Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe residents"" "subject:"ehe esidents""
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När är gränsen nådd? : En kvalitativ studie om BarcelonaLindsjö, Nicole, Andersson, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Mot bakgrund kring en ökad turism i europeiska storstäder (Statista, u.å.) har syftet med studien varit att studera Barcelona som exempel för att bidra med en djupare förståelse kring hur turister och lokalbefolkning uppfattar varandra i stadsmiljöer med högt turistantal. Samt undersöka hur turismen har förändrat stadens stadskärna och miljö (Duran, 2005). Metod: I studien har ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt applicerats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och insamling av vetenskapliga artiklar till empirin. Tolv personer som har intervjuats som har koppling till Barcelona och det sammanfattas i empirin, tillsammans med de vetenskapliga artiklarna. Slutsatser: Den här studie har undersökt Barcelona som exempel för att belysa massturism som är ett omfattande problem som även går att finna i andra europeiska storstäder. Genom de insamlade intervjuerna och de vetenskapliga artiklar påvisades det att Barcelona har fått både positiva och negativa effekter av den massiva turism som finns i staden. Utifrån de insamlade intervjusvaren kunde slutsatsen dras att den sociala aspekten har störst negativ inverkan på lokalbefolkningen i staden. / Purpose: Against the background of increased tourism in European metropolitan areas (Statista, u.o.), the purpose of the study has been to study Barcelona as an example to contribute a deeper understanding of how tourists and locals perceive each other in urban environments with a high tourist number. As well as investigating how tourism has changed the city's city center and environment (Duran, 2005). Methodology: In this study, a qualitative approach has been applied in the form of semi-structured interviews and the gathering of scientific articles of empirical data. Twelve people interviewed who are connected to Barcelona and this is summarized in empirical section, along with the scientific articles. Conclusions: This study has explored Barcelona as an example to illustrate mass tourism, which is a major problem that can be found in other European cities. Through the collected interviews and the scientific articles, it was demonstrated that Barcelona has had both positive and negative effects of the massive tourism that exists in the city. Based on the collected interview answers, it could be concluded that the social aspect has the most negative impact on local people in the city.
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Vnitřní periferie České republiky - projevují se zde změny k lepšímu? / The inner peripheral regions of the Czech Republic - Do the changes have manifested towards the better?KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is evaluate the development of the inner peripheral regions of the Czech Republic between years 2001 and 2011 in terms of internal resources (human and social potential, demographics) of these location. In the theoretical part were described differences between peripheral and core regions, the specifics of peripheral regions, their formation and how the periphery can act on human and social capital. In the practical part we set five hypotheses that we used for evaluate developments. These hypotheses were focused on the Index of aging, Index of total dependency ratio, education, employment and commuting residents to work and school. The results were evaluated not only between the inner peripheral regions but also between peripherals and other regions.
