Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe ordinary"" "subject:"hhe ordinary""
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Hibridinių sistemų modeliavimas naudojant agregatinį metodą / The use of piece-linear aggregates for specification and simulation of hybrid systemsSimaitis, Laurynas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe pristatomas PLA formalizmo metodas, skirtas aprašyti ir imituoti hibridines sistemas, kurių tolydiniai komponentai aprašomi pirmos eilės diferencialinėmis lygtimis. Pasinaudojus PLA formalizmu suformuluosime Kvantuotų būsenų sistemos modelį (QSS). QSS modelis yra integravimu pagrįstas metodas, skirtas spręsti pirmos eilės diferencialines lygtis. Šis modelis buvo suformuluotas DEVS formalizmo aplinkoje, kuris yra giminingas PLA formalizmui. Hibridinės sistemos pavyzdžiu pasirinktas farmakokinetinis modelis. Farmakokinetika yra farmakologijos mokslo šaka, tyrinėjant vartojamų vaistų pasisavinimą ir absorbciją žmogaus kūne. Farmakokinetiniame modelyje vaistų pasiskirstymas aprašomas pirmos eilės diferencialines lygtimis. Tam, kad būtų galima aprašyti šį modelį QSS pagalba, buvo reikalinga patobulinti QSS modelį. Rezultate gautas pakeistas QSS modelis. Naudojant pakeistą QSS modelį buvo sudarytas farmakokinetinis modelis ir atliktas vaistų koncentracijos kitimo imitavimas paciento kūne, kai pacientas reguliuoja vaistų suleidimą. / This paper presents the method of using Piece Linear Aggregates formalism (PLA) for specification and simulation of hybrid systems, when continuous components are described in ordinary differential equations (ODEs). PLA is used to create Quantized State System (QSS) model. QSS is integration based method, created for ODE solving. Since QSS method first was introduced for use in Discreet Event Systems (DEVS) formalism, we adapted it for PLA formalism, which is fundamentally consanguineous to DEVS formalism. Pharmacokinetics model is used as example of hybrid system. Pharmacokinetics is a branch of pharmacology which describes administered drug absorption and distribution in human body. In pharmacokinetics drug distribution is described using ODE. In order to use drug injection in pharmacokinetics model, we have to modify standard QSS model and add some specific capabilities. In the result: modified QSS method was obtained and used for pharmacokinetic model specification. Simulation of morphine concentration in plasma was performed using real pharmacokinetics data to test Patient-Controlled Analgesia method effectiveness.
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Le renvoi des jeunes contrevenants aux tribunaux pour adultes : la loi et les pratiquesRoy, Mélanie 12 1900 (has links)
La mesure d'exception de renvoi des adolescents vers les tribunaux pour adultes qui était prévue par la
Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, désormais abolie, est le sujet de cette recherche. Depuis quelques
années, des modifications apportées à la mesure de renvoi sont venues faciliter la procédure permettant
d'envoyer un adolescent devant la juridiction criminelle adulte. Les années qui se sont écoulées depuis
les amendements législatifs apportés en 1992 et 1995 à la mesure de renvoi et les nouveaux changements
apportés par la récente Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents soulèvent
inévitablement plusieurs questions. La question principale de recherche concerne plus particulièrement
l'étude des perceptions des différents acteurs impliqués (juges, procureurs de la Couronne et avocats de
la défense) dans le processus judiciaire quant aux changements sur leur pratique et ce, dans le contexte
des amendements législatifs. Nous voulons vérifier si les changements apportés permettent toujours aux
différents praticiens de privilégier en matière de renvoi les mesures de traitement, de réhabilitation,
d'aide ou d'éducation. Par l'analyse des résultats d'entrevues que nous avons effectuées avec différents
acteurs judiciaires, nous concluons que les perceptions sont à l'effet qu'il n'y a eu que peu de
modifications aux pratiques. Les différents acteurs perçoivent qu'ils ont pu, malgré les amendements,
privilégier la réhabilitation de l'adolescent et ce, malgré le fait qu'ils aient aussi la perception que les
modifications apportées aient un caractère de plus en plus répressif. / The exceptional measure of youth transfer to ordinary court, which was prescribed by the recently
abolished Young of Jenders Act, is the subject ofthis research. Over the last few years, some
amendments thave modified the measure of transfer which has eased the procedure to transfer a youth to
an ordinary court.The years that have passed since the legislative amendments enacted in 1992 and 1995
to the transfer provisions and the changes brought by the recent Youth Criminal Justice Act raise several
