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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of talk and instructional mode on enhancing secondary English students’ interpretation of, response to, and appreciation for short fiction

Nickerson, Warren Thor 29 September 2006 (has links)
Reading practices in high school English language arts should lead students to write richer, more developed responses to literature. Teacher-led, reflective, and performance-based instructional modes were combined with either talk or writing to produce six activities for enhancing response. A repeated measures design varied the order of the six learning activities for three classes (n=44) in a Midwest suburban high school. Later written responses were scored for interpretation, response, and appreciation. Pearson correlations revealed the task and criteria were reliable. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) found that for interpretation and response, talking led to higher achievement. Conversely, writing was nearly superior to talk for appreciation. Practice and feedback may be more significant than instructional condition for raising the quality of response. / February 2007

Le couple information/divertissement peut-il remplir la mission démocratique des médias? : les cas de The Daily Show et The Colbert Report

Brouillet, Daphné January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire se penche sur les liens entre l'information et le divertissement à la télévision, en ciblant plus particulièrement les États-Unis. Il explore l'univers de l'infotainment par le biais de deux émissions humoristiques américaines qui traitent d'actualité. Nous dressons dans un premier temps un bref portrait des tendances qui affectent l'information télévisée aux États-Unis, ce qui nous donne l'occasion de remarquer que les bulletins de nouvelles de toutes les chaînes subissent une perte d'auditoire. Cette dernière s'explique par divers facteurs dont la concurrence d'Internet, la perte de confiance des Américains envers leurs médias en général ainsi qu'une migration du public vers les émissions humoristiques et les talk shows de fin de soirée pour entendre parler d'actualité et de politique. C'est sur ce dernier aspect que nous nous attardons en poursuivant sur la part grandissante du mélange des genres (information et divertissement) et le débat qui gravite autour de l'infotainment. La mission démocratique des médias selon Blumler et Gurevitch est la théorie que nous utilisons pour sonder ce phénomène. Le cas que nous choisissons d'étudier dans cette perspective correspond aux émissions The Daily Show et The Colbert Report de la chaîne câblée Comedy Central. Nous posons comme hypothèse que celles-ci peuvent partiellement répondre à cette mission démocratique des médias en abordant des enjeux sérieux à travers un regard critique et réflexif. Pour vérifier la validité de cette hypothèse, nous effectuerons une analyse de contenu, surtout qualitative, d'épisodes diffusés pendant la période 2006-2007. Chacun des épisodes sélectionnés sera donc examiné par le biais d'une grille d'observation dont les indicateurs sont issus des critères de Blumler et Gurevitch. Nous arrivons par cette démarche à la conclusion que les deux émissions à l'étude présentent un contenu informationnel substantiel et occupent un rôle de chien de garde par rapport aux personnalités et institutions politiques. Fait intéressant, The Daily Show et The Colbert Report exercent également une surveillance des médias télévisuels qui couvrent ces derniers et mettent ainsi de l'avant une réflexion à deux niveaux. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Télévision américaine, Information, Divertissement, Journalisme télévisé, Mission démocratique et métissage des genres.

Les effets du zapping sur les discours des médias

Lauzon, Jean-Claude 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le zapping a institué, en même temps que de nouvelles conditions de réception, de nouvelles conditions de production et de circulation des messages. Cette étude veut mettre en relief l'évolution de différents genres de discours télévisuels - discours de divertissement, discours publicitaire, discours d'information - en rapport avec ces changements dans les modes de production en réaction au zapping. Il est question d'accélération, de fragmentation, de sensationnalisation et d'hybridation des genres, des changements de ton et de format qu'on a voulu observer dans les discours de trois genres télévisuels à deux époques de l'histoire de la télévision : au début des années 1970, avant cette intensification de l'usage de la télécommande entrainée par l'addition des nombreux choix de programmes, et aujourd'hui (2010), alors que le zapping est devenu un mode de réception et de production des discours télévisuels assez généralisé. Plusieurs publicités, deux téléromans, deux talk-shows et deux téléjournaux sont analysés. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Zapping, effets du zapping, télévision, téléspectateur, production télévisuelle, diffusion, réception, discours télévisuels, discours des médias, conversation, accélération, fragmentation, publicité, téléroman, talkshow, journal télévisé, information.

