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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unsichtbare Bewältigungskarten von Jugendlichen in gespaltenen Städten - Sozialpädagogik des Jugendraumes aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive

Reutlinger, Christian Thomas 11 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Das Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Stadt im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der kapitalistischen Arbeitsgesellschaft und die damit verbundenen radikalen Veränderungen der sozialräumlichen Bedingungen führen zur Notwendigkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels in der Pädagogik des Kinder- und Jugendraumes, da die biographischen Bewältigungsaufgaben von Heranwachsenden in der Unsichtbarkeit zu versinken drohen. In einem Überblick der Entwicklung der sozialräumlichen Theorie in der Jugendpädagogik werden zunächst die Gedanken der wichtigsten Vertretern dargestellt werden, um damit die Probleme der aktuellen theoretischen Diskussion in der sozialräumlichen Forschung verständlich zu machen. Die Aneignungstheorie aus dem aktuellen sozialpädagogischen Diskurs hat den aufklärerischen Anspruch, für Heranwachsende in einer durchfunktionalisierten und entfremdeten Welt aneigenbare (pädagogisierte) Räume zu schaffen, kann aber die aus der Freisetzungsproblematik heraus entstehenden sozialräumlichen Probleme des Aufwachsens, sogenannte "wilde Aneignungsformen" nicht erfassen. Der sozialgeographische Ansatz der "Alltäglichen Regionalisierungen" des schweizer Sozialgeographen Benno Werlen reiht sich mit seinem Begriffssystem in die Giddens-Becksche-Tradition ein. Er zielt darauf ab, durch die Aufdeckung von Verregelungen und Machtsystemen (vor allem physisch-materielle) Handlungsbedingungen zu schaffen, die ein rationales "Geographie-Machen" im Sinne einer "Politik der Lebensführung" zwischen Chancen und Risiken auf pluralisierte und individualisierte Art ermöglichen. Dass es jedoch unter den Bedingungen der segmentierten Arbeitsgesellschaft nicht um diese rationale Idee der Handlungen geht, sondern gerade durch die erlebten Unsicherheiten und anomischen Zustände um das ständige Streben nach Handlungsfähigkeit im sich wandelnden Kontext, wird mit diesem Ansatz nicht sichtbar. Um die heutigen sozialräumlichen Bedingungen und Herausforderungen des Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der Arbeitsgesellschaft aufzuschliessen zu können, ist ein Perspektivenwechsel notwendig. Die aktuellen Vergesellschaftungsformen von Kindheit und Jugend und die damit verbundene Notwendigkeit der Verschiebung des Fokus in der sozialräumlichen Forschung stehen im Zentrum des zweiten Teils des theoretischen Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird mit verschiedenen Zugängen in drei marginalisierten Stadtteilen von spanischen Städten (La Coruña, Madrid und Barcelona) über die Methode der "Grounded Theory" eine spezifische "Empirie der Aneignung" erarbeitet. / Growing up in urban environments is increasingly characterized by living conditions that become more and more globalized. The commonly used approaches of sociospatial children and youth research apply social and action models which were developed in past urban realities and can therefore not detect the problems of children and adolescents living in the global city. In my doctoral thesis, I am going to give a critical description of the predominant German theories in the field of action-oriented socio-geography and of the appropiation approach in the field of socio-educational theory. Further on I am going to demonstrate that it is inevitable to look at modern socio-geographic research in the cities of today from a new angle. The approach of the invisible coping maps starts from the fact that children and youths growing up in the digital capitalist world tend to solve their problems outside the traditional socialization institutions (family, schools, social system). They write invisible coping maps when following their policy of coping and searching for orientation, the meaning of life, acknowledgement and self-esteem. The basic idea is that the individuals (following the idea of making geographies) write their social (coping) maps daily in order to maintain their ability to act even in a world in which more and more people become superfluous.

