Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe ambassadors"" "subject:"ehe embassadors""
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Arbetsgivarvarumärkets betydelse : -för ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden / The importance of employer brand- for a manufacturing company on the countrysideSegerbäck, Elin, Wåhleman, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom ett medarbetarperspektiv få en fördjupad förståelse för konceptet arbetsgivarvarumärke och vad som uppfattas attraktivt i ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden. För att uppnå syftet har ett kvalitativt metodval med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Intervjuerna har skett med både tjänstemän och kollektivanställda. Dessutom användes företagets medarbetarenkäter för att generera ett rikare datamaterial. Studien bidrar till förståelsen att arbetsgivarvarumärkeskonceptet kan användas i ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden. Resultatet visar att företaget är unikt genom att de är en av få arbetsgivare på orten samt att de erbjuder branschunika arbetstider. Vidare visar resultatet att företaget är attraktivt av anledning att de erbjuder trygga anställningsförhållanden i en trivsam och säker arbetsmiljö. Dessutom erbjuds utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter, tillfredställande kollegiala relationer och en familjär atmosfär. Resultatet visar även att arbetslivsbalansen och relationen till chefen är attribut som värderas, trots att dessa inte nämndes spontant av respondenterna. Studiens resultat påvisar även en skillnad mot tidigare forskning, att förmåner i form av lön inte har någon större påverkan på attraktiviteten så länge de basala behoven tillfredsställs. / The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of employer brand and what is perceived as attractive in a manufacturing company in the countryside through an employee perspective. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative method choice with semistructured interviews has been used as a data collection method, where the interviews have been conducted with both chiefs and coworkers. In addition, the company's employee surveys generated a richer data material. The study contributes to the understanding that the employer brand concept can be used in a manufacturing company on the countryside. The result shows that the company is unique because it is one of few employers in the area and that they also have unique working hours. Furthermore, the company is attractive because of the secure employment conditions in a pleasant and safe work environment. In addition, the employer offers development and career opportunities, satisfactory relationship between colleagues and a familiar atmosphere. The results also show that the work life balance and relationship with the manager are attributes that are valued, even though these were not spontaneously mentioned by the respondents. This study also displays a distinction towards previous research that benefits in the form of pay have no major impact on attractiveness as long the basic needs are satisfied.
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The United States in El Salvador: 1979-1992 Success Through the Eyes of the DiplomatsMouritsen, David Jeffrey 12 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The United States made El Salvador one of its top priorities in the 1980s as the communist threat from the Soviet Union made its way to El Salvador. The Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), was supported by the Soviet Union via Cuba and became the target of the hard line politicians that ruled in El Salvador.
In order to combat the guerrilla movement, the United States structured its policy around national security to justify intervention in El Salvador. The three main points of the policy were to prevent a left-wing takeover by the communist-backed FMLN, to promote democracy by establishing free elections, and to reduce the number of human rights abuses that were rampant at the beginning of the 1980s.
The question of whether or not the United States was successful in its efforts in El Salvador was a very controversial one. Through the analysis of the perceptions and statements of the United States Ambassadors that were assigned to El Salvador between 1979 and 1992, this thesis will show that the three-pronged policy was successful. It is important to note that El Salvador still has many issues to address before it fully recovers from the civil war, but the policy of United States during its civil war was achieved.
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Dr. A.L. Geyer as Suid-Afrika se hoë kommissaris in die Verenigde Koninkryk (1950-1954)Heiberg, Jacobus Petrus 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Dr. A.L. Geyer's appointment in June 1950 as the Union's new High Commissioner to
London was largely due to the political objectives of the then government. He was
confronted by a number of related challenges, i.e. the furthering of the existing multifaceted
South-African-British relations, the promotion of the apartheid policy and
convincing the Union's critics as to the merits of the above policy.
