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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張家瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府面對關於揭露環境污染物的危險的爭論日趨嚴重。我們特提出政治經濟學中的二重要議題。一是對於在環境政策資訊不完全的情況,選民在考慮其做錯決策之機會成本後,將如何影響其投票決策;追求社會福利極大的政策制定者會如何制定最適的投票通過比例;以及政策制定者如何藉由專家的宣告來改變選民對環境政策的預期報酬,進而達到三方的均衡。二是我們將進一步討論關於選民政策與意識形態的策略動機。當有關政黨效率的資訊不完全時,選民在收到專家對政黨效率的宣告後,如何調解其政策及意識形態,以達到均衡。採用廉價談判的賽局 (cheap talk game) 理論提供解決的思考方向,探討政策制定者、選民、專家間的關係,政府的策略性溝通是否會有效,提供一理論模型的解釋。藉探討種種均衡存在的條件,盼能為議題甚或更一般化的政府政策,提供一理論依據,其能給予政府、社會一些參考與貢獻。

Simultaneous and successive synthesis and their interaction with instructional treatments in year eigth mathematics in the A.C.T.

Sullivan, Carolyn Wendy, n/a January 1987 (has links)
This study addresses the criticism leveled at A.C.T. Mathematics teachers with regard to their failure to use any other method of teaching than chalk-and-talk. By considering the changed needs of society for mathematics and the changed perceptions by society of education, the criticism is placed in context. The importance of spatial ability for mathematics is examined in the context of theories of cognitive abilities and its current under utilization within the classroom. On the basis of the increased need to utilize more talent the study was designed to operationalise in the classroom the constructs of simultaneous and successive synthesis, derived from Luria's model of brain functioning. The question of gender differences in mathematics achievment and spatial ability is addressed. The possible role of the maturation of language in determining differences in the acquistion of ability to form simultaneous synthesis is briefly discussed. The study was designed to utilize and enhance simultaneous synthesis. By demonstrating an Aptitude-Treatment Interaction it was intended to confirm that students, who function at a high level in simultaneous synthesis but at a low level in successive synthesis, would achieve more with experience with spatial activates than in a more traditional chalk-and-talk classroom. Gender differences in achievement were not found. Gender differences in successive/simultaneous profiles were found in accordance with theory predictions. The need for the duration of longer treatment periods is briefly discussed in the context of funding and the appearance of greater efficiency of traditional teaching methods when the students are functioning at the highest level of symbolic thought.

Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk / Evaluation of an FPGA for space applications

Gustavsson, Per, Håkansson, Pär January 2005 (has links)
<p>A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems. All problems found are dealt with in this report.Results: Ground-/VDD bounce measurements showed that devices using a fast slew rate resulted in TTL-level violation. However, by separating sensitive signals and SSOs in different I/O banks it is possible to work around the problem. Cross talk measurements has shown that the phenomena causes problems when using a long rise time input with toggling outputs placed next to the signal. Power cycling did not result in any alarming inrush currents. Regular power up showed an unwanted behaviour with pulses on all I/Os right before power on reset kicked in. When comparing the tool value with measurements regarding power consumption it was clear that it differed as much as 40-50%. The FPGA consumes 40-50% more power than what the power calculator tool estimates.</p>

