Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4he social space"" "subject:"ehe social space""
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Vietnam vzdálený i blízký. Potomci Vietnamců v Česku z pohledu teorie transnacionalismu. / Vietnam close by and far away. Children of Vietnamese descent in Czech Republic form the perspective of transnationalism.Svobodová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on a narrative analysis of eighteen life biographies of children of Vietnamese descent in Czech Republic. It shows that these young people lives are embedded in a "transnational social space", which spans between two geographical regions of Vietnam and Czech Republic, and which leaves them exposed to a set of social expectations, cultural values and patterns of human interaction, that are shaped by more than one political, economic and social system. It also describes how these people, through multiple connected social networks and social relationships, transform cultural practices, interpretations, experiences and identities, which deconstructs the idea of integrity between place, identity and culture. Although the primary aim of the work is to analyse how children of Vietnamese operate in transnationalized social and cultural contexts, transnational practices, such as homeland visits, kinship ties and sending remittances are also being explored. In doing so the children of Vietnamese migrants are neither perceived as "existing in vacuum" nor are their identities described as "deterritorialized". The work pays also attention to the question how their lives and identities are shaped on the backdrop of discursive fields and power relationships in particular localities. Key...
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A Politico-Ecological Approach of Transitional Spaces In Social Ecological SystemsLascoutx Ruiz, Alfredo 12 April 2021 (has links)
As spatial properties that systems theoretically have, Socio-Ecological Systems are characterized by dynamism and mobility, therefore, are subject to changes in the space they occupy in the biosphere. In land ecosystems, these changes are understood as processes of evolution over time, or the result of extreme natural events, or transformation of the natural space induced by human activities.
These spatial changes produce effects on the land surface and groundwater of ecosystems colonized or penetrated by elements, individuals or populations belonging to other ecosystems. These are the so-called Transitional Spaces between ecosystems.
Throughout the continuous geographical space, these spatial transitions affect human and not human ecosystems in different ways. Given their ambiguous characteristics and their indefinite temporal location between urban, rural or natural spaces, transition spaces deserve to be investigated in order to know their properties and functions within the cartography that represents complex socio-ecological systems.
The research is conducted from a particular perspective of Political Ecology. For this I proceed to develop an epistemological exercise on the political ecology syntagma in order to approach its concept and object of study as a hybrid discipline between social sciences and natural sciences. Interdisciplinarity as a practice, a dialectic vision regarding anthropocentrism, environmental perception as a method for an ontology of human ecology, The ecosystem as a unit of spatial analysis. These would be some of the characteristics of my ecological-political perspective.
But what does transitional space mean for political ecology and what does it add to its theory? The question led me to seek the integral concept of ecosystem and to support myself in the General Systems Theory to analyze the notions of boundary and external environment as part of the classic concept of system. At that point, the notion of transitional spaces emerges implicit when recognizing the dynamic spatiality of other existing systems.
Since the research is not linear but interdisciplinary and convergent, a brief anthology of geographic and socio-spatial political thought is presented in order to connect the issue of transitional spaces with the point of view of the social sciences. Various socio-geographical, deterministic, anthropocentric, Darwinian, Marxist, modernist theories give an overview of the issues related to space and nature. With the emergence of the spatial turn, new concerns for political sociology, geography and environmental sciences are explained by the phenomenon of urban growth at the global level.
In the same way, I introduce the topic of ecological spaces, specifically the concept of Ecotone, the space of transition between diverse natural ecosystems. The use of the notion of ecotone is based precisely on the perspective of the concept of political ecology developed previously.
This, in turn, will allow me to introduce the FLACAM methodology into the research, which among its components has the virtue of identifying and analyzing the spatial phenomenon of physical and social Interfaces, that is, spaces of transition within human ecosystems. Several graphics and charts show the potential properties and functions of different kind of existing interfaces and ecotones. My proposal converges in using these concepts as planning tools for transitional spaces identified as Rurban Regions and metropolitan areas.
A final reflection on the need for spatial research on global urban expansion and the theoretical and pragmatic advantages of the concept of intermediate cities closes the main body of the investigation.
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The Unsettlement of the Greek Property Regime and the Emergence of Vigilant Violence in Thessaloniki’s West EndVrantsis, Nikolaos January 2021 (has links)
The thesis inquires into the entanglement between the unsettlement of the Greek model of social reproduction that heavily relies on self-regulated property ownership and the emergence of vigilant violence on behalf of local property owners against undocumented migrants in the relegated neighborhood of Ksiladika in Thessaloniki’s West End. It probes the extent to which incidents of vigilant violence can be used as indicators of the structural deficiencies in the Greek housing system and property paradigm.