Geyer, a loyal Afrikaner and staunch republican, experienced soon after arrival that the
policy of apartheid and the Union Government's insistence on the transfer of the High
Commission territories were placing the existing diplomatic relations under considerable
strain. To Geyer's frustration the Union Government failed to realise that the application
of the apartheid policy 'was affecting South Africa's foreign relations detrimentally. The
effect of the Union's domestic policies was therefore prohibiting any possibility of the
transfer of the British-controlled neighbouring territories. Geyer was thus faced with
maintaining a delicate balance between white-centred aspirations in South Africa,
championing South Africa's interests overseas and his own evolving perspective that the
application of the apartheid policy was not going to be acceptable to the outside world.
Geyer was also well aware that the Cold War would contribute substantially to the
constitutional liberation of the former British colonies in Africa, which in turn would
affect the composition of the Commonwealth and South Africa's future membership. He
therefore took Union politicians to task for actions that were geared to satisfy short-term
party-political expectations, without taking into account both the national and
international ramifications of such actions.
Geyer did not differ fundamentally with the principles and objectives of apartheid;
however, he was no stereotyped Afrikaner who simply supported apartheid without any
questioning. In his public appearances he emphasised the historical, cultural and sociopolitical
motivation for apartheid, the practical embodiment of the policy and the rights
and role of the whites in South Africa. He portrayed apartheid as a political model that
envisages equal, but separate development for all races that would ensure the peaceful co- existence of a multi-racial community. Geyer continuously emphasised that only visible
and positive results emanating from the application of apartheid, would guarantee
acceptance of the policy and also secure the future of the white population in South
Africa. Geyer was therefore very critical of the government's inability to give meaningful
content to the policy of apartheid.
Geyer's biggest personal disappointment was the inability of his mentor and friend, Dr.
D.F. Malan, to rise above the role of the party politician in becoming a competent
Minister of Foreign Affairs and as Prime Minister, a statesman of international stature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Politieke oogmerke het daartoe gelei dat die Unieregering vir dr. A.L. Geyer in Junie
1950 na Londen gestuur het as die Unie se nuwe Hoë Kommissaris. Hy is deur verwante
uitdagings gekonfronteer, naamlik om die veelvlakkige Suid-Afrikaans-Britse
betrekkinge uit te bou, om die apartheidsbeleid te bevorder en om die kritici van die
Unieregering te oortuig dat daar geregverdigde meriete in die beleid is.
Geyer, 'n lojale en republikeinsgesinde Afrikaner, het na sy aankoms ervaar dat die
Unieregering se apartheidsbeleid en die volgehoue aandrang om die oordrag van die Hoë
Kommissariaatgebiede, toenemende diplomatieke spanning tussen die lande veroorsaak
het. Tot Geyer se frustrasie kon die Unieregering nie insien dat die toepassing van die
apartheidsbeleid direkte invloed uitoefen op Suid-Afrika se buitelande betrekkinge nie,
wat weer die oordrag van die Brits-beheerde gebiede onmoontlik gemaak het. Geyer
moes gevolglik 'n delikate balans handhaaf tussen die blanksentriese verwagtinge in die
Unie, die bevordering van Suid-Afrika se belange in die buiteland en sy groterwordende
perspektief dat die toepassing van die apartheid nie vir die buitewêreld aanvaarbaar is nie.
Geyer was ook terdeë daarvan bewus dat die Koue Oorlog, die grondwetlike ontvoogding
van Brittanje se Afrika-kolonies sou verhaas, wat weer beduidende implikasies vir die
samestelling van die Statebond en die Unie se voortgesette lidmaatskap ingehou het. Hy
het Unie-politici dus gewaarsku teen optredes wat daarop toegespits was om korttermyn
partypolitieke verwagtinge te bevredig, sonder om die nasionale en ook internasionale
implikasies van die uitsprake te verreken.