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Não discriminação do capital estrangeiro: utilização de holdings por não residentes como meio de permitir a dedução fiscal do ágio pago em investimentos adquiridos no BrasilNeves, Guilherme Pereira das 13 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Guilherme Pereira das Neves NEVES (gneves@nseb.com.br) on 2017-12-08T13:43:30Z
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GUILHERME NEVES - 08.12-versão final pós banca - 06-12-2017 (00088671xDAE77)-1 (002).pdf: 2533438 bytes, checksum: e1de02bc7e0a2aae008c392a5cbfae68 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Joana Martorini (joana.martorini@fgv.br) on 2017-12-08T14:28:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-11-13 / A legislação fiscal brasileira estabelece como condição necessária para a dedução fiscal do ágio pago na aquisição de participação em empresas brasileiras a ocorrência de evento especial de incorporação. Diante dela, investidores não residentes constituem holdings no país, as quais (i) ou realizam diretamente as correspondentes aquisições, ou (ii) servem de receptoras da participação societária adquiridas ordinariamente por suas controladoras no exterior. As referidas holdings são posteriormente incorporadas pelas empresas operacionais cujas participações societárias foram adquiridas, de modo que estas passam a deduzir fiscalmente o ágio. A Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB) entende que a utilização de sociedade holdings nesse contexto é artificial, uma vez que este tipo de estrutura societária oculta o real adquirente do investimento. Por esta razão desconsidera as referidas sociedades para fins tributários. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa pretende demonstrar que o ato de requalificação empreendido pelas autoridades fiscais, se considerado válido, gera como consequência jurídica ofensa à regra de não discriminação prevista no art. 2º da Lei nº 4.131/62, assim como ao princípio constitucional da igualdade tributária previsto no art. 150, II, da CF/88. / Brazilian tax law establishes as a mandatory condition for tax deduction of the goodwill paid upon the purchase of equity interest in Brazilian companies the occurrence of a special merger event. In view of that, non-resident investors incorporate holding companies in Brazil which either (i) perform the corresponding purchases directly, or (ii) serve as receivers of the equity interest originally purchased by their parent companies abroad. Said holding companies are subsequently downstream merged into the operating companies whose equity interests were acquired, and as a result they can deduct the goodwill paid for tax purposes. The Brazilian Federal Revenue Office ([Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB)] understands that the use of holding companies in that context is rather artificial, to the extent that this type of equity structure disguises the actual purchaser of the investment. For that reason, it disregards said holding companies for tax purposes. In this context, this research is intended to demonstrate that the act of requalification performed by tax authorities, if deemed to be valid, generates as a legal consequence the violation of the non-discrimination rule established by article 2 of Law No. 4,131/62 [Lei 4.131/62], as well as the constitutional principle of tax equality provided for by article 150, II of the Federal Constitution of 1988.
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Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of South African residents towards anti-rhino poaching initiatives : a study in Bloemfontein, Free State province, South AfricaGyimah, Issah 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation reports on the findings of a study conducted in order to understand the impact of the attitudes and perceptions of some residents in Bloemfontein, towards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching initiatives in South Africa. Prominent theoretical models, such as the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the decomposed theory of planned behaviour (DTPB), and the Rosenberg and Hovland Tripartite model of attitudes and perceptions, were used to help understand Bloemfontein residents’ attitudes and perceptions towards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching ini-tiatives in South Africa.
Data was collected from residents in areas such as the Central University of Technology, the University of the Free State, the Waterfront Mall and the Mimosa Mall, respectively. A total of 252 usable responses were obtained, and the sta-tistical package for social sciences (SPSS) as well as a descriptive statistical instrument, were used to analyse the data.
The findings of the study revealed that residents’ attitudes and perceptions to-wards rhino poaching and anti-rhino poaching initiatives contribute significantlytowards their intentions to act positively or negatively in curbing or reducing rhino poaching crime in South Africa. The research findings also showed that while there are differences in attitudes and perceptions between residents across different demographic groups, demographic factors alone are weak predictors of residents’ attitudes and perceptions towards rhino poaching.
