Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe portrait"" "subject:"hhe portrait""
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Movement / MovementRišiaňová, Zuzana Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma project Move is a simple 3D digital game in the genre typology of platform games, specifically of an atmospheric-meditative nature, with elements of a walking simulator from a third-person perspective shooter (TPS). Its interactive content is based on topics such as portraits, wandering, meditation, painting and personal mythology. Through the author's stylization of the theme and graphic processing, my goal is to create a playable prototype of a digital game containing interactive elements, with a controllable character named Mo and the atmospheric environment of the levels through which the player passes. Using the medium of digital games, I would like to point out the possibilities of communication means, that it offers within the art world.
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Rasism i USA genom två konstnärer och deras kritikers ögon : Hur Philip Guston och Henry Taylor uppmärksammar förtryck mot afroamerikaner och hur de har bemötts av kritiker och konstnärliga institutionerLindholm, Ziggy January 2023 (has links)
This essay investigates how Philip Guston and Henry Taylor explore the subject of African American oppression in their art and how they have been received by critics and art institutions. Using semiotics based on Hans Haydens article “Den omplacerade koden: Om Edgar Degas Interiör”, this essay explores how meaning is created in signs existing within the respective artists’ works. Readings of the artists´ own words has also assisted in the search for meaning and understanding of the paintings. Postcolonial perspectives were also applied for the means of interpreting the artworks in question, and the signs they contain. For this section Ania Loombas book Colonialism/postcolonialism as well as Åsa Bharathi Larsons doctorate thesis Colonizing Fever have been utilized. After the visual analysis the essay investigates how the artists have been received by critics and art institutions. In the case of Guston, a time difference is also accounted for, analyzing how his work was received when he first presented his paintings in the 70’s compared to today. Upon analyzing Guston’s work multiple signs were identified and interpreted. Most notably the hooded Klan member, whose representative purpose is multifaceted, communicative of subjects such as racism, guilt, and the concept of being evil. Visual codes regarding self-portraiture also pointed at one of the paintings as being a self-portrait. This theory is also supported by Guston’s own claim of the Klan paintings being pictures of himself. In Taylors work, signs present and discuss oppression of black people in America from a historical as well as a contemporary perspective, often referencing people and places personal to Taylor. In the 1970’s Philip Guston’s Klan paintings were heavily critiqued for their visual qualities and stylistic expression, while no notable comments were made of the content/subject matter. Today the situation is different, with the main critique of his works being directed to his use of Klan imagery. Many artists and writers today are in support of Gustons work though. Henry Taylor’s paintings are generally well received by critics and have seen a rise in popularity concurrent with the Black Lives Matter movement. Taylor has also recently been the subject of a retrospective exhibition at the Modern Museum of Contemporary art in LA.
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Looking at Dorian Gray like Art : The Mirror, The Portrait, and The IdealSepúlveda Garcia, Laia January 2023 (has links)
This research delves into the complex themes of perception, art, and self in Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Drawing from Wilde's philosophy of "Art for Art's Sake," the study explores the characterization of Dorian Gray through the perspectives of Lord Henry and Basil Hallward. The central question revolves around whether Henry's and Basil's individual understanding of Dorian accurately represents his true nature and how this perception influences the protagonist. To establish the philosophical foundation, Wilde's essays "The Decay of Lying" and "The Critic as Artist" are analyzed, highlighting the concepts of art, critique, and the artist. The symbolic significance of the portrait and mirror is examined, revealing their role in reflecting Dorian's duality and inner conflict but also working as an extention of Henry and Basil as Art Crtitics. By incorporating Ian Watt's theory of apprehension of reality, the paper explores the limitations of Henry and Basil in comprehending Dorian's true self. Dorian is viewed as a semi-art figure, both a work of art and a human being. The research aims to shed light on why Henry and Basil fail to truly see Dorian, ultimately enhancing our understanding of his characterization. Through a methodology encompassing close reading, analysis, and interpretation, this study contributes to existing scholarship by offering new insights into the intricate exploration of self-perception and the interplay between art and life in Wilde's only novel.
