Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe residents"" "subject:"ehe esidents""
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Environmental rights afforded to residents affected by mining activities: a case study in Hondeklip BayMohomed, Farzana 30 November 2006 (has links)
Whilst the mining industry has stimulated the economic growth of South Africa, its activities have also impacted on the social and environmental well-being of the communities and ecosystems in which it operates. Environmental degradation often severely affects the livelihoods of people in rural areas, who are often impoverished. Hondeklip Bay, a small fishing community in the Northern Cape, has been affected by the mining activities of the adjacent Hondeklip Bay Mine. The purpose of this paper is to identify whether impoverished residents affected by the detrimental effects of mining activity have rights to enforce the protection of their environment. These environmental rights pertain to an environment that is safe and not harmful to one's health and well-being. Environmental obligations of the mines as illustrated in terms of applicable legislation, and legal recourse available to the residents affected by the infringement of their environmental rights are furthermore explored. / Jurisprudence / LL.M
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Josef Hlávka a jeho podíl na rozvoji české vzdělanosti / Josef Hlávka and his contribution to the Development of the Czech educationŠmahelová, Ywette January 2017 (has links)
The research into the student hall of residence founded in 1907 thanks to the impulse, plans, personal effort, and mainly to the large donation of Josef Hlávka has so far left out the fact that there was a long tradition of student halls of residence in Prague and elsewhere beforehand. The author of the thesis attempts to prove that some aspects of Hlávka's project, particularly it's charitable and nationalist motivations, existed much earlier. However, unlike other charity institutions of this kind, Josef Hlávka aimed to provide talented and hard- working but evincibly underfunded Czech students with education in foreign languages and with additional education in upper class etiquette including fencing lessons. What may have been support to Czech students and enhancement of their opportunities came to be, after the foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918, an old-fashioned and outlived part of education of new academic juveniles.
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Lorsque les nouvelles populations rurales rencontrent les plus anciennes : l’expérience géographique au cœur de la nouvelle ruralité au QuébecGuimond, Laurie January 2012 (has links)
Mobilité, désir d’accéder à une meilleure qualité de vie, attraction de la campagne s’accélèrent depuis une trentaine d’années au Québec, comme ailleurs en occident. La campagne et les usages que l’on en fait se diversifient et se complexifient, à l’instar des populations qui l’habitent. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se penche sur l’expérience géographique de la campagne, en tant qu’espace social. Elle met en lumière l’expérience géographique des ruraux, plus particulièrement les modalités de leur rencontre dans divers lieux qui marquent leur quotidien. Le matériel empirique de la thèse consiste surtout en des témoignages recueillis lors d’entrevues qualitatives menées auprès de nouveaux résidents et des ruraux de longue date dans deux municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) contrastées au Québec : Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska. La démarche privilégiée et les principales contributions qui en découlent se déclinent en trois temps.
D’abord, une comparaison directe des deux populations rurales étudiées fait ressortir que leurs pratiques de mobilité et leurs sens des lieux se rejoignent dans une certaine mesure, mais affichent aussi des différences. Par exemple, elles partagent toutes deux un sentiment d’appartenance marqué à leur milieu de vie, mais pas nécessairement avec la même intensité et pour les mêmes raisons. En outre, leurs pratiques d’engagement local convergent, favorisées par un même désir de contribuer au bien-être de leur milieu.
La thèse démontre aussi que certains lieux de sociabilité rapprochent ces deux groupes au quotidien, quoique subsistent des tensions notamment liées à leurs origines rurale ou urbaine, leur classe sociale, leurs expériences antérieures des lieux, la durée vécue dans leur milieu de vie, leur historique familial, leurs représentations et usages de la campagne... Se décèle aussi un effet de milieu entre les deux MRC à cet égard. Dans l’ensemble, leur rencontre s’avère timide et surtout réservée à l’espace public.