Geyer het geen fundamentele verskille met die beginsels en oogmerke van apartheid
gehad nie, maar terselfdertyd was hy ook nie 'n stereotipe Afrikaner en naprater van
apartheid nie. In sy optredes het hy deurentyd die historiese, kulturele en sosio-politieke
beweegredes vir apartheid, die beliggaming van die beleid en die blanke se aanspraak op
en rol in Suid-Afrika beklemtoon. Apartheid is voorgehou as 'n politieke model wat ten
doel het om deur middel van gelykwaardige, maar afsonderlike ontwikkeling die ruimte
te skep vir die vreedsame voortbestaan van 'n veelrassige gemeenskap. Geyer het groot erns daarvan gemaak om te beklemtoon dat die aanvaarding van die apartheidsbeleid en
die blanke se voortbestaan in Suid-Afrika nou verbind word aan die positiewe en sigbare
gevolge van die toepassing van apartheid. Geyer het dit dan ook nodig gevind om kritiek
uit te spreek oor die regering se klaarblyklike onvermoë om daadwerklike inhoud aan
positiewe apartheid te gee.
Die grootste persoonlike teleurstelling wat Geyer egter beleef het, was sy ontnugtering
dat sy mentor en vriend, dr. D.F. Malan, nie sy rol as partypolitikus kon ontgroei en
ontwikkel in 'n bekwame minister van Buitelandse Sake en 'n Eerste Minister wat 'n
staatsman van internasionale statuur is nie.
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The Other Plot in The AmbassadorsRapp, Martha 01 January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Henry James deliberately and ingeniously wrote The Ambassadors (1903) as a double-plotted novel. The traditional plot which follows Lambert Strether to Paris provides cover for the detailed story of Strether’s experiences in Paris as a homosexual man seeking his identity. James conveys the Other Plot by means of code, the primary signifiers of which are references to the well-established homosexual subcultures of London and Paris. In-depth historical research on diverse aspects of homosexual life in the nineteenth century are presented in order to demonstrate how James addresses an audience sympathetic to same-sex love without raising condemnation from moral and literary critics.
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Det omedvetna ambassadörskapet : En fallstudie på Skattekontoret i JönköpingDraschnar, Alexander, Därth, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Ingen marknadsföring är väl så god och trovärdig som medarbetare som pratar gott om och förespråkar den egna organisationen? Dessa medarbetare kan ses som ambassadörer för organisationen. Ambassadörskap är något som naturligt växer fram då en individ inom en organisation trivs med organisationens krav och behov och vidare kan sammanfläta dessa med sina egna krav och behov. Skatteverket är en organisation som i mångas öron inte låter speciellt inspirerande, kanske delvis ett resultat av det skattesystem som finns i Sverige, men kanske även på grund av de förhållandevis krångliga regler och processer som många anser dem använda sig av. Med detta i åtanke ämnar vi undersöka hur ambassadörskapet på Skattekontoret i Jönköping ter sig. Vägledande för uppsatsen är frågan: Hur ser ambassadörskapet ut på Skattekontoret i Jönköping i enlighet med de två dimensionerna; individens behov i organisationen i relation till organisationens behov? Vi lyfter fram teorier i två centrala dimensioner som berör organisationens behov samt behoven hos individerna inom denna. Med teorin som utgångspunkt tar vi fram en modell som ämnar åskådliggöra vad ambassadörskap bottnar i. Den metodologiska grunden för denna rapport är av kvalitativ karaktär. Detta står i relation till och tjänar uppsatsens deskriptiva syfte. Inom ramen för den valda metoden genomförs en informantundersökning och sex respondentundersökningar. Resultatet av undersökningens huvudsakliga forskningsfråga visade på en förhållandevis god spridning och flera olika ambassadörskaraktärer på Skatteverket i Jönköping uppenbarade sig. Vidare framkom det bland annat att de anställdas verksamhetssyn inte alltid stod i relation till hur ledningen avsåg att de skulle se på verksamheten. Vi ser att analysmodell på ett bra vis illustrerar vari ett gott ambassadörskap kan bestå. Vidare forskning kan pröva modellens giltighet. / No advertising is as valuable and credible as people who are talking good about and advocate the organization in which they work. These employees can be seen as ambassadors for the organization. Ambassadorship appears and grows naturally when an individual within an organization is satisfied with the organization's requirements and needs and can weave them with their own demands and needs. The tax authority may serve under the rumor of being a grey, bureaucratic and authoritarian organization, perhaps partly a result of the tax system which is in Sweden. Another possible explanation could be the relatively complicated rules and processes that many people believe them to use. With this in mind, we intend to examine how the ambassadorship appears at the tax authority in Jönköping. The main research question which serves as a guideline for this thesis is: How does the ambassadorship appears at the tax authority in Jönköping in accordance with the two dimensions; the needs and demands of the individuals within the organization in relation to the organization's needs and demands? We highlight the theories of two key dimensions that affect the organization's needs on one hand and the needs of the individuals within it on the other hand. In theory as a starting point, we develop a model that illustrates what Ambassador characteristic is rooted in. The methodological basis for this report is of a qualitative nature. This is in relation to and serves the papers descriptive purpose. Within the framework of the method chosen, one informant and six respondent surveys is to be carried out. The results of the thesis main research question showed a relatively good spread and several ambassador characters appeared. Furthermore, it emerged, that the employee's view of the organization not always reflected the managers intended view of the same. We think that our model is a good way to illustrate what good ambassadorship derives from. Further research may strength the validity of the model as well as the results of the thesis.
