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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information, delaktighet och tid : En kvalitativ studie av ledarskapets villkor vid förändring och omställning

Bergström, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Vårdens specifika förutsättningar medför tre viktiga faktorer som ledarskapet måste hantera; att leda i komplexitet, att leda andra ledare från olika professioner samt att leda i och för förändring och förbättring. Förändring kan leda till oro och motstånd på arbetsplatser därav blir ofta chefens roll att hantera både oro och motstånd som kan komma vid förändringar. Att leda som chef vid förändringsarbete handlar därav mycket om att informera och skapa delaktighet. Många problem som har identifierats inom den offentliga sektorn under de senaste åren har kunnat kopplas ihop med brist på eller bristande ledarskap. Arbetssituationer i obalans, där krav som ställs inte stämmer överens med de resurser som tillhandahålls beskrivs vara en verklighet för många chefer, speciellt inom vårdande verksamheter. Ledarskapets villkor påverkas av ständiga förändringar, som leder till höga krav, som leder till att ledaren behöver hantera både kris, kaos och omställning. Därav har syftet med denna studie varit att undersöka chefers upplevelse av villkor för ledarskap vid vid förändringar och omställningar inom verksamheten. Forskningsfrågorna i denna studie har ämnat undersöka vilket ansvar ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning, vilka krav ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning samt vilka möjligheter och hinder ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning i verksamheten. Uppsatsen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod då syftet med studien var att komma åt deltagarnas egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av villkor för deras ledarskap vid förändring. Insamling av empiri har utförts genom både semistrukturerade intervjuer av enhetschefer inom vård- och omsorg samt deltagande observation.  Krav, stöd- och kontrollmodellen samt teorier om det transformativa ledarskapet har fungerat som inledande inspiration i studien, vidare har dessa tillsammans med teorier om förändringar och ledarskapets villkor använts vid analys och tolkning av empirin. Resultatet visade att de villkor som ledare har för att hantera, leda och genomföra förändringar idag är otillräckliga, då viktiga delar saknas. Dessa är information, delaktighet och tid, vilka är direkt kopplade till ledarens villkor för att kunna genomföra förändringar. I Studien framgick att deltagarna själva skapar ett nätverk med både kunskap, information och erfarenhet som då kan hjälpa dem i omskapandet av deras villkor för att kunna genomföra förändringar. / The specific conditions of health care entail three important factors that leadership must handle; to lead in complexity, lead other leaders from different professions and lead to and for change and improvement. Change can lead to anxiety and resistance in workplaces therefore the manager`s role often results in dealing with both concerns and resistance that may arise in the event of change. Leading as a manager in reform work is therefore largely about informing and creating participation. Many problems that have been identified in the public sector in recent years have been linked to an absence of, or deficient leadership. Work imbalances where demands made are not consistent with the resources provided are described as a reality for many managers, especially in caring activities. Leadership conditions are influenced by constant changes, that lead to high demands, which require the leader to manage both crisis, chaos and conversion. Hence, the purpose of this study has been to investigate managers' experience of conditions for leadership in the event of reform and readjustments in operations. The research questions in this study have been intended to investigate which responsibility the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments, which requirements the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments, and what opportunities and obstacles the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments in the workplace.   The essay has been carried out with a qualitative method as the purpose of the study was to access the participants' own experiences of conditions for leadership in the event of reform. The collection of empirical data has been carried out through both semi-structured interviews of unit managers within health care and participatory observation. Requirements, the support and control model as well as theories of the transformative leadership have served as initial inspiration in the study, and these, together with the theories of change and the conditions of leadership, have been used in the analysis and interpretation of the empirical data. The results indicated that the conditions that leaders must manage, lead and implement changes today are insufficient because important aspects are missing. These are information, participation and time, which are directly linked to the leader's conditions for being able to make changes. The study indicated that the participants themselves create a network with both knowledge, information and experience that can then help them in the recreation of conditions for implementing changes.