Enfin, en se basant sur leurs représentations de l’avenir, la thèse illustre que l’espace de leur rencontre représente un espace d’opportunités pour le dialogue sur la campagne, bien que celui-ci ne se produise pas sans affrontements et heurts. Ainsi, au-delà du binarisme traditionnel et antagonique lié aux statuts de « nouveaux » et « anciens » ruraux, l’espace de rencontre, celui à l’intérieur duquel s’opèrent à la fois tensions, négociations, compromis et nouvelles alliances, participe à construire la nouvelle ruralité contemporaine.
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Improving the Learning of Laparoscopic Colon Resection Procedural Skills for General Surgery Residents by Working with Soft-Preserved DonorsLeake, Michael Le 06 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Creative-Up-CyclingKaewpanukrangsi, Nuanphan January 2014 (has links)
The project elaborates design opportunities for a future practice that could promotealternative sustainable lifestyles on waste handling through up-cycling activities. It doesthis on a small scale through engagement in the local communities of the Hildaneighborhood and Segepark students’ accommodations in Sweden. To thesecommunities, creative-up-cycling is explored which it introduced here as an approachwhere neighbors can participate in making new things from leftover materials. Throughthis work creative-up-cycling is a proposed recommendation for a possible service systemon how to share the leftover materials in the local resident’s communities, as well as, howto remake the items no longer needed.The empirical studies explore maker culture lifestyles and include how to find leftovermaterials, tools, space, and skills in order to guide people in creative-up-cyclingalternatives. These creative activities also build social relationship via the integration ofmultidisciplinary citizens who are living in the same community and explorations weredone on how could we elicit the skill sets from those people? What is a useful skill set inthis area today? Values like mutual physical experience, reciprocity, and ownership couldalso be found along the empirical workshops in this project. Additionally, this reportshows some interesting findings pointing towards the design process and the suggestionsof design elements; ‘Co-storage’, ‘Mix and Match furniture shop’, and ‘Renovation andup-cycling’ concept elements.Participatory design (designing with people) has been the core approach in this project.Additionally, I have been influenced by user-centered design, as well as service designapproaches in order to comprehend the services, system and activities of recycling andup-cycling in cities like: SYSAV, STPLN, Cykelköket, Återskapa, Toolpool. The findingpresented here are examples of practices that could make up the composition of recyclingand up-cycling activities in future local communities.
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How stressful was the COVID-19 pandemic for residents specializing in family practice?Oltersdorff-Kalettka, Anna-Maria von, Meinel, Janina, Voigt, Karen, Mundt, Thomas, Bleckwenn, Markus, Bergmann, Antje, Gottschall, Mandy 04 June 2024 (has links)
The coronavirus pandemic poses many challenges for medical personnel. During the first phase of the pandemic, psychological stress became increasingly apparent. This was a complex and difficult situation, especially for physician residents specializing in family practice (GP trainees), who were not yet able to draw on years of practical experience. In this context, the Kompetenzzentrum Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin Sachsen (Competence Center for Continuing Education in General Medicine Saxony) (KWASa) developed a survey on how to deal with the concerns and challenges perceived at the time. The purpose of the study was to obtain information on psychological well-being in the pandemic context, as well as on expectations, fears, and protective measures in everyday work. The aim was to identify stress factors for general practice (GP) trainees during a pandemic situation to be able to consider the support needs in the design of future residency training programs, especially for GP trainees.
An online questionnaire was distributed from May 5, 2020 to June 4, 2020 among GP trainees enrolled in KWASa since 2018. The questionnaire consisted of standardized items, which were evaluated descriptively, and open-ended items with free-text answers, which were evaluated according to the principle of qualitative content analysis.
The results show the relevance of the topic as 61% of respondents indicated that they were concerned about the coronavirus. Most GP trainees also gave an affirmative response regarding emotional challenges. In this context, various stressors could be identified within both the professional and personal environments. There were four particularly salient factors: (1) the fear of infecting one’s family as well as patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus; (2) missing or insufficiently existing protective measures; (3) an increased need for consultation due to unpredictable patient behavior as well as uncertainties in patient treatment; and (4) communication difficulties within the collegial environment.
