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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiologia de la epilepsia en el Peru : Neurocisticercosis como causa de epilepsia secundaria en la region norte del Peru / Epidémiologie de l'épilepsie au Pérou : Neurocysticercose comme cause de l'épilepsie secondaire dans la région nord du Pérou / Epidemiology of epilepsy : Neurocysticercosis as a strong contributor of symptomatic epilepsy in the northern region of Peru

Moyano Vidal, Luz Maria 22 September 2016 (has links)
Introduction. La neurocysticercosis (NCC) est l'un des maladies helminthiques les plus courantes du SNC et elle cause de l'épilepsie symptomatique dans les régions pauvres. Il existe peu d'études communautaires sur cette zoonose et leurs comorbidités comme l'épilepsie et la NCC. Méthodologie. Dans la région nord du Pérou, trois études sur la communauté et une révision systématique ont été développés dont les objectifs étaient les suivants: a) évaluer la prévalence de la NCC asymptomatique, b) la prévalence de l'épilepsie associée à la cysticercose, c) la détermination de l'exposition à la cysticercose d) développer une intervention communautaire pour interrompre la transmission de la cysticercose. Résultats. 256 patients asymptomatiques qui avaient une tomodensitométrie (T) sans contraste, 48 (18%) avaient la NCC calcifiés. La prévalence de l'épilepsie trouvée était de 17.25 / 1000 habitants et la proportion de NCC en personnes atteintes d'épilepsie était de 39% (109/282). Le Western Blot (EITB-LLGP) pour la cysticercose a été positive dans le 40% des personnes atteintes d'épilepsie, et dans le 36,9% de la population générale. L'association entre la cysticercose et l'épilepsie avait un OR de 2,7 (95% CI 2.1 – 3.6, p <0,001). Le traitement massif avec niclosamide chez l'homme (n = 3), et plus la vaccination de la population porcine a été mis en oeuvre dans 107 communautés rurales de Tumbes. Aucun porc infecté avec la cysticercose n’a été trouvé en 105 des 107 communautés. Conclusions. (1) La NCC est un facteur contributeur de l'épilepsie, (2) La transmission de T. solium peut être réduite à échelle régionale. / Backgrounds. Neurocysticercosis is a parasitic infection of the brain and a common cause of epilepsy in poor regions. There are scarce community-based studies about its comorbidities as epilepsy and neurocysticercosis. Methods. In the northern region of Peru, we performed three community based-studies and one systematic review a) to assess the prevalence of asymptomatic NCC, b) the prevalence of epilepsy and epileptic seizures and NCC c) seroprevalence of cysticercosis (EITB-LLGP) and d) to perform a community intervention to interrupt the Taenia solium transmission. Results. Of the 256 residents who underwent CT scan, 48 (18.8%) had brain calcifications consistent with NCC. Lifetime prevalence of epilepsy was 17.25/1000, the proportion of NCC in people with epilepsy was 39% (109/282), and the seroprevalence of EITB-LLGP in individuals with epilepsy was 40% and between 23.4 to 36.9% in the general population. The association between CC and epilepsy had a OR of 2.7 (95% CI 2.1-3.6, p <0.001). Three rounds of mass treatment with niclosamida in humans and mass treatment and vaccination in pigs was implemented in 107 rural communities (n=81,170 people). No infected pigs with cysticercosis were found in 105 of 107 communities. Conclusion. NCC is a strong contributor of epilepsy and epileptic seizures. We showed that transmission of Taenia solium infection was interrupted on a regional scale in endemic regions in Peru / Introducción. La neurocisticercosis (NCC) es una de las enfermedades helmínticas más frecuentes del SNC y causa de epilepsia sintomática en regiones pobres. Hay escasos estudios basados en comunidad sobre esta zoonosis y sus comorbilidades la epilepsia y la NCC. Metodología. Se desarrollaron en la Región Norte del Perú tres estudios basados en la comunidad, y una revisión sistemática cuyos objetivos fueron: a) evaluar la prevalencia de NCC asintomática, b) la prevalencia de epilepsia asociada a cisticercosis, c) determinación de la exposición a cisticercosis y d) desarrollar una intervención comunitaria que interrumpa la transmisión de cisticercosis. Resultados. De 256 pacientes asintomáticos que tuvieron una tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) cerebral sin contraste, 48 (18%) tuvo una NCC calcificada. La prevalencia de epilepsia encontrada fue de 17.25/1000 habitantes y la proporción de NCC en personas con epilepsia fue de 39% (109/282). El Western Blot (EITB-LLGP) para cisticercosis fue positivo en el 40% de los individuos con epilepsia, y en el 36.9% de la población general. La asociación entre cisticercosis y epilepsia tuvo un OR de 2.7 (95% CI 2.1-3.6, p <0.001). El tratamiento masivo con niclosamida en humanos (n=3), y población porcina más vacunación fue implementada en 107 comunidades rurales de Tumbes; en 105 de 107 no hubo nuevos cerdos infectados con cisticercosis. Conclusiones. (1) La NCC es un factor contribuidor de epilepsia, (2) Se puede cortar la trasmisión de T. solium a escala regional.

"Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden der Cyclophyllida bei Wildmäusen in Deutschland"