The study found that perceived trust, practical approaches, intentions to act and effective community involvement significantly contribute to residents’ positive attitudes and perceptions towards anti-rhino poaching initiatives in South Africa. The implications of other factors such as corruption, economic challenges, willingness of the authorities to act, and the heightened demand for rhino horn trade, have been discussed, and suggestions for future research are made. / Environmental Sciences / M.A. (Environmental Management)
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The non-payment for municipal services in the Vhembe District MunicipalityMavhungu, Tshamano Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate reasons for non–payment by residents for services rendered by the Vhembe District Municipality. The municipalities are responsible for delivering such services as water supply, electricity, road maintenance, refuse collection and sanitation. Multistage sampling techniques were employed. The subjects in the study were grouped into clusters and a sample was taken from each cluster. In this case the municipalities that took part in the study were selected first, followed by wards, villages and households. Households in the selected villages were selected randomly to participate in the study. The results showed that although the municipalities were making an effort to raise and send bills to the residents, the residents were not forthcoming with payments. The reasons advanced for the unwillingness to pay services by residents include ignorance, poverty and simple unwillingness to pay. / Public Administration and Management / M.P.A. (Master of Public Administration and Management)
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Le végétal donneur d'ambiances : jardiner les abords de l'habitat en ville. / Vegetation as an ambience : gardening the urban housing surroundingsParis, Magali 11 May 2011 (has links)
Qu'est-ce qui pousse les citadins à jardiner, dans des contextes souvent peu favorables, les abords de leur logement ? Guidé par cette question, notre travail se focalise sur les pratiques habitantes du jardin privé de type balcon, loggia, terrasse et pied d'immeuble. Parmi les nombreux travaux consacrés à l'étude des modes d'habiter urbains, peu se sont jusque-là spécifiquement intéressés au rôle du "petit" jardin. Comment ce petit jardin – et en particulier son jardinage - permet-il à la fois de se ménager un chez-soi et de cohabiter avec ses voisins ? C'est cette problématique que nous avons explorée en inscrivant notre travail dans le champ des ambiances architecturales et urbaines, c'est-à-dire en faisant de l'environnement sensible une clé de lecture privilégiée des pratiques habitantes jardinières. Notre enquête a porté sur quinze ensembles de logements grenoblois et parisiens situés en milieu urbain dense. Sur une période de quatre ans, elle s'est déployée autour du recueil de la parole habitante, couplée à des observations ethnographiques. Adoptant une approche pluridisciplinaire qui croise les dimensions spatiales, horticoles, sociales et sensibles du jardin, l'analyse s'attache à élaborer une typologie de configurations de jardins à partir de quatre critères : la morphologie (horticole et paysagère) des jardins, leur imaginaire, les perceptions sensibles et les tactiques habitantes dont ils sont le support. Cette typologie propose une rhétorique jardinière explicitant les formes de liens et de ruptures que les habitants créent entre eux et leurs voisins, entre leur logement et leur jardin, entre leur jardin et le voisinage et entre leur jardin et la ville. Elle intéresse directement la programmation et la conception des abords de l'habitat en questionnant les manières de composer le jardin et ses articulations au logement, d'agencer les logements entre eux et de penser le rapport du logement à la ville par le biais du jardin. Deux expériences pédagogiques réalisées à la fin de la recherche rendent compte de ce potentiel. Plus largement, cette recherche ouvre vers l'hypothèse selon laquelle les enjeux de l'habiter urbain se situeraient à la lisière jardinée entre un chez-soi (qu'il soit privé ou public) et la ville. / What encourages city dwellers to garden their housing surroundings often located in unfavourable contexts? Following this question, this research focuses on the residents' practices in private gardens such as balcony, loggia, terrace and ground garden. Among the numerous works about the different types of urban dwellings, few of them interest in the role of small gardens. How do small gardens -and its gardening- allow handling carefully a home and help living together among neighbours? This research question is tackled through the field of urban and architectural ambiences, in which the sensory environment is considered a key element in reading residents' gardening practices. For elaborating this work, we conducted a survey on fifteen dwellings, located in high-density urban context in two different French cities: Grenoble and Paris. During four years, we realised semi-directive interviews in addition to ethnographic observations in sixty households. We analysed the collected data through a pluridisciplinary approach that crosses spatial, horticultural, social and sensory dimensions of gardening. This approach aims at designing a typology -gathering configurations of gardens- based on four criteria: gardens' morphology, its imaginary, sensory perception and residents' tactics. This typology proposes a rhetoric gardening that explores the different links and ruptures that residents create between them and their neighbours, their housing and their garden, their garden and the neighborhood and finally between the garden and the city. This work deals directly with the housing surroundings briefing and design by reappraising how gardens are composed and linked to the housing, how housings are organized with each other, while examining at the same time the way that gardens link together housing projects to the city. Two educational experiences have been realised in two French schools of architecture at the end of this research in order to test the design potentials of our typology. In a wider sense, we theorize that the urban dwelling issues are anchored in a gardening edge between a home (set on a private or public space) and the city.