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Det omedvetna ambassadörskapet : En fallstudie på Skattekontoret i JönköpingDraschnar, Alexander, Därth, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ingen marknadsföring är väl så god och trovärdig som medarbetare som pratar gott om och förespråkar den egna organisationen? Dessa medarbetare kan ses som ambassadörer för organisationen. Ambassadörskap är något som naturligt växer fram då en individ inom en organisation trivs med organisationens krav och behov och vidare kan sammanfläta dessa med sina egna krav och behov.</p><p>Skatteverket är en organisation som i mångas öron inte låter speciellt inspirerande, kanske delvis ett resultat av det skattesystem som finns i Sverige, men kanske även på grund av de förhållandevis krångliga regler och processer som många anser dem använda sig av. Med detta i åtanke ämnar vi undersöka hur ambassadörskapet på Skattekontoret i Jönköping ter sig.</p><p>Vägledande för uppsatsen är frågan: Hur ser ambassadörskapet ut på Skattekontoret i Jönköping i enlighet med de två dimensionerna; individens behov i organisationen i relation till organisationens behov?</p><p>Vi lyfter fram teorier i två centrala dimensioner som berör organisationens behov samt behoven hos individerna inom denna. Med teorin som utgångspunkt tar vi fram en modell som ämnar åskådliggöra vad ambassadörskap bottnar i.</p><p>Den metodologiska grunden för denna rapport är av kvalitativ karaktär. Detta står i relation till och tjänar uppsatsens deskriptiva syfte. Inom ramen för den valda metoden genomförs en informantundersökning och sex respondentundersökningar.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningens huvudsakliga forskningsfråga visade på en förhållandevis god spridning och flera olika ambassadörskaraktärer på Skatteverket i Jönköping uppenbarade sig. Vidare framkom det bland annat att de anställdas verksamhetssyn inte alltid stod i relation till hur ledningen avsåg att de skulle se på verksamheten.</p><p>Vi ser att analysmodell på ett bra vis illustrerar vari ett gott ambassadörskap kan bestå. Vidare forskning kan pröva modellens giltighet.</p> / <p>No advertising is as valuable and credible as people who are talking good about and advocate the organization in which they work. These employees can be seen as ambassadors for the organization. Ambassadorship appears and grows naturally when an individual within an organization is satisfied with the organization's requirements and needs and can weave them with their own demands and needs.</p><p>The tax authority may serve under the rumor of being a grey, bureaucratic and authoritarian organization, perhaps partly a result of the tax system which is in Sweden. Another possible explanation could be the relatively complicated rules and processes that many people believe them to use. With this in mind, we intend to examine how the ambassadorship appears at the tax authority in Jönköping.</p><p>The main research question which serves as a guideline for this thesis is: How does the ambassadorship appears at the tax authority in Jönköping in accordance with the two dimensions; the needs and demands of the individuals within the organization in relation to the organization's needs and demands?</p><p>We highlight the theories of two key dimensions that affect the organization's needs on one hand and the needs of the individuals within it on the other hand. In theory as a starting point, we develop a model that illustrates what Ambassador characteristic is rooted in.</p><p>The methodological basis for this report is of a qualitative nature. This is in relation to and serves the papers descriptive purpose. Within the framework of the method chosen, one informant and six respondent surveys is to be carried out.</p><p>The results of the thesis main research question showed a relatively good spread and several ambassador characters appeared. Furthermore, it emerged, that the employee's view of the organization not always reflected the managers intended view of the same.</p><p>We think that our model is a good way to illustrate what good ambassadorship derives from. Further research may strength the validity of the model as well as the results of the thesis.</p>
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The Ribbentrop ambassadorship to Great Britain, 1936-1938Ingersoll, Francis Johnson, 1938- January 1963 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre o contexto contemporâneo de valorização do sujeito comum que, no âmbito das práticas publicitárias e de consumo, engendra processos de construção e afirmação de identidade e estilo de vida, visibilidade, performance de autenticidade e dinâmicas de reconhecimento e