Schmidt, Steffen 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Insgesamt 1746 Kleinsäuger aus den Familien Muridae (Murinae, Arvicolinae) und Soricidae aus dem Naturschutzgebiet ”Großer Hakel” (Sachsen-Anhalt) und der Tagebaufolgelandschaft ”Phönix-Ost und Rusendorf” Meuselwitz (Thüringen) wurden auf einen Befall mit Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden von Bandwürmern (Cyclophyllida) untersucht. Das Tiermaterial stammte aus genehmigten faunistischen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 1993 bis 1997 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Halle und dem Naturkundemuseum "Mauritianum" Altenburg. Alle Mäuse wurden seziert und der Brust- und Bauchraum einschließlich aller Organoberflächen, der Subkutis, des Gehirns und der Leber untersucht. Eine Altersbestimmung der Wirte erfolgte bei den untersuchten Rötelmäusen (Clethrionomys glareolus). Erstmals in Deutschland konnte im Hakel ein stabiles Endemiegebiet von Capillaria hepatica bei Wildmäusen nachgewiesen werden. Die aus dem ”Großen Hakel” stammenden Gelbhals- (Apodemus flavicollis) und Rötelmäuse wiesen Befallshäufigkeiten von 8,5 bzw. 15,1 % auf, die Eizahlen pro Leber lagen zwischen 67 und 3 600 000. Weibliche Mäuse zeigten eine höhere Befallshäufigkeit als männliche Mäuse. Bei den Rötelmäusen konnte ein Anstieg der Befallshäufigkeit von 5,8 % der bis zu 3 Monate alten bis auf 28,6 % der bis zu einem Jahr alten Tiere beobachtet werden. Patente Infektionen waren erst in der Altersgruppe 3-6 Monate nachzuweisen. In dem Untersuchungsgebiet Meuselwitz war Capillaria hepatica bei den untersuchten 1069 Muridae und Soricidae nicht nachweisbar. Eine aktuelle Übersicht der weltweit in 53 Ländern festgestellten 137 Wirtsarten aus 25 Säugetierfamilien von Capillaria hepatica wurde zusammengestellt. Die Familie Muridae stellt mit 83 Arten die bedeutendste Wirtsgruppe dar. Bisher wurde über 56 Capillaria-hepatica-Infektionen beim Menschen (davon 39 Kinder) aus 18 Ländern berichtet. Die Leitsymptome der Erkrankung beim Menschen sind intermittierendes Fieber, Hepatomegalie, Leukozytose mit hochgradiger, persistierender Eosinophilie, Anämie, Hypergammaglobulinämie und Hypoalbuminämie. Die Serumaktivitäten von AST, ALT und LDH sind erhöht. Die Diagnose der zum Teil tödlich verlaufenden Erkrankung ist intra vitam bisher nur durch Leberbiopsie oder Laparotomie möglich. Einzelne Versuche mit serologischen Tests scheinen erfolgversprechend. Die Einzelnachweise von Capillaria hepatica bei Mensch, Hase und Sumpfbiber in Deutschland (Bayern, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt) sind als Hinweise auf bestehende Endemiegebiete zu werten. Aufgrund der weiteren Verbreitung und der diagnostischen Probleme kann von einer höheren Gefährdung des Menschen (insbesondere Kleinkinder) und der Haustiere durch den Zoonoseerreger Capillaria hepatica ausgegangen werden. Bei 10,5 % aller untersuchten Mäuse wurden Metazestoden gefunden. Die Rötelmaus wies insgesamt mit durchschnittlich 23,5 % (Meuselwitz 30,2 %, Hakel 15,1 %) die signifikant höchsten Befallshäufigkeiten mit Metazestoden auf. Insgesamt konnten bei Muridae und Soricidae in Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen Metazestoden von 8 Bandwurmgattungen bzw. -arten (Cladotaenia globifera, Mesocestoides spp., T. crassiceps, T. martis martis, T. martis americana, T. mustelae, T. polyacantha, T. taeniaeformis) nachgewiesen werden. Die breiteste Metazestodenfauna mit insgesamt 7 Arten wurde bei der Feldmaus (Microtus arvalis), nur jeweils eine Metazestodenart dagegen bei Brandmaus (Apodemus agrarius), Zwergmaus (Micromys minutus), Feldspitzmaus (Crocidura leucodon) und Waldspitzmaus (Sorex araneus) gefunden. Die Zwergspitzmaus (Sorex minutus) war nicht von Metazestoden befallen. Eine deutliche Wirtsspezifität (Feldmaus) konnte für T.-crassiceps- und T.-polyacantha-Metazestoden festgestellt werden. Im Gebiet Meuselwitz dominierten bei Muridae Metazestoden von T. mustelae (Befallshäufigkeit 9,3 %) sowie von T. martis martis (Befallshäufigkeit 6,4 %), im Hakel von T. martis martis (Befallshäufigkeit 2,5 %) sowie T. mustelae (Befallshäufigkeit 2,2 %). Während in Meuselwitz die höchsten Befallshäufigkeiten mit Metazestoden von T. mustelae (24,7 %) bei der Rötelmaus und von T. martis martis (13 %) bei der Gelbhalsmaus vorlagen, waren im Hakel die Rötelmäuse am häufigsten mit T.-mustelae- (8,2 %) und T.-martis-martis- Metazestoden (4,8 %) befallen. Mit zunehmendem Alter der Rötelmäuse stieg die Befallshäufigkeit mit Metazestoden bei dieser Tierart an. Rötelmäuse unter einem Alter von 2 Monaten waren noch nicht von Metazestoden befallen. Infektionen mit 2 Metazestodenarten traten erstmals bei 4 Monate alten Rötelmäusen auf, bei zwei Tieren im Alter von 9 bzw. 12 Monaten wurden Infektionen mit 3 Metazestodenarten (Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis americana + T. mustelae; Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis martis + T. mustelae) nachgewiesen. Bei insgesamt 10 Muriden konnten Mischinfektionen mit Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden von Bandwürmern festgestellt werden. Bei Mäusen der Familie Soricidae sind ausschließlich Metazestoden von Cladotaenia globifera gefunden worden. Erstnachweise für Deutschland stellen Funde der Metazestoden von Cladotaenia globifera bei der Feldspitzmaus, T. martis americana bei der Rötelmaus, T. mustelae bei Erd- und Zwergmaus und T. polyacantha bei der Waldmaus dar. Das erste Mal in Europa konnten T.-martis-americana-Metazestoden bei der Feldmaus gefunden werden. Eine wichtige Einflußgröße auf die Metazestodenfauna war das Aufeinandertreffen von End- und Zwischenwirt in bestimmten Biotopen. / The occurrence of Capillaria hepatica and metacestodes of Cyclophillida was investigated in 1746 small mammals of the families Muridae (Murinae, Arvicolinae) and Soricidae from the nature reserve ”Grosser Hakel” (Saxony-Anhalt) and the former open-cast mining area "Phoenix-Ost and Rusendorf" Meuselwitz (Thuringia). The animals came from approved faunistic surveys in co-operation with the University of Halle and the natural history museum ”Mauritianum” Altenburg. All mice were sectioned and the thoracic as well as the abdominal cavity including all organ surfaces, subcutaneous tissue, brain and liver were examined. The age of all bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) was determined. In the nature reserve "Grosser Hakel"an stable endemic area of Capillaria hepatica in wild mice could be detected for the first time in Germany. The percentage of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) infected with Capillaria hepatica in that area was 8.5 %, the percentage of bank voles infected with Capillaria hepatica in that area reached 15.1 % respectively. The number of eggs per liver ranged from 67 to 3,600,000. The proportion of infected mice was higher in female than in male mice. In bank voles the frequency of infection increased with age (from 5.8 % in the age of 3 months to 28.6 % in the age of one year). Patent infections were first detected in the age group of 3 to 6 month. No Capillaria hepatica could be found in 1069 Muridae and Soricidae examined in the Meuselwitz area. A current survey of the world-wide occurrence of Capillaria hepatica in 137 hosts of 25 mammal families was prepared. The family of Muridae (with 83 species) is the most important host group. Up to now 56 Capillaria-hepatica-infections in humans (including 39 children) from 18 different countries were reported. Major symptoms in humans are intermittent fever, hepatomegaly, leucocytosis with severe, persistent eosinophilia, anaemia, hypergammaglobulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia. The serum activities of AST, ALT and LDH are elevated. Intra-vitam diagnosis of this partly lethal disease is only possible by liver biopsy or laparatomy. First serological tests are promising. Sporadic detection of Capillaria hepatica in humans, hares and nutria in Germany (Bavaria, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt) can be regarded as an indication of existing endemic areas. A higher risk of Capillaria-hepatica-infection in humans (especially in small children) and domestic animals can be assumed on the basis of the wide distribution and the diagnostic problems. Metacestodes were found in 10.5 % of all examined mice. The bank voles showed the significantly highest rate of infection with 23.5 % (Meuselwitz 30.2 % and Hakel 15.1 %). Altogether metacestodes of 8 tapeworm genuses (Cladotaenia globifera, Mesocestoides spp., T. crassiceps, T. martis martis, T. martis americana, T. mustelae, T. polyacantha, T. taeniaeformis) could be detected in Muridae and Soricidae in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The broadest metacestode-fauna (with 7 species) was found in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Only one metacestode-species was detected in the stripped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius), the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus), the bicoloured whitetoothed shrew (Crocidura leucodon) and the eurasion common shrew (Sorex araneus). The pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) was not infected by metacestodes. A distinct host specificity (in the common vole) could be established for T. crassiceps and T. polyacantha. Metacestodes of T. mustelae (infection rate 9.3 %) and T. martis martis (infection rate 6.4 %) dominated in Muridae of the Meuselwitz area. In the Hakel area T. martis martis (infection rate 2.5 %) and T. mustelae (infection rate 2.2 %) dominated as well. Whereas metacestodes of T. mustelae occurred in the bank vole with an infection rate of 24.7 % and T. martis martis in yellow-necked mice with an infection rate of 13.0 % in the Meuselwitz area, T. mustelae occurred in bank voles with an infection rate of 8.2 % and T. martis martis in yellow-necked mice with an infection rate of 4.8 % in the Hakel area. The infection rate of bank voles with metacestodes increased with age. No metacestodes were found in bank voles younger than 2 month of age. Infection with 2 different metacestode-species occurred in bank voles for the first time at the age of 4 month. 3 metacestode-species were found in 2 animals at the age of 9 to 12 months (Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis americana + T. mustelae; Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis martis + T. mustelae). In 10 Muridae occurred a mixed infection with Capillaria hepatica and metacestodes of tapeworms. In mice of the Soricidae-family only metacestodes from Cladotaenia globifera could be found. For the first time in Germany were detected metacestodes of Cladotaenia globifera in the bicoloured whitetoothed shrew, of T. martis americana in bank voles, of T. mustelae in the common field vole and the harvest mouse and of T. polyacantha in the wood mouse. For the first time in Europe T. martis americana-metacestodes could be detected in the common vole. Of high importance to the metacestode-fauna was the encounter of final host and intermediate host in certain biotopes.

"Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden der Cyclophyllida bei Wildmäusen in Deutschland"

Schmidt, Steffen 27 June 2002 (has links)
Insgesamt 1746 Kleinsäuger aus den Familien Muridae (Murinae, Arvicolinae) und Soricidae aus dem Naturschutzgebiet ”Großer Hakel” (Sachsen-Anhalt) und der Tagebaufolgelandschaft ”Phönix-Ost und Rusendorf” Meuselwitz (Thüringen) wurden auf einen Befall mit Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden von Bandwürmern (Cyclophyllida) untersucht. Das Tiermaterial stammte aus genehmigten faunistischen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 1993 bis 1997 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Halle und dem Naturkundemuseum "Mauritianum" Altenburg. Alle Mäuse wurden seziert und der Brust- und Bauchraum einschließlich aller Organoberflächen, der Subkutis, des Gehirns und der Leber untersucht. Eine Altersbestimmung der Wirte erfolgte bei den untersuchten Rötelmäusen (Clethrionomys glareolus). Erstmals in Deutschland konnte im Hakel ein stabiles Endemiegebiet von Capillaria hepatica bei Wildmäusen nachgewiesen werden. Die aus dem ”Großen Hakel” stammenden Gelbhals- (Apodemus flavicollis) und Rötelmäuse wiesen Befallshäufigkeiten von 8,5 bzw. 15,1 % auf, die Eizahlen pro Leber lagen zwischen 67 und 3 600 000. Weibliche Mäuse zeigten eine höhere Befallshäufigkeit als männliche Mäuse. Bei den Rötelmäusen konnte ein Anstieg der Befallshäufigkeit von 5,8 % der bis zu 3 Monate alten bis auf 28,6 % der bis zu einem Jahr alten Tiere beobachtet werden. Patente Infektionen waren erst in der Altersgruppe 3-6 Monate nachzuweisen. In dem Untersuchungsgebiet Meuselwitz war Capillaria hepatica bei den untersuchten 1069 Muridae und Soricidae nicht nachweisbar. Eine aktuelle Übersicht der weltweit in 53 Ländern festgestellten 137 Wirtsarten aus 25 Säugetierfamilien von Capillaria hepatica wurde zusammengestellt. Die Familie Muridae stellt mit 83 Arten die bedeutendste Wirtsgruppe dar. Bisher wurde über 56 Capillaria-hepatica-Infektionen beim Menschen (davon 39 Kinder) aus 18 Ländern berichtet. Die Leitsymptome der Erkrankung beim Menschen sind intermittierendes Fieber, Hepatomegalie, Leukozytose mit hochgradiger, persistierender Eosinophilie, Anämie, Hypergammaglobulinämie und Hypoalbuminämie. Die Serumaktivitäten von AST, ALT und LDH sind erhöht. Die Diagnose der zum Teil tödlich verlaufenden Erkrankung ist intra vitam bisher nur durch Leberbiopsie oder Laparotomie möglich. Einzelne Versuche mit serologischen Tests scheinen erfolgversprechend. Die Einzelnachweise von Capillaria hepatica bei Mensch, Hase und Sumpfbiber in Deutschland (Bayern, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt) sind als Hinweise auf bestehende Endemiegebiete zu werten. Aufgrund der weiteren Verbreitung und der diagnostischen Probleme kann von einer höheren Gefährdung des Menschen (insbesondere Kleinkinder) und der Haustiere durch den Zoonoseerreger Capillaria hepatica ausgegangen werden. Bei 10,5 % aller untersuchten Mäuse wurden Metazestoden gefunden. Die Rötelmaus wies insgesamt mit durchschnittlich 23,5 % (Meuselwitz 30,2 %, Hakel 15,1 %) die signifikant höchsten Befallshäufigkeiten mit Metazestoden auf. Insgesamt konnten bei Muridae und Soricidae in Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen Metazestoden von 8 Bandwurmgattungen bzw. -arten (Cladotaenia globifera, Mesocestoides spp., T. crassiceps, T. martis martis, T. martis americana, T. mustelae, T. polyacantha, T. taeniaeformis) nachgewiesen werden. Die breiteste Metazestodenfauna mit insgesamt 7 Arten wurde bei der Feldmaus (Microtus arvalis), nur jeweils eine Metazestodenart dagegen bei Brandmaus (Apodemus agrarius), Zwergmaus (Micromys minutus), Feldspitzmaus (Crocidura leucodon) und Waldspitzmaus (Sorex araneus) gefunden. Die Zwergspitzmaus (Sorex minutus) war nicht von Metazestoden befallen. Eine deutliche Wirtsspezifität (Feldmaus) konnte für T.-crassiceps- und T.-polyacantha-Metazestoden festgestellt werden. Im Gebiet Meuselwitz dominierten bei Muridae Metazestoden von T. mustelae (Befallshäufigkeit 9,3 %) sowie von T. martis martis (Befallshäufigkeit 6,4 %), im Hakel von T. martis martis (Befallshäufigkeit 2,5 %) sowie T. mustelae (Befallshäufigkeit 2,2 %). Während in Meuselwitz die höchsten Befallshäufigkeiten mit Metazestoden von T. mustelae (24,7 %) bei der Rötelmaus und von T. martis martis (13 %) bei der Gelbhalsmaus vorlagen, waren im Hakel die Rötelmäuse am häufigsten mit T.-mustelae- (8,2 %) und T.-martis-martis- Metazestoden (4,8 %) befallen. Mit zunehmendem Alter der Rötelmäuse stieg die Befallshäufigkeit mit Metazestoden bei dieser Tierart an. Rötelmäuse unter einem Alter von 2 Monaten waren noch nicht von Metazestoden befallen. Infektionen mit 2 Metazestodenarten traten erstmals bei 4 Monate alten Rötelmäusen auf, bei zwei Tieren im Alter von 9 bzw. 12 Monaten wurden Infektionen mit 3 Metazestodenarten (Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis americana + T. mustelae; Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis martis + T. mustelae) nachgewiesen. Bei insgesamt 10 Muriden konnten Mischinfektionen mit Capillaria hepatica und Metazestoden von Bandwürmern festgestellt werden. Bei Mäusen der Familie Soricidae sind ausschließlich Metazestoden von Cladotaenia globifera gefunden worden. Erstnachweise für Deutschland stellen Funde der Metazestoden von Cladotaenia globifera bei der Feldspitzmaus, T. martis americana bei der Rötelmaus, T. mustelae bei Erd- und Zwergmaus und T. polyacantha bei der Waldmaus dar. Das erste Mal in Europa konnten T.