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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

POWER PLAY : Politeness Strategies in Harold Pinter’s The Servant

Ivarsson, Ann-Sofie January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologiniai veiksniai / Educological factors of the civil servants training system development

Sakalinskaitė, Inga 04 September 2008 (has links)
Daugelis autorių aptardami valstybės tarnautojų mokymo bei kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemą labiau gilinasi į valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimą įtakojančius finansinius, teisinius veiksnius. Todėl šiame darbe siekiama nustatyti valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologinius veiksnius. Atlikta literatūros šaltinių analizė, apibūdinta valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema, jos elementai ir funkcijos, nustatyti sistemos vystymo veiksniai. Norint išsiaiškinti valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologinius poreikius atlikta valstybės tarnautojų anketinė apklausa bei atliktas interviu su kvalifikacijos tobulinimo institucijų vadovais. Apklausti 78 valstybės tarnautojai ir 6 mokymus valstybės tarnautojams mokymus organizuojančių institucijų vadovai. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema nėra labai efektyvi ir nesukuria pakankamų edukologinių prielaidų valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo proceso vystymuisi. / Educological factors of the civil servants training system are not much analysed. Various authors analyses influence of the financial, juridical factors for the civil servants training system. Therefore the point of this research is to estimate educological factors of the civil training system. In this research the are described the elements and functions of the civil servants training system. The factors or the civil servants training system are also described. To establish the educological requirements of the civil servants training system development was caried out a survey of the civil servants and was done the interview with managers of the civil servants training intitutions. In this research took part 78 civil servants and 6 managers of the civil servants training institutions. The survey showed that the civil servants training system is not very effective and don‘t create enuogh educological assumptions for the the development of civil servants training process.

Žmogaus teisės statutinėje tarnyboje / Human rights in statutory service

Eismontas, Tomas 22 January 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinės sąvokos: žmogaus teisės, prigimtinės ir pozytiviosios teisės, LR krašto apsaugos sistema, Lietuvos kariuomenė, statutai, Europos Sąjunga, Šiaurės Atlanto Sutarties Organizacija, buvusios TSRS ginkluotosios pajėgos, valdymo modelis, etatizmas, humanizmas, nestatutiniai santykiai, statutinis pareigūnas, drausmė ir disciplina. Santraukos turinys: santraukoje pateikiama darbo tema bei pagrindinės, darbe vartojamos sąvokos. Aprašyta, ką autorius nagrinėja darbe, kas turi įtakos žmogaus teisių krašto apsaugos sistemoje institutui ir jo raidos tendencijas, kokių nuostatų laikomasi rašant darbą. Pateikiama žmogaus teisių esmė bei jų įgyvendinimo ir apsaugos problemos. Žmogaus teisės bendrąja prasme gali būti suprantamos kaip vertybių, apimančių individo teises, laisves ir pareigas, kompleksas. Istorinė raida, išorinės ir vidinės valstybės ir visuomenės permainos, valstybės valdymo modelis, vyraujanti ideologija leidžia nagrinėti žmogaus teises įvairiais aspektais. Darbe nagrinėjamas bei lyginamas TSRS bei nepriklausomos Lietuvos valstybės žmogaus teisių institutas ginkluotosiose pajėgose. Žmogaus teisių reglamentavimo bei apsaugos raidos tendencijos ir ypatumai atskleidžiami, analizuojant vyraujančias prigimtinių teisių bei pozityviojo etatizmo doktrinas, istorines aplinkybes, valstybės valdymo modelius, jų įtaką žmogaus teisių institutui, taip pat akcentuojant žmogaus teisių įgyvendinimo kariuomenėje problemas. Darbe laikomasi nuostatos, kad sovietinis paveldas turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Main concepts: human rights, natural and positive rights, national defense system of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian army, statutes, European Union (EU), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), USSR armament, control model, etatism, humanism, unstatutory intercourse, statutory servant, discipline. Summary: work name and main concepts used in this work are given in the summary. It is described, what author analyses in this work, what influences on human rights’ institution and it’s development tendencies, what attitudes he has when writing this work. The essence of human rights and problems of its implementation and protection are provided. Human rights in common sense might be understood as a complex of values, involving rights/liberties and duties of an individual. External development, external and internal state changes, model of state government, ruling ideology lets to analyze human rights in various aspects. Human rights’ institution in armament of USSR and independent Lithuania are analyzed and compared. Regulation of human rights and protection development tendencies and singularities are revealed by analyzing doctrines of dominant natural rights and positive etatism, historical circumstances, models of state government, their influence on human rights institution as well as emphasizing implementation of human rights in army. An attitude, that soviet heritage has an influence today, is kept in the work. The origin of unstatutory intercourse, determining... [to full text]

Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of career public servant remuneration

Ivaškevičius, Arvydas 28 January 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 48 straipsnyje įtvirtintos teisės gauti teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą valstybės tarnyboje realizavimą reguliuoja Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymas. Kaip praktiškai veikia valstybės nustatyta karjeros valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo sistema, kokios iškyla problemos ir sunkumai, ką karjeros valstybės tarnautojai mano apie savo darbo užmokesti ir jo reguliavimą, ką reikėtų keisti yra analizuojama šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe Darbo užmokesčio karjeros valstybės tarnautojams teisinis reguliavimas. Darbą sudaro dvi dalys – teorinė ir praktinė. Teorinėje dalyje autorius išsamiai nagrinėja teisės aktų, reguliavusių valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokestį raida Lietuvoje, pateikia požiūrį į valstybės tarnautojų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemas Europos Sąjungos bei Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacijos valstybėse, palygina kelių valstybių darbo užmokestį reguliuojančius teisės aktus su Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos įstatymo pagrindinėmis darbo užmokestį reguliuojančiomis nuostatomis. Apžvelgiama karjeros valstybės tarnautojų pareiginės algos, priedų ir priemokų skyrimo tvarka bei nagrinėjamos jų darbo užmokesčio teisinio reguliavimo problemos ir pateikiamos išvados bei pasiūlymai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje pateikiama atlikto empirinio tyrimo atlikimo metodologija bei tyrimo metu nustatytų rezultatų apibendrinti duomenys. Siekta nustatyti darbo užmokesčio karjeros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania realization of the rights to have proper pay of work at public service regulate Republic of Lithuania Law on Public Service. There is analysis of practical activity of the career of public servants remuneration legal regulation system, problems and difficulties, opinion of the career of public servants about the their remuneration and this law corrections in this Master’s paper “Legal regulation of career public servant remuneration”. Paper consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. Author of the paper analyses comprehensive law acts, development remuneration of public servants in Lithuania, opinion of public servant law regulation problems in European Union and economic cooperation and expansion organizations in other countries, compares several countries remuneration legal law acts with Lithuanian Republic Law on Public Service statues in theoretical part. Review remuneration of public servants basic salaries, bonuses and additional pays determination order and also investigates their remuneration law regulation problems and presents conclusions and offers. There are methodology of the fulfilled empirical analysis and also the ascertained sum up data in the practical part of the paper. Try to attain remuneration of public servants legal regulation practical relation with public servants needs, to investigate the view of the remuneration law regulation... [to full text]

Priėmimas į valstybės tarnybą Lietuvoje ir Airijoje / Recruitment to civil service in Lithuania and Ireland