questions. The principal question of this research particularly concerns the manner in which the actors
(judges, Crown prosecutors and defense lawyer) involved in the judicial proceedings perceive the
changes in their practices within the context of the amendments. We want to verify ifthe different actors
are still able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and
education despite the fact that the legislative provisions are more repressive. With the help ofthe results
obtained from the interviews heId with differents actors, we conclude that the perceptions indicate that
there is not much change in the practices. The different actors, despite the amendments, perceive that
they were able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and
education, even though they believe that the amendments are more and more repressive. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"
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Paprastųjų diferencialinių lygčių sistemų su ypatuma kraštiniai uždaviniai / The boundary value problems for a system of ordinary differential equations with singularityStatkevičiūtė, Odeta 08 August 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjami paprastųjų tiesinių antros eilės diferencialinių lygčių sistemos su ypatuma kraštiniai uždaviniai. Ištirta sprendinių asimptotika ypatingojo taško aplinkoje. Surasti lygčių sistemos sprendinio įverčiai. Nagrinėjamų diferencialinių uždavinių sprendiniai, konstruojami naudojant integralinius operatorius. Įrodyta sprendinių vienatis. / In this paper the some boundary value problems for a system of ordinary second order differential equations with singularity are considered. The asymptotic of solutions in the neighborhood of singular point are discussed. The estimates of the solution are given. The solutions of considered differential problems are constructed using some integral operators. The uniqueness of the solutions is proved.
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Using Mathematical Modelling to Evaluate Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Programs in CanadaRogers, Carley 09 October 2013 (has links)
Mathematical models provide unique insights to real-world problems. Within the context of infectious diseases, models are used to explore the dynamics of infections and control mechanisms. Human papillomavirus (HPV) globally infects about 630 million people, many of these infections develop into cancers and genital warts. Vaccines are available to protect against the most prevalent and devastating strains of HPV. The introduction of this vaccine as part of a national immunization program in Canada is a complex decision for policy-makers in which mathematical models can play a key role. We use the current recommendations provided by the World Health Organization to explore the integral role mathematical models have in the decision to incorporate the HPV vaccine within a national immunization program. We then provide a review of the literature discussing the role of mathematical models in the decision to include a vaccine in a national immunization program within the context of the HPV vaccine. Next, we evaluate the current standing of mathematical models used within the context of HPV immunization, to highlight the types of models used, underlying assumptions and general recommendations made about these immunization programs. Then, we create and analyze a model to explore the possibility of bettering the current HPV vaccine strategy in Canada. We focus on the effects of the grade of vaccination and the number of doses required to eradicate the targeted strains of HPV.
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"De står tillsammans och försöker förstå det ofattbara" : Medierade sorgeyttringar i svensk nyhetsjournalistikForsberg, Anette January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Master thesis was to examine news journalism covering expressions of mourning related to violent or unexpected deaths. What rituals for mourning are brought out in media and do media present guidance to how mourners should behave?</p><p> </p><p>The questions examined were: What characterised news events that leaded to texts on expressions of mourning? How was grief framed? Which narrative patterns were there in the texts? How was the deceased represented? How were the mourners represented?</p><p> </p><p>165 texts, from Swedish daily newspapers, covering 93 different news events were analysed. The methods were mainly discourse analysis with focus on identities and relations, but also semiotic analysis with focus on staging and symbols and narrative analysis with focus on patterns for storytelling.