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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus décisionnel de fin de vie en réanimation néonatale : arbitrer entre le certain et l'incertain / End-of-life Decision-Making Process in Neonatology : to Adjudicate Between the Certainty and the Uncertainty

Mokhtari, Mostafa 16 December 2019 (has links)
Le processus décisionnel est un évènement particulier qui confronte les soignants à leurs doutes et à leurs incertitudes. Chaque décision comporte inéluctablement une part de doute et d’incertitude, sinon elle ne mérite pas d’être appelée « décision », car elle ne serait que le résultat de l’application d’un savoir acquis à l’avance, à une situation connue. C’est cette part d’incertitude qui est le lieu de la réflexion et qui offre à chacun la possibilité de se questionner, c’est-à-dire de se mettre dans la situation où il faut vaincre l’indécidable pour pouvoir décider. Au cours de ce travail, j’aborde le rôle du médecin en tant qu’arbitre entre le certain et l’incertain en situation de fin de vie chez le nouveau-né. Afin de cerner cette problématique, je rapporte six observations cliniques, toutes tirées de ma propre expérience et qui illustrent mieux qu’un long discours les notions du certain et de l’incertain, et permettent de donner à chacune de ces notions son véritable sens pratique de manière concrète.Vouloir aborder la notion de l’incertain au cours du processus décisionnel en situation de fin de vie, consiste à accepter d’aller à l’encontre de la culture médicale dominante, qui valorise la certitude, car l’incertitude véhicule une image négative dans l’imaginaire des soignants. Pourtant, le doute peut avoir un effet salvateur sur le processus décisionnel, car il incite les soignants à se concerter avant de décider. Ainsi, celui qui doute n’est pas un ignorant, mais quelqu’un de prudent au sens aristotélicien, c’est-à-dire qui soumet son choix à la critique des autres, dans le cadre d’une procédure de délibération collégiale. Ainsi, l’incertitude met en tension les convictions qui relèvent de l’éthique déontologique, et la responsabilité qui relève de l’éthique téléologique. C’est la confrontation entre ces deux éthiques qui permet au soignant de décider en ayant la paix dans l’âme. / The end-of-life (EOL) decision-making process remains a particular event that confronts health care teams with their doubts and uncertainties. Indeed, for such a decision to made, there must be some doubt and uncertainty, otherwise, instead of being a conscious “decision”, it becomes a simple application of prior knowledge. EOL decisions are not simply a case of the decision-maker overcoming his or her indecisiveness. In this work, I examine the role of the doctor as an arbitrator in the conflict between the certain and the uncertain in EOL situations in the neonatal period. I have based my work on the analysis of the trajectories of six clinical observations drawn from my own experience, which illustrate, better than a long speech, the notion of the certain and the uncertain, and give these abstract concepts a concrete and practical meaning.To explore the notion of the uncertain during the decision-making process in EOL situations, is to accept to go against the dominant medical culture that values certainty, because uncertainty is negatively perceived amongst caregivers. However, doubt can have a beneficial effect on the decision-making process itself, and on the consequences of the decision taken, since it encourages discussion between caregivers and allows time for decision-making. Thus, he or she who doubts is not ignorant, but cautious in the Aristotelian sense, when trying to deliberate a choice by subjecting it to the criticism of others as part of a procedure of collegial reflection.In this work, I also show that doubt and uncertainty compel the decision-maker to confront his or her personal convictions, which constitutes ethical ethics, with his or her responsibility, which is teleological ethics. It is only in the tension between these two ethics that the caregiver can decide with peace of mind.

