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Analysing "involvement" in distance education study guides: an appraisal-based approachMischke, Gertruida Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to extend our current understanding of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts. This aim links directly with the shift in South Africa from an objectivistic, content-centred teaching approach towards an outcomes-based, studentcentred one. Partly because few guidelines exist as to what the linguistic characteristics of student-centred texts are, developers of such texts in a distance education environment face many challenges and thus, a secondary, more indirect aim of this study is to benefit developers of distance education study materials. In view of the educational context in which the study is situated, a brief overview of some of the most relevant pedagogic perspectives underlying the notion of student-centredness is provided.
Student-centredness is then interpreted in terms of Biber's (1988) construal of `involvement' and
also in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL): more particularly, the interpersonal
discourse semantic metafunction of SFL and on insights developed in Appraisal Theory. The
focus of the study is thus on `involvement' and the expression of evaluative stance, and
consequently on attitudinal language through `involvement' features. Of particular interest to the present study is how learning is advanced through the use of attitudinal language.
The data for the study include six print-based distance education teaching texts (study guides)
from three different academic departments at the University of South Africa. Two guides from
each department are analysed and compared: one developed by way of a content-centred
approach to teaching and the other by way of a student-centred approach. The linguistic construal of evaluative stance in these guides is analysed and interpreted in interpersonal
terms. The thesis develops a theoretically motivated explanation of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts, and in the process provides evidence of the interpersonal and pedagogic relevance of evaluative stance in the context of distance education. Some of the main conclusions reached are that student-centred texts differ from contentcentred ones with regard to: the extent to which the social presence of discourse participants is signalled in such texts; the extent to which solidarity is negotiated with students; the participation of students in the knowledge construction process; the relationship that prevails between lecturers and students; and the identity developed for both students as well as lecturers. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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The validation of a test battery for the selection of first-line supervisors in a South African mining companyRobertson, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology )
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The vindication of Christ : a critique of Gustavo Guitierrez, James Cone and Jurgen MoltmannBurgess, Michael Martyn 02 1900 (has links)
The problem of universal oppression has caused Gutierrez, Cone and Moltmann to advocate that God is orchestrating an historical programme of liberation from socio-economic, racial and political suffering. They feel that God's liberating actions can be seen in the Abrahamic promise, the exodus and the Christ-event.
Moltmann, especially, has emphasized both the trinitarian identification with human pain and the influence of the freedom of the future upon the suffering of the present. According to our theologians, Jesus Christ identified with us, and died the death of a substitutionary victim. Through the resurrection, Jesus Christ overcame the problem of suffering and death, and inaugurated the New Age. The cross and resurrection were the focal point of God's liberating activity. Liberation, or freedom, from sin and suffering is now possible, at least proleptically. We are to understand the atonement as having been liberative rather than forensic or legal, although judgement is
not ignored. Both the perpetrators of injustice and their victims are called upon to identify with, and struggle for,
freedom, with the help of the liberating Christ.
