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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konflikten mellan människor och elefanter

Skoogh, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Uppsatsen beskriver konflikten mellan elefanter och människor kring Tarangire nationalpark. Som är en park som är mycket känd för mängden elefanter som de har, så det är ett växande problem. Själva fokusen ligger på hur elefanterna förstör för de lokala befolkningen och vad som kommer hända om elefanterna får fortsätta att öka i antal som de gör nu. Uppsatsen ska undersöka vad man kan göra för att bevara det vilda djurlivet i synnerhet elefanterna, men samtidigt skydda jordbrukare mot elefanter som äter upp och förstör deras grödor.</p><p>Men genom att befolkningen i Tanzania ökar gör det att människor flyttar allt närmare Tarangire nationalpark och dom korridorer som djuren använder för deras traditionella vandringar. Allt detta skapar stora problem genom att djurens habitat minskar, vilket resulterar i att bland annat elefanterna orsakar stora skador på jordbrukarnas fält, genom att de äter upp grödor eller trampar sönder grödorna.</p><p>Alla jordbrukare kring Tarangire nationalpark hade detta problem och många kände en uppgivenhet eftersom ingen hjälpte dem, verken nationalparkerna eller regeringen. Jordbrukarna hade några traditionella metoder för att skrämma iväg elefanterna och några av dessa var att man gjorde ljud, eld och kastade saker. Men ibland hjälpte ingenting eftersom elefanten i fråga inte var rädd. Vilket innebar för jordbrukaren att man inte kunde göra någonting, utan man fick se på hur ens levebröd blev uppätet eller nedtrampat. För att sen ta arbete hos någon annan för att överleva.</p>

Community Based Wildlife Management : its Role in Conservation and Development

Tynnerson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Tanzania has exceptional wildlife, environment and natural resources. The traditional way of conserving nature and wildlife has been through parks and reserves. In the 1980’s community based conservation emerged as a resource management paradigm. Its premise was that giving local people a stake in wildlife would increase their incentive to conserve it. This would make wildlife an important engine of local economic development. The core elements in community based conservation projects concern development, conservation and sustainable land use. Its ambition both to improve conditions for the local communities and conserve wildlife seems like a win-win situation, but has this really been working that well when applied in the field? This study aims to review the Community Based Wildlife Management in Tanzania, exemplified by a case study in the Wildlife Management Area in Burunge, located in a migration corridor between two national parks. There has been much controversy surrounding community-based management projects. While gains for the local communities have not always been clear, gains for wildlife seem more evident. Both species numbers and individuals have increased, but at the same time there has also been increasing conflicts between locals and wildlife. This is a sign that the WMAs are only halfway to towards reaching their goal of improving conditions for both communities and wildlife. CBC stills seems like the way forwards, maybe in a modified form which allows more government control, but where local people’s rights are still respected.</p>

Decentralisation in Babati : A case study on the impact of decentralisation on health service delivery in a Tanzanian city

Borneskog, Annalinn January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

I need to use it, but do I like it? : a study of the attitudes towards using the mobile phone at work in Tanzania.

Lövgren, Charlotta, Dahl, Maja January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The aim of this thesis is to find out the attitudes towards using the mobile telephone as a communication tool within the District Education Offices (DEO) in Iringa in Tanzania. This in order to collect an understanding of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a work place in a developing country and to develop an understanding of how and why ICT is used.</p><p> </p><p>The theoretical framework which is the base for this study is made up by several theories within the field of development communication. Diffusion of innovations, ICT for developing countries, Technology Acceptance Model and a framework for sustainable ICT are the theories from which factors affecting attitudes have been collected to make up the theoretical framework for this study.</p><p> </p><p>The study was conducted with qualitative interviews with the employees of two out of seven DEOs in Iringa in Tanzania. The interview data was also complemented with data from questionnaires, filled out by employees at the DEOs. The questions in interview guide and the questionnaire were formed with the theoretical framework as the starting point and later also analysed through the same theoretical framework. Four individual interviews and one group interview with five interviewees were conducted and twelve questionnaires were collected.</p><p> </p><p>The compiled data showed that private usage, perceived ease of use, costs of usage, possible side effects of usage and the compatibility of the technology are the factors influencing the attitudes towards using the mobile phone at work and it can be concluded that the employees of the two District Education Offices in general had a positive attitude towards using the mobile phone, but that the technology and the work situation not yet were perfect for them to use the mobile phone without any restrains in their work. </p>