"Cracking the GenZ Code: Unraveling the Needs, Pain Points, and Desires for an Improved Omnichannel Fashion Experience" : A qualitative study by understanding the consumer decision-making process

Uhlin, Ebba, Lundberg, Moa January 2023 (has links)
In recent years there has been a remarkable distribution of the omnichannel environment, which has emerged as a significant factor in the fashion industry. Today's society is characterized by customers who possess extensive knowledge and easy access to information online, with the added convenience of constantly available e-commerce. As consumer awareness has escalated, it has become imperative for businesses to understand how customers' needs, pain points, and desires impact their customer journey in an omnichannel environment. Consequently, the aim of this research is to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Generation Z customers' needs, pain points, and desires influence their behavior throughout the customer journey within the fashion industry's omnichannel landscape. This study aims to contribute new and crucial insights to the existing body of knowledge, given the lack of recent research on this topic from the consumer perspective. To achieve these research objectives, empirical data was collected through a qualitative multi-method study comprising five focus groups and five semi-structured interviews, with a total of 25 participants. The participants consisted of individuals of Swedish origin who were born in, and belong to, Generation Z. The collected data was afterwards analyzed and discussed, which meant comparing and contrasting the results with previous research on the topic. The conclusion of this thesis reveals remarkable observations about Generation Z in Sweden, where this study has identified the most common combinations of different channels in omnichannel atmospheres. Overall, this study highlights a clear preference among female participants to use the services provided by e-commerce, while male participants show a propensity for physical, traditional commerce. In addition, this report sheds new light on the information search and evaluation process, which constitutes the initial stage of the consumer's decision-making process. Finally, needs, pain points and desires based on each step in the customer journey are identified, as well as how the problems can be resolved with initiatives from the companies.

Becoming by Buying : A qualitative study about Brandengagement in self-concept (BESC) in the pre-purchase stage

Brunkes, Philip, Johansson, Lina January 2023 (has links)
Fast fashion brands provide consumers with constantly available opportunities to update,not only their wardrobes, but themselves. As our identities have become a constant projectto work on, consumption of fast fashion involves the possibilities of trial and error ofpersonal development. Consumers are predisposed to shape or change their personalities byusing brands as additional traits. This is conceptualized as Brand Engagement in SelfConcept (BESC) to explain how consumers build and express identities. Even if FastFashion is recognized to make trends available for a democratized audience who continuallyevolve temporary identities, it is a limited researched area where Brand Engagement in SelfConcept (BESC) is addressed. As this tendency to involve brands in consumers' self-concept(BESC) is defined as an individual trait to be measured, there is still no qualitative researchto our knowledge that provides deeper insights of how this subjective objective is displayedor affecting the pre-purchase stage within the context of fast fashion.The purpose of this degree project is to develop a deeper understanding of consumers'tendency to incorporate brands as a part of their self-concept and how brand engagement inself-concept (BESC) influences the pre-purchase stage in the decision-making process inthe context of fast fashion. In order to fulfil this purpose, a qualitative study wasimplemented by applying semi-structured interviews with six individuals with the propertyof being consumers of generation Z. Pursuant to previous research that states how thesegeneral tendencies of BESC varies amongst individuals, we were able to identify diversegeneral tendencies in the empirical findings of involving brands in self-concept.These various indications of involvements were represented by the identified themesreflecting how the consumers are applying the silent, but expressive languages of clothing,regarding their representation of themselves through what they wear, awareness of trendsand the extent of purchasing.With regard to these identified indications of involving brands in self-concept to differentextent, our empirical findings resulted in themes, addressing how the pre-purchase stagewas influenced in the context of fast fashion. Our results show how the pre-purchase stageis initiated by recognizing a need or opportunity congruent with the self-concept.Additionally, as information is searched, this stage is influenced by the involvement ofbrands in the self-concept by the identified themes: inspiration, coincidence and familiarity.As the evaluation of alternatives is made, the themes of “considerations to social context”and “the fit” are identified as being influenced by BESC. The consumers' self-concept hasbeen found to be defining the extent of influence, in terms of composing the reference tocompare fast fashion brand personalities with. Consequently, we draw the conclusion thatthe negative associations of fast fashion limited the involvement of fast fashion brands inthe self-concept as these personalities were considered unappealing by representing cheap,quick compliance, low quality and unethical values. Our results demonstrate how the needfor social consistency and approval motivates young consumers to involve fast fashionbrands in their self-concept. This is contradicting displayed in terms of buying the basicassortments with the absence of fast-moving trends.