prestígio, relacionados a aspectos da Comunicação. Nesta via, traz como foco de investigação estratégias de marcas que promovem engajamento e relacionamento com influenciadores, em especial embaixadores de marca, estabelecendo uma afiliação com estes sujeitos que, embora comuns, são dotados de um significativo potencial de influência dentro do seu grupo. Tais práticas criam um tipo de mensagem hibridizada que ganha corpo e amplitude expositiva, sobretudo, nos sites de redes sociais, ao se concretizar nas narrativas de si construídas - espera-se - de maneira autêntica por esse potencial consumidor, elemento chave no processo. O objetivo principal deste estudo é, portanto, compreender quem é, como se define e o que representa para os outros um sujeito comum que empresta sua vida, no limite, sua própria identidade para a marca. Defende-se a ideia de uma natureza paradoxal própria dessa figura emblemática que pode ser entendida como um sujeito comum-extraordinário, que se torna destacável por sua
ordinariedade, e também uma representação-mídia, já que é familiaridade e ancoragem de identidade acessível e estilo de vida distintivo, interessante para aqueles que o seguem pelo aspecto comum e para a marca pela possibilidade de enunciação de mensagens e estabelecimento de elo de conexão com os demais
consumidores. Nesse contexto, a autenticidade se revela como valor importante, sendo garantida e gerenciada através de performance de si de qualidade dupla, porém extremamente imbricada: no âmbito subjetivo e no papel de influenciador. A análise do fenômeno a partir de um objeto empírico, como os projetos observados, além das entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com embaixadores de marca permitiram inferir que as práticas publicitárias e o consumo têm contribuição especial no processo de conformação desse sujeito comum extraordinário, garantindo-lhe a chancela que atribui distinção e notoriedade. Somam-se a isso a atuação reflexiva de apresentação de si para o outro, tanto nas
redes (digitais) com nas rodas (de conversa), nas ruas, e as possibilidades oferecidas pelo ferramental tecnológico, resultando no reconhecimento e prestígio (esperados) que acabam por legitimar esse mesmo sujeito. Este estudo busca, por fim, contribuir com reflexões acerca de temas que envolvem o fenômeno, tais como: modelos publicitários adequados à cultura participativa, na qual sujeitos comuns adquirem grande relevância; práticas de consumo e maneiras de se estabelecerem as trocas simbólicas por ele mediadas na contemporaneidade; processos comunicacionais e de construção identitária que subjazem às práticas de exposição de si, gerenciamento de impressões, negociações e articulações de propósitos diversos. / [en] This doctoral thesis presents a study on the acclamation of ordinary subjects in the contemporary context. Within the scope of advertising and consumption practices, this acclamation is the starting point for different processes of construction and affirmation of one’s identity, lifestyle, visibility, authenticity
performance, as well as recognition and prestige dynamics, all related to Communication aspects. Hence, we herein investigate brand strategies that are geared towards promoting partnerships between brands and influencers, especially those labeled brand ambassadors. Brands establish an affiliation with these
subjects that, albeit ordinary, have the significant power to influence others in their group. In doing so, brands create a type of hybrid message that expands in size and exposure (mainly on social media) when it is reflected on self-narratives constructed—we hope—in an authentic manner by the consumer in potential, key element in the process. Thus, the main objective of this study is to understand who are these ordinary subjects who lend their lives, even their own identity, to a brand, how they define themselves and what they represent to others. We support the idea of these individuals as paradoxical nature emblematic characters who can be perceived as ordinary-extraordinary, since what makes them remarkable is
precisely being ordinary. Influencers can also be perceived in light of the pair representation-media, because they represent familiarity and anchorage of an accessible identity and a distinctive lifestyle, interesting to those who follow them, and interesting to the brand itself for the possibility of message enunciations and the establishment of a bond with other consumers. In this context, authenticity is an important asset, being assured and managed through dual-quality selfperformance, though extremely imbricated in the subjective scope and in the influencer role. The analysis of the phenomenon from an empirical object (the observed projects, for instance), and in-depth interviews with brand ambassadors