Vazba kultury na sociální prostor Prahy (na příkladu slovenské a maďarské menšiny) / Relation of culture to the social space of Prague (on the example of Slovak and Hungarian minorities)

Mészárosová, Marianna January 2016 (has links)
The interrelation between space and culture represents the central question of this doctoral thesis. To interpret this relationship the author approaches the issue by virtue of actual identity attributes of the selected ethnic groups, namely Slovak and Hungarian minorities living in Prague. The aim of the work is to define the relevance and unique representation of the spatial and cultural phenomenon in the context of existing relations, including determining the extent of observability this mutual connection. The hypothesis of this doctoral is to present culture as a spatially unbounded, and the phenomenon of space as a medium, which can influence the intensity of interest in relation to the own ethno-identifying components. The verification of this assumption author carries out within social and virtual space, on the basis of registered discourses. Discourses, sorted into thematic categories, represent the most common attributes of ethnicity and ethnic identity of the given target groups. The empirical part of this thesis contains the analysis and interpretation of the discourses, which are supported with the theory of articulation. More comprehensive definitions of applied theoretical approaches, together with terminology, research methods and ethics or netiquette, are situated in the...

Seis espaços: possível referência para o estudo e a construção do corpo cênico / Seis espaços: possível referência para o estudo e a construção do corpo cênico

Patricia de Azevedo Noronha 12 May 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresenta-se uma reflexão acerca do Espaço Pessoal, Espaço Parcial, Espaço Total, Espaço Social, Espaço Cênico e a espacialidade Ma, Tendo como bases a extensa bibliografia e a também extensa experiência artística e pedagógica da autora como atriz-dançarina, professora, pesquisadora, diretora e coreógrafa. A dissertação visa servir de ponto de partida para que alunos e professores em Artes Cênicas pensem a abordagem do corpo cênico em sala de aulas e em criações artísticas. No início há definições de conceitos a respeito do corpo, assim como o estudo sobre abordagens teóricas significativas, tais como a teoria do Corpomídia e a Teoria do Corpo Sem Órgãos, para que sirvam como referência compartilhada com a autora, a fim de que se possa seguir para a reflexão acerca dos espaços propostos. A seguir há a apresentação de cada espaço. Ao se referir à espacialidade Ma, pela sua complexidade, já que se trata de um conceito da cultura japonesa de difícil compreensão pelos ocidentais, dadas as diferenças que existem entre as culturas ocidental e oriental, a autora se dedica ao estudo detalhado da tese de Doutorado de Michiko Okano, Ma: Entre-espaço da Comunicação no Japão Um estudo acerca dos diálogos entre Ocidente e Oriente, relacionandoa com as Artes Cênicas para, ao final, se esforçar em apontar espacialidades Ma nas montagens cênicas O Olho do Tamanduá, com direção de Takao Kusuno, e Lucíola cena 1, com direção da própria autora, sendo que em ambas ela participa como atrizdançarina- criadora. São mencionados especificamente os trabalhos de Rudolf Laban, Michiko Okano, Patrícia Stokoe, Eugênio Barba, Takao Kusuno, Antonin Artaud, Hideki Matsuka, Akira Kasai, Ko Murobushi, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Gattari, Helena Katz, Christine Greiner, Cassiano Quilice. / This dissertation presents a reflection on the Personal Space, Partial Space, Total Space, Social Space, Scenic Space and the Ma spatiality, having as basis the extensive bibliography and the extensive artistic and pedagogical experience of the author as an actress-dancer, teacher, researcher, director and choreographer. The dissertation aims to function as a starting point for Performing Arts pupils and teachers to think bodys scenic approach in classroom and in artistic creation. At the beginning there are definitions of concepts about the body and the study of major theoretical approaches, such as the Corpomedia and Body Without Organs theories, which serve as a shared reference to both author and reader and define a way of reflection about the spaces mentioned. Then we have the presentation of each space. As it concerns Ma Spatiality, because of its complexity and also because of the fact that it is a Japanese cultural concept of difficult understanding (concerning the differences between Western and Eastern cultures) the author engaged herself in the detailed study of the doctoral thesis of Michiko Okano, Ma: an inter-space of communication in Japan - a study on the dialogues between East and West. At the end, the author links it to Performing Arts and focuses on appointing the presence of Ma spatiality on Takao Kusunos work O Olho do Tamanduá, in which she has participated as an actress-dancer-creator, and Lucíola cena 1, directed and performed by the author herself. The work of Rudolf Laban, Michiko Okano, Patricia Stokoe, Eugenio Barba, Antonin Artaud, Kusuno Takao, Hideki Matsuka, Akira Kasai, Ko Murobushi, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Gattari, Helena Katz, Christine Greiner and Cassiano Quillice are specifically mentioned.

