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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literatura, geografia e modernização social. Espaço, alienação e morte na literatura moderna / Literature, geography and social modernization: spaces alienation and death in modern literature

Duarte, Claudio Roberto 14 March 2011 (has links)
A tese pretende analisar as relações entre Literatura moderna, Geografia e Sociedade no processo de modernização social, através do estudo de seis escritores: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade e João Antônio. O percurso busca mostrar como a modernização social, produzindo formas de espaço social abstrato (Lefebvre) adequadas ao processo de acumulação capitalista, é literariamente mimetizada e reconstruída por tais escritores. O processo de modernização aparece, então, como domínio do trabalho abstrato e, em suas crises, como um estado de exceção, figurado pela literatura em três níveis espaciais fundamentais interligados, mas não-idênticos: ao nível do concebido (pela política e as ideologias), do praticado/percebido (na vida cotidiana) e do vivido (nas singularidades subjetivas, nos limites do real inconsciente). Assim, teríamos a Literatura como um meio de mapeamento cognitivo de processos sócio-espaciais modernos. / The thesis intends to analyse the relationships between Modern Literature, Geography, and Society within the process of social modernization, through the study of six writers: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and João Antônio. This itinerary aims to show how social modernization, producing forms of abstract social space (Lefebvre) related to the capitalist process of accumulation, is literarily mimetized and reconstructed by these writers. The modernization process appears then as imposition of abstract labor and, in its crisis, as a state of exception, thematized by literature in three interconnected but non-identical spatial levels: at the level of the conceived (by politics and ideologies), of the perceived (praxis in everyday life), and of lived experiences (in subjective singularities, in the limits of the unconscious). Thus, Literature appears as cognitive mapping of modern social and spatial processes.

Articulating a Vision: A Case of Study of Democracy, Education, and Prisoner Rehabilitation in a Day Reporting Center

Jones, Gregory A 01 June 2014 (has links)
Abstract Unfortunately, little or no time is spent on transitioning inmates back into society, especially those with physical and mental disabilities. One support service that is being taken into consideration is the Day Reporting Center. Day Reporting Centers are highly structured nonresidential programs. Parolees report to the center on a daily basis, submit to drug tests, and are enrolled in various counseling, education, or vocational classes. Whereas most centers have strict monitoring and surveillance of parolees, one center that stands out in its alternative approach of self-governance is the San Bernardino Day Reporting Center in San Bernardino, California. There, the parolees are allowed to contribute to the running and governance of the Center. The hypothesis asserts that the positive culture that surrounds the Center provides parolees the opportunity to reconsider, revise, challenge, and change their negative criminal identities, by viewing themselves in a constructive manner to successfully transition back into society. Eight assumptions were used to either support or nullify the hypothesis: spheres of civility; performative spaces; personal social space; weaving theory; opportunity theory; transformation theory; Freirian pedagogical approach; and pelindaba. The data was gathered using multiple sources, such as several interviews with staff and ex-parolees, and observations of daily procedures and classroom instruction and interaction. NVivo 8, a Qualitative Data Analysis software program (QDA), was used to transcribe, code, and organize the interviews into various themes. The comments by staff and parolees demonstrated that the implementation of these assumptions has resulted in a family like environment. This environment has allowed parolees to focus on their identity in a positive, transformative, and rehabilitative manner that is supported by everyone at the Center.

Une ethno-histoire des Wa-Paraok de Wengding (Yunnan, Chine) : pratiques, représentations et espace social face au tourisme / Customs, representations and social space in the age of tourism : an ethno-historical study of the Wa-Paraok people in Wengding (Yunnan, China)

Coulouma, Sarah 07 December 2018 (has links)
Le village wa-paraok de Wengding, qualifié de « dernière tribu primitive de Chine » par les autorités chinoises locales et nationales, est au centre d’un projet de développement touristique. Dans ce cadre, il est l'objet d'aménagements pour préserver et (re)présenter la « culture de la nationalité wa » chinoise. Cette thèse analyse les changements socio-culturels au cœur de l’arène touristique, en considérant la profondeur historique des relations entre autorités chinoises centrales et ses périphéries. Si le projet, porté par des acteurs extérieurs reconfigurent le quotidien des villageois, ces derniers négocient continuellement leurs manières d’être au monde et d’être dans le monde. Le tourisme est ainsi un acteur de recomposition dynamique des identités. / The Wa-Paraok village of Wengding, described as "China last primitive tribe" by local and national chinese authorities, is the target of an ethnic tourism development plan. It has been staged to preserve and (re)present the Chinese “Wa nationality culture”. This thesis analyzes the socio-cultural transformations that happened in the tourism arena, considering the long history of relations between Chinese authorities and their outskirts. If the tourism plan, initiated by external agents, reconfigure the villagers’ daily life, they constantly reinvent their being in the world. The touristic arena is thus a place of dynamic reshaping of identities.