CSR and the fashion industry, closely linked : CSR in the online fashion industry, opportunities and challenges: The French example

Delcroix, Malo, Meyer, Louis January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, CSR has taken on great importance in the life of companies, which are much more aware of the existing social, economic and environmental problems. So, when Ecommerce has taken an important place in the life of different industries, these companies (especially in the world of textiles) have had to adapt and understand how to exist and use CSR to stand out and enter the market. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how companies that make online sales of clothing in France can create one or more competitive advantages by using CSR, and analyze the habits and behaviors of French consumers, understand in depth the standards to which French companies face to create a competitive advantage. The empirical results were obtained thanks to a quantitative study, and a questionnaire of ten questions that could meet the objective mentioned above. The results obtained were then collected and analyzed by the authors in order to find similarities or differences with the secondary data collected previously. The conclusion of this thesis shows that CSR can become a real competitive advantage, and give real opportunities to online fashion companies in France provided that their implementation is done in good conditions. Customers being more and more attentive to ecological, societal and ethical issues, companies are almost obliged to implement sustainable and ethical practices in their practices, from production to distribution in order to develop. In summary, the thesis identified consumer resentment towards these CSRs, and the benefits that French online fashion companies can derive from their implementation in the near future.

Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Decision-Making Process of Sneaker Purchase among Chinese Post 90s Consumers

Chen, Siyi, Liu, Tuoyu, Su, Yuhao January 2022 (has links)
Title Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Decision-Making Process of Sneaker Purchase among Chinese Post 90s Consumers. Background Sneakers have become an essential part of the younger generation's wardrobe in today's society, reflecting the millennial drive for comfort and leisure. It ultimately portrays a playful and stylish image among post-90s consumers. In the colossal sneaker market, various factors influence consumers' purchasing decisions.  Purpose The study's objective is to analyse the factors affecting the decision making process of Chinese post-90s consumers in purchasing sneakers. It explores factors behind consumers' purchasing behaviors that are special and different from those of consumers in other parts of the world in the vast market of China. The study focuses on strengthening the knowledge on the topic. Additionally, the study will provide information on what drives China's post-90s consumers' buying decisions on sneakers. Marketers will be able to analyse the factors and come up with services or sneaker products that satisfy consumers. The paper will summarize the factors that influence consumers' purchasing decisions of sneakers by combining literature surveys and interviews.  Method Semi-structured interviews with 12 respondents were conducted. Through the analysis and coding of the interview, the key influencing factors in consumer decision-making are identified. The literature review analysed the five steps of consumer decision-making progress. Conclusion: Consumers make purchase decisions primarily based on their liking for products. Marketers should reasonably position the product range that consumers like and recommend them. Friends' recommendations and discussions influence consumers' purchasing behavior. Establishing good product experience and after-sales service in the marketing process affects brand reputation.

Rekommendationers påverkan på konsumentbeteende : En kvantitativ studie av jämförelse mellan expert- och hållbarhetsrekommendationer inom livsmedelsbranschen / The impact of recommendations on consumer behavior : A quantitative study comparing expert and sustainability recommendations within the food industry

