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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A percepção de servidores públicos sobre os desafios para o sucesso da convergência aos padrões internacionais da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público / The perception of public servants on the challenges for successful convergence to international standards of accounting applied to the public sector

Ricardo Davi Moraes e Silva 09 March 2012 (has links)
A Contabilidade é a linguagem das finanças. O mundo tem convergindo a um processo de harmonização desta linguagem, a partir de diferentes dialetos, de diferentes nacionalidades, à conversão a padrões internacionais, inclusive de Contabilidade Pública. Este processo, no Brasil, tem caminhado a passos largos, o quê requer a devida atenção. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a percepção de servidores públicos sobre os desafios para o sucesso da convergência aos padrões internacionais da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público. Para isto foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, com a adoção do método quanti-qualitativo no tratamento dos dados. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-aplicável aos servidores da Controladoria Geral do Município do Rio de Janeiro, a Auditores do Tribunal de Contas do Município do Rio de Janeiro e a alunos do curso de Contabilidade Pública inseridos na base de dados do Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro, o que gerou uma amostra de 93 servidores respondentes. Os resultados sugerem que na percepção dos respondentes o maior desafio a ser superado para o sucesso da convergência, é a capacitação dos servidores através da divulgação e da educação continuada, a respeito do que é a convergência, prazos, e impacto na rotina de trabalho, sejam dos servidores que atuam diretamente com a Contabilidade Pública como daqueles que suprem a Contabilidade de informações para a realização de sua missão, resultado corroborado pelas diretrizes do CFC para promover o desenvolvimento conceitual da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público no Brasil e estudos como o de Cardoso, Souza e Almeida (2006) que salienta a necessidade da educação continuada, para os já formados. Os resultados sugerem também, como Wesberry (1995) e Silva (2008), desafios culturais, como a fragilidade do uso exclusivo do enfoque patrimonial para a Contabilidade Pública. Sugerem ainda, desafios na mensuração, avaliação e disclosure dos Bens de Uso Comum do Povo pela magnitude e novidade do tema. / Accounting is the language of finance. The world is converging on a process of harmonization of the language, from different dialects, different nationalities, the conversion to international standards, including the Public Accounts. This process, in Brazil, has been moving apace, what requires attention. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the perception of public servants on the challenges to the success of international convergence of accounting standards applied to the Public Sector. For this exploratory research was conducted, with the adoption of the method in quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire to the servers of the Comptroller General of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, the Court of Auditors of the Accounts of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and the students of Public Accounts entered in the database of the Regional Council Accounting of Rio de Janeiro, which generated a sample of 93 respondents servers. The results suggest that the perception of respondents the biggest challenge to be overcome for successful convergence, is the training of servers through the dissemination and continuing education, about what is convergence, deadlines, and impact on work routine, are the servers that work directly with the Public Accounts as those that supply the accounting information to carry out its mission, a result corroborated by the CFC guidelines to promote the conceptual development of the Public Sector Accounting Applied in Brazil and studies, such as Cardoso , Almeida and Souza (2006) which stresses the need for continuing education for those already trained. The results also suggest, as Wesberry (1995) and Silva (2008), cultural challenges, such as the fragility of the exclusive use of the asset approach to the Public Accounts. Suggest further challenges in the measurement, evaluation and disclosure of Goods Common Use of the People by the magnitude and novelty of the subject.

O ser e o servir nas teias da (des)estabilidade : análise psicodinâmica das vivências de servidores públicos de uma gerência regional do INSS diante dos novos modelos de gestão / Public servant - being and serving in (in)stability webs : psychodynamics analysis of workers‟ experiences in an INSS unit considering new management modes