Thinking the Bronze Age : Life and Death in Early Helladic Greece

Weiberg, Erika January 2007 (has links)
<p>This is a study about life and death in prehistory, based on the material remains from the Early Bronze Age on the Greek mainland (<i>c.</i> 3100-2000 BC). It deals with the settings of daily life in the Early Helladic period, and the lives and experiences of people within it.</p><p>The analyses are based on practices of Early Helladic individuals or groups of people and are context specific, focussing on the interaction between people and their surroundings. I present a picture of the Early Helladic people living their lives, moving through and experiencing their settlements and their surroundings, actively engaged in the appearance and workings of these surroundings. Thus, this is also a book about relationships: how the Early Helladic people related to their surroundings, how results of human activity were related to the natural topography, how parts of settlements and spheres of life were related to each other, how material culture was related to its users, to certain activities and events, and how everything is related to the archaeological remains on which we base our interpretations.</p><p><i>Life and death in Early Helladic</i> <i>Greece</i> is the overall subject, and this double focus is manifested in a loose division of the book into two halves. The first deals primarily with settlement contexts, while the second is devoted to mortuary contexts. After an introduction, the study is divided into three parts, dealing with the house, the past in the past and the mortuary sphere, comprising three stops along the continuum of life and death within Early Helladic communities. Subsequently, mortuary practices provide the basis for a concluding part of the book, in which the analysis is taken further to illustrate the interconnectedness of different parts of Early Helladic life (and death).</p>

Thinking the Bronze Age : Life and Death in Early Helladic Greece

Weiberg, Erika January 2007 (has links)
This is a study about life and death in prehistory, based on the material remains from the Early Bronze Age on the Greek mainland (c. 3100-2000 BC). It deals with the settings of daily life in the Early Helladic period, and the lives and experiences of people within it. The analyses are based on practices of Early Helladic individuals or groups of people and are context specific, focussing on the interaction between people and their surroundings. I present a picture of the Early Helladic people living their lives, moving through and experiencing their settlements and their surroundings, actively engaged in the appearance and workings of these surroundings. Thus, this is also a book about relationships: how the Early Helladic people related to their surroundings, how results of human activity were related to the natural topography, how parts of settlements and spheres of life were related to each other, how material culture was related to its users, to certain activities and events, and how everything is related to the archaeological remains on which we base our interpretations. Life and death in Early Helladic Greece is the overall subject, and this double focus is manifested in a loose division of the book into two halves. The first deals primarily with settlement contexts, while the second is devoted to mortuary contexts. After an introduction, the study is divided into three parts, dealing with the house, the past in the past and the mortuary sphere, comprising three stops along the continuum of life and death within Early Helladic communities. Subsequently, mortuary practices provide the basis for a concluding part of the book, in which the analysis is taken further to illustrate the interconnectedness of different parts of Early Helladic life (and death).

Mediaspaces, eventi urbani ed esperienza mobile: un'indagine etnografica nella produzione sociale della città del design. / Mediaspaces, urban events and mobile experience: an ethnographic enquiry into the social production of the city of design

CUMAN, ANDREA DAVIDE 03 June 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo della tesi è stato quello di analizzare il fenomeno del cosiddetto Fuorisalone attraverso un duplice sguardo disciplinare: da una parte quello del mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), dall’altra attraverso la prospettiva della produzione sociale dello spazio di Lefebvre (1974) e sue recenti applicazioni nell’ambito della media geography (Jansson, 2007) e degli eventi urbani (Lehtovouri, 2010). 
Nella prima parte viene proposta una ricostruzione della storia sociale dell’evento: vengono individuati i soggetti centrali alla sua nascita, le dinamiche di interdipendenza tra di essi e le forme del loro radicamento nel contesto territoriale e socio-culturale della città di Milano e della sua cultura del progetto.
La seconda parte offre invece una prospettiva sincronica: da una parte l’analisi della produzione degli spazi sociali del design, ed in particolare dei singoli design district, che durante questo evento arrivano a qualificare lo spazio urbano come “eterotopia diffusa” (Foucault, 1967). Dall’altra parte l’analisi delle sue forme di consumo, presentando i risultati di un'indagine sul campo condotta attraverso la triangolazione di diversi metodi di carattere etnografico in tre design district durante le edizioni 2011 e 2012. Attraverso l'indagine delle pratiche mediate e di mobilità, delle percezioni ed esperienze da parte dei suoi visitatori, il lavoro ha permesso di leggere la specificità di questo evento nella circolarità tra le dimensioni produttive e le forme di consumo mobile e mediato dello spazio urbano. / The aim of the thesis has been to analyze the so-called phenomenon of Fuorisalone through a double disciplinary perspective: on the one hand that of the mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), on the other hand through the Lefebvrean perspective on the production of social space (1974) and its most recent applications in the field of media geography (Jansson, 2007) and urban events (Lehtovouri, 2010). The first part is dedicated to the reconstruction of the social history of this event by identifying the pivotal subjects for its birth, the dynamics of interdependency between them and the forms of their rootedness in the territorial and socio-cultural context of the city of Milan and its design culture. The second part adopts a synchronous perspective: on the one hand the analysis of the production of the social spaces of design, with particular attention to the single design districts involved, that during this event characterize the urban space as a “diffused heterotopia” (Foucault, 1967). On the other hand on the consumption forms of this event, by presenting the results of the field work conducted in three design districts during the 2011 and 2012 editions. Through the triangulation of different ethnographical methods, the research has focused on the mobility and mediated practices, on the perceptions and experiences of visitors, reading the specificity of this event through the circularity between the productive dimensions and its mobile and mediated forms of consumption.