-martis-americana-Metazestoden bei der Feldmaus gefunden werden. Eine wichtige Einflußgröße auf die Metazestodenfauna war das Aufeinandertreffen von End- und Zwischenwirt in bestimmten Biotopen. / The occurrence of Capillaria hepatica and metacestodes of Cyclophillida was investigated in 1746 small mammals of the families Muridae (Murinae, Arvicolinae) and Soricidae from the nature reserve ”Grosser Hakel” (Saxony-Anhalt) and the former open-cast mining area "Phoenix-Ost and Rusendorf" Meuselwitz (Thuringia). The animals came from approved faunistic surveys in co-operation with the University of Halle and the natural history museum ”Mauritianum” Altenburg. All mice were sectioned and the thoracic as well as the abdominal cavity including all organ surfaces, subcutaneous tissue, brain and liver were examined. The age of all bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) was determined. In the nature reserve "Grosser Hakel"an stable endemic area of Capillaria hepatica in wild mice could be detected for the first time in Germany. The percentage of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) infected with Capillaria hepatica in that area was 8.5 %, the percentage of bank voles infected with Capillaria hepatica in that area reached 15.1 % respectively. The number of eggs per liver ranged from 67 to 3,600,000. The proportion of infected mice was higher in female than in male mice. In bank voles the frequency of infection increased with age (from 5.8 % in the age of 3 months to 28.6 % in the age of one year). Patent infections were first detected in the age group of 3 to 6 month. No Capillaria hepatica could be found in 1069 Muridae and Soricidae examined in the Meuselwitz area. A current survey of the world-wide occurrence of Capillaria hepatica in 137 hosts of 25 mammal families was prepared. The family of Muridae (with 83 species) is the most important host group. Up to now 56 Capillaria-hepatica-infections in humans (including 39 children) from 18 different countries were reported. Major symptoms in humans are intermittent fever, hepatomegaly, leucocytosis with severe, persistent eosinophilia, anaemia, hypergammaglobulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia. The serum activities of AST, ALT and LDH are elevated. Intra-vitam diagnosis of this partly lethal disease is only possible by liver biopsy or laparatomy. First serological tests are promising. Sporadic detection of Capillaria hepatica in humans, hares and nutria in Germany (Bavaria, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt) can be regarded as an indication of existing endemic areas. A higher risk of Capillaria-hepatica-infection in humans (especially in small children) and domestic animals can be assumed on the basis of the wide distribution and the diagnostic problems. Metacestodes were found in 10.5 % of all examined mice. The bank voles showed the significantly highest rate of infection with 23.5 % (Meuselwitz 30.2 % and Hakel 15.1 %). Altogether metacestodes of 8 tapeworm genuses (Cladotaenia globifera, Mesocestoides spp., T. crassiceps, T. martis martis, T. martis americana, T. mustelae, T. polyacantha, T. taeniaeformis) could be detected in Muridae and Soricidae in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The broadest metacestode-fauna (with 7 species) was found in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Only one metacestode-species was detected in the stripped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius), the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus), the bicoloured whitetoothed shrew (Crocidura leucodon) and the eurasion common shrew (Sorex araneus). The pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) was not infected by metacestodes. A distinct host specificity (in the common vole) could be established for T. crassiceps and T. polyacantha. Metacestodes of T. mustelae (infection rate 9.3 %) and T. martis martis (infection rate 6.4 %) dominated in Muridae of the Meuselwitz area. In the Hakel area T. martis martis (infection rate 2.5 %) and T. mustelae (infection rate 2.2 %) dominated as well. Whereas metacestodes of T. mustelae occurred in the bank vole with an infection rate of 24.7 % and T. martis martis in yellow-necked mice with an infection rate of 13.0 % in the Meuselwitz area, T. mustelae occurred in bank voles with an infection rate of 8.2 % and T. martis martis in yellow-necked mice with an infection rate of 4.8 % in the Hakel area. The infection rate of bank voles with metacestodes increased with age. No metacestodes were found in bank voles younger than 2 month of age. Infection with 2 different metacestode-species occurred in bank voles for the first time at the age of 4 month. 3 metacestode-species were found in 2 animals at the age of 9 to 12 months (Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis americana + T. mustelae; Cladotaenia globifera + T. martis martis + T. mustelae). In 10 Muridae occurred a mixed infection with Capillaria hepatica and metacestodes of tapeworms. In mice of the Soricidae-family only metacestodes from Cladotaenia globifera could be found. For the first time in Germany were detected metacestodes of Cladotaenia globifera in the bicoloured whitetoothed shrew, of T. martis americana in bank voles, of T. mustelae in the common field vole and the harvest mouse and of T. polyacantha in the wood mouse. For the first time in Europe T. martis americana-metacestodes could be detected in the common vole. Of high importance to the metacestode-fauna was the encounter of final host and intermediate host in certain biotopes.

Neurocisticercose: relação entre dosagem de antígenos de Taenia no líquido cefalorraquidiano e imagem através de ressonância magnética / Neurocysticercosis: relationship between Taenia antigen detection in the cerebrospinal fluid and magnetic resonance imaging