We agree with our theologians that God has historically indicated his desire for justice and freedom. The magnitude of evil and suffering still existing, however, forces us to abandon the idea that God is progressively liberating history. Nevertheless, we affirm the idea that the Trinity has absorbed human suffering into its own story through the incarnate Son. Jesus identified with suffering in a four-fold way, namely: its existence, the judgement of it, the overcoming of it, and the need to oppose it. This comprehensive identification gives Christ the right to demand the doing of justice, because the greatest injustice in history has happened to him. The atonement
was forensic, rendering all people accountable to Christ; but it was also liberative, validating the struggle against oppression. Furthermore, at his second coming, Christ will be vindicated in whatever judgement he will exact upon the perpetrators of injustice or oppression. For today the resurrection still gives hope and faith to those who suffer and to those who identify with them / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th.D. (Systematic Theology)
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Prejudice reconsidered : a defense of situated understandingSandel, Adam Emanuel Adatto January 2013 (has links)
My dissertation draws upon ancient political philosophy (Plato and Aristotle) and 20th century hermeneutic thought (Heidegger and Gadamer) to argue that our judgment and understanding is always “situated” within a world, or horizon, shaped by the projects, practices, and traditions in which we are engaged. This means that judgment never starts from scratch. The exercise of judgment, in evaluating competing arguments in politics or law, in trying to understand a philosophical text, in deliberating about how to act in this or that circumstance, is always informed by preconceptions and commitments that we have not justified in advance. In this sense, our judgment is always “prejudiced.” But contrary to a familiar way of thinking, the prejudicial aspect of judgment is not some regrettable limitation. Certain prejudices, I argue, can actually enable good judgment rather than hinder it. The primary goal of the dissertation is to clarify the concept of prejudice and to draw out its implications for politics, ethics, and philosophy. What does it mean to reason from within the world? What room does such reasoning allow for human agency and political reform? By drawing upon Heidegger’s notion of “Being-in-the-World” and Gadamer’s notion of “horizon,” I develop the idea that our life circumstance is an intelligible perspective that informs our deliberation and judgment. Moreover, our life perspective provides the basis for a kind of situated agency. After elaborating the situated conception of understanding, I show that it is implicit in Aristotle’s notion of practical wisdom (phronesis) and in Plato’s notion of dialectic. My goal is to bring out a link that is often overlooked between their philosophy and 20th century hermeneutic thought. By reading each in light of the other, we gain a deeper understanding of what it means to reason from within the perspective of our lives.
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Det etiska beslutsfattandet : En studie på svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschens attityd rörande etiska dilemman / The ethical decision making process : A study on Swedish real estate agents attitudes towards ethical dilemmasPettersson, Johanna, Säbben, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att analysera skillnader i betydelse mellan komponenterna: etisk bedömning, etisk avsikt och etisk plikt i förhållande till uppfattad betydelse av ett etiskt problem i den etiska beslutsprocessen. Metod En analys av tidigare forskning genomfördes för att skapa en teoretisk referensram samt få en god översikt över forskningsområdet. En kvantitativ metod användes därefter för att samla in empiriskt material. Detta gjordes med hjälp av en enkät som bestod av scenarion som respondenterna fick ta ställning till. Den empiriska informationen analyserades i SPSS, där utfördes deskriptiv statistik, korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys samt regressionsanalys. Resultaten presenterades, diskuterades och utmynnade i en slutsats samt förslag till fortsatt forskning. Slutsats De slutsatser som kan dras utifrån studien är att den etiska bedömningen har störst påverkan på den uppfattade betydelsen. Det kan även konstateras att den etiska avsikten samt den etiska plikten inte har någon signifikant påverkan på den upplevda betydelsen när ett etiskt dilemma ses som mindre allvarligt. Uppsatsens bidrag Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för fastighetsmäklares attityder gentemot etiska dilemman, samt att den etiska beslutsprocessen är mer komplex än vad som tidigare presenterats. Vi belyser även hur säljchefer kan påverka sina anställda till ett mer etiskt agerande genom att uppföra etiska koder samt arbeta för ett gott etiskt klimat. / Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyse the differences in importance between the components: ethical judgement, moral intent and moral obligation relative to the perceived importance of an ethical issue in the ethical decision making process. Method An analysis of previous studies was made in order to create a theoretical framework and to obtain an overview of the field of research. A quantitative method was used to collect the empirical data. This was made by using a survey where the respondents had to take a stand to ethical dilemmas presented with vignettes. The empirical data was analysed in SPSS, where descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis were created. The results were presented, discussed and lead to a conclusion and suggestions for future research. Conclusion The conclusions that can be drawn from the study are that ethical judgement has the biggest impact on the perceived importance of an ethical issue. It is also possible to establish that the moral intent and moral obligation does not have a significant influence on the perceived importance when an ethical dilemma is perceived as less important. Contribution The study contributes to a deeper understanding of real estate agents’ attitudes towards ethical dilemmas. It also shows that the ethical decision making process is more complex than earlier presented. We also highlight how sales managers can influence their employees to a more ethical approach by setting ethical codes and work for a good ethical climate.