Småprat-en väsentlig nyans av kommunikation

Nyman Wik, Monika January 2007 (has links)
<p>Undersökningen genomfördes på ett medelstort livsmedelsföretag i Mellansverige. Företaget, som ingår i en globalt verksam koncern, är utsatt för konkurrens både internt och på marknaden. För att bli ett mer effektivt företag vill företagsledningen utveckla medarbetarna och skapa en mer ”familjär anda”. Målet är att få mer engagerade medarbetare som har både förmåga och vilja att ta ett ökat ansvar. En väg är att skapa ett ökat förtroende mellan ledning och anställda samt öka förståelsen för omvärldssituationen. Medlet att nå fram är förbättrad kommunikation mellan de olika grupperna i företaget. Ledningens upplevelse är att kommunikationen med de anställda och framförallt de kollektivanställdas fackliga organisation är bristfällig.</p><p>Resonemanget i den praktiska och teoretiska genomgången har lett fram till en utveckling av den teoretiska modell jag formulerade i en tidigare undersökning på företaget. Den modellen behandlade begreppen kommunikation, motivation och förtroende samt hur de inverkar på möjligheterna att nå ett medvetet medarbetarskap. I en nu utvecklad teoretisk modell, där tonvikten ligger på småprat, motstånd och identitet, visar jag hur de olika faktorerna kan påverka varandra och ha betydelse för kommunikationen i företaget. En viktig faktor som förts in i modellen är småprat, dvs. det vardagliga pratet som dagligen pågår mellan de anställda.</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen är att belysa samspelet mellan identitet, motstånd mot förändringar och småprat samt hur de påverkar kommunikationen. För att försöka fånga vad det pratas om i företaget samt få ett grepp om de nyanser som finns i uppfattningar hos de anställda och har jag valt att genomföra undersökningen med ett etnografiskt angreppssätt. Jag har genomfört deltagande observationer på möten med företagsledning, arbetsgrupper, fackliga förhandlingar och följt de kollektivanställdas dagliga arbete. Intervjuer har gjorts med såväl företagsledning, tjänstemän och kollektivanställda.</p><p>Undersökningen har genererat ett omfattande empiriskt material vilket bekräftar företagsledningens uppfattning att kommunikationen inte fungerar riktigt bra. Flera av de goda ambitioner som ledningen har haft har successivt utvecklats till formaliserade måsten.</p><p>Analysen visar att kommunikationen i betydelsen ömsesidigt utbyte av uppfattningar fortfarande inte är särskilt väl utvecklad. Oftare pratar de olika grupperna om och till varandra istället för med varandra. Den ”familjära andan” ifrågasätts som företeelse och flera anställda efterlyser en tydligare och rakare ledning. Analysen visar också på vikten av att det dagliga pratets funktion uppmärksammas. Småpratet funderar som ett filter genom vilket uppfattningar, synpunkter, förslag och idéer vaskas och värderas. Slutsatsen är att ledningen bör sätta mer fokus på småpratet eftersom det är en viktig nyans av kommunikation. Fokus på småpratet i organisationen skulle således kunna resultera i ett mer konkurrenskraftigt företag.</p> / <p>This study was carried out in a medium sized company in the food industry. This company, is a part of a global group, and is exposed to both internal an external competition. In order to become a more efficient company the management group wants to reach a “family morale” amongst the employees.</p><p>The goal is to get employees with capability that voluntarily takes responsibility. One way is to create an increasing trust between the management group and the employees and get the employees to be acquainted with the changing business conditions in the surrounding world. The means is to reach an improved communication between the different groups in the company. The factory management feels that the communication with the blue-collar workers union in particular could work better.</p><p>The discussion in the practical and theoretical sections has led to a modified version of a theoretical model I created in an earlier study at the company. That model discussed the concept of communication, motivation and trust and how they affected the possibilities to develop “conscious employee-ship”. The modified theoretical model highlight the interaction between small talk, resistance to changes and identity and how this effect communication in the company. An essential factor that I have added in to the model is small talk, i.e. the talk between the employees talking place on a daily basis.</p><p>The purpose of the thesis is to highlight the interaction between identity, resistance to changes and small talk and how this effect communication. I have chosen to use an ethnographic methodology in an attempt to listen to what employees talk about and get a grip of the nuances in the employee’s opinions. I have carried out observations in participations at meetings with management group, in work groups, at union negotiations and followed the blue-collar workers in their everyday work. The interviews are made with the management group, white-collars and blue-collars workers.</p><p>The extensive empirical material does confirm the management group’s feeling that there are shortages within the communication. Several of the good ambitions initiated by the management group have led to formalized musts.</p><p>The analysis shows that communication in the meaning of mutual exchange of opinions still is not particularly well developed. Often work groups talk about other groups, rather than with other groups. The “family morale” is questioned as a phenomenon and several employees searched for a more evident and visible leadership. The analysis also showed the importance of paying attention to everyday talk. Small talk works like a filter through which opinions, viewpoints, suggestions and ideas are trickled and valued. The conclusion is that the management group should focus more upon the small talk, since it is an important nuance of the communication. Therefore, a focus on the small talk in the organisation might result in a more competitive company.</p>

"I go to Elland Road sometimes. Would you bomb me?" : en genealogisk närläsning av villkoren för överlevnad och subjektivitet i Sarah Kanes Blasted

Mårsell, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sarah Kane’s first play Blasted (1995) has often been read in a normative and biographical way by critics, authors and previous researchers. This essay makes a supplementary close reading of Blasted from gender and genealogical perspectives and utilizes theoretical works by Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. My study makes clear that the characters different positions in language and talk create and maintain a power imbalance between them. Efforts to change and develop one’s individual position in language and talk are being made throughout the play since it is the only way to bring about a change in the social power structure. A fact that in turn also subsequently punishes those efforts. By analyzing the tools of representation, Kane points out a direct link between a violent power imbalance in a couples relationship and the violence of a war zone. In Blasted, it is revealed how violence in a private situation is mirrored in a situation of public violence and how the public violence, in turn, crawls back to the private zone and there repeats itself. By forcing one of the main characters to regress back to the infancy of language and from there alter the ability to act within the framework of human interrelations, Kane demonstrates how a change in social structures can be made, and as is shown in this essay, this indicates that a knowledge of how the social structures are being maintained and how they in turn can be disarranged, is what is required to create an opportunity for change.</p>