Abraham, Ronaldo 17 November 2006 (has links)
Neurocisticercose (NC) é a doença parasitária mais comum do SNC, representando grave problema de saúde pública em nosso país. O diagnóstico da NC é baseado em dados clínicos e epidemiológicos, reações sorológicas no soro e LCR, além de exames de neuroimagem. A detecção de antígenos de Taenia através de teste de ELISA, mediante a utilização de anticorpos altamente purificados, constitui metodologia recente capaz de informar sobre a vigência de atividade clínica da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre a dosagem de antígenos de Taenia mo LCR com as imagens obtidas através da RM, em pacientes com o diagnóstico definido de NC segundo os critérios diagnósticos atuais. Sessenta e três pacientes foram submetidos a exame detalhado do LCR, além de pesquisa de antígeno de Taenia através de teste de ELISA, utilizando anticorpos de soro de coelhos imunizados com líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps. Uma amostra de sangue foi colhida simultaneamente à coleta do LCR, e um exame de RM encefálica foi realizado em todos os pacientes. Observamos relação significativa entre a detecção de antígenos de Taenia e o número total de lesões e do número de cistos íntegros detectados pela RM. Quando comparados dois ou mais cistos em degeneração com apenas um cisto, observamos detecção significativamente mais alta no primeiro grupo. Encontramos também detecção de antígenos significativamente mais alta quando as lesões se localizavam na profundidade dos hemisférios cererbrais, mas não na presença de cistos calcificados. Os resultados demonstram que a detecção de antígenos de Taenia se mostra congruente com os achados de neuroimagem. Algumas outras variáveis estudadas no LCR, como número de células, teor de globulinas gama e teste de ELISA, também se mostraram concordantes, demonstrando que a resposta inflamatória na NC mobiliza tanto a imunidade celular quanto a imunidade humoral. / Neurocysticercosis (NC) is the most common parasitic infection of the nervous system, remaining a serious public health in our country. NC diagnosis is supported by clinical and epidemiological data, specific serological reactions in the blood and CSF, and neuroimaging findings. Detection of anti-Taenia antigens using ELISA techniques is a recent methodology that provides information about clinical activity of the disease. The objective of the study was to determine relationship between Taenia antigen detection in the CSF and MRI in patients with definite diagnosis of NC according to current diagnostic criteria. Sixty-three patients were submitted to a thorough CSF examination and Taenia antigen research. Antigens were detected in CSF samples by ELISA assay obtained from rabbit sera antibodies immunized with Taenia crassiceps cysticerci vesicular fluid. A blood sample was simultaneously collected and a MRI was performed in every patient. We observed a significant relationship between Taenia antigen detection and the total number of lesions and intact cysts detected by MRI. When comparing two or more degenerating cysts with only one we observed a significant higher antigen detection in the first group. We also found a significant higher antigen detection when cysts were deeply located in the cerebral hemispheres, but not in the presence of calcified cysts. Results demonstrate that Taenia antigen detection is congruent with neuroimaging findings. Some CSF characteristics, like number of cells, gamma globulin concentration and ELISA assay were also concordant with Taenia antigen detection, indicating that inflammatory reaction in NC comprise cellular and humoral immunological factors.

Obtenção ex vivo de antígenos de excreção e secreção de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps / The obtaining of ex vivo excretion-secretion antigen of Taenia crassiceps cysticercus

Goebbels, Rosa Palmira Jácobo 13 February 2008 (has links)
Larvas de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps foram deixadas em repouso em TRIS 9mM pH 7,2 com 1mM EDTA até 180 minutos, os sobrenadantes coletados e processados nos 30, 60, 120 e 180 minutos, dando origem aos antígenos de excreção e secreção (ES 30; ES 60; ES 120 e ES 180). A caracterização do antígeno de excreção e secreção de larvas de Taenia crassiceps foi feito por SDS-PAGE e imunoblot utilizando anticorpos monoclonais (AcMos) anti-T. crassiceps e anti-T. solium e anticorpos humanos. Os resultados mostraram que o rendimento do antígeno ES foi menor nos primeiros 30 minutos (0,4 &#181;g) por larva quando comparado os demais ES (ES 60: 2,4 &#181;g; ES 120: 2,9 &#181;g; ES 180: 2,5 &#181;g). O SDS-PAGE confirmou que no ES 30 há menos proteínas. No imunoblot, o ES 180 mostrou que 6 AcMos (anti-LV-Tcra; anti-ES-Tcra; anti-LV-Tso: A3; anti-T-Tso: B4, B11 e A6) reconheceram apenas as frações 18- e 14-kDa do antígeno ES 180. Os AcMos anti-E-Tso (B8) e anti-LV-Tso (B6) não reconheceram frações do antígeno ES 180. Anticorpos presentes em amostras humanas de pacientes com NC reconheceram as frações protéicas entre 94- a 30-kDa e as de 18- e 14-kDa. Utilizando antígeno ES 180 e amostras de soros de pacientes supostamente saudáveis (GC), foram identificadas proteínas acima de 30-kDa e somente uma amostra reconheceu a de 16- kDa, anômala em relação ao perfil 18- e 14-kDa. As amostras de soro de pacientes com outras parasitoses mostraram reatividade com frações &#8805; de 30-kDa do ES 180 e o maior índice de reatividade foi com a proteína 71-KDa. Um total de 77%; 70%; 60% e 70% das amostras de pacientes com toxocaríase, esquistossomose mansônica, hidatidose e Chagas, respectivamente, reconheceram a fração 71-kDa do ES 180. O antígeno ES pode contribuir com futuros estudos abordando a complexa relação parasito hospedeiro na cisticercose e na produção de vacinas para o uso em suínos. / Cysticercus Larvae of Taenia crassiceps were maintained in TRIS 9mM pH 7,2 with 1mM EDTA for 180 minutes; the supernatant was collected and processed at 30; 60; 120 and 180 minutes, originating excretion-secretion antigens (ES 30; ES 60; ES 120 and ES 180). The characterization of the ES antigen was conducted through SDS-PAGE and immunoblot using anti-T. crassiceps and anti-T. solium monoclonal antibodies (AcMos) and human antibodies. The results showed that the production of ES antigen was lower in the first 30 min. (0,4 &#181;g) compared with the others (ES 60: 2,4 &#181;g; ES 120: 2,9 &#181;g; ES 180: 2,5 &#181;g). The SDS-PAGE confirmed that ES 30 presented less protein. By immunoblot,6 AcMos (anti-LV-Tcra; anti-ES-Tcra;anti-LV-Tso: A3; anti-T-Tso: B4, B11 and A6) have recognized only the 18- and 14-kDa fractions of the ES 180. The anti-E-Tso (B8) and the anti-LV-Tso (B6) AcMos did not recognize any fractions. Antibodies from human samples NC recognized the proteins from 94- to 30-kDa and from 18- and 14-kDa. Using serum samples of apparently healthy individuals (GC), the ES 180 antigen showed proteins &#62; 30-kDa and one sample recognized the 16-kDa fraction, anomalous when compared to the 18- and 14-kDa fractions. The serum samples of subjects with other parasitoses showed reactivity &#8805; 30-kDa, more frequently with 71-KDa protein. A total of 77%; 70%; 60% and 70% of the samples from subjects presenting toxocariasis, esquistossomose mansonic, hydatidosis and Chagas disease, respectively, recognized the 71-kDa fraction of ES 180. The ES antigen may contribute to further studies on the complex cysticercosis parasite/host relation as well as for the production of vaccines for swine.

Lesão tecidual e perfil de citocinas na neurocisticercose experimental / Tissue injury and cytokine profile in the experimental neurocysticercosis