Gaidamovič, Beata 22 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą procesas Lietuvoje ir Airijoje. Pirmoje dalyje yra analizuojami Lietuvos priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą aspektai, istorinė valstybės tarnybos raida, dabartinė teisinė bazė, reglamentuojanti priėmimą, bei pats priėmimo procesas, taip pat pabrėžiamos problemos, su kuriomis susiduriama priėmimo procese. Antroji dalis atskleidžia Airijos priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą aspektus. Analizuojama teisinė bazė bei pagrindinių institucijų, įgyvendinančių priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą politiką, funkcijos. Aptariamas priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą procesas bei su tuo susijusios problemos. Trečioje dalyje yra lyginami įvairūs priėmimo į valstybės tarnybas abiejose šalyse aspektai. / The purpose of this Master Thesis is to analyse recruitment processes in Lithuania and Ireland. First part of the Thesis analyses recruitment policy implemented in Lithuania, its’ historical evolution, legislative background and current recruitment system and problems which occur while recruitment procedures are in process. In second part Irish recruitment policy is examined, functions of most important institutions involved in recruitment policy implementation discussed, and recruitment process explained. In third part, policies implemented in both countries are compared.

Personalo organizavimas Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijoje / Staff organisation in the Social Security and Labour Ministry

Matkevičiūtė, Rasa 29 December 2006 (has links)
Žmogiškieji ištekliai yra svarbus visose organizacijose, nuo jų pajėgumų ir sugebėjimų išnaudojimo, tinkamo organizavimo priklauso organizacijos veiklos efektyvumas. Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe apibendrinti personalo organizavimo teoriniai pagrindai, apžvelgta Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos sistema. Išanalizuotas personalo organizavimo procesas Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerijoje, pateiktos personalo organizavimo tobulinimo galimybės. Ministerijoje personalo organizavimas išanalizuotas pagal šiuos etapus – personalo atranka ir priėmimas, tarnybinės veiklos vertinimas, mokymas bei kvalifikacijos kėlimas, skatinimas. / Human resources are of great importance in any institution as the operating efficiency of the institution depends on capacity, use of potential of such resources and an adequate organisation process. The present Master‘s Thesis summarises the theoretical background of staff organisation and provides a review of the civil service system of the Republic of Lithuania. The staff organisation process in the Social Security and Labour Ministry was analysed and measures of the staff organisation improvement are presented. The staff organisation in the Ministry was analysed by stages, i.e., staff selection and recruitment, civil servants’ performance appraisal, training, qualification improvement and stimulation.

The legal rights of masters, mistresses and domestic servants in Montreal, 1816-1829 /

Hogg, Grace Laing January 1989 (has links)
In early nineteenth century Lower Canada, a direct relationship existed between the colony's laws of employment and the nature of its economy. As the artisanal and manufacturing centre of British North America, Montreal, in the first third of the century, had a pre-industrial economy. Its legal treatment of the master/servant relationship was established and directed by masters, and drew heavily upon the spirit of the pre-industrial traditions of English common law, emphasizing the criminal liability of servants failing to respect contractual obligations. Montreal's domestic servants, who were drawn from the poor and popular classes, and included mostly women and minors, were often at the greatest disadvantage in this legal system, because of their gender and economic backgrounds. Not only did their masters and mistresses have economic and social advantages, but they also controlled the legal system.

