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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Portrait et analyse des stratégies à base territoriale pour contrer la pauvreté et l'exclusion dans le territoire de La Petite-Patrie à Montréal. Conditions d’une action intégrée

Bamogo, Manegdo Alexis 12 1900 (has links)
L’objet de la présente thèse est la lutte contre la pauvreté. Elle cherche à identifier les conditions favorisant la sortie de la pauvreté dans un territoire urbain, ici le quartier de la Petite-Patrie. par une approche territoriale intégrée. S’inscrivant dans la mouvance des multiples initiatives de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion au Québec, le postulat qui fonde cette recherche est le suivant : la lutte contre la pauvreté par l’approche territoriale intégrée permet : 1) d’instaurer des conditions favorisant la sortie de la pauvreté et 2) de renverser les processus qui mènent à l’appauvrissement des personnes et, du même coup, d’améliorer les conditions et la qualité de vie de celles-ci dans un territoire particulier. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent : 1) de contribuer à la compréhension des dynamiques de lutte contre la pauvreté grâce à une approche considérant les acteurs agissant dans un territoire et, 2) d’éclairer les différents niveaux de conception et de mise en œuvre des politiques et des stratégies d’action, tant au niveau de l’État que de la société civile, sachant que les dispositifs d’intervention intégrés se créent à l’interface des initiatives locales ou régionales et des nouvelles formes de politiques publiques en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté. Les grandes conclusions qui émergent de cette recherche sont au nombre de trois : 1) Si la multidimentionnalité de la pauvreté est acceptée par plusieurs auteurs, on ne peut pas parler d’une seule pauvreté, mais de diverses pauvretés. Les visages de la pauvreté dans le territoire de La Petite-Patrie témoignent de cette diversité des pauvretés, et appellent une variété de stratégies d’action ; 2) Les personnes en situation de pauvreté, en fonction de leurs capacités d’agir, peuvent être appréhendées selon un double profil qui structure de façon importante leur processus de sortie de la pauvreté : le premier groupe rassemble les personnes en situation de pauvreté qui ont des initiatives découlant de leurs capacités d’agir, et le second groupe qui réunit les personnes en situation de pauvreté dont la capacité d’initiative est altérée, apparemment de façon durable, par leurs conditions de vie. Toute stratégie publique de sortie de la pauvreté dans un espace donné devrait alors considérer cette dimension relative aux capacités de rapprochement des individus et des ressources pour soutenir le développement d’une stratégie territoriale intégrée de lutte à la pauvreté plus efficace pour les personnes dont le processus de désaffiliation est plus avancé; 3) Les acteurs de lutte contre la pauvreté dans un territoire, pour réunir les conditions d’une action intégrée et mettre en place des conditions favorables de lutte contre la pauvreté, doivent s’appuyer sur la concertation, les alliances intersectorielles, le leadership inclusif et concerté, les passerelles formelles et fonctionnelles entre acteurs institutionnels, et sur une démarche hybride (emploi et défense des droits) qui constituent des ingrédients fondamentaux pour toute action ou intervention en faveur des personnes en situation de pauvreté vivant dans un cadre territorial défini et accepté par l’ensemble des acteurs locaux. Ce caractère hybride de la démarche permet d’agir de façon différenciée sur les deux groupes de la population. L’intégration est donc avant tout stratégique, c’est-à-dire fondée sur l’articulation d’une pluralité de logique d’action. / The subject of this PhD thesis is the fight against poverty. It aims at identify the conditions that promote transitioning out of poverty within an urban environment- in this case the Petite-Patrie district of Montreal-through an integrated territorial approach (ITA). This research fits into the various initiatives of fighting against poverty and exclusion in Quebec. This research is based on the following fundamental assumption: the use of an integrated territorial approach in the fight against poverty allows: (1) to implement conditions promoting a transition out of poverty and (2) to reverse the processes that lead to poverty, and, at the same time improve standards of living and quality of life of residents of a specific territory. The findings of this research make it possible: (1) to contribute to understanding the various mechanisms of the fight against poverty by considering the various stakeholders in a specific territory, and (2) to highlight the various types of designs and implementations of policies and development strategies, both at the State and Civil society levels, while taking into account that integrated intervention mechanisms should be developed where local and regional initiatives meet /interact with new types of public policies dealing with fight against poverty. The research led to three findings: (1) while most researchers agree that poverty has many dimensions, it is impossible to refer to only one poverty; there are many aspects or types of poverty. The various types of poverty encountered in the Petite-Patrie district support this assumption. It also calls for multiple and relevant strategies; (2) people living in poverty can be assessed according to their abilities to act or react and divided in two groups: the first group cover people living in poverty who take some initiatives according to their abilities to act; the second group cover people whose abilities to act have been reduced, may be permanently, by their living conditions. People’s abilities to act or the lack thereof, will impact the strategies implemented in the fight against poverty. Any public policy dealing with transitioning out of poverty in a specific territory must make sure there are resources available close to the people targeted, in order to support the development of a more effective integrated territorial approach in the fight against poverty when targeting people who are more disenfranchised. (3) In order to promote the prerequisites for an integrated approach in the fight against poverty in a specific territory, the relevant stakeholders must rely on collaboration, on alliances between the various sectors of society, upon an inclusive leadership and upon formal and functional linkages between the various institutions involved. There is also the need to use a dual approach -promoting employment and upholding human rights- two key factors in any intervention targeting people living in poverty in a specific territory, and taken into account by the local stakeholders. This dual approach allows intervening using different ways for the two groups defined. The integrated approach is essentially a strategy for coordinating a variety of measures.