Lexis versus text : the case for translating English legal texts into Arabic

Karakira, Steve, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Faculty of Education January 1997 (has links)
The thesis explores the nature of the difficulties involved in translating legal texts, focusing mainly on translating English legal texts into Arabic. It shows that these difficulties fall into two categories, structural and terminological. the latter being more problematical. The language of law is distinct, rigid, precise and too formal. The difficulty arises when a translator's exposure to the cultural and legal environments of his working languages is unbalanced. This could lead a translator to misunderstand not only the significance of the specialised terms used, but also the distinctive features of syntax and register of the original language text. The other, and more significant, difficulty arises from the lack of equivalence at the term level in the two languages. The research was conducted in two parts. In the first part, original legal texts in both English and Arabic were analysed, and the linguistic exponents extracted and compared. In the second part of the research, the development process of the English and Arabic legal terminology were considered, and the differences in terminology imposed by the different nature of the legal environments explored, including the adversarial versus inquisitorial systems. An empirical study concludes the thesis. It consists of a questionnaire and a list of legal terms which twenty translators were asked to complete. The results of the research are quite controversial. The argument is that difficulties involved in legal translations are more conceived than real in so far as textual, syntactic and structural features are concerned. The similarities between English and Arabic legal texts in this respect are striking. The confusion and indecisiveness which usually reign when translating English legal texts into Arabic will be alleviated through providing examples from contemporary Arabic legal texts, accompanied by textual and linguistic analyses. The real difficulty is in the field of terminology. However, a corpus of terms in the criminal code is discussed, focusing on terms with direct application to the Australian situation. This should be of direct benefit to Arabic translators and interpreters in Australia and other English-speaking countries. / Master of Arts (Hons) (Translation)

Categorical Unification

Galán García, María Ángeles January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with different aspects towards many-valued unification which have been studied in the scope of category theory. The main motivation of this investigation comes from the fact that in logic programming, classical unification has been identified as the provision of coequalizers in Kleisli categories of term monads. Continuing in that direction, we have used categorical instrumentations to generalise the classical concept of a term. It is expected that this approach will provide an appropriate formal framework for useful developments of generalised terms as a basis for many-valued logic programming involving an extended notion of terms.</p><p>As a first step a concept for generalised terms has been studied. A generalised term is given by a composition of monads that again yields a monad, i.e. compositions of powerset monads with the term monad provide definitions for generalised terms. A composition of monads does, however, not always produce a monad. In this sense, techniques for monads composition provide a helpful tool for our concerns and therefore the study of these techniques has been a focus of this research.</p><p>The composition of monads make use of a lot of equations. Proofs become complicated, not to mention the challenge of understanding different steps of the equations. In this respect, we have studied visual techniques and show how a graphical approach can provide the support we need.</p><p>For the purpose of many-valued unification, similarity relations, generalised substitutions and unifiers have been defined for generalised terms.</p>

Terms and conditions (villkor för orderläggning) : En fallstudie på Ericsson AB i Gävle

Kotzmann, Robert, Kallberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>This final thesis was performed at Ericsson in Gävle between April and June of 2008. Ericsson is a world leading manufacturer of radio base stations (RBS), which handles mobile phone traffic with 2G and 3G technology. The main purpose of this study is to examine if two different types of products (RBS and site material) should have different terms and conditions, today the terms and conditions are the same for both types.</p><p> </p><p>During the course of our study we have tried to think of the terms reliability, validity and generalization. The intention in doing that was to keep the thesis at a high academic level. To name an example of this we have tried to keep our minds at an objective level during the interviews and informal conversations. This was done to keep our minds open and help us draw our own conclusions.</p><p> </p><p>Through our literature studies we have identified a few guidelines that are important to consider when you’re formalising terms and conditions. Later the constructed guidelines are compared to the information about Ericsson’s routines which is collected from interviews, Ericsson’s intranet and informal conversations. After a discussion we were able to see some conclusions about the formalising of terms and conditions.</p><p> </p><p>One conclusion this study has resulted in is that it’s difficult to say whether the same terms and conditions can be used for different types of products. It is likely that it would be possible to have different terms and conditions, but to design these there would take more research in how the organization in question handles their orders and everything around them.</p><p> </p><p>To complement the results of this final thesis more case based studies should be conducted within the subject of terms and conditions in the order process. Our reason to think this way about further studies is that we felt the currently existing theories to be few and far between in our research.</p>

SKÄLIGT ELLER OSKÄLIGT? : - Gränsdragningsproblem vid en marknadsrättslig bedömning av oskälighet - i avtalsvillkor på delar av bredband- och digital-TV-marknaden. / FAIR OR UNFAIR? : - Distinction and boundary problems in terms of contract on parts of the broadband- and digital-TV-market - a commercial law assessment of unfairness