The Spatial Unconscious of Global America: A Cartography of Contemporary Social Space and Cultural Forms

Kim, Koonyong January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines space as a privileged yet <italic>repressed</italic> site of cultural production in a global America, in response to ongoing attempts to reconfigure American literary and cultural studies through the lens of globalization, postnationality, worlding, and planetarity, and to build conversations between literature, the arts, and space. Drawing its inspiration from Henri Lefebvre's work on the production of social space and Fredric Jameson's theory of postmodern global culture, this project studies globalization with a particular emphasis on its unique spatial apparatus, which through geographical expansion and contraction and worldwide connection and disconnection produces hitherto unprecedented social spaces, including most notably the global city, virtual space, transnational diasporas, postmodern architecture, and the "non-places" of shopping malls, airports, and highways. I discuss how these global social spaces radically alter our experience of the lifeworld (<italic>Lebenswelt</italic>) and transform our representational practices, by analyzing innovative contemporary cultural forms such as literary theory (Jameson, Derrida, Adorno, and Deleuze), deconstructive architecture (Peter Eisenman), video art (Nam June Paik), diasporic writing (Theresa Hak Kyung Cha), postmodern detective fiction (Paul Auster), the cyberpunk novel (William Gibson).</p> <p>While I thus mediate global spatial production and cultural production, I argue that the predominant focus on deterritorialization, disjuncture, and postspatiality in much of contemporary discourse on globalization oftentimes diverts our attention from the complex mechanism whereby the spatial world system of globalization brings the entire globe into its all-encompassing and totalizing force field. I formulate the concept of a <italic>spatial unconscious</italic> in order to address the salient, though repressed, presence of the totalizing spatial logic of global capitalism that underlies contemporary cultural production. In so doing, I demonstrate that diverse contemporary literary and cultural forms have their conditions of possibility the newly emergent global spatial network of cultural flows and exchanges; and that those literary and cultural forms function as symbolic acts or registering apparatuses that reflect, remap, and reimagine the multifaceted and even contradictory spatial configurations of the world today. By bringing a transnational and interdisciplinary perspective to American literary studies, this study seeks to shift our critical attention from a putatively unitary and homogeneous national literature towards manifold cultural loci crisscrossed by dynamic interplays and fluid interchanges amongst multiple axes and nodal points on the globe.</p> / Dissertation

Ocular occupations : painting and other spatio-visual strategies for making and inhabiting architecture

Paine, Ashley I. January 2008 (has links)
Many writers have suggested that our capacity to occupy space meaningfully has been undermined by our contemporary ocular-centric culture, which distances us from reality and corrupts our physical and embodied experience of the world. This study challenges these claims within an architectural context, by examining the fundamentally visual nature of architecture and inhabitation as well as the spatio-visual practices, acts and strategies that we use to occupy space. Drawing on theory and practice-based methods from outside the professional limits of architectural practice, the study implements visual acts of occupation to establish a new and expanded conception of architecture as a performative spatio-visual practice – a conception that engages and connects its practice with the purportedly ocular-centric spatial conditions in which it is made and occupied.

Instituto Estadual de Educação: espaços de participação democrática? / Instituto Estadual de Educação: espaços de participação democrática?