Karlsson, Oscar, Ziegler, Ludwig January 2023 (has links)
Previous research indicates that recommendations generally have a positive impact on consumer consumption, however, studies have primarily focused on industries such as film, dining and wine. This study examines the effects of various types of recommendations on consumer behavior within the food industry, where purchases tend to be routine and characterized by automated decision-making processes. The findings suggest that recommendations within the food sector have a positive impact on sales, regarding all selected products and different types of recommendations. The study confirms that expert recommendations, in this case from a chef, as well as sustainability-focused recommendations, influence consumer behavior. Consumers are more inclined to purchase a product with a recommendation compared to one without such an endorsement. This can be explained by consumers' trust in expert opinions and their appreciation of environmentally friendly attributes in consumption choices. This study also investigates the effects of green marketing, based on sustainability, on consumer behavior. The study confirms several hypotheses regarding the influence of recommendations on consumers, the effectiveness of different recommendations, and that recommendations for sustainable choices have a greater effect than expert recommendations. In summary, this study indicates that recommendations within the food industry influence consumer behavior, and both expert recommendations and sustainable recommendations are effective in increasing sales. This may have practical implications for the food industry and how they can market their products. To further increase the understanding of how recommendations affect consumers' decision-making processes and behavior, future research could be conducted on different recommendations. Their respective impacts, as well as factors that alter consumers' purchasing behavior, can be explored. / Tidigare forskning visar att rekommendationer generellt påverkar konsumenters konsumtion positivt, dessa studier har främst fokuserat på branscher och industrier såsom film, restaurang och vin. Denna studie undersöker effekterna av olika typer av rekommendationer på konsumentbeteende inom livsmedelsbranschen, där inköp tenderar att vara rutinartade och präglas av automatiserade beslutsprocesser. Resultaten indikerar att rekommendationer inom livsmedelssektorn har en positiv inverkan på försäljningen, gällande samtliga utvalda produkter och olika typer av rekommendationer. Studien bekräftar att expertrekommendationer, i detta fall från en kock, samt rekommendationer med fokus på hållbarhet, påverkar konsumentbeteendet. Konsumenter är mer benägna att köpa en produkt med en rekommendation jämfört med en som inte har en sådan. Detta kan förklaras av konsumenternas förtroende för expertutlåtanden och deras uppskattning av miljövänliga attribut i konsumtionsval. Denna studie undersöker även effekterna av grön marknadsföring, baserad på hållbarhet, på konsumentbeteendet. Studien bekräftar flera hypoteser angående rekommendationers inverkan på konsumenter, effektiviteten av olika rekommendationer samt att rekommendationer för hållbara val har större effekt än expertrekommendationer. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar denna studie att rekommendationer inom livsmedelsbranschen påverkar konsumentbeteendet och att både expertrekommendationer och hållbara rekommendationer är effektiva för att öka försäljningen. Detta kan ha praktiska implikationer för livsmedelsbranschen och hur de kan marknadsföra sina produkter. För att ytterligare öka förståelsen för hur rekommendationer påverkar konsumenternas beslutsprocesser och beteende, kan framtida forskning utföras på olika rekommendationer. Där deras respektive påverkan samt faktorer som ändrar konsumenternas köpbeteende undersöks.

Showrooming: En växande konsumtionstrend : Värdefaktorer i köpbeslutsprocessen kopplat till showrooming / Showrooming: A growing consumption trend