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Avaliação da grade curricular e conhecimentos de residentes em pediatria sobre vigilância do desenvolvimento. / The colleges curricula analyses and the pediatric residents knowledge evaluation regarding the developmental surveillance.Barba, Patrícia Carla de Souza Della 31 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-31 / Studies have shown that developmental surveillance is an important task to be performed by
the pediatrician and its objective is to precociously identify children who may need more
complex evaluation as well as provide information about their development and not only their
physical health. It also makes possible a definite diagnosis and the elaboration of an
interdisciplinary plan of care for children in order to undergo early intervention. Other studies
indicate that the pediatricians´ knowledge regarding developmental surveillance and their use of
instruments to accomplish this practice is defective. Despite the fact that just a few perform
developmental surveillance, they consider this issue important and demonstrate interest in
updating themselves. According to these studies, the pediatricians should update their
knowledge concerning development aspects and risk factors, use sorting techniques and lead
the child presenting development delay to early stimulation programs. The general objective of
this work is to analyze the knowledge related to health promotion, developmental surveillance
and pediatric residents´ perception of babies´ delays in the state of São Paulo by analyzing the
curriculum description and the performance in questionnaires. The curriculum guidelines from
MEC (Brazilian Education Ministry) for pediatric residence teaching, the relation of vacancies for
this specialty and the curriculum of seven medical pediatric residence courses in the state of
São Paulo were analyzed, with the objective of identify elements concerning developmental
surveillance in pediatric teaching (first stage). In the second stage of this study, the data
regarding developmental surveillance practices and the knowledge about children s
development were collected and correlated. It was carried out by the replication of two
questionnaires, which were answered by 65 first and second-year pediatric residents of five
specialization courses in the state of São Paulo. According to the analysis of MEC´s curriculum
guidelines in relation to the subjects to be studied about developmental surveillance, it is
possible to assert that they are general and non-specific, and the curriculums are superficial
and not clear enough to make the identification of the practices related to developmental
surveillance possible. Only one course of this research has the necessary requirements that
allow the identification of elements related to this topic. The results of the second stage has
shown that the majority of pediatric residents has different attitudes compared to the ones
performed by doctors who are dealing with children s health for longer time. These different
attitudes may reduce the efficacy of the developmental surveillance carried out by pediatricians.
The correlation between the pediatric teaching and the residents´ knowledge about
developmental surveillance has shown that the courses which have higher average in the
questionnaires also have better developmental surveillance s contents described in their
curriculums. The residents who justified why they ask or not the mothers about development
and the ones who confirmed the use of evaluation scales had higher scores in the
questionnaire. This study proposes further investigation related to the continuous professional
development for pediatric residents, distance learning, the use of Moodle tools and topics such
as: Promotion of health concept and developmental surveillance, non-identified precocious
delays consequences, protocols about developmental surveillance, guidelines for normal infant
development to the pediatricians, identification of development delays, and quick and easy
measures to be used during practice and inserted in institutional dynamics. Using these results
as a basis, a contribution to the pediatrician s mobilization regarding the importance of
developmental surveillance and precocious identification of children with development delay is
expected. / Estudos têm mostrado que a vigilância do desenvolvimento é uma importante tarefa do
pediatra e tem a função de identificar precocemente crianças que podem necessitar de
avaliação mais complexa; fornecer informações sobre o seu desenvolvimento e não somente
sobre sua saúde física; possibilitar o diagnóstico definitivo e a elaboração de um plano de
atendimento interdisciplinar para a criança visando a intervenção precoce de deficiências.
Outros estudos indicam que o conhecimento dos pediatras sobre vigilância do desenvolvimento
e uso de instrumentos para realizá-la é falho. Entretanto, dão importância ao tema e
demonstram interesse em atualizar-se, mas poucos praticam a vigilância do desenvolvimento.