</p><p> </p><p>The result showed that a news story about ordinary people expressing their feelings of grief has elements of melodrama. The news story is based on the myth of the victim, and formed as a typical story where equilibrium is disturbed when the inconceivable happens and the mourners can by their actions restore equilibrium. The paradigms behind are the opposites</p><p>life – death and good – evil. </p><p> </p><p>The deceased is represented as a victim in a mythic sense. The most important qualities of a victim are youth, innocence and goodness. The victim is framed as a person we could sympathise and identify with. The mourners in the texts praise the victim and sanctify the place where the victim died with candles, roses and notes. The mourners are essential to the story; they create identification and an identity that include us as readers in a community and a discourse of mourning and mourners. The ordinary people who appear as mourners in the texts are relatives and close friends of the victim, but also mourning tourists, media chosen friends and anonymous women who are represented, in a stereotypical way, as the professional female mourner who weep over the deceased. In some texts celebrities appear as mourners of ordinary people, and they personalize how the distinction between public and private is erased in popular journalism. They also might give a kind of legitimacy to the way media frame the story about ordinary people mourning the innocent victim.</p><p> </p><p>Some texts had a partly diverging story. If the victim, in some aspect, could not be framed as innocent the paradigm good – evil became problematic. When victims or mourners had foreign origin the contrast us – them was added. In some texts the ethical code for Swedish journalists was disregarded, mainly by publishing information on ethnicity or by interviewing children and people in shock</p>
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Ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση μεθοδολογίας για τη δημιουργία πλεγματικών (gridded) ισοτοπικών δεδομένωνΣαλαμαλίκης, Βασίλειος 20 April 2011 (has links)
Διάφορες κλιματολογικές, υδρολογικές και περιβαλλοντικές μελέτες απαιτούν ακριβή γνώση της χωρικής κατανομής των σταθερών ισοτόπων του υδρογόνου και του οξυγόνου στον υετό. Δεδομένου ότι ο αριθμός των σταθμών συλλογής δειγμάτων υετού για ισοτοπική ανάλυση είναι μικρός και όχι ομογενώς κατανεμημένος σε πλανητικό επίπεδο, η πλανητκή κατανομή των σταθερών ισοτόπων μπορεί να υπολογισθεί μέσω της δημιουργίας πλεγματικών ισοτοπικών δεδομένων, για τη δημιουργία των οποίων έχουν προταθεί διάφορες μέθοδοι. Ορισμένες χρησιμοποιούν εμπειρικές σχέσεις και γεωστατιστικές μεθόδους ώστε να ελαχιστοποιήσουν τα σφάλματα λόγω παρεμβολής. Στην εργασία αυτή γίνεται μια προσπάθεια να δημιουργηθούν βάσεις πλεγματικών δεδομένων της ισοτοπικής σύστασης του υετού με ανάλυση 10΄ × 10΄ για την περιοχή της Κεντρικής και Ανατολικής Μεσογείου. Προσδιορίζονται στατιστικά πρότυπα λαμβάνοντας υπ’ όψιν γεωγραφικές και μετεωρολογικές παραμέτρους, ως ανεξάρτητες μεταβλητές. Η αρχική μεθοδολογία χρησιμοποιεί μόνο το υψόμετρο της περιοχής και το γεωγραφικό της πλάτος ως ανεξάρτητες μεταβλητές. Επειδή η ισοτοπική σύσταση εξαρτάται και από το γεωγραφικό μήκος προστέθηκαν στα υφιστάμενα πρότυπα, εκτός των γεωγραφικών μεταβλητών και μετεωρολογικές. Προτείνεται σειρά προτύπων τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν είτε ορισμένες είτε συνδυασμό αυτών των παραμέτρων. Η αξιολόγηση των προτύπων γίνεται με εφαρμογή των μεθόδων Thin Plate Splines (TPSS) και Ordinary Kriging (ΟΚ). / Several climatic, hydrological and environmental studies require the accurate knowledge of the spatial distribution of stable isotopes in precipitation. Since the number of rain sampling stations for isotope analysis is small and not evenly distributed around the globe, the global distribution of stable isotopes can be calculated via the production of gridded isotopic data sets. Several methods have been proposed for this purpose. Some of them use empirical equations and geostatistical methods in order to minimize eventual errors due to interpolation. In this work a methodology is proposed for the development of 10΄ × 10΄ gridded isotopic data of precipitation in Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Statistical models are developed taking into account geographical and meteorological parameters as independent variables. The initial methodology takes into account only the altitude and latitude of an area. Since however the isotopic composition of precipitation depends also on longitude, the existing models have been modified by adding meteorological parameters as independent variables also. A series of models is proposed taking into account some or a combination of the above mentioned variables. The models are validated using the Thin Plate Smoothing Splines (TPSS) and the Ordinary Kriging (OK) methods.