Représenter et construire la psychiatrie en France, 1801-1863 : l'art des premiers aliénistes

Jubinville, Ginette 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis les quatre dernières décennies, des publications célèbres analysent l’histoire, l’art et l’architecture de la psychiatrie de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle afin de dénoncer les aspects négatifs de la science psychiatrique : voyeurisme sur la personne du fou, déshumanisation de l’asile, autoglorification du psychiatre, abus de pouvoir. C’est ce regard à sens unique que j’ai voulu déjouer dans cette thèse en consacrant ma recherche aux œuvres produites en amont de cette période. Leur analyse a permis de prendre conscience de l’autre versant de la science psychiatrique, celui qui est philanthropique, bienveillant et animé d’un réel espoir de guérison. Mon objectif a été de construire, par l’analyse de ce domaine iconographique inédit ou négligé, une nouvelle histoire de la naissance de la psychiatrie, celle de sa culture visuelle. Une histoire qui révèle ses idéaux du début du siècle et les écarts à ses propres aspirations par son besoin de légitimation et de professionnalisation. Ma thèse propose une enquête épistémologique de l’histoire de l’aliénisme français, par le biais du discours porté par les œuvres d’art commandées par ses fondateurs. Le premier chapitre est consacré aux premiers asiles conçus comme le prolongement du corps du psychiatre et ils sont analysés selon les valeurs de la nouvelle science. Je me suis appliquée à y démontrer que le concept même d’asile, agissant sur nos sensations et sur notre cognition, relève autant des théories architecturales des Lumières que des besoins spécifiques de l’aliénisme. Le deuxième chapitre identifie, pour la première fois, un ensemble de portraits de la première génération d’aliénistes et de leurs disciples. J’argumente que ce corpus voulait imposer l’image de l’aliéniste comme modèle de raison et établir sa profession. Pour ce faire, il s’éloigne des premières représentations des aliénistes, paternalistes, et philanthropiques. Le troisième chapitre analyse les représentations des aliénés produites pour les traités fondateurs de la psychiatrie publiés en France. Le vecteur de mon analyse et le grand défi pour l’art et la science viennent de l’éthique des premiers psychiatres : comment représenter la maladie mentale sans réduire le malade à un être essentiellement autre ? Une première phase de production accorde à l’aliéné autonomie et subjectivité. Mais la nécessité d’objectiver le malade pour répondre aux besoins scientifiques de l’aliénisme a, à nouveau, relégué l’aliéné à l’altérité. Le sujet du quatrième et dernier chapitre est le cycle décoratif de la chapelle de l’hospice de Charenton (1844-1846), principal asile parisien de l’époque. J’y interroge comment l’art religieux a pu avoir un rôle face à la psychiatrie, en empruntant à l’iconographie religieuse sa force et sa puissance pour manifester l’autorité de l’aliéniste jusque dans la chapelle de l’asile. Le dix-neuvième siècle a été porteur d’espoirs en la reconnaissance de la liberté des êtres et de l’égalité des droits entre les personnes. Ces espoirs ont pourtant été déçus et les œuvres de l’aliénisme montrent un nouvel aspect de ces promesses non tenues envers les groupes fragilisés de la société, promesses de reconnaissance de leur subjectivité, de leur autonomie et de leur dignité. / Over the last four decades, famous publications have analyzed the history, art, and architecture of late nineteenth-century psychiatry to denounce the negative aspects of this science: the voyeurism directed toward the person of the insane, the dehumanization of the asylum, the self-glorification of the psychiatrist, the abuse of power. It is this one-sided view that I seek to undermine in this dissertation by focusing my analysis on artworks produced at the birth of psychiatry in the early nineteenth century. It reveals another side of the psychiatric science, one that is philanthropic, humane and motivated by a real hope of cure. By examining unpublished or neglected iconographic material, I construct a new history of the birth of psychiatry – that of its visual culture – which reveals both its ideals and the distance from its own aspirations brought about by this new science’s need for legitimation and professionalization. My dissertation proposes an epistemological investigation of the history of French alienism by studying the rhetorical discourse of the artworks commissioned by its founders. The first chapter is dedicated to the earliest asylums. Designed as the continuation of the body of the psychiatrist, they are analyzed in relation to the values of the new science. I demonstrate that the concept of asylum, affecting our sensations and our cognition, both followed the Enlightenment theories of architecture and expressed the specific needs of psychiatry. The second chapter identifies, for the first time, a set of portraits of the first generation of psychiatrists and their pupils. I argue that this corpus sought to impose the image of the psychiatrist as a model of reason and to establish the profession. In the process, the image of the psychiatrist gradually lost its paternalist and humanist characteristics. The third chapter analyzes the illustrations of the insane produced for the founding treatises of psychiatry published in France. The vector of my analysis and the big challenge for art and for science come from the ethics of the first psychiatrists: how to represent mental illness without reducing the sick person to alterity? One of the first phases of production grants autonomy and subjectivity to the insane individual. But in order to objectify the patient to fulfill the scientific needs of psychiatry, the madman was once again relegated to otherness. The fourth and last chapter focuses on the ornamental cycle in the chapel of the Hospice de Charenton (1844-1846), the main Parisian asylum at the time. It reveals how religious art played a role in psychiatry by borrowing from the force and power of religious iconography to mark the presence of the psychiatrist’s authority even in the asylum chapel. The nineteenth century generated hopes for the recognition of the freedom of individuals and of equality between people. While these hopes were ultimately disappointed, the artworks produced for alienism show the promises that had been made to the weaker groups of society, promises of recognition of their subjectivity, of their autonomy, and of their dignity.