Traesel, Elisete Soares January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo dessa investigação foi conhecer a realidade de um órgão público no contexto da atual reforma gerencial, as vivências dos trabalhadores e suas condições de trabalho, bem como as repercussões destes sobre a saúde mental e qualidade de vida. Foi realizada uma pesquisa mista de abordagem transformativa-sequencial. Aplicou-se o questionário WHOQOL-Bref, que avalia a qualidade de vida e o questionário SRQ-20, que levanta dados acerca da saúde mental, no que se refere aos Transtornos Psíquicos Menores associados a sintomas psicossomáticos. A pesquisa qualitativa foi orientada pela metodologia da PDT – Psicodinâmica do Trabalho que consiste em uma escuta coletiva das vivências dos trabalhadores. Participaram 51 servidores de uma gerência regional do INSS. Além da aplicação dos questionários, foram realizados 12 encontros para escuta coletiva. Constatou-se que os participantes consideram sua qualidade de vida na média de 14 (entre 4 e 20). Na análise das subescalas e questões individuais, há um decréscimo significativo deste escore, indicando que o índice de qualidade de vida geral não é representativo de todos os domínios da mesma. Nas questões relativas ao ambiente físico 88% mostram-se insatisfeitos. O nível de energia também foi considerado insatisfatório, sendo que 56,9 % o valoraram em pouco ou médio. Já para as oportunidades de lazer, o percentual de insatisfação foi de 70,6%. Essa insatisfação manifestada é congruente com os resultados da pesquisa qualitativa. Já o SRQ-20 aponta agravos à saúde mental dos participantes, associados ao ritmo frenético e sem sentido a que estão continuamente submetidos. 72,5% dos participantes encontram-se nervosos, tensos e preocupados, revelando sua insegurança com o futuro e a instabilidade da reforma gerencial. No cômputo geral, para o ponto de corte 7/8 verificou-se positividade ao SRQ-20, sendo que o índice sinalizador de transtornos psíquicos menores foi de 42,9%. A análise das subescalas do SRQ-20 deixou claro que os principais aspectos sugestivos de transtornos psíquicos situam-se na dimensão humor depressivo-ansioso e na dimensão decréscimo de energia vital, sinalizando sobrecarga, esvaziamento do sentido do trabalho, insegurança e desgaste mental e indicando a urgência de ações de prevenção e promoção de saúde neste contexto. A investigação da associação entre os aspectos de qualidade de vida e saúde mental e os aspectos psicodinâmicos do trabalho revelou fatores significativos de adoecimento psíquico. Destaca-se a prevalência de estratégias defensivas individuais de resignação, submissão e isolamento, bem como predomínio do sofrimento patogênico. Alia-se ao acima exposto, a precarização deste contexto de trabalho verificada, em especial, na falta de reconhecimento à importância do servidor público no que se refere aos resultados sociais de seu trabalho associado ao desmoronamento da ética do bem comum que sustenta o sentido do mesmo. Ainda, verificou-se (des)estabilidade evidenciada na descontinuidade da renda e na falta de oportunidades de crescimento e, também, na intensa sobrecarga de trabalho. O orgulho pela profissão, o prazer por garantir os direitos do segurado e o reconhecimento e valorização desse importante papel social, bem como a retomada dos coletivos de trabalho, através da criação de espaços públicos de discussão, conforme propostos pela PDT, podem constituir estratégias de enfrentamento na promoção de relações de trabalho mais saudáveis e emancipatórias. / The goal of this research was to understand the reality of a Brazilian public corporation in the current management reform context, the workers‟ experiences, their working conditions, and its impact on their mental health and on their quality of life. A mixed sequential- transformative research approach was conducted. We used the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire, that evaluates the quality of life, and the SRQ-20, which seeks data on mental health, with regard to Minor Psychiatric Disorders associated to psychosomatic symptoms. The qualitative research was guided by PDT (in Portuguese) methodology - Psychodynamics of Work, which consists in collective listening to the workers‟ experiences. 51 workers from a regional INSS agency (similar to Social Security Agency), located in Rio Grande do Sul, state of Brazil, participated to this research. Besides applying questionnaires, 12 meetings were held for collective listening. It was found that participants consider their quality of life on average 14 (from 4 to 20). In the analysis of subscales and individual issues, there is a significant decrease of this score, indicating that the rate of overall quality of life does not represent its entire domain. Considering physical environment, 88% of workers were dissatisfied. The energy level was also considered unsatisfactory, having in mind that 56.9% of workers evaluated it as little or medium. For leisure opportunities, the percentage of dissatisfaction was about 70.6%. The dissatisfaction expressed is congruent with the results of qualitative research. The SRQ-20 points out harm to participants‟ mental health, associated to frenetic pace and meaningless activities to which they are continuously subjected. 72.5% of participants were nervous, tense and worried, revealing their insecurity about the future and the instability of the current management reform. Overall, for the cut-off point 7/8 there was positivity to the SRQ-20 and minor psychiatric disorders index was 42.9 %. The analysis of SRQ-20 subscales revealed the main suggestive aspects of mental disorders lie in the anxious-depressive mood and in the decrease of vital energy dimension, indicating overload, loss of work meaning, insecurity and mental fatigue, indicating the urgency of prevention and health promotion actions in this context. The investigation on the association between quality of life aspects and mental health ones and also on psychodynamics of work characteristics revealed significant factors about mental illness. It is possible to highlight the prevalence of individual defensive strategies of resignation, submission and insulation as well as prevalence of pathogenic suffering. We add the above mentioned to the precariousness verified in this work context, in particular, the lack of recognition to the importance of public servants in what regards the social outcomes of their work, associated to the collapse of common good ethics that maintain working sense. Besides, there was (in)stability demonstrated from discontinuity of salary, from lack of growth opportunities and also from the intense workload. The pride in this profession, the pleasure in ensuring people‟s rights and the recognition and appreciation of this important social role, as well as the resumption of work collectives, through the creation of discussion spaces, as proposed by PDT, may create facing strategies for promoting healthier working relationships and emancipatory actions.