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Judgemental attitudes in pastoral care : spiritual councelling for women living positively with HIV and AIDS in the township of LwandleMatholeni, Nobuntu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: AIDS is stigma, disgrace, hatred, hardship, abandonment, isolation, exclusion, prohibition, persecution, poverty, privation. AIDS is a metaphor. It is a threat, a tragedy, a blight, a blot, a scar, a stain, a plague, a scourge, a pestilence, a demon, killer, rampant, rampaging, murderer. It is made moral. It is condemnation, deterrence, retribution, punishment, a sin, a lesson, a curse, rebuke, judgement (Pillay, 2008:21).
The above quotation represents societal perceptions, discourses and responses to the AIDS pandemic. Sadly, in the early days of this pandemic, some theologians and churches held the above-mentioned perception, creating the fear in sufferers of the disease that they might be judged. Communities, families and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) also still hold this view. The aim of this study is to investigate the judgemental attitudes in pastoral care and spiritual counselling for women living with HIV/AIDS.
One of the aspects that contribute to the spread of the HIV pandemic is the stigma attached to it as it is the stigma that causes the silence. This study aims to explore the definition of stigma and investigate its causes and results as well as looking into the judgemental attitudes of the community, church, society, family and counselling of the HIV/AIDS sufferer, their identity crisis and their question of meaning.
Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the theological reflection on the notion of God, through the doctrine of judge ment (how God is presented as a judge in both the Old and the New Testaments), as well as Old and New Testaments’ views on illness. Using these sources, this study investigates whether or not HIV is a punishment from God. Using case studies, the resurrection of hope and the role of hope in a person was explored. This study also investigates how pastoral care and spiritual counselling can empower and bring hope and healing to PLWHA. This was done through the use of Louw’s five-phase model of counselling PLWHA, an externalising method from a narrative approach.
This study seeks to determine the judgemental attitudes in pastoral care and counselling towards women living with the HI virus in the local township of Lwandle. It is said that the people most vulnerable to the HI virus and most infected are women and especially those living in the poor townships of South Africa. Their lack of education and poverty put these women in a more dangerous situation than their counterparts. In the township churches, women are in the majority. This study speculates about the role of pastoral care and counselling in empowering these women, in particular those living with HIV and AIDS and seeks to explore how the faith community, society and their families judge these women. It also investigates how pastoral care can dispute irrational and unrealistic constructs applied to the interpreta tion of the pandemic and how the Christian community can contribute to constructive pro cesses of de-stigmatisation.
In the early days of the pandemic, the church regarded intercourse as intended solely for procreation (Van Dyk 2008:318). Therefore, since it is well established that HIV and AIDS is a desease that is mostly contracted through sexual activity, those who contracted the disease were regarded as being not morally sound or upright members of society. This resulted in pastoral counsellors finding it difficult to counsel without discussing the causes of this disease as when they did so, they often appeared to be condemning the infected persons by judging them. This study focuses on the judgemental attitudes and stigmatisation, a theological reflection on the notion of God, as well as on women living with the HI virus in a specific context.