Para desempenhar essa tarefa o pediatra deveria, segundo tais estudos, atualizar seus
conhecimentos sobre os aspectos do desenvolvimento e fatores de risco, utilizar técnicas de
triagem e encaminhar a criança que apresenta atraso de desenvolvimento a programas de
estimulação precoce. O objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste em analisar alguns
conhecimentos relacionados à promoção de saúde, vigilância do desenvolvimento e a
percepção de atrasos em bebês junto a residentes em pediatria do estado de São Paulo,
considerando a descrição da grade curricular e o seu desempenho em questionários. Foi
realizada análise documental das diretrizes curriculares do MEC para o ensino da residência
médica em pediatria, da relação de vagas para a especialidade e das grades curriculares de
sete cursos de residência em pediatria no estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de identificar
elementos sobre a vigilância do desenvolvimento no ensino da pediatria (primeira etapa). A
segunda etapa do estudo levantou e correlacionou dados sobre as práticas em vigilância do
desenvolvimento e o conhecimento sobre áreas do desenvolvimento infantil junto a 65
residentes de pediatria de primeiro e segundo ano de cinco cursos de especialização do estado
de São Paulo, por meio da replicação de dois questionários. Os dados gerais da análise do
ensino de pediatria mostraram que os referenciais curriculares do MEC quanto às disciplinas
que deveriam abordar o tema vigilância do desenvolvimento na residência em pediatria são
gerais e inespecíficos; as grades apresentam conteúdo superficial quanto à abordagem da
vigilância do desenvolvimento e não estão claras suficientemente para permitir a visualização
de ações relacionadas a esta temática e apenas um curso participante da pesquisa reúne os
requisitos necessários que permitem identificar elementos relacionados ao tema. Os resultados
da segunda etapa mostraram que a maioria dos residentes em pediatria apresenta atitudes
diferenciadas dos médicos que atuam já há mais tempo em atenção à saúde da criança, mas
também apresentam alguns problemas que podem comprometer a eficácia da vigilância do
desenvolvimento realizada por pediatras. As correlações entre o ensino de pediatria e o
conhecimento dos residentes sobre a vigilância do desenvolvimento mostraram que os cursos
que apresentam o desempenho médio mais alto nos questionários têm também a melhor
descrição do conteúdo de vigilância do desenvolvimento em suas grades curriculares; os
residentes que justificaram porque perguntam ou não sobre desenvolvimento às mães e os que
afirmaram utilizar escalas de avaliação em sua prática acertaram maior número de questões do
questionário. A partir de tais resultados, apresenta-se como proposta para futuros estudos a
elaboração de um programa de formação continuada para residentes em pediatria na forma de
ensino à distância, utilizando as ferramentas do ambiente de aprendizagem Moodle, contendo
tópicos como: conceito de promoção de saúde e vigilância do desenvolvimento, conseqüências
da não identificação precoce de atrasos, protocolos sobre vigilância do desenvolvimento, rota
de ações para o pediatra envolvendo o desenvolvimento normal do bebê, a identificação de
atrasos do desenvolvimento, uso de instrumentos rápidos e fáceis de serem aplicados na
prática clínica e inseridos na dinâmica institucional. Com base nos resultados encontrados,
espera-se contribuir para a mobilização do pediatra quanto à importância da vigilância do
desenvolvimento e da identificação precoce de crianças com atrasos de desenvolvimento.
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Le rapport d’usagers de maisons d’hébergement en santé mentale à leur environnement immédiat : une étude socio-écologiqueBenetti, Chiara 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Residentes universitários da UFS : dinâmicas identitárias, esteriótipos e ambivalênciaSantos, Guilherme Fernandes Melo dos 26 September 2012 (has links)
The identities are forged dynamically in daily life amid the socio-psychological and political conditions. In this work, we adopt the theoretical perspective of social psychology, which considers social identity as a part of self-enunciation related to the perception of belonging to social groups, along with emotional meanings associated with that membership. This paper examines the dynamics of content creation and
identity among resident students of UFS University through two studies: the first following a script mixed with questionnaire and interview, and the second through meetings in the form of focus groups. The study I aimed at investigating how university residents processed their identity constructions and specifically to verify the identity dimension which would be more evident - the individual or collective - what is the importance of (being a resident) for said building identity; the level of satisfaction
associated with social belonging; which representations residents have of their social belonging and, finally, what meta-stereotypes in relation to group membership are apprehended by residents in the university context. The results indicated the large capacity of the participants in constructing self-concept meanings for themselves on the individual dimension, rather than consideration of possible dimensions of collective identities. Little emphasis was also noticed on self formulations of survey participants regarding the identity category "resident / university resident", and this, plus low
prevalence, is also little protruding between them. Moreover, for those who associate their identities to the recognition of social belonging, the level of satisfaction regarding their identities is ambivalent. We also verified that there is among the surveyed a representational framework regarding the social belonging that does not favor the production of identity linked to the group of resident students; this frame also includes the seizure of meta-stereotypes toward the group produced in the university context.