Mästare och tjänare : En studie om adelsdamers förhållande till sina tjänare / Master and servant : A study of female nobility and its relationship to their servants during the early modernperiod

Sjöqvist, Axel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore the relationship between female nobility and their servants during the early modern period. Questions that this thesis sets out to answer concerns who their servants were, their positions in the household and if the relationship between master and servant changed over time. The lives of five noblewomen are explored through their diaries, letters and memoires with the purpose of trying to find out what they thought about- and how they treated their servants. The women are: Perchta and Anézka Rozmberk from the mid to late 15th century Bohemia, Lady Anne Clifford from the early to mid 17th century England, Liselotte Von der Pfalz/Elisabeth Charlotte from the mid to late 16th century Germany/France and Anna Labzina from the 18-19th century Russian Empire. The essay arrived at the conclusion that the women, for the most part, treated their subordinates with kindness and in some cases even respect that went beyond the elementary duties of a master. The primary source material are the letters, diaries and memoires mentioned above, although not in their original forms but in to English translated newly pusblished editions.

Ãtica e comportamento moral dos servidores pÃblicos â um estudo de caso no IFCE Campus do Crato / Ethics and moral behavior of the public servants - a study of the case in the IFCE at campus Crato

EmÃlia Suitberta de Oliveira Trigueiro 02 December 2012 (has links)
Instituto Federal do Cearà / A Ãtica à um tema de grande importÃncia, pois à ela que guia a vida em sociedade. Ela à influenciada pelo tempo, pela histÃria e pela cultura na qual està inserida. Nas organizaÃÃes, a Ãtica influencia diretamente os lucros e resultados, por isso hà um grande nÃmero de estudos e discussÃes em torno do tema, fruto da Ãtica individual dos funcionÃrios. Em relaÃÃo à Ãtica organizacional no serviÃo pÃblico, as crÃticas sÃo muitas, entre elas o fato de os servidores pÃblicos nÃo possuÃrem comportamentos Ãticos, o serviÃo pÃblico nÃo funcionar adequadamente e haver valorizaÃÃo dos interesses pessoais em detrimento dos interesses coletivos nesses locais. No entanto, à fato que nÃo existem muitos estudos analisando essa vertente do tema. Com esta pesquisa busca-se identificar qual à o entendimento que os servidores (docentes e tÃcnico-administrativos) do Instituto Federal do Cearà campus do Crato tÃm sobre o conceito de Ãtica e como se dà o comportamento moral dos mesmos no exercÃcio da profissÃo. Para tanto foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa descritiva, realizada por meio eletrÃnico, com 44 servidores desta instituiÃÃo. A mesma baseou-se nas teorias de Bardin para analisar o conceito de Ãtica desses servidores, manifestado atravÃs do Teste de associaÃÃo de palavras, e no Instrumento para avaliar comportamentos morais nas organizaÃÃes, desenvolvido por LIcht, baseado na teoria de Petrick e Wagley. Os principais resultados encontrados dizem respeito à discrepÃncia entre a teoria e a prÃtica desses servidores, pois eles, individualmente, manifestaram noÃÃes do que seria Ãtica, com um conceito consistente com o que à preconizado pelo CÃdigo de Ãtica do Servidor pÃblico, mas, no entanto, a organizaÃÃo como um todo foi classificada no nÃvel de desenvolvimento organizacional prÃ-moral ou prÃ-convencional. Isso nos leva a concluir que nem sempre o indivÃduo manifesta em sua conduta os fundamentos Ãticos que prega, pois as coletividades exercem grande influÃncia no comportamento de seus integrantes. / Ethics is a very important theme since it guides social life. It is influenced by time, history and culture in which it is inserted. In organizartions, ethics straight influences profits and results. For this, there is a great number of studies and discussions on this subject as a result of employeesâ personal ethics. In relation to public organizational ethics there are several critics. Among them, the fact public servants do not have ethical behavior, public service do not work appropriately, the value of personal interests contrasting corporate ones in these places. Nevertheless, there are not many studies analysing this point. Within this research, it aims at identifying what Cearà Federal Unstitute-at campus Crato-faculty and technical administrative servants understanding are about ethical concepts and how these moral behaviors are made throughout their labor practice. For this, it was developed a descriptive research carried by eletronic device, with 44 servants in this institution. It was based on Badinâs theories to analyse the ethics concept of these servants extracted by the Word Association Test and the Instrument to analyse the moral behavior under organizations, developed by Llcht, based on Patrick and Wagleyâs theory. The main founded results speak about divergence between servantsâ theory and labor practice, since they individually demonstrate notions on what ethics would be, with a solid concept according to Public Servant Ethical Code. Otherwise, the whole organization was classified in the level of organizational development as pre-moral or pre-convencional. This leads us to conclude that not always the person express in his/her behavior the ethical basis he/she preaches since collectivities exert a great influence on the behavior of the components.

