witty and urbane music epitomized the Golden era of American light music. These lyrics present an interesting paradox – a man who longed for his music to be accepted by the American public, yet remained indifferent to the social mores of the time. Porter offered trenchant social commentary aimed at a society restricted by social taboos and cultural conventions. The argument develops systematically through a chronological and contextual study of the influences of people and events on a man and his music. The prosodic intonation and imagistic texture of the lyrics demonstrate an intimate correlation between personality and composition which, in turn, is supported by the biographical content. / English / M.A. (English)
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Management Practices for Dealing with Uncertainty and Change : Social-Ecological Systems in Tanzania and MadagascarTengö, Maria January 2004 (has links)
The development of human societies rests on functioning ecosystems. This thesis builds on integrated theories of linked social-ecological systems and complex adaptive systems to increase the understanding of how to strengthen the capacity of ecosystems to generate services that sustain human well-being. In this work, I analyze such capacity in human-dominated production ecosystems in Tanzania and Madagascar, and how this capacity is related to local management practices. Resilience of social-ecological systems refers to the capacity to buffer change, to re-organize following disruption, and for adaptation and learning. In Papers I and II, qualitative interview methods are used for mapping and analyses of management practices in the agroecosystem of the Mbulu highlands, Northern Tanzania. Practices such as soil and water conservation, maintenance of habitats for pollinators and predators of pests, intercropping, and landscape diversification, act to buffer food production in a variable environment and sustain underlying ecological processes. The practices are embedded in a decentralized but nested system of institutions, such as communal land rights and social networks, that can buffer for localized disturbances such as temporary droughts. Paper II compares these findings with practices in a farming system in Sweden, and suggests that similar mechanisms for dealing with uncertainty and change can exist in spite of different biophysical conditions. In Papers III and IV, interviews are combined with GIS tools and vegetation sampling to study characteristics and dynamics of the dry forests of Androy, southern Madagascar. Paper III reports on a previously underestimated capacity of the dry forest of southern Madagascar to regenerate, showing areas of regeneration roughly equal areas of degenerated forest (18 700 ha). The pattern of forest regeneration, degradation, and stable cover during the period 1986-2000 was related to the enforcement of customary property rights (Paper III). Paper IV reports on a network of locally protected forest patches in Androy that is embedded in a landscape managed for agricultural or livestock production and contributes to the generation of ecosystem services and ecosystem resilience at a landscape scale. Forest protection is secured by local taboos that provide a well-functioning and legitimate sanctioning system related to religious beliefs. In Paper V, two spatial modeling tools are used to assess the generation of two services, crop pollination and seed dispersal, by the protected forest patches in southern Androy. The functioning of these services is dependent on the spatial configuration of protected patches in the fragmented landscape and can be highly vulnerable to even small changes in landscape forest cover. In conclusion, many of the identified practices are found to make ecological sense in the context of complex systems and contribute to the resilience of social-ecological systems. The thesis illustrates that the capacity of human-dominated production ecosystems to sustain a flow of desired ecosystem services is strongly associated with local management practices and the governance system that they are embedded in, and that, contrary to what is often assumed, local management can and does add resilience for desired ecosystem services. These findings have substantial policy implications, as insufficient recognition of the dynamics of social-ecological interactions is likely to lead to failure of schemes for human development and biodiversity conservation.
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