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La question de la nomination dans l’œuvre de Maurice Blanchot / The question of nomination in Maurice Blanchot’s works.Călin, Anca 17 October 2013 (has links)
Qu’est-ce que lire ? Qu’est-ce qu’écrire ? Ou plus généralement, qu’est-ce que la littérature et comment se ‘fabrique’-t-elle ? Ce sont les questions qui obsèdent Maurice Blanchot et auxquelles il tente de répondre. Ce questionnement incessant le conduit à construire un espace littéraire pour interroger la question de la nomination, concept-clé de son œuvre.Notre thèse se propose de faire la généalogie de cette question du processus de nomination dans l’œuvre de Maurice Blanchot et de réfléchir sur l’espace littéraire qu’elle met au jour. Nous insisterons tout particulièrement sur le rapport lecteur-écrivain à travers la différence entre langage ordinaire et langage littéraire.Nous comprenons la lecture et l’écriture, non pas comme des actes mécaniques de rédaction et de déchiffrage de mots, mais comme deux processus intellectuels qui rendent possible ce que nous appellerons dans notre travail l’impossible nomination chez Blanchot. En fait, la lecture et l’écriture comme actes littéraires ne servent pas à comprendre, exprimer et influencer le monde, le but déclaré du langage ordinaire ; elles ont plutôt pour mission de réfléchir sur la prose du monde, sorte de but dissimulé du langage littéraire. Blanchot construit ainsi tout son système conceptuel à partir de l’opposition entre le langage ordinaire (la langue comme outil) et le langage littéraire (le corps de la langue et sa fabrication comme acte de création). Et c’est à partir de ce point central que nous articulons notre projet général : comment la matière brute de la langue conduit à fabriquer la littérature, ce qui revient à interroger le lire et l’écrire en littérature finalement ? / What is reading? What is writing? Or more generally, what is literature and how is it ‘manufactured’? These are Maurice Blanchot’s obsessive questions to which he tries to answer. This continuous questioning pushes him to build up a literary space in order to make queries with regard to the issue of nomination, a key concept of his works.Our thesis aims at building the genealogy of this topic of the nomination process in Maurice Blanchot’s works and at thinking about the literary space which it brings to light. We will focus specially on the relationship reader-writer through the difference between ordinary language and literary language.We do not see writing and reading as two mechanical activities of writing down words and decoding them, but as two intellectual processes which make possible what we will call in our thesis the impossible nomination from Blanchot’s works. Indeed, reading and writing as literary acts are not meant to understand, express and affect the world, which is the declared purpose of the ordinary language; their mission is rather to reflect on the prose of the world, a kind of hidden goal of the literary language. Blanchot sets up a whole system of concepts based on the opposition between ordinary language (the language as a tool) and literary language (the body of the language and its manufacturing as an act of creation). It is precisely based on this landmark that we structure our general project: how does the raw material of the language lead to the creation of literature, which in the end comes to questioning the reading and the writing in literature?
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Se disputer le "vrai" racisme : qualifications ordinaires, enjeux moraux et frontières symboliques : une étude d'un corpus de commentaires d'internautes. / Competing for the "real" racism : ordinary qualifications, moral issues and symbolic boundariesMazzega, Matthieu 06 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les cadres moraux et symboliques par lesquels les individus se saisissent et se disputent la question du racisme en France. La problématique générale porte ainsi sur les modalités de qualification du racisme d’une part et sur les enjeux de cette qualification de l’autre. Pour répondre à cela, cette recherche s’appuie sur un large corpus de commentaires d’internautes extraits des sites de Libération et du Figaro dans le cadre de dix affaires faisant intervenir, dans des proportions diverses, la question du racisme. L’analyse se présente ainsi en trois temps. En premier lieu, la thèse reprend les principales analyses sociologiques du racisme en France. En pointant la dynamique de celles-ci et en posant certaines hypothèses quant au formes contemporaines du racisme, cette première partie démontre la nécessité à une approche « par le bas » du racisme et ce par l’idée de la « question du racisme » en France. En un second temps, l’analyse empirique se focalise alors sur les supports et enjeux de la qualification du racisme. Inspirés par la sociologie pragmatique et l’approche phénoménologique, nous nous attachons alors à identifier comment les participants construisent, justifient ou réfutent une relation entre un évènement particulier et la question du racisme. L’identification des connaissances ordinaires et des objets particuliers supportant cette relation permet alors de discuter comment les individus qualifient le racisme « en situation ». En parallèle, l’analyse porte également sur les conflits qui naissent entre les individus vis-à-vis de ces même processus de qualification. En effet, loin d’être consensuel, le travail de qualification du racisme est marqué par une très grande diversité de formes et de contenus. De là, en suivant les cadres et enjeux de ces controverses, cette thèse s’intéresse à « ce que veut dire » le racisme dans les discussions ordinaires. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, l’analyse porte sur les manières dont les participants relient responsabilité du racisme et appartenance. Que ce soit par l’intermédiaire de la « classe » ou de la « race », au sein des discours étudiés, l’origine et la responsabilité du racisme sont régulièrement attachées à des positions sociales particulières. L’exploration de ces liens et des frontières symboliques qui s’en dégagent démontre que ce sont là encore certains cadres moraux et symboliques particuliers qui balisent ces rapprochements. La thèse montre que la question du racisme lorsqu’elle intervient dans des discussions ordinaires renvoie à un univers moral particulier. Loin de discuter uniquement la présence et/ou la définition du phénomène du racisme, les individus s’appuient sur cette question pour discuter des valeurs morales légitimes ou non et plus loin pour les distribuer entre les groupes, définis socialement ou racialement. En retour, nos conclusions mettent alors en lumière une disjonction importante entre phénomène du racisme et question du racisme au niveau ordinaire et discutent alors les conséquences de cet écart sur la dynamique et la visibilité du véritable racisme. / This dissertation explores the moral and symbolic frames used by individuals to define and dispute the issue of racism in France. The general problematic consists in addressing the ways the racism is qualified by individuals on the one hand and on the ordi-nary challenges of this qualification on the other. To answer this, the analysis is based on a large corpus of online posts from two French newspapers’ websites, Liberation and Le Figaro, within ten cases involving the issue of racism.At the first stage, we discuss the main sociological approaches of racism in France. By pointing their dynamics while addressing certain assumptions about the contemporary forms of racism, this first section is insisting on the need for a “bottom-up” approach of racism through the idea of the "issue of racism”" in France. Afterwards, the empirical analysis then focuses specifically on the processes of qualification of racism. We strive then to identify how participants construct, justify or refute a relationship between a particular event and the issue of racism. The identification of ordinary knowledge and specific objects supporting this relation-ship lead to a discussion about how individuals qualify racism "in situ". In parallel, the analysis also addresses inter-individual conflicts that arise concerning these same qualification processes. Indeed, far from being consensual, the work of qualification is defined by a great diversity of forms and contents. From there, focusing on the development and issues raised by these contro-versies, the analysis consists in understanding what racism means in ordinary discussions. Finally, in a last stage, the analysis concentrates on the ways in which participants connect responsibility of racism and specific membership. Whether through refer-ences to "class" or "race", within the corpus, the origin and the responsibility of racism are regularly attached to particular social positions. The exploration of those relationships and symbolic boundaries that emerge enlightens the importance of the moral and symbolic frameworks used by individuals to talk the racism.In general, this research shows that the issue of racism when it occurs in ordinary discussions refers to a particular moral realm. Far from discussing only the actual presence and / or definition of the phenomenon of racism, people rely on this to discuss the legitimate moral values or not and further to distribute morality between groups defined socially or racially. In return, our conclu-sions then highlight a significant disjunction between the phenomenon of racism and the issue of racism at the ordinary level and discuss the consequences of this regarding the dynamics and the visibility of real racism.
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Clinique de la psychose ordinaire avec des enfants et des adolescents / Ordinary psychosis clinic in children and adolescentsSaldarriaga Alzate, Ana Victoria 09 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la clinique de la psychose avec des enfants et des adolescents à partir de deux diagnostics : dans la première partie, le diagnostic de « Psychose ordinaire », d’orientation lacanienne, et, dans la seconde partie, ce qui a été qualifié par des orientations postfreudiennes de « limite », soit un « cas », un « état » ou un « trouble ». Des séries de cas respectifs ont été examinés, à partir des rapports écrits par les psychanalystes de chaque orientation. Dans cette recherche, nous avons pu vérifier que lorsque des changements immédiats et positifs sont arrivés dans le cours même des séances, ils le sont toujours grâce à l’établissement du transfert. Dans cette perspective, Lacan a souligné que les cas dit « limites » sont en réalité des cas d’acting out, où le sujet cherche à pousser le transfert depuis le registre imaginaire des significations vers l’opération symbolique dans laquelle doivent être pris les signifiants de la langue ou de la lalangue qu’il prononce. Ce que les « cas limites » mettent en relief est la « limite transférentielle ». Dans la psychose ordinaire, les suppléances imaginaires réussies