The study aimed to identify the support needs of GP trainees in crisis situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the survey can be used for the development of suitable continuing education programs for physicians in further training.
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從城鄉差異的觀點,評估台灣鄉村型社區心理衛生中心之服務需求:以社會指標分析、關鍵訊息提供者與社區居民的調查等方法研究雲林縣高農業人口地區為例 / The Needs Assessment for Rural Community Mental Health Centers in Taiwan Based on the Perspectives of Urban-Rural Differences: A Multi-Method Approach including the Social Indicators Analysis, the Survey of the Key Informants and Community Residents in the High Agricultural Areas of Yunlin County周才忠, Chou, Tsai Chung Unknown Date (has links)
文末,研究者並根據研究結果與國內外相關文獻,分別提出鄉村居民心理健康政策、鄉村心理衛生指標系統、農業危機服務、老人心理衛生、社區孤立與無望感、犯罪被害恐懼、環境污染心理影響、鄉村性別與族群心理議題、鄉村學校之預防功能、鄉村心理衛生服務模式等10項建議。 / The purposes of this thesis were: (1) to analyze the differences of some social indicators related to mental health of Taiwan (23 cities/counties) and Yunlin county (20 townships). (2) to understand the opinions of the key informants about community mental health problems. (3) to survey community residents of agricultural areas about the subjective perceptions of their mental health. (4) to set up a summative index of Taiwan Rural Mental Health indicators System.
This research used a multi-method strategy. Data collected in the spring of 2005 included 24 social indicators of 23 cities/counties in Taiwan, and 16 social indicators of 20 cities/township in Yunlin, and questionnaires of 99 key informants and 967 community members of Erh-lun and Shui-lin Township of Yunlin County.
Major findings of this study were as follows:
(1)Significant differences were found in the social indicators about the numbers of older population, the lower educational status, the widowed, the foreign spouse, and the disabled, the accidental injury-related deaths in agricultural counties. In contrast, urbanized areas had higher rates of the divorced, all criminal case, larceny, robbery and forceful taking, violent crime, rape, and the average number of people serviced by per medical personnel .
(2)The geographic analysis in terms of the mental health status and service needs of residents revealed no significant differences among 23 cities/counties, but significant differences among 20 cities/township (Yunlin County), Erh-lun and Mailiao had much more problems.
(3)Yunlin County’s key informants indicated that the areas of Kou-hu, Tai-si and Sih-hu have high needs for mental health services. Erh-lun’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services. Shui-lin’s key informants indicated that 3 villages have high needs for mental health services.
(4)Most respondents of resident sample ranked the following mental health problems as serious: fraudulent telephone calls, out-migrant, farm crisis, being elderly, and family economic hardship.
(5)Most respondents of resident sample employed “chatting with others” as stress-relieving or coping method. Besides “family and friends”, only about 6.5% of respondents reported that they sought help from mental health professionals or specialists.
(6)To set up the initial rural mental health indicator systems of Taiwan: a summative index consists of 14 items and is divided into five dimensions
The recommendations for rural mental health policies, indicator systems, program strategies and rural mental health service delivery issues were also suggested.
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Political socialisation and its implications within a rural setting in South Africa : a case study of Calais Village in Limpopo provinceMbabvu, Desmond 02 1900 (has links)
The central issue in this study is political socialisation and its implications within a rural setting in South Africa with a particular focus on Calais village in Limpopo Province. The aim of the study is to determine how adult residents of Calais village, are politically socialised; and furthermore to assess the impact of the socialisation process on the residents’ political behaviour within a democratic South Africa.
In order to achieve the research purpose, face-to-face interviews were conducted with forty (40) adult residents in Calais village. The study revealed that the respondents were politically socialised by the media, immediate family, peers, extended family, political parties, local municipality, school, traditional leadership, ward committee and religious institutions. The media were the most important agent, while the religious institutions were the least. Furthermore, NGOs and trade unions were not socialisation agents in Calais village.