First, the thesis points to the distinct historic trajectory of the Greek housing system and property regime that is carved by a strategy of minimal involvement of state authority since the end of the Greek Civil War (1949). In contrast to the (North) European paradigm, the Greek model of social reproduction is marked by a normalized laissez-faire attitude in the domain of housing and by the hypertrophy of the family institution that emerged as a substitute system of social protection vis- a-vis the atrophy of administration. The thesis then points to a political discourse investing in the figure of the householder, sketched as the ‘normal’ Greek subject par excellence, within which self- government connects up with the imperatives of good government, in times when access to housing has become scarce and social insecurity widespread.
I focus my study on the neighborhood of Ksiladika in Thessaloniki, where as of late a vigilant campaign of evictions of undocumented migrant squatters on behalf of local property holders was launched. I suggest that this campaign of vigilance is not an act of ‘pure racism’ but is linked with the unsettlement of the Greek model of social reproduction, the scarcity of outright homeownership as a resource of symbolic and material value and the particularity of Ksiladika, that is at once a stigmatized neighborhood and a land of promise.
I rely on data collected through micro-ethnographic fieldwork, participant observation and semi-structured interviews with local property holders in Ksiladika. I use the conceptual tools of social space, field of power and symbolic power found in the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc Wacquant, as heuristic tools to identify the significance of property and home ownership in shaping perceptions of local property holders towards their neighborhood and in defining their actions. I present my empirical findings clarifying the diversity of choices, expectations and actions of different actors, active in this propertied field of power in the studied area.
The thesis draws to an end by using the findings from Ksiladika to contribute to a discussion that revolves around Wacquant’s three basic theses on the emergence of advanced urban marginality as an effect of the neoliberal state crafting on a global scale. First, I argue that in regions where the social state was inexistent, the implementation of neoliberal policies did not happen in a way identical to what can be observed in the North and do not entail a reengineering of the state. Then I suggest that Wacquant's schematization of a Janus-like Centaur state that performs liberalism for those at the top of the social scale and punitive paternalism for those at the social bottom immured in precarity does not hold, due to the expanding zone of precarity. Eventually, I suggest that neoliberal governing is not attained merely by the penal apparatus of the neoliberal Leviathan, but via a governing through subjects who internalize the postulates of the entrepreneurial ideology mediated through homeownership in times when the resource is scarce.
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En miljöfrämjande livsstil i ett samhälle präglat av konsumtion : En kvantitativ uppsats om kulturella och ekonomiska resursers betydelse för ett ansvarsfullt förhållningssätt till jordens resurserBäck, Alexandra, Christian Moraga, Christian Moraga January 2022 (has links)
The contemporary society is in many ways a society of consumers where individuals consume to satisfy their desires at the expense of our world’s health for our future generations. Consumption and a pro-environmental lifestyle have a polarized relationship and research indicates that society needs a change. Consumption should take place in decreased amounts and in a way that emphasizes the environment. Education has proven to have a positive effect on behavioral changes in individuals towards a lifestyle that emphasizes the environment. The aim of this quantitative essay is to study the importance of cultural and economic resources for an environmentally friendly lifestyle. In addition, it examines how environmentally oriented consumption, degree of consumption, consumerism and concern for the environment are in relation to a lifestyle that emphasizes the environment by recycling. The study’s theoretical frame of reference is based on Bauman’s theory of the society of consumers and Bourdieu’s concepts of the social space, capital and habitus. Data material retrieved from the Swedish National Data Service collected for the SOM-Survey 2018 is used and analyzed through univariate, bivariate analysis and multiple regression analyzes. Results show that higher capital, especially cultural, has a positive impact on individual pro-environmental lifestyles. In addition, the individual's environmentally friendly lifestyle increases through positioning such as shopping eco-labeled products, shopping secondhand and through concern for the environment. Shopping more than you can afford turns out to have a negative impact. / Samhället vi lever i idag är på många sätt ett konsumtionssamhälle där individer konsumerar för att mätta sina begär på bekostnad av vår världs hälsa för våra kommande generationer. Konsumtion och en miljöfrämjande livsstil har ett polariserat förhållande och tidigare forskning pekar på att samhället behöver en förändring. Konsumtionen bör ske i minskad volym och på ett sätt som framhåller miljön. Utbildning har visat sig ha en positiv effekt på beteendeförändringar hos individerna mot en livsstil som framhåller miljön. Denna kvantitativa uppsats har som syfte att studera vilken betydelse kulturella och ekonomiska resurser har för en miljöfrämjande livsstil. Därtill undersöks hur miljöinriktad konsumtion, grad av konsumtion, konsumism och oro för miljön står i relation till en livsstil som framhåller miljön genom att återvinna. Undersökningens teoretiska referensram utgår från Baumans teori om konsumtionssamhället samt Bourdieus begrepp det sociala rummet, kapital och habitus. Ett datamaterial som hämtats från Svensk Nationell Datatjänst insamlat till SOM-undersökningen 2018 används och analyseras genom univariat, bivariat analys samt multipla regressionsanalyser. Resultat visar att högre kapital, i synnerhet kulturellt, har ett positivt samband med en miljöfrämjande livsstil. Därtill ökar individens miljöfrämjande livsstil genom positioneringar som att handla kravmärkt, handla secondhand samt genom en oro för miljön. Att handla för mer än man har råd med visar sig ha en negativ påverkan.