POLÃTICA DE ATENÃÃO à SAÃDE E SEGURANÃA DO TRABALHO DO SERVIDOR PÃBLICO FEDERAL: AVALIAÃÃO DE SUA IMPLANTAÃÃO NA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARà (UFC) / Policy on Health Care and Safety at work for the Federal Civil Servants: Implementing your assessment in Federal University of Cearà (UFC)

Andreia Serafim de Negreiros Taissuke 26 February 2016 (has links)
Durante muito tempo, inexistia qualquer regulamentaÃÃo especÃfica para questÃes relacionadas à saÃde do trabalhador pÃblico federal. Somente a partir de 2003, foram publicadas diversas legislaÃÃes, culminando com a PolÃtica Nacional de AtenÃÃo à SaÃde e SeguranÃa do Trabalho do Servidor PÃblico Federal (PASS), em 2008, e com a implantaÃÃo do Subsistema Integrado de AtenÃÃo à SaÃde do Servidor PÃblico Federal (SIASS), em 2009. Na Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC), essa polÃtica foi implantada a partir de 2011, quando foi assinado, com mais catorze ÃrgÃos federais, o Acordo de CooperaÃÃo TÃcnica (ACT) e criada a unidade SIASS/UFC, que teve o objetivo de ofertar serviÃos de perÃcia, vigilÃncia e promoÃÃo à saÃde aos servidores dessa instituiÃÃo. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar o processo de implantaÃÃo da PASS no Ãmbito da UFC atravÃs dos eixos de assistÃncia, perÃcia, promoÃÃo e vigilÃncia à saÃde no perÃodo de 2011 a 2014. A pesquisa tem natureza bÃsica e estratÃgica, sendo desenvolvida como estudo de caso de carÃter quantitativo-qualitativo. O campo de pesquisa engloba a Coordenadoria de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (COQVT) e a Coordenadoria de PerÃcia e AssistÃncia ao Servidor e Estudante (CPASE), responsÃveis pela execuÃÃo da PASS. O estudo teve como universo de pesquisa o tipo de amostragem intencional com 77 sujeitos, entre gestores e servidores. Foram adotadas como procedimento metodolÃgico a revisÃo bibliogrÃfica e documental. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado o questionÃrio com escala do tipo Likert para os servidores e a entrevista semiestruturada para os gestores. Na interpretaÃÃo dos dados, utilizou-se a anÃlise de conteÃdo e discurso. O estudo realizado permitiu concluir que a PASS na UFC deve ser fortalecida enquanto polÃtica pÃblica e que hà necessidade de se estabelecerem regras claras para a criaÃÃo de unidades SIASS. Os resultados demonstraram a unidade SIASS UFC desenvolveu diversos projetos, contudo, o nÃmero de servidores beneficiados ainda à pequeno em relaÃÃo ao quadro de recursos humanos da instituiÃÃo, e as aÃÃes se concentram na capital. Por fim, tem de se investir em capacitaÃÃo da equipe multiprofissional, alÃm de melhorar a integraÃÃo entre as duas coordenadoria para qualificar o planejamento das aÃÃes e serviÃos em saÃde do trabalhador. Nessa perspectiva, espera-se que este estudo possa contribuir para a discussÃo da PASS na UFC e subsidiar decisÃes de gestÃo. / There wasnât any specific regulation for issues related to the federal public servant health for quite a long time, Only since 2003, various laws have been published, culminating with the National Policy on Health Care and Safety at work for the Federal Civil Servants. There was the (PASS) in 2008 and the implementation of the Integrated Subsystem of Health Attention of the Federal Public Server (SIASS) in 2009. At the Federal University of Cearà (UFC) that policy was implemented from 2011 when it was signed, with over fourteen other federal agencies, the Technical Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and created the unit SIASS / UFC, which aimed to offer expertise and surveillance services as well as health promotion to employees of that institution. This study aims to analyze the PASS implementation process within the UFC through the assistance axes, expertise, promotion and health surveillance within the period from 2011 to 2014. The research has basic and strategic nature, being developed as a case study of quantitative and qualitative character. The research field covers the Coordination of Life Quality at Work (COQVT) and the Coordination of Expertise and Assistance to the Server and the Student (CPASE), who are responsible for implementing the PASS. The universe research of the study was a kind of intentional sample of 77 subjects, including managers and staff. The bibliographic and documentary review was adopted as methodological procedure. To collect data, we used questionnaire with the Likert scale for servers and semi-structured interviews for managers. For interpreting the data, we used content and discourse analysis. The study allowed us to conclude that the PASS at the UFC should be strengthened as a public policy and that there is need to establish clear rules for creating SIASS units. The results demonstrated that the SIASS UFC unit has developed several projects, however, the number of servants benefited with it is still small considering the staffing level of the institution, and the actions are concentrated in the capital. Finally, there must be investment in training of the multidisciplinary team, besides improving the integration to describe the planning of actions and services in occupational health. From this perspective, it is expected that this study can contribute to the discussion of the PASS at the UFC and support management decisions.