L'Autoportrait de 1879 par William Bouguereau (1825-1905) : la représentation d'un artiste académique

L'Abbé, Marie-Élisabeth 05 1900 (has links)
« Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal ». / Peint en 1879, l’Autoportrait de William Bouguereau (1825-1905) a été réalisé pour être le pendant du Portrait d’Elizabeth Gardner (1879, collection particulière). Les deux œuvres ont été offertes à Mademoiselle Gardner comme cadeau de fiançailles et sont restées en sa possession jusqu’à la mort de cette dernière. Acheté en 1984 par le Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, l’Autoportrait de 1879 sera le seul élément de cette étude visant à déterminer comment Bouguereau, en tant qu’artiste académique évoluant à la fin du XIXe siècle, a choisi de se représenter. Fidèle à sa technique, malgré les vagues avant-gardistes qui ont déferlées depuis 1850, nous pouvons nous interroger sur le pourquoi d’un tel autoportrait. Ainsi, l’Autoportrait de 1879 permettra d’analyser la question de la représentation de l’artiste à travers les aspects technique, compositionnel, historique, artistique, social, personnel et physiologique. / Painted in 1879, the Self-Portrait of William Bouguereau (1825-1905) was produced as a pendant to the Portrait of Elizabeth Gardner (1879, private collection). The two works were offered to Miss Gardner as an engagement gift by Bouguereau and stayed in her possession until her death. Bought in 1984 by the Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal, the Self-Portrait of 1879 will be the only object of this study that aims to determine how Bouguereau, as an academic artist at the end of the XIXth century, choose to represent himself. True to his technique, despite the avant-garde wave that unfurled since 1850, we may question the reason of such a self-portrait. Thus, this painting will allow us to analyse the question of the representation of the artist through technical, compositional, historic, artistic, social, personal and physiologic aspects.