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The Choice of Contact : How do we build psychologically sustainable?Bengtsson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Everyone deserves a home that promotes well-being and reduces stress. Mental illness among students has tripled in the 21st century and statistics show higher numbers than ever. The problems can often be linked to socioeconomic factors and for many young people, it applies to education. The design of our cities has a great impact on how we feel and how we choose to live our lives and through awareness and knowledge of health-promoting factors, the architect can design more stress-reducing and functional environments. We need to create a pleasant environment for students to live in using architectural strategies that counteract stress. Building enjoyable apartments incorporating architectural means to reduce stress can help students in their everyday life. Having both private spaces and different scales of public areas creates opportunities to choose where they want to spend their time depending on how much interaction with other people they want. The way we design and manage spaces around apartments, outdoor as well as indoor, can support both the development of interaction between humans and solitary activities. According to studies, offering both active and passive social participation creates security and belonging. Each person takes control over their own presence in social interactions which decreases the risk of social isolation.
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Curatorial Intentions and Visitor Experience : Three case studies of publicly funded Konsthallar and how curatorial intentions affect the creation of social spaceWästfelt, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Publicly funded art institutions in Sweden are tasked with the mission of making contemporary art available and accessible to the citizens. This thesis investigates three cases of publicly funded art institutions in Sweden, namely Göteborgs Konsthall, Malmö Konsthall and Liljevalchs Konsthall. The study examines the exhibitions presented by the institutions during the fall of 2023 and how they are curated to be inclusive or exclusive towards visitor groups. By using a model of curatorial values in conjunction with a constructed model of the exhibition as social space, inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s concept “social space”, this research will reveal different strategies used by the institutions for mediating curatorial intentions through the exhibitions. Empirically the thesis is based on observations of three exhibitions and their visitors and interviews with exhibition hosts. The material is used to examine how the institutions work towards different audiences and how curatorial decisions influence visitor behaviour within the selected institutions. The results show that the three cases differ in curatorial decisions and values. Further, the social space model used indicates that institutions differ in how they award agency to visitors. The analysis shows that visitors, by acting in unpredictable ways, contribute to the social space of exhibitions in ways not intended by the curator. In conclusion, this study shows that the mission of the municipality-driven art institution is multifaceted and holds challenges when attempting to engage a broad audience while displaying exhibitions of high artistic integrity. The curatorial choices reflect in the audience and these choices therefore determine who will partake in the exhibition. The curator therefore plays a crucial role in how the exhibitions work with inclusivity.