A contrarreforma no regime de previdência do servidor público civil da União no período de 1998 a 2005

Pozzi, Maristela Pasolini 20 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:36:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristela Pasolini Pozzi.pdf: 1004274 bytes, checksum: 3f63b4c1b6dd426f8b89141430b6d0c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-20 / Trata da reforma do Regime Próprio de Previdência Social dos servidores civis da União, enquanto parte da reforma do Estado Brasileiro na busca de sua inserção na nova realidade, onde o capital financeiro é o centro das relações econômicas e sociais do capitalismo contemporâneo. O estudo tem por objetivo analisar as mudanças ocorridas no sistema de proteção previdenciária dos servidores civis da União no período de 1998 a 2005, refletindo como esse processo repercute no conjunto dos direitos previdenciários e qual direção sinaliza para a previdência da categoria. Apresenta considerações sobre o contexto econômico mundial que estimulou a expansão do capital financeiro e sobre e os reflexos destes nas economias dos países da América Latina. O Brasil, constrangido pela crise da dívida da década de 1980, adere ao conjunto de proposições de cunho liberal definidas no Consenso de Washington, que estabeleceu as linhas gerais da política econômica que passaria a ser implantada no País a partir da década de 1990. Sob o domínio da ideologia neoliberal, o Estado intervencionista é tido como ineficiente e protecionista, e por isso deve ser reformado, diminuído nas suas funções, as quais devem ser conduzidas ao mercado. As reformas da Previdência Social, tanto do regime dos trabalhadores do setor privado quanto do regime próprio dos servidores públicos, são expressões particulares do projeto de reforma do Estado. Constata-se que a reforma no sistema de previdência dos servidores públicos resultou em uma brutal diminuição de diretos para a categoria, aproximou os dois regimes de previdência, nivelando-os de acordo com os de direitos reduzidos, e ampliou espaço ao capital financeiro, deixando para o mercado a promoção da previdência complementar que será viabilizada por meio dos fundos de pensão, transferindo aos servidores os riscos e custos de suas aposentadorias integrais , uma vez que será instituída amodalidade de contribuição definida / The research concerns itself with the reform of the social security plan for the federal government s civil servants. This reform was pursued as part of the Brazilian State s attempt to adapt to the new reality where financial capital is the centre of economic and social relations within contemporary capitalism. The study analyses the changes implemented in the security system for the federal government s civil servants between 1998 and 2005, reflecting on how the process impacted on security rights and which direction it signals for workers. It presents considerations about the global economic context that motivated the expansion of the financial capital and how that affected Latin American countries. Constrained by the debt crisis of the 1980s, Brazil adhered to the Washington Consensus liberal set of rules, which defined the general direction of the economic policies that would be implemented in the country from the 1990s onwards. According to the tenet of the neoliberal ideology, the interventionist state is deemed inefficient and protectionist, thus it must be reformed and play a smaller role, focused on the market. The social security reform, both for private and public workers, is a particular expression of the State s reform. In the case of civil servants, its outcome was a brutal erosion of rights and brought closer the two security regimes, which were levelled off with weaker rights. Besides, it broadened the space for financial capital, leaving to the market the task to promote complimentary insurance to be financed with pension funds. The shift transferred to workers the risks and costs of their full retirement pensions because a defined contribution scheme was adopted