The socialisation process had an impact on the respondents’ political behaviour in terms of political interest, party identification, political beliefs, efficacy, knowledge, awareness and participation. / Political Sciences / M.A. (Politics)
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Things that matter to residents in nursing homes and the nursing care implicationsReimer, Nila B. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A move toward care of residents in nursing homes where they are respected and heard is finally emerging. Common strategies used in nursing homes to improve quality of care for residents are integration of person-centered care and assessing care using satisfaction surveys. Although approaches of integrating person-centered care and
satisfaction surveys have been valuable in improving nursing home quality, strategies of care that include things that matter from residents’ perspectives while living in nursing homes need investigation. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to
describe things that residents age 65 and older state matter to them while living in the long-term care sections of nursing homes. A qualitative mode of inquiry using purposeful sampling led to a natural unfolding of data that revealed things that mattered to residents. Content analysis was used to reduce the data in a manner that kept the data close to the context yet moved the data toward new ideas about including things that mattered to residents in nursing care. The findings revealed residents’ positive and negative
experiences and addressed the question: How can nurses manage residents’ positive and negative aspects of care in nursing homes? This study substantiated the importance of developing nursing care strategies derived from residents’ descriptions of care. Finding ways to promote nurses’ investment in attitudes about a person-centered care philosophy
is essential for successful person-centered care implementation. Enhancing nurses’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes with an investment in person centeredness will be more
likely to put nurses in a position to role-model care that is person-centered from residents’ perspectives.
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Are residents living in eco-districts environmentally conscious? A case study of environmental attitudes of residents living in the European Green Capital of Stockholm, Sweden / Är invånare i eko-distrikt miljömedvetna? Fallstudie av miljöattityder hos invånare i den Europeiska miljöhuvudstaden Stockholm, SverigeSuen, Choi Kan January 2017 (has links)
With rapid urbanization, climate change and population growth in the 21st century, the development of eco-cities, especially in those fast-growing populated countries such as China and India, is important to minimize human impact on the planet. Nevertheless, despite that there is a very well-designed eco-city, if residents living in an eco-city are not environmentally conscious, the eco-city is sustainable only in its tangible part – technologies and infrastructure, but not in its intangible part – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. The intangible part is important since HUMANS are the root cause of current climate change (IPCC, 2014). When the policy makers decide to build an eco-city, this thesis thus argues that they should consider not only the tangible part of the city, but also consider the intangible part of eco-city – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. This thesis provides a survey of environmental attitudes of 150 Stockholm residents living in three districts: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm and Bromma. It also reports on a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in the Stockholm eco-district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The scope of this research is the City of Stockholm (Swedish: Stockholms kommun / Stockholms stad). The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out the environmental attitudes of residents living in three selected districts of Stockholm; (2) to understand the development of Hammarby Sjöstad and find out if residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad are particularly environmentally conscious; (3) to provide suggestions for the policy makers (e.g. Chinese and