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Lo que aparece en la calle: contranarrativas visuales durante el estallido social en Santiago de Chile 2019, en Plaza Dignidad y en el Centro Cultural Gabriela MistralRiquelme Loyola, Manuel 20 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo estudia las contranarrativas visuales a modo de inscripciones y los borramientos que aparecen en el espacio público, durante el estallido social en Chile, iniciado el día 18 de octubre de 2019, en dos hitos del centro urbano de Santiago de Chile: Plaza Dignidad, donde se encuentra emplazada la escultura del general Manuel Baquedano y el Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral [GAM]. El propósito se centra en la interpretación de las inscripciones, sus connotaciones y el cómo resignifican el espacio público. El capítulo 1, da cuenta de las inscripciones como contranarrativas en el espacio público, su contextualización histórica de movimientos artísticos y sociales que han sido incluidos como sustrato investigativo para la elaboración y desarrollo del presente estudio. El capítulo 2, se enfoca en el análisis de una intervención con paste-up de 11 folios realizada por el mismo autor, en los muros del Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral (GAM) los cuales fueron intervenidos por los transeúntes, dando cuenta de una interpretación y discusión acerca de una serie de preguntas que se formulan en los folios. El capítulo 3, se centra en el análisis e interpretación de las inscripciones realizadas a la escultura del general Manuel Baquedano, en Plaza Dignidad, analizando las intervenciones y acciones de iconoclasia que se realizaron en la escultura durante el estallido social. El foco está puesto en el análisis de su materialidad, contenido icónico, imaginarios sociales y contradiscursos. El capítulo 4, se inicia con el grupo C.A.D.A, e incluye la intersección entre arte y espacio público durante la dictadura militar chilena. Sé suma al estudio, la revisión 3 colectivos y un artista que realizaron diversas intervenciones a modo de inscripciones durante el estallido social en Chile en 2019. Finalmente, en el capítulo 5 se discuten e integran los planteamientos en relación a las contranarrativas en el espacio público, y como las manifestaciones de "artivismo" aparecen y se diferencian, generando una narrativa específica durante el estallido social. / [CA] Aquest treball estudia les *contranarrativas visuals a manera d'inscripcions i els *borramientos que apareixen en l'espai públic, durant l'esclat social a Xile, iniciat el dia 18 d'octubre de 2019, en dues fites del centre urbà de Santiago de Xile: Plaza Dignitat, on està emplaçada l'escultura del general Manuel *Baquedano i el Centre Cultural Gabriela Mistral [*GAM]. El propòsit se centra en la interpretació de les inscripcions, les seues connotacions i el com resignifiquen l'espai públic. El capítol 1, dona compte de les inscripcions com *contranarrativas en l'espai públic, la seua contextualització històrica de moviments artístics i socials que han sigut inclosos com a substrat *investigativo per a l'elaboració i desenvolupament del present estudi. El capítol 2, s'enfoca en l'anàlisi d'una intervenció amb pasture-*up d'11 folis realitzada pel mateix autor, en els murs del CENTRE CULTURAL GABRIELA MISTRAL, *GAM, els quals van ser intervinguts pels transeünts, donant compte d'una interpretació i discussió sobre una sèrie de preguntes que es formulen en els folis. El capítol 3, se centra en l'anàlisi i interpretació de les inscripcions realitzades a l'escultura del general Manuel *Baquedano, en Plaza *Dignidad, analitzant les intervencions i accions de *iconoclasia que es van realitzar en l'escultura durant l'esclat social. El focus està posat en l'anàlisi de la seua materialitat, contingut icònic, imaginaris socials i *contradiscursos. El capítol 4, s'inicia amb el grup C.A.D.A, i inclou la intersecció entre art i espai públic durant la dictadura militar xilena. Sé suma a l'estudi, la revisió 3 col·lectius i un artista que van realitzar diverses intervencions a manera d'inscripcions durant l'esclat social a Xile en 2019. Finalment, en el capítol 5 es discuteixen i integren els plantejaments en relació a les *contranarrativas en l'espai públic, i com les manifestacions de *artivismo" apareixen i es diferencien, generant una narrativa específica durant l'esclat social. / [EN] This work studies the visual counternarratives in the form of inscriptions and erasures that appear in public space, during the social outbreak in Chile, which began on October 18, 2019, in two landmarks in the urban center of Santiago de Chile: Plaza Dignidad, where the sculpture of General Manuel Baquedano and the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center [GAM] are located. The purpose is focused on the interpretation of the inscriptions, their connotations and how they give new meaning to the public space. Chapter 1, gives an account of the inscriptions as counter-narratives in the public space, its historical contextualization of artistic and social movements that have been included as a research substrate for the elaboration and development of the present study. Chapter 2 focuses on the analysis of an 11-page paste-up intervention carried out by the same author, on the walls of the GABRIELA MISTRAL CULTURAL CENTER, GAM, which were intervened by passers-by, giving an account of an interpretation and discussion about a series of questions that are formulated in the pages. Chapter 3 focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the inscriptions made on the sculpture of General Manuel Baquedano, in Plaza Dignidad, analyzing the interventions and actions of iconoclasm that were carried out on the sculpture during the social outbreak. The focus is placed on the analysis of its materiality, iconic content, social imaginaries and counter-discourses. Chapter 4 begins with the C.A.D.A group, and includes the intersection between art and public space during the Chilean military dictatorship. Be added to the study, the review of 3 groups and an artist who carried out various interventions in the form of inscriptions during the social outbreak in Chile in 2019. Finally, in chapter 5 the approaches in relation to counter-narratives in public space are discussed and integrated, and how the manifestations of "artivism" appear and differ, generating a specific narrative during the social outbreak. / Riquelme Loyola, M. (2023). Lo que aparece en la calle: contranarrativas visuales durante el estallido social en Santiago de Chile 2019, en Plaza Dignidad y en el Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198564
