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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dräkt och identitet : En studie av tidigmedeltida dräktföremål från Västergarn

Bengtsson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Västergarn is a medieval settlement situated on the west coast of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. It has for a long time been the focus of study for researchers due to its cultural heritage in regards of its church, rampart and archaeological remains of a settlement dating to the Early Middle Ages. The University of Uppsala conducted excavations at the site during 2005–2013 which have led to large amounts of archaeological material which enabled several theses being written about the place. This thesis aims to study metal dress accessories from Västergarn and the people behind these artifacts who lived there during the early medieval period. Gender identity, ethnicity and cultural belonging will be addressed. The main part of the thesis focuses on typology and chronology. This will be achieved by a morphological study of the material. In addition to this, an ArcGis study is conducted to study distribution patterns in the settlement. The conclusion is that dress accessories allow different conclusions on the population of Västergarn. In terms of gender, it is argued that both men and women were present, albeit artefacts of male gender dominate the assemblages. The majority of the material in terms of ethnicity and cultural identity can be attributed to a Gotlandic tradition, while some dress accessories seem to come from abroad, to the Slavonic areas and other regions in the Baltic Sea. Also, oriental influences can be seen, mainly in regard to the decorated belt mounts. in conclusion, the result of this thesis indicates that two separate groups, both Gotlanders and non-Gotlanders were active in Västergarn during the early Middle Ages which is visible in the two churches, the Baltic ware pottery and the form of dress accessories people wore at the time.

Bazilika a klášter sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě ve světle archeologického výzkumu / St George Basilica and Convent at the Prague Castle in the Light of the Archaeological Survey

Mašterová, Katarína January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Morfologie dolní čelisti s ohledem na demografickou strukturu raně středověkého pohřebiště Mikulčice / Morphology of the mandible with regard to the demographic structure of the early medieval burial area Mikulčice

Thon, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This Master's thesis focuses on the influence of socioeconomic status on the morphology of the mandible of individuals from the early medieval burial area in Mikulčice. This hillfort was an important center of power of the Great Moravian Empire with a stratified society. This work compares 2 different approaches on how to divide the inhabitants. The first of them is the division of individuals according to the location of graves into individuals from the castle, sub-castle, and hinterland. The second approach is the division of individuals according to the richness of grave equipment into individuals with rich and poor grave equipment. A different social status is associated mainly with different diets. Therefore, the attachments of the masticatory muscles are the most affected areas. A total of 132 individuals (59 males and 73 females) were analyzed. The material was evaluated by methods of geometric morphometrics. The used methods were CDP DCA, GPA, two-sample t-test, PCA, MANOVA, and SVM. Sexual dimorphism was observed in all sub-groups of the Mikulčice population. Men have larger mandibles with rami wider apart. The biggest differences are between individuals from the castle, the smallest between individuals with rich grave equipment. The distribution of individuals based on the location of...

Autour des Rogations : création, pratiques et communautés (Ve-VIe siècles)