”Hörredu … vi börjar med att du förklarar på ett enkelt sätt för oss, för vi e vanliga simpla människor” : En samtalsanalytisk studie av en hybridiserad pratshowintervju

Sundin, Åsa January 2012 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks interaktionen mellan tre programledare och en intervjuad forskare i ett utdrag från ett intervjusamtal i radio. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka övergripande topiker och vilka kommunikativa projekt som förekommer i samtalsutdraget. Likaså att undersöka hur de kommunikativa projekten kan relateras till den hybriditet som detta samtalsutdrag kännetecknas av, då samtale tkan kategoriseras som en hybridiserad pratshowintervju. Samtalsdelen består av drygt åtta minuter, som transkriberas och analyseras med hjälp av en topikanalys i kombination med en analys av de kommunikativa projekt som florerar i samtalsutdraget. Resultatet av analysen visar att samtalsutdraget innehåller olika kommunikativa projekt som ibland kolliderar. Programledarna vill ha svar på sina mestadels enkla och grundläggande frågor, men forskaren svarar inte alltid enkelt och grundläggande. Forskaren är där för att beskriva omständigheterna kring hundraårsjubileet av upptäckten av kosmisk strålning, i egenskap av elementarpartikelfysiker. Programledarna är beroende av att deras lyssnare tycker att innehållet är intressant och värt att lyssna på. Därför hamnar det på deras lott att så gott de kan göra programinnehållet intressant för lyssnarna. För att uppfylla det tillkommer lokala projekt, såsom att förmå den intervjuade att vara mer personlig och göra ansatser för att ge samtalet en mer vardaglig och avslappnad prägel. Till exempel genom det sätt som de ställer frågor till forskaren. Men även den journalistsiska uppgiften att popularisera vetenskapen som forskaren intervjuas om tillkommer, då det rör sig om ett radioprogram inom sektorn för Public service.

Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk / Evaluation of an FPGA for space applications

Gustavsson, Per, Håkansson, Pär January 2005 (has links)
A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems. All problems found are dealt with in this report.Results: Ground-/VDD bounce measurements showed that devices using a fast slew rate resulted in TTL-level violation. However, by separating sensitive signals and SSOs in different I/O banks it is possible to work around the problem. Cross talk measurements has shown that the phenomena causes problems when using a long rise time input with toggling outputs placed next to the signal. Power cycling did not result in any alarming inrush currents. Regular power up showed an unwanted behaviour with pulses on all I/Os right before power on reset kicked in. When comparing the tool value with measurements regarding power consumption it was clear that it differed as much as 40-50%. The FPGA consumes 40-50% more power than what the power calculator tool estimates.

Intervjuer mot väggen : En analys av svenska och brittiska radio- och teve-journalisters frågeteknik

Hamrud, Annika January 2011 (has links)
De metoder som används i de studerade svenska intervjuerna (”Lördagsintervjun” och”Sverker rakt på”) för samman reportern och politikern istället för att visa på oberoende. Denfrågeteknik som används skapar intimitet snarare än konfrontation och därför ställs intemakten till svars. Detta görs i uppsatsen tydligt genom en jämförelse med brittiska politiskaintervjuer.I uppsatsen analyseras sex etersända politikerintervjuer från fyra teoretiska perspektiv - detnormativa journalistiska perspektivet, samtalsanalysen, retoriken och maktanalysen. Breddenpå frågorna tydliggör hur de olika intervjuarna ställer sina frågor och hur de fungerar med deolika intervjupersonerna. Slutsatsen är att svenska reportrar ogärna agerar konfrontativt ochhellre vill vara vän med den de intervjuar. Den vänskapliga stämningen leder till att denintervjuade inte ställs till svars, samtidigt fungerar intimiteten utestängande för dem som intesympatiserar. Journalisten och politikern hamnar på samma sida och utestänger den lyssnaresom är journalistens uppdragsgivare.Studien visar också att de svenska journalisterna inte har en teknik som är oberoende av vemde intervjuar. I de brittiska intervjuerna kombineras ett hårt ifrågasättande med en respektfulldistans. I de svenska intervjuerna finns ett behov av lättsamhet som hindrar ifrågasättandet.De sex intervjuerna som studien bygger på är: Jimmie Åkesson i BBC:s Hardtalk, Carl Bildt iBBC:s Hardtalk, Jimmie Åkesson i Sveriges Radios Lördagsintervju, Carl Bildt i SverigesRadios Lördagsintervju, Jimmie Åkesson i SVT:s ”Sverker Rakt på sak” samt Anders Borg i”Sverker Rakt på sak”.