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The Portrait of Citizen Jean-Baptiste Belley, Ex-Representative of the Colonies by Anne-Louis Girodet Trioson: Hybridity, History Painting, and the Grand TourCollins, Megan Marie 21 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Anne-Louis Girodet Trioson's Portrait of C.[itizen] Jean-Baptiste Belley, ex-representative of the Colonies, is evidence of the changing ideological situation during the French Revolution. Girodet was one of the most learned and accomplished students of Jacques-Louis David who strove to surpass his teacher in two ways: 1) by painting David's Neoclassical style so well that his handling surpasses that of his master, and 2) by choosing subject matter never before explored by David. Girodet accomplishes both within this work. The Neoclassical handling of the image has been achieved with amazing clarity, and the central figure of an identified black man had never been displayed in the Salon previously. The work was without precedent and without progeny. It successfully transcends the boundaries of portraiture into the highest tier of the Academic hierarchy: History Painting. Lacking in the existing scholarship of this portrait as history painting is that the work is successful in fulfilling a didactic and moralizing function, bearing significance to the general public. Scholars have hitherto ignored the striking visual similarities between this and Grand Tour portraits of Englishmen earlier in the century. This portrait of Belley calls into question accepted post-colonial readings by not adhering to a strict Orientalist interpretation. His hybrid nature nullifies readings that he is merely a black man posed as a French one. Belley cannot be seen as simply African, nor Haitian, nor French, nor military man, nor politician; each of these aspects of his being add up to his individual identity. It was because of Belley's race that he was chosen for this portrait; his complex nature creates a dramatic painting relevant to varied members of the general public, his status as a black man allows for a politically relevant subject worthy of history painting, and the choice of Girodet's model of Grand Tour portraiture with its connotations of education, travel and social status—when applied to a black man—make this a revolutionary painting unparalleled in history.
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Du portrait chez Sainte-Beuve au pastiche chez Proust : un parcours historique et poétiqueTurmel, Émilie M. 23 April 2018 (has links)
Le présent mémoire porte sur la critique littéraire telle que pensée et pratiquée par Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve ainsi que son disciple infidèle Marcel Proust, et ce dans une perspective poético-historique. Il tente de montrer que la critique proustienne n’est pas radicalement opposée à la critique beuvienne, qu’elle ne se positionne pas absolument « contre » elle comme l’ont compris plusieurs lecteurs de Contre Sainte-Beuve, mais qu’elle la prolonge en la corrigeant. Plus précisément, et pour mettre en évidence cette filiation, ce mémoire compare la forme de prédilection de la critique beuvienne, le portrait littéraire, à son pendant proustien, le pastiche.
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La structure spatiale des oeuvres cubistes de Picasso et Braque de 1910 et 1911Perron, Katia 08 February 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à développer quatre aspects particuliers qui concernent le cubisme de Braque et Picasso. D’abord quels ont été les faits marquants du cubisme au moment de sa naissance à travers les critiques du français Louis Vauxcelles. Puis, pour mieux saisir le mouvement, une synthèse des nombreuses définitions avancées par les critiques et les historiens d’art durant tout le 20e siècle, constituera la base d’une tentative de redéfinition globale du cubisme en sa phase analytique. On souligne ensuite l’importance de la réflexion cubiste en s’arrêtant à la modification de la représentation picturale par la décomposition de l’objet sur une surface plane qui aboutit sous l’empire de l’hermétisme à une nouvelle structure spatiale mettant alors l’accent sur la dissolution de l’objet et de la figure humaine. Finalement, l’analyse sémiotique de deux œuvres clés de Picasso et Braque de 1910 et 1911 permet de cerner plastiquement la notion même de réalisme que l’on trouve dans cette période analytique la plus hermétique. / Montréal Trigonix inc. 2018
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L’icône royale : fabrications collectives et usages politiques de l’image religieuse du roi de France au Grand Siècle / The Royal Icon : collective Making and Political Uses of the Religious Image of the King of France in the Seventeenth CenturyLavieille, Géraldine 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les transformations qui interviennent en France à la suite des guerres de Religion modifient l’imbrication des sphères politique et religieuse. La scission entre protestants et catholiques, la triple reconstruction religieuse, nationale et étatique, les évolutions des pratiques et croyances religieuses ainsi que la nouvelle vigueur des gallicanismes induisent des mutations dans la dimension religieuse des conceptions du pouvoir royal entre le règne d’Henri IV et celui de Louis XIV, évolutions appréciables sur le plan symbolique. De 1589 à 1715, une iconographie abondante place le roi dans une situation religieuse, le met en rapport avec des personnages saints ou divins, ou souligne l’importance de son action en matière religieuse. Ces portraits du roi