Couture, Béatrice 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude plonge dans l’histoire de la fête des Rogations, s’intéressant à son origine, son évolution et son rôle dans la création de l’identité communautaire au sein de la Gaule des Ve et VIe siècles. Adoptant une approche croisée entre histoire et anthropologie, elle met en lumière l’importance de ce rituel pour les communautés de cette époque et la narration qui l’entoure, telle qu’elle fut orchestrée par les évêques de la Gaule et par divers acteur.rice.s. En examinant le corpus de sources relatives aux premières Rogations dans la Gaule de cette époque, nous découvrons comment cette fête a servi de rituel apotropaïque et de pénitence collective pour faire face à diverses difficultés, telles que les épidémies et les sécheresses, d’abord dans la vallée du Rhône puis dans toute la Gaule. Ainsi, la mise en récit entourant cette fête et comment celle-ci a favorisé l’adhésion communautaire sont au coeur de ce mémoire. Des questions plus vastes, telles que le développement de pratiques collectives incluant jeûnes, prières et processions, ainsi que la façon dont le récit des Rogations s’est connecté à des origines bibliques et s’est ancré dans la sphère épiscopale, sont également mises en avant. Ces observations nous permettent de conclure que ce rituel festif, en tant que terrain d’expérimentation pour l’ensemble des classes sociales, a servi de vecteur pour créer des communautés plus solides et durables. En effet, il a forgé un sentiment d’appartenance à travers des pratiques et des expériences communes, favorisant la création d’un conventus et d’un consensus ecclésiologique. Néanmoins, cette vision est avant tout celle des évêques et, comme cette étude s’intéresse également aux expériences individuelles et communautaires, nous analysons la fête comme étant un espace de négociation et de conflits. En somme, cette recherche met en lumière comment ce rituel a dépassé son rôle initial pour devenir un élément essentiel du paysage cultuel en Gaule. Elle offre un aperçu novateur de la façon dont les Rogations ont façonné l’identité communautaire et ont servi de catalyseurs pour la cohésion sociale dans une période cruciale de l’histoire chrétienne en Gaule. / This study delves into the history of the Rogation feast, examining its origin, evolution and role in the creation of community identity in 5th and 6th century Gaul. Adopting a cross-approach between history and anthropology highlights the importance of this ritual for the communities of the period and the narrative surrounding it, as orchestrated by the bishops of Gaul and by various actors. By examining the corpus of sources relating to the first Rogations at this period, we discover how this feast served as an apotropaic ritual and collective penance to cope with various difficulties, such as epidemics and droughts, first in the Rhone valley and then throughout Gaul. Thus, the narrative surrounding this festival and how it fostered community adhesion are at the heart of this study. Broader questions, such as the development of collective practices including fasts, prayers and processions, and the way in which the Rogation narrative connected with biblical origins and became rooted in the episcopal sphere, are also put forward. These observations lead us to conclude that this festive ritual, as a testing ground for all social classes, served as a vehicle for creating stronger, more enduring communities. Indeed, it forged a sense of belonging through shared practices and experiences, resulting in the creation of a conventus and an ecclesiological consensus. Nevertheless, this vision is primarily that of the bishops, and as this study is also concerned with individual and community experiences, therefore we also analyze the feast as a space for negotiation and conflict. In short, this research sheds light on how this ritual went beyond its initial role to become an essential element of Gaul’s cultic landscape. It offers a fascinating insight into how Rogations shaped community identity and served as a catalyst for social cohesion in a crucial period of Christian history in Gaul.

San Salvatore/Santa Giulia à Brescia : un monastère de femmes et sa liturgie (VIIIe-Xe siècles)

Grimard-Mongrain, Rosalie 08 1900 (has links)
Bien que plusieurs études aient été consacrées aux Libri memoriales, à l’exemplaire de Brescia et au monastère San Salvatore/Santa Giulia, aucune monographie n’a replacé le Liber memorialis au cœur de l’histoire de la communauté monastique qui l’a créé. Cette thèse propose d’utiliser ce manuscrit, conçu en 856 et composé de listes de noms et de textes liturgiques, pour analyser les réseaux et la liturgie entre 750 (décennie de la fondation du monastère) et 1000 (l’emprise des Ottoniens sur l’Italie). Les listes de noms témoignent des relations des moniales au sein de leur propre communauté et avec les institutions de la cité épiscopale de Brescia : l’évêque et le clergé de la cathédrale. Ces listes illustrent également le réseau des moniales à l’extérieur de la ville — au niveau local, transalpin et impérial — et avec divers groupes : les parents des moniales, les nobles, les clercs, les évêques, les moines et les moniales et enfin, les pèlerins. L’objectif est aussi de s’interroger sur le rôle de la liturgie comme créatrice de liens entre ces divers groupes et sur l’agentivité des moniales dans la mise en place et la pérennisation de ces réseaux de même que dans la pratique de la liturgie. Outre le Liber memorialis, une grande variété de sources liées ou produites par les moniales de San Salvatore/Santa Giulia a été mobilisée dans cette recherche : des sources diplomatiques (diplômes, chartes et privilèges), des sources hagiographiques et des hymnes, des sources liturgiques de la seconde moitié du Moyen Âge (Psautier-Collectaire et Ordinaire) ainsi que des sources matérielles. L’ensemble de ces ouvrages permet d’appréhender comment les moniales concevaient leur communauté. Ma recherche souhaite également développer une réflexion sur le rôle du Liber memorialis au sein de la communauté de moniales et pour les gens qui y faisaient inscrire leur nom de même que sur le caractère distinct de l’exemplaire de Brescia par rapport aux autres Libri memoriales. Mon hypothèse est que le manuscrit de Brescia représentait une communauté imaginée dont le socle était les moniales de San Salvatore/Santa Giulia, caractère accentué dans le Liber memorialis de Brescia par le regroupement de listes de noms et de textes liturgiques dans un même codex. / Although several studies have been devoted to the Libri memoriales, the Brescia manuscript, and the San Salvatore/Santa Giulia monastery, no monograph has centered the Liber memorialis at the heart of the monastic community’s history that created it. This thesis’ purpose is to use this manuscript, conceived in 856 and composed of lists of names and liturgical texts, to analyze networks and liturgy between 750 (the decade of the monastery’s foundation) and 1000 (the Ottonian control over Italy). The lists of names testify to the nuns’ relationships within their own community and with the institutions of the episcopal city of Brescia: the bishop and the cathedral clergy. These lists also illustrate the nuns’ network outside the city — at local, transalpine and imperial levels — and with various groups: the nuns’ relatives, nobles, clerics, bishops, monks and nuns, and finally, pilgrims. The aim is also to examine the role of liturgy in creating links between these various groups, and the nuns' agency in establishing and perpetuating these networks, as well as in the practice of liturgy. In addition to the Liber memorialis, a wide variety of sources related to or produced by the nuns of San Salvatore/Santa Giulia were put together in this research: diplomatic sources (diplomas, charters and privileges), hagiographic sources and hymns, liturgical sources from the second half of the Middle Ages (Psalter-Collectary and Ordinary) as well as material sources. Taken as a whole, these works provide an insight into how the nuns conceived their community. My research also aims to foster a reflection on the role of the Liber memorialis within the community of nuns and for the people who had their names inscribed in it, as well as on the distinctiveness of Brescia’s manuscript in relation to the other Libri memoriales. My hypothesis is that the Brescia manuscript represented an imagined community whose foundation was the nuns of San Salvatore/Santa Giulia, aspect accentuated in the Brescia Liber memorialis by the grouping of lists of names and liturgical texts in a single codex.