Comunicação, promoção da saúde e espaço social alimentar: um estudo exploratório na ECA-USP / Communication, health promotion and food social space: an exploratory study at ECA-USP

Perolah Caratta Macedo Portella Silveira 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação explora as interfaces e possíveis articulações entre os conceitos de Comunicação, Promoção da Saúde e Espaço Social Alimentar. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, traça-se a história do conceito da Promoção da Saúde no mundo e no Brasil. Em seguida, debate-se o papel do profissional de Comunicação como possível agente de mobilização social, destacando-se a Comunicação Pública como conceito essencial para o desenvolvimento da cidadania. Pautando-se no pensamento da Escola de Montreal, aborda-se a Comunicação Organizacional e suas interfaces com a Comunicação Pública. Propõe-se os modelos comunicacionais de Haswani e de Jaramillo López, como alicerce teórico para ações de Comunicação Interna. A análise da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS) e da Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN) expõe a importância de práticas alimentares adequadas e saudáveis para a promoção da saúde. Elas são contextualizadas, em relação ao estudo exploratório realizado com os funcionários da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP), sobre suas práticas alimentares. A metodologia de Jean Pierre Poulain, da Sociologia da Alimentação, pauta o estudo exploratório. A pesquisa pretende ser o primeiro passo para a estruturação de um banco de dados sistematizado sobre fatores condicionantes e determinantes da saúde dos funcionários desta instituição. Este banco proverá dados essenciais para a elaboração e implementação de políticas e ações que visem a Promoção da Saúde na Escola no futuro. / This dissertation explores the commonalities and possible interactions between the concepts of Communication, Health Promotion and Food Social Space. The literature review retraces the historic evolution of Health Promotion as a concept worldwide and regionally in Brazil. It then correlates that field with the current state of Public Communication research in Brazil, defending the notion that Communication professionals have a role to play as health promoters. Based on the theories of the School of Montreal, this paper connects Organizational Communication and Public Communication concepts, with the goal of establishing a path for action that corroborates the defended thesis of the role of the Communication professional in Health Promotion. Lopez and Haswani\'s Public Communication models are used as the theoretical basis for action. The analysis of two public policies (on \"Health Promotion\" and \"Food and nutrition\") lays the ground for the empirical study developed with the employees of ECA-USP. Jean-Pierre Poulain\'s Sociology of Food methodology is adopted in the study of the food practices of the aforementioned public. This dissertation seeks to be a first step in structuring a database with information that can guide future organizational action and programs aimed towards the promotion of employees\' health.

Les autels religieux, analyseurs des dynamiques subjectives dans les processus d'interculturation chez les migrants vietnamiens : une approche en psychologie interculturelle / The religious altars, analyseur of subjectives dynamics in the interculturation process among vietnamese migrants : an approach in intercultural psychology