O papel do servidor tÃcnico administrativo na gestÃo universitÃria do campus da Universidade Federal do Cearà no Cariri / The role of administrative management server technical university campus of the Federal University of Ceara in Cariri

Luiza VirgÃnia de Castro Silva 31 March 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / O objetivo precÃpuo deste trabalho à investigar as competÃncias do servidor tÃcnico- administrativo na reestruturaÃÃo do ensino superior pÃblico. Buscou-se esta identificaÃÃo com base na literatura e na realidade estudada. No desenvolvimento do estudo, realizou-se levantamento bibliogrÃfico e documental acerca da expansÃo da Universidade desde o seu surgimento, com enfoque para a expansÃo universitÃria ocorrida no Brasil, a fim de buscar o entendimento necessÃrio para estabelecer os direcionamentos governamentais atuais para as polÃticas pÃblicas voltadas para a expansÃo do ensino publico superior. Identificou-se o Programa de Apoio a Planos de ReestruturaÃÃo e ExpansÃo das Universidades Federais(REUNI), estabelecido em lei, atual projeto governamental para expansÃo e reestruturaÃÃo do ensino superior pÃblico brasileiro, destacando-se os direcionamentos tomados pela Universidade Federal do Cearà em seu Termo de AdesÃo ao programa com vistas a identificar o objetivo principal deste trabalho. Nesta realidade expansionista, os servidores tÃcnico-administrativos foram escolhidos para anÃlise, dadas as suas peculiaridades e necessidades urgentes de serem inseridos, de modo competente, na gestÃo universitÃria como colaboradores comprometidos com a eficÃcia organizacional da Universidade. Empregou-se tambÃm uma fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica baseada no planejamento estratÃgico da gestÃo de pessoas, a fim de oferecer embasamento para a verificaÃÃo das aÃÃes estratÃgicas propostas pelos servidores tÃcnico-administrativos do Campus da Universidade Federal do Cearà no Cariri para compor o Planejamento EstratÃgico Organizacional do Campus Cariri para os anos 2009-2012. O levantamento das fontes de dados ocorreu por meio de fontes primÃrias e secundÃrias, mediante documentos presidenciais e peÃas da instituiÃÃo, alÃm da observaÃÃo casual e consultas a alguns gestores. A proposta identificou que as competÃncias tencionadas para o servidor tÃcnico-administrativo, sÃo direcionadas para a sua valorizaÃÃo, a ampliaÃÃo da sua atuaÃÃo nas atividades da gestÃo desempenhadas neste Campus, envolvendo-os em processos decisÃrios com consciÃncia do seu papel como componente da organizaÃÃo e no alcance da excelÃncia dos serviÃos prestados, evitando a dispersÃo dos recursos disponÃveis, com compromisso com a qualidade e excelÃncia organizacional / The main aim of this work is to investigate the competences of the technical-administrative servant in the restructuration of the public higher education. That identification was found in the literature and in the studied reality. In the development of the study a bibliographical an documentary survey was canned out about the university expansion since its beginning, focusing on this expansion which took place in Brazil, in order to the necessary understanding to establish the present, carried out itself bibliographical hoist and documentary about the expansion of the University since his sprouting, with approach for the university expansion occurred in Brazil, in order to seek the necessary understanding for establish the present governmental orientations on public policies for expanding the public higher education. The program to support restructuring and expansion of Federal Universities (REUNI) was identified legally established constitutes a governmental project to expand and restructure the Brazilian public higher. It highlights direction taken by the Federal University of Cearà in its adhesion term to the program aiming to identify the main objective of this work. In this expansionist reality the technical administrative officials were chosen for analysis due to their peculiarities and urgent needs to be inserted in a competent way, in the University management as committed collaborators with the organizational efficacy of the University. It was also employed a theoretical substantiation based upon a strategic planning for management of personal, so as to offer a basis for verifying strategic actions proposed by technical administrative officials of the UFC Campus in Cariri, this composing the Organization Strategic addressing for the public politics come back for the expansion of the public higher education. It identified itself the Program of Support to Restructuration and Expansion of the Federal Universities (REUNI), established in law, present governmental project for expansion and restructuration of the Brazilian public higher education, highlighting the addressings taken by the Federal University of Ceara in his Term of Adhesion to the program with an aim to identify the main objective of this work. In this Expansionist reality, the technical-administrative servants were chosen for analysis, given his peculiarities and the need of the immediate implementation, of competent way in the university management as the collaborators committed with the organizational efficacy of the University. It was employed also a theoretical substantiation based in the strategic planning of the management of persons, in order to offer foundation for the verification of the strategic actions strategic proposals by the technical-administrative servants of the Campus of the Federal University of Ceara in the Cariri between 2009 and 2012. The search for data occurred by means of primary and secondary sources presidential documents and pieces of the institution, as well as occasional observations and consultation to some manages. The proposal has identified competences addressed to the technical administrative officials intending their valorization, the increase of their role in the development of their management activities played in this Campus involving them processes of decision making through the awareness of their role as part of the organization of the reach of excellence related to the services done and avoiding the waste of available resources with the commitment to quality and outstanding organization.