Lindkvist, Amanda, Rudander, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Den tekniska utvecklingen har bidragit till ett ökat antal kanaler mellan företag och konsumenter. Detta möjliggör för konsumenter att fritt röra sig mellan dessa kanaler för att skapa och forma dess köpupplevelse efter önskat behov. Utvecklingen har bidragit till att konsumenter kan använda både digitala och fysiska kanaler i sin köpbeslutsprocess. Detta har utvecklat omnikanaler, där showrooming är en framväxande konsumtionstrend. Showrooming syftar till situationen då en konsument söker information via en fysisk kanal och sedan genomför köpet genom en digital kanal.  Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur kundvärdet påverkar kanalvalen i den förlängda köpbeslutsprocessen till att konsumenten utövar showrooming eller aktivt väljer bort showrooming. Kundvärdet definieras i denna studie som en avvägning mellan behovsuppfyllnad och uppstådda kostnader. Showrooming undersöks mestadels utifrån företagens perspektiv, och således bidrar denna studie till ökad kunskap utifrån konsumentens perspektiv. Att förstå detaljhandelsfenomenet utifrån detta perspektiv är av betydelse för företag, eftersom de då ges möjligheten att utforma värdeerbjudanden som medför att konsumenten fortsätter välja deras kanaler.  Studien är genomförd utifrån en kvalitativ design där intervjuer har använts för att få en nyanserad förklaring från konsumenternas perspektiv. Därav gjordes valet att inkludera respondenter med olika erfarenheter, för att erhålla flera perspektiv. Totalt genomfördes 14 intervjuer med respondenter som besatt olika erfarenheter av fenomenet, där tio av dessa vid något tillfälle valt att utöva showrooming. Det var av betydelse att respondenterna skilde sig åt och hade blandade erfarenheter för att belysa det presenterade syftet. Studien identifierade att personliga preferenser är avgörande för de kanalval som tas i köpbeslutsprocessen. Det var tydligt att kundvärde är drivande för respondenternas beslut, där detta avgörs av personliga preferenser. Stegen där konsumenterna väljer kanal är avgörande för eventuellt utövande av showrooming. / The development of technology has led to an increased amount of channels between companies and customers. This enables consumers to move freely across these channels to create and design their purchase experience after desired need. This development has contributed to customers using both digital and physical channels during their purchase decision-making process. This has developed omnichannels, where showrooming is a growing consumption trend. Showrooming refers to the situation where a consumer seeks information through a physical channel, and then completes the purchase through a digital channel. The purpose of this study is to explain how customer value affects the channel choice in the extended purchase decision-making process if the customer decides to practice showrooming or actively deselect it. Customer value is defined as a value trade-off between need fulfillment and emerged costs in this study. Showrooming is mostly investigated from a business perspective, and thus this study contributes with increased knowledge from a consumer perspective. To understand this retail phenomenon from this perspective is of importance for businesses, since they are given the opportunity to create value propositions which entails that the consumer stays within their channels. The study is accomplished through a qualitative design, where interviews have been used to get a nuanced explanation from the consumer perspective. Thereby, the choice was made to include diverse respondents to obtain different perspectives. A total number of 14 interviews were conducted with respondents with different experience of the phenomenon, where ten of these had chosen to perform showrooming at some point. It was of importance that the respondents differed and possessed different experience to receive a nuanced understanding from the presented purpose. The study identified that personal preferences are crucial for the channel choices through the purchase decision-making process. It was clear that customer value was of importance for the respondent’s decisions, where this was determined by personal preferences. The stages where consumers choose a channel is crucial for if showrooming will be practiced or not.

Villkor och förutsättningar för rektorers beslut kring nyanlända elever. : En fallstudie om beslutsfattande och organisatoriskt lärande i tre kommuner / Conditions and prerequisites of decision-making concerning newly arrived students : A case-study about decision-making and organizational learning in three municipalities