Edman, Anders, Prochazka, Andreas, Antman, Lena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Bredbands- och digital-TV-marknaden växer kraftigt och det är av stor betydelse ur konsumentsynpunkt att företagen tillämpar skäliga avtalsvillkor. I denna uppsats granskas ett antal standardavtal utfärdade av företagen på respektive marknad. Företagen vars villkor vi analyserar är Universal Telecom, Glocalnet och Tyfon Svenska AB som tillhandahåller bredbandstjänster, samt Viasat, Boxer och Canal Digital, som levererar digital-TV. Det rör sig i dessa fall om ensidigt upprättade standardavtal där konsumenten inte har möjlighet till individuell förhandling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bringa klarhet i hur man går tillväga vid en oskälighetsbedömning av villkor i standardavtal riktade till konsumenter samt vilken lagstiftning som till övervägande del används inom området. Vi vill även utreda om dessa avtal innehåller oskäliga avtalsvillkor samt i förekommande fall presentera vilka slags oskäliga avtalsvillkor det rör sig om.</p><p>Vid en oskälighetsbedömning skall hänsyn tas till god sed, tvingande konsumentskyddande lagstiftning, allmänna tvingande rättsprinciper, dispositiv lag samt om obalans uppkommer till följd av en avtalsbestämmelse. Avtalsvillkoren får heller inte vara vilseledande eller otydligt utformade.</p><p>De lagar som främst tillämpas på dessa marknader är AVLK, EkomL, KkL och KtjL. De två sistnämnda lagarna är dock inte direkt tillämpliga utan får tillämpas analogt.</p><p>Vid ingången av arbetet misstänkte vi att det kunde vara svårt att hitta oskäliga avtalsvillkor i så stora företag som vi faktiskt valt, men i samtliga av de granskade standardavtalen förekom oskäliga avtalsvillkor. En gemensam nämnare för företagen är att deras avtal innehöll villkor som på ett eller annat sätt oskäligt begränsade konsumentens rätt till ersättning, s.k. ansvarsbegränsningsklausuler. Alla företagen har även villkorsändringsklausuler som bedömts som oskäliga eftersom de ger näringsidkaren ensidig rätt att ändra i villkoren avseende pris, tjänst eller dylikt.</p><p>Villkor som föreskriver formkrav vid uppsägning, reklamation eller andra meddelanden återfanns i inte mindre än tre av de granskade företagen. Detta är anmärkningsvärt eftersom det med stöd av förarbetena till KkL och tidigare avgöranden har bedömts som oskäligt en längre tid. En del av de undersökta bolagen försöker utnyttja sig av force majeure-klausuler för att slippa prestera sin del av avtalet. Force majeure är omständigheter som det inte kan rådas över, exempelvis krig och naturkatastrofer. Många av företagen utvidgar innebörden till att innefatta även andra omständigheter som ligger inom kontrollsfären.</p>

The alleged negative consequence of higher productivity : An empirical analysis on the effect of relative productivity on terms of trade

Malmström, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The relationship between increased productivity and improved standard of living is not a questioned statement on the global level, but does productivity growth necessarily lead to higher standard of living on the national level? Supported by empirical results it is suggested that a high relative productivity growth should not always be worth striving for, since it translates into decreased welfare, in terms of deteriorated terms of trade. This study attempts to examine the impact of relative productivity on the terms of trade in the OECD-countries and in Sweden, with an error-correction model. Further is an extension of the purpose made in order to estimate the impact of increased relative productivity growth on the welfare. The results suggest that the method for measuring productivity has a great impact on the findings, but concludes that a 1% higher relative labour productivity growth is associated with a 0.23% decline in the terms of trade.</p>

Three Macroeconomic Essays: Budget Stabilization Funds, Terms of Trade, Durability and the Small Open Economy Business Cycle