Thers, Alain 04 July 2012 (has links)
Notre présence de 1990 à 2010 en qualité d’éducateur spécialisé sur Beaubreuil, quartier de la ville de Limoges, Haute-Vienne, nous a permis d’accompagner, d’observer et de prendre part pendant plus de vingt années aux processus migratoires vietnamiens. Durant tout ce temps nous avons pu constater d’un point de vue psychologique que les ruptures consécutives à l’exil, puis au choc culturel né du contact avec la société d’accueil, ont fait surgir chez les individus des problématiques complexes, notamment identitaires. Dans l’exil, pour faire face aux risques psychosociaux provoqués par l’instabilité de leur structure psychique et de leur système culturel, les vietnamiens ont investi l’espace public et l’espace privé proposés par la culture d’accueil. Ces démarches, multiples, leur ont permis dans le réaménagement de ces espaces, de retrouver, de recréer, les éléments perçus par eux comme fondamentaux de leur culture d’origine, nécessaires et indispensables au travail de rééquilibrage psychique. En France, l’injonction culturelle vietnamienne d’élaboration d’autels religieux au sein de leurs habitations a conduit les personnes à réinterpréter, au sein de dynamiques subjectives, la question des différentes composantes de leur identité, personnelle et sociale, culturelle et religieuse. Les interactions entre l’injonction de la culture d’origine et l’espace proposé par la culture d’accueil ont conduit les sujets à engager des transformations, des modifications dans l’élaboration de leurs autels religieux. En ce sens ces élaborations rendent compte et constituent des analyseurs particulièrement pertinents des processus d’interculturation. / Our presence from 1990 to 2010 as a social worker in Beaubreuil, district of the city of Limoges, Haute-Vienne, allowed us to support, observe and take part for over twenty years in the Vietnamese migration processes. All this time, we noted from a psychological perspective, that ruptures, resulting from the exile, then from the culture shock, were born by contacts with the host society, have given rise to individuals, complex problems including identity ones. In exile, to face the psychosocial risks caused by the instability of their psychic structure and their cultural system, the Vietnamese have invested public and private areas offered by the host culture. These approaches, multiple, allowed them in the redevelopment of these areas, to find, to recreate the elements perceived by them as fundamental in their native culture, necessary and essential to their work of psychic restructuring. In France, the cultural injunction of religious altars development in the private sphere has led them to reinterpret in a subjective way the question of the different components of their identity personal and social, cultural and religious The interactions between the native culture injunction and the space proposed by the host culture has engaged transformations, changes in the elaboration of religious altars. In that way, they are reflecting and are forming analyzers, particularly relevant to us, the intercultural exchange process.

Unsichtbare Bewältigungskarten von Jugendlichen in gespaltenen Städten - Sozialpädagogik des Jugendraumes aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive

Reutlinger, Christian Thomas 10 January 2002 (has links)
Das Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Stadt im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der kapitalistischen Arbeitsgesellschaft und die damit verbundenen radikalen Veränderungen der sozialräumlichen Bedingungen führen zur Notwendigkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels in der Pädagogik des Kinder- und Jugendraumes, da die biographischen Bewältigungsaufgaben von Heranwachsenden in der Unsichtbarkeit zu versinken drohen. In einem Überblick der Entwicklung der sozialräumlichen Theorie in der Jugendpädagogik werden zunächst die Gedanken der wichtigsten Vertretern dargestellt werden, um damit die Probleme der aktuellen theoretischen Diskussion in der sozialräumlichen Forschung verständlich zu machen. Die Aneignungstheorie aus dem aktuellen sozialpädagogischen Diskurs hat den aufklärerischen Anspruch, für Heranwachsende in einer durchfunktionalisierten und entfremdeten Welt aneigenbare (pädagogisierte) Räume zu schaffen, kann aber die aus der Freisetzungsproblematik heraus entstehenden sozialräumlichen Probleme des Aufwachsens, sogenannte "wilde Aneignungsformen" nicht erfassen. Der sozialgeographische Ansatz der "Alltäglichen Regionalisierungen" des schweizer Sozialgeographen Benno Werlen reiht sich mit seinem Begriffssystem in die Giddens-Becksche-Tradition ein. Er zielt darauf ab, durch die Aufdeckung von Verregelungen und Machtsystemen (vor allem physisch-materielle) Handlungsbedingungen zu schaffen, die ein rationales "Geographie-Machen" im Sinne einer "Politik der Lebensführung" zwischen Chancen und Risiken auf pluralisierte und individualisierte Art ermöglichen. Dass es jedoch unter den Bedingungen der segmentierten Arbeitsgesellschaft nicht um diese rationale Idee der Handlungen geht, sondern gerade durch die erlebten Unsicherheiten und anomischen Zustände um das ständige Streben nach Handlungsfähigkeit im sich wandelnden Kontext, wird mit diesem Ansatz nicht sichtbar. Um die heutigen sozialräumlichen Bedingungen und Herausforderungen des Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der Arbeitsgesellschaft aufzuschliessen zu können, ist ein Perspektivenwechsel notwendig. Die aktuellen Vergesellschaftungsformen von Kindheit und Jugend und die damit verbundene Notwendigkeit der Verschiebung des Fokus in der sozialräumlichen Forschung stehen im Zentrum des zweiten Teils des theoretischen Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird mit verschiedenen Zugängen in drei marginalisierten Stadtteilen von spanischen Städten (La Coruña, Madrid und Barcelona) über die Methode der "Grounded Theory" eine spezifische "Empirie der Aneignung" erarbeitet. / Growing up in urban environments is increasingly characterized by living conditions that become more and more globalized. The commonly used approaches of sociospatial children and youth research apply social and action models which were developed in past urban realities and can therefore not detect the problems of children and adolescents living in the global city. In my doctoral thesis, I am going to give a critical description of the predominant German theories in the field of action-oriented socio-geography and of the appropiation approach in the field of socio-educational theory. Further on I am going to demonstrate that it is inevitable to look at modern socio-geographic research in the cities of today from a new angle. The approach of the invisible coping maps starts from the fact that children and youths growing up in the digital capitalist world tend to solve their problems outside the traditional socialization institutions (family, schools, social system). They write invisible coping maps when following their policy of coping and searching for orientation, the meaning of life, acknowledgement and self-esteem. The basic idea is that the individuals (following the idea of making geographies) write their social (coping) maps daily in order to maintain their ability to act even in a world in which more and more people become superfluous.

A reinterpretation of urban space in Pretoria

Van der Klashorst, Elsa 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Various potential modes of interpreting the urban space in the inner city of Pretoria is evaluated in this study with the purpose of expanding discourse around spatial production in the city. Production of meaning through formal and structural means produced a city that served as administrative capital and ideological base for Afrikaners until the arrival of a democracy in 1994. The contemporary urban space is produced by people through everyday life, as theorised by Henry Lefebvre, rather than through formal means such as name changes. This study evaluates the way that identity and belonging is created by referring to everyday life practices, rhythmanalysis and daily activities as performances. Urban space is evaluated from a phenomenological perspective through the eyes of an artist and resident and expressed in an art exhibition. The way artists Julie Mehretu and Franz Ackermann dealt with urban space in their art is also referenced. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / Master of Visual Arts

The Art of Perl: How a Scripting Language (inter)Activated the World Wide Web

Gomez, Norberto, Jr. 17 April 2013 (has links)
In 1987, computer programmer and linguist Larry Wall authored the general-purpose, high-level, interpreted, dynamic Unix scripting language, Perl. Borrowing features from C and awk, Perl was originally intended as a scripting language for text-processing. However, with the rising popularity of the Internet and the advent of Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web (Web), in the 1990s, Perl soon became the glue-language for the Internet, due in large part to its relationship to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Perl was the go-to language for on the fly program writing and coding, gaining accolades from the likes of publisher Tim O’Reilly and hackers alike. Perl became a favorite language of amateur Web users, whom net artist Olia Lialina calls barbarians, or the indigenous. These users authored everything from database scripts to social spaces like chatrooms and bulletin boards. Perl, while largely ignored today, played a fundamental role in facilitating those social spaces and interactions of Web 1.0, or what I refer to as a Perl-net. Thus, Perl informed today’s more ubiquitous digital culture, referred to as Web 2.0, and the social web. This project examines Perl’s origin which is predicated on postmodern theories, such as deconstructionism and multiculturalism. Perl’s formal features are differentiated from those of others, like Java. In order to defend Perl’s status as an inherently cultural online tool, this project also analyzes many instances of cultural artifacts: script programs, chatrooms, code poetry, webpages, and net art. This cultural analysis is guided by the work of contemporary media archaeologists: Lialina and Dragan Espenschied, Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka. Lastly, the present state of digital culture is analyzed in an effort to re-consider the Perl scripting language as a relevant, critical computer language, capable of aiding in deprogramming the contemporary user.