Italia meridionale longobarda (secoli VIII-IX) : competizione, conflittualità e potere politico

Zornetta, Giulia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Lombard Southern Italy during the early middle ages and it analyses the history of political and social conflicts between the eighth and ninth century, taking into account the transformation of Lombard political power and social practices in this area. Starting from the eight-century judicial sources, this work explores political and social competition in the Beneventan region by taking into account its geographical position at the center of the Mediterranean see. Southern Italy was considered as a periphery, and sometimes as a frontier, by both the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, and endured almost a century of Muslims' attempts to conquer the peninsula. The first chapter focuses on the ducal period and investigates the formation and consolidation of the duke of Benevento's political authority before 774. During the seventh and eight centuries, the dukes developed a military and political autonomy in Southern Italy. This was due to the geographical position of the Duchy of Benevento in the Lombard Kingdom: it was far from Pavia, the king's capital city, and it was relatively isolated from other Lombard territories. Since a dynasty was established here as early as the seventh century, these dukes developed a strong and precocious political consciousness. As a result, they were particularly concerned with the formal representation of their authority, which is early attested in both coinage and diplomas. In this chapter, the analysis of the eight-century judicial records opens two important perspectives on the duke of Benevento's practices of power. Firstly, judicial assemblies were one of the most important occasions for the duke to demonstrate and exercise his authority in a public context. In contrast to all other Lombard dukes, who rendered judgement together with a group of officers, the duke of Benevento acted alone before the competing parties. By behaving exactly as the Lombard king would in Pavia, the duke was able to utilise the judicial domain as a sort of theatre in which to practice, legitimise and represent his own public authority in front of the local aristocracy. Secondly, the analysis of seven judicial case-studies suggests that the duke was not simply the sole political authority in Benevento but also the leading social agent in the whole Lombard southern Italy. Almost all the disputes transmitted by the twelfth-century cartularies implied a ducal action, donation or decision in the past, which became the main cause for later conflicts between the members of the lay élite and the monastic foundations of the region. Consequently, the analysis of judicial conflicts reveals more about the duke of Benevento's strategies and practices of power than about the lay and ecclesiastical élites' competition for power. Since there are no judicial records between 774 and the last decade of the ninth century, both conflicts and representations of authority in Lombard Southern Italy are analysed through other kinds of sources for this period. Chronicles, hagiographies, diplomas, and material sources are rich in clues about political and social competition in Benevento. By contrast, the late-ninth-century judicial records transmitted by cartularies and archives are quite different from the eighth-century documents: they have a bare and simple structure, which often hides the peculiarities of the single dispute by telling only the essentials of each conflict and a concise final judgement. In contrast to the sources of the ducal period, the ninth- and tenth-century judicial records often convey a flattened image of Lombard society. Their basic structure certainly prevents a focus on the representation of authority and the practices of power in southern Italy. On the contrary, these fields of inquiry are crucial to research both competition within the Beneventan aristocracy during the ninth century, and the relationship between Lombards and Carolingian after 774. After the fall of the Lombard Kingdom in 774, Charlemagne did not complete the military conquest of the Italian peninsula: the Duchy of Benevento was left under the control of Arechis (758-787), who proclaimed himself princeps gentis Langobardorum and continued to rule mostly independently. The confrontation and competition with the Frankish empire are key to understanding both the strengthening of Lombard identity in southern Italy and the formation of a princely political authority. The second account the historiography on the Regnum Italiae, the third section of this chapter focuses precisely on the ambitions of Louis II in Southern Italy and it analyses the implication that the projection of his rulership over this area had in shaping his imperial authority. Despite Louis II's efforts to control the Lombard principalities, his military and political experience soon revealed its limits. After the conquest of Bari in 871, Prince Adelchi imprisoned the emperor in his palace until he obtained a promise: Louis II swore not to return to Benevento anymore. Although the pope soon liberated the emperor from this oath, he never regained a political role in Southern Italy. Nevertheless, his prolonged presence in the region during the ninth century radically changed the political equilibrium of both the Lombard principalities and the Tyrrhenian duchies (i.e. Napoli, Gaeta, Amalfi). The fourth section focuses firstly on the competition between Louis II and Adelchi of Benevento, who obstinately defined his public authority in a direct competition with the Carolingian emperor. At the same time, the competition within the local aristocracy in Benevento radically changed into a small-scale struggle between the members of Adelchi's kingroup, the Radelchids. At the same time, some local officers expanded their power and acted more and more autonomously in their district, such as in Capua. When Louis II left Benevento in 871, both the Tyrrhenian duchies and the Lombard principalities in Southern Italy were profoundly affected by a sudden change in their mutual relations and even in their inner stability. The competition for power and authority in Salerno and Capua-Benevento also changed and two different political systems were gradually established in these principalities. Despite the radical transformation of internal competition and the Byzantine conquest of a large part of Puglia and Basilicata at the end of the ninth century, the Lombard principalities remained independent until the eleventh century, when Southern Italy was finally seized by Norman invaders.