Indian) of how to take environmental attitudes of residents into consideration when planning and developing projects such as eco-cities. Among the findings of the research are: (1) in the high income, educated, and political conservative Stockholm districts where I conducted my surveys, respondents in general report high levels of environmental concerns and environmentally friendly behavior; (2) however, concerns questions relating to cars (parking restrictions, limiting or banning cars from their districts or Stockholm as a whole), opinions were very divided. There seemed to be much reluctance among many to put severe restrictions on the use of cars; (3) in the eco-district Hammarby Sjöstad, the expression of environmental consciousness did not appear particularly different from the other districts. Many respondents in the district moved into the area for diverse reasons other than environmental ones; (4) however, a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad has emerged in the eco-district, where comparable projects were not found in the other districts in Stockholm. / I och med den snabba urbaniseringen, klimatförändringen och befolkningstillväxten under 2000-talet, är utvecklingen av eko-städer i de snabbväxande befolkade områdena som Kina och Indien viktig för att minska den mänskliga påverkan på planeten. Emellertid, om en eko-stads invånare inte är miljömedvetna så kommer en väldesignad eko-stad endast vara hållbar på sin materiella del (teknik och infrastruktur) men inte på sin immateriella del (miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare). Den immateriella delen är viktig eftersom MÄNNISKOR är grundorsaken till den nuvarande klimatförändringen (IPCC, 2014). När beslutsfattarna bestämmer sig för att bygga en eko-stad, hävdar den här uppsatsen att de inte bara bör överväga den materiella delen av staden, utan också överväga den immateriella delen av staden - miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en undersökning om miljöattityder hos 150 boende som bor i tre olika områden i Stockholm: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm och Bromma, samt beskriver ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i eko-distriktet - Hammarby Sjöstad. Målen för denna forskning är: (1) att ta reda på miljöattityder hos invånare i tre utvalda områden i Stockholm; (2) att förstå utvecklingen av Hammarby Sjöstad samt ta reda på om invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad är särskilt miljömedvetna; (3) att ge förslag till beslutsfattare (t.ex. kinesiska och indiska) om hur man tar hänsyn till miljöattityder hos invånare när de planerar och utvecklar projekt som eko-städer. Bland forskningsresultaten finns följande: (1) i de politiskt konservativa Stockholmsdistrikten med många välutbildade invånare med hög inkomst där jag utförde mina undersökningar rapporterar respondenterna generellt en hög nivå av miljöhänsyn och miljövänligt beteende; (2) när det gäller frågor som rör bilar (parkeringsrestriktioner, begränsning eller förbud mot bilar i deras distrikt eller Stockholm som helhet), var åsikterna emellertid mycket uppdelade. Det föreföll att många svarande inte är villiga att sätta stränga restriktioner på användningen av bilar; (3) invånare i eko-distrikt, Hammarby Sjöstad, verkade inte som om de var särskilt miljömedvetna. Många svarande flyttade in i distriktet på grund av olika orsaker än miljö; (4) ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad har emellertid uppstått i eko-distriktet. Jämförbara projekt hittades inte i övriga distrikt i Stockholm. / 随着21世纪迅速的城市化,气候变化和人口增长,尤其在中国和印度等拥有庞大人口及急速发展的国家,生态城的建设对于减低人类对地球的影响至为重要。然而,即使生态城的设计完善,如果生态城的居民不具环保意识,生态城的可持续性只能在其有形的部分(技术和基础设施),而不在其无形的部分(居民的环保态度和行为模式)。生态城的无形部份是重要的因为人类是当前气候变化的根本原因(IPCC,2014)。当决策者建设生态城时,本文认为决策者不仅要考虑生态城的有形部分,还要考虑生态城的无形部分 - 居民的环保态度和行为模式。 本文提供了一个瑞典斯德哥尔摩三个地区150位居民的环保态度调查:哈马比生态城(Hammarby Sjöstad),Östermalm和Bromma。本文还探讨了一个具规模并由哈马比生态城居民领导的环保项目。 本研究的目的: (1)了解斯德哥尔摩三个地区居民的环保态度; (2)了解哈马比生态城的发展情况和探讨哈马比生态城的居民是否特别具有环保意识; (3)为决策者(如中国和印度)在规划和开发生态城等项目时如何考虑生态城居民的环保态度提供建议。 研究结果包括: (1)在斯德哥尔摩高收入,高教育和政治保守的地区,受访者总体上显示高水平的环保意识和环保行为; (2)然而,受访者在涉及汽车的问题上(如泊车限制,限制或禁止在区内或斯德哥尔摩内使用汽车)意见是非常分歧的。许多人似乎抗拒限制使用汽车; (3)在哈马比生态城,居民的环保意识显现与其他地区没有什么特别的区别。除了环保因素外,受访者迁入该地区有多种原因; (4)然而,哈马比生态城有一个具规模并由当区居民领导的环保项目。在斯德哥尔摩其他地区并没有发现类似的项目。
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