L'image principale de profil, symbole de l'individu connecté

Boog, Hervé 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, un type particulier d’images a envahi l’espace public constitué par Internet : il s’agit des images principales de profil, ces images que les utilisateurs de sites de réseaux sociaux choisissent pour les représenter auprès des autres individus connectés. Comme le plus souvent il s’agit d’une image du corps de celui ou celle qui s’affiche ainsi, il est intéressant de s’intéresser à cette pratique en la rattachant à des pratiques plus anciennes. Dans un premier temps, cette étude présente donc une perspective socio-historique en notant la ressemblance de la pratique de l’image principale de profil avec celle de l’autoportrait et du portrait commandé. Cela permet de remarquer plusieurs points de rupture ou d’inflexion dans l’usage de ce type d’images, mais aussi d’en dégager les usages sociaux typiques. Ensuite, l’observation d’un lieu particulier d’Internet permet de tirer les conclusions suivantes : si l’usage principal de ces images est facile à expliquer, elles servent à symboliser une présence dans des lieux non accessibles aux corps sensibles, ces images montrent toujours des éléments qui permettent de déduire une position sociale et elles sont fondamentalement identiques aux images produites avant Internet. Ensuite, l’étude de ces images montre qu’il y a un véritable continuum dans la manière de dévoiler son intimité qui permet d’affirmer que la frontière entre public et privé n’existe pas sur Internet. Finalement, ces images montrent une absence de canon quant à leur production et une multiplicité des façons de se mettre en scène qui laissent à penser qu’elles sont devenues des symboles à part entière dans la communication qui peut s’établir entre des étrangers sur Internet. / Since the beginning of the century, a new type of images is becoming more and more common in the public space built on the Internet : the profile’s main picture, these images network sites’ users are using to symbolize their self. It’s generally a picture of the Internet user’s body, which leads to a practice already existing. The first step of this essay is a sociohistorical perspective allowed by noticing that profile’s main picture are often self-portraits. It is then possible to establish a continuity between the practices of past centuries and what is visible on the Internet nowadays. The study of self-produced body images shows a gradual spread of their use from the wealthy to the lower strata of society until the mid-twentieth century. They were used mainly to show social status. After falling into disuse, this type of image is now used by one out of three persons worldwide. The observation of a particular Internet web site has allowed the collection of hundreds of main profile’s pictures. Their analysis has the following conclusions: If the main use of these images is to symbolize a presence in areas not accessible to sensitive body, these images still show elements that can be used to infer a social position and are substantially identical to the images produced before the Internet. Then, the study of these images shows that there is a real continuum in the way someone’s intimacy is revealed proving that the border between the public and the private does not exist on the Internet. Finally, these images show a lack of canon on their production and a multiplicity of ways of staging that suggest they have become meaningful symbols in the communication that can be established between strangers on the Internet.

L'école algérienne à l’épreuve de la violence : contribution à une compréhension du phénomène au sein de collèges constantinois / The algerian school in the event of the violence : contribution to an understanding of the phenomenon within middle schools (college) constantine region