The study II aimed to verify whether, in contexts where possibly belonging to the social group of university residents structures political positions, participants turn to the social belonging "university resident" with a higher prevalence in the promotion and projection of their statements. The results indicated that, in specific situations, university residents now use the social category to which they belong in their identity constructions with the goal of legitimizing the demands and garner resources (material and symbolic) for the group. The recognition of social contexts in which the identity
dynamics are processed, the perception of stereotypes and discrimination that arise from the establishment of an undervalued social identity causes individuals not to edit their identity belongings, whereas in times of struggles for better conditions for group membership, the affirmation of social identity is needed in legitimizing the claims related to the well being of the group. / As identidades se forjam dinamicamente no cotidiano dos indivíduos, em meio às condições sociopsicológicas e políticas. Neste trabalho, adotamos a perspectiva teórica da psicologia social, que considera a identidade social como uma parcela da autoenunciação de si relacionada à percepção de pertença aos grupos sociais, juntamente com significados emocionais associados a essa pertença. Este trabalho analisa as dinâmicas de constituição e conteúdos identitários entre estudantes residentes
universitários da Universidade Federal de Sergipe por meio de dois estudos, o primeiro seguindo um roteiro misto de questionário com entrevista e o segundo através de encontros na modalidade de grupo focal. O estudo I teve por objetivo principal investigar como os residentes universitários processavam as suas construções identitárias e especificamente verificar qual a dimensão identitária seria mais
evidenciada - a individual ou a coletiva - qual a importância do (ser residente) para as referidas construções identitárias; qual o nível de satisfação associado à pertença social; quais as representações que os residentes têm de sua pertença social e por fim, quais metaestereótipos em relação ao grupo de pertença são apreendidos pelos residentes no contexto universitário. Os resultados indicaram a grande capacidade dos participantes em significar para si um autoconceito ligado à dimensão individual, em detrimento da possível consideração da dimensão coletiva das identidades. Foi notado também, pouco destaque nas formulações de autoconceito dos participantes da pesquisa relacionado à categoria identitária residente/residente universitário , sendo que a mesma, além de
pouco prevalente é também pouco saliente entre os mesmos. Além do mais, para aqueles que associam suas identidades ao reconhecimento do pertencimento social, o nível de satisfação em relação às suas identidades é ambivalente. Verificamos também que há entre os pesquisados um quadro representacional em relação à pertença social que não favorece a produção identitária vinculada ao grupo dos residentes universitários, esse quadro inclui ainda a apreensão dos metaestereótipos em relação ao grupo produzidos no contexto universitário. O estudo II teve por objetivo verificar se
em contextos onde possivelmente o pertencimento social ao grupo dos residentes universitários estrutura posicionamentos políticos, os participantes recorreriam à pertença social residente universitário com maior prevalência no fomento de suas declarações. Os resultados indicaram que, em situações específicas, os residentes passam a usar a categoria social ao qual fazem parte nas suas construções identitárias com o objetivo de legitimar as demandas e angariar recursos (materiais e simbólicos) para o grupo. O reconhecimento dos contextos sociais, nos quais, as dinâmicas
identitárias se processam, a percepção dos estereótipos e da discriminação que advêm do estabelecimento de uma identidade social pouco valorizada faz com que os indivíduos não editem suas pertenças identitárias, ao passo que nos momentos de disputas por melhores condições para o grupo de pertença, a afirmação da identidade social se faz necessária na legitimação das demandas relacionadas ao bem estar do grupo.