MYRIAN BEATRIZ SILVA PETRASSI 04 September 2009 (has links)
[pt] Previdência dos Servidores Públicos Brasileiros possui uma particularidade que é a motivação inicial desta dissertação de mestrado: a autonomia com que contam Estado, Distrito Federal e Municípios para constituírem seus próprios sistemas previdenciários. O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar a sustentabilidade de longo prazo de alguns regimes instituídos na esfera municipal: Vitória(ES), São Paulo(SP), Campina Grande(PB), Rio de Janeiro(RJ) e Belém(PA). A partir de uma versão simplificada do Modelo de Projeção de IYER(1999), visa-se verificar se a reforma previdenciária de 1998 será suficiente para manter as despesas governamentais destes Municípios equilibradas nos próximos anos. / [en] The social security system for public-sector employees in Brazil has a very distinct characteristic. State and local governments are allowed to have their own social security systems. Based on a simplified version of IYER`s (1999) projection model, this dissertation analyses the sustainability of five local-government social - security systems, studying the cases of Vitória(ES), São Paulo(SP), Campina Grande(PB), Rio de Janeiro(RJ) and Belém(PA).

Les Maîtres du jeu. Le seruus ludificator dans la comédie romaine antique et le valet vedette dans la comédie en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / The Masters of the Play. The Seruus Ludificator in Ancient Roman Comedy and the Star-Servant in Comedy in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century France