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Thai Marriage Migrants in Germany and Their Employment Dilemma after the Residence Act of 2005Sinsuwan, Woramon 02 February 2018 (has links)
Seit ungefähr den 1960er Jahren migrieren Thailänder nach Deutschland, und es ist statistisch belegt, dass die Feminisierung der thailändischen Migration bis heute anhält (Bundesamt für Statistik, 2016). Frauen machen 87 Prozent aller in Deutschland lebenden Thailänder und Thailänderinnen aus. 94 Prozent aller Ehen mit thailändischer Beteiligung in Deutschland bestehen zwischen thailändischen Frauen und deutschen oder ausländischen Männern, während in nur 6 Prozent der Fälle thailändische Männer mit deutschen oder ausländischen Frauen verheiratet sind. Im Jahr 2005 waren 58.784 thailändische Staatsangehörige in Deutschland gemeldet, aber nur 43 Prozent davon waren nach dem deutschen Gesetz als „erwerbstätig“ registriert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Beschäftigungsdilemma thailändischer Heiratsmigranten seit dem Inkrafttreten des neuen Aufenthaltsgesetzes im Jahr 2005. Zunächst beleuchtet sie die zugrundeliegenden Probleme, wegen derer die thailändische Heiratsmigranten ihr Potential als Vollzeit-Arbeitskräfte nicht ausschöpfen können, und erklärt, warum sich hochqualifizierte thailändische Heiratsmigranten nicht voll in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt integrieren können. Dann untersucht sie die thailändische Diaspora und den Transnationalismus thailändischer Heiratsmigranten in Deutschland, und schließlich versucht sie, anhand Pierre Bourdieus Theorie von Kapital, Habitus und sozialem Raum die Berufsentscheidungen thailändischer Heiratsmigranten im deutschen Umfeld zu erklären. Qualitative Interviews, welche zwischen 2016 und 2017 durchgeführt worden sind, stellen mit 38 Informanten und einem quantitativen Fragebogen, der von 125 Befragten ausgefüllt wurde, bislang eine der umfangreichsten Forschungen über thailändische Ehemigranten in Deutschland dar. / Thais started to migrate to Germany around the 1960s, and it is statistically evident that the feminisation of Thai migration through marriage to Germans has continued to the present day (Federal Statistics Office of Germany, 2016). Women account for almost 87 percent of all Thais in Germany. Marriages of Thai women to German or foreign husbands account for 94 percent of marriages in Germany involving Thai nationals, compared to only six percent of Thai men married to German or foreign wives. In 2005, the total number of Thais in Germany was 58,784; however, only 43 percent of Thais were registered as “labour” under the German employment system. This paper investigates the employment dilemma of Thai marriage migrants after implementation of the new Residence Act of 2005. First, it sheds light on the underlying problems that hinder Thai marriage migrants’ potential as full-time labourers and provides better understanding of why highly-educated Thai marriage migrants cannot fully integrate into the German labour market. Second, it examines the Thai diaspora and explores the present-day trans-nationalism of Thai marriage migrants in Germany. Finally, it applies Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical concept of capital, habitus and social space to better understand Thai marriage migrants’ career choices in the German milieu. Qualitative interviews with 38 informants and a quantitative questionnaire filled out by 125 additional respondents were conducted between 2016 and 2017, providing one of the most comprehensive researches on Thai marriage migrants in Germany to date.
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Роль социального пространства в формировании имиджа города : магистерская диссертация / The social space’s role in forming of the image of the cityRakevich, E. V., Ракевич, Е. В. January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis is devoted to the problem of the social space’s role in forming of the image of the city. On basis of author’s methodology the theoretical model of the structure of the image of the city was formed. On basis of the analysis of empiric sociological investigation’s results the forming factors of image of the city was revealed, the social space of the city is base among them. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме роли социального пространства в формировании имиджа города. На основе авторской методологии сформирована теоретическая модель структуры имиджа города. На основе анализа результатов эмпирического социологического исследования выявлены факторы формирования имиджа Екатеринбурга, базовым среди которых является социальное пространство города в целом.
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政治算術:戰後台灣的國家統治與人口管理林勝偉, Lin,Shung-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據戰後台灣人口管理機制的諸多變革,我們發現:(1)位居社會底層綿密組織(甚至既有的社會關係)的挪用與轉化,(2)國家行政體系的合理化趨勢,以及 (3)權力結構的集中與穩定,乃是現代國家之建構與國家遂行長期有效「統治」的重要關鍵。然而,從理論的層次來看,台灣歷史的發展也提供了一些特殊的思考空間,值得進一步探討:
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