Tistad, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
During the 2010s Swedish principals received an increased responsibility to make decisions regarding the schooling for individual students. Simultaneously the influx of immigrants to Sweden was high and the responsibility of sorting out housing and schools for the migrants was split between the municipalities. This meant more schools received responsibility for newly arrived students. Laws and regulations regarding newly arrived was changed gradually after 2015 and principals were given increased responsibility of the decision-making. In the light of this a case study was designed to increase knowledge about decision making and influencing process relating to newly arrived students schooling. A partial purpose was to deepen the understanding around principals’ conditions and prerequisites to make decisions in line with the education act. Principals and representatives of the administration in the form of unit managers for mother tongue or reception units were interviewed. The study’s theoretical perspective emanates from theories of bounded rationality, institutional logics and a framework on organizational learning that describes how routines are developed. The result showed that decision-making was influenced by the frames and organizational conditions which existed in the context of each municipality and school. The decision-making usually happened with the hallmark of bounded rationality; the decision makers used solutions which had worked prior to achieve a result that they regarded as sufficient. This meant that the organizational solutions that were available in the organization prior were used to incorporate the new students in the school. Decision-making could be understood from several competing institutional logics: to realize political goals and comply with legislation (bureaucratic logic), to be an attractive school (market logic), to provide students with a good education (professional logic) and to use resources efficiently (organizational logic). The three cases showed major differences regarding the development of routines in the organisation. In one of the municipalities there were routines in place for a few important areas of decisions such as school placement processes and home multilingual classroom assistance. This led to a quick reception and school start for the newly arrived students while the lack of a functional routine in another municipality led to long school placement processes and frustration among the decision-makers. The results of the study points to the importance of having discussions on individual, group and organizational levels to develop routines which reduces the need of repeated decision-making. The result deepens the understanding of the complex context principals and unit managers must deal with in decision-making and underlines the importance of having discussions at the individual, group and organizational level to develop routines that reduce the need for repeated decision-making. / Svenska rektorer fick under 2010-talet ett gradvis utökat ansvar för att fatta beslut kring enskilda elevers skolgång. Samtidigt tog Sverige emot många nyanlända och ansvaret för att ordna boende och skola för gruppen fördelades mellan alla Sveriges kommuner. Det innebar att fler skolor fick ansvar för nyanlända elever. Lagstiftning och reglering kring nyanlända elever förändrades successivt efter 2015 och rektor fick utökat ansvar för beslutsfattandet. Med detta som bakgrund utformades en fallstudie med syfte att öka kunskap om besluts- och påverkansprocesser kring nyanlända elevers skolgång. Ett delsyfte var att fördjupa förståelsen kring rektorers villkor och förutsättningar att fatta beslut som följer skollagen. Rektorer och representanter för förvaltningen i form av enhetschefer för modersmåls- eller mottagningsenheter intervjuades. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår från teorier om begränsad rationalitet, institutionella logiker och ett ramverk om organisatoriskt lärande som beskriver hur rutiner utvecklas. Resultatet visar att beslutsfattandet påverkades av de ramar och organisatoriska villkor som fanns i respektive kommun och i respektive skolas kontext. Beslutsfattandet skedde ofta med den begränsade rationalitetens kännetecken: beslutsfattarna använde sig av lösningar som fungerat tidigare för att uppnå ett resultat som de uppfattade som tillräckligt bra. Det innebar att de organisatoriska lösningar som fanns tillhands i organisationen sedan tidigare användes för att slussa in de nyanlända eleverna i skolan. Beslutsfattandet gick att förstå utifrån flera konkurrerande institutionella logiker: att förverkliga politiska mål och följa lagstiftningen (byråkratisk logik), att vara en attraktiv skola (marknadslogik), att ge eleverna en god utbildning (professionell logik) och att utnyttja resurser effektivt (organisationslogik). De tre fallen uppvisade stora skillnader gällande utvecklandet av rutiner i organisationen. I en av kommunerna fanns rutiner på plats för flera viktiga beslutsområden som skolplacering och studiehandledning på modersmålet. Det ledde till snabbt mottagande och skolstart för de nyanlända, medan avsaknad av fungerande rutin i en annan kommun ledde till utdragna skolplaceringsprocesser och frustration bland beslutsfattarna. Resultatet fördjupar förståelsen för den komplexa kontext rektorer och enhetschefer har att hantera i beslutsfattandet och understryker vikten av att föra diskussioner på individ-, grupp och organisationsnivå för att utveckla rutiner som minskar behovet att upprepat beslutsfattande.

Cross-Cultural communication in Ghana : Hofstede’s cultural dimensions impact Ghanaian’s purchase decision

Assi, Issa January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The article describes how cross-cultural communication might impact purchase decisions in the fourth stage of the decision-making process. It also examines how cultural value influences the Ghanaian consumer. The results and conclusions aim to help MNEs comprehend Ghanaian culture. Literature review: The reviewed literature discussed cross-cultural communication. Such as Hofstede's cultural aspects and how they affect the purchase decision. The author offered six hypotheses for the research model from the literature review. Methodology: A quantitative research design was used with a deductive research technique. An online questionnaire constructed with Google Forms was used to collect primary data, and it received 154 replies. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach's alpha, and Pearson's correlation were used to analyse the data. Findings: Hofstede's cultural qualities are positively linked to purchase decisions. Indulgence is the most vital link. The correlation research linked buying decisions to Hofstede's cultural characteristics. Positive connections were made. The thesis author analyses empirical data showing that Ghanaians keep to their culture but also follow trends.


Turos, Jessica M. 12 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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