Episodes in talk : Constructing coherence in multiparty conversation

Korolija, Natascha January 1998 (has links)
This study contributes to an understanding of how coherence can be assigned or constructed by participants in authentic multiparty conversational interaction. Coherence is analysed as a type of organisation relevant for the making of meaning in situated interaction, but also in retrospect from a third party's (or analyst's) perspective; it is both constructed and reconstructed. Important questions are: what makes multiparty talk hold together, what do a number of participants in conversation (have to) do in order to sustain coherence, and in what senses can multiparty conversations be argued to be coherent? A notion of episode is (re)introduced as a unit of natural social interaction, manifest at a structurally intermediate, or a global. level of conversation. The use of episode implies that coherence, a pragmatic phenomenon, steadily encompasses text, i.e. talk, context(s) and actions, and sense-making practices invoking contexts during the progression of interaction. This reflects the reciprocal relations between länguage, social interaction, and cognition. Also, a coding method of coherence has been developed, Topical Episode Analysis (abbreviated as TEA). The thesis explores the concept of episode and its place among units of interaction, and describes the episode structure and coherence-making in some specific activity types. The empirical material used, 24 multiparty conversations making up a total of 1500 episodes, consists of dinner conversations among peers, multi-generational family gatherings (involving aphasics), radio talk shows, and conversations recorded at a centre aimed for elderly people (with symptoms of dementia). In all conversations, conversing is a main activity. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses have been carried out. Results include the following points: (i) coherence in multiparty conversation can be regarded as a co-construction; (ii) coherence is accomplished through the invoking of contexts (cotext, situation, and background knowledge), implying that coherence is an attribute of activities in context and not only 'text'; (iii) coherence-making is the unmarked case in authentic conversation and incoherence or non-coherence appear to be theoretical constructs; (iv) coherence patterns are activityspecific; (v) coherence is multilayered, consisting of one local and several global levels; (vi) coherence is constructed through a division of communicative labour, suggesting that also people with communicative impairments contribute to coherence-making.

Svensklärares arbete : om villkor för gymnasieskolans svenskämne

Holmgren, Barbro January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this didactic study is to understand the terms of work, education and teaching of Swedish in a period round 2000. The research questions focus on how teachers at upper secondary school in conversations describe and construct their work, values in society and school, structures of power and relation to time. With the help of tools related to story and storytelling, and by connecting the empirical material to a late modern society, I caninterpret and understand the description of their work. With the help of Pierre Bourdieu&#8217;s theory I can see how values, power and relation to time are expressed in different ways when teachers of Swedish talk about their work and education.The results show that when teacher talk about work in school is it related to ideals in a global economy. Decentralization and individualization get new meanings when those words are placed in school environment and activity. Effectiveness, flexibility and individualization are words related to economy and they seem to have an effect on education and subjects of Swedish. I can also understand teachers&#8217; work when it is related to power and values on the educational field. I can see how a diffuse power acts on the field and how harmony is a dominant value and a term that influences teachers&#8217; work. New terms also form new identities related to teaching. New terms form new subjects of Swedish that in time and practice will form newhabitus connected to subjects. I call it &#228;mneskonceptionella habitus.

Förtroliga medarbetarsamtal : chefers och medarbetares uppfattningar / Confidential performance appraisals : managers and employees perceptions

Eklöv, Tomy, Zaheri, Hamid January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Småprat-en väsentlig nyans av kommunikation