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Experiência de formação em residência multiprofissional como dispositivo de ampliação da clínica num hospital universitárioOliveira, Deise Fernanda Peixoto 21 March 2014 (has links)
Some production devices of care and health, especially the expanded clinic, taking as reference a training experience on Multiprofessional Residency in Healthcare at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Sergipe, territory which I dwelt intensely for 2 years. To do so, it was grounded in the notion of care as encounter, openness attitude, based on the establishment of bonding, teamwork and integrality and transversality. The care involves different kinds of technologies and different ways of operating them. Health, in turn, is understood as a state in which the subject is able to set standards, of creating ways of living with news conditions. The research draws on cartographic method, whose challenge is to develop monitoring practices of inventive processes and production of subjectivities and the objective, map the network of forces that is connected to the object or researched phenomenon. , showing his permanent movement In the process of housing territory there is a affective responsiveness that involves no distinction between subject and object, researcher and field of research, theory and practice. It stands out from the experience of multiprofessional residency, effectiveness devices of the expanded clinic, analyzing how that produced transformations and ruptures. The clinic is understood as the meeting of subjectivities, experimentation, production that takes place in between, in and from the relationship, as practice of inclusion of the subject and its context beyond the illness. From an institutionalist perspective states that the training experience functioned as an analyzer device of the effectiveness practices of clinic in the hospital. Training not perceived as a knowledge transmission, but as "attitude" transdisciplinary, with power to produce openings to new sensibilities. The proposed training in multiprofessional residency provides openness to other viewpoints and ways of doing, expanding the possibilities of seeing the user and the production of health and care and contributes to the breakdown of specialisms and fragmentation of knowledge. Throughout the text are brought illustrative situations of concepts and themes discussed. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo mapear e analisar práticas que apontam na direção da efetivação de alguns dispositivos de produção de cuidado e de saúde, sobretudo da clínica ampliada, tomando como referência uma experiência de formação em Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde, realizada no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, território que habitei intensamente durante 2 anos. Para tanto, embasa-se na noção de cuidado como encontro, atitude de abertura, pautada no estabelecimento do vínculo, no trabalho em equipe e na integralidade e transversalidade. O cuidado envolve diferentes tipos de tecnologias e distintos modos de operá-las. A saúde, por sua vez, é entendida como um estado no qual o sujeito é capaz de estabelecer normas, de criar modos de conviver com novas condições. A pesquisa inspira-se no método cartográfico, cujo desafio é desenvolver práticas de acompanhamento de processos inventivos e de produção de subjetividades e o objetivo, mapear a rede de forças a que está conectado o objeto ou fenômeno pesquisado, evidenciando seu movimento permanente. No processo de habitação do território há uma receptividade afetiva que envolve a não distinção entre sujeito e objeto, pesquisador e campo da pesquisa, teoria e prática. Destaca-se, a partir da vivência da residência multiprofissional, dispositivos de efetivação da clínica ampliada, analisando o modo como aquela produziu transformações e rupturas. A clínica é compreendida enquanto encontro de subjetividades, experimentação, produção que se dá no entre, na e a partir da relação, como prática de inclusão do sujeito e de seu contexto para além da enfermidade. A partir de uma perspectiva institucionalista afirma-se que a experiência de formação funcionou como dispositivo-analisador das práticas de efetivação da clínica no hospital. Formação percebida não como transmissão de conhecimentos, mas como atitude transdisciplinar, com potência para produzir aberturas a novas sensibilidades. A proposta da formação em residência multiprofissional proporciona a abertura a outros olhares e modos de fazer, ampliando as possibilidades de enxergar o usuário e a produção de saúde e de cuidado e contribui com a ruptura de especialismos e fragmentação dos saberes. Ao longo do texto são trazidas situações ilustrativas dos conceitos e temáticas discutidos.
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