An Analysis On The Daytime Woman Talk Shows In Turkey

Gun, Cagan 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
As from 2000, the &ldquo / daytime woman talk shows&rdquo / with the contents of family tragedies, personal disasters and discussions increasingly draw audience&rsquo / s attention, particularly women&rsquo / s, became a popular TV genre with almost every private TV channel having one of its own in the year 2005 in Turkey. Defining themselves as &ldquo / reality shows&rdquo / presenting only &ldquo / reality&rdquo / and &ldquo / spontaneity&rdquo / , the basic claim of these programs is that the ordinary people are hosted to the programs, the problems in their everyday lives are deal with in an enlightening and educational manner, and solutions are brought to them with thanks of the programme. These daytime woman talk shows that led to various discussions in the country&rsquo / s agenda with some death events experienced and their controversial functions form the subject of this study. The principal purpose of the thesis is to understand which production practices and dynamics why and how play a role in the content formation and the production process of the programs and in this manner to explain the place and significance of the programs in the Turkish television industry. In the thesis, three programs are analyzed as the pioneering and confrontational shows of this genre in Turkey. The specific features and the world wide historical developments of the daytime woman talk shows are handled on, along with their fundamental elements, and also the interviews with show producers and participants, and the observations about the production processes are included in the analysis.

A Study of China¡¦s Policy on North Korea Nuclear Dispute(2002-2008)

Lin, Cheng-Chung 21 October 2009 (has links)
After three decades¡¦ steady and tremendously economic growth, China has reemerged on the center stage of the world as an aspiring great power. Its historically unprecedented leapfrogging in the global economic share levels up its comprehensive national power exponentially, and becomes the main driving force in Asia in the context of global interdependence. In the restive North East Asia, the North Korea Nuclear Crisis facilitated the United States strategic overhaul in western Pacific. For great powers, the Korea Peninsula has been a major power struggle theater since the late eighteen century, because of its geographic location. Therefore, the balance of power in the peninsular is a matter of caution in the world leaders¡¦ calculation. The United States, Russia, Japan, China, and South Korea are the major players in the subregion, all of whom are six-party talks participants. The six-party talks was originally convened to settle the hermit kingdom¡¦s nuclear ambition. Ostensibly, it was. But, when examined from the theory of the balance of power, it has multi-pronged goals---the most realistic one is to manage the structural power transition now happening in the region. Even in the late 2007 North Korea launched a series of missile and nuclear weapon test, the function of being an adjusting and preventive agent still works in the framework. Still more explicitly, the United States treats the dialogue mechanism as a litmus test to see if or not China operates in the international system as a ¡§responsible stakeholder¡¨ as it expects. Because of compound issues involved in the issue(proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear armament domino effect in North East Asia, and the miserable living conditions and humanitarian crisis in North Korea), the real mindset of China¡¦s position on dealing with it which is top on its national interest calculations could be clearly read. Moreover, North Korea stands as a buffer state in the North East Asia, its collapsing and integration with South Korea means a lot to the great powers---China is the immediate benefactor in this matter. That¡¦s why China has been voicing its concern on the basing relocation and military interoperability exercises among the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Then, the discourse, or authenticity, of ¡§peaceful development¡¨ will be given credence to or not. Given the scenario, the thesis is focused on studying the policy of China on dealing with North Korea nuclear dispute and its impacts on the Northeast Asia, trying to understand and figure out the real face of China¡¦s strategic ambitions.

Förtroliga medarbetarsamtal : chefers och medarbetares uppfattningar / Confidential performance appraisals : managers and employees perceptions

Eklöv, Tomy, Zaheri, Hamid January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanism of the cross talk between growth hormone receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor

Li, Xin. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Feb. 18, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

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