Tandhälsa bland skolbarn i Nkinga, Tanzania / Dental health among schoolchildren in Nkinga, Tanzania

Schyberg, Kristin, Kneiszl, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduktion: </strong>På grund av extremt hög fattigdom har de orala hälsofrågorna haft låg prioritet i Tanzania. Vid en konferens 2004 i Nairobi om den orala hälsan i Afrika ställde sig Tanzania, tillsammans med andra Afrikanska länder, bakom det gemensamma beslutet att hållbara nationella program måste utvecklas för att främja oral hälsa. Detta beslut har varit en drivkraft till att delta i och utveckla nedanstående projekt avseende munhälsofrämjande insatser. Endast ett fåtal studier finns redovisade vad gäller prevalensen av karies, gingivit och dental fluoros bland barn i Tanzania.<strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att kartlägga antal tänder samt förekomst av karies, gingivit, dental fluoros samt munhygienvanor bland barn i Nkinga English Medium School och Nkinga Public School i Nkinga, Tanzania.<strong>Metod: </strong>Studien är en epidemiologisk tvärsnittstudie och bestod av klinisk undersökning av 244 skolbarn på 2 olika skolor. Undersökningen avslutades med tre muntliga frågor om munhygienvanor. <strong>Resultat: </strong>I medeltal hade eleverna 1,1 karierade tandytor (ds/DS) och 62,3 % av eleverna var kariesfria. Medeltalet tandytor med gingivit uppgick till 46,2 % och för plack till 51,5 %. Åttiofem procent av eleverna hade ingen eller mildare grad av dental fluoros. Förekomsten av svårare grad av dental fluoros var 15 %. Nio av tio elever borstade tänderna och av dessa använde 74 % tandkräm.<strong>Slutsats:</strong> Tandhälsan hos skolbarnen i Nkinga var ur kariologisk synpunkt allmänt god medan förekomsten av gingivit och plack var relativt hög. Studien visade att en bättre förebyggande tandvård behövs i Nkinga för att förbättra tandhälsan och egenvårdsvanorna hos skolbarnen.                                              </p>

Experiences of female entrepreneurs in Tanzania : A cultural comparacy between individualism and collectivism

Hellsing, Maria, Olsson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Parents’ Wishes and Children’s Lives : Social Change and Change of Mind among Young People in West-Central Tanzania

Tjernström, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>This paper is about the transformation of a society in a rural area among the Nyamwezi of West-Central Tanzania. It deals with the change of people’s attitudes toward themselves, their lives and the surrounding world, brought on by the introduction of ‘modern education’. The discussion evolves around the theories of education and the socializing role of schooling. The paper treats the issue whether the education provided is relevant in relation to local</p><p>life, or only directed toward the realization of a radically new way of living.Further this paper debates the impact of modernization through institutions other than the schools, and the future of small communities in an increasingly globalized world.The issues in this paper are discussed from the perspective of young students in secondary schools and their parents. The background to the discussions throughout the paper is the secondary school itself,the</p><p>educational system, the rural community and developing countries.</p>

Utomhuspedagogik : Hur lärare i Tanzania förhåller sig till att undervisa utomhus. / Outdoorpedagogy : What teachers in Tanzania think about teaching outdoors.