Ghedir, Said 23 November 2012 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la violence scolaire est souvent évoquée et invoquée. Elle retient l'attention de la communauté éducative et constitue une préoccupation majeure pour les politiques. Tout d'abord, parce qu’elle revêt divers aspects, quantitatifs et qualitatifs. Ensuite, parce qu'il existe une forte demande sociale et institutionnelle envers la cessation de cette violence sous toutes ses formes. En Algérie, ce phénomène n’est certes pas nouveau mais il a commencé à prendre de l’ampleur quelques années après le déclenchement d’une violence politique et criminelle sanglante (le terrorisme). Comment, et sous quelles formes, un tel phénomène se produit-il au sein de l’école algérienne ? Afin d’éclairer non seulement ses modalités, mais aussi ses enjeux et sa structure, nous nous sommes intéressé à la manière dont les différents acteurs de la communauté éducative se représentent la violence ainsi que sa genèse et son développement en prenant l’exemple de collèges constantinois. Cette recherche nous a permis, à travers une enquête par questionnaires et par entretiens menée auprès d’un échantillon de 545 personnes, dont 388 élèves et 157 adultes, de mieux comprendre le processus complexe de cette spirale et de mettre en exergue les perceptions de ces acteurs, eu égard à leurs logiques d’action. Les résultats ont mis en évidence le lien entre l’école et son environnement à la lumière d’une pluralité de variables telles que le contexte familial et urbain, le climat scolaire, la situation socio-économique, les groupes de pairs, les valeurs, les aspirations, l’usage de drogues. / Today, the school violence is often raised and invoked. It holds the attention of the educational community and is a major concern for the politics. First of all, because it covers various aspects, both quantitative and qualitative. Then, because there exists a strong social and institutional request toward the cessation of this violence in all its forms. In Algeria, this phenomenon is certainly not new, but it has begun to expand a few years after the outbreak of bloody political and criminal violence (the terrorism). How, and in which forms, such a phenomenon does it occur within the Algerian schools ? To clarify not only its modalities, but also its issues and its structure, we were interested in the way in which the various actors of the educational educative community represent violence as well as its genesis and its development by taking the example of middle schools (colleges) in the city of Constantine. This research has enabled us, through an investigation by questionnaires and interviews conducted with a sample of 545 people, among which 388 pupils and 157 adults, to better understand the complex process of this spiral and to put forward the perceptions of these actors, in view to their logics of action. The results highlighted the link between the school and its environment in the light of a plurality of variables such as the family and urban context, school climate, the socio-economic situation, peer groups, the values, aspirations, the use of drugs

La bande dessinée autobiographique francophone (1982-2013) : Transgression, hybridation, lyrisme / French autobiographical comics (1982-2013) : Transgression, hybridation, lyrism

Mao, Catherine 26 June 2014 (has links)
Apparue aux États-Unis dans les années 70, la bande dessinée autobiographique s’est épanouie plus tardivement en France : très consciente d’elle-même, elle s’est structurée dans les années 90 d’un point de vue collectif et éditorial et s’est révélée en cela pleinement structurante. Cette alliance n’allait pourtant pas de soi puisqu’elle semble rompre par nature avec d’autres formes du neuvième art, à commencer par l’aventure, la science-fiction ou le divertissement, autrement dit avec ce qui constitue parfois dans l’imaginaire commun la vocation même de la bande dessinée. L’écriture de soi semble donc fournir de manière spontanée les outils d’un décloisonnement : la transgression, l’hybridation et le lyrisme apparaissent comme trois modalités d’ouverture de l’espace traditionnel du neuvième art. À la recherche de nouveaux équilibres créatifs, l’auteur s’est notamment confronté à l’épineuse question de l’autoportrait. Traditionnellement art du personnage, la bande dessinée force le dessinateur à résoudre des équations qui semblent a priori insolubles et à inventer des ruses qu’il nous revient de décrire : l’autoportrait s’hybride avec l’autoreprésentation, l’identité avec l’altérité, le réel avec la fiction. C’est tout un changement de paradigme que la bande dessinée autobiographique introduit dans l’ordre de la représentation et de la narration : de ce point de vue, elle offre un fil conducteur permettant de traverser l’histoire et la modernité du neuvième art. / Born in USA during the 70's, autobiographical comics blossomed later in France : endowed with a strong self consciousness, it happened to be structured from a collective or editorial point of view in the 90's. This syncretic genre wasn't obvious a priori, because it seems to originate in itself a failure with other forms of the ninth art, especially adventures, science-fiction or entertainment, in other terms with what stands for comic strips purposes in most people mind. The writing of the self may provide spontaneously tools for an opening up : breaking, hybridization and lyrism appear to be three ways to enlarge the traditional area of comic strips. Searching for new creative balances, the author has studied the vexed topic of self-portrait. Usually considered as the art of character, comic strips enforce the art cartoonist to solve equations that first seem insoluble and to invent tricks that we owe to describe : self-portrait hybridizes with representation of the self, identity with otherness, reality with fiction. And that is because autobiographical comic strips introduces a whole change of paradigm in the order of representation and narration : from this point of view, autobiography offers a thread allowing to travel all over history and modernity of the ninth art.