Candiard, Céline 11 December 2010 (has links)
En proposant une étude comparée de l’esclave ludificator dans la comédie romaine antique et du valet vedette dans la comédie en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, ce travail entend rendre compte de la valeur proprement spectaculaire de la convention théâtrale ancienne du serviteur maître du jeu. À la notion de jeu, entendue à la fois comme l’ensemble des facéties du serviteur et comme une modalité de l’activité théâtrale, nous articulerons donc la notion de maîtrise, envisagée aussi bien du point de vue fictionnel du serviteur que du point de vue extra-fictionnel du comédien. La première partie de l’étude fera d’abord apparaître la structuration du rôle de comédie romaine en séquences spectaculaires, en identifiant l’esclave maître du jeu ou ludificator à la combinaison de certaines de ces séquences, puis proposera une interprétation de la convention comique du seruus ludificator comme figuration valorisante de l’activité théâtrale et de l’événement rituel des Jeux. Elle examinera ensuite les diverses variations de cette convention dans les vingt-six comédies du corpus romain. La seconde partie de ce travail, tout en montrant l’importance du modèle romain dans l’élaboration du genre comique en France à partir de la Renaissance, mettra en évidence le poids décisif du contexte théâtral professionnel, et particulièrement du système de vedettariat parisien, dans l’apparition du phénomène de valet vedette dans la comédie et dans son développement marqué tout au long du XVIIe siècle. Elle rendra compte, enfin, de la structuration du rôle en emploi à partir des années 1680 et de l’uniformisation qui en résulte, amenant la convention à disparaître en quelques décennies. / By proposing a comparative study of the ludificator slave in Ancient Roman comedy and of the star-servant in comedies performed in early-modern France, this thesis intends to account for the specifically spectacular value of the ancient theatrical convention of the leading servant. The idea of play, understood both as the servant’s tricks and as theatrical activity itself, is placed in relation to the idea of mastery, regarded both from the fictional point of view of the servant and from the extra-fictional point of view of the actor. The first part of the thesis endeavours to point out the specific structure of Roman comedy roles in spectacular sequences and identifies the leading or ludificator slave as a combination of some particular sequences. It then proposes an interpretation of the comic convention of the seruus ludificator as a promotional representation of theatrical activity and the ritual event of the Ludi. It finally examines the diverse variations of the convention in the twenty-six comedies of the Roman corpus. The second part of this work, although showing the importance of the Roman model in the elaboration of the comic genre in France from the Renaissance, also brings to light the decisive influence of the context of professional theatre, in particular the Parisian “star-system”, in the appearance and strong development of the star-servant phenomenon in seventeenth-century French comedy. Finally, it will account for the transformation of the role into a fixed, institutional part from the 1680s, resulting in a standardisation and progressive disappearance of the convention.

The influence of servant leadership on trust, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour on a selected sample of teachers in the Western Cape Province

Van Der Hoven, Adrian Geoffrey January 2016 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / School principals and teachers play a vital role of imparting the important skills required for successful learning performance and further education and training (Mahembe & Engelbrecht, 2013). Teachers are responsible for the production of quality primary and secondary school graduates who will constitute the future human capital base for the country to be able to achieve its competitive advantage. The role of the principal as a servant leader is vital to an academic institution such a school. A principal that adopts a servant leadership approach enables teachers and the School Management Team (SMT) to function as a collective and potentially improve or create an environment conducive for governance, teaching and learning. Therefore, effective leadership is essential to develop good schools with teachers that trust their leader, are satisfied in their jobs, feel empowered and will go beyond the call of duty. A principal as a servant leader, including a departmental head, can shape the school working environment to provide greater opportunities for exhibiting positive behaviors and outcomes that are likely to promote job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The purpose of the current research study is to answer the question, "What is the influence of servant leadership on trust, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and OCB amongst teachers at selected schools in the Western Cape Province?" In order to answer the research question explaining the hypothesised relationships, the research study developed a theoretical model and tested an explanatory structural model to explain the manner in which servant leadership influences trust, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour. The study was conducted using teachers drawn from selected schools in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The participants were asked to complete five self-reporting questionnaires comprising the Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), the Leadership Trust Scale (LTS), Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire (MEQ), Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS), and the Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale (OCBS). A total of 203 (n=203) questionnaires were returned out of a distributed total of 330 questionnaires. Item and dimensionality analyses were conducted on all of the dimensions using SPSS version 23. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was executed on the measurement models of the instruments used. The proposed conceptual model was evaluated using structural equation modelling (SEM) via the LISREL version 8.80 software. It was found that both the measurement and structural models fitted the data reasonably well. The results indicated a significant and positive relationship between servant leadership and trust; servant leadership and psychological empowerment; servant leadership and job satisfaction; psychological empowerment and trust; psychological empowerment and job satisfaction; and psychological empowerment and OCB. However, there is a non-significant relationship between servant leadership and OCB. Furthermore, the relationship between job satisfaction and OCB is negative and insignificant. This study will add significance to the body of knowledge by attempting to give insight as to whether servant leadership influences teachers towards engaging in extra role behaviours. The practical implications of the study and limitations are discussed as well as the direction for future research studies.

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