régnant ou de rois défunts, produits en des lieux disséminés sur le territoire métropolitain du XVIIe siècle, révèlent une autre image du pouvoir royal que l’iconographie plus amplement étudiée jusqu’ici. Elle intègre une sacralité héritée, fruit d’une longue construction médiévale dont l’importance se lit toujours au Grand Siècle, et des éléments neufs, qui passent en particulier par l’essor de cultes associant le roi et ses sujets, comme celui de saint Louis ou celui de Marie, marqué par le vœu de Louis XIII. Elle doit en outre se comprendre dans le cadre de l’évolution du droit divin, dans ses rapports avec l’autorité et le pouvoir du roi. L’image d’harmonie qui est élaborée témoigne de la place de cette iconographie dans la légitimation d’un ordre politique et social liant espace terrestre et monde céleste. La genèse de ces objets divers (peintures, sculptures, gravures, etc.), souvent éloignée de la cour, entretenant des relations parfois très ténues avec le pouvoir royal, ne peut être envisagée comme le fruit d’une propagande : elle souligne plutôt des fabrications collectives du portrait religieux du roi. Ainsi, cette thèse propose une histoire culturelle du politique, s’appuyant sur une approche iconographique intégrant les pratiques sociales et les théories politiques. / The transformations that occurred in France after the Wars of Religion altered the interweaving between the political and the religious spheres. The split between Protestants and Catholics, the rebuilding of the church, the nation and the state, the transformations of the religious beliefs and practices, and the new strength of the gallicanisms led to changes in the religious idea of the royal power between the reign of Henry IV and Louis XIV. These evolutions are assessable on a symbolic level. From 1589 to 1715, an abundant iconography places the monarch in a religious situation, puts him in touch with saints or God, or underlines the importance of his action in the religious field. These portraits of the reigning king or deceased kings, produced in dispatched places in the kingdom, reveal a different image of the royal power than the iconography that has most been studied up to now. It includes an inherited sacrality, built during the Middle Ages and still important in the 17th century, and new elements, which entail the growth of cults associating the monarch and his subjects, such as the cults of saint Louis and the Virgin Mary, marked by the vow of Louis XIII. It must furthermore be understood within the framework of the evolution of the divine right, in its links with the royal authority and power. It builds an image of harmony that shows the place of the iconography in the legitimization of a political and social order linking terrestrial and celestial spaces. The creation of these objects (paintings, sculptures, engravings, etc.), often far away from the court, often in loose relationships with the royal power, cannot be understood as propaganda: it rather emphasizes collective makings of the religious portrait of the king. Thus, this thesis offers a cultural history of the political field, leaning on an iconographic approach including social practices and political theories.
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Театральные корпоративные издания: особенности контент-маркетинговой стратегии : магистерская диссертация / Theatre corporate press: the content-marketing strategy featuresКузнецова, Д. А., Kuznetsova, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
Цель магистерской диссертации заключается в выявлении редакторской специфики создания контент-маркетинговой стратегии театральных корпоративных изданий с последующим составлением рекомендаций. Редакторский подход к созданию контент-маркетинговой стратегии театрального корпоративного издания определяет новизну исследования. Материалом для исследования послужили театральные корпоративные издания «Урал Опера Балет» и Московского театра «Новая Опера». Общий объем проанализированного материала составил более 1200 текстов разных жанров и свыше 1950 иллюстраций из 135 выпусков. В фокусе исследовательского внимания оказались заметки, интервью и фотография как визуальный жанр. В процессе исследования были проанализированы коммуникативные тактики в материалах заметки и интервью, способствующие решению задач, поставленных контент-маркетинговой стратегией. Коммуникативные тактики были разделены на четыре группы – сопоставительные, воздействующие, самопрезентации, взаимоотношений со зрителем. Общими для театральных корпоративных изданий «Урал Опера Балет» и Московского театра «Новая Опера» являются тактики заботы и участия, «проблемное поле», ожидания положительной оценки, ценностной ориентации. Таким образом, издания не только формируют позитивный образ театров и транслируют их ценности, но и открыто обозначают существующие проблемы. По результатам анализа визуального контента предложена классификация жанров фотографии театральных корпоративных изданий. Было выделено три жанра – фоторепортаж, портретное и объектное фотоизображения, которые подразделяются на поджанры. Фоторепортаж представлен сценой из спектакля, фото с репетиции, событийным фото, фотоальбомом. Портретные фотоизображения имеют следующие разновидности: актер в роли, человек за работой, репортажный, постановочный, архивный. Объектные фотоизображения разделяются на фотографии театральных декораций, костюмов, интерьеров, документов. Перечисленные визуальные жанры, за исключением постановочного фотопортрета, помогают эффективно воздействовать на аудиторию и достигать целей театральной организации. При опоре на положительный и отрицательный