allow us to infer that advertising and consumption practices have a special contribution on these ordinary-extraordinary subjects conformation process, assuring them distinction and notoriety. In addition, it is possible to identify the reflexive self-presentation to others on digital network, on conversations, on the
streets, and the many possibilities of technology tools, resulting in the (expected) recognition and prestige that legitimize these subjects. Finally, this study aims to contribute with considerations on themes regarding the phenomenon, such as: advertising models suitable for participatory culture, in which ordinary subjects gain great relevance; consumption practices and ways to establish symbolic exchanges in contemporaneity; communication and identity-building processes that underlie self-exposure practices, management of impressions, negotiations and articulations of different purposes.
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Turismen och dess effekter på lokalbefolkning : Case Åre / Tourism and its effects on the locals at a destination : Case ÅreOlsson, Linnea, Karlsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Att turismen påverkar lokalsamhället är något som forskats kring tidigare. Dessutom tar flera forskare upp vikten kring att utveckla destinationer för att överleva framtida klimatförändringar och på så vis skapa en framtid för destinationen. Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller bland annat delar där turismens effekter samt hantering av dem framställs. Studien syfte är att undersöka hur lokalbefolkning uppfattar turismen på en plats samt platsens utveckling mot att bli en året runtdestination. Studien kommer använda Åre som ett case för undersökningen. Syftet mynnar ut i två frågeställningar där den första är vilka effekter som lokalbefolkningen i Åre upplever av turismen på destinationen samt destinationens satsning på att bli en året runt-destination och hur lokalbefolkningen påverkas av de effekterna. Den andra frågeställningen avser att undersöka hur lokalbefolkningen anser att de effekterna bör nyttjas alternativt hanteras. Undersökningen skedde genom en kvalitativ studie i form av intervjuer med lokalbefolkning från den studerade platsen. Respondenterna utgör endast en liten del av den tänkta populationen, och representerar därmed inte hela samhället även om vi som forskare få utgå från det i studiens framställning. Genom intervjuerna framställdes ett empiriskt material där respondenterna tog upp bland annat att turismen ledde till en viss trängsel, fler arbetsmöjligheter samt ett mer levande samhälle. Respondenterna diskuterade både fördelar och nackdelar med turismen på destinationen. Dessutom sågs det möjligheter i boendeutveckling, hur lokalbefolkningen skulle ses som ambassadörer samt hur infrastrukturen skulle kunna utvecklas på destinationen. Utvecklingens ansvar låg bland annat på Åre kommun och dess samarbete med bland annat SJ (Statens järnvägar) samt staten i form av ändringar kring statlig väg. Vidare analyserades materialet för att se respondenternas åsikter tillsammans med tidigare forskning samt för att se deras åsikter från flera perspektiv. Här framgick det att majoriteten av respondenterna hade en relativt liknande syn på turismen och dess effekter på destinationen. Det leder in studien gentemot dess slutsatser där den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att lokalbefolkning anser att de negativa effekterna av turismen vägs upp av de positiva. Dock behöver lokalbefolkningen få vara en del av utvecklingen och de beslut som tas på destinationen. Det är viktigt för att kunna bibehålla den positiva synen samt bidra till en hållbar utveckling för platsen. / Turning to the local community and how it is affected by tourism is something that has been researched earlier. In addition, several researchers raise the importance of developing destinations to survive future climate change, thus creating a future for the destination. The theoretical framework also contains elements that explain different effects of tourism and how to manage them. The study aims to explore how locals perceive tourism at their community as well as the community’s development towards becoming a destination with tourism activities the whole year around. For this study Åre will be used as a case. The purpose of the study divides