Patterns of international migration in the Santiago Metropolitan Area - Characterization of the immigrants' social space and contributions to the national policy debate / Zuwanderung im Großraum Santiago de Chile – Sozialräumliche Analyse und Beitrag zur nationalen Politikdebatte

Schiappacasse, Paulina 26 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
International migration to Chile and to the Santiago Metropolitan Area (SMA), its major point of attraction, is a rather recent phenomenon which is gaining more and more attention. According to the latest population census the number of foreigners who were born abroad and permanently live in Chile, has increased by 75% between 1992 and 2002. Parallel to this, the national policy debate about immigration is becoming more intensive. However, until now there is only little evidence concerning the patterns of international migration and the characterization of the immigrants’ social space. This study is oriented towards reducing this deficit. Based on a thorough theoretical discussion, recent research publications and international reports, the study pursues mainly four objectives: The first objective is to identify major patterns of international migration as a context for the immigration to Chile and the SMA. The second objective is to understand the main features of international migration to the SMA. The third objective is to analyze the immigrants’ social space and its contribution to the overall urban development patterns in the SMA. And finally, the research results are linked with the national policy debate about immigration, and a number of policy recommendations are made. The study applies a mix of – mainly quantitative – methods, such as descriptive and analytical statistics including factor and cluster analyses using Chilean census data and visa records. The current immigration situation in Chile is characterized by a notable increase in the number of South American migrants, being attracted by better job opportunities. Moreover, there are growing numbers of young migrants for educational reasons. Chile appears to present an “intervening opportunity” in the migrants’ decision-making process, where a number of factors, such as new policy regulations in industrialized countries, the time/cost distance, as well as the economic development and political stability in the country, increasingly seem to turn into competitive advantages as compared to countries like the US, Spain or Italy. The qualification profiles of migrants in the SMA sharply contrast with the situation in most industrialized countries. In general, the educational level of immigrants is rather high. In general, immigrants strongly contribute to the educational level of the population in the SMA. Like in most global cities, two major streams of international migrants can be found in the SMA, on the one hand those who belong to the upper levels of the occupational hierarchy and on the other hand marginalized low-skill employees. The related data can be taken as an indication for the fact that a large group of immigrants is employed below their qualification levels. In the SMA, professionals and technicians play a very important role, and, except for some of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian migrants, there is little evidence of labour market segmentation. Skilled migrants contribute to reducing gaps of labour market supply in some sectors of the economy, such as public health and private education. Low-skilled migrants contribute to the labour market supply in fields where there is a growing demand, e.g. in the domestic services. Almost 50% of the international migrants live in five of the 34 communes of the SMA. This seems to be largely determined by two main factors: Migrants are found where job opportunities are, and they follow similar patterns like the Chilean population regarding their socio-spatial differentiation. Furthermore, despite the relatively high spatial concentration of migrants, the SMA shows less evidence of residential segregation than many