In order to determine the attitudes of pastoral care and counselling, an empirical study was done to assess the attitudes in the above-mentioned location to PLWHA in that community. The aim of the empirical research was not to create statistical evidence, but rather to reflect the stories of the women living with the virus in this community. For the study, a certain group of women was selected from the support group of women who are living with HIV/AIDS. The co-ordinator of the support group helped the researcher to access the people from the Ikhwezi clinic. A questionnaire was used for the findings. The study showed the pain, vulnerability as well as the bravery of these women. Through the case study, the researcher was able to demonstrate how hope can change the lives of PLWHA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vigs is stigma, haat, swaarkry, verlating, isolasie, uitsluiting, verbod, vervolging, armoede, ontbering. VIGS is 'n metafoor. Dit is 'n bedreiging, 'n tragedie, 'n vloek, 'n klad, 'n letsel, 'n vlek, 'n plaag, 'n kastyding, 'n pestilensie, 'n demoon, 'n doodmaker, wild, vervloek, 'n moordenaar. Dit is sedelikheid gemaak. Dit is veroordeling, afskrikking, vergelding, straf, 'n sonde, 'n les, 'n vloek, teregwysing veroordeling (Pillay, 2008:21).
Bostaande aanhaling verteenwoordig sosiale persepsies, gesprekke en reaksies betreffende die VIGS pandemie. Tragies om te sê, in die begin van die pandemie was bostaande persepsie die standpunt van sommige teoloë en kerke, wat die vrees by lyers van die siekte geskep het dat hulle veroordeel sou word. Gemeenskappe, gesinne en mense wat lewe met MIV/VIGS (MWLMV) huldig nog steeds hierdie seining. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die veroordelende houdings by pastorale sorg en berading van vroue wat lewe met MIV/VIGS, te ondersoek.
Een van die kwessies wat bydrae tot die toename van die MIV- pandemie is die stigma wat daaraan kleef, omdat dat die stigma is wat die verswyging daarvan veroorsaak. Hierdie studie beoog om die definisie van sigma te verken, en om die oorsaak en die gevolg daarvan te ondersoek, asook as om ’n kykie te kry in die veroordelende houdings van die gemeenskap, die kerk, die samelewing, die familie en die berading van die MIV/VIGS-lyer, hulle identiteitskrisis en hulle soeke na betekenis.
Verder beoog die studie om die teologiese besinning oor die idee van God n.a.v., die leerstelling van oordeel (hoe God voorgestel word as Regter in sowel die Ou en Nuwe Testament), sowel as die Ou Testamentiese en Nuwe Testamentiese sienings oor siekte, te ondersoek. Deur die gebruik van hierdie bronne will hierdie studie ondersoek of MIV ’n straf deur God is. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook hoe pastorale sorg en berading kan bemagtig en hoop kan bring vir MWLMV. Dit is gedoen deur die gebruik van Louw se vyf fase beradingsmodel vir MWLMW-’n eksternaliseringsmetode vanuit ’n narratiewe benadering. Deur gebruik te maak van gevallestudies is die opwekking van hoop en die rol van hoop in ’n persoon verken.
Hierdie studie poog om die veroordelende houdings by pastorale sorg en beranding van vroue wat leef met die MI-virus in die plaaslike dorpie Lwandle, vas te stel. Daar word gesê dat die kwesbaarste vir die MI-virus en die mees geïnfekteerde persone die vroue is, en by uitstek die wat in die arm dorpies van Suid-Afrika woon. Hulle gebrek aan geletterdheid en hulle armoede bedreig hierdie vroue meer as hulle mans. In die dorpskerke is vrouens in die meerderheid. Hierdie studie besin oor die rol van pastorale sorg en berading in die bemagtiging van hierdie vroue, in besonder hulle wat met MIV/VIGS lewe in die studie poog om te verken hoe die geloofsgemeenskap, die samelewing en hulle gene hierdie vroue beoordeel. Dit ondersoek ook hoe pastorale sorg irrasionele en onrealistiese opvattings rakende die interpretasie van die pandemie kan betwis, en hoe die Christengemeenskap kan bydrae tot ’n opbouende proses van destigmatisering.