Implementation of high-resolution direct push sensing in geoarchaeological exploration of wetland sites

Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes 07 February 2024 (has links)
Wetland sites provide important knowledge about settlement history and historical infrastructure in the form of buried archaeological features. However, the subsurface is difficult to access, e.g. due to high groundwater levels or unstable sediments, making archaeological excavation difficult and the conservation of recovered artefacts, e.g. timbers, is expensive. In addition, one of the aims of heritage conservation is to disturb structures in such contexts as little as possible as part of preserving. Therefore, alternative non- and minimal-invasive methods, e.g. geophysical prospection and vibra-coring, are used for exploration. However, geophysical surveys face the issue of inaccurate depth values and rely on sufficient contrasts in the measured physical parameters. Vibra-coring allows direct access to the sediments, but again gives inaccurate depth values due to high compaction rates. For this reason, the implementation of alternative methods and the development of new methodical approaches to wetland site exploration are of extraordinary importance. One such wetland site is the Fossa Carolina, an early medieval canal that today is partially buried. Located in Southern Germany next to Treuchtlingen, south of Nuremberg, the canal was intended at the time to provide a navigable link between the Rhine-Main and Danube basins by bridging the European watershed. In the research for this thesis, direct push sensing was used as an alternative exploration technique to explore the site. In this method, various probes are pushed into the unconsolidated subsoil and the parameters are measured in situ with high depth accuracy. (i) Therefore, the colour logging tool (CLT) and the electrical conductivity (EC) probe were applied. (ii) In order to record archaeological structures and features, the soundings were distributed closely along a transect using an adaptive exploration strategy, thus recording a high-resolution cross-section of the structure. (iii) These prospections were integrated into a spatial-hierarchical multi-method approach by combining direct push sensing with geophysical survey and vibra-coring, inter alia. (iv) Thus, a deeply buried section of the Fossa Carolina (West-East Section) was explored, demonstrating at least one-way navigability and revealing the backfill stratigraphy. (v) Furthermore, the approach used helped to clarify the nature of conspicuous magnetic anomalies in the area adjacent to the canal. In the Northern and North-Eastern Sections, magnetic anomalies provided evidence of water-supplying structures. The exploration of these structures revealed an Early Holocene structure in the North-Eastern Section and a historic gravel road in the Northern Section. (vi) Additionally, a strong magnetic anomaly with a course parallel to the canal in the Northern Section could be temporally and stratigraphically associated with the construction of the canal. Thus, for the first time, a larger remnant of the construction process outside the canal could be identified, even if the origin could not be conclusively clarified. (vii) In a broader context, the in situ direct push cross-sections were integrated into a 3D modelling approach for the entire Fossa Carolina to quantify the excavation volume. (viii) The methodological approach was successfully applied to a wetland site at Pestenacker in Southern Germany to collect evidence for Holocene floodplain dynamics in the Late Neolithic settlement. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the enormous methodological potential of direct push sensing for the exploration of buried archaeological sites. In particular, the colour logging tool is proving to be extremely effective, further enhanced by the intelligent combination in multi-method approaches. This is confirmed by the significant results obtained at Fossa Carolina that shed new light on the canal{'}s navigability, water supply, and construction structure. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the valuable contribution that direct push methods can make to geoarchaeological research. It both introduces a new methodological approach and provides new empirical evidence concerning the construction of an example of early medieval infrastructure.:Preface Acknowledgements Abstract Kurzfassung Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms and Symbols 1 Introduction 1.1 Geoarchaeological exploration in wetlands: possibilities and challenges 1.1.1 Proven exploration methods 1.1.2 Direct push sensing 1.1.3 Exploration strategies 1.2 The study site 1.2.1 The Fossa Carolina - State of the art in brief 1.2.2 Natural settings 1.3 Aims of the thesis 2 Published Studies 2.1 Minimalinvasive Direct-push-Erkundung in der Feuchtboden(geo)archäologie am Beispiel des Karlsgrabens (Fossa Carolina) 2.2 Non-invasive prospection techniques and direct push sensing as high-resolution validation tools in wetland geoarchaeology – Artificial water supply at a Carolingian canal in South Germany? 2.3 High-Resolution Direct Push Sensing in Wetland Geoarchaeology—First Traces of Off-Site Construction Activities at the Fossa Carolina 2.4 3D-Modelling of Charlemagne’s Summit Canal (Southern Germany)—Merging Remote Sensing and Geoarchaeological Subsurface Data 2.5 A hydrological tipping point and onset of Neolithic wetland occupation in Pestenacker (Lech catchment, S Germany) 3 Discussion 3.1 Direct push sensing for wetland exploration 3.1.1 High-resolution direct push sensing cross-sections 3.1.2 Integration and comparison of direct push sensing in a spatially hierarchical multi-method approach 3.1.3 Direct push colour logging tool (CLT) data for ground truthing 3.1.4 Perspectives on direct push sensing in geoarchaeology 3.2 Results of the exploration of the Fossa Carolina 3.2.1 Chronostratigraphic recording in the West-East and Northern Sections 3.2.2 Characteristics of the canal construction in the West-East and Northern Sections 3.2.3 Validation of off-canal structures in the Northern and North-Eastern Sections 3.2.4 Water supply for the Fossa Carolina 3.2.5 Pending issues in the study of the Fossa Carolina 4 Conclusion References Appendix A1 - Author publications A2 - Article contribution A3 - Declaration of originality A4 - Bibliographic description / Feuchtgebiete bergen durch begrabene archäologische Strukturen wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Siedlungsgeschichte und historischen Infrastruktur. Schwierige Untergrundverhältnisse, z. B. durch hohen Grundwasserspiegel oder instabile Sedimente, erschweren jedoch archäologische Ausgrabungen und die Konservierung der geborgenen Artefakte, z. B. Hölzer, verursacht hohe Kosten. Darüber hinaus ist ein Ziel der Bodendenkmalpflege, archäologische Strukturen so wenig wie möglich zu beeinträchtigen und sie in situ zu erhalten. Daher werden alternative nicht- und minimal-invasive Methoden, z. B. geophysikalische Prospektionen und Rammkernsondierungen, zur Exploration eingesetzt. Bei geophysikalischen Untersuchungen ergeben sich jedoch Schwierigkeiten durch ungenaue Tiefenwerte und die Methoden sind auf ausreichende Kontraste der gemessenen physikalischen Parameter angewiesen. Rammkernsondierungen ermöglichen einen direkten Zugriff auf die Sedimente, erzeugen jedoch wiederum ungenaue Tiefenwerte durch hohe Kompaktionsraten. Aus diesem Grund sind die Implementierung alternativer Methoden und die Entwicklung neuer methodischer Ansätze für die Erforschung von Feuchtgebietsstandorten von herausragender Bedeutung. Die Fossa Carolina, ein frühmittelalterlicher, heute teilweise verschütteter Kanal, ist ein solcher Standort. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in Süddeutschland in der Nähe von Treuchtlingen, südlich von Nürnberg und sollte eine schiffbare Verbindung zwischen dem Rhein-Main- und dem Donaueinzugsgebiet herstellen, indem es die europäische Hauptwasserscheide überbrückte. Zur Erkundung des Bauwerks wurde als Alternative die in situ Direct-Push-Methode eingesetzt. Bei dieser Methode werden verschiedene Sonden in den unkonsolidierten Untergrund gedrückt und die Parameter in situ tiefengenau gemessen. (i) Dabei kamen die Farbsonde, engl. colour logging tool (CLT), und die Sonde zur Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit, engl. electrical conductivity (EC) probe, zum Einsatz. (ii) Zur Erfassung archäologischer Strukturen und Befunde wurden die Sondierungen mit einer adaptiven Erkundungsstrategie auf einem Transekt engmaschig verteilt und somit ein hochaufgelöster Querschnitt des Bauwerks erfasst. (iii) Darüber hinaus wurden diese Prospektionen