European and US cities. The highest segregation indexes are associated with European and US immigrants with a high socioeconomic status (“voluntary ghettos”). Factor and cluster analyses show major patterns of the socio-spatial distribution of migrants in the SMA: a rather large zone of low attraction for migrants, the downtown area concentrating recent flows, and a series of semi-concentric zones around the centre where the migrants’ socio-economic and residential status increases with distance from the city centre. This is consistent with models of urban dynamics of Latin American cities. Based on the results of this study, four major recommendations for the policy debate about immigration can be derived. There is a need for (1) strengthening the diagnosis regarding immigration, (2) the improvement of the institutional framework and the participation of stakeholders, (3) fostering international cooperation regarding issues of immigration, as well as (4) shaping public opinion and strengthening the integration of immigrants. / Zuwanderung nach Chile und in den Großraum Santiago, dem wichtigsten Attraktionspol des Landes, ist ein relativ junges Phänomen, gewinnt aber zunehmend an Bedeutung. Laut dem letzten Bevölkerungszensus des Landes hat sich die Zahl der Zuwanderer, d.h. nach chilenischer Definition der Personen, die im Ausland geboren wurden und permanent in Chile leben, zwischen 1992 und 2002 um 75% erhöht. Parallel zu dieser Entwicklung, hat eine nationale Politikdebatte eingesetzt, die derzeit an Fahrt gewinnt. Allerdings gibt es bis heute nur wenig gesichertes Wissen über die Zuwanderung in Chile und deren sozialräumliche Charakteristika. Diese Arbeit soll einen Beitrag zur Verringerung dieses Defizits leisten. Auf der Grundlage einer Diskussion theoretischer Ansätze sowie von Studien und internationalen Berichten jüngeren Datums zu Fragen der Zuwanderung verfolgt die vorliegende Arbeit im Wesentlichen vier Ziele: Erstens sollen die Grundlinien internationaler Wanderungsprozesse als Rahmen für die Diskussion der Entwicklungstrends in Chile und im Großraum Santiago nachgezeichnet werden. Zweitens sollen Charakteristika der Zuwanderung im Großraum Santiago herausgearbeitet werden. Drittens geht es um die Identifizierung sozialräumlicher Strukturen der Zuwanderung und ihren Beitrag zur Stadtentwicklung im Großraum Santiago. Und schließlich werden aus den Ergebnissen der Studie Empfehlungen an die Politik als Beitrag zur Zuwanderungsdebatte in Chile abgeleitet. In der Arbeit werden unterschiedliche – überwiegend quantitative – Methoden verwendet, so zum Beispiel der deskriptiven und analytischen Statistik einschließlich einer Faktoren- und Clusteranalyse. Der Autorin standen hierfür umfangreiche chilenische Zensus- und Visadaten zur Verfügung. Die Zuwanderung nach Chile ist gegenwärtig insbesondere von einem starken Anstieg des Anteils von Migranten aus Lateinamerika gekennzeichnet. Dabei spielen vor allem die vergleichsweise großen Arbeitsmarktpotenziale des Landes eine Rolle. Zudem steigt die Zahl jüngerer Zuwanderer, für die Chile attraktive Ausbildungs- und Studienmöglichkeiten bietet. Im Entscheidungsprozess von Migranten kommt Chile zunehmend die Rolle einer „intervening opportunity“ zu, wobei eine Reihe von Faktoren dem Land komparative Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Zuwanderungsländern für Migranten aus Lateinamerika wie den USA, Spanien oder Italien verschafft. Hierzu gehören u.a. die verschärften Zuwanderungsbeschränkungen in vielen Industrieländern, die günstigen Voraussetzungen hinsichtlich Zeit-/ Kosten-Distanzen sowie das anhaltende Wirtschaftswachstum und die politische Stabilität in Chile. Das allgemeine Qualifikationsprofil der Zuwanderer im Großraum Santiago unterscheidet sich deutlich von dem der Migranten in den meisten Industriestaaten. Im Allgemeinen ist das Bildungsniveau der Zuwanderer hoch. Wie in den meisten Weltstädten wird das Gros der Zuwanderer im Großraum Santiago insbesondere von zwei Gruppen gestellt, zum einen von Hochqualifizierten in Führungspositionen