Al-Nadi, Ali Mohammad 01 May 2011 (has links)
In this dissertation we use Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium DSGE) models to explain empirical regularities and policy implications related to (1) durable goods, interest rates and small open economy business cycles, (2) Terms-of-Trade (ToT) and economic fluctuations in small open economies and (3) Budget Stabilization Funds (BSFs) and States’ business cycles. In the first essay, we document that durable spending in developed small open economies constitutes a large share of their total income. Their spending is highly procyclical, sensitive to interest rates, and leads the business cycle. We address these regularities with a RBC model with durable goods. The model successfully replicates the observed business cycle regularities and explains many anomalies not explained in the existing literature. It also emphasizes the role of interest rates uncertainty in explaining the dynamics of the small open economies. The second essay addresses the impacts of the ToT fluctuation on the business cycles of various small open economies. We argue that differences in the degree of durability in domestic production and imports may make these economies more or less sensitive to an identical ToT shock. We found that economies with higher durability usually enjoy more stable business cycle comparing with economies with lower degree of durability. Differences in the persistence of the ToT do affect the dynamic of the external accounts but it cannot explain the observed differences business cycles across small open economies. In the last essay, we evaluate the economic impacts of the Budget Stabilization Funds (BSF) on State-level business cycles. We lay out a State economy RBC model in which a State’s government applies a designated saving rule consistent with households’ optimization. Given the suggested rule we find that the BDFs become a significant automatic stabilizer. It is not only mitigates the procyclicality of the government spending but it also smooth the State’s business cycle.

Svensklärares arbete : om villkor för gymnasieskolans svenskämne

Holmgren, Barbro January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this didactic study is to understand the terms of work, education and teaching of Swedish in a period round 2000. The research questions focus on how teachers at upper secondary school in conversations describe and construct their work, values in society and school, structures of power and relation to time. With the help of tools related to story and storytelling, and by connecting the empirical material to a late modern society, I caninterpret and understand the description of their work. With the help of Pierre Bourdieu&#8217;s theory I can see how values, power and relation to time are expressed in different ways when teachers of Swedish talk about their work and education.The results show that when teacher talk about work in school is it related to ideals in a global economy. Decentralization and individualization get new meanings when those words are placed in school environment and activity. Effectiveness, flexibility and individualization are words related to economy and they seem to have an effect on education and subjects of Swedish. I can also understand teachers&#8217; work when it is related to power and values on the educational field. I can see how a diffuse power acts on the field and how harmony is a dominant value and a term that influences teachers&#8217; work. New terms also form new identities related to teaching. New terms form new subjects of Swedish that in time and practice will form newhabitus connected to subjects. I call it &#228;mneskonceptionella habitus.

Categorical Unification

Galán García, María Ángeles January 2004 (has links)
This thesis deals with different aspects towards many-valued unification which have been studied in the scope of category theory. The main motivation of this investigation comes from the fact that in logic programming, classical unification has been identified as the provision of coequalizers in Kleisli categories of term monads. Continuing in that direction, we have used categorical instrumentations to generalise the classical concept of a term. It is expected that this approach will provide an appropriate formal framework for useful developments of generalised terms as a basis for many-valued logic programming involving an extended notion of terms. As a first step a concept for generalised terms has been studied. A generalised term is given by a composition of monads that again yields a monad, i.e. compositions of powerset monads with the term monad provide definitions for generalised terms. A composition of monads does, however, not always produce a monad. In this sense, techniques for monads composition provide a helpful tool for our concerns and therefore the study of these techniques has been a focus of this research. The composition of monads make use of a lot of equations. Proofs become complicated, not to mention the challenge of understanding different steps of the equations. In this respect, we have studied visual techniques and show how a graphical approach can provide the support we need. For the purpose of many-valued unification, similarity relations, generalised substitutions and unifiers have been defined for generalised terms.

Oil Prices and Terms of Trade : A comparison between Saudi Arabia and the United States

Mirfacihi, Azar January 2006 (has links)
One of the central issues in international macroeconomics is relative price movements and their sources. One such price is the price of crude oil. An increase in oil price leads to a transfer of income from importing to exporting countries through a shift in terms of trade. The general mechanism by which oil prices affect the economic performance is well under-stood. However, the dynamics of these effects – especially the adjustment to the terms of trade – are uncertain. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of an increase in oil price on the terms of trade during the time period 1970 to 2004. The relationship between oil price and world business cycle as well as the relationship between oil price, GWP and Saudi Arabia’s export is also examined in this paper. The regression results show that an increase in oil price has a negative impact on terms of trade for the net importing country. Whether an increase in oil price has a positive or no effect at all on terms of trade for the net exporting country cannot be told form the regres-sion results.

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