Moura, Vânia Beatriz Lopes 09 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T13:38:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Vânia Beatriz Lopes - 2015.pdf: 1571381 bytes, checksum: 95d706025dea6373e88193f8224608f3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T13:44:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Vânia Beatriz Lopes - 2015.pdf: 1571381 bytes, checksum: 95d706025dea6373e88193f8224608f3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-03T13:44:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Vânia Beatriz Lopes - 2015.pdf: 1571381 bytes, checksum: 95d706025dea6373e88193f8224608f3 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-09 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The cysticercosis is endemic and is considered neglected by the World Health Organization. The neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common and severe form of cysticercosis, accounting for over 50,000 deaths annually. The use of experimental models in research, has been essential to the advancement of knowledge of various diseases, such as in understanding the pathophysiology, immune response and parasite host reactions. This study aimed to characterize the cellular immune response in situ and systemic, and the role of inflammatory cells in triggering changes in myelin standards. For this, we used an experimental model to evaluate the NCC intraventricular concentrations of cytokine in situ and systemically, by spleen cell culture, and changes in parenchymal patterns and periventricular desmielinizarão throughout the experimental period. No changes were detected in cytokine concentration at the infection site. Systemically, it is observed the presence of IL-10 initially and after 30 days of infection, there is a significant presence of all the cytokines analyzed as IL-4, IL-10, IL-17 and IFN-γ in the infected group. At the end of the infection, the Th2 profile was predominant. In evaluating pathological observed breaking the blood-brain barrier (BBB) allowing the initial influx of inflammatory cells in the two groups. At 30 days, there was a mixed inflammatory process, ventriculomegaly, foamy macrophages and periventricular desmielinizarão. At the end of the infection, predominance of mononuclear cells, ventriculomegaly, foamy macrophages and demyelination in the parenchyma mostly. In conclusion, the systemic immune response of BALB / c mice induced by cysticercus T. crassiceps, was characterized by a Th2-type immune profile and desmielinizarão parenchymal infection possibly at the end of the inflammatory process as well as the compressive effect on the parenchyma of the parasite brain. / A cisticercose é uma doença endêmica e é considerada negligenciada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A neurocisticercose (NCC) é a forma mais frequente e grave da cisticercose, sendo responsável por mais de 50 mil mortes anuais. A utilização de modelos experimentais em pesquisa tem sido essencial para o avanço do conhecimento de diversas doenças, como no entendimento da fisiopatologia, da resposta imune e das relações parasito hospedeiro. O presente estudo objetivou a caracterização da resposta imune celular in situ e sistêmica, e o papel das células inflamatórias em desencadear alterações nos padrões de mielina. Para isto, utilizou-se um modelo experimental de NCC intraventricular para avaliar as concentrações de citocinas in situ e sistemicamente, pela cultura de células do baço, e as alterações nos padrões de desmielinizarão periventricular e parenquimal ao longo do período experimental. Não foram detectadas alterações nas concentrações de citocinas no local da infecção. Sistemicamente, observa-se a presença de IL-10 inicialmente e aos 30 dias de infecção, observa-se a presença significante de todas as citocinas analisadas como, IL-4, IL-10, IL-17 e IFN-γ no grupo infectado. No final da infecção, o perfil Th2, foi predominante. Na avaliação anatomopatológica observou quebra da barreira hemato encefálica (BHE), que permitiu o influxo inicial de células inflamatórias nos dois grupos analisados. Aos 30 dias, observou-se processo inflamatório misto, ventriculomegalia, macrófagos espumosos e desmielinizarão periventricular. No final da infecção, predomínio de células mononucleares, ventriculomegalia, macrófagos espumosos e desmielinização no parênquima em sua maioria. Em conclusão, a resposta imune sistêmica dos camundongos BALB/c induzida por cisticercos de T. crassiceps, foi caracterizada por um perfil imune do tipo Th2e desmielinizarão parenquimal no final da infecção possivelmente pelo processo inflamatório como também pelo efeito compressivo do parasito sobre o parênquima encefálico.

Avaliação do comportamento metabólico de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps cultivados in vitro e expostos a condições estressantes

Andrade, Lilian Cristina Morais de 06 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T12:17:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lilian Cristina Morais de Andrade - 2013.pdf: 1070622 bytes, checksum: c44e7d6decc4c88ffa0d3bbacd190bc6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T12:19:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lilian Cristina Morais de Andrade - 2013.pdf: 1070622 bytes, checksum: c44e7d6decc4c88ffa0d3bbacd190bc6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-09T12:19:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Lilian Cristina Morais de Andrade - 2013.pdf: 1070622 bytes, checksum: c44e7d6decc4c88ffa0d3bbacd190bc6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-06 / Taenia crassiceps cysticerci possess antigenic similarities to T. solium cysticerci and because of this and added to the relative easiness in its maintainance in laboratory they are used as an experimental model to T. solium studies. The objective of this study was to analyze the in vitro influence of glucose and insulin on the energetic and respiratory metabolism of T. crassiceps cysticerci exposed to low dosages of anti-helminthic drugs, albendazol and praziquantel, and also to different concentrations of glucose and insulin. Glucose is the main energy source to these parasites in their larval and adult stages and glycogen is their main energetic reserve. Glycogen may be converted into glucose in case of low glucose uptake and is stored in the cysticerci tegument. The cysticerci were collected from the peritoneal cavity of BALB/c female mice experimentally infected and maintained in the animal facilities of IPTSP/UFG. After 24hours of culture in RPMI culture medium supplemented and with glucose, glargine insulin (LANTUS®, Sanofi Aventis), albendazol and praziquantel, the cysticerci were removed and the medium was frozen in liquid nitrogen as to allow the metabolix stasis. Afterwards this culture medium was analyzes through HPLC as to permit the quantification of the following organic acids related to the carbohydrates metabolism: lactate and pyruvate, intermediary metabolism: citrate, α-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate and oxaloacetate, fatty acids metabolism: β-hydroxibutyrate and propionate. It was possible to detect propionate and β-hydroxibutyrate secreted by T. crassiceps cysticerci which indicates the fatty acids oxidation as an alternative energy xv source used by the initial stage cysticerci which are in rapid growth. Also the detection of organic acids from the citric acid cycle indicates the in vitro aerobiosis performed by the initial stage cysticerci. / Os cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps possuem similaridades antigênicas com cisticercos de Taenia solium e por este motivo, associado ao fato de uma relativa facilidade de sua manutenção em animais de laboratório, são utilizados como modelo experimental para estudos da cisticercose por T. solium. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar in vitro a influência da glicose e da insulina no metabolismo energético e respiratório de cisticercos de T. crassiceps expostos aos fármacos anti-helmínticos albendazol e praziquantel em baixas doses, e diferentes concentrações de glicose e insulina. A glicose é a principal fonte de energia para estes parasitos tanto na fase larval quanto adultos e o glicogênio, que pode ser novamente convertido em glicose, é fonte de reserva energética, sendo encontrado armazenado em suas membranas. Os cisticercos foram provenientes da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos fêmeas Balb/c infectados experimentalmente e mantidos no biotério do IPTSP/UFG. Após 24 horas de cultivo em meio RPMI® suplementado e adicionado de glicose, insulina glargina (LANTUS®, Sanofi Aventis), albendazol e praziquantel, foram retirados da placa e o meio foi congelado em nitrogênio líquido para ocorrer estase metabólica. Posteriormente o meio de cultura passou por um processo de extração sendo analisado em Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Performance com detector UV (CLAE) dos seguintes ácidos orgânicos oriundos do metabolismo de carboidratos (lactato, piruvato), metabolismo intermediário (citrato, α-cetoglutarato succinato, fumarato, malato, oxaloacetato) e metabolismo de ácidos graxos (β-hidroxibutirato e propionato). Foram detectados propionato e β-hidroxibutirato secretados por cisticercos de T. crassiceps indicando a oxidação de ácidos graxos como fonte de energia alternativa, utilizada em especial nos estádios de crescimento e também em situações de baixas concentrações de substancias energéticas provenientes do hospedeiro. Em adição, a detecção de xiv ácidos orgânicos do ciclo do ácido cítrico nos cisticercos analisados confirma a aerobiose in vitro do estádio evolutivos inicial dos cisticercos.