опыт рассмотренных СМИ театральным корпоративным изданиям был предложен перечень рекомендаций для создания текстового и визуального контента. / The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify the editorial specifics of the content-marketing strategy of the theatrical corporate publications, followed by recommendations. The editorial approach to creating the content-marketing strategy for the theatrical corporate publication determines the novelty of the research. The foundation for the research was the theatrical corporate publications of «Ural Opera Ballet» and the Moscow theater «New Opera». The total volume of the analyzed material was more than 1200 texts of different genres and more than 1950 illustrations from 135 editions. Notes, interviews and photography as a visual genre were in focus of research attention. During the process of research, the communicative tactics were analyzed by the notes and interviews. These tactics contribute to the solution of the tasks, which are set by the content-marketing strategy. Communicative tactics were divided into four groups – comparative, influencing, self-presentation, relationship with the viewer. Tactics of care and participation, «problem field», expectations of positive evaluation, value orientation are common for theater corporate publications of «Ural Opera Ballet» and the Moscow theater «New Opera». Thus, the publications not only form a positive image of theaters and transmit their values, but also openly identify existing problems. The classification of genres of photography of theatrical corporate publications is proposed based on the results of the analysis of visual content. There were highlighted three genres: photo reportage, portrait and object photo images, which were subdivided into subgenres. A photo reportage is presented by a scene from a performance, by a photo from a rehearsal, by an event photo, by a photo album. Portrait photo images have the following varieties: actor in the role, person at work, reporting, staged, archived. Object photo images are divided into photographs of theatrical scenery, costumes, interiors, documents. The listed visual genres, with the exception of a staged photo portrait, help to effectively influence on the audience and achieve the goals of the theatrical organization. The list of recommendations for the creation of text and visual content was proposed to the theater corporate publications based on the positive and negative experience of the reviewed media.
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Paulus in gemeinschaft seiner Mitarbeiter: eine Untersuchung der Kollegialmission im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte (Paul in the fellowship of his co-workers: a survey of Paul among his co-workers in the Corpus Paulinum and in Acts)Drews, Alexander 30 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the significance of what has been called the "coworkers"
for Paul's mission. At the same time it revises the traditional portrait of Paul as a
"lone ranger", not properly understood and appreciated by others. Thus the focus is on the
way in which Paul together with his co-workers as his missionary partners achieved the
various tasks of early Chrisian mission, namely the proclamation of the gospel and the
consolidation of churches. This phenomenon is best described with the German term
Kollegialmission, i.e. a mission carried by a team of colleagues.
A survey of research is followed by a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in the letters
commonly recognised as written by Paul himself. In additon to explicit statements on the
co-workers, attention is also given to implicit references, e.g. verb forms in the first person
plural which appear in some letters and contribute to understanding this Kollegialmission.
Then the same methodological procedure is applied to the disputed letters of Paul. A final
chapter examines the portrait of Paul and his co-workers in the Book of Acts.
This dissertation demonstrates that this understanding and practice of Kollegialmission
was a central point in Paul's mission and self-understanding. His co-workers receive their
commission and authority from God, to whom they are responsible. The gospel constitutes
the foundation for this cooperation between Paul and his co-workers. Thus the co-workers
perform the same duties as Paul himself, though his special apostolate remains in place.
The picture of the Kollegialmission in the Deuteropauline letters differs only slightly from
that of the letters generally recognised as Paul's own. As the author of Acts is mainly
interested in the person of Paul, his co-workers appear increasingly on the backstage as the
story unfolds. This examination closes with an application of some principles of Paul's
Kollegialmission to present day congregational ministry and mission work. / Theology / M.Th.
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Homage to Everyday PeopleChun, Sang Ja 11 August 2011 (has links)
Influenced by an ever-growing sense of alienation with my homeland, I have been determined to discover through my art practice an ability to challenge conventional notions of home, identity, communication and miscommunication. Exploring these themes, I became increasingly aware of the parallels between everyday life and art practice. By creatively connecting with a diverse amount of local people and their communities, I fulfilled desires to discover a sense of belonging and generated opportunities for others to break through traditional social boundaries and roles.
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