In die vroeë dae van die pandemie het die kerk gemeenskap gesien as uitsluitlik bedoel vir voorplanting (Van Dyk 2008:318). Aangesien dit algemeen aanvaar word dat MIV en VIGS ’n siekte is wat meestal opgedoen word deur seksuele aktiwiteite, is hulle wat hierdie siekte opgedoen het, nie gesien as moreel, of as onkreukbare lede van die gemeenskap nie. Dit het daartoe gelei dat pastorale beraders dit moeilik gevind het om te beraad sonder om die oorsaak van die siektetoestand te bespreek indien hulle dit wel gedoen het, en het dit dikwels gelyk asof die geïnfekteerde persoon veroordeel is deurdat hulle geoordeel is. Hierdie studie fokus op die veroordelende houdings en stigmatisasie-op ’n teologiese besinning oor die idee van God, sowel as op die vroue wat met die MI-virus binne ’n bepaalde raamwerke leef.
Ten einde die houdings van pastorale sorg en berading teenoor MWLMV te bepaal, is ’n empiriese studie in daardie gemeenskap gedoen. Die doel met die empiriese navorsing was nie om statistiese bewyse te skep nie, maar eerder om te besin oor die verhale van die vroue wat met die virus leef in hierdie gemeenskap. Vir die studie is ’n bepaalde groep vroue geselekteer uit die ondersteuningsgroep vroue wat met MIV/VIGS leef. Die koördineerder van die ondersteuningsgroep het die navorser gehelp om die mense van die Ikhwezi kliniek te bereik. ’n Vraelys is gebruik vir die bevindinge. Die studie het die pyn, verwondbaarheid, sowel as die moed van hierdie vroue getoon. Deur die gevallestudie het die navorser aangetoon hoe hoop die lewens van MWLMV kan verander.
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審計人員重要性判斷行為之研究--透視模型之運用申佩芝, SHEN, PEI-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
De Angelo 的擔保品效果理論為基礎,分析會計師事務所規模及審計人員職位對判斷
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Ware en valse bekerings : Christelike etiese perspektief op die gebruik van die Tien Gebooie in evangelisasie / Antonio William Johannes FerreiraFerreira, Antonio William Johannes January 2011 (has links)
This study discusses true and false conversions and the use of the Ten Commandments
in evangelism, viewed from the starting point of a Christian ethical perspective.
The use of the Ten Commandments in Evangelism is affirmed by Jesus Himself and
also by Jesus’ apostles after His ascension to heaven. The validity of the Ten
Commandments is eternal. The modern evangelist has been caught by the snares of
Satan with regards to the Ten Commandments. The power of the Ten Commandments
in evoking a true sense of sin is being undermined by a sly plan of Satan that causes
enmity between the Law and grace. It has basically brought about two schools of
thought: those who use the Ten Commandments, and those who reject it. Those who
use the Ten Commandments, however, run the risk of using the law in an illegitimate
way, and this is termed as “legalism”. On the other hand, those who reject the Ten
Commandments are guilty of “Antinomianism”, that literally means “anti-law”.
Consequently, all the underlying principles, which God had laid down for the use of the
Ten Commandments, are being blatantly disregarded. Instead, the workings and
efficacy of the Ten Commandments are exclusively replaced by love and grace. False
conversions are the result in both cases. Satan achieves his goal.
In opposition to this is the legitimate use of the Ten Commandments as the only means
of preventing false conversions. God designed the Ten Commandments in such a way
as to firstly reveal His holiness as the only standard that a sinner must meet. As the
standard requires absolute holiness and perfection, it brings about a sense of sin. This
is because no person can fulfill the standard. Without a true sense of sin, no person can
be saved. Within the framework of the Ten Commandments, evidence of the person’s
love towards God is comprised through the upholding of the Ten Commandments. The
Ten Commandments cannot save anyone, but if the person loves Jesus, they will keep
His commandments; a sign of true conversion. The goal of this study was to determine whether any guidelines can be composed to
help Evangelists prevent or minimize false conversions, in a Biblically justified manner.