und zum anderen von gering qualifizierten und häufig marginalisierten Zuwanderern. Die entsprechenden Daten können im Übrigen auch als ein Indiz dafür angesehen werden, dass im Großraum Santiago viele Zuwanderer unterhalb ihres Qualifikationsniveaus beschäftigt zu sein scheinen. Akademiker und Fachkräfte spielen unter den Zuwanderern im Großraum Santiago eine große Rolle und –mit Ausnahme von Zuwanderern aus Peru und Ecuador – gibt es kaum Anzeichen für eine Segmentierung des Arbeitsmarktes. Qualifizierte Zuwanderer tragen in einigen Bereichen wie zum Beispiel bei der öffentlichen Gesundheitsvorsorge oder in Privatschulen zum Abbau von Arbeitsmarktengpässen bei. Geringer Qualifizierte erhöhen das Arbeitskräftepotenzial in Bereichen, in denen es u.a. aufgrund des Wirtschaftsaufschwungs in Chile eine steigende Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften gibt, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Haushaltshilfen. Fast 50% aller Zuwanderer wohnen in fünf der 34 Kommunen des Großraums Santiago. Dies ist im Wesentlichen auf zwei Faktoren zurückzuführen: Migranten lassen sich dort nieder, wo es Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten gibt und sie entwickeln ähnliche sozialräumliche Verteilungsmuster wie die chilenische Bevölkerung. Weiterhin ist festzustellen, dass die Zuwanderung trotz der relativ starken räumlichen Konzentration von Migranten im Großraum Santiago im Vergleich zu Großstädten in den USA oder in Europa kaum zu Segregation führt. Quer über verschiedene Segregationsindices sind jeweils die höchsten Werte bei Zuwanderern aus Europa und aus den USA mit hohem sozioökonomischem Status festzustellen („volontary ghettos“). Mit Hilfe von Faktoren- und Clusteranalysen lassen sich räumliche Verteilungsmuster von Zuwanderern im Großraum Santiago nachweisen: Ein weiter Bereich des Großraums Santiago (insbesondere im Westen und Süden) bietet offensichtlich nur wenig Attraktivität für Migranten; das Zentrum des Großraums bildet einen kernstädtischen Bereich mit relativ junger Zuwanderung; daran schließen mehrere halbkreisförmige Gebieten um das Zentrum an, in denen der Sozialstatus und die Wohnverhältnisse der Migranten nach außen hin zunehmen. Diese Struktur ist weitgehend vergleichbar mit lateinamerikanischen Stadtentwicklungsmodellen. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit legen im Hinblick auf die Zuwanderungsdebatte in Chile eine Reihe von Empfehlungen nahe. Dabei geht es im Wesentlichen um die folgenden Aspekte: (1) die Verbesserung der Informationsgrundlagen über Zuwanderung, (2) die Verbesserung der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen und die Einbeziehung aller Beteiligten, (3) die Stärkung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit im Hinblick auf Migrationsfragen und (4) die Versachlichung der öffentlichen Debatte über Migration und die effizientere Integration von Zuwanderern.

A reinterpretation of urban space in Pretoria

Van der Klashorst, Elsa 02 1900 (has links)
Various potential modes of interpreting the urban space in the inner city of Pretoria is evaluated in this study with the purpose of expanding discourse around spatial production in the city. Production of meaning through formal and structural means produced a city that served as administrative capital and ideological base for Afrikaners until the arrival of a democracy in 1994. The contemporary urban space is produced by people through everyday life, as theorised by Henry Lefebvre, rather than through formal means such as name changes. This study evaluates the way that identity and belonging is created by referring to everyday life practices, rhythmanalysis and daily activities as performances. Urban space is evaluated from a phenomenological perspective through the eyes of an artist and resident and expressed in an art exhibition. The way artists Julie Mehretu and Franz Ackermann dealt with urban space in their art is also referenced. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

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