Avaliação do imunoblot no diagnóstico da cisticercose bovina / Evaluation of the imunoblotting for the bovine cysticercosis diagnosis

Girotto, Aline 17 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:46:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 928214 bytes, checksum: f836c005563b3eda57ceef56008490fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-17 / The bovine cisticercosis is an illness caused by the larva of Taenia saginata called Cysticercus bovis. Recently the implementation of immunologic tests has been suggested as alternative for the diagnosis of the illness, amongst these tests the Immunoblotting, that basically detect antibodies in the serum. The present work objectives the evaluation of the Immunoblotting performance in the immunodiagnosis of bovine cisticercosis as well as of Taenia saginata and Taenia crassiceps antigens. The Taenia saginata antigens (Tsag) was gotten from the calves through the experimental infection and the Taenia crassiceps (LVcra and Tcra) antigen was gotten through experimental infection in mice balb/c. The antigens had been tested in four groups of Immunoblot control-serum: 28 samples of animals experimentally infected, 32 from naturally infected animals, 28 samples without illnesses and 19 samples with other pathologies. The peptides that had only reacted with the positive serum had been selected and identified as important, observing the localization criteria (molecular weight) as well as its physical appearance, particularly the color intensity. Related to these characteristics, valid for three tested antigens, the bands of 4-6, 14 and 18KDa had been distinguished between the others, showing the highest taxes of performance and a differentiated profile, with bigger area and height, similar to a spot. The 4-6KDa peptides presented the taxes of 66.7, 66.7 and 50% of sensitivity and 97.5, 84.6 and 96.2% of specificity when used the LVcra, Tcra and Tsag antigens, respectively. The 14KDa peptide presented 87.5, 87.5 and 77.8% of sensitivity and 97.5 94.9 and 100% of specificity with the LVcra, Tcra and Tsag antigens, respectively. The 18KDa peptide presented for LVcra, Tcra and Tsag, respectively, 75, 41.7 and 88.9% sensitivity values and 97.5, 89.7 and 92.3% of specificity. Crossed reactions with other illnesses between the three antigenic preparations and the 4-6, 14 and 18KDa peptides had not been observed. The values reached in this experiment indicate that the peptides with molecular weight of 4-6, 14 and 18KDa, can be considered important in the diagnosis of bovine cisticercosis. Low sensitivity values of Immunoblot had been observed when serum of animals with natural infection, generally discrete, had been considered. On the other hand, serum samples of antibodies from the studied bovines demonstrated high taxes of performance in the recognition of the 4-6, 14 and 18 Kda peptides, what characterize the test qualitatively, becoming it useful for the diagnosis of cisticercosis, as well as teste antigens. / A cisticercose bovina é uma doença causada pela larva de Taenia saginata, denominada Cysticercus bovis. Recentemente, tem sido sugerida, como alternativa para o diagnóstico da doença, a implementação de testes imunológicos, dentre eles o Imunoblot, que tem por princípio a detecção de anticorpos no soro. O presente trabalho objetiva a avaliação do desempenho do imunoblot no imunodiagnóstico da cisticercose bovina, bem como, dos antígenos de Taenia saginata e Taenia crassiceps. Os antígenos de Taenia saginata (Tsag) foram obtidos através da infecção experimental dos bezerros e os de Taenia crassiceps (LVcra e Tcra), através da infecção experimental em camundongos balb/c. Os antígenos foram testados no Immunoblotting frente a quatro grupos de soros-controle: 28 amostras de soro de animais experimentalmente infectados, 32 de animais naturalmente infectados, 28 sem doenças e 19 com outras patologias. Foram selecionados os peptídeos que reagiram somente com os soros positivos, os quais foram identificados como importantes, observando os critérios de localização (peso molecular), bem como sua aparência física, particularmente a intensidade de cor. As bandas de 4-6, 14 e 18KDa destacaram-se entre as outras, mostrando as mais altas taxas de desempenho e um perfil diferenciado, com área e altura maiores, semelhantes a uma mancha. Os peptídeos de 4-6KDa apresentaram as taxas de 66,7, 66,7 e 50% de sensibilidade e 97,5, 84,6 e 96,2% de especificidade quando utilizados os antígenos LVcra, Tcra e Tsag, respectivamente. O peptídeo de 14KDa apresentou 87,5, 87,5 e 77,8% de sensibilidade e 97,5 94,9 e 100% de especificidade com os antígenos LVcra , Tcra e Tsag , respectivamente. O peptídeo de 18KDa apresentou para LVcra, Tcra e Tsag, respectivamente, valores de 75, 41,7 e 88,9% de sensibilidade e 97,5, 89,7 e 92,3% de especificidade. Não foram observadas reações cruzadas com outras doenças entre as três preparações antigênicas e os peptídeos de 4-6, 14 e 18KDa. Os valores alcançados neste experimento indicam que os peptídeos com peso molecular de 4-6, 14 e 18KDa, podem ser considerados importantes no diagnóstico da cisticercose bovina. Observaram-se baixos valores de sensibilidade do imunoblot quando se consideraram soros de animais com infecção natural, geralmente discreta. Por outro lado, as altas taxas de desempenho demonstradas no reconhecimento dos peptídeos de 4-6, 14 e 18KDa, pelos anticorpos presentes nas amostras de soros dos bovinos estudados, caracterizam qualitativamente o teste, tornando-o útil no diagnóstico da cisticercose.

Neurocisticercose experimental: efeito do tratamento anti-helmíntico no metabolismo energético e respiratório de cisticercos