The research indicates that without the use of the Ten Commandments during
evangelism, many false conversions will ensue.
The conclusion of this research is that false conversions can be prevented or minimized
through the legitimate use of the Ten Commandments during evangelism. / Thesis (PhD (Ethics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Om lärarskapets moraliska dimension : ett perspektiv och en studie av lärarstuderandes nätbaserade seminariesamtalHögberg, Sören January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, an educational perspective called the moral dimension of teaching is developed. The work includes a theoretically informed discussion from a pragmatist point of view in which the concept of pedagogical rhythm is introduced. The concept captures the need for teachers to regularly shift their intentions and occasionally act in contradictory ways as a consequence of the moral which emerges from interaction in pedagogical situations. Using this perspective, criteria are developed for the characteristics of discussions of the work of teachers, which are desirable in order for students in pre-service teacher education to have opportunities to develop their teachership. Secondly, the educational perspective as it is conceptualised serves as a theoretical framework for a study of discussions taking place in net-based seminars among students in teacher education. The study consists of 14 recorded seminars in which discussions of the work of teachers are analysed in terms of content and direction for reflection. The result of the analysis is a construction of four different focal points for processes of making judgements: existential, performative, critical and professional. Mainly the performative, and to some extent the critical, focal points appear to be supported by the net-based environment, although potential for the professional focal point is found when available tools in net-based settings are used in deliberate ways. Finally, based on these four focal points, possible future predispositions among student teachers are deliberated. Student teachers’ future opportunities to develop a moral and epistemological authority are discussed, as well as teachers’ general opportunities to exercise professional responsibility. The conclusion emphasises that a perspective such as the one developed in the dissertation is important, as it creates an understanding for the need to educate student teachers to exercise a form of responsibility that goes beyond being accountable to society.
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Le déni de justice substantiel en droit international public / Substantial denial of justice in international public lawHong-Rocca, Laure-Marguerite 14 December 2012 (has links)
La notion de déni de justice substantiel est problématique parce qu'elle suppose la reconnaissance de la responsabilité internationale de l'État pour ses décisions judiciaires nationales souveraines et donc le contrôle, par une juridiction internationale, de l'application discrétionnaire du droit interne par les autorités de justice nationales. Attachée à la notion de déni de justice en droit coutumier et historiquement liée à une conception assez large, et controversée, de la protection due par les États aux étrangers sur leur territoire, la notion de déni de justice substantiel doit encore affirmer son emprise en droit international conventionnel, non seulement dans le domaine de la protection des investissements internationaux mais aussi, et surtout, dans le domaine de la protection des droits de l'homme parce que l’enjeu, dans ce domaine, est particulièrement important et que la question s’y pose avec le plus d'acuité. Outre l'étude de la notion coutumière et son affirmation comme forme de déni de justice, l'intérêt de cette étude est de faire ressortir l'existence d'un droit général et subjectif au jugement raisonnable, dont la définition permet de mettre en avant les limites du pouvoir normatif que la mise en oeuvre d'un standard attribue au juge international lorsqu'il contrôle la régularité interne des jugements nationaux. / The notion of substantial denial of justice is problematic because it assumes the recognition of the international responsibility of the State in its judicial national sovereign decisions and thus the review, by an international jurisdiction, of the discretionary application of internal law by national judicial authorities. Attached to the notion of denial of justice in customary law, and historically linked to a fairly large and controversial perception of the protection that is required from States to foreigners on their territories, the notion of substantial denial of justice must still assert its influence in international conventional law, not only in the field of international investment protection but also, and foremost, in the area of human rights protection, because the stakes in that field are particularly important and the questions they raise are more relevant. Besides the study of the customary notion and its assertion as a form of denial of justice, the main point of this study is to highlight the existence of a general and subjective right to reasonable judgment, of which the definition allows to point out the limits of the normative power that the implementation of a standard provides to an international judge when he is called upon to review the internal regularity of national judgments.
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