par le sujet seul ont acquis en présence de l’autre réel du transfert des supports symboliques stables. Dans la psychose extraordinaire, où ces suppléances manquent et l’appel du sujet à un autre est fait à travers différentes manifestations de la jouissance, l’acquisition du support signifiant est suffisant pour des changements subjectifs significatifs et l’établissement de liens sociaux. Grâce au transfert l’état extraordinaire devient ordinaire et on peut dire que dans la clinique de la psychose, il y a un avant et un après le transfert. / This thesis approaches the clinical psychosis with children and adolescents from two different diagnoses: in the first part, the diagnosis of "ordinary psychosis", Lacanian orientation, and, in the second, what has been qualified by certain guidelines post-Freudian "limit", be it a "case", a "state" or a "disorder”. The respective case series have been examined from texts written by psychoanalysts of each orientation. In this thesis, we have been able to verify that, when there have been immediate and positive changes in the actual course of the sessions, it has been thanks to the establishment of the transfer. From this point of view, Lacan has emphasized that the cases qualified as "borderline" are really acts of acting out, through which the subject seeks to turn the transfer of the imaginary register of significations towards the register of the signifiers. In this record, what counts is the symbolic operation in which are taken these signifiers of the language or the lalangue pronounced by the subject. In the ordinary psychosis, the imaginary substitutions, achieved by the subject alone, have acquired, in the presence of the other reality of the transference, stable symbolic supports. In the extraordinary psychosis, when these substitutions have been lacking and the subject makes their call to the other through different manifestations of enjoyment, the acquisition of significant support is sufficient to achieve meaningful subjective changes and the establishment of social bonds. Thanks to the transfer, the extraordinary state becomes ordinary and one can say that in the clinical psychosis there is a before and an after the transfer.
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[pt] O potencial da energia solar para a geração de energia elétrica no mundo é sem dúvida o maior dos potenciais das fontes energéticas renováveis, com uma capacidade de produção de eletricidade estimada em 745,8 TWh por ano. Embora não seja responsável por uma parte significativa da matriz elétrica mundial, o crescimento do setor fotovoltaico no mundo é notável. A capacidade instalada mundial de centrais fotovoltaicas cresceu 39 por cento no ano 2013. Os mapas mundiais de radiação solar mostram que aqueles que mais investem em energia solar fotovoltaica não são necessariamente aqueles cujo território recebe a maior quantidade deste recurso. O Brasil, com um grande potencial solar, confirmado por diversos levantamentos, não é um dos principais produtores de eletricidade a partir de sistemas
fotovoltaicos. Este setor no Brasil é ainda incipiente, porém, uma das estratégias do país para promover a implementação de sistemas fotovoltaicos é um mecanismo de net metering para mini e micro produtores. Diversos especialistas afirmam que esta estratégia poderia gerar um grande volume de empreendimentos em pequena e média escala nos próximos anos. Este trabalho fornece uma ferramenta de informação sobre a radiação solar no estado do Rio de Janeiro, conformada por mapas de radiação solar global e dados de
anos meteorológicos típicos. Com base nos dados gerados, realizaram-se simulações para estimar a radiação solar incidente e a eletricidade produzida por painéis fotovoltaicos em diferentes configurações fixas e com rastreamento. Avaliaram-se os ganhos e perdas ocasionados por cada configuração em
relação a configuração horizontal. / [en] Solar energy potential for electricity generation undoubtedly surmounts the potential of all the other renewable energy sources, with an estimated electricity production capacity of 745.8 TWh per year. Albeit
solar energy does not account for a significant share of the world electricity matrix, the growth of the photovoltaic market in the world is remarkable: the installed PV capacity increased in 39 percent on 2013. Nevertheless, the world maps of solar radiation show that the countries that invest the most in solar photovoltaic energy are not necessarily the ones that receive the highest solar radiation. Brazil, with an important solar potential, confirmed by diverse assessments, is not one of the main producers of PV-generated electricity. The PV-market in Brazil is still immature, however, one of the strategies of the Government to promote the implementation of PV systems is a net metering mechanism for mini and micro producers. Different specialists claim that this strategy could generate a big volume of new endeavors
in small and medium scale in the next years. This study provides information tools about solar radiation in Rio de Janeiro. It comprises maps of global solar radiation in horizontal surfaces and Typical Meteorological
Year data sets. Simulations were performed based on the generated data to estimate the incident solar radiation and the electricity produced by PV systems in different fixed and tracking configurations. The gains and losses caused by each configuration with respect to the horizontal configuration were evaluated.
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