Laaksonen, Linda, Taavola, Jenny January 2000 (has links)
Syftet med vårt arbete har varit att undersöka vad lärare i Tanzania har för tankar kring utomhusundervisning. Det har vi jämfört med en tidigare gjord undersökning av vad lärare i Sverige har för uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik. Vi ville också undersöka vilka skäl för att utnyttja utemiljön i undervisningen som litteraturen ger. Femton lärare från fyra olika skolor i Tanzania har svarat på en enkät. De frågor vi ville få svar på var om de ville undervisa utomhus och i sådana fall varför, vad de anser kan vara positivt och negativt med att undervisa utomhus, vilka delar av undervisningen som utförs utomhus och hur de genomför dessa. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att de undersökta lärarna i Tanzania använder sig av utemiljön i undervisningen. Vi kunde inte se några större skillnader mellan de lärare som undersökts i Tanzania och de lärare som undersökts i Sverige. Lärarna i Tanzania anger fler positiva anledningar till att undervisa ute. I litteraturen har vi funnit många och starka skäl till att vi, som lärare, ska använda oss av utomhuspedagogik. Vi tror att fler och fler människor upptäcker hur vistelse i naturen påverkar kropp och själ på ett positivt sätt. Många skolor och lärare använder sig av utomhuspedagogik i undervisningen redan nu och vi tror att det är framtidens melodi.

Investigating Kiswahili academic literacy: the case of two primary and two secondary schools in Morogoro region, Tanzania.

Shumbusho, George N. January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of the current study was to examine whether pupils/students master academic literacy and if various genres are taught appropriately. In other words whether pupils/students master academic literacy in a way that would allow them to benefit from a transition into Kiswahili as a language of instruction at secondary school level and probably beyond. The study was carried out in two primary and two secondary schools in Morogoro and Mvomero Districts of Morogoro region in Tanzania. The study is essentially qualitative, and employed ethnographic design. In this regard, three methods of data collection were used namely: interviews, classroom observations and texts analysis. The study is located within the New Literacy Studies (NLS) perspective as a general interpretative theoretical framework. The analysis of data was done using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), Genre analysis and Christie's Curriculum genres and macrogenres.</p>

Housing Themselves : Transformations, Modernisation and Spatial qualities in Informal Settlements in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Nguluma, Huba January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to address issues of housingtransformation in informal settlements. Transformation ofhouses is seen to be associated with modernisation forceswhereby people adapt their houses to suit their needs anddesires. On one hand the desire to own a“modernhouse”may lead to deterioration of spatial qualities, onthe other hand fulfilment of the desire may contribute to themodernisation of urban settlements. The informal settlement ofHanna Nassif was chosen as a case study to illustrate theprocess of housing transformations in informal settlement.Knowledge on the transformation processes serves as animportant tool to address issues of spatial qualities, housingmodernisation, actors in the processes of transformation anduse of space. The results show that there is a wide range oftransformation activities that have been taking place in termsof extensions and alterations. The desire to modernise theirhouses impels developers to use modern building materials. Insome instances houses constructed with traditional buildingmaterials are replaced with industrially produced materials.Through transformation processes new house types emerge. Thestudy identifies problems as well as positive aspectsassociated with the whole process of housing transformation.The positive aspects are those of increased indoor space,increase of rooms for renting and in other cases separation offunctions. The problems emerging from this process include:decrease of outdoor space, increase of housing density,blockage of ventilation and light in the transformedhouses. The study concludes that housing transformation being oneway in which lowincome earners strive to get access to housingdeserves government support, particularly in the absence ofalternative housing supply. It is further observed that todatemany urban dwellers have managed to secure housing as a directresult of house extensions effected by house owners. The houseextensions are being carried out outside the established formalplanning regulations. It is in the light of these developmentsthat there is a cause for government intervention to guidehousing development processes in informal settlements.Professionals like planners and architects should also assume arole for quality and sustainability to prevail. The study alsosuggests specific problem areas for further investigation. <b>Key words:</b>Tanzania, housing transformation, informalsettlements, modernisation, spatial qualities and housetypes.

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