Stills, suivi de, Moins «ça-a-été» que «ça-pourrait-être» : fictions et distorsions de l'autoportrait

Trudeau Beaunoyer, Karianne 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo sobre um instrumento de escrita designado auto-retrato para a expressão do indivíduo

Passalacqua, Claudia Loewenberg 04 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia L Passalacqua.pdf: 542023 bytes, checksum: d12f5515154be2bd94e524c3bbaa52b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-04 / This paper investigates a writing tool, namely Self-Portrait, whose aim is to collect data on an individual´s psychic expression. It comprises a 35 question questionnaire, made up of open-ended directed and self directed questions. The order of the answers is random, and some questions may be answered many times while others may never be answered. This writing tool was used in a group of psychologically disturbed women, who had been referred to a state health center in the outskirts of São Paulo city. Most women belong to the low and low-middle classes, with very few years of schooling, but, in general, with working experience, in the 30-60 age bracket. They were referred to the state health center by psychiatrists and psychologists, due to chief complaints such as depression, stress, etc. The group was coordinated by the research-psychologist and by an occupational therapist. Initially, the treatment aimed to engage the group in manual tasks and provide them with some space in which they could air their problems. On presenting the questionnaire to the women, the research-psychologist read them the iinstructions, their questions, and explained the procedures as well the terms of agreement. The questionnaire was kept in the health center and apart from the subjects and the therapist, nobody else had access to them. Due to all the conditions of public service assiduity, punctuality, follow-up sessions, among others the use of the self-portrait was not constant in all the sessions and wasn´t equally used by all the women. Since the activities were decided on by the group and took place in the inicial phases of the group´s functioning, it was hard to maintain group cohesion, as some women answered the questionnaires in each session while others took longer to write. These differences were inevitable once all the women shared a common physical space. The self-potrait questions aimed at categorizing those women´s realities: routine, family and professional life, emotional, psychological and existencial aspects and world knowledge. Moreover, the written account of their life experiences served as an oulet for the free expresson of their reality The therapeutical aim of the self-portrait was to investigate the efficiency of writing as a mechanism to surface the underlying phychic information, despite the fact that this written account was produced by women of varying literacy levels. Writing differs from speech in that writing can be crystalized in time, once it can be registered permanently. Besides, writing entails a distinctive connection between conscious and uncounscious contents. It leads the individual into an introspective journey, allowing for the re-enactment of past experiences. By means of this exercise, processes and memories are brought to the consciosness mind and may be modified when experienced again. This study falls into the category of case study, once it focus on aspect´s of a specific woman´s life: someone who, upon joining the group, felt incredbly miserable and was, from the very begining, given special treatment by the research-psychologist. The same rules which applied for the self-portrait within the group were used in private consultations. Semantic networks, formed by words that were repeated along the text, were used for the analysis of the written accounts, following Jung's Model of Typology / Este trabalho investiga um instrumento de escrita, intitulado Auto-Retrato, destinado a coletar dados sobre a expressão psíquica do indivíduo. Trata-se de um questionário de trinta e cinco questões, abertas, dirigidas ou semi-dirigidas, no qual a ordem das respostas é livre, assim como o fato de que algumas questões podem vir a ser respondidas inúmeras vezes e outras, nunca serem respondidas. O instrumento foi utilizado num grupo de mulheres, encaminhadas, pela saúde mental, a um posto de saúde da periferia de São Paulo. As mulheres pertenciam a classes sócio-econômico-culturais baixa e média baixa, em sua maior parte, com poucos anos de escolaridade, mas, no, geral, com experiência de trabalho, na faixa etária de 30 a 60 anos. Chegaram ao posto de saúde via encaminhamentos de psiquiatras e psicólogos, com queixas de depressão, estresse, entre outras. O grupo era coordenado pela psicóloga-pesquisadora e por uma terapeuta ocupacional. Inicialmente, seu objetivo era realizar atividades manuais e paralelamente a elas criar um espaço para a fala e escuta das mulheres entre si e pelas terapeutas. Ao apresentar o questionário às mulheres, a psicóloga-pesquisadora leu a elas suas instruções, suas questões, explicou-lhes as formas de utilização, juntamente com o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido.O questionário era mantido no posto de saúde e apenas cada mulher e as terapeutas tinham acesso a ele. Devido a todas as condições que envolvem um atendimento público - assiduidade, pontualidade, continuidade do atendimento, entre outras - o emprego do Auto-Retrato não ocorreu de modo constante em todas as sessões e nem foi igualmente usado por todas as mulheres. Como as atividades eram decididas pelo grupo e no início de seu funcionamento, foi difícil manter a unidade do grupo, com algumas mulheres respondendo-o em todas as sessões, até por se tratar de um espaço físico comum. As questões do Auto-Retrato tinham como objetivo caracterizar a realidade dessas mulheres: vivências cotidianas, vida familiar e profissional, aspectos emocionais, psicológicos e existenciais, conhecimento de mundo e visava ser um continente para a expressão dessa realidade por meio da escrita. .. O emprego do Auto-Retrato teve como objetivo psicoterapêutico investigar a eficácia da escrita para a manifestação de conteúdos psíquicos subjacentes, não importando a variável de a escrita ser realizada por mulheres com diferentes graus de letramento. A escrita tem natureza diferente da fala, fixando-se no tempo, sendo registrada de uma forma permanente, e evocando um compromisso diferente com conteúdos conscientes e inconscientes. Inicia um processo de interiorização no indivíduo, possibilitando uma volta aos conteúdos veiculados. Por meio de seu exercício, processos e memórias são trazidos à consciência e modificados quando revividos. Este trabalho se constituirá em um estudo de caso, na medida em que focará o Auto-Retrato de uma mulher em específico, quem, por ter chegado ao grupo sentindo-se especialmente mal, foi, desde o início, atendida paralelamente de modo individual pela psicóloga-pesquisadora. As mesmas regras estabelecidas para o uso do Auto-Retrato no grupo, foram usadas para sua aplicação na terapia individual. Para a análise do texto escrito do Auto-Retrato os modelos teóricos empregados foram as redes semânticas, formadas pelas palavras que se repetiam no texto escrito, e o referencial teórico de Jung, principalmente, no que se refere aos tipos psicológicos por ele propostos