Nyman Wik, Monika January 2007 (has links)
Undersökningen genomfördes på ett medelstort livsmedelsföretag i Mellansverige. Företaget, som ingår i en globalt verksam koncern, är utsatt för konkurrens både internt och på marknaden. För att bli ett mer effektivt företag vill företagsledningen utveckla medarbetarna och skapa en mer ”familjär anda”. Målet är att få mer engagerade medarbetare som har både förmåga och vilja att ta ett ökat ansvar. En väg är att skapa ett ökat förtroende mellan ledning och anställda samt öka förståelsen för omvärldssituationen. Medlet att nå fram är förbättrad kommunikation mellan de olika grupperna i företaget. Ledningens upplevelse är att kommunikationen med de anställda och framförallt de kollektivanställdas fackliga organisation är bristfällig. Resonemanget i den praktiska och teoretiska genomgången har lett fram till en utveckling av den teoretiska modell jag formulerade i en tidigare undersökning på företaget. Den modellen behandlade begreppen kommunikation, motivation och förtroende samt hur de inverkar på möjligheterna att nå ett medvetet medarbetarskap. I en nu utvecklad teoretisk modell, där tonvikten ligger på småprat, motstånd och identitet, visar jag hur de olika faktorerna kan påverka varandra och ha betydelse för kommunikationen i företaget. En viktig faktor som förts in i modellen är småprat, dvs. det vardagliga pratet som dagligen pågår mellan de anställda. Syftet med undersökningen är att belysa samspelet mellan identitet, motstånd mot förändringar och småprat samt hur de påverkar kommunikationen. För att försöka fånga vad det pratas om i företaget samt få ett grepp om de nyanser som finns i uppfattningar hos de anställda och har jag valt att genomföra undersökningen med ett etnografiskt angreppssätt. Jag har genomfört deltagande observationer på möten med företagsledning, arbetsgrupper, fackliga förhandlingar och följt de kollektivanställdas dagliga arbete. Intervjuer har gjorts med såväl företagsledning, tjänstemän och kollektivanställda. Undersökningen har genererat ett omfattande empiriskt material vilket bekräftar företagsledningens uppfattning att kommunikationen inte fungerar riktigt bra. Flera av de goda ambitioner som ledningen har haft har successivt utvecklats till formaliserade måsten. Analysen visar att kommunikationen i betydelsen ömsesidigt utbyte av uppfattningar fortfarande inte är särskilt väl utvecklad. Oftare pratar de olika grupperna om och till varandra istället för med varandra. Den ”familjära andan” ifrågasätts som företeelse och flera anställda efterlyser en tydligare och rakare ledning. Analysen visar också på vikten av att det dagliga pratets funktion uppmärksammas. Småpratet funderar som ett filter genom vilket uppfattningar, synpunkter, förslag och idéer vaskas och värderas. Slutsatsen är att ledningen bör sätta mer fokus på småpratet eftersom det är en viktig nyans av kommunikation. Fokus på småpratet i organisationen skulle således kunna resultera i ett mer konkurrenskraftigt företag. / This study was carried out in a medium sized company in the food industry. This company, is a part of a global group, and is exposed to both internal an external competition. In order to become a more efficient company the management group wants to reach a “family morale” amongst the employees. The goal is to get employees with capability that voluntarily takes responsibility. One way is to create an increasing trust between the management group and the employees and get the employees to be acquainted with the changing business conditions in the surrounding world. The means is to reach an improved communication between the different groups in the company. The factory management feels that the communication with the blue-collar workers union in particular could work better. The discussion in the practical and theoretical sections has led to a modified version of a theoretical model I created in an earlier study at the company. That model discussed the concept of communication, motivation and trust and how they affected the possibilities to develop “conscious employee-ship”. The modified theoretical model highlight the interaction between small talk, resistance to changes and identity and how this effect communication in the company. An essential factor that I have added in to the model is small talk, i.e. the talk between the employees talking place on a daily basis. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight the interaction between identity, resistance to changes and small talk and how this effect communication. I have chosen to use an ethnographic methodology in an attempt to listen to what employees talk about and get a grip of the nuances in the employee’s opinions. I have carried out observations in participations at meetings with management group, in work groups, at union negotiations and followed the blue-collar workers in their everyday work. The interviews are made with the management group, white-collars and blue-collars workers. The extensive empirical material does confirm the management group’s feeling that there are shortages within the communication. Several of the good ambitions initiated by the management group have led to formalized musts. The analysis shows that communication in the meaning of mutual exchange of opinions still is not particularly well developed. Often work groups talk about other groups, rather than with other groups. The “family morale” is questioned as a phenomenon and several employees searched for a more evident and visible leadership. The analysis also showed the importance of paying attention to everyday talk. Small talk works like a filter through which opinions, viewpoints, suggestions and ideas are trickled and valued. The conclusion is that the management group should focus more upon the small talk, since it is an important nuance of the communication. Therefore, a focus on the small talk in the organisation might result in a more competitive company.

"I go to Elland Road sometimes. Would you bomb me?" : en genealogisk närläsning av villkoren för överlevnad och subjektivitet i Sarah Kanes Blasted

Mårsell, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Sarah Kane’s first play Blasted (1995) has often been read in a normative and biographical way by critics, authors and previous researchers. This essay makes a supplementary close reading of Blasted from gender and genealogical perspectives and utilizes theoretical works by Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. My study makes clear that the characters different positions in language and talk create and maintain a power imbalance between them. Efforts to change and develop one’s individual position in language and talk are being made throughout the play since it is the only way to bring about a change in the social power structure. A fact that in turn also subsequently punishes those efforts. By analyzing the tools of representation, Kane points out a direct link between a violent power imbalance in a couples relationship and the violence of a war zone. In Blasted, it is revealed how violence in a private situation is mirrored in a situation of public violence and how the public violence, in turn, crawls back to the private zone and there repeats itself. By forcing one of the main characters to regress back to the infancy of language and from there alter the ability to act within the framework of human interrelations, Kane demonstrates how a change in social structures can be made, and as is shown in this essay, this indicates that a knowledge of how the social structures are being maintained and how they in turn can be disarranged, is what is required to create an opportunity for change.

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