into two research questions. The first one is which effect locals in Åre are experiencing from the tourism on the destination and the destinations investment in becoming a destination with tourism activities the whole year around. The second research question aims to examine how the effects could be used or managed according to the locals. The study also aims to find answers to how locals think that effects can be managed or used even more. This was done through a qualitative study of interviews with locals from the studied destination. These respondents constitute only a small part of the selected population. Therefore do not the respondents represent the whole community, even though we assume this in the study's presentation. The interviews gave us an empirical material in which respondents stated that tourism led to some congestion, more work opportunities and a more alive society. The respondents discussed both the advantages and disadvantages of tourism at the destination. In addition, respondents saw opportunities for housing development, how the locals were to be seen as ambassadors and how the infrastructure could develop at the destination. The responsibility for the development was suggested to be put on the Åre county and its cooperation with SJ (Statens Järnvägar) and the State of Sweden to change the public road in Åre. Furthermore, the material was analyzed to see the respondents' views in conjunction with previous research and to view their opinions from several perspectives. Here, it was found that the majority of respondents had a relatively similar view of tourism and its effects on the destination. That led the study towards the conclusion, where the main conclusion is that locals consider the negative effects of tourism to be less than the positive ones. However, locals need to be part of the development and decisions taken at the destination. This is important in order to maintain the positive view as well as contribute to sustainable development for the destination.
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Los instafamous como recurso publicitario y la conceptualización por las embajadoras de marca / Instafamous as an advertising resource and the conceptualization by brand ambassadorsCabanillas Bedoya, Fiorella Pamela 05 December 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / Este estudio analiza a los instafamous, personas que al crear su perfil en Instagram y conquistar una comunidad de seguidores, se vuelven famosos en esta red social. Estos personajes digitales son un recurso publicitario empleado por muchas marcas aunque aún no son detectados, conceptualizados, diferenciados y analizados en el mercado peruano. Por ello, en esta investigación se quiere analizar a los instafamous, pero desde la perspectiva interna que en este caso son las embajadoras de marca. Este es un estudio cualitativo que analiza la campaña #QueNoTeHaganDaño de la marca peruana textil Sicurezza lanzada en junio del año 2018. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 21 embajadoras de la marca Sicurezza con un rango de edad entre 25 a 34 años. Los instafamous han sido percibidos de manera positiva contribuyendo favorablemente en la importante conexión entre las embajadoras de marca y Sicurezza. Es importante reconocer el uso de la instafamous Paloma Derteano con la que la mayoría de embajadoras se encuentra identificada, haciendo que se refuerce la predisposición positiva de ellas con la campaña #QueNoTeHaganDaño. / This research analyzes instafamous, people who creating their profile on Instagram and conquering a community of followers, become famous on this social network. These digital characters are an advertising resource used by many brands, although they are not yet detected, conceptualized, differentiated and analyzed in the Peruvian market. For this reason, this research wants to analyze instafamous, but from the internal perspective which in this case are brand ambassadors. This is a qualitative study that analyzes the #QueNoTeHaganDaño campaign of the Peruvian textile brand Sicurezza launched in June 2018. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 ambassadors of the Sicurezza brand with an age range of 25 to 34 years. Instafamous have been positively perceived, contributing favorably to the important connection between brand ambassadors and Sicurezza. It is important to recognize the use of the instafamous Paloma Derteano, who most of ambassadors are identified, reinforcing their positive predisposition with the #QueNoTeHaganDaño campaign. / Tesis
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