Olhares figurados, figuras do olhar: fotografia e movimento Hip Hop

Rodrigues, Juliana de Oliveira 21 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana de Oliveira Rodrigues.pdf: 6928376 bytes, checksum: b4218fb43bc24c0c8306e02dfa2a4221 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-21 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This present study uses the photos taken by members of the Hip Hop Movement, from the city of São Carlos (SP), which constitute a look upon themselves through the experience of living in group. Focused in the procedures of figurativization and thematization, this research is concerned with the several figures interconnected by the collection of photos, which imply in discursive strategies capable of making the different ways the group present itself to the world. As a consequence, the problematic presents itself around the visibility of the group, articulated in four scenes which, according to the hypothesis of the research, constitute distinct self-portraits. These are part of a subject-oriented universe (of figures known to the particularity of the group) and object-oriented (closer to the images conventionally associated with the Hip Hop context), bringing together the controversial matter of opinions. The objective is to analyze the mechanisms of enunciation to understand how the methods of displaying discourse about the identifying dimension of the group, through the life contexts presented in the visual text. Such study was based on the discursive semiotic of the French line developed by Algirdas Julien. Greimas and his collaborators, to manage the organization of the photographic text as a wholeness of senses and give intelligibility to its production. It's also noticeable the theoretical orientation of the Sociosemiotic proposed by Eric Landowski, the formulations of Jean-Marie Floch about the plastic semiotic and the reflexions about the self-portrait from Lauer A.N. dos Santos. In this correlation, the regimes of sense and interaction, in consonance with the regimes of displaying, as well as the identity relations which bring up the importance of the image as an object for the communication and interaction among the subjects by the act of seeing / O presente estudo toma por objeto as fotografias realizadas por integrantes do Movimento Hip Hop, da cidade de São Carlos (SP), nas quais constroem um olhar sobre si mesmo pelas experiências da vida em grupo. Centrada nos procedimentos de figurativização e tematização, esta pesquisa preocupa-se com as diversas figuras enredadas pelo conjunto fotográfico, que implicam em estratégias discursivas capazes de tornar visível os diferentes modos de o grupo se mostrar no mundo. Em decorrência disso, a problemática se apresenta em torno da visibilidade do grupo, articulada em quatro cenas que, conforme hipótese de pesquisa, constituem distintos auto-retratos. Estes fazem parte de um universo subjetal (de figuras próximas à particularidade do grupo) e objetal (próximas às imagens convencionalmente reiteradas pelo contexto Hip Hop), encadeando a questão polêmica do parecer. O objetivo é analisar os mecanismos de enunciação para compreender como os modos de mostrar discursivizam a dimensão identitária do grupo, pelos contextos de vida presentificados no texto visual. Tal estudo embasou-se na semiótica discursiva de linha francesa desenvolvida por Algirdas Julien Greimas e seus colaboradores, para dar conta da organização do texto fotográfico como uma totalidade de sentido e dar inteligibilidade aos mecanismos de sua produção. Destacam-se, ainda, as orientações teóricas da Sociossemiótica, propostos por Eric Landowski, as formulações de Jean-Marie Floch sobre semiótica plástica e as reflexões sobre auto-retrato a partir de Lauer A. N. dos Santos. Nessa correlação, enfatizam-se os regimes de sentido e de interação, em consonância com os modos de mostrar, bem como as relações identitárias que evidenciam a importância da imagem como objeto de comunicação e de interação entre os sujeitos pelo ato de ver