Leandro, Letícia de Almeida 28 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-12-29T15:35:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Dissertação - Letícia de Almeida Leandro - 2013.pdf: 2111763 bytes, checksum: c992b02afb4a59e318265d06577e6454 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-12-29T15:40:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Dissertação - Letícia de Almeida Leandro - 2013.pdf: 2111763 bytes, checksum: c992b02afb4a59e318265d06577e6454 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-29T15:40:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Dissertação - Letícia de Almeida Leandro - 2013.pdf: 2111763 bytes, checksum: c992b02afb4a59e318265d06577e6454 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / The analysis of the energetic and respiratory metabolism of Taenia crassiceps cysticerci innoculated into the encefalum of female BALB/c mice was performed. After 30 days of infection the mice were treated with low dosages (3.0 and 6.0 mg/kg) of albendazole and praziquantel aiming the observation of the alterations caused by a hostile environment on the parasite's metabolism. The aim of this study was to detect the influence of low dosages of anti-helminthic drugs on the production of organic acids related to the intermediary metabolism (oxaloacetate, malate, fumarate, succinate, citrate and α-ketoglutarate), carbohydrates metabolism (pyruvate, lactate, propionate, oxaloacetate and malate) and fatty acids and proteins catabolism (β-hydroxibutyrate, acetoacetate, acetate, α-ketoglutarate and oxalate) by T. crassiceps cysticerci innoculated into the CNS of BALB/c mice. Regarding the glycolisis, it was possible to detect lactate in all samples which shows that this parasite performs a lactic fermentation. As to the intermediary metabolism it was possible to detect oxaloacetate, citrate, malate, succinate, fumarate and α-ketoglutarate which indicates that the cysticerci may have used the tricarboxilic acid cycle (TCA) to produce energy. However facing the results found the evidences show that the cysticerci used a metabolic pathway denominated reversion of the TCA for energy production which presents as main end products propionate and acetate. There were no significant differences between the groups treated with the anti-helminthic and the control one except that the group treated with 6.0 mg/kg of albendazole presented acetate as main end product of the TCA reversion while the other groups presented propionate. In the groups treated with praziquantel, both concentrations, there was no production of acetate and in the 6.0 mg/kg of praziquntel there was no production of β-hydroxibutyrate wheter in the groups treated with both concentrations of albendazol there was an increase in the production of this organic acid which indicates the maximization of the energetic pathway of fatty acids oxidation and/or of the proteic catabolism. It was possible to conclude that T. crassiceps cysticerci when exposed to the conditions of this study preferred an anaerobic energy production pathway and probably performed the catabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids. / Realizou-se a análise do metabolismo energético e respiratório de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps inoculados no encéfalo de camundongos BALB/c fêmeas. Após 30 dias de infecção, esses camundongos foram tratados com baixas doses (3,0 e 6,0 mg/kg) de albendazol e praziquantel visando observação de alterações provocadas no metabolismo do parasito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar a influência de baixas doses desses anti-helmínticos na produção dos ácidos orgânicos do metabolismo intermediário (citrato, α-cetoglutarato, succinato, fumarato, malato, oxaloacetato), de carboidratos (piruvato, lactato, oxaloacetato, malato, acetato e propionato), de ácidos graxos e proteínas (β-hidroxibutirato, acetoacetato, acetato, α-cetoglutarato e oxalato) realizados por cisticercos de T. crassiceps implantados no SNC de camundongos BALB/c fêmeas. Com relação a glicólise, detectou-se lactato em todas as amostras mostrando que esse parasito fez fermentação lática; em relação ao metabolismo intermediário foi possível detectar os ácidos orgânicos citrato, α-cetoglutarato, succinato, fumarato, malato e oxaloacetato, indicando que os cisticercos apresentaram elementos do ciclo do ácido cítrico para produzir energia. Porém diante dos resultados encontrados a principal evidência é de que esses cisticercos utilizaram uma via denominada reversão do ciclo do ácido cítrico para produzirem energia, obtendo como produtos finais propionato e acetato. Não se observou diferenças significativas entre os grupos que sofreram tratamentos e os grupos controle exceto pelo fato de que, o grupo tratado com albendazol 6,0 mg/kg de peso do camundongo teve como principal produto final da reversão do ciclo do ácido cítrico, o acetato, ao contrário dos demais grupos que tiveram o propionato; nos grupos tratados com praziquantel não houveram a produção de acetato como nos demais grupos e no grupo tratado com praziquantel 6,0 mg/kg não houve a produção de β-hidroxibutirato; nos grupos tratados com albendazol observou-se um aumento na produção de β-hidroxibutirato indicando que esse grupo maximizou a via de produção energética através da β-oxidação de ácidos graxos e/ou através do catabolismo proteico.Concluímos que os cisticercos de T. crassiceps, nas condições do presente trabalho, deram preferência para uma via de produção energética anaeróbia e provavelmente catabolizaram, além de carboidratos, proteínas e ácidos graxos para produzirem ATP.

Obtenção ex vivo de antígenos de excreção e secreção de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps / The obtaining of ex vivo excretion-secretion antigen of Taenia crassiceps cysticercus

Rosa Palmira Jácobo Goebbels 13 February 2008 (has links)
Larvas de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps foram deixadas em repouso em TRIS 9mM pH 7,2 com 1mM EDTA até 180 minutos, os sobrenadantes coletados e processados nos 30, 60, 120 e 180 minutos, dando origem aos antígenos de excreção e secreção (ES 30; ES 60; ES 120 e ES 180). A caracterização do antígeno de excreção e secreção de larvas de Taenia crassiceps foi feito por SDS-PAGE e imunoblot utilizando anticorpos monoclonais (AcMos) anti-T. crassiceps e anti-T. solium e anticorpos humanos. Os resultados mostraram que o rendimento do antígeno ES foi menor nos primeiros 30 minutos (0,4 &#181;g) por larva quando comparado os demais ES (ES 60: 2,4 &#181;g; ES 120: 2,9 &#181;g; ES 180: 2,5 &#181;g). O SDS-PAGE confirmou que no ES 30 há menos proteínas. No imunoblot, o ES 180 mostrou que 6 AcMos (anti-LV-Tcra; anti-ES-Tcra; anti-LV-Tso: A3; anti-T-Tso: B4, B11 e A6) reconheceram apenas as frações 18- e 14-kDa do antígeno ES 180. Os AcMos anti-E-Tso (B8) e anti-LV-Tso (B6) não reconheceram frações do antígeno ES 180. Anticorpos presentes em amostras humanas de pacientes com NC reconheceram as frações protéicas entre 94- a 30-kDa e as de 18- e 14-kDa. Utilizando antígeno ES 180 e amostras de soros de pacientes supostamente saudáveis (GC), foram identificadas proteínas acima de 30-kDa e somente uma amostra reconheceu a de 16- kDa, anômala em relação ao perfil 18- e 14-kDa. As amostras de soro de pacientes com outras parasitoses mostraram reatividade com frações &#8805; de 30-kDa do ES 180 e o maior índice de reatividade foi com a proteína 71-KDa. Um total de 77%; 70%; 60% e 70% das amostras de pacientes com toxocaríase, esquistossomose mansônica, hidatidose e Chagas, respectivamente, reconheceram a fração 71-kDa do ES 180. O antígeno ES pode contribuir com futuros estudos abordando a complexa relação parasito hospedeiro na cisticercose e na produção de vacinas para o uso em suínos. / Cysticercus Larvae of Taenia crassiceps were maintained in TRIS 9mM pH 7,2 with 1mM EDTA for 180 minutes; the supernatant was collected and processed at 30; 60; 120 and 180 minutes, originating excretion-secretion antigens (ES 30; ES 60; ES 120 and ES 180). The characterization of the ES antigen was conducted through SDS-PAGE and immunoblot using anti-T. crassiceps and anti-T. solium monoclonal antibodies (AcMos) and human antibodies. The results showed that the production of ES antigen was lower in the first 30 min. (0,4 &#181;g) compared with the others (ES 60: 2,4 &#181;g; ES 120: 2,9 &#181;g; ES 180: 2,5 &#181;g). The SDS-PAGE confirmed that ES 30 presented less protein. By immunoblot,6 AcMos (anti-LV-Tcra; anti-ES-Tcra;anti-LV-Tso: A3; anti-T-Tso: B4, B11 and A6) have recognized only the 18- and 14-kDa fractions of the ES 180. The anti-E-Tso (B8) and the anti-LV-Tso (B6) AcMos did not recognize any fractions. Antibodies from human samples NC recognized the proteins from 94- to 30-kDa and from 18- and 14-kDa. Using serum samples of apparently healthy individuals (GC), the ES 180 antigen showed proteins &#62; 30-kDa and one sample recognized the 16-kDa fraction, anomalous when compared to the 18- and 14-kDa fractions. The serum samples of subjects with other parasitoses showed reactivity &#8805; 30-kDa, more frequently with 71-KDa protein. A total of 77%; 70%; 60% and 70% of the samples from subjects presenting toxocariasis, esquistossomose mansonic, hydatidosis and Chagas disease, respectively, recognized the 71-kDa fraction of ES 180. The ES antigen may contribute to further studies on the complex cysticercosis parasite/host relation as well as for the production of vaccines for swine.

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