in einen räumlich-hierarchischen Multimethodenansatz integriert, indem in situ Direct-Push-Sondierungen mit z. B. geophysikalischen Erkundungen und Rammkernsondierungen kombiniert wurden. Somit wurde (iv) ein tiefliegender, begrabener Abschnitt der Fossa Carolina im West-Ost-Bereich erkundet, dort die Schiffbarkeit für mindestens eine Schiffsbreite nachgewiesen und die Sedimentstratigraphie der Verfüllung beschrieben. Weiterhin wurde der Ansatz genutzt, um magnetische Anomalien im Umfeld des Kanals zu prospektieren. (v) Im nördlichen und nordöstlichen Bereich lieferten magnetische Anomalien Hinweise auf wasserzuführende Bauwerke im Untergrund. Die Erkundung ergab eine frühholozäne Struktur im nordöstlichen Bereich und eine historische Schotterstraße im nördlichen Bereich. (vi) Weiterhin konnte eine starke magnetische Anomalie mit parallelem Verlauf zum Kanal im nördlichen Bereich zeitlich und stratigraphisch dem Bauwerk zugeordnet werden. Somit konnte zum ersten Mal eine größere Spur des Baus außerhalb des Kanals nachgewiesen werden, auch wenn die Entstehung nicht abschließend geklärt werden konnte. (vii) Im übergeordneten Kontext konnten die Daten der in situ Direct-Push-Transekte in einen 3D-Modellierungsansatz für die gesamte Fossa Carolina zur Quantifizierung des Aushubs integriert werden. (viii) Neben der Erforschung der Fossa Carolina wurde der methodische Ansatz zusätzlich an einem Feuchtgebietsstandort bei Pestenacker in Süddeutschland angewendet, um Informationen über die holozäne Auendynamik an der spätneolithischen Siedlung zu gewinnen. Schlussendlich belegt die Dissertation das enorme methodische Potential der in situ Direct-Push-Erkundungen für die Prospektion von Bodendenkmälern. Dabei erweist sich insbesondere die Farbsonde als äußerst wirkungsvoll, was durch die gezielte Kombination in multi-methodischen Ansätzen noch verstärkt wird. Dies wird durch die aussagekräftigen Ergebnisse an der Fossa Carolina belegt, mit deren Hilfe insbesondere neue Erkenntnisse zur Schiffbarkeit, Wasserzuführung und Baustruktur gewonnen werden konnten. Insgesamt demonstriert diese Dissertation den wertvollen Beitrag, den in situ Direct-Push-Methoden zur geoarchäologischen Forschung leisten können. Sie präsentiert sowohl einen neuen methodischen Ansatz als auch neue empirische Erkenntnisse zu einem frühmittelalterlichen Bauwerk.:Preface Acknowledgements Abstract Kurzfassung Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms and Symbols 1 Introduction 1.1 Geoarchaeological exploration in wetlands: possibilities and challenges 1.1.1 Proven exploration methods 1.1.2 Direct push sensing 1.1.3 Exploration strategies 1.2 The study site 1.2.1 The Fossa Carolina - State of the art in brief 1.2.2 Natural settings 1.3 Aims of the thesis 2 Published Studies 2.1 Minimalinvasive Direct-push-Erkundung in der Feuchtboden(geo)archäologie am Beispiel des Karlsgrabens (Fossa Carolina) 2.2 Non-invasive prospection techniques and direct push sensing as high-resolution validation tools in wetland geoarchaeology – Artificial water supply at a Carolingian canal in South Germany? 2.3 High-Resolution Direct Push Sensing in Wetland Geoarchaeology—First Traces of Off-Site Construction Activities at the Fossa Carolina 2.4 3D-Modelling of Charlemagne’s Summit Canal (Southern Germany)—Merging Remote Sensing and Geoarchaeological Subsurface Data 2.5 A hydrological tipping point and onset of Neolithic wetland occupation in Pestenacker (Lech catchment, S Germany) 3 Discussion 3.1 Direct push sensing for wetland exploration 3.1.1 High-resolution direct push sensing cross-sections 3.1.2 Integration and comparison of direct push sensing in a spatially hierarchical multi-method approach 3.1.3 Direct push colour logging tool (CLT) data for ground truthing 3.1.4 Perspectives on direct push sensing in geoarchaeology 3.2 Results of the exploration of the Fossa Carolina 3.2.1 Chronostratigraphic recording in the West-East and Northern Sections 3.2.2 Characteristics of the canal construction in the West-East and Northern Sections 3.2.3 Validation of off-canal structures in the Northern and North-Eastern Sections 3.2.4 Water supply for the Fossa Carolina 3.2.5 Pending issues in the study of the Fossa Carolina 4 Conclusion References Appendix A1 - Author publications A2 - Article contribution A3 - Declaration of originality A4 - Bibliographic description