Investigating Servant Leadership in the Context of Cause-Related Sporting Events

Parris, Denise 2011 December 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents three separate studies designed to provide systematic and evidence-based insight into how servant leadership could be a crucial success factor in helping non-profit organizations (NPOs) hosting cause-related sporting events achieve their missions. Thus, the purpose of my dissertation was to advance the literature and the practice of servant leadership. In Study one, I conducted a systematic literature review of studies that explored an application of servant leadership. A disciplined screening process resulted in a sample population of 39 studies. The synthesis of these applied studies revealed: a) there is no consensus on the definition of servant leadership; b) servant leadership is being applied across a variety of contexts, cultures, and themes; c) researchers are using multiple measures to explore servant leadership; and d) these studies provide strong evidence that servant leadership helps organizations and improves the well-being of followers. In Study two, I explored the leadership style of the founder of a cause-related sporting event to understand how this leadership style motivated volunteers. This was achieved through semi-structured personal interviews, document analysis, and personal observations of the 25th National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Surf Festival. Results indicated that the founder was a servant leader who influenced volunteer motivation by generating a shared vision dedicated to helping others, building a caring and loving community, and creating the freedom and resources for followers to become servants themselves. In Study three, using a longitudinal case study, I qualitatively explored if a cause-related sporting event could inspire participants to become servant leaders, and if so, how does the event achieve this? Data collection methods included focus groups, open-ended qualitative questionnaires, direct observations, document analysis, and semi-structured personal interviews with participants of the U.S. NKF Transplant Games, specifically Team Florida. Analyses revealed the event inspired participants to serve others and helped to build a community of servant leaders. It was found that three specific mechanisms of the Games generated community-level outcomes, which led to impacts on participants and helped them develop servant leadership. I then developed a model to describe a cause-related sporting event's ability to inspire participants to become servant leaders.

The relationship between servant leadership, emotional intelligence, trust in the immediate supervisor and meaning in life : an exploratory study

Van Staden, Marieta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Constructs in this study are explored from a positive organisational scholarship paradigm, which is largely concerned with the investigation of positive outcomes, processes and attributes of organisations and their employees. The aim of the study is to investigate the respective relationships that exist between the positive organisational psychological constructs, namely servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust in the immediate supervisor, and the influence of these variables on the meaning in life experienced by individuals. Based on literature, a model depicting a sequential process of interrelationships amongst the constructs is proposed in the study. Both survey and statistical modelling methodologies were employed to guide the investigation. Standardised questionnaires were used for the four different constructs, using the responses of 154 employees on a composite questionnaire. To determine the applicability of the factor structures of these instruments on the current sample, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The suggested factor structures were confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis with acceptable levels of fit. The revalidated instruments provided better levels of fit than the original instruments. The configurations of the measurement instruments were found to be different in a South African cultural organisational setting for the Servant Leadership Questionnaire, the Emotional Intelligence Index and the Life Regard Index. However, the configuration of measurement on trust in the immediate supervisor, when applied to the respondents in this study, appeared to be similar to those found in different cultural settings. The results of a Pearson correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression and structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis indicated significant relationships between servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust. The relationship of these constructs with meaning did not show significant relationships. The contribution of this study to the existing theory and literature is the exploration of the portability of the measurement instruments to a South African context. A further contribution is the findings with regard to the interrelationships between servant leadership, emotional intelligence and trust in the immediate supervisor. Some recommendations for further research and some suggestions regarding servant leadership development interventions are also made.

The relationship between servant leadership, role stress and coping in subordinate service roles

Baker, Mark 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / A study of the literature revealed that the concept of servant leadership is still in need of further empirical research. It also became clear that the leadership style employed by the supervisors of certain boundary spanning employees may have a pivotal effect on the role stress they experience and the resulting coping mechanisms they are likely to employ. Evidently, further investigation into the relationship between the constructs of servant leadership, role stress and coping could be valuable. An exploratory study to investigate these relationships was therefore planned and executed. A correlative ex post facto study of nonexperimental kind was followed making use of survey research. For this purpose a composite questionnaire was created and used as the means of data gathering. The questionnaires were directly administered by the researcher to the participants of a large national retail organisation where the survey was conducted. A total of 290 respondents from six different stores of this organisation participated in the study. The respondents occupying a specific type of boundary spanning role, known as the subordinate service role (SSR), completed the composite questionnaire which comprised of the rater version of the Servant Leadership Questionnaire of Barbuto and Wheeler (2006), the role stress scale based on the research work of Hartline and Ferrell (1996), and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire developed by Lazarus and Folkman (1984). The SSR incumbents assessed the level of servant leadership of their immediate supervisors, their own level of role stress and the coping mechanisms which they typically employ. Answers were sought to three research questions dealing with the content and configuration of the constructs as well as their interrelations.

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