Martins, Maria Cristina 16 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:34:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaCristina.pdf: 4434085 bytes, checksum: fe7cdf430e4bf3b2822662c4f1d5df75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Witch this search, we try to understand and discuss the ways of democratic participation of school communit of Instituto Estadual de Educação, a singular institution wich hás more than 100 years of history in Florianópolis , in the period between 1985 and 1995. We investigate questions toward activies and processes of this democratic institution that occurs inside the school with a real participation of the school community in the main decisions, identifying the blocks and the facilities of this participation. We look for establish a mediation between the singular moment of the day of the school (Inside movements) and the social fights that happened in the country in 1980 and 1990 s decades, discussing specific moments of participation as the process of election to the principal of the school (1985 and 1990) and the strikes of the teachers (1987 and 1995). In this way, to understand better these processes, concepts were discussed as participation, social capital and symbolic capital. For the search were analysed documents from the institution comp. file., particular documents, bibliography revision, newspapers and oral expressions of the local people / Com esta pesquisa, procuramos compreender e discutir os espaços de participação democrática da comunidade escolar no Instituto Estadual de Educação, uma instituição peculiar com mais de 100 anos de história em Florianópolis, no período de 1985 a 1995. Investigamos questões referentes às atividades e processos de constituição democrática que se deram dentro da instituição a partir da participação direta da comunidade escolar nas decisões, identificando os obstáculos (limites) e os elementos facilitadores (possibilidades) dessa participação. Procuramos estabelecer uma mediação entre o momento singular do cotidiano escolar do IEE (movimentos internos) e as lutas sociais que aconteciam no país nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, discutindo momentos específicos de participação como os processos de eleição para o cargo de diretor (1985 e 1990) e as greves do corpo docente (1987 e 1995). Nesse sentido, para melhor compreender esses processos foram discutidos conceitos como participação, capital social e capital simbólico. Como fontes de pesquisa foram analisados documentos do arquivo da instituição, documentos pessoais, revisão bibliográfica, fontes orais e jornais locais da época

Dois rumos na noite de Porto Alegre : dinâmica socioespacial e lazer noturno nos bairros Cidade Baixa e Moinhos de Vento

Fonseca, Luciana Marson January 2006 (has links)
Este é um estudo comparativo entre duas áreas de lazer noturno em dois diferentes bairros na cidade de Porto Alegre: o aristocrático Moinhos de Vento e o mais antigo, popular e boêmio – e atualmente na moda – Cidade Baixa. No seu ponto de partida está o interesse em buscar as razões para a migração que vem ocorrendo ultimamente de freqüentadores do bairro Moinhos de Vento para os bares e outros estabelecimentos noturnos na Cidade Baixa. O estudo trabalha simultaneamente com variáveis sociais e espaciais procurando relacionar o perfil socioeconômico de habitués e migrantes com os lugares onde ocorrem a sua interação, bem como os padrões de seu comportamento socioespacial – os lugares que eles tendem a escolher, as razões para isso, se costumam ir sozinhos ou em grupos, se preferem estar dentro ou fora dos bares etc. Com este objetivo foram identificados quatro diferentes subespaços em cada bairro, de acordo com os tipos de lazer, de lugar e de freqüentador que eles têm a oferecer. Os dados empíricos mostram que o perfil socioeconômico, assim como as escolhas e o comportamento socioespacial de habitués e migrantes não são tão diferentes a ponto de provocar a migração do bairro aristocrático Moinhos de Vento para a cena underground da Cidade Baixa. Contudo o grau de homogeneidade quanto às opções de lazer do Moinhos de Vento, comparado à multiplicidade de escolhas na Cidade Baixa, parece indicar a diversidade como principal fator responsável pelo movimento migratório. / This is a comparative study between two areas of night entertainment, located in two very different neigbourhoods in the city of Porto Alegre: the rather aristocratic Moinhos de Vento and the old popular, bohemian, and at the present very fashionable Cidade Baixa. At its starting point lies the interest in looking for the reasons behind the migration of costumers from Moinhos de Vento toward bars and other similar places in Cidade Baixa, that has been taken place of late. The study works with both social and spatial variables, looking for relations between the socio economic profile of habitués and migrants, the spatial settings where their interaction takes place and their patterns of socio-spatial behaviour– which places they tend to choose, the reasons for that, if they use to go there by themselves or in groups, if they like to be inside or outside the bars, and so on. In order to do that four differentiated sub-areas were identified in each neigbourhood, according to the kind of entertainment, locals and types of customers they offer. Data evidence shows that the socioeconomic profile as well as the spatial choices and behaviour of habitués and migrants from both neirbourhoods present no such differences so as to account for the migration from the aristocratic Moinhos de Vento toward the underground scene of Cidade Baixa. Nevertheless, it seems that the degree of homogeneity in the options for entertainment in Moinhos de Vento in comparison to the multiplicity of choices in Cidade Baixa, pointed out to diversity as the possible main factor behind the migratory movement.

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