Les céramiques en territoire arverne et sur ses marges de l'antiquité tardive au haut moyen âge (fin IIIe - milieu VIIIe siècle) : approche chrono-typologique, économique et culturelle / [Ceramics in arvern territory and its margins from late antiquity to early middle ages (end of IIIrd century - mid VIIIth century) : chrono-typological, economical and cutural approach]

Chabert, Sandra 25 November 2016 (has links)
La méconnaissance de l’Auvergne durant l’Antiquité tardive tient en partie à l’absence de référentiels chrono-typologiques. La découverte récente d’ensembles céramiques conséquents et la reprise de données anciennes permettent aujourd’hui de combler ce vide documentaire. Ce travail se propose ainsi de dresser un nouveau panorama du territoire arverne durant l’Antiquité tardive et le très haut Moyen Âge (fin IIIe-milieu VIIIe siècle), d’un point de vue économique et culturel par l’étude de la céramique. L’évolution des répertoires montre que les faciès antiques persistent jusqu’au VIe siècle de même que les pratiques culinaires et les manières de table. Diversifiées jusqu’au Ve siècle, les formes et les catégories céramiques s’uniformisent au VIe siècle et, à partir du VIIe siècle, les productions réductrices et les récipients fermés à usage culinaire prédominent. L’étude d’ensembles funéraires des IVe et Ve siècles montre l’insertion du territoire arverne dans l’évolution des pratiques funéraires alors en cours en Gaule. L’Auvergne se démarque néanmoins par le nombre élevé des vases céramiques déposés dans les tombes et par la préférence donnée aux récipients à solides dans la composition du repas funéraire.Les importations indiquent que le territoire arverne est bien inséré dans les circuits commerciaux à la fin de l’Antiquité. Leurs quantités parfois faibles suggèrent cependant un approvisionnement parcimonieux, qui place l’Auvergne aux confins des aires de diffusion de la plupart des productions commercialisées, comme en « bout de circuits ». Les correspondances établies avec les céramiques des IVe et Ve siècles des autres régions de Gaule du Centre montrent l’existence de traditions de fabrication communes et l’ensemble de ces territoires pourrait appartenir à une même entité économique et culturelle. Le sud du territoire arverne apparaît en revanche tourné vers les régions méridionales, comme l’a montré l’étude des céramiques des VIe et VIIe siècles du site lozérien de La Malène, influencées par les faciès de Gaule du Sud / The sparse knowledge of the late antiquity in Auvergne is partly due to the absence of chronological typology for this period. The recent uncovering of significant ceramic assemblages and the reassessment of pastdata make it possible today to fill this research gap. This thesis attempts to bring new light to the Arverne territory, its economy and culture, in the late antiquity and the early middle ages (from the late 3rd century to the mid-8th century), through the study of its pottery. The evolution observed in the repertory shows that the antique facies remained until the 6th century, as well as the culinary practices and table manners. Until the 5th century,forms and types of ceramics are very varied, becoming more standardized in the next century, and finally starting in the 7th century, closed culinary vessels are predominant.The study of funerary assemblages from the 4th and 5th centuries, demonstrates how the Arverne territory participated in the general evolution of funerary practices in Gaul. However the Auvergne region stands out by the considerable number of ceramic vases found in tombs and the clear preference for solid food vessels in funerary repasts.The presence of imported goods is evidence that the Arverne territory was part of the commercial routes by the end of Antiquity. However the small amounts of importations imply a parsimonious procurement, which would mean that the Auvergne region was actually located on the outer limits of the distribution areas of most industrial productions. The correlations established with 4th and 5th century pottery from other areas of Central Gaul could be proof of a common tradition of production, and how such territories could have possibly belonged to a same cultural and economic entity. The South of the Arverne territory seemed however more influenced by southern Gaul as shown by the study of 6th and 7th century pottery from the lozerian site of La Malène