Identidade e representação: a construção da identidade nas referências visuais de ambientes de redes digitais / Identity and representation: the construction of identity on visual references whitin digital communities

Stein, Helga 30 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Helga Stein.pdf: 4077442 bytes, checksum: 3998a8fd0bc906173990f9d0144b3663 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-30 / The goal of this project is to research how virtual communities such as orkut and flickr are molding new identity and self-presentation parameters. The present project takes as study object photographic self-portraits and its associated representation forms. In self-portraits the relation between the observer and who is observed has blurred limits, demanding a body with a special quality: a body in process. This new body of multiple identities is reconfigured intermittently assuming new behaviors facing new technologies, requiring a new configuration of world. It is expected that digital images reflects these processes by being capable of reconfiguring itself. We show through representation the world we live in. However, contemporary world faces a crisis of representation, knowledge and great complexity in matters of subjectivity production. The images that are produced and propagated throughout a historical period are indications of a specific way of thinking. In virtual communities such as orkut, multiply and flickr, the use of images (especially self-portraits) creates a dynamic process of identification and differentiation of the individual. The identity, however, is influenced by interaction processes (comments of community members, number or visitors). So, the self-portraits are redefined as by the demands of specific sociability matters (the success, in terms of numbers of visitors and content of the commentaries). The influence of new technologies in the way we understand the construction of identity will be interrogated through specific readings and through artistic projects that deals with the concepts presented in the research / O objetivo do projeto é pesquisar como as redes sociais on line estão conformando novos padrões de identidade e auto-representação, tendo como objeto de estudo os retratos e auto-retratos que circulam em comunidades virtuais e suas formas associadas de representação. Nos auto-retratos a relação entre observador e observado tem seus limites borrados, demandando um indivíduo com uma qualidade especial: um indivíduo em processo. Identidades múltiplas que reconfiguram-se intermitentemente, assumindo novo comportamento frente às novas tecnologias, exigem uma nova configuração de mundo. Espera-se que a imagem que representa esses corpos responda a esses novos processos, sendo ela mesma passível de reconfigurar-se. Parte-se aqui do pressuposto que as imagens produzidas e veiculadas ao longo de um período histórico são indícios de um modo de pensar específico. Em comunidades virtuais como orkut e flickr é notável o uso de imagens (especialmente auto-retratos) no processo dinâmico de identificação e diferenciação do indivíduo num ambiente também dinâmico como é o das redes. Essa identidade, contudo, é permeada por processos de interação (comentários, manipulação de imagens) que redefinem o auto-retrato como resposta às demandas de sociabilidade específica (o sucesso, em termos de números de visitantes e conteúdo dos comentários). Através de retratos e auto-retratos será interrogada a influência das novas tecnologias de comunicação na forma como compreendemos a construção da identidade e também através das leituras específicas, da vivência e observação das comunidades virtuais propostas, de projetos autorais e de cunho artístico que lidam com os conceitos apresentados na pesquisa. Como suporte teórico foram utilizados os seguintes autores: Rosalind Krauss, Philippe Dubois, Vilém Flusser e Arlindo Machado abordando fotografia e imagem; Jean Baudrillard e Michel Foucault abordando comunicação e representação; Giselle Beiguelman abordando Internet e arte digital; Carlos Ginsburg abordando aspectos históricos; Edmond Couchot, Oliver Grau e André Parente abordando tecnologia na comunicação; Steven Johnson, Margot Lovejoy e Rogério da Costa abordando redes e comunidades virtuais; Lucia Santaella abordando comunicação e semiótica, entre outros autores.

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