Le Banquet et la "transformation du monde romain": entre Romanitas, Barbaritas et Christianisme :espace romain occidental, IVe-VIe siècle / Banquet and the "Transformation of the Roman World": between Romanitas, Barbaritas and Christianity :Western Roman World, 4th to 6th century

Raga, Emmanuelle 24 June 2011 (has links)
Ma thèse se concentre sur la question de la transformation de la pratique du banquet classique face, d’une part, à la nouvelle situation sociopolitique découlant de l’installation des royaumes dits successeurs et de la dissolution des structures politiques classiques ;et d’autre part, face à l’intensification de ce que l’on appelle communément la « christianisation » du monde romain. Mes recherches concernent le monde romain occidental (Gaule, Italie et Espagne) à partir du moment où le discours ascétique oriental se diffuse massivement en occident dans la seconde moitié du IVe siècle, mettant fin à ce que Robert Markus appelle le « christianisme antique ». La question principale de ma thèse concerne le discours chrétien et ascétique qui porte sur les questions alimentaires et les réponses données par les groupes sociaux dont l’usage du banquet classique est suffisamment documenté. En l’occurrence les aristocrates (en ce compris les évêques), les communautés cénobitiques et le mouvement anachorétique. La seconde question abordée dans mes recherches est celle posée par la présence « barbare » et l’image du mangeur barbare en ces siècles de transition socioculturelle. Le terminus ante quem de mes recherches se situe à la fin du VIe siècle, en un monde romain désormais indubitablement transformé.<p><p><p> <p>La mia tesi si incentra sulla questione della trasformazione della pratica classica del banchetto nel confronto, da una parte con la nuova situazione sociale e politica dovuta all’insediamento dei regni post-romani, e, dall’altra, con l’intensificazione della cosiddetta “cristianizzazione” del mondo romano. La tesi riguarda lo spazio romano occidentale (cioè Gallia, Italia, Spagna) a partire dal momento in cui si diffonde la grande moda dell’ascetismo orientale dalla seconda metà del IV secolo. La questione principale della tesi, che occupa i capitoli tre e quattro, riguarda il discorso cristiano e ascetico sull’alimentazione e poi le risposte date dai gruppi sociali il cui uso del banchetto è documentato a sufficienza, in fatti specie gli aristocratici, il mondo monastico, e gli eremiti. I due primi capitoli riguardano, rispettivamente, la pratica del banchetto classico nella tarda antichità e la questione della presenza “barbara” e dell’immagine del mangiatore barbaro in quei secoli. La conclusione della tesi si colloca alla fine del VI secolo, in un momento in cui il mondo romano è indubbiamente trasformato.<p><p><p>My doctoral thesis concentrates on the question of the transformation of the classical banquet through the encounter with, on the one hand, the new sociopolitical situation due to the migration and installation of the new successor kingdoms ;and on the other hand, with the intensification of the Christianization of the Roman world. My research focuses on the Western Roman world (Gaul, Italy and Spain) from the moment in which the eastern ascetic discourse spreads widely in the West in the second half of the 4th century, causing what Robert Markus calls “The end of Ancient Christianity”. The main question of my thesis regards the Christian and ascetic discourse on food practices and the answers given by the social groups who’s uses of the banquet is documented enough. In this case, the aristocrats (within which the bishops), the monastic communities and the hermits. The second question taken into consideration in my thesis is the one presented by the “barbarian” presence and the literary image of the barbarian eater in these centuries of socio cultural transformation. The terminus ante quem of my research is placed at the end of the 6th century, in a undoubtly transformed Roman world. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Latinský západ v zrcadle byzantského dějepisectví (6.-8.stol.) / Latin West mirrored by the Byzantine historiography (6th-8th centuries)

Bakyta, Ján January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to investigate whether the Romans of the East (Byzantines) during the 6th to the 8th centuries were interested in the Latin west and the imperial rule over it. In the first part of the work, the various discourses concerning the origins of the Justinianic conquest or reconquest of Africa and Italy articulated in the contemporary sources are identified and evaluated; the only one which cannot be shown or supposed to have been officially articulated is the discourse of a source of Pseudo-Zachariah Scholasticus which makes African and maybe also Italian exulants complaining in the imperial court about the local rulers responsible for the Vandal and Gothic wars. After some other preliminary studies (e.g. concerning the so-called problem of Theodericʼs constitutional position), it is concluded that the emperor Justinian was not interested in an ideologically founded restoration of the empire, but made the western wars because of his contacts with western aristocrats. In the second part of the thesis, the presentation of the Justinianic western wars and western events or realities in the works of the Byzantine historians from Marcellinus Comes and Procopius to Theophylactus Simocatta (the 6th